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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  May 3, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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the "news nation" is following news on the heated political fight being waged on capitol hill right now over chinese activist chen guangcheng. right now a congressional hearing is underway to discuss the details. these are live pictures of his escape from house arrest and his request for asylum here in the u.s. republican lawmakers, some of them say president obama has not done enough to help chen after his release from the u.s. embassy, and that he was pressured to leave. they also say the president's focus seems to be on our xhek relationship with china rather than ensuring the safety of chen and his family. the u.s. officials say they had reached an agreement with the chinese government where chen would be allowed to stay in china with his family without harassment from authorities. but chen now says he wants to leave out of fear that his family will be harmed. kelly o'donnell joins me now from washington, d.c. let me backtrack here on this emergency hearing.
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what can you tell us about what's going down? >> reporter: well, this is a commission that includes both house and senate members that has been in existence for more than a decade. and it deals with at china with issues like human rights. and this hearing, they are on recess this week which is part of what makes it unusual. given the urgency of all the events surrounding chen, the head of this, chris smith, a republican lawmaker, he wanted to bring people together to talk about these issues and to give it this sort of visibility. now very few members will be coming back to attend. many of them have other things that have been on the books for quite a while so this is in some ways more of a photo op moment. this commission does have a real job at looking at and trying to hold accountable what's going on in china so that this sort of political pressure can be brought to bear when the u.s. feels that there are issues that need to. could up. such a complicated relationship with china as it always is. jay carney was peppered with questions at the white house briefing about. this often referring to the
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state department for specifics. but saying that at no time did the u.s. ever talk to chen about concerns he had about the safety of his family. now you do see a lot of republicans bringing this up as an issue. in fact, just minutes ago while campaigning in virginia, mitt romney brought it up and carefully went through some of the published reports about the events surrounding chen being at the embassy, then moving to the hospital and what's the status now of whether he wants to stay in china or not. it is a political argument and republicans are hitting the president on that saying the u.s. must be a place where a dissident or someone freedom can find it. so it is a complicated argument. many democrats are standing with chen as well. but this is a case that while the diplomacy unfolds, there is of course a layer of politics wrapped around this, too. >> to your point, obviously this committee has great issues, currency issues, many things to look at with china. to your own wording, kelly, this is a quote/unquote photo op moment for them when people hear this kind of thing.
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they know the complexity of this case. they know the complexity of the relationship. no one wants to hear photo op situation and again, this partisan bickering if you will, even if legitimate. >> reporter: and photo op may be too unfair. but what it is, it is creating an event, a public event where there is a forum to talk about this with all of the trappings of congress. it is legitimate. the timing of it means many members are not back for it. but you'll have human rights voices. people who are knowledgeable on these issues. not necessarily directly involved in the chen case at all. so there is a photo op quality in the sense that this is a staged event. it does have certainly the proper auspices of the congress to do this. but you've got to look at all of these things through the lens of both foreign policy, diplomacy, the u.s. interests with china and of course, the politics of the moment which members of congress and certainly out on the campaign trail, that plays into this. and judging by all the questions that it is a hot topic about what the u.s. will do and does
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the president need to do more. it is very difficult when you have the safety of a real person and real family at stake here beyond all of the other implications of what it says. and chen is known in china for his work, trying to speak out against one child policy. so he has a long history of taking chances and being courageous on those fronts. so he is of importance to many people on both sides of the political aisle politically. >> thank you very much. greatly appreciate that report. >> let me bring in nationally syndicated talk show host michael smerconish. also with us, p.j. crowley, thank you gentlemen, for joining me. i want to talk about the politics of this. let me play with william cohen, a former defense secretary, said to andrea mitchell. >> once he left the u.s. embassy, then power shifted immediately to the chinese government. and frankly, the united states is in no position to dictate what the terms of release will
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be for a chinese citizen, dissident or otherwise. >> do you agree with that, p.j.? >> well, secretary cohen is my former boss. i would phrase it a little bit differently. it is not about leverage. the united states negotiated in good faith with china based on the wishes that mr. chen expressed at the time. he was trying to do something very unique which is rather than be an activist who is forced into exile, he wanted to be an activist that continued to do his work inside china. much more powerful. and so the united states negotiated that basis. it thought it had a deal is that that deal is unraveling. as a result, mr. chen is changing his mind and may well be seeking to come to the united states. i think u.s. officials as we speak are trying to actually get to see him again. and chinese officials evidently are preventing that from happening. >> just at this event, mitt romney calling this day of shame for the obama administration if
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the reports are true. not saying what he would do in a hypothetical situation that is now a real situation because people want to know, more than i don't agree with this guy, what are you going to put on the table, mr. romney, is the question over and over. this is the feedback or the criticism coming from romney so this is all presidential politics. >> it is. i think there is far more we don't know that is not in the public domain than what we do know. house speaker boehner was quick to assume that because of the pressure put on him at the embassy, he finds himself in this posture right now. i don't know how he could even know this at this juncture. politically speaking, what governor romney is trying to do is to tap into that thought process that blames china for much of our economic woes. whether that is appropriate to tie the two together, i'm not so sure. >> can you tie the two together? again, to use the word complex, the complexity of the relationships between these two countries is an understatement
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to say the least. is it fair to tie up being tough on china with this situation that we know? the president talked about the human rights concerns with china. but these are, it seems, case by case situations. >> ironically, this case come on the back drop of something called the strategic and economic dialogue with hillary clinton and tim geithner in beijing as we speak, discussing the full range of between china and the united states, of which economic issues are critical. regional issues are important. and human rights is a fundamental element of the ongoing dialogue. hillary clinton spoke compellingly about the importance of human rights in her remarks today. so yes, you can't compartmentalize them. they are all part of the brew which is the very complex and difficult relationship between the united states and china. what are the realistic options? >> i think it is important to understand that there is a legal
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process that one goes through and as far as i can tell, ambassador gary locke on multiple occasions recent days asked mr. chen, do you want asylum? he said no. he may have changed his mind and that's why it is important the u.s. officials do everything possible to get back in touch with him and see what his true intentions are. >> who gets the call on whether u.s. officials were able to, as you point out, get back in touch with him. as secretary cohen pointed out, once he left the u.s. embassy, at least in his estimation, the leverage was gone from the u.s. side. who can control that? >> this is where actually the publicity surrounding his case probably works to his advantage. china is very, they have their own interests. they see this issue differently. the united states stresses human rights. china says it's none of your business. so ultimately, the high profile of this case says to me this
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will be resolved at some point. china will probably dictate how that goes. we've done this before. we've had cases where dissidents have sought asylum and after some arduous negotiations, they've found their way to a safer country, including the united states. >> and obviously in politics, you see an opening. you see a potential weakness on the other side. with this situation, is there a concern the republican cosmetic look opportunistic calling this emergency meeting with committee members of the house and take a look at this situation. mitt romney on the campaign stumping and calling this a day of shame for the obama administration. >> i think that is a risk. ironically, coming in the same week where those same gop forces tried to say the president was playing politics relative to the takedown of bin laden. it is reminiscent of the sabre rattling vis-a-vis iran. you think that the president is being weak. what exactly is it that you think should be done? so far, i haven't heard an answer to that question. >> we'll wait to see if we get an answer.
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thank you for joining us for the first time. and michael, seeing you every day. thank you. an autopsy is being performed to determine what may have led to the apparent suicide of legendary superstar junior seau. we have pictures of a memorial that has been building outside his home in san diego where he was found dead yesterday. his heart broken mother was surrounded by fans moments after his death was announced to the public. >> i appreciate you guys share your love to my son. i don't understand who do this to my son. but i pray to god, please, tell. >> junior seau did not leave a suicide note, according to police. dave, thank you for joining us. obviously you hear junior seau's mother, her grief. this is more than a football player. this is a son, this is a guy that i was in san diego the day
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it was announced that he would be leaving the chargers. people were devastated. and obviously now having this loss. the big question you've talked about this a lot. his career, could it have played a role? we don't know. the autopsy is being performed now, dave. >> we don't know. we know three things. and we can say this with absolute confidence. the first is that this is the third suicide among former nfl players in the last 15 months. and the second in the last two weeks. ray easterling took his own life. former atlanta falcon and 15 months ago, dave doerson did so. the second thing we know is that the manner in which junior seau took his own life, it is very unusual. he shot himself in the chest. that's exactly the same way that dave took his own life and he did this. explicitly in a suicide note because he said he wanted his brain studied. he felt like the renal he
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suffered so deeply from depression and had reached this level of feeling like suicide was the only way out was because of a repetitive brain injuries from playing football. then the third thing which has to be said here is that junior seau played with a tremendous combative ferocious style. he played for 20 years. not once was he ever diagnosed with a concussion. now when you hear that, you can only come to one of two conclusions. either he played under an incredible grace of god for 20 years or, either he didn't report when his bell was rung, as they used to say, or he and team doctors didn't talk about it. and it is only in the last two years that it has even been acceptable in locker room culture to say, hey, i feel dizzy, i feel nauseous, i don't think i should be out there. >> you bring up so many excellent points. there was a spor"sports illustr" writer on with andrea mitchell. yes, we don't know what happened
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to junior seau. the fact that the questions instantly go to football. the questions go directly to the issue of concussions which we've talked a lot about. i used to work for joe frazier's team. people always associated boxing with the issues he had later in life. people have posed that question regarding mohamed ali and his health issues over these many years. is it fair to instantly go to not a conclusion but the question of concussions and the beating these men take on the field. playing a game, a sport, they do love and are compensated well to play in some cases. >> given the studies shows the baseball player lids to be 79 and the typical football player lives to be 57. this is not just about junior seau who died at the age of 43. this is about whether or not parents should be comfortable having their 5-year-old kids playing in tackle football
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leagues. there are 5-year-old tackle football leagues in the united states. and it is about us being actually educated to the risks. i think the reason why boxing is not the massive sport that it was in ali and frazier's time is because you have a generation of parents who are educated just by seeing the real life effects of the sport, that they keep their children away from the boxing gym. if you had generations of parents keeping their children away from football, my concern is that this is a conversation that the nfl does not want us to have. and i see so many people circling to protect the shield, as they call the nfl. that's very ironic considering that the shield is supposed to be protecting us. who is the shield protecting? >> and it is supposed to be protecting those players and asking the tough questions regarding concussions, and knowing that what happens in the nfl trickles down to, as you pointed out, young boys who want to emulate them want to hit hard. play like their heroes and that can have a grave effect. thank you so much. it is always a pleasure. for the first time, the government has declassified more
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than a dozen letters and documents found inside osama bin laden's compound. we'll take a closer look at what they've revealed. plus, a college student, this is unbelievable. he is suing the government for $20 million after he was pick up in a drug sweep and left in a cell for nearly five days. they gave him no food, no water, nothing. >> i was hallucinating by the third day. i was completely insane. by that time i was trying to get my sanity back. >> join our conversation on any of the topics. that's my twitter page. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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newly published documents
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from the raid of osama bin laden. the come batting terrorism center at west point has published 17 declassified letters and documents online. they were recovered during that raid as mentioned on the pakistan compound which produced tens of thousands of documents described as a treasure trove of information. and senior investigative reporter joins me live. we've been waiting to see these documents. anything earth shattering. >> a number of thing we've seen, the plots described as amateurish against president obama and general petraeus. and the bad relationship between al qaeda central, which is bin laden, and the various affiliates around the muslim world. there were a couple of things that struck me in reading the report. one of them was the discussion of a highly antagonistic relationship between al qaeda and iran. the conventional wisdom is at least among some quarters, that they have worked together.
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but in fact, this document shows in great detail how al qaeda had key players in iranian custody, the iranians refused to release them, including some of bin laden's relatives, including his daughter. when iran didn't move quickly enough on that, al qaeda went out using pakistani militants and actually kidnapped two iranian diplomats and held them hostage. >> that's so intriguing because the notion has been that they have a shared enemy being the u.s. that iran and al qaeda have a shared enemy and they would somehow potentially behind the scenes have joined forces here. but that in these letters is not the case. >> no, in fact, when afghanistan begins to fall after the u.s. invasion in 200 soon, there is a decision by bin laden to send his management counsel to iran. and the belief in his mind was that indeed, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and they
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anticipated that the iranians would take care of them. instead, the iranians got them under control. later put them in custody. and actually, according to iranian officials who we've talked to, were in jail. and remain in jail. >> is that because the iranian officials saw al qaeda as weaken asked no longer useful or never useful? >> i think one of the reasons they held them was essentially as hostages against al qaeda attacking iran. and that was, especially since you had family members, and that i think in a lot of people's minds is the main reason they did it. but also, the relationship between al qaeda and iran has never been good. al qaeda and taliban killed seven iranian diplomats before 9/11. there is a long history and they are sunnis versus shia. >> one other point you've pointed out, the american taliban, the english speaking al qaeda member, i should say, we've learned a little more about what role he played in this organization.
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>> well, for long periods of time i have been told he is nobody. a prop gandaists. >> what is his back story? >> he's a californian. spent a lot of time playing video game in his youthful was basically a nar do well. he wound up working with al qaeda. and then wound up being their voice in a number of videos. what these documents show is that adam is a player. not just a propagandist. he is somebody regularly relied upon by bin laden. who discusses things like the relationship between al qaeda central and the various affiliates like al qaeda in iraq and the peninsula. this is somebody who we now know from these documents is not just a voice. he is a player. >> all right. thank you. let me bring in nbc news terrorism analyst roger cressey. i'm sure you just heard, one of the things is that american from
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california. not just on the outskirts of al qaeda but inside. we've seen this propaganda video and it was always perpetuated that he was being used by al qaeda because he could speak english. these documents paint a different picture. >> he was a counsellor. what you're seeing here as bob talked about, the difficulty bin laden and the senior leadership were having with all the affiliates. and there are two major lessons out of this document worth about. the first is the affiliate challenge. bin laden didn't have control over them. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, al qaeda in iraq. what he discovered, and this is the more important point, is that these affiliates were doing more to harm the al qaeda brand than anything else because they were killing so many innocent muslims. so the null of innocent muslims are being killed in the name of al qaeda directly troubled bin laden and he knew that was impacting his ability and the ability of al qaeda and the grand sense to achieve their mission. what you're seeing is a lot of
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dissent and a lot of concern by bin laden that the people who purported to follow him were doing the exact opposite of what he wanted. >> i think a lot of people will find that interesting that he was, if you will, losing control. if you look at, and i'll equate this to any kind of organized crime. we've seen this happen and that's usually the fall. where people start pulling at the pieces, in addition to the pressure they're receiving from the police. in this case, the pressure they were receiving from the united states government and the military. >> that's exactly right. the reason why bin laden was in such rough straits, the reason he was lamenting the lack of capability and telling the brothers to leave waziristan is not by accident. the united states drone campaign which has been the most successful counter terrorism tool we've used since 9/11, has cheed its primary objective. destroying al qaeda's ability to conduct operations. so there is a reason why they're in such rough straits and it is directly related to the drone campaigns. what it does mean is that there is still this broader network
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that is pursuing a lot of goal. some local. not necessarily international. that we have to pay a lot of attention. to it does impact our interests and the interests of our allies. >> with these documents and letters being released, do you believe we know everything about osama bin laden? meaning the relevant information? >> no, not yet. i think these are all only documents. a couple hundred pages. there is a lot more the government has and hopefully they'll declassify and release. what you're seeing here, you're seeing dots on a mosaic. and we're starting to understand better. the public can understand better how complicated the relationships inside al qaeda are and were. and what that means for opportunities for us to continue to destroy this organization. the job is not done but we're in a pretty good place right now relative to where we were several years ago. >> thank you both. by the way, if you want to read the entire report, you can find it on our website. newsnation.msnbc dogt. and you can watch enencore of rock center inside the situation
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room. if you didn't see it, you want to see it tonight. msnbc tonight 8:00 eastern time. a key swing state. we'll take a look at these polls and where both men are setting their sights. one key state, many people are discussing, virginia. plus, tupac was resurrected. now pepsi is bringing back the king of pop. we've got details on both those stories. be sure to check out our "news nation" tim bler page. they employ hundreds of high school and college age employees and they've learned managing
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it is his second day in that state and it is part of the slugfest we're keeping an eye on. the super pac is out with a $4.3 million ad by today. look at that map. >> the company brought almost all our employees to new york. he said i don't care how long it takes. we're going to find her. >> that ad may look familiar to you. interestingly it is one of the same ads that ran during the primary and the same ad romney's campaign ran in 2007. it is called the search. and it details romney's efforts to find a former co-worker's daughter who disappeared while in new york city. joining me now, nbc news deputy political director. domenico, thank you for joining us. why are they reusing this ad or similar versions of this ad? >> it is one of the positive ads of mitt romney and the real issue for him has been his image. they have to try to fix his image problem. he is still underwater in our
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nbc "wall street journal" poll. that has improved since the gop primary ended but they understand, and it has deep pockets. across the country traditionally, you try to go one a positive ad to define your candidate and they're doing that here. >> and i understand that this is running and perhaps people may not have seen it. in this world of 24-hour cable news, twitter, facebook, it seems interesting. you're trying to paint him as this warm guy. this guy who backed his employees. can you come one a different story? albeit that one is a touching one. >> they do get to save money by running this and being able to have low overhead is something that restore our future is pretty good at being able to get the most bang for their buck. what is really interesting to us, when we looked at this with our ad tracker, republicans, conservatives, restore our future, the romney campaign, they are spending zero dollars right now on hispanic media.
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that's a really crucial group. the obama campaign is seng $730,000 on markets in colorado, nevada and florida. and already, you know, the romney campaign starts at a deficit. they don't want to get blown out with hispanics. a real big issue for them. >> could it be because they have not formed a message that they can sell to the hispanic audience? they are still trying to clean up the deport message. and certainly his attacks on rick pare during the primary. >> you have to start eventually. eventually they'll have to try to make a move on this. you saw that romney did not exactly completely embrace marco rubio's dream act. a watered down version of the one that democrats had introduced that doesn't offer citizenship. he still hasn't embraced that fully. so there does have to be some kind of message-on the economy. but they could, a lot of republican strategists argue, with the economy being as sluggish as it's been them could at least start pushing the
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economic message and they're be doing quite as much as what the bush administration had done in his reelect. bush was well known among latinos and hispanics in texas, since he was a border governor. and he understood that this is a growing group and one that republicans need to may with. >> let's talk about virginia. mitt romney is there today with michele bachmann. there was a couple of great articles today really talking about how the president and governor romney have their sights set on virginia and we'll be talking a lot about that. >> we saw mitt romney just wrap up his speech with michele bachmann and potential vice presidential pick. a veep tryout today with governor bob mcdonnell. and one of the issues, a side from the chen guangcheng issue with taking the shot at the obama administration for that. veterans. don't overlook the part on the speech about veterans and accusing the president not caring as much about the troops as maybe he would. this is going to be an issue
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that is very relevant. especially in virginia. a place where john mccain as a war hero, as a veteran, had a natural base. mitt romney doesn't and he has to make inroads with that group. he said that virginia could be the state that decides this election. it is certainly one of only a handful as a state we see as a pure toss-up. >> and we know it was just friday that the president gave the speech announcing a man or an initiative to help vets from being ripped off with the scams online. and the first lady very active with military families. that's a group both are fighting for. we've seen a lot from this administration, trying to shore them up. thank you. greatly appreciate it. in today's "news nation" gut check -- >> i'm a bollywood producer. i'm looking for the most delicious thing on the planet. >> that is ashton's new ad. a lot of people are calling it insensitive. should the ad have been pulled? >> don't be embarrassed to work
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offer applies with enrollment in™. a california college student's tear foig ordeal while in the custody of drug enforcement officials. he is suing for $20 million after he says agents forgot him in a cell for nearly five days after arresting him in a drug raid. reporter tony shin has more. >> i had to do what i had to do to survive. >> reporter: for daniel, surviving his horrifying ordeal inside a 5 x 10 holding cell similar to this one meant drinking his own urine. >> about three time. >> as nbc 7 first reported, he
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was detained as dea office informing a drug raid at an apartment where he admits he was pot with friends. agents told him he was not under arrest and even offered him a ride home. hours later, handcuffed and alone inside a small windowless holding cell. chong wondered why he was still there. >> so inconceivable, you keep doubting that they would forget you. >> reporter: but that's exactly what happened. those hours turned into days. all the while, chong says he could hear dea workers and other detainees walking by his cell door. >> i kicked the door many, many times. even my neighbors, i guess, were getting annoyed with me and telling me to shut up. and i hallucinated by third day. i was completely insane. i was trying to get my sanity back i didn't care if i died. i wanted to make sense of
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things. >> reporter: by day 4 the lights had gone out. thirsty and starving in total darkness, chong said he tried to commit suicide by breaking his eyeglasses. he used the sharp edge to carve a message into his arm. >> trying to write sorry, mom. i couldn't even aim. i gave up on that one. >> reporter: on day five, agents finally opened his cell door. suffering from signs of kidney failure, chong was rushed by ambulance to sharp memorial. on the way he told an agent what he had been through. >> everything that i said, he was like, oh, my god. >> that was tony shin reporting. in a statement the special agent in charge of the dea's san diego division says, i am deeply troubled by the incident that occurred here last week. i extend my deepest apologies to the young man and i want to express this event is not indicative of the high standards that i hold my employees to. the death of an immigration officer in california tops our look at stories around the news
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nation. l.a. county police say the man's 14-year-old son was arrested today after calling 911 to report his father's death. police say the i.c.e. agent was shot. there is no word on a motive. pepsi has truck a deal with michael jackson's estate to feature the late star in a campaign. it includes tv ad, cans bearing his image and chances to wear leather jackets inspired by michael jackson's style. you might recall in 1984, michael jackson's hair famously caught fire while filming the pepsi commercial. he suffered severe burns in that accident. and putting a bag in the overhead bin will soon cost you. some spirit airlines passengers any way, $100. that's more than double the current $45 fee. starting november 6. the $100 fee will be applied to bags handled last minute at the gate. small bags that fit under the seat will still be free.
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coming up, the most expensive piece of art ever sole at auction. details on the scream turned into $120 million painting. but first there is a lot going on today. here are some things we thought you should know. a new poll shows wisconsin governor scott walker is in a tough fight to stay in office. the university poll shows governor walker is locked in a dead heat with milwaukee mayor tom barrett in the upcoming election. leads by one percentage point by registered voters. election is june 5th. and jimmy fallon is helping the white house push its new summer jobs program. he posted a video revealing what he did for his first job and what he learned from it. >> my first job was cleaning gum and stuff from the electronic mats that were in front of the grocery stores. my mom, my grandmother came by one day as i was doing it. my grandmother started crying. the skill that i learned is don't be embarrassed to work
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hard. even if what you do makes your grandma cry. i do work today that still make her cry. look at me in this outfit. ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ with rent2buy from hertz car sales, you skip the lots... and pushy sales people... it's a fast, easy way to buy a used car. three days to try. zero pressure to buy. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses as effectively as what's sold by skin professionals
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for a whole lot less. olay pro x advanced cleansing system. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going.
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[ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. in addition to wrinkles, botox is approved to treat migraine headaches. however, new research shows the effects may not be significant. according to the data, botox was no more effective than a placebo on patients with occasional migraines and was associated with painful side effects, such as neck and muscle pain. >> i'm martin bashir. coming up at the top of the hour, shame out, mr. president. that's what mitt romney said. did he wade too far into the foreign policy deep end too quickly? plus, bachmann, gingrich, santorum overdrive. and russell simmons on the future of occupy and the problem
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with american politics. >> the scream has become the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction. edward's 1895 painting, now a modern symbol of human anxiety. you probably recognize it. it is everywhere. they sold it last night after just 12 intense minutes of bidding. >> i shall sell it for the historic sum of $120 million. sold. >> that's intensity. including fees and commission, the final price for the scream, $120 million. so the buyer's name, we're learning details about the buyer have been released, have not been released but it hasn't stopped us from being curious. i have to tell you. this note came out.
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this amount. you are obviously an art expert. you know what's going on in this world. i think even experts were stymied by this. >> everybody was stunned. obviously, we're in an economic crisis. but globally, greece, the u.k. we're not just struggling here alone in america with the economy. so who has this kind of money to spend? >> globally, there are people with a lot of cash. and they look now at art as an asset class just like stocks and bonds and jewelry. >> is it still equated? there was a time that you would hear rich people collecting art and having people over to look at what they just purchased. we seem to be a society consumed with other things outside of art. so why is this still so impressive? >> there's still a big, big collecting base all over the world and this was an iconic picture. there was only one left in private hands. the other three are in norwegian museums. >> is it likely one individual
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purchasing this or do we see the large dollar purchases with groups? >> not necessarily group. an institution, a museum in the making wants a destination. >> have you been able to uncover any information this mysterious buyer? >> we're working on it. >> does someone give the person up? friends tell? >> sometime it remains a mystery forever but slowly clues start emerging. >> is it likely an individual would purchase and it put it up in their homes? or does something like this go in a vault? >> well, something like, this you have to have a lot of money. not just to buy it but to keep it as well. the insurance. it is a pastel on board so it has to have the right light. the right humidity. the right atmosphere. >> you have to have the money to buy it and the cash to keep it. >> we were talking in the commercial break and you're the art expert, i love that you point out, scream, you can get on it a coffee mug. they're even you said, belly button jewelry.
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>> naval jewelry. >> inflatable balls. ipad covers. >> why wouldn't that tamp down the passion to purchase this? >> it is everywhere. it is such an art historically important image and someone who is forming a collection, owing a museum. it is a trophy. what did you think it would go for? >> i guessed it would hit the $100 million mark. >> too bad you didn't win something for it. you were close. an interesting topic. >> controversial online ad that shows ashton kutcher playing, playing a bollywood producer. they said they were for laughs. >> i would give that dog a bone. [ male announcer ] with six indulgently layered desserts,
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all at 150 calories or less, there's definitely a temptations for you. unless you're one of those people who doesn't like delicious stuff. temptations. it's the first jell-o that's just for adults.
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time now for the "news nation" gut check. ashton kutcher is taking some heat for a controversial new web ad that has people saying that it's possibly race i. nbc's natalie morales has more. >> in a snazzy online campaign, they pro claim ashton koocher is president of pop culture. a new ad from the potato chip ad has left kutcher in a campaign crisis. >> looking for romance? it is here with worldwide lovers. >> in a series of web videos spoofing dating ads, he plays different lonely characters looking for love. >> i'm sorry. i was holding my breath to look skinnier. >> one in particular is getting the cold shoulder from critics. >> i'm rush. i'm a boly wood producer. i'm looking for the most delicious thing on the planet. >> he wears brown make-up and speaks with an indian action
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send. >> like kardashian. i would give that dog a bone. i look snooki. the ads seemingly are help to poke fun at his new single status after his high profile split from demi moore. >> your waiting room is like a freak show. >> after the ad was posted online wednesday, critics quickly called it racist. one tweeted, news flash toate pop chips never heard of you before. now i'll see your name and think racists. not yummy snack. a spokesperson said the campaign was created to provoke a few laughs and was never intended to stereo type or offend anyone. >> so what does your gut tell you? should the ad have been pulled? go to to cast yo i astronomer derrick pitts about, have you heard about it?
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the super moon phenomenon. plus, zachary will be here. martin bashir is up next. leash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! where we switched their steaks with walmart's choice premium steak. ♪ this is really good. like what i grew up with. only one out of five steaks is good enough to be called walmart choice premium beef. can i let you in on a secret? you're eating a walmart steak. no kidding. noooo! i promise. it's very tender. you could almost cut it with a fork. it is delicious! we need to start buying those at walmart. walmart usda choice premium steaks. try it. tell us what you think about it on facebook. it's 100% guaranteed.
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arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork. zap. it's our fastest and easiest way to get you into your car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. i've been crisscrossing the gulf i can tell you, down here,. people measure commitment by what's getting done. i'm mike utsler, and it's my job to make sure we keep making progress in the gulf. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. another fourteen billion dollars has been spent on response and cleanup.
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long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to the gulf of mexico research initiative... to support ten years of independent scientific research on the environment. results will continue to be shared with the public. and we're making sure people know that the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues, but that doesn't mean our job is done. bp's still here, and we're still committed to seeing this through.
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good afternoon. it's may the 3rd. here's what's happening. first, gingrich. >> i'm suspending the campaign. is mitt romney conservative? compared to barack obama? this is not a choice between mitt romney and ronald reagan. this is a choice between mitt romney and the most radical leftist president in american history. >> now a bachmann. >> my endorsement to mitt romney as our president to take the country back. >> tomorrow, a santorum. pick any other republican in the country. he is the worst republican in the co