tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC May 10, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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good morning i'm richard lui in for chris jansing. this morning everyone is trying to figure out what the political consequences will be for president obama, the first president in history, to come out in support of gay marriage. >> this was something the president did as a matter of conscious. i think it's sort of -- we're in a chips fall where they may moment. >> what the president did yesterday was have his words match his deeds. >> a close election it can make a marginal difference. >> i think it has a very powerful symbolic effect. >> the president said his decision was personal but he made it clear, it's not for political gain. >> i think it would be hard to argue that somehow this is something that i would be doing for political advantage because, frankly, you know, the politics -- it's not clear how they cut. >> joining me now, "washington
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post" columnist and msnbc contributor and "usa today" washington bureau chief susan paige. good morning to you both. e.j., i want to start with you. polls showing about half the pay supporting gay marriage. those numbers trending up in some of the polls. from a clearly political perspective, how do you think here? how does this affect november? >> first hello to you and my friend susan. let me say first i'm really glad the president did this for two reasons. one, i think it's the right thing to do. number two, he was sitting in an untenable place once he started to say his position was evolving. he couldn't defend his evolvingness all the way through the campaign. he had to take a stand. i've got to say the way he explained it i think resonated with a lot of people. when i first wrote about it back in the anyone 90s it was a column on andrew sullivan's lovely book virtually normal. i was on the other side. i said i'm for gay rights laws
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but too much to ask people to redefine marriages. i came to the conclusion if we as a society want to promote fidelity and commitment in relationships, how can we deny this to gays and lesbians. politically i think there's one thing the president did here that could be very important in the long run. as i understand it in the course of this interview he talked about the protections in new york's gay rights -- gay marriage law for religious traditions that didn't want to perform gay marriages. it was basically a set of provisions that said religious traditions that don't want to be involved in this don't have to be. the government can't force them. i think that's going to make it easier for the president to make his case because some traditional people who are not strongly against gay marriage but have their doubts i think mostly are worried about what the government would do with various religious groups. i think that will have some measure of reassurance. >> as the president described
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his position, as we look at voters in virginia, north carolina, will he put them off. they just voted in north carolina to ban gay marriage in the constitution there. >> i certainly agree with e.j. this is where the president was going to be now or later. it was tenable to think he would evolve until september on this issue. it does come at some cost. lou at north carolina. that's been one of the dozen or so swing states we've been watching this year. by 20 points on tuesday they voted to ban gay marriage in their state. i think this makes north carolina a tougher reach for the president. you look at some states like ohio, which we know is going to be always a very critical swing state, pennsylvania, states with white working class voters, consult really conservative already not inclined in some cases to support the president. i think that pushes him from the democratic party a little bit more. yes, it energies his supporters probably where he needs to be but not a free ride on this
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issue. >> we'll have to wait to see what the political consequences will be. e.j., i want to play another clip of the president. listen to this. >> malia and sasha, they have friends whose parents are same-sex couples. it wouldn't dawn on them their parents would be treated differently. that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective. >> throughout the interview, sounds like it was a very personal decision. how will that play out? >> i think anybody who is a parent has been pushed on this by their kids. our kids, i have three of them, don't see what the problem is in the first place. it's a very different attitude toward gays and lesbians that existed 30 or 40 years ago. while i think susan is absolutely right that this could lose him some votes on the margins in some of those swing states, i think it has the upside for him of reenergizing some of the younger voters who
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haven't been showing in the polls the same kind of energy they showed some years ago. i also think there's another group it might help him with a little bit to offset what the losses are. that's kind of people moderately conservative on economics and might be drawn to romney but socially moderate or liberal. i think some of those voters might tilt the other way. the truth is, i think susan and i would agree, it's hard to parse exactly the effect it will have on election day. i think he'll lose a few, pick up a few and pick up some energy. >> what he's watching is independent voters in recent gallop polls, 57% favorable towards same-sex marriage. susan, mitt romney is treading lightly in response to what the president said yesterday in that interview. i want to play what he said yesterday for you. >> my view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman. that's my own preference. i know other people have
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differing views. this is a very tender and sensitive topic as are many social issues. >> what's your sense here, susan, did mitt romney play this carefully? >> absolutely. this is not the issue mitt romney wants to talk about. this probably energizes the right just like it energizes the left. but mitt romney wants to spend every day talking about the economy. are you better off? does your neighbor have a job? can your kid find work when he graduates from college? that's the issue that will win or lose this election. i think this is in some ways a diversion that the republicans would prefer thought to have. >> susan, e.j., stand by. i wan to bring in congressman barney frank, the first openly gay member of congress. congressman, thank you for being here. >> you're welcome. >> you're celebrating almost 25 years now since you came out. you're planning to get married soon, i think in a couple months. what was your first reaction when you heard the president was coming out in support of gay marriage yesterday? >> i was pleased.
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but to be honest, i thought my major great degree of enthusiasm and positive reaction came earlier this year when he repudiated the defense of marriage act and said he would not defend its constitutionality. from a policy standpoint that's where the federal government gets involved. they have no part in who gets married and not. when i get married, jim and i will have the same rights as other couples under federal law. so that was the big breakthrough. i frankly expected at some point he was going to take the logical next step so i was pleased. but for me the really strong feelings of enthusiasm and of gratitude came when he took the major step and came out against the defense of marriage act and saying it's very important, not
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fully noted at the time, saying that in the future, nim that treated people differently based on sexual orientation or gender identity would have to meet a pry tough standard to be constitutional. that was a major breakthrough for us. >> so on policy you're saying he's been very consistent, very supportive of same-sex marriage. then it came to him agreeing openly in terms of his personal view. do you think this will hurt the president politically as we get closer to november? >> no. no, for this reason. it's one thing to look at a referendum. what politicians understand is we all have a lot of opinions. many of them are not all that relevant politically. it's one thing when you're asked are you for this or against it to say i'm for it. it's another to say and if someone else isn't for it, i won't vote for him on that basis. there are some people for whom opposition of same-sex marriage is a major factor in determining their vote. then there are people for whom it's important for same sex major is a factor.
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i cannot believe there are people in either category who hasn't already decided. in other words once he repudiated the defense of marriage act, the major federal statement against same-sex marriage, i can't imagine there are people who think same-sex marriage must be stopped at all cost who aren't going to vote for him. so in terms of the political relevance, i think there wasn't much. i'll tell you where it has more relevance and i'm very enthused about it, in the referendum. in california same-sex marriage lost narrowly, did not get a majority in the african-american community for a variety of reasons. we have a referendum in three states including maryland which has a significant african-american population. no longer will people who are opposed to same-sex marriage be able to say to people in the african-american community stick with obama. i think that's of major political significance. again, i cannot think anybody for whom same-sex marriage is a
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determining issue hasn't already decided. >> made up their mind. congressman, ed gillespie, romney's senior adviser said they will campaign on this issue. take a listen to what he said a little bit earlier. >> this will be another brightline difference in this campaign. if you look at the balance, chuck, for example in the swing state of north carolina, decisive, where the voters of north carolina are. if you look at other states where there have been referendums held, i don't believe gay marriage has been sanctioned in a state passed by a referendum. >> votes haven't gone well for supporters of gay marriage. >> that's true. i would make this point. once there has been a state where same-sex marriage is allowed it doesn't get repudiated. there's a great deal of fear. there's a great deal of fear mond mongering. when you're talking about it as a possibility hasn't got a majority. once we have seen it, and those
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states which has had same-sex marriage it's never been repudiated. in new hampshire when the legislative majority voted for it and a large republican majority came in office in 2010 and make of them said we're going to repudiate and repeal same-sex marriage, by the time it become a vote, two-thirds in favor of keeping it. the answer is, yes, in anticipation of the problem. as for mitt romney it doesn't surprise me at all he's going to campaign against it. has he a record of doing that. 2004 in massachusetts when our supreme court said we would have same-sex marriage, he spent a great deal of time and energy trying to defeat legislators who had voted not to put it on the ballot, particularly some women, there was a very ugly kind of campaign. again, i think that it's not a case of are you for it or against it. the number of people for whom opposition of same-sex marriage determines their vote i think is very small. those people were already
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against president obama. >> congressman barney frank, thank you. you'll be married in just a couple of months. >> two weeks. >> two weeks. the first member of congress to be in a same-sex marriage. thank you for your time today. >> you're welcome. the wheels for this whole thing were set in motion sunday when vice president joe biden was on "meet the press." listen to this. >> absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual are entitled to the same rights, all the same rights, civil liberties. quite frankly, i don't see much of a distinction beyond that. >> first thing monday morning "morning joe" asked the education secretary about it. >> do you believe same sex men and women should be able to get legally married in the united states? >> come on. you're going to start there? >> yes, i do. >> have you ever said that publicly before?
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>> i don't know if i've ever been asked publicly. >> and by monday afternoon, jay carney took a beating at the white house press briefing? >> i would simply say his views are evolving which is what he said. i don't have an update on this issue. this president has been extremely aggressive in supporting lgbt rights. i don't have an update for you on the president's position. his views have not changed. i have no update to give you on them. >> e.j., the president is saying he planned to come out at some point and make this announcement before the convention he made that decision personally some months ago but was pushed a little bit. does the timing matter if it was before the election anyway? >> first of all, i think the happiest person in the world today is jay carney, the white house spokesman, doesn't have to engage in all those complicated answers. i think joe biden did him a favor. the definition of a gaffe is when a politician says what he really thinks. i think it's much better for obama to get this out there now and to deal with it and to have
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a clear position than to be evolving for another four months. so i think biden helped him here. >> susan, quick one to you here. what about the african-american vote. congressman barney frank brought take up, they overwhelmingly support the president. looking forward, how might this affect turnout this year? >> i don't think it will. i think they are so proud and so strongly behind him, this is not an issue that will turn off voters to the black president. >> coming out in support of same-sex marriage, susan, e.j., thank you for your perspective today. reactions from all over the country is pouring in following president obama's announcement he supports same-sex marriage. here is how ellen degeneres reacted on her show. >> it takes a brave man to take a stand like this especially in an election year. mr. president to you, i say thank you very, very, very much. thank you. >> alec baldwin treated, obama gets it right on gay marriage.
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bravo. ricky martin tweeting, i applaud president barack obama for affirming that all americans should enjoy equal rights. historic. not everyone supports the president's position, though. the rnc tweeted this. the republican party position is clear. we support maintaining marriage between one man and one woman. c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast.
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yeehaw! [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you!
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president obama is headed west for his dinner date with george clooney and what the "l. a. times" describes as an avenger-sized high-profile fund-raiser. expected at the estate include robert downey, jr., tobey maguire and barbra streisand. celebrity chef wolfgang puck will prepare the $40,000 meal for them and about 40 others. it could hit a record breaking $15 million.
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only a third is coming from the actual attendees. the rest from tens of thousands who donated an average of $23 for a chance to win a ticket to the star-studded affair. the winners will be announced later today. i'm joined now by ted johnson, politics editor with variety magazi magazine. and phil bronson. the president has not embraced hollywood the way president clinton has in the past. why is he stepping up interest now? >> obviously because this election is nearing but also the campaign looks at the amount of money that the super pacs are raising and they are left with very few options. where can they go for the wealthy donors on their side. it really is pretty limiting. it's hollywood, new york, silicon valley. so that's why you really are seeing obama courting industry donors, studio chiefs. he's made personal calls to some
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of the heads of the major studios out there. >> every dollar counts. phil, about two-thirds of those dollars, expected $15 million fund-raising dollars to come from small donors who wanted a chance to go to the dinner. what do you think of this new fund-raising rule, if you will, going for small, raffle-sized donations. >> obama did well with small media donations. this is really not about small donations. this is about people paying for an opportunity to get close to hollywood. whether they do it through ticket sales and then through ticket sales hollywood celebrities get wealthy and those who want to donate to president obama, it really doesn't matter. hollywood has had an addictive co-dependent relationship with washington probably back since shirley temple supposed by shot eleanor roosevelt in the rear end with a sling shot. as you point out bill clinton, talk about addictive, he was like a stalker in hollywood.
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but the reality is this morning everybody is talking about the money that president obama will raise because of coming out for gay marriage, which is probably going to make this money look small. >> ted, what about that. certainly celebrating the president coming out in support of gay marriage as phil was mentioning there, how big an issue is this in wooing tinseltown? >> i think obama already had their support. this is i think mainly a question of enthusiasm. i think this is his position now on same-sex marriage has gone a long way toward that. norman leer, i talked to his people. he not wanted to actually donate to the campaign. he wanted to put his money elsewhere. he said yesterday he's actually maxed out to the president. he was so impressed by this position. dustin lance black, the oscar winning screen writer of "milk" had been questioning why so many people were supporting democrats when they still hadn't come out
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for same-sex marriage. he's now encouraging people to donate to his campaign. so we're seeing this an eecdota evidence. >> is there a downside talking about hollywood, american crossroads super pac launched and ad rid kulg obama as a celebrity president when you look at how much he's doing now. >> there's so many things people who want to vote against obama can vote against. this is really about obama. it's about glamor. it only goes so far. will you tenth governor gavin newsom found that out. really, $15 million, $15 million is not nothing but it cost a billion to run for president. $15 million here, $15 million there, it adds up. more about the atsz thmosphere
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anything else. >> phil, thank you very much. president obama calls out mitt romney using the etch a sketch label. this you want to hear next. we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers.
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only from venus & olay. to politics now where the etch a sketch label is not over for mitt romney. >> mitt romney just recently said that he deserves the credit for the revival of the u.s. auto industry. how do you respond to that? >> well, you know, i think this is one of his etch a sketch moments. i don't think anybody takes that seriously. people remember his position, >> a new poll in swing state ohio shows the president and mitt romney locked in a dead heat. interesting that when paired with ohio senator rob portman it barely moves the needle in that state for romney. senator scott brown does not even mention he's republican in a new ad touting his independence. >> tonight the independent majority has delivered a great
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victory. >> my whole life has been about beating the odds. there's absolutely nothing in this world you can't get if you work hard at it. i've done what i said i was going to do. >> he's turned out to be unpredictably independent. >> it's not clear in if vice president joe biden is a big fan of jeopardy but he is a big fan of cars. he read clues for the entire category on the game show last night. >> i'm joe biden. as a car nut and son of a man who managed an automobile dealership, i'm here to talk about the automobile's role in our country's past and present. so here is cars in america. >> okay, kevin, your choice as you start us. >> well, the prosecution in the john edwards trial may rest today. the latest tears and heart wrenching testimony next.
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ making news this morning suspected kidnapper and murderer
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adam mays on the 10 most wanted list. they hope to track him down with two missing girls mayes ex-wife charged with the murder. admitted she was there when her ex husband killed the two. deliberations continue in the man charged with killing jennifer hudson's mother, brother, and nephew. deliberations continued last night. hudson sobbed as they showed graphic photos of her family members during arguments earlier in the day. fbi out of yemen in the filed terror plot targeting a u.s. aircraft. they are learning more about the bomb's architect. according to u.s. officials the 30-year-old is saudi-born, known as an experienced bombmaker and wants to build a metal-free bomb. he's at the top of the most wanted list. search-and-rescue teams
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found the wreckage of a passenger jet that disappeared during a demonstration flight yesterday. investigators believe this plane crashed into the side of an indonesian volcano. there were 45 passengers on board. so far no survivors. the torch is lit. the official countdown is on until the 2012 london olympic games. more when we go down to the wire in about 20. it's widely known president obama has a huge lead over mitt romney among latino voters in the offend 70%. two key developments have potential to impact that advantage, the president's public endorsement of same-sex marriage and the lack of comprehensive immigration reform in his administration so far. joining me now contributor to and msnbc contributor paul raul reyez. and jose diaz.
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a growing number of catholics and evangelicals, president obama now publicly here supporting same-sex marriage, what kind of an impact do you think that could have on the hispanic voters? >> you know, it's tough to gauge, richard, because it is such a personal matter. i do think that it's really in the final analysis not going to have a huge impact. yes, latinos tend to be socially more conservative than the mainstream population. yes, they necessarily don't agree with same-sex marriages overwhelmingly. i don't think it's going to be an issue that is going to turn some of the people off that are already supporting president obama and, as you say, supporting by a 70-30 margin. i don't see this being a major issue. i do see the issue of immigration reform, however, being an issue that it brings people to feel he didn't follow
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through on his word. that's an important issue in our community. >> we'll get to that in just a second when we have the time. raul, what do you hear in the latino community? how are they reacting to his support of same-sex marriage? >> we're hearing a lot of things. just last month commissioned a poll on latino views of same-sex marriage. what i found so interesting about it it upset the conventional wisdom. their poll found 54% of latinos support marriage equality, which is actually i believe 1% higher than the general public. not only that, among latinos who voted in 2008 and 2010, 65% support marriage equality. so on this issue the conventional wisdom is latinos are very socially conservative, might be turned off by this but the data shows otherwise. here on this issue i think it's great president obama is getting out in front of it. looking at the numbers, latinos are behind him. i say it's a win for him with latinos. >> it really is about the
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margin, not about swinging to the other side. jose different issue, senator marco rubio, a potential vp pick lark out on the senate floor with energy saying the student loan bill should be an issue both parties should be concerned about. >> the senate has become a theater, become a show. that's why people get grossed out by politics. that's why people watch the news at night and just don't understand this whole thing. >> it went on for quite a while, jose. senator rubio, in fact stated he's still paying off his own student loans. what do you think the case he was making in those statements there on the senate floor? >> i think the case he was making, which is a valid one, is that throughout the country latinos and non-latinos alike see what's going on behind me on capitol hill and wonder what the heck these people are doing. the fact of the matter is they can't get together and agree on virtually anything. i think that frustration, which
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is a politically popular one to state, you know, is what he was trying to -- >> was he auditioning in a way here, showing i can associate with the common person more than, perhaps, mitt romney can? >> raul, i don't know. what do you think? he likes that his name is out there, he's working on a proposal, a version of the dream act that he says is going to be different. i think he just wants to keep his name in the headlines so that he can continue working on this issue and make an impact on november one way or another. >> i'll follow your lead, jose, raul, what do you think here? what was the case he's making here? >> i agree. i think he's just trying to get himself out there, stay on the right side of this issue. but the problem is when you compare him with mitt romney, mitt romney is against -- on the pell loans he's against those. he's on the wrong side of so many issues that are important to latinos.
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basically mitt romney has a very moderate persona. but on the issues that matter so much to latinos he's quite extreme. for marco rubio, even if he is extreme, he's not a good fit. marco rubio he's floating this idea of some people call it the dream act 2.0. it's not an idea latinos are crazy about. still doesn't provide them with a means of legalizing their statd us, puts them in a second class citizenship of it's a tough affiliate for him with romney. romney has aligned himself in the past with extremists, jan brewer, pete wilson. it's a tough fit for him. >> i remind you, we're commenting on something that hasn't been public yet. senator marco rubio hasn't given any specifics on what he's working on. so it's i think kind of odd to be saying that, you know, the latino community is overwhelmingly in favor or against --
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>> doesn't include the path to citizenship. for the dream act students that's their main goal, what they want most of all to get out of. >> i understand. it would eventually give them residency. if you have your residency in some number of years you can get your citizenship. i think it's best to wait on specifics. you're absolutely right on the fact that romney has shown a very different position even in the most conservative focus that rubio could have on this romney has opposed it. >> jose, raul, thank you so massachusetts. >> thank you. >> this issue is evolving. see what happens. thank you so much. prosecutors could wrap up their case in the john edwards corruption trial as early as today following some gut wrenching testimony from a close friend of edwards late wife elizabeth. john edwards pleaded not guilty to six counts related to campaign finance violations. joining me is hampton dillin
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ger, former tep difficult. current obama aide saying she knew edwards was lying. what will this admission mean going forward if anything. >> it helped the case in part saying john edwards knew friend and political supporter was trying to support rielle hunter in some way, keep her close, in order to keep the affair private and away from the press. but then later in the day, richard, as we know jennifer palmieri provided powerful testimony that elizabeth edwards on her dying bed wanted john edwards by her side and he was there and cast edwards in a positive light for once in this trial. >> also powerful about this hampton, palmieri had some pretty dramatic and emotional testimony that was related to a heated exchange in an iowa hotel room in 2007. they were talking about donations worth about a million dollars, what else was said about that? >> well, it was helpful to the
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government's case. almost too good at that point. palmieri heard about a plane flight, shopping trip, john edwards in the room showing knowledge of some efforts to support her, not hundreds of thousands of dollars. there were no details. it didn't take the government's case beyond the indictment. so the government is in the final hours now. the key for the prosecution, to prove that edwards knew or should have known he was committing a crime is still a gap in the government's case. >> hampton, they executive to be closing their case today. prosecutors indicated they will not call john edwards mistress rielle hunter to the stand. why not? >> well, you know, she and edwards share a child. it appears they share a similar version of events, of the key events in the story. edwards lawyers have indicated for months they thought rielle hunter would corroborate john edwards testimony not contradict it but the government went ahead, gave her immunity, talked about her throughout opening
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argument. i think the jury will be puzzled why they didn't see her on the stand. >> hampton with the latest for us. thank you so much. when it comes to being a mom in the u.s., the news is not great. the group save the children is out with its state of the world mothers report. the united states ranking 25th in the world. the good news is that's up from 31 last year. here is the top five, denmark in fifth place, new zealand number four, number three sweden, iceland takes number two. the best country for moms is norway where women can get up to 46 weeks paid maternity leave and in advance of sunday, for my mother, of course, too, happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. i used to only wear sun protection on a beach day.
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in addition to wrinkles, botox is approved to treat migraine headaches. however, new research shows the effect may not bedata, bought ox was no more effective than placebo on migraines and associated with painful side effects such as neck and muscle pain. >> well, that bundle of joy is going to cost you a bundle of cash. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. the cost to raise a child, mandy, surging 25% in the past decade to how much now? >> you know, from birth to age 17 you're going to have to spend $227,000 for food, shelter and various other expenses necessary to raise that child. it could be $287,000 when you factor in projected inflation. new york city the bill does not include anything related to pregnancy and delivery or, of course, the very big cost of college.
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the average cost of four-year college in-state residents, tuition, fees, room and board, that climbed 6% for the most recent academic year averaging over $17,000. you know, richard, there are all the extras. according to international nanny association nancy who live outside your home can cost more than $3,000 a month for fulltime care. as an employer you have to pay social security taxes. when we say $227,000, it's really just the basics. it really does make you think twice about having more kids. >> mandy, you're a mom. you know it's worth every penny. >> it is worth every penny. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we're one week away from one of the most anticipated stock offerings ever. yes, we're talking about facebook. many every day investors are now asking how can i get in on this action. normally initial stock offerings wealthy enforcers, mutual stock companies, this time the 99% may get a chance to crash this party. joined now by personal finance
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expert carmen, co-founder of alta management. how peru? >> good. everyone wants a piece of facebook. should you really do it? not with money you can't use. this is money you can afford to lose. buying individual stocks is a very risky thing to do. you have to be prepared to lose that money. look what happened to groobon, the folks that got in early, it's down 50%. >> isn't facebook a sure deal? >> nothing is a sure deal. you want to make sure you diversify. if you're going to put money into individual%, less than 3%, 5% of money set aside for retirement. >> i'm going to take your advice. how do i do it? how do i get in on this? >> a regular person, etrade,
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charles schwab, you can go online, they, too, have a limited number of shares. they have so much demand. they can reject you for so many reasons. it could be the state you live in, your chances of owning a share are really, really slim. there are others way to do it. >> indirect ways. >> when have you a mutual fund or growth fund, for example t. rowe price, morgan stanley with their growth fund, fidelity has funds with shares in them. anywhere from 1% to less than 4%. it is inside of these funds. that's a way to indirectly invest. i prefer it. at least you're more diversified. >> when we look at ipos these are not dumb folks getting together. they time the market, want to sell at the highest possible price. what does it tell us about the entire market overall. >> they don't want to necessarily go for the highest price. they want the open price, the
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lowest. we know it will get eaten up and go higher and higher with demand as groupon did. here is the thing. wait it out. wait six weeks, wait six months. see how it shakes out. wait until the frenzy is over then you can see where the stock will land. >> what does it say overall. we see this, the market must be good overall. >> not necessarily. this an individual stock. if you want to look at a sector, we have bargain hunters because the market has been down for six days. that's more going to move the market. facebook there will be a frenz y. i wouldn't be surprised the market is way up that day because they are excited about what's going on. overall we're going to look at the tech sector. is this a tech bubble, i'm not sure only because facebook has been smart about how they developed. now you do to other websites and you have to log in through facebook and twitter. they are so enmeshed they may
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stay strong a long time. >> taking over the world. >> i hope not. thanks, richard. today's twit comes from professor activist marc hill, flip flopping is when you change positions for clear and obvious political expedience. he followed that tweet with, now any politician who changes their mind even if it's because they encounter persuasive arguments or data is called a flip-flopper. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing.
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good morning, everybody i'm thomas roberts. for believers in marriage equality it got better with president obama's historic affirmation he supports same-sex marriage. will the president evolve himself out of a job come november. my guests include lgtb activist and singer. a tennessee man accused of killing a woman and her oldest daughter. was he obsessed with the woman's youngest two daughters? we'll take a look.
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the hunt for al qaeda's bombmaker. richard engel joins me in the studio with that. richard. >> thanks a lot, thomas. olympic torch lit, tan mom ban. down to the wire. it's very real for athletes around the world. this morning the olympic torch was lit in greece and has officially gun its trip to london. a greek swimmer is carrying the torch, a brief tour before heading to the uk on may 18th. the so-called tanning mom is feeling the heat. 63 tanning salons have banned patricia krentcil saying she's giving the industry a bad name. some put wanted style posters behind their counter to keep her out. perhaps she could use this, a japanese lingerie maker unveiled a bra made from refrigerated cooling pads. in case that's not enough, it comes with portable fans and mists. you won't find the bras in stores. they were created to encourage
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people in japan to conservative energy. there you have it. t-rex is roaming nebraska. meet tyrannosaurus gold. it's his legal name. he changed it because he said the new name is cooler and makes him stand out as an entrepreneur. almost made it. that wraps up "jansing and co." in richard lui in for chris jansing. m like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer. brrr...see ya boys.
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[ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. i'm thomas roberts. topping our agenda congresswoman nancy pelosi saying this is a great day for america. why now? the announcement reverberating throughout america today from the campaign trail the state houses, hollywood to classrooms and homes across the country, president obama's announcement that after a long evolution he now supports marriage equality. >> at a certain point i've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think
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same-sex couples should be able to get married. >> my view is that marriage itself is a relationship between a man and a woman. >> i've always believed marriage was between a man and a woman. >> this is about our lives, our families. this is about whether or not we're hurt by policy made in the public arena. >> while president obama has completed his evolution on marriage equality the republican-led house is taking a step back. just hours after the president made his ground breaking announcement a house panel voted to ban same-sex marriages on u.s. military bases. this is ironic considering one of the reasons president obama gave for changing his stance -- >> when i think about those soldiers or airmen or marines, sailors out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that don't ask, don't tell is gone because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage -
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