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tv   The Dylan Ratigan Show  MSNBC  May 10, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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compliments nay snulinsults. >> what does an anchorman do about a straight collar? >> you have a big neck like mine. you wear a spread collar rather than one that comes down. i have a 17" neck. that's what i do. >> we're not even kidding with your abilities and your physical threat that you represent. >> i'm not a physical threat at all. you're four times my size, anyway, if you want the truth of it. >> exactly, but pound for pound, i wouldn't stand a chance. >> okay, dylan. give it to them. >> okay. we're going to do it. the show starts now. good afternoon to you. i am dylan ratigan. today's big story, in the
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military it is perhaps the most profound phrase that exists. i have your back because you have mine. it is also the name of a new movement being led by hollywood bigwigs and the entertainment industry in an effort to expand awareness of our nation's heroes, the contributions and the resource they represent to us, going forward as they try to come together to give all of our veterans more of a chance to turn the military training into community leadership. >> i've got your six. >> i i've got your six. >> two jobs, education, housing and more, we can support returning military veterans and their families. >> i've got your 6. please show your support and prove to a veteran you've got their 6. >> i've got your 6. >> i've got your 6. >> i've got your 6. >> i've got your 6. >> when it comes to got your 6, jobs and education, just one pillar of the resources that are needed. it also includes housing, mental health support, support for our military families in leadership,
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and ultimately, simply the cameraderie of being a fellow american encouraging a veteran to give more of their effort and their time with the communities that they live in to improve them. the projects bring a taste of military culture into civilian life where it could be much to our country's benefit, something our nation needs as only one half of 1% of our population even understands military culture as that as a percentage of folks who actually served in our military. a gulf war veteran, now executive director at the chamber, and spencer kindrom, coo as the mission continues. a whole string of very influential folks, especially when it comes to raising awareness. that seems to be the most immediate benefit of this, and we'll get into what will be done over the next six months, guys.
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it is a huge awareness campaign. is that fair? >> yes, it is. i think it's monumental and the fact that the entertainment industry is getting behind this like never before. >> spencer, what is it we need to be aware of as a nation that you think we're not aware of enough? >> i don't think as a nation we're aware of the fact that our military, our veterans and our military families are civic assets. they served a function, in many cases overseas, in many cases multiple deployment. they have shown us time and time again that they can lead us abroad and lead us in conflict. what we need to realize as a nation is they can now lead us back home. and as a veteran, as a military family, they can be assets in our community. >> so, kevin, two things. one, obviously there is some necessary investment that is necessary to offer anyone the opportunity to succeed in transition, some level of training, some level of basic
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resource to make a transition such that you can move forward. that's an investment. what investments do you believe are necessary to facilitate the transition that is desperately needed that i think everybody would agree to but maybe everybody is confused as to how to do it? >> i think there is a couple aspects to this. the first one is hr managers in larger companies need to be educated on the value of hiring a veteran. many haven't served their part of the 99%. we have many men and women leaving the military over the next five years. this is a national security issue but it's not a charity. this is about connecting talented men and women who have served our nation with employers that will benefit from the incredible talents that they have. >> and specifically with the got your 6 program, as you elevate awareness, on the macro level which you describe brilliantly,
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spencer, at 6" away as an individual in a corporation, in america, or in a small business, or just as a homemaker, as a young college graduate, as just an american who is expanding their awareness to understand what you guys are talking about and wants to help, what's the next step for somebody who wants to engage, effectively? >> i think a great place to start is to go out and get to know a veteran. we've got veterans and military families in every community across this entire country, and they have the capacity and potential to do something. and serving alongside -- the mission continues believe having non-veterans and civilians serve alongside veterans in service across the country gives a super opportunity for civilians to understand and see just how big an asset they can be in the community. >> listen, i'm super, super
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excited about all of this, as you hopefully can tell. it's just fantastic. i want to give you guys a little bit of a report, because' obviously been pushing and reporting on this for a while, especially to assemble trading financing, and support which is critical to any life transition, like coming from combat to being in civilian society. two things occurred. alan reichart at the eea, and he tells me companion dogs are the most effective treatment for ptsd. i wonder whether we're going to start to see more novel therapies like the community-based therapies start to emerge in all this. is that pie in the sky? >> i think that's one aspect of it.
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i'm a firm believer that a good job is probably the most important, because it is a form of therapy. and any of us that live in this society, it defines who we are. so job satisfaction, being welcome into a culture inside a large company or a small company is critically important as these people make their transitions. >> my other favorite is liz perez, who we'll give an update on later, who is doing the energy project with the navy and she's literally just providing start-ups and training on start-ups and is actually training back to military bases. we'll see how far she goes with it, but she's impressed me the last few months. how many groups do you think are out there like that that could benefit from the sort of publicity that you and others can create for them? >> i think there are quite a few. i think what's meaningful today is organizations like mission
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continues, like iava, like the u.s. chamber of commerce where hiring is the initiative. we're coming together and now we have a significant platform with the entertainment community. what we have to do is better prepare those transitioning service members, those 1 million, to go to where jobs are, to go to where communities understand the value of a veteran as civic assets, as leaders, and today was an important step in that regard because everyone is coming together under one umbrella called got your 6. and if we live under one mantra, it's, we've got each other's back, and these are the perfect organizations to come together to do this. >> i'm thrilled you guys have done it. i'm excited to learn more about it. if folks at home want to learn more about it and get a sense of what you're do w them? >> it's
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>> if i went to that website right now, what would be my choices? what are the first immediate things if, after the show today i go and log on, spencer, that i could do? >> you could use your own social media platform and your platform to get the word out. of course, you have a large one, but the average individual out there might have a smaller one, but he or she can use that platform to, again, collectively raise the public awareness about our men and women who were in uniform and now are in service in a new uniform. >> the other thing is the six pillars that you mentioned up front, dylan, they can look in the area that seems most compelling to them. let's say it's the job pillar, which our chamber here is running. we made a commitment to hire 500,000 heroes by the end of 2014. small business owners, especially small business owners, can go to that site, make a commitment, go to our site at hiring our heroes, make
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a commitment to hire one ven.t before, and when they hire one, i can tell you, they're going to be likely to hire a second and a third and a fourth, and that's what will have an impact on the 12.1% unemployment, for iraq and afghanistan veterans. that's what will have an impact for veterans 24 and under. they can go to where their passion is because of this umbrella organization. we like to focus on jobs. spencer has a mission, education, health, all those things will come together under this one umbrella. >> absolutely sensational. i wish you the best and will continue to keep folks appraised of your efforts. spencer kympton and kevin schneigel, congrats. i want to give everybody an update as well on liz as the
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goal of her project is explicit, which is to target military bases, to create energy-efficient how's forg sus soldiers and their families, veteran start-ups. she testified recently in front of lawmakers urging collaboration with the department of energy on projects. we put her in touch with john h h hofmeister, who is pushing these people to do this. we hope to be able to mix her and so many others into this developing culture awareness for which we are all so desperately ready to do. starting with 180 days and counting, warning the white house that this election is far from in the bag.
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what effect will his stance on gay marriage have, if any, on this election? who really suffered as a result of the bailout? most of us have asked god for help now and then, but what about asking god where to get a good haircut? or maybe to power himself a cup of coffee and join you for breakfast? just who is god? we go inside the minds of christians who say they not only talk to god but he talks back. it's all ahead. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour rtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms, indoors and out. right now, buy one and get one 50% off. ♪
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find answers at walgreens. ♪ [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ] on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ this is zales. the diamond store.
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you know just what i'm talking about. this morning, your marriage started feeling a little weak, didn't it? you have an urge to abandon your family and go antiquing up at the cape? it's all because today, barack obama, being the first president to push the rainbow button and launch gay armageddon. >> the president of the united states is gay. friendly. gay friendly. >> the president's big news -- big news. he is now officially married to marriage equality. while his endorsement certainly plays to the bass, there are many folks who believe it could spell trouble in some battleground states, including what the electoral calculus views as the must-win state of florida. let's turn to the mega panel for
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thursday. karen, will this issue be relevant to the electoral map at all, or are we just sort of playing to the idea that it could be today, and two, if it is relevant to the electoral map, where would it be 180 days from now? >> i don't think it's going to be ultimately relevant to the electoral map because voters who disagree with president obama on this issue but respect his position will likely still vote for him because they'll vote for him on a range of other issues. voters who disagree with him on this issue who would be affected by this probably weren't going to vote for him, anyway. to your second question, though, i think it may make a difference in that this issue now further moves mitt romney further to the right as he's got to continue to consolidate the right wing of his base, and i think that presents a problem for him 180 days from today when he's trying to get votes from moderates and independents. >> in which state?
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florida? >> i think in a range of states, frankly, a range of free states we've talked about from time to time. there are moderate, independent voters who don't like the harshness of sort of the red meat talk around these issues. >> this is a debate of sorts. karen set it for us. jimmy, how would critique her assessment? do you agree with everything she said? >> i agree with everything karen says. look, i think this is a remarkably civil thing. >> my question was a specific question, jimmy, which is, do you believe this would be electorally relevant, and if so, where? >> yes, i think it will be an electoral issue. the reason i think it will is it will motivate barack obama's base, especially people under 30, and i think that at the end of the day, what matters in every single one of these battleground states are women ages 30 to 50. you ask a woman age 30 to 50
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that have swung the last three election cycles what they think about gay men and women, and guess what, they know them, they like them, and they don't want to be against them. guess what? barack obama is for them, mitt romney is against them. >> i don't know. i have not liked every one of them. i'm teasing you. you get the last word on this, susan. >> i think it will potentially play in florida and ohio. i think those are the states you're going to see it. i think republicans will be making a mistake if they overplay using independent expenditures in those states, but i think it's something they could swing. >> all right. >> dylan? >> go ahead. >> a friend of mine actually said on this morning's rick todd show that the mitt romney campaign will use this as a campaign element this fall. >> conservative talk show host
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laura ingram was asking they are listeners today, is this a trap set for mitt romney by president obama in the timing of this? so we shall see in 180 days. >> the other trap is one we set for ourselves, which is, as you know, we are all increasingly unhealthy as a nation. here's some inspiring news for all of us. we do not exercise, so in case you were wondering why we're fat and all the rest it have as a nation, or obese, i guess, is the word, it's because we don't exercise along with, i suspect, a wide variety of other factors which are undiscussed at this point. at the end of the day -- i probably just said 50 things i shouldn't have said, susan, but the fact of the matter is -- i look at this as a cultural issue, much as the way we make decisions in our government, i see the cultural issue much as the way we make decisions in wait we run our companies.
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a culture that exercises is a culture that exercises. because of the culture -- >> it's a healthier culture and right now it's going to be based on -- we're looking at owe bosebose ty -- obesity rising. there is a sense of responsibility here. >> what happened to the culture? >> you used to do things in a different type of environment, the way we lived. >> karen, what happened to the gym class or whatever it is? >> i'll tell you what happened. budget cuts. at the school level, how many kids actually have the recommended one hour of physical education every day? probably not many unless you go to private school. and number two, we talked about this a couple weeks ago. it is not by coincidence that all of the chemicals and crap that we are feeding animals for plumper chickens and bigger
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apples, gee, people have cancer. gee, our kids are fatter. there is a correlation here. >> we'll talk more about it. the panel stays. straight ahead, they say god not only listens, he talks back. our specialist investigates the claim, and jimmy gets to go first when we come back. [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one.
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like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. cause we want to show them something new. you ready? let's go. walmart can now convert your favorite dvds from disc to digital. no way. if hulk smash disc... it's no big deal. now you'll never break them, scratch them or lose them.
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we can use that. you'll never break them. so what do you guys think? we love it. it's only two bucks per disc. that's cool. that's the walmart entertainment disc to digital service. bring in your favorite dvds to your local walmart photo center to get started. don't go in there. don't go in there. they don't listen. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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who are you? >> i'm the one. the heavens and the earth, alpha and omega. >> oh, i see where this is going. >> bruce? i'm god. >> we see hollywood coming face to face with the deity, the
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heavenly father, the who's who of all that exists on this planet. our next guest spent four years believing that god is speaking to these christians, showing them the right path. it doesn't matter whether the message you're following is coming from god or some other supreme being or simply your own awareness. is there a difference? anthropology professor is the author of "when god talks back." tanya, i have a question for you on the sort of premise here, which is, "when god talks back" is obviously based on some sort of collective definition of what god is. my experience has been that god is either interpreted as i interpret it, as a universal connecting force that we all share, and other people define god, other cultures, other religions, as a singular, powerful identity that is separate from all of us that is wielding unto us outcomes.
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i'm curious whether you defined which god you were taulking abot when you asked them who was talking. >> i'm an anthropologist. so i don't have a horse in the anthropological race. >> but did you define what your subjects meant when they used the word god knowing that other people mean it for different things -- it makes me laugh if i hear that people say god talked to them if i don't know what their version of god is. if i know what their version of god s i might be a fool laughing at them. that's the tricky part of this. >> that's right. what people did when they came into the church kind of confused us what they meant when they said they heard god speaking
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back. they used their imagination to represent this invisible being so different from the normal world, the kind of world of tables and chairs. they learned to have that conversation and they reported to me and to each other that they learned to experience god talk back and that overtim time they recognized god's voice the way they recognize their mom's voice over the phone. >> i get it. jimmy? >> tanya, i have a question. i'm a christian, i'm episcopalian, and i accepted jesus christ as a child and i still believe in him today. in the mainstream religion of today, do you think that god, whoever god is, actually looks at those who wear their religion on their sleeve, whether they're evangelicals or episcopalians or lutherans or anybody else, do you think god looks at people differently, or do you think we
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just look at god differently? >> i think god -- if god exists, god is mysterious and paradoxical, and we see it through our human eyes, skpand undoubtedly some of us are wrong. >> karen? that's pretty much true for everything we talk about. go ahead. >> i'm with you. i guess the question that i would have, also kind of with regard to the anthropological position of this, we know all faiths have some similarities, so what do you mean when you talk about they recognized the voice like it was their mother's voice on the phone? were there any particularities or similarities you found in a
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theme, if you will, other than the ability to talk to god? >> i think what i really learned from this project is having this experience is a skill and it changes the way you use your mind. i think that kind of capacity for skill you find in many other faiths than christianity as well. this is a practice in which you are directing your attention away from the everyday into your mind, making your mind more present, more real to you, that enables those conversations that you have, your sense of god, it enables them to be more alive for you, and they cat can have impact on you. >> people like deepak chopra say exactly what you're saying, except they would say it's expanding awareness outside your mind. it's not going into your mind, it's actually the act of expanding your awareness beyond the sort of prison of your mind. you can get into words all day,
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but it sounds like awareness is one of the things. susan, your thoughts on all this? >> just go back to the field of dreams and you hear the voice, if you build it, he will come. what's happening when people actually don't feel like their prayers have been answered, and how did they react to that? >> when they build the ark, you're saying? they built the ark and there's no flood? >> right, people feel like their prayers aren't answered, so how do they keep their faith and move on? >> that's a great question. let me say two things. first of all, i thought people were generally pretty thoughtful in the way they used this experience. they're thinking differently, they're searching for the presence of god, god often says soothing things like, don't worry, it's going to be all right after all. you don't have to really worry whether that's god or not.
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if god says something more dramatic like, move to kansas, people will use other people to pray about it, to kind of discern whether that's really what god says. when people pray and they feel their prayers are answered, that, i think, is what struck me about this church is that people who often prayed really deliberately and often and specifically for this, as far as my hatch group leader once said, don't pray for a car, pray for a red car. they would pray for grades. they would pray for really specific things, and often those things didn't come through. so some of the answers were what you would expect. god didn't want you to go -- he thought you would prefer going to colorado state. sometimes, though, when it was a big thing, they would say that, well, god wants you to depend upon him, so it's kind of a building of relationship, and there is this switch -- there's
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actually this kind of strain of evangelical thought that says, don't ask why. reach out for god when you struggle. i actually began to think of unfulfilled prayers as in some ways the best experience of prayer because that's when people had a vivid sense of god helping them through something that was tough. >> interestingly, that also opens up room in the narrative for the fact that when god doesn't answer your prayers, you must answer your prayers which means you yourself may be part of the spiritual experience yourself. the subservience to some ambient power, that you are part of that pow power. the expanded awareness when it's practiced simply to talk to god is one thing. the expanded awareness in every relationship with every person throughout your entire day, not just to talk to god, per se, it
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seems like the final evolution of this where it's not just identifying one supreme power by this expanded experience but by simply doing that all the time. >> i think that the christians i know would say that you have described them, but using different language. i let people use their imagination to create the best and wisest and kindest and most loving person they could imagine, and they use the church to shape that imagination, that representation of god. then they would have this back-and-forth relationship, and what they were really trying to do was to model their own emotional responses upon this better than ordinary, better than they were person. so they were seeking to make themselv themselves. the reactions of people would experience themselves as loving
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and gracious and compassionate and responsive. so i think that's highly akin to what you were just describing. >> that awareness can be a permanent state with practice. i'm no master of such things, but i've seen it done. i've seen it done. tanya, it's a pleasure. certainly thought intriguing. karen, susan and jimmy, thanks for coming out. nice to see you today. >> thanks, dylan. >> bye, guys. self-driving cars set to take the streets in one state. i wonder if you can drink and drive in them. we'll tell you, after this. uh, i'm in a timeout because apparently
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riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks...
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first driving test? now imagine a car taking the test and passing. at least in nevada, the state has issued a first ever license for a self-driving vehicle. the talented toyota prius is equipped with video cameras, radar sensors. a range finder gives the caray 60-foot view of its surroundings. to go with this special license, this car sports a unique red license plate to let you know no one is driving. it also has a license plate with the symbol of the infinity on the plate. there is a catch to this, of course. non-drivers inside the self-driving car when it's driving itself. one non-driving driver will be behind the wheel in case the computer that's driving fails, the other non-driving driver has to be in the car to monitor the
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screening-planned route that the other non-driver didn't see. which brings us to the most disappointing feature of this new idea. you need two drivers for a non-driving car that's supposed to drive itself. the three of you can take the hov lane. straight ahead, a movie about a wall street collapse unlike any we've seen before. we've certainly talked about it, though. some of the faces on this film, up next. may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale.
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♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. and on small business saturday bothey remind a nationss. of the benefits of shopping small. on just one day, 100 million of us joined a movement... and main street found its might again. and main street found its fight again. and we, the locals, found delight again. that's the power of all of us. that's the power of all of us. that's the membership effect of american express. on december 21st polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, and you still need to retire. td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600
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when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). (sfx: car garage sounds) today my journey brings me to charlotte, north carolina, where i spent the day with geico driver casey mears. i told him the secret to saving money on car insurance. he told me the secret to his car setup. first he adjusts... first he adjusts... (sfx:engine revving drowns out gecko's dialogue) then he... then he... (sfx:loud drilling noise continues to drown out gecko's dialogue) ...and a quarter cup of pineapple juice. or was that the secret to his barbecue sauce? hey, "secret" sauce. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i've been crisscrossing the gulf i can tell you, down here,. people measure commitment by what's getting done.
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i'm mike utsler, and it's my job to make sure we keep making progress in the gulf. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. another fourteen billion dollars has been spent on response and cleanup. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to the gulf of mexico research initiative... to support ten years of independent scientific research on the environment. results will continue to be shared with the public. and we're making sure people know that the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues, but that doesn't mean our job is done. bp's still here, and we're still committed to seeing this through. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine cleans virtually your entire mouth.
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so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine... power to your mouth. so the cover-up had a few layers to it. one, tell people the only risk is the t.a.r.p. money. strap them with the $17 million, they'll ignore the 23 trillion. it worked. everybody thought, oh, it paid back the 700. >> you say, i paid off my capitol one credit card, but you didn't discover the advance. >> your favorite host of msnbc there, just two of the faces in the movie "bailout: the movie." it's still the largest heist in american history using our central banks. it seems to explore the impact of everyday life on americans
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today. the premise of the film is simple. a lawyer stops paying his mortgage and enlisted five buddies for a road trip to las vegas to do precisely when wall street banks did, gamble away all their money, except for the lawyer. he was using his own money. during the trip, the gang sees firsthand the price the rest of the country had to pay in real life unemployment, real life foreclosure, and most importantly, the corruption of a social covenant in this country that we had all agreed we would aspire to live in a country that had one set of rules. joining us now is the film's director shawn feahy. the movie will start tonight in new york city, all leading up to a big premier in chicago a little later on this month. congratulations. i'm happy to see my particular commentary didn't end up on the cutting room floor. most broadly, if you look at the
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movement in this country to expand the corrupt nature of the two sets of rules and just how damaging the gross mismanagement of our large financial system is by a list of things, what do you hope is the next layer of awareness in the ongoing sort of crusade to get enough awareness that we can do something about it. >> well, it's really more to explain there is a bit more work here than mismanagement. it is more in the nature of fraud that has been perpetrated by wall street on main street. there is a lot of explanations in the financial crisis out there that account for all sorts of jargon, like mispriced leverage. the crisis was caused by fraud, and what we do is connect the dots between the foul on wall street and the harm on main street. and that's our goal, is to make people a waware of that fact. >> the film is obviously doing a vastly superior job, that's why people make movies and do what
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you guys have done to be really effective in communicating this, but in brief, connect the dots. you obviously have a receptive audience. >> we learned a lot in the interviews. it was really interviewing surreally sage minds that understand the fraud we're dealing with in the film. >> when wall street realized they could basically win the confidence of the pension system to effectively serve as a collateral for the gambling spree, that's the effect of what happened. >> it seems to me like you're fed two things. you're fed either fear in the form of terrorism or financial terrorism, but then you're also fed hope. either of these are kind of like a delusion game. one of the things we talk about in the film is like student loans, for example. we're calling them the new subprimes. it's very true, students are turning into serfs.
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the debt we have in this country they can't escape. >> when you look beyond the obvious individual components, there is something in this country where our government and our banks know something has to happen. everybody has to have a house, everybody has to have an education, whatever it is. some, through sinister exploitation of that desire, others with reckless abandon inside this desire, collaborate and say, why don't we give a bunch of people we don't have so we can feel better about ourselves. is that fair on my part? >> totally fair. that's exactly what happened when the tech bubble burst, and they said, what bubble do we have left? it turned out to be a credit bubble? where are you going to use that? on mortgages. >> give them education, give them money -- >> as long as they're being made to people and they know they will not be repaid.
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>> in the film, they feed you a dream that's just delusional. >> it's like an opium dealer, and the new drug of choice in this country is opium, and the thing that strikes me is you tell people, the best response to despair is not hope. the best response to despair is not even rage and anger. the best response to despair is action. what everybody involved in this is trying to do is raise awareness, which is the first action, the second action is raise the action once you have the awareness. >> i got kicked out of my house, came on the streets to take care of my young girlfriend, and she has a mental illness and i'm here to watch out for her until we get on our feet. i walk every day to her house to go see her, ten miles there and back. instead of staying in shelters or out on the streets, we found this community to live in.
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>> it's only when i leave out in the country that i fully appreciate, a, that everyone understands what's going on, and b, how anxious and ready they are to find each other and do something about it. do you get the sense that anybody in the policymaking apparatus or the traditional media apparatus appreciates what you understood during the course of this movie, doing this? >> absolutely not. if you look back at the snl crisis, edward gray, in response to a individual cvideotape he s destruction, he put a lot of people in jail. apparently there's not a lot of people around like that in either this administration or the previous one. >> which is all the more reason why the crusade must be to raise awareness. the point is, when awareness i - high enough, people can raise awareness for the debt crisis. i thought this was so
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intimidating for the people involved, that they don't want to do it. >> you said something in our interview for the film. when you talk about the idea that the reality could have been that these banks were wound down -- >> they could have been a debt restructuring program. you could have come in and said, listen, this is the problem. you could do everything you did. you could still do the bailout, still spin the wheels, the car is in the tree, but after you inflate the airbags, you don't have to let the same people drive the car the same way they drive it. >> the economists who praised themselves are still calling the shots. >> more people, same business model funded by us. the swaps market is bigger today than it was in 2008. >> correct. >> we're going to get each other all worked up. it is "bailout," the story of america in a way that may be
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upsetting but at the same time is the first step to caring for ourselves. congrats to you guys for the movie. coming up on "hardball," the political battle over same-sex marriage. the presidents of the natural resource council. a 24-hour cable network. what are you supposed to do when you're so overwhelmed with the news you can't take it? advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day.
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here we do a lot of things
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that are informing much of cable news, but our boldest move yet may be this next conversation as we're bringing in our in-house therapist to tell you what to do when you are too in undaundated all this cable news. columnist for there is a lot of places to talk about, but we have lost the ability to handle breaking news. >> everything is breaking news. i forgot what real news is. everything is breaking news highlighted. i suggest when something really big happens, we call it action breaking news. when president obama came on yesterday, that's actual breaking news. i kind of feel like the anchors made a point of saying, this is historical. you actually need to listen to this one. the other times we did
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yesterday, that was kind of. but the real problem is we have all this, quote, unquote, breaking news coming at us, and we're glued to it, and we sort of wind up miss ag ling a lot o breaking news in our own lives. your kid gets a c-minus in a math class, all right? unfortunately, it comes in a report card. it doesn't come with flashy graphics, it doesn't come with dylan ratigan. >> i could volunteer. i could read you your child's grades. >> you would be very good. but i'm much more interested in people's real news, their world, more so than the world. we want to be informed citizens, of course, but be careful about what you need to know, what you want to know and how much time you're willing to spend on it. because we don't really need to know everything. >> but isn't there a thing with the cable news companies and the programmers and everybody involved has figured out, which is if you put the breaking news banner up on anything, more
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people will watch it? so i can put anything up, like dylan ratigan talked to noah kass about the need to deal with the issue of cable news, et cetera, or we can put the breaking news banner up that says, this is breaking news, which this is dylan ratigan talking to noah kass about 24-hour news coverage. >> you were talking earlier about the fact you had gotten to the point where you took the television -- >> i recently removed the television from my home, and i feel like the ultimate advice that i give myself, and i'm obviously grossly overexposed to information. the area of breaking news drowning in news. do you see that? our ratings just spiked, i must say. i can smell the money coming in the door now. >> dylan, the other point is we are under no obligation to lead every op-ed piece from the wall street journal to the village
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voice. you do not get three gold stars for reading every section of the "new york times." you are allowed to be specific about what you like, and that doesn't make you less of an informer. >> yes, yes, but what the bn of the -- but what about the opinion of the people you meet on the train? >> that's true. >> this is deliberately designed to engage you, it's a business, so you could decide how much businesses have value, and i believe i certainly try to create value and i know our staff does, but you need to interact with it with that knowledge. >> i'm a consumer as well. just because somebody has a microphone doesn't mean you have to. >> that's a good bumper sticker. i should put it on my car. i should put a bumper sticker that says just because i have a microphone doesn't mean u to


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