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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  May 22, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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quote, distraction. this is part of the debate we're going to be having in this election campaign. >> the controversy all started when newark mayor cory booker openly criticized obama's comments on bain capital. the mayor called it nauseating. the republican seized on booker's remarks with a new campaign call. >> anybody who watched the entire "meet the press" saw not only was i defending obama's positions on numerous issues but i also talked super pac money and the negative campaigning. and my frustration was about the cynical negative campaigning, the manipulating of the truth. they're plucking sound bites out of that interview to inspect them in a cynical manner, to use them for their own purposes. and that slogan is really what had me and basically my entire staff really fit to be tied. >> fit to be tied. that's a southern saying there.
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joined by steve cornacki and molly ball as well. steven, i'm going to start with you. in a recent piece you make the point that cory booker is not just ambitious but he's a bright guy and he has been a disciplined surrogate to this point. not prone to gaffes like this. what do you make of these comments and the walking back of the comments. what were they tendintended to ? >> people are finding out nationally what cory booker is and has been. there's a lot of truth to -- he's a great speaker, an inspirational figure. but there's almost this halo these developed around him. one of the keys to his political success and to his political ambitions in the future was the close ties he'd cultivated for years going back to the
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beginning of his career with people who were on wall street, the investor class. he speaks their language. he shares their world view. one of the reasons they've been so enthusiastic in supporting him through the years. this is a guy who's used to siding with them. that's what the democratic party used to do. he sees it as like a third way, almost centrist tone -- >> do you think he was throwing a bone to the street on sunday? >> i think he was. he thought he was striking a moderate tone. he didn't realize how much the meltdown changed the democratic party. >> molly, you also wrote about the book of controversy as well. the president came out in support of cory booker yesterday. take a listen. >> i think cory booker is an outstanding mayor. he's doing great work in newark and obviously helping to turn that city around. >> do you think all of this has hurt in any way cory booker's political future?
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>> it's hard to imagine that it has. steve is absolutely right that it does highlight his wall street ties and that may damage him in the minds of some on the left. but i think there was a lot of cheering for what he was saying on both sides, although i did hear some disappointment from people who liked his first statement that he was sort of marched in front of the firing squad and ended up walking it back. look, i spoke to democrats who agreed with booker that they were uncomfortable with this sort of veering into economic populism, that these attacks on bain were taking and felt like the president did a much better job yesterday of walking that fine line of saying, yes, we have to examine romney's record but we can't turn into -- become anti-business. >> i want to pick up on what you just said there. private equity, under fire. both sides are benefiting from these super pacs, republicans, a little bit more. here's what david axelrod said
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yesterday on "andrea mitchell reports." >> people admire success and understand their businesses succeed and businesses fail. but they don't like when people at the top walk away with enormous riches and people down the line are left holding the bag -- >> why take money from them? why does the campaign have fund-raisers at homes of hedge fund -- you're not taking money from any wall street or hedge fund guys who have been involved in bad deals? >> andrea, there's only one guy who's running for president of the united states and offering this as his credential to be president. and we're having a fundamental debate about how we build the economy. >> and that debate is going to include, at least part of it is going to be about bain capital. the president admitting that yesterday as well. that's the same strategy that was used successfully to a certain extent in the primary against mitt romney as well. how can team romney, how can they in a better way respond
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more effectively to this bain capital stuff? >> it's really just sort of constant recitation and reputatire repetition of what they've said. relying on people to make an instinctive connection between someone who's been successful in the private sector and between economic policy competence. there's a tendency for people to make that connection. the romney people are banking on that people have that instinctive connection and they look at where the economy is now. very high economic anxiety. a sense that things aren't nearly going in the direction they should be. that makes them inclined to say, let's give this guy a chance, he's a business guy, maybe it's time to try him. that's all they're relying on here. >> molly, steve mentioned the poll. let's turn to it now. specifically female voters, a group that has been pretty loyal to president obama in the past,
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in this new poll, it's a "washington post"/abc news poll. the president's leads extends to seven percentage points. but married women whose d disapprovement of the handling of the economy, how is this shift for the president? >> it's significant. this is one of the key areas where we've seen the obama campaign do a lot of messaging, unmarried women, married women, college graduate women. there's been a lot of messaging toward the women's vote because that is a vote that the president needs to win. that he won in 2008. the democrats have traditionally won and by running up his margin among women, he can compensate for some of his weakness with male voters and specifically white men and working class men. >> steven, in fact, voters in this same poll, voters are split
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when asked who's better fit to handle the economy. more than eight in ten americans rank the economy negatively. 30% of americans believe they are worse off financially since president obama took office. at&t president be reelected in november if voters ultimately decide mitt romney is better suited to handle the economy? can he win if the majority of the voters in this country believe that? >> what the romney message boils down to is take a look at your own situation and your community, are things worse off or stagnant? if they are, don't ask questions, fire the guy in charge. think about what obama inherited from bush from the meltdown in 2008 and think about romney's prior record in private equity. measure all that together and say, maybe things aren't as great as we should be but they'll be better off if we stick with obama.
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>> steve and molly, always a pleasure. thanks to you both. appreciate your time. i want to bring in congress james clyburn now. unemployment in your state down, still above the national average. there continue to be signs that the national economy is improving. but i want to start with you exactly where i left off with steve. if voters ultimately decide, especially in some of these swing states like pennsylvania and ohio, if they decide that mitt romney is better suited to handle the economy, can the president still win in november? >> well, thank you for having me, once again. it all depends, craig, on what that number is. the fact of the matter is, if you look at this as to where people are today and where they were four years ago, you might get one feeling. but ask them, are they better
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off today than they were two years ago, 2 1/2 years ago. the president has created 2.5 million jobs in the last two years. compare that with the job losses under the bush administration. so what we have to do is get people to compare apples to apples rather than apples to oranges. and when you do that, i think the president is in a very, very good place. >> we have been talking about this cory booker controversy for a couple of days now. i want to ask you in a larger sense, not so much about the micro issue but the macro issue. can you support a president but have a different point of view on a major issue, like bain capital, in this instance? >> well, i'm not too sure how major this difference is. i will say this, however, back during the republican primary, i think you were in south carolina at the time. in fact, we talked. >> yeah. >> you may recall, i said back then, when i look at what bain
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capital did in south carolina when they collapsed that plant up there, they merged two companies, they then took all the money out of the companies, leveraged it, then closed it and they walked away with millions of dollars in profits. they did the same thing at georgetown steel -- >> congressman, what about the counterargument today that these attacks on bain capital -- many see them as an attack on free enterprise as well. >> this is not an attack on free enterprise. i want say to you, i don't take contributions from payday lenders. i refuse to do that. that's free enterprise. but there's something about that enterprise that i have a problem with. and there's something about raping companies and leaving them in debt and setting up
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swiss bank accounts and corporate businesses in the grand caymans. i have a serious problem with that. i think it is -- not just fair to do it. i think it's fundamental to the campaign to run this kind -- this is this man's resume. this is what he's holding out to the american people. i would like to ask my friends, what are we supposed to be comparing president obama to if we don't compare it to the record that this man has with bain capital? he doesn't talk about his massachusetts governorship. >> i wanted to move on to something else i came across this morning. you've been a part of the democratic leadership for a very long time. democratic leadership complaining that they have not spoken to the president in months.
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senator jeff bingaman saying the president, quote, is not as engaged since the campaign has started. have you found the same problem? >> no, i have not. i spoke with the president by phone several days ago. i have not visited with him in the last several months. but i've been busy and he's been busy. but we have talked by phone. and i do believe that the president is engaged. i've watched what he's doing. i'm talking to his staff all the time. he's got people up on the hill all the time. i think that a lot of times people feel -- i find it in my own office, they feel if they aren't talking to me, then it's not doing them any good. >> people's feelings get hurt pretty easily on the hill, huh? >> yes. i have staff because i can't do
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it all myself. >> voter id laws, the legislation that was introduced last week by you and your democratic counterparts down there. at least 14 states have passed or are about to pass new voting restrictions since the start of 2011. house democrats have introduced a bill to make voting easier. is this bill your party's response to counteract the voter id laws in some states. >> yes, it is. we believe what we see now is a hodgepod hodgepodge, you mentioned 14 states -- i think up to 30 states have introduced some form or another. we cannot have voting on a state-by-state approach. states rights -- you saw what it got us in the last century. i believe that we have to be very, very careful in dealing with fundamental rights like voting. that's why we want to nationalize voter registration and voter participation because
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we cannot afford to go back to a state-by-state approach to voting, which is the reason my parents were not allowed to register in south carolina when both of them were college educated. >> thank you so much, congressman. yes or no, really quickly. we were quite familiar with the makeup of the united states house of representatives. realistic chance at all that this even gets out of committee? >> oh, no. no way. >> okay. >> that's not the purpose. the purpose is for people to know that we are fighting to keep the franchise and we are going to fight this campaign on it. >> thank you so much, congressman clyburn. always a pleasure. be well, sir. >> thank you. president obama delivered the commencement speech at the joplin high school, devastated by a powerful and deadly tornado exactly one year ago today. on graduation night, a 200-mile-per-hour twister rip add 13-mile-long path through the town killing more than 160.
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yesterday, president obama delivered this message to those students who lived through it all. >> yes, you will encounter obstacles along the way. i guarantee you you will face setbacks and you will face disappointments. but you're from joplin. and you're from america. and no matter how tough times get, you'll always be tougher. yoo-hoo. hello.
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it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside.
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the xwtbattle over women's health is escalating. they are trying to block the obama administration mandate that requires employers to provide birth control coverage.
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card knoll dolan says the program's exemption doesn't go far enough. >> get rid of these choking definitions that intrude into the very integrity of the church and simply say, if a church has moral objections to this, we're not going to force them to do it. that seems to be a compromise. the president gets what he wants, we get the religious freedom that we're thirsty for. >> i'm joined now by matt smith, president of catholic advocate, one of this country's largest ca catholic advocacy groups. matt, did it have to come to this? i want to play what the president said when he announced a compromise back in february. take a listen. >> but if a woman's employer is a charity or a hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive services as part of their health plan, the insurance company, not the hospital, not the charity, will be required to reach out and
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offer the woman contraceptive carefree of charge, without co-pays and without hassles. >> what's wrong with that compromise the president offered, by requiring health insurers to pay for birth control for religious employers? >> well, a few things, craig. first of all, three years ago this month, there was another commencement address given at notre dame where the president talked about seeking common ground on issues of disagreement. and we're at today's discussion because that common ground by his definition is where he and kathle kathleen sebelius and nancy pelosi stand. it does nothing for these archdiocese and other catholic groups who are self-insured. because they are put in a position where they are paying for coverage that are against the teachings of the church. >> we also understand that there have been on going conversations between the catholic church and the white house and congress as well to talk about some of the pending legislation.
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what happened to those conversations? what happened to those discussions? >> well, from listening to cardinal dolan's statement yesterday, as many as others who have been in those discussions, the administration was unwilling to budge on the rule that has been put into the federal register. and unfortunately we have gridlock here on capitol hill. unfortunately the respect for rights of conscience act hasn't moved in the house. so that leaves the various catholic stushgs our diocese, our archdiocese, catholic charities in a position where they need to seek recourse from the courts. >> these lawsuits are serving a right wing political agenda on the part of the bishops, it's being said. here's what james salt had to say in a statement. i'll put it up on the screen. quote, the leadership of the catholic church is more interested in playing politics than it is in providing for the
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common good. to suggest that our religious liberty is somehow compromised because employees now have access to contraception is an insult to those who actually suffer violence on account of their beliefs. what's your response to that, sir? >> well, i would hope that james -- i've only met him once -- would take a cue from not only our constitution but what our church teaches about our most sacred liberties, as well as the intrinsic evils and settled issues of our church. and one of those would be the sa sanctity of life. not only does this issue go headlong into our religious liberties as a catholic church but it does so by forcing us to violate one of the subtle issues of the teachings of our church, and that's the protection of the sanctity of life. >> matt smith, thanks so much. >> thank you, best to you and lindsey. >> thank you so much, sir. colin powell supported
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to politics now. mitt romney is expected to pick up more delegates today as voters head to the polls and gop primaries in arkansas and kentucky. romney's campaign is sending out e-mails announcing that former vice president dick cheney will be hosting a july fund-raiser for the former massachusetts governor at his home in wyoming. meanwhile, another member of bush's cabinet weighing in on the presidential election. but is former secretary of state colin powell ready to throw his support behind either candidate just yet. >> it's not just a matter of whether you support obama or romney, it's who they have coming in with them. >> the general there on the "today" show this morning. the obama reelection campaign tweeted this photo, the president throwing a football
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above the words "clear eyes, full heart" yesterday. minka kelly tweeted, quote, indeed, sir, can't lose. just a month after he was named governor mitt romney's top energy adviser, he contributed almost $1 million to a pro-romney super pac. michael isikoff reveals the details. [ fabric flapping in wind ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at nissan, our ideal is innovation. 5 all-new models over the next 15 months, including a completely reimagined altima. welcome to our most innovative year ever. nissan. innovation for all. ♪
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she would help her child.
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no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ fresh off the record, $15 million george clooney fund-raiser, the obama campaign is hoping to rake in the cash once again with more celebrity raffles. the winner of one contest will get to have dinner with the president and "sex and the city" star sarah jessica parker in her new york city home. t the other gives one a chance to have dinner with former
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president clinton and president obama. and dick cheney will be hosting a fund-raiser for mitt romney at his home in wyoming. there is new evidence this morning that the already fuzzy lines between super pacs and the campaigns are being blurred again. nbc news national investigative correspondent michael isikoff joins me live this morning. i understand you've discover that had romney's new top energy adviser donated nearly $1 million to a romney super pac a month after joining the team. who is this guy? >> reporter: harold hamm, he is the chairman and ceo of a company called continental resources that has struck it big-time in the north dakota oil shale game. mr. hamm's company has bought up most of the leases for the bakken shale formation in north dakota and has struck it rich there. in fact, mr. hamm was featured in aback in january under the t
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"the man who bought north dakota." he's been very critical of obama's energy policies, thinks he's holding back oil and gas drilling in the united states, been very aggressive on that. and he emerged in march as being named by the romney campaign as the chairman of the energy advisory group for the romney campaign. >> was this quid pro quo? >> reporter: that's the interesting part. what we discovered yesterday was about the same time just a few weeks later, mr. hamm donated nearly $1 million to the romney super pac. this is kind of a new wrinkle here in the super pac phenomenon. we've all been focused on, are these big mega donors, the six and seven-figure donors having influence with the campaign? are they getting access? in this case, mr. hamm is
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explicitly helping to set policy. he's the chairman of the energy advisory group and at the same time he makes this huge donation. the romney campaign is that the super pac pack is an independent entity. been a lot of questions about just how independent these entities are. but the role of mr. hamm does highlight what is potentially a new problematic feature here of where a big mega done tore a super pac then emerges explicitly as a top energy adviser, in this case, the top energy adviser to the candidate. >> correct me if i'm wrong, is this the first time we have seen something like this so far? >> in this new era of super pacs, everything is new. we haven't seen donations of this size for many, many years. certainly not to presidential campaigns because you can't make donations directly to presidential campaigns.
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it's only in this new era of super pacs where you can give huge donation like this, six and seven figures, to the super pac backing the candidates, which had very close ties to the candidate. another point worth mentioning is when the romney campaign announced this back in march that hamm was going to chair the energy advisory group, one presumes -- it didn't announce who the other members of that energy advisory group are. and i pressed them yesterday on this very question because when i saw mr. hamm's donation, it made me wonder, did other members of the energy advisory group make similar donations to the super pac? the romney campaign declines to answer when i ask them who are the other members? they say, we haven't announced it yet. so we have here an energy advisory group to the candidate whose members the campaign doesn't even want to identify, which does strike one as a little bit odd and certainly not in the disclosure spirit, shall we say. >> national investigative correspondent michael isikoff,
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as always, thanks. sounds like we might get more out of this. appreciate your work, sir. when it comes to campaign cash, president obama has a 2-to-1 cash advantage over mitt romney. team obama has a combined total of $144 million. this includes money from the dnc and super pac priorities usa, the super pac for the democrats. team romney has more than $77 million in the bank, that includes super pac money from american crossroads and restore our future. nicholas joins us now. some of these big super pac donors, who they are and what they want -- good morning to you. let's start on the republican side. let's start with sheldon -- this is one of the names that most folks when you hear super pac, this is the gentleman most closely identified with super pacs. sheldon and his wife, miriam. what do they hope to get for all
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the money they've donated? >> a donor might have a lot of reasons for giving money. it's hard to look into their heart and predict what the reason is. but we know that he's said, one, the reason he put a lot of money into the newt gingrich super pac was to help his old friend, newt. he wanted to see this campaign go on for a while, back when there was a primary campaign. he's also a huge hawk on israel. and it's clear he wants somebody in the white house who shares his views on israel. and finally he's battled heavily with trade unions in his hometown of las vegas. it's soured him on labor. that's probably a part of it as well. >> now that gingrich is out, who are the adelson's backing? >> they haven't gotten in on behalf of mitt romney. there's been high-level talks between supporters of romney and the adelsons about eventually supporting mitt romney. it hasn't happened yet. instead they put $5 million into
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a super pac devoted to helping the gop hold on to control of the house. >> from the adelsons to the simpsons now, $22 million so far, i understand? >> that's correct. harold simmons is even more famous. he's thrown around checks of $500,000. he doesn't play favorites. he's given to most of the super pacs for most of the gop candidates during the primary. he's given to american crossroads, a big multicandidate republican super pac. he's really been everywhere. and he doesn't talk much to the press. he's given one major interview -- >> a bit of a recluse. i believe he gave that interview to "the journal." >> that's right. >> bob perry in texas, what's his story? >> he's had a real problem with lawsuits in his business. there was a famous case with tort lawsuits about mold in homes he's built and it's persuaded him that trial lawyers are the devil and that he has to
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take them on, de-fang them. but in general, he's been highly active in conservative and republican politics. it's not just transitional over him. >> let's turn to democrats now. the aflcio and the aclu. how much are we talking? >> much less. there isn't yet the same culture of super pac giving on the left. >> why is that? i've heard a number of folks say that. why is that? is that a testament to the enthusiasm that exists in the republican poiarty right now ors it deeper than that? >> you can't overlook the importance of 2010 when american crossroads raised all this money and helped republicans get control of the house. it legitimized super pacs.
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president obama said super pacs are bad. they're ideologically opposed to this. >> at least now. jeffrey katzenburg is one of the other names on the democratic side. $2 million so far? >> he's a big hollywood giver. he cares a lot about gay rights. he's more of a general democratic giver. he bankrolls candidates across the country. if he's looking for some kind of tax break for a studio, a little bit more than being a democrat. >> nicholas, thank you so much. a lot of times we see these names in the media and you hear about them, but we don't really know how much they're giving and which causes they are most closely aligned with. so thank you for shedding light on all that. day three of jury watch at the john edwards trial in north carolina. jurors ended their talks yesterday shortly after asking for access to exhibits they wanted to take a closer look.
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the former presidential candidate is accused of using campaign money to help hide his affair with rielle hunter. neither side is satisfied with a 30-day sentence for dharun ravi, the former rutgers student accused of using a webcam to spy on his roommate's encounter with another man. prosecutors say it isn't enough and they plan to appeal. they have until may 31st to file. at least eight people were shot during a scuffle after the oklahoma city thunder beat the lakers in the nba playoffs last night. one of those victims is in critical condition. the others are reportedly stable. police haven't made any arrests just yet. no word on what sparked that shooting. a shocking recommendation rocking the medical community this morning. a federal panel has recommended against the screening of psa. they say that's no discernible health benefit for healthy men. screening advocates say it's going to cause lives.
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critics say the harms could outweigh the benefits. a daring rescue caught on tape in washington state after a 13-year-old boy nearly goes over a 265-foot waterfall. william said he wanted to go for a swim but the whitewater swept him over a 10-foot waterfall. william spent eight hours stranded on the rocks before rescuers finally were able to reach him with a ladder. and this woman says she was fired from her job for, quote, being too hot. we're going to tell you what's behind all of this when we go down to the wire. that's in about 15 minutes. a big comeback for fast-food drive-through windows which saw more than 12 billion people pull up for a quick meal. mandy drury joins us.
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>> reporter: sales have been on the up lately. and part of this is thanks to the fact that fast-food drive-throughs really isn't the realm of mcdonald's and kfc anymore. it's going into new territories like coffee, starbucks, convenience stores and even chains such as panera bread. panera is now building them in to 20% to 30% of their new locations. and by the end of the year, they will have drive-throughs offering every item from the panera menu. it's a new craze it seems in terms of drive-through trends. >> mandy drury, thank you. >> you're welcome. this summer, more than 1,600 museums will offer free admission to active duty military personnel and their families. it's called the blue star museums initiatives. the program has doubled in size over the past two years. within the hour, officials announced the 300 new museums for the summer.
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among them, the american civil war center in richmond, virginia, the new mexico museum of space history, the san francisco children's creativity museum and the world figure skating museum. that was in colorado springs. we've put an entire link to the complete list of museums on our facebook page. it's the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. it's so great to see you. you, too! oh, cloudy glasses. you didn't have to come over! actually, honey, i think i did... oh? you did? whoa, ladies, easy. hi. cascade kitchen counselor. we can help avoid this with cascade complete pacs. over time, the other premium pac can leave cloudy, hard water deposits, but cascade complete pacs help leave glasses sparkling. shiny! too bad it doesn't work on windows. okay, i'm outta here. more dishwasher brands in north america recommend cascade.
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last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings
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for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. just in time for summer, the fda has issued new rules for sunblock labels. products now have to state how long the protection lasts in minutes as opposed to just
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listing the spf number. and only bottles with spf 15 are higher can say it can lower the risk of skin cancer. and beware of waterproof products. there's no proof any sunblocks are water and sweat-proof. early this morning, an unmanned cargo rocket made an historic flight to the international space station. spacex successfully sent the 1,000-pound capsule into space. if all goes well, dragon is expected to dock with the space station later this week. joining me to talk about the new space initiative and also the future of commercial private space exploration, dr. may gem son, one of this country's most famous astronauts. thanks for being with me this morning. let me get your thoughts on the historic launch that we saw early this morning. as you were sitting there -- as you saw the tape this morning,
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what was going through your mind? >> i think the really important part of this is that a private company is actually doing repeatable, regular capacity to go into space every day. and that's really what's important because if we ever talk about industrializing space, actually doing industrial work, manufacturing work, those kinds of things in space, we need to have regular access to it. that's what spacex is starting to demonstrate. >> spacex's contract with nasa for 13 flights, spent about $1 billion so far. 40% of that money coming from taxpayers in this country. do you think it's a good payoff for nasa and taxpayers in america? >> so this industry is being started now. and so the ability of spacex to really be able to take that seed funding, to take that money and create an industry where we know we'll have that access to space
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from a private side is important. i think it's a good use of money because then we have the capability to go ahead and do other things. we know we have other kinds of ways to get there. besides the government doing sort of the short-term work. the repeatable work, the things we already know how to do. what the government should really do is that expansive work where it pushes the envelope when it talks about new types of propulsion, that's where the government really needs to play. >> some are questioned whether private commercial rockets are safe. ultimately the plan is to put some of our own astronauts on this thing. if you were still soaring into space, would you get on one? >> we have to remember that the vehicles were actually built by private industry that we flew on, right? the space shuttle was built by private industry. the thing you need to know is, are the safeguards in place, are we doing the same types of checks and regulation that is we do with the shuttle program. so, yes, i would feel safe doing it knowing those kinds of reviews are in place.
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i would say one thing that's very interesting is when the spacex vehicle did not go on saturday because some problem was discovered, that's a good si sign. it says their software is working, their methodology for doing this is working. >> tell me about this fascinating new initiative you've launched called 100-year starship. >> spacex is now providing us and knowing that private companies can do access to space, 100-year starship is about humans being able to go to another star system within the next 100 years. >> you say the technology is there? >> i say we have the technology meaning we have the capacity to actually get there, in the next 100 years, have the right kind of energy sources, have the right kind of knowledge about how humans grow and develop about agriculture, about the economic systems. we have the right kind of technology. we rapidly are gaining information. that's what we can do. >> dr. mae jemison, always a
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pleasure. i've been a fan for a long time. i had to say it on the air. today's tweet of the day coming from wil wheaton, right now, i am watching a spaceship deploy solar panels in realtime from space. this is a thing i'm seeing in my lifetime. ok! who gets occasional constipation,
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next hour, police arrest a suspect in the kidnapping and possible murder of teen sierra lamar. have authorities finally cracked the case? the bain of political existence. mayor cory booker remains on defense after he says the rnc manipulated his words. and the naacp versus black
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church leaders on same-sex marriage. can the group's historic announcement change hearts and minds? craig? the hot 100, too hot for work and dads in drag. let's go down to the wire. "maxim" magazine out with its hot 100 list. prize and number one this year, israeli model bar refaeli. this woman did not make the list but lauren says she was frozen outfit her job because she's, quote, too hot. she said her employers told her to cover up. and how far would a dad going to make his daughter happy? how about dress in heels and a tutu to run a race? these dads did just that. and the winner said he would run
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twice if he had to. another kind of run over the pond in the united kingdom, the black eyed pea singer performed a brief moonwalk before continuing on his journey. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co." i'm craig melvin in for chris jansing. thomas roberts up next. ♪ to check your credit score before it gets too late ♪ ♪ and you end up strapped for cash ♪ ♪ patching your board with duct tape ♪ ♪ so hit free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ find out what credit's about ♪ ♪ or else you could be headed for a credit wipeout ♪ offer applies with enrollment in™. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength
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