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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  May 23, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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if they're holding the economy back, blame w. republicans can't keep attacked obama from trying to dump the tax cuts and blaming him for having done so. apparently they can. that's what he is doing in this slick ad, walking obama for the tax cuts his guy -- wasn't karl rove the architect of the w. era, the tax rates he left us with. join us again tomorrow when we meet newt gipg rich in tngrich . "politicsnation" is next. tonight's lead. this is the man who is going to fix the economy. mitt romney made his time at bain his central qualification for president. the reason that he is the man to lead us to economic recovery. it's why america needs him to occupy the white house. of course, willard doesn't like
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any criticism of that record, and, well, he doesn't really like to answer questions about it either. today he sat down for an interview and was asked "what specific skills and policies did you learn at bain that will help you create a environment where jobs will be created" here is what he answered. >> that's a bit of a question saying like what have you learned in life to help you lead. from my parents to my education, to the experience i have in the private sector, helping run the olympics, and helping guide a state. >> no, folks, that was the right clip you saw, i know you're thinking we gave you the wrong clip, the answer had nothing to do with bane or with job creation. then he was asked, if he welcomed scrutiny of his record?
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here is his response. >> what i can tell you is this. the fact is they spent 25 years in the private sector. and that obviously teaches you something that you don't learn if you haven't spent any time in the private sector. if you say tell me what you learn from your schooling that would help you be a president, how do i begin going through a list like that. >> again, i did not hear an answer about the scrutiny there. but he did talk about learning, and the truth is romney learned plenty at bain. but the president says they were the wrong lessons. here is what he is saying moments ago in denver. >> he should be proud of the great personal success he's had as the ceo of a large financial firm. but i think he has drawn the wrong lessons from his experience. because his working assumption
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is if ceos and wealthy investors like him get rich, the rest of us will too. >> the wrong lessons. romney may have made plenty of money for his investors, but that does not qualify him to be president, and he proved that yet again today when talking about how he would lower unemployment. >> over four years by virtue of the policies we would put in place, we would get the unemployment rate down to 6%, perhaps a little lower. >> who doesn't want unemployment down to 6%. didn't i hear you say this just a few weeks ago? >> anything over 8%, anything over 4% is not cause for celebration. >> this is getting absurd. this is why bain matters. the bain questions will only get hotter, and he doesn't seem to
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have an answer for it. joining me now is representative emanuel cleaver, chairman of the congressional black caucus, and jared bernestein. thank you for being here tonight. >> good to be with you. >> thank you. >> congressman, let me start with you, how can romney run on a business record he doesn't like answering questions about? >> he can't do it successfully. i was the mayor of kansas city, missouri when bain capital cannibalized a company there. we offered everything we could for a government. we offered them everything except the chiefs and the royals. they still pulled out and took all of the money. i'm not trying to say he's not a
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good guy, he probably is, but bain capital did not create jobs, it created wealth. for a real clear reason, it created wealth for him, himself. he never should have brought up bain capital as an example of what he could do as president in now that he has, he'll have to deal with that. he brought it up, the president didn't. >> and we're going to have a gs former employer on in the next segment. jared, let me go to you. let me show you this full screen here about the economy, because according to congressional budget office, we're on our way to a 6.3 unemployment economy anyway whether romney gets us there or not. so saying we'll get to 6% is on track where we're headed any
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way. i played 4% a little while aago, he's now gone up to 6%. but the was a of management budget and congressional budget office both put us just over 6%. that's where the trend is headed anyway, right? >> if the economy were to pick up speed, absolutely. i think what you have to be concerned about there, is to map governor romney's policy agenda on to this unemployment number he has been throwing around. i mean if you just look at the supply side trickle down, regulatory stuff, that are in his policy documents, he doesn't side this stuff. it's exactly the policy set that got us into the mess we're in now where unemployment has been stuck at highly elevated levels. it feeds right into the comments that you and the congressman were making. if your model is trickle down, that means you're all about the
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kind of profit maximizing model where tax cuts and big gains to those at the top are supposed to create more economic activity that benefits the middle class and lower income people. we have had a natural experiment of this, and the impact was exactly the opposite. the middle class, low income people struggled, and then fell off the cliff in a recession includes in part by the very set of policies we have been discussing. >> the other thing confusing, mr. chairman, is he have flipped and flopped over the unemployment rate, but he also flipped on the numbers of jobs he's claiming that bain created. he said what establishes him as a job creator is he was ceo of bain. then when you get pinning him down on how many jobs he created or bain created, let me show you his answers.
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>> if you take those places we're able to ad jobs and subtract those that lost jobs, we added over 100,000 jobs. >> we created tens of thousands of jobs. >> later i helped start companies and those began with just an idea and made it through the difficult times and were able to create a good return for investors and thousands of jobs. >> hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, down to thousands, we still don't know how many jobs he created, but he wants to use this as his calling card as a job creator. >> what governor did is readjusted the number of jobs he created based on the scrutiny level of bain. let me go to somebody he said earlier. he talked about bringing unemployment down to 4%. that's a violation of everything
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he said he believes. he said government should not be involved. let the private tech tor run it. if he is talking about bringing it down, he said i'm going to bring it down to 6%, that's a violation. why would the government under a romney presidency bother to get involved? after all, a recession is cyclical by itself. >> we can have big government intervention under romney, but jared, let me keep on the theme. romney once again said the president has decided to attack success. but what the president actually says is that the president is anti-business and he is so pro business. let me show you what romney said today. >> sadly, president obama has
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decided to attack success. it's no wonder so many of his own supporters are calling him to stop this war on job creators. >> i believe the free market is the greatest force for economic progress in human history. >> from our first days as a nation, we have put our faith in free markets and free enterpr e enterprise. >> jared, we have him clearly distorting -- >> i really share your frustration and i thank you for exposing that. if you look at the numbers, the business community ought to be in love with president obama. corporate profits are not just back to where they were before the great recession, they surpassed that. the stock market is up more than double since the crash. and mean while, middle class families are still struggling, so it has always been a huge
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head scratcher for me that they would take that position. i think the president is trying to make one simple point here. and it's distorted. he saying i'm all for profits, be profitable, but don't nose of you in the elector rate mistake corporate profitability for employment growth. it's part of that picture, it's necessary, not sufficient, and we have seen that very clearly in this recovery. employment is still climbing back. >> we also see as he distorts the president, that he is the probusiness guy, he as a business executive knows how to get things done, and he ran on this to become governor in 2002. let me show you exactly what he is saying in 2002. >> there's no question but that some of those companies were successful. i wish i could bat 1,000, i
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can't, but i'm basically in the investors hall of fame and that is somethingly use to help the people of massachusetts. >> he is in the investor's hall of fame and he would help the people of massachusetts and they ranged 47 out of 50 for job creation. >> if you talk to the steel workers in this community, they will say that he is in the employee's hall of shame. now, the governor cannot become angry and irritated at the president or anybody for talking about these issues because he brought them up. he brought them up against ted kennedy, he's is bringing it up now. the difference is this time there are only two candidates out there. president obama and governor romney. it's o easy to contrast them.
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he knows a lot about making money, he knows a lot about businesses that make money. i will never question that. that does not mean you qualify for president. he is not a bad guy, my causen herman is not a bad guy and i will never vote for him for president. that doesn't mean you to be a bad guy to find that your policy and business operation were bad. >> thank you emanuel cleaver and congressman. ahead, the real people whose lives were destroyed by mitt romney's bain capital are speaking out. >> i was devastated. it makes me angry. those guys were all rich, more money than they will ever spend. but they could not take care of
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the people that made the money for them. >> they walked off with a lot of run. we view him as a job destroyer. >> our interview with the steel worker whose company was taken over by bain in 1993. plus, the new republican attack line, president obama is divisive, but powell has a response. now some conservatives are claiming the republican party is the party of civil rights. [ woman ] for the london olympic games, our town had a "brilliant" idea. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen.
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. >> what really happened as mitt romney's time at bain capital. our interview with a steel worker whose company was taken overby bain. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. but they haven't experienced
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extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 92% of people who tried it said they would buy it again. visit today for a special trial offer. everyone in washington is asking about governor romney's time at bane. people need to know what his business experience is all about. 59% of people believe that romney's business experience would help them improve the economy, but americans need to
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know the truth. it's not about the millions of dollars that willard made, it's about the human catastrophe bain capital wreaked on thousands of americans. how bain capital became synonymous with killing jobs and ending lives. it's a story that has to be told. joining me now is john weissman, he saw firsthand the devastation that bain capital caused in kansas city. he worked for armco steel which bain purchased in 1993. they changed the name to gs technologies. in 2001 when john was working as the representative for the united steel workers union, they were forced to file for bankruptcy protection. they shut their doors and fired
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750 workers in the process, but bain walked away with a cool $12 million profit and left the government holding the bag to pay the pension plans of $44 million. thank you for being here. >> nose in your opinions are stunning, but they don't tell the story of the human cost of what happened at gst, what happened to the people working there? >> there were 750 people who immediately had their lives turned upside down. and their entire families along with them. and the entire community in fact. it still has not recovered. when the plant closed down and they filed the bankruptcy, the people lost their health insurance, the retiree health insurance, not only to folks still working there, but we had
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a lot that worked at that plant that had been retired for years who lost their retiree health insurance. they had their pension slashed by up to $400 a month because the pension plan was so badly underfunded by about $44 million, and only a seven year period. >> wow. >> they -- the company had an agreement to pay people eight weeks of severance pay who lost their jobs. our people never got a penny of that, yet they paid out their top 30 executives over $300,000 a piece. >> so they paid their top executives over $300,000? >> a piece, that's correct. >> i understand when bain took over gst, there were changes in
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the factory. they hired managers with no experience in the steel industry. >> you're correct, that happened very shortly after they bought the plant in 1993. really started rapidly in 1995 they got rid of all of the existing management group that were really pros at running a steel plant, and they replaced them with folks that had no experience and really didn't know how to operate a steel plant. >> and machine maintenance was cut back, workers were exposed to dangerous conditions, and workers were forced to work overtime. >> yes to all of the above. maintenance and upkeep of our equipment virtually went away. completely ignored.
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it was an ugly scene. our people have paid a dear price for it. many of them lost their health insurance as i mentioned earlier, and unfortunately, we've had some of those folks, who literally, had to choose between providing health care to themselves or a sick spouse, or food. >> some of the workers were sick, is that correct? >> that is correct. there was quite a number of these folks that worked at that plant over the years that offered from asbestos. and when they eliminated their insurance benefits, they had nowhere to turn. they had to go to the private market to try to buy insurance. i know a couple cases they were quoted costs that would cost
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$5,000 a month. and you didn't misunderstand. $5000 a month for a very high deductible. that was because of the pre-existing conditions that had with the asbestos. >> the reason this is important, is mr. romney chose to run on this. he was ceo of bain, proves he knows business, proves he knows what to do to create jobs, and to run an chick plan to keep everybody moving forward. what do you think as one that worked at one of the companies that was taken over by bain while he was the ceo, what do you think the person people need to know about mr. romney? >> he is touting himself as some kind of great job creator. and what i can tell you, rev len sharpton, what happened to us here in kansas city, and he did
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the same thing at many other plants around the country, he turned out to be a job destructor instead of a job creator. i think the american people in your large viewing audience need to think hard and long about that. because do we really want somebody with this kind of a track record doing the same thing to the entire country that he did to the workers here at gst in kansas city and the ampad folks in ohio -- i think people need to think long and hard about it. >> john weissman, thank you for sharing your story. powerful testimony, thank you for your time, we'll be having you back. >> thank you for having me on, appreciate it. >> thank you, still ahead, collin powell speaks out on the ugliness in gop attacks against
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republican attack line of the week -- drum roll, please. they're all calling the president divisive. marco rubio vicked it off saying he was the most divisive president in history. paul ryan spoke and said the divisive politics of the last three years, and shawn hannity got the memo, but former secretary of state, collin powell, a republican, was there to set the record straight. >> i find him one of the most divisive figures in politics today. >> that is a term used rather freely. we have dualing points of views strongly held by both sides.
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what could have been more divisive than when president obama was elected for a number of colleagues and friends of mine to say we're going to destroy him. >> from day one they hatched a plan over dinner to bring him down. it has only gotten harsher and uglier, so general powell, why did you endorse president obama in 2008? >> i felt that the republican party at that time was conveying an impression of harshness. there was an ugliness about some of the things said about president obama, and some of the things you see at the campaign events. >> harshness and ugliness. just moments ago, the president responded in denver with his take. >> i'm convinced we're not at divided as politics suggest right now. i think we have more in common
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than the pundents tell us, we're americans first. >> somewhere joining me is melissa harris-perry, and katherine crier. author of "patriot acts" thank you both for joining me tonight. >> melissa, this divisive line of attack seems to be the new one what do you make of it? >> right now i'm just loving collin powell. you have surrogates on the republican team, and here you have general powell making it very plain and clear that no, this is a president who ran very much on a kind of method and
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goal of unifying the country, and was met with what will be described as massive ri distance from day one. there has been nothing but massive resistance, a just say no program on republicans. they using their tactics. it's really an incredible projection, a psychological projection of the gop on to the president. >> katherine, last night congressman paul ryan complained about president obama's devicive politics. he said it is not just undermine social solidarity, it brought it to a stand still when america was desperate for solutions to a
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devastates financial crisis fp. >> when you look at the record whether it was maintaining wall street, and not getting a lot of restorms through that i think this country needs, sustaining all of the military policies, deporting more people in three years than bush did in eight, we go through all of these republican positions, and this man on so many policies, could be effectively described as a moderate republican, certainly a conservative democratic. i'm not sure how, when you look at the evidence, you can substantiate the claim he has been divisive. >> even among progressives, we heard the argument among those of us that consider ourselves progressives that he is too compromising and too much trying to have unity and making too many concessions. i have gotten into one or two fights with friends over that.
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i don't understand what they think he should be doing. >> i think that's exactly the point. when you look at the president, to the extent that foreign policy shas shifted in ways that i think are reasonable, drawing down the troops in iraq, something the american people have indicated since 2006 that they wanted. when you look at his behavior domesticly, he governors close tloi bill clinton or ronald reagan than a socialist fantasy that has been created by the right. it's exactly because they created it and projected it. now they can state it and continuously state it without having evidence to back it up. it's really just a talking point, not an assessment of the president's first term in
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office. >> and also not being honest about the record. when you look at the fact that the republicans have blocked this president at every chance they got, senate republicans block 9/11 first responders bills. boehner rejected the president's question to address congress. senate republicans filibustered judicial nominees. after all of this, you have ryan standing thereupon last night talking about how he brought progress and reform to a stand still. everything he proposed, they filibustered or blocked. >> and the military budget. the republicans agreed they would go along with major cuts, and what did they do? they abandoned his budget.
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so they're backtracking on their own agreements. it's pretty extraordinary, but i would ask the american people if you're right, left or center, go back to the evidence and look at the numbers, it would take you a couple minutes on the internet, but the rhetoric is incendiary and false. >> you know, in robert draper's boo book, melissa, it's all part of the plan to him a one-term president. win the spear point of the house, jab obama relentlessly in 2011, win the white house and the senate in 2012. that was the four steps, and they seem to be staying on that strategy. >> i want to be really clear. this whole goal of winning,
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because if you're in a democracy, sure you have a goal of winning, you set out a strategy for winning, part of that is beating the opposition. we should be really clear they apparently want to win just to win. and i think this goes back to katherine's point if you look at how this president has governed that's been very moderate, particularly given how bad our circumstances are, he has been extremely moderate, willing to compromise, and this desire to win is not rooted in like some sort of great desire to do better by the country because the country is doing better than it was. this is just about winning for winnings sake, and i think that's the thing that ought to make us the most nervous. >> not to pitch the book, but it says in there i'dology is the science of idiots. we have a party pressing
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ideology to the disadvantage of our country. we're not getting the kind of rational compromise that in fact the founders created, the grand compromise is what they called it, the constitution, when both sides, the left and right, gave up the attempt to make the country sway one way or the level. we have rules, and every two to four years we have to convince the american people which way to go within the rules of the game. they're now changing the rules that could dismantle the very thing they allegation their trying to preserve. >> be careful calling john adams a socialist. >> be sure to catch melissa harris perry saturday and sunday.
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first, remember joe the plum sner he is back. he is running for congress. he is saying some controversial things and he's coming up live on "politicsnation." [ morgan ] when you cheer, they fly just a liiiiittle bit higher...
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[ man ] he hits it! [ morgan ] ...go just a liiiiittle bit further... [ woman ] a perfect 10! [ morgan ] they can even be perfect. and when we come together... to one... [ chuckles ] ...we know what happens. [ crowd cheering ] visa. proud sponsor of the olympic games for 25 years. join our global cheer. perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit.
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>> the remember joe the plum sner -- plumber? aspirin, really?
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folks, i have been saying this for awhile. a good businessman does not make a good president, vice president biden made that point yesterday. >> private equity guys are not bad guys, but that doesn't qualify you to be president any more than being a plumber. there are smart plumbers, it's not the same job requirement. >> it's not the same job, but that remark isn't sitting well with the man who may be the most famous plumber in the country.
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joe the plumber. you republican him in 2008 when he asked president obama about his economic policies and became palin's campaign busy. he said since when is it joe bidens job to tell the american people who is and who isn't qualified to be president? joining me now is joe warosbecke rerks, kno r. >> we're the ones that built this country, you think we would have a better understanding how to run it. plumbers aren't qualified to hold office? so he is saying only he and his
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harvard and yale examples running this country are allowed to run it? our founder fathers wanted people like you and i to come from the community and represent our fellow americans. vice president biden doesn't believe that? >> i don't want to speak for him and his argument, but let's stay right there on the blue collar and you and i and regular people running the country. let me ask you this. what about the fact that elites pay less of a tax rate than blue color workers, does that both you as well? >> i am bothered by it, i can't tell you how bothered buy it i am. i'm tired of subsidies enincentives. unfortunately president barack obama talked about doing more incentives and subsidies in his speech a couple months ago.
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we need to get rid of this tax code because it's wrong. it's not about fair. the world is not fair, we know that. but there is right and wrong. so we need to replace the tax code work toward the fair tax, flat tax, the 9-9-9 plan. we need to encourage small and middle businesses that can't pay the taxes. >> you supported cain, but now you support romney. romney pays about 13.9% in taxes, he has two degrees from harvard, so he doesn't represent what yor talking about nor does heed advocate that, right? >> i'm not here to talk about mitt romney. he can talk about what he wants to do himself. he will be the gop presidential candidate and yes i will get behind him. herman cain was a good and solid
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man that was a friend of mine. he got people excited about tax replacements. >> so you're supporting him because he is the gop nominee, you don't support what he is saying. >> he's been out there, worked hard to promote himself, he didn't ask for handouts from the government. >> getting a tax cut like that is a handout. i mean getting a tax cut like that from the government saves you a whole lot. let me go to something else, you're a plumber -- >> go ahead. go to your party. why isn't the democratic party talking about tax replacement. >> they are, they're talking about letting bush tax cuts expire. they're saying the rich and the poor and the working class ought to pay the same rate of taxes. you're a famous plumber. do you believe that plumbers should have the right to
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collective bargaining and to be represented so they're not exploited by the elite and the upper class. you just had a fight around checkive bargaining, so you probably believe plumbers should be collected? >> i believe in the private market. if they want to unionize, i have no say. >> what is your feeling? >> that's not a federal level. i'm running for a federal position, in no way shape or form do i think the federal government should get involved with unions at private level. for them working for the government or state, i think it's wrong that a taxpayer is not represented at the bargaining table. that's wrong. you can't slice it any which way but wrong. i am against that, i think the taxpayer needs to be represented. >> but you don't take a position
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on union organizing? >> not all blue color workers are unions, ad, but i answered it very straightly. as far as junons go, if you have private unions, the local 50 here, if that's what they want to put together and it works for them, i have family that has worked well for them. at the same time i don't think union leadership is very honest with union follower the. >> so you believe in the right to organize and that's fine, you don't believe in the rich guy getting bigger taxes, you believe in union organizing, your quite a different kind of republican, but you believe in state's rights? >> listen, i'm about getting america better. i'm not worried about the reason party or democratic party. we need to replace the tax code
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and pull regulations back to the center. this green energy thing is driving me nuts because it's subsidized off the backseats of taxpayers. all we here is gossip and drama driven up by both sides of the party. >> you're absolutely right, joe, and the broke taxpayers need some relief which is why we need the tax cuts to be run out so everybody can pay their fair share, and we all rise together. >> thank you, joe. >> al, that's not going to happen. take it easy, al. >> some republicans are trying to rewrite civil rights history. [ female announcer ] want to spend less and retire with more?
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3:57 pm
in the past couple years,
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republicans have done a lot of objectionable, crazy things. the latest attempt comes from the conservative national review magazine saying the republican party has always been the party of civil rights. you can have your own opinions but not your own facts. let's look at the facts. the author sees to forget the history of the magazine he is writing for. william f. buckly jr. opposed the civil rights bills of 1964 and 65. writing that the white community is so entitled because it is the advanced race. his views later evolved, but the '60s, he was against it.
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lbj against civil rights. the man who backed the civil rights laws in 1957, 1960, and 1964. >> it's not just negros, but really it's all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy offing bigotry and injustice. and we shall overcome. >> when he signed this law in 1965, lbj told an aide we lost the south for a generation. and he was right. many jumped ship and headed straight to the republican party. those disaffected democrats found a comfortable home in the republican party of barry goldwater, whose


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