tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC May 24, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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holistic treatment, and we're really here to help people. reach out if you or a family member needs help. >> i appreciate the gig. that's going to do it for us. if you're in new york, come to the 92y tonight. it starts at 8:15. russell simmons and myself with a big announcement on getting money out of politics. we'll reveal it tonight at the y, and "hardball" starts right now. >> the eye of newt. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. i've got newt gingrich with me here tonight and it's going to be an interesting discussion. i hope to get the former speaker to tell us what he really thinks because he thinks a lot. whatever you think of his conclusion or rough politics, and i stand ready to challenge him on both, he stands at the
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higher level of debate for the simple reason he thinks on a deeper level of discussion than his opponents. he's got the perspective of knowing history and knowing its importance. let's go on with the man who gave mitt romney a good fight, who knew the hard way about mitt than most of us will ever learn. former presidential candidate, mr. speaker. good to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> i have a theory which anybody who watches, you're smarter than they think, you read endlessly about american politics, you write historical novels, and you debate the guys who don't. how much does it burn you that mitt romney, a man who i am convinced -- check me on this -- is not deeply rooted in political history beat you with money? >> it doesn't burn me a lot. look, mitt romney did what he had to do in order to become the nominee. he organized for six years, he's worked at this, i think, since
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his dad's campaign for president, his mother's campaign for the senate, he's paid his dues. he lost in '94 to teddy kennedy, came back and served as governor. when it came to the crunch, he was tough enough and smart enough to beat me in florida. now, i have real respect -- when you have somebody who is tough enough to look you in the eye and run over you -- >> did he tell the truth about you? >> no. but he did what he had to do. >> so the ends justify the means. we get the best man that way. >> no, it's not just that. look what obama did to hillary. these are tough fights, you know that, you've been through them. he was in a situation where everything he had ever done was going to disappear if i beat him in florida. so he said, look, i got two choices. i can throw the kitchen sink at gingrich or i can be a nice guy and be a nominee.
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>> someone like yourself who has been studying politics -- we've got people like woodrow wilson who read a life of washington. we've got people coming in who actually earned it in terms of deep thought of what the office means historically. mitt romney is not that guy. he is a man who is a man of faith -- give him that -- of business -- give him that -- of family. give him that. but he doesn't understand what the job of president is. he thinks it's a tinker job. >> i don't think that's fair. >> tell me what i missed. >> first of all, i think having served as governor is a step, but i also think something deeper. this is a guy who has thought about this at least since his father ran in 1968. >> he did what daddy couldn't do. >> he thought about it on a serious level. >> is that understanding our country? >> i'll just say this having collided with him head on and having collided with his organization head on, and now working with him on the campaign. he has assembled his very smart
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group of people, and he listens to them well, and he asks them tough questions, and he is approaching this as me thodicaltho methodically. back in the 1950s, sam bell, who was one of the greatest politicians of all time, was at a meeting of academics who was shocked eisenhower had won. he walked around the room and not a single person had voted for eisenhower. he said, guys, this is a sign of how big the gap is in america. mitt romney is a lot like eisenhower. he is a great organizer, he is a very method cal person, he is systematic about what's good for the country. >> that's what gets me. eisenhower won the war in europe from the western side. eisenhower was a man of peace who kept us out of the china war and the suez campaign.
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he was a man of peace who had seen war. the other guy has never seen war and talks like a hawk. i've got a problem with that. romney talks like he's been to war, but he hasn't. am i right? >> the parallels aren't even, but the point is, steven son was much more eloquent than eisenhower. stevenson was much more admired by the intellectuals than eisenhower. >> it's such a stretch to compare him to ike. >> who would have known that -- i'm saying that you don't know today and he doesn't know today exactly what kind of president he would be, but look at obama. obama is one of the most articulate, eloquent people we've ever had, and i -- understanding of this city is extraordinary. >> that's your shot. let's take a look at an earlier shot against romney. he wasn't a career politician back in january.
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during that debate, and i actually thought this was a smart comment by you. let's watch it. >> this for me, politics, is not a career. for me, my career was being in business and starting a business, and making it successful. my life's passion has been my family, my faith and my country. >> can we drop a little bit of the pious baloney. the fact is you ran in '94 and lost. you've been running consistently for years and years and years, so this idea that suddenly citizenship showed up in your mind, level with the american people. you've been running fioor elitis since the 1990s. >> he's going to be the republican nominee. >> but his claim to be a citizen by choice, trying to stay away from the dirtiness of politics.
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>> okay. >> thank you. >> it wasn't a volunteer after '94. >> here we have newt gingrich at an event down in florida. let's watch the next clip. i like this stuff. >> we're not going to beat barack obama with some guy who has swiss bank accounts, cayman island accounts, owns shares of gas shares in florida and is himself a stockholder in fannie mae and freddie mac while he tries to think the rest of us are too stupd. >> maybe they're not as sharp as your team, but they're going to use whatever he said. >> i'm actually priced. you were in this direction, you know that. >>. it doesn't work in general.
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. you have the senator from california and others daesh. >> they hang out with those guys because they want their support. you know what's going on! cory booker. >> so you're saying the only honest, ethical guys are guys like barack obama who was the number one. >> i think you had a streak of en. his only claim to fame was he knew how to. . >> compared to obama, i think romney is a better choice. >> you said this bain capital thing has eluded the guy's existence. now you're saying you're wrong. >> no, i'm saying it doesn't
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work. first of all, the president was the recipient of. >> for reasons that have fal. they both were liberal. they don't want regulation, they don't want high taxes. they do it despite that, whereas the lepp can guys do because they light those girls. >> your position is. . you one, has set up a class war for paradigm which his op. i think, is just not if we did it my way, we would win.
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isn't that class warfare? my case is my president for my the fact that -- historically what they would have said was. they do it by leveling up, leveling down. >> i don't think anything as good here. >> i want you to analyze some of the signals you're spending. if you are for american exceptionalism, radicalism, you're approximate -- if you're in a dangerous world, you're with us, if you're in a weak
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america that tries to apiepease its enemies, you're with obama. >> fine, i know the game you're playing with the minorities. but then this l irsol linsky li. you say this russian sounding name, foreign sounding name. why sol linsky? this guy wants to worry about food stamps and sol linsky. he's worrying about the poor blacks. >> food stamps are not about poor blacks. >> it never had any meaning? >> no. it never has had that. >> reagan used to do it. reagan used to say a woman standing in line at the safeway, a young bush watched by and
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bought his liquor with his food stamps. i'm not going to get you agree with it. >> reagan's welfare queen. jimmy could have been with any background. more whites than blacks. >> it was far at one time. >> we're going to be right back. i want to talk to you about some interesting stuff right now. one question i have about your party, and you are the -- why did this guy, coffman out in california. why don't you drop hook the back of the ka boos and say, lose it.
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we don't want you anymore. are you going to tell the donald? [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found.
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which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. uh, nope. just, uh, checking out my ad. we're back with more with newt gingrich here on "hardball." you'll find the customers that matter most: the ones in your neighborhood. print it yourself or find a local partner. and postage is under 15 cents. i wish i would have known that cause i really don't think i chose the best location. it's not so bad... i mean you got a deal... right? [ bird cries ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream makes philadelphia and the moment a little richer.
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donald trump had mixed feelings about it, like everybody does, perhaps not you. i like him in some ways but he's not stupid enough to believe this birther stuff, but he keeps playing it. barack obama has a birth certificate the same as ours, right? he comes from a father who was born out of the country but he's locally born in hawaii. why do some people in your party keep pushing he's not american? >> beats me. thank you. >> let me ask you about the tampa convention. the way it works is we'll be
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almost gobble to gobble here. we'll be covering this thing on fox and msnbc and cnn. but you get about an hour a night. are you going to get prime time? >> i have no idea. >> did you ask for prime time? >> no, but i'll take whatever romney thinks will help him win. >> you're just a humble -- >> i'm a team player. i started my career as a team player. >> when you smile, i see what you are. let me ask you about the vice president. without trying to guess, i think it's important, but without guessing it, i would love it to be christie just like i would like you to be nominee because there's a lot more color. how do you go about picking them? maybe get one state? is that what it's about? >> i don't think so. >> what's it about? >> if you look at george w., getting wyoming couldn't have been the reason he picked
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cheney. >> cheney picked himself, though. >> that whole dance was orchestrated. >> by cheney. he was in charge of picking and he picked himself. you could see how he shot everybody down to get the job himself, but go on. >> i think they'll face a couple big decisions and you won't know the shape of them until probably july. for example, virginia is a key state both for governor and for the senate. bob mcdonald is a terrific governor. do you use him, and does that seal off the south? >> does it hurt if he's catholic? >> if anything, it helps. given the current struggle between obama and the catholic hierarchy, donald would actually be an asset everywhere. if you want a guy who helps you in the industrial midwest, po portman has the advantage. >> does it hurt he was in the bush administration? >> i think it's comparable that
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he was a trade representative. on the other hand, portman is real smart, so he can handle it. >> would you go with a colorful guy like christie or rubio? >> i would look at rubio very seriously, and i think they will. i would also look at a longer shot like suzan suzanna martine new mexico. >> do you think he's in the running, rubio? >> at this stage i think he is. first of all, florida is now a huge state. >> what do you think would be best for him if you were picking? >> i think almost anybody you just mentioned. i would look at mitch daniels, i would look at three or four other people. they have to decide a couple things. first of all, the person has to be philosophically -- has to be cable of being president, and second, have to be
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philosophically compatible, which means a broadly conservative person. >> thune. >> i think john thune is extraordinarily attractive and very articulate. >> next question, animals. you and i in a different way share a tremendous interest in animals. i think you're the only presidential candidate, ever, to basically go zoo to zoo. what is that about? you went off on a zoo trip. and you've also made comments over the years about men and women in combat because men want to go shoot giraffes. what are you about animals? what's you and animals about? >> i love the natural world. i love animals whether they're out in the wild, i love animals in zoos, i love paleontologists. >> best zoo in the country? >> san diego. >> for big animals or all kinds of animals.
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>> it's just huge. >> best animal. favorite animal to go watch. >> hard to say. may maybe elephants. they're just remarkable. >> do you like the reptile house? >> yes. >> why do you like the republic tyi -- reptile house? >> they're astonishingly successful, they do it totally different than we do and they've been successful for a long time. >> favorite snake. >> probably a python. big and passive. >> you like the constrictor aspect of it. you like that they eat cows whole? >> they don't eat cows whole. >> what about a black mamba. they take your nervous system, you have 15 minutes to live. >> you have a more ruthless approach to politics than i do. >> thank you, newt gingrich. please come back. if you don't sign with fox again, that would be good for you. stay independent.
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we'll be right back with a side show and this has not been that. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better.
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see your lexus dealer. the past few months has been an increasing buzz that mitt romney will pick a vice president who is safe, white and duller than him. which pretty much narrows it down to a piece of chalk. >> back to "hardball." that is the side show. we've already started. first off, how florida governor rick skye just became the elastic stock of chinese tv. it started with a trip to spain to promote business in his state. he survived a firestorm last month when he went on an elephant hunting trip. it didn't go well with spanish
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people dealing with the economic crisis. he met with juan carlos earlier this week. >> i've hunted elephant but i never tried to shoot one. we were in botswana and we were in a jeep and an elephant started chasing the jeep. my wife was in the back of the jeep and she tried to get in the front of the jeep. >> you've heard of the elephant in the room? rick scott didn't know that the elephant in this room was an elephant. it's all over the spanish press. at a fundraiser earlier this week, obama said it could spell doom for the republicans. last night mitt romney spoke in a latino coalition economic summit, a prime opportunity to discuss key issues with his voters, right? so what did he talk about? >> if every one of our small businesses just added two employees, americans could pay more mortgages and buy more
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groceries. president obama has decided to attack success. if unemployment was where it should be, and home values were going up, there is no question but that the crisis in american education would be the great cause of this campaign. as president, i will pursue a very bold policy of change that will restore the promise of our national education system. >> well, no mention whatever by romney of immigration in his speech to latinos. as to comments afterwards, the group chairman said, i don't think he's been unilaterally against hearing ideas. i guess romney is only opposed to talking about them. finally, dan rather has covered 1100 election over the course of his 2012 is a standout race. not in a good way. >> there's been bad ones before, but this is by far the worst so far. i think the fact is there's so many debates during the republican primary contributing to it. i hope i'm wrong about this, but i think in the time we finish
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with this campaign, not only will it be a $3 billion campaign, but it will be ugly enough to choke a buzzard before we get through with it. >> where does he get this stuff, anyway? there are some poll numbers out in the key swing states. how does it look for president obama? we'll get to that next. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. i went to a small high school. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us.
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explorers who track activity. meanwhile, weekly jobless claims fell by 2,000. and tiffany lowered its guidance due to slowing sales. that is it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. now it's back over to "hardball." back to "hardball." the 2012 presidential race will likely come down to a handful of battleground states. perhaps the most important of them are -- it's always dangerous to say which three but let's try ohio, virginia and florida and say we're learning more about where things stand there thanks to the nbc news marist poll. take a look. in florida, obama is up by 4. 48-44. virginia, 48-44. in ohio, almost the same.
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a 6-point spread, 48-42. what do these numbers tell us about where this race is nationally. chuck todd, chief white house correspondent and correspondent for the wall street journal. when you look at these state numbers in the key states of florida, virginia and ohio, what do they tell you about the shape of the race in terms of the electoral college and the population? >> number one, you first look at -- when an incumbent is running for reelection, their number this far out is more than the challenger number. basically, he is at a reelectricir reelectable number at 48. and that's where obama is. he's got 48% job approval rating overall nationally, 47 in the matchup nationally and here, 48, 48, 48. even in the likely voter modelling we had in there, romney moves up a little bit,
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the obama number sticks right at 48. >> could the president slip down to the 44s rather than 48? is he that close to trouble? >> we haven't seen that sign yet. the president has, at the national level and the state level, and the state numbers are just trying to take on some relevance. it's wet cement but -- the national numbers have not been 44, 42, 43 for the president in a long while, not since august. but here's what we think about florida, ohio and virginia. republicans and the republican brand vastly underperformed in all three of those states by 4% aj points in ohio, 4.3 in virginia and 3.2 in florida. if republicans do better than half, get half of that back, okay, in their turnout modelling, then romney is in all three of those states very, very competitively. but they have to gain back at least half the vote they gave up from 2004 to 2008, and if they
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don't, the president is in good shape. >> colorado, new mexico, nevada. kt president count on them? >> i think he can count on two of those three. i think assuming stuff doesn't step back, i think colorado he's a favorite, i think new mexico because of the hispanic voters. nevada is a coin flip right now. >> does the lds help romney? >> it helps him a little bit. nevada, north carolina and florida, i group them together because all three have unemployment rates higher than the national average and they have bad foreclosures. bad foreclosure issues. >> you guys, what are your observations when you see the yellow where we have this key -- we're calling them swing states. and iowa, even though the unemployment rate there is way down to 5%, i hear he's got problems with evangelicals over this same sex marriage thing. >> the numbers have improved, though, with the president. they were bad right after the caucuses, why?
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because there was a combined two-month period -- concentrated two and a half months -- bad obama talk. i agree with chuck, in colorado and new mexico, it's a bullwhark against north carolina and virginia. >> do you think they would crunch north carolina if they had to do it over again? >> i think he would probably pick richmond. no. actually, i don't. the whole point, the way david pluff thinks about this, for the five months leading up to it -- >> and the places all around there, which is florida, virginia -- >> it would still be in play. st. louis, minneapolis, cleveland, those are all good if you want to worry about labor and making them happy. charlotte was an agonizing pick. >> what do you think about the
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push by carl rove? he's smart, working at slightly better upper middle class, just a little above average. looks very well spoken, three kids. it's not a poor person's house. that's clearly an upper middle class or upper class home. she has no husband around and she has the kids in failure to launch, coming back home. what do you think of that ad? is that a smart million bucks he's spending? >> he's either going to reinforce or he thinks the romney campaign is going to reinforce. i'm an obama supporter, i'm disappointed with what i heard. that is the theme throughout that. and the idea of my children living at home and my retirement certainly less than what it was. these ideas play up and down. >> wow, they obviously have the same focus groups we do. >> so it works with women and they can win back, they're not
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going to get african-american women orla teen ow latino, but t the american women, maybe. one of romney's most significant problems is with women. the president doubled his leads with women. the president 1 up by 10 among women in florida and virginia, and up by 12 in ohio. >> the scary thing, if you're mitt rahm momney -- look, i pute three here because florida was one in 2004 -- >> he said florida, florida, florida, then he said ohio. >> i think it's virginia. >> the president can win without ohio and florida. it is hard for him -- there is a way for him to get there without -- >> let me ask you one question that is the really tough one.
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why is obama unable to really get above 48 in job performance and is that a problem for him? >> the economic news, though better, is still mediocre at best. the president owns the economy. he can't not get away from it. what did the president say his campaign was going to be about? forward. what has been his entire attack against romney? backward. it still doesn't reveal what his second term will be about, what has been accomplished so far that is demonstratively changed people's lives for the better. >> are things getting better in this country? would you say things are getting better? >> look at the embedded number in the poll. >> are things getting better? >> when you look at the numbers and the housing numbers that are coming in, i have to say, i think the most important -- if you're in chicago, the single most important numbers that have come out in the last ten days
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have been housing. >> a 3% increase. >> that is why people feel like, yes, there is some new jobs. i think the reason why the economic anxiety has stuck for so long is people thought their greatest investment, their house, wasn't worth anything. >> so there's a crazy demand for housing -- >> that's real. if that sticks -- >> when they're 60-some, they have the house, then they sell it and move into a condo but they have that cash. is the president going to win this election? >> 48 is coin flip territory. >> you guys are the best. nobody does more than you guys, right? >> nobody knows more than chuck, i'll tell you that. >> thank you, chuck to do, have a nice weekend. the risks and rewards that
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president obama is going after mitt where he feels the pain of bain. he hates talking about it. we're going to talk about that very topic, the obama campaign and its plan to really start nailing romney in its history at bain. this is "hardball," the place for politics. ng faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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[ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. kiwi. soy milk. impulse buy. gift horse. king crab. rhubarb pie. lettuce shower. made by bees. toucan sam. that's not cheese. grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. we have some new poll numbers from a key senate race around the country, so let's check the "hardball" scoreboard.
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governor tim kaine is leading mack 46-42. 51-37. now in ohio, scott brown up over josh mandel 48-47. in massachusetts, it's a tight race between republican senator scott brown and elizabeth warren. a race and a nail-biter, if you will. brown 48, warren 47. we'll be right back. are you still sleeping?
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back to "hardball." make no mistake, president obama said mitt romney's record at bain capital will make him a good businessman but definitely not a good president. romney naturally agrees, but how will both play the bain card especially when page 1 in a "new york times" article says bain holds fast for president. you know what it settles down to? it settles down to this is the main thrust, the main attack line of the obama campaign. they've made it clear, the president couldn't have made it more clear this week this is what the campaign is about. he needs it as a weapon. the other guy needs to push it out of the way or deflect it, right? it's not important. someone has to win this or lose it? >> what's fascinating about this, normally an issue of this magnitude, this is the type of stuff you would be prosecuted in the fall post labor day. these are the heavy guns of this campaign, and the obama campaign
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made the decision that they have got to undercut his ability to present himself as a credible job creator and a businessman, so they want to -- they're throwing everything at him now so they can introduce him to the american people. >> so how does he charge that he went about cost cutting and flipping them based on the work? >> it's not true. >> who are these people that keep coming on and saying that? >> they're all people that worked at a factory two years and got fired by mitt romney two years after -- >> but this is the problem. if you're going to create -- if you're going to turn this into a character attack -- that's what it is. these ads are about character. everything is about character. >> you can't talk family, you can't talk business, what can you talk about? >> you can talk character.
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>> you were doing such a good job in the beginning because you're absolutely right. normally this would be prosecuted in october, not now. right now this is a definitional moment for mitt romney. you don't usually see a vote outstrip a favorable rating like that. people don't really like this guy. right now it's a referendum on the president. the president wants to introduce mitt romney, introduce his record not just as someone who destroyed the jobs he created -- >> it worked four years ago. >> it works any time you come in with someone who is not well defined. clinton defined bob dole the minute the campaign was under way, and they smothered it. that's what mitt romney needs to do here. >> he's saying, i'm the role model for american success, right? >> that's not his campaign message. >> he's saying i should be president because i was good and successful at bain. >> he's saying i should be
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president, because unlike this president, i have experience at creating jobs. >> it's his claim to fame. >> and they were successful. 80% of the company -- >> how can obama not attathe ve argument that the other person said he wasn't? >> you have to get your facts straight. it's like cory booker -- >> these are people who work their whole lives, and they got their health benefits taken away, they lost their jobs, they lost their pensions, and mitt romney walked away with millions of dollars. >> an update here, president obama criticized romney's business sense. let's listen to the president on this point. you can respond. >> he's saying, well, 25 years in the private sector gives me a special understanding of how our economy works. well, if that's true, why is he
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peddling the same bad ideas that brought our economy to the brink of collapse? most good business people i know, if something doesn't work, they do something different. >> this morning on fox tv, governor romney was asked whether he agrees with rush limbaugh that president obama is running a campaign against that president obama is running a campaign against capitalism. >> well it certainly sowns like that's what he is doing. there's no question that he is attacking capitalism in part because i think he does not understand how the free economy works. he never had a job in the free economy either nas vp biden. they spent their lives as community members. >> what do you make of that? >> the obama campaign is running an ad calling romney a vampire. they're saying this -- when you do what he did at bain capital,
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he is like a vampire. >> when you nuk all of the nutrients out of something and leave it dead, what is that? >> this factor -- >> this factory that closed, who was the head of bain when it closed? was it mitt romney or not? >> he loaded up $20 million in their pocket, left the company unable to do the business, driven into bankruptcy. >> if private equity is so bad, why did the president take millions from private equity firms in 2008. why did he just have a fundraiser the day the ad went on the air. >> so he's willing to take money? >> yes. >> the president has been saying there's nothing wrong with equity, there's something wrong with -- >> no, that's not what his ad
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says, that's what the president said when he politicized the nato summit. >> i agree with you, but romney's first add was pretty good. here he is with his new add about what first day of the romney presidency would look like airing in iowa, ohio, the carolinas, and virginia. >> day one romney announces deficit reductions, ending the era of big government. president romney stands up to china on trade and demands they play by the rules. president romney begins repealing job killing regulations. >> an obama super pac countered with their version of a romney administration be like? >> i like being able to fire people who provide services to
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me. >> i'm not concerned about the very poor. >> don't stop the foreclosure process, let it run it's course and hit the bottom. >> first of all, how does he declare the end of deficit sp d spending? he just declares the end of all deficit spending. >> he can start with a balanced budget amendment. >> that's how you declare it? >> at least we're in favor of banding deficit spending. we have been talking about the balanced budget amendment for 25 years. >> will he go down to the republicans in congress and say you have to cut the fence, pass a hue debt deal and not walk away like john boehner did. >> first of all, john boehner did not walk away. president obama changed the details and blew up.
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if you win the house, senate -- and you cut medicare, you're out the next time. >> i think we have to rework the whole way we rationalize our system. >> it won't be done on day one either. >> a lot less paperwork is key to it. >> good question by the way. let me finish with a basic question about mitt romney. does he want to be president of the united states or just the 1%? [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation.
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uh, nope. just, uh, checking out my ad. nice. but, y'know, with every door direct mail from the postal service, you'll find the customers that matter most: the ones in your neighborhood. print it yourself or find a local partner. and postage is under 15 cents. i wish i would have known that cause i really don't think i chose the best location. it's not so bad... i mean you got a deal...
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let me finish tonight with this. mitt romney has one pitch, and since it's his only one, he makes it again and again. that he spent his life in business, and this is why he, is a better man than the president to direct the business of the country. but the question, and an important one, is if romney would take his business training and use it for the country or take the office of the presidency and use it to help his fellow business people. will he serve the people or the ceos? it's a basic useful question to ask. what if he plays in ways that favor the wealthy like himself. what if he eliminates
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environmental and safety regulations or the financial regulations put in place since 08 and 09. what if he can't see what was done wrong before, but wants instead to do it all over again? this is the danger. we elect presidents to look out for the people. people like mitt romney already have a voice in our government, they're called lobbyist. they pull back on regulation to make live easier for them. would but like a lobbyist to be president? someone that only thinks about the interest of big business, what working conditions we have to endure, protections for foo safety were airline safety, the safety of our investments from wall street? is that what we want looking out for us? those with the primary concern that mitt romney calls
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