tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC May 25, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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menendez, steve kornacki of, buzzfeed editor-in-chief, the always eternal little buzzy ben smith. mitt romney is doing his best to sell his resume to the american public but there's a glaring hole in his pitch. the four years he spent as governor of massachusetts. duly noted says the president. >> he doesn't really talk about what he did in massachusetts. but he does talk about being a business guy. >> that might be because for the past year, mitt romney has equated the running of the state of massachusetts to a clinton eras controversy. >> i spent 25 years in business, only four years as a governor, and i joke that i didn't inhale. >> i spent four years as a governor. i joke that i didn't inhale. >> four years in government. i didn't inhale. i promise. >> only four years as governor. i didn't inhale. >> mitt romney's campaign is
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down today. he'll be heading from his home in massachusetts to his other home in california. joining me to help us step into the way back machine is "time" magazine and msnbc senior political analyst mark halperin. he joins us from cambridge, massachusetts. mark, wonderful to see you as always. >> alex, it's wonderful to be here. my first time ever using an the gergen cam which i'm excited about. >> there's a brass plaque that calls it the gergen cam. >> yeah, i'm rum anding through his makeup kit. pretty interesting stuff in it. >> mark, let's talk about the -- your compatriot john mile heilemann said a couple days ago that the next phase for team obama was romney's record as governor of massachusetts. certainly they've been talking a lot about his record at bain. is this the inevitable next step and if it is, is this the timing that the obama re-election team wanted or did they want the bain thing to have legs a little
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longer than it seems to have had? >> my guess is they'll be doing the kind of copious research they do to figure out how long to stay with the bain attack. they want to go after him certainly at some point for his record in massachusetts and they've done a little bit. he did a fund-raiser in massachusetts last night, and as always, both sides doing a lot of bracketing to try to say that he was a failure in massachusetts. i think there's different ways for them to go at it. one of the ways i think is certainly on jobs. they're going to say he was a failure on job creation. that's neither from the left nor the right. to some extent they'll say he was a big spendner massachusetts. and again, they've already started that line of attack, as well. >> i think it's interesting, politico makes the comment today, no candidate in modern history has so aggressively undersold what has been seen as the most desirable qualification for the presidency since the 1970s, running a state. does romney have a response to
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his tenure as the governor of massachusetts? >> well, look, there's lots of reasons for him mot to want to discuss it, health care and the individual mandate probably front and center even though he's out of the nomination process he doesn't want to give the white house more of an ability to say that obama care was based on romney care. he also had a mixed record as governor of massachusetts. health care was his big achievement. he did doll other things that i think at times, he has referenced on the campaign trail but there's no doubt if you listen to his normal stump speech, if you'd listen to his main speech why he thinks he should be elected, it's got nothing do with his one time in public office as governor of massachusetts, more about his business credentials and more about not being the president to try to say he would reverse a lot of the presidents positions regardless of what's on his resume. >> steve, in terms of a strategy for the white house or for the obama re-election team, the romney record is as mark says, a
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mixed bag. on one hand, they've tried to paint him as a flip-flopper, a severe conservative. now when you look at his record in massachusetts, you have a model for the affordable care act there, you have fairly moderate social issues. it's much tougher to draw a distinction between the president and mitt romney looking at his time in the governor's office. >> it is. i don't know how much of this applies to a campaign strategy for obama. romney is sort of underselling his ten years as massachusetts governor. he could undersell it even more. he was a two-year governor. and he basically checked out in 2004. there was the gay marriage ruling from the supreme court in mass mats which forced him to decide between am i going to play to my constituency or national constituency the republican party. second, he made an honest effort in 2004, put his prestige on the line as governor to elect republicans to the pass mass state legislature and to govern the state more as a republican.
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they lost seats. november '048 on, he checked out of the state. the only thing he did after that point was health care, but beyond that, he was out of the state all the time in 2005, all time in 2006. i wonder if that's something -- that's a message that might resonate a little bit. the guy didn't care about the job. >> wasn't particularly well liked. romney is not expected to carry massachusetts. if he wins elected office, he'll be first president to do that since the civil war i think. >> there was a poll this week he's 25 points down in massachuset massachusetts. that's a state that tilts very, very blue in presidential elections. the people who know him best have him down 25 points. >> what does it is say about the republican party that he can't use this asset to his advantage? i mine, this is the type of candidate who should be able to come into a general and say listen, i governed in a blue as blue state. i know how the to have a legislature that compromises. that should be something he's able to sell. instead, he knows he couldn't have gotten out of the primary
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by tooting his horn on health care. now he can't return to it. even bigger than this election, it's a problem for the republican party that you cannot get out of the primary as a moderate. >> it's about he's still in may worrying about the republican base because he has a great story to tell. he may have checked out. ultimately, he passed this major, major piece of bipartisan legislation, exactly the sort of thing americans in theory want their leaders to be able to do. >> mark, you're in massachusetts. the big dig has its own share of controversy around it. how much muckraking do you think the obama re-elect campaign is doing in mitt romney's time in the state? >> i think they'll do a lot and try to cherry pick things. i think in some cases they'll attack him from the right and to go at this issue of competency. but look, there's no laboratory. there's no apples to apples comparison in any of this. i think as we get closer to
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november and when the realities of the fiscal cliff that's going to have to be dealt with either in the lame duck session or in january gets more focused by the voters i think the accomplishment on health care will be something he may start to talk about in the sense that he was a governor of a blue state as a republican, overwhelmingly democratic legislature and although people are critical how he dealt with the rank and file, he was able to strike a deal with the leadership, with senator kennedy to get health care passed. the president will have to speak to that issue more than now. reality, one of these guys is going to be president. no one will have 60 votes in the senate. i think he might start to talk at least parts of massachusetts when we get to the fall just as, as you asked, the democrats are going to start to talk about things i think again to try to get his right on spending and to try to go after his record on confidence. on the big dig, there's plenty to say how he did with that. it's not all good for him. he didn't deserve all the blame,
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but there are a lot of things to criticize about his leader shup during that period. >> the big dig as a campaign weapon doesn't seem to be the most potent weapon you might use. i want to, steve, politico, mike allen and jim van dehigh writing today about the president's problems of late. beau, not romney is the one with the muddled message and often comes across as baldly political and facing blowback from his own party on the central issue of the campaign so far, romney's history with baip and obama not romney is the one falling behind in fund-raising. when we're talking about health care, we have the supreme court decision going to be handed down. all this discussion about the president and the affordable care act is thrown into a hornet's nest depending on the decision. >> mark suggests the possibility of romney talking more about the health care accomplishment in massachusetts. i would be interested to see how he could say that and an square that with everything he's had to say in the republican primary about how this is not something the country should be doing nationally and he sees as a
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model. i do agree that will obama, it's probably not been an ideal few weeks for obama. there was a poll this morning that speaks to the reason why. to me, it's not so much about messagen and bain and all that stuff. it's about the profound level of economic anxiety out there. this poll from "the washington post" captured middle class voters optimistic where the country is going feel a little secure about their own be personal situations are voting for obama handily. those who feel anxious and still are being personally affected by the economy overwhelmingly turning against him. people liking that are looking for reasons to vote against him. that's going to be challenging no matter what. >> mark halperin, we have to leave it there. if you find david gergen's powder puff, let us know because the museum wants it. >> it's a deal. >> coming up, mitt romney's campaign tries to make a play for african-american and hispanic voters. we'll look at the uphill climb next on "now." [ barking ] i'm your dog,
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mitt romney was in west philadelphia yesterday to talk education and did not exactly receive a warm welcome. i believe we have footage of the romney bus actually pulling up outside of a school where he was holding an event, and just greeted by protesters, mayor michael nutter had plenty to say. alicia, the polls show mitt romney doing, i don't even think the word poorly suffices. i've used at official term womping vis-a-vis the president among black community in this country. he is losing 88 to 2% among
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hispanics. the spread is about 34%. here is my question. why now and why west philadelphia? if you are a romney adviser, why west philadelphia? >> similarly there was this coalition of latino business leader who's met at the chamber of commerce and everyone gave a speech on business. romney got up this week and gave a speech on education. they've decided they want to find places where they can push in education. choosing to do it in minority communities makes sense because they have room to gain in the communities, it will be on this issue. that said, the way mitt romney chooses to talk about these issues is a problem. he's so condescending, talking to african-americans about how they need to raise their children in two-parent households. this is not the way in which you endear yourself no a minority community. >> also, keep if mind, frank, you had a great piece in the times talking about jeremiah
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wright and the vitriol forwarded by those on the right. he said i repudiate those attacks but a lot of folks think he has been vo i have russ enough. >> if he wants to the win swing voters he has to show he's trying to be an inclusive person. everyone in the middle wants a lead reaching out to meverybody. i think what he's doing is trying to show he's a compassionate skirtive. while he's not going to win a lot of black votes or latino image, he does need that if he's going to get the middle. >> so you think this is an optics thing for romney swing voters? from a messaging stained point, we need to communicate and relate to these communities how they are being impacted by obama's policies. it's part of who we are. we have to show up. of the things mitt romney, your mouth is agog just what?
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but among the policies that romney discussed at this event was talk of a two-parent household. it was also talk about class size. you know, romney's education policy effectively gives $26 billion to needy schools. to students to pick where they want to go which would probably disenfranchise many schools in low income neighborhoods. the question is, is it in any way surprising that voters or at least the folks in west philosophy don't want to hear what he has to say? >> i don't think it was about winning votes notice communities like west philadelphia. it reminds me of the republican conventions in 1996, 2000 i think. they featured a lot of blank minority speakers at the convention because they had a really bad experience in 1992 where at tear convention they came off too extreme. somebody made the joke the republican convention was like an nba game. everybody on the stage was black, everyone in the audience
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was white. >> what if when you have your bus pull up and people are protesting, a protester told "the washington post," she is "personally offended. he visited her neighborhood and spoke his garbage." >> the organized political leaders in philly are very close to the teachers unions. i mean, that's i assume who organized this protest outside the events. there's like a minority in these communities frustrated with the state of schools who is open to breaking down the public school system and looking at charter schools which are often better, sometimes worse. it's not the thing that buses lots of people to protests. >> i want to talk bush administration mitt romney's interview with peggy noonan in "the wall street journal" where he is quite forthcoming about mistakes being made. he says, it was a phone interview, it's his own mistakes noonan writes that make me want to kick myself in the seat of my pants that cause me to try and be a little more careful in what i say.
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i've had a couple of those during the campaign which have haunted me a little bit but i'm sure before this is over will haunt me a lot. asked for an example, he mentions i like to be able to fire people. we wasn't back into the vault and president obama reminded everybody yesterday of romney's comments about cooperations being people, too. take a look at those comments. >> corporations are people, my friend. we can raise taxes. of course, they are. everything that corporations are goes to people. >> the last time he visited these is very same fairgrounds, he famously declared that corporations are people. >> so mitt romney, corporations are people, too. the man knows alicia, that he has made mistakes. i think you know, those kind of interviews with people like peggy noonan are great for him. they humanize him in a way and show he understands at saying i like to fire people is not going to win hearts and minds into we
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were talking earlier about the the high school accident. he should have said, yes, i did it, mistakes were made and pivoted off of it. so far, prior to this interview, you actually have never seen him willing to take responsibility or admit mistakes. if he can do this, i think he could definitely do better going into the general. >> you also saw in there when he's on the stump, he's so aware the next word he says could be a disaster. he's so buttoned up. and you can sort of see, us saw al gore get into this position in 2000, so afraid of tripping over that next word, it really limits their ability to connect. >> this is a lifelong in politics pattern for mitt romney. i can remember his first campaign in 1994 in pascucci, he talked about how he and his wife had gotten to know and explore massachusetts and seen it all from boston to worse city. there was a lot of mass as after worcester. it played right into that. >> i don't know if you can hear the laugh. it's not a laugh track but almost sounds like a laugh track
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on that corporations are people, too. people are belly laughing at the notion that corporations are people too as romney seems to have learned somewhat of a lesson. at least we haven't had things like that in awhile. there are many months left. after the break, billionaire and part-time birther, donald trump is set to join mitt romney on the funds raising circuit. does romney need to go down that road? we'll discuss it next. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] is this what we're doing now? don't get me wrong, i love the french. french fries i love, french kissing. they lost me at the french press. i don't want a plunger anywhere near my coffee.
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las vegas hosted by trump. just last hour, trump paid a visit to the women of the view." >> i have something for you, my birth certificate. >> don't believe it. >> i'd like to see obama's. >> frank, trump, the donald tweeted on turks i wonder if at barack obama ever applied to okay dental columbia or harvard as a foreign sund. when can we see his applications? what do they say about his place of birth. now, it's coming from trump, right? on some level we expect these sort of shenanigans. at the end of the day, rollny is doing a fund-raiser with trump. we're all sitting here talking about donald trump before he has learned if he presses the level of birth certificate, he gets a fresh round of headlines. it's good for ratings, good for attention for a nar sissist. the ladies at "the view" were laughing as they handed him a birth certificate. it's not funny. >> it isn't at all. the idea that it's something
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being used against the president i think is sort of hilariously disgusting if that's such a thing. but the bigger question is, i mean, to what degree does donald trump have a seat at the table in the republican party? he's joked about speaking at the republican national convention and wanting a primetime slot. chris matthews asked him -- sorry, he asked newt gingrich about it. this is something trump has been lobbying for for om time. >> he was pleading. he was demanding. but i think he may. romney already kind of owns him. they have a great handshake where romney is looking away from the camera. >> does could donald trump own mitt romney or romney own trump? whose party is it? >> the i think what trump has shown is that the kind of stuff four years ago that would have been outside the pale as racist is fair game for somebody to say and show up on the stage with romney the next day.
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>> kornacki, will we see a trump keynote at the rnc? >> i thought the leverage he's channeling the base here. trump has this media platform. he says something, we all talk about it. maybe there's an awareness i don't want to be on his wrong side because he'll be dashing me. we've been talking about when is this omni sister soldier moment going to come. there's a new interview today where trump is saying it flat out, absolutely obama was born in kenya. i wonder if this is the moment when romney has room to say there's a lot i don't like about obama. >> this could work not in romney's favor. trump is a device i be figure. the dnc has an ad beak making fun of the dinner with trump saying dinner with barack, you're fireds up. dinner with romney, you're just
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fired. if you're seeing this and sort of skeptical how conservative mitt romney is, breaking bread with donald trump to raise money is not exactly assuring those who are about his politics. >> it's funny when you talk to people, members of the gop, they always complain about the fact there are no celebrities on their side. the best they can do is sort of go after obama. he hangs out with george clooney. and i think this is unfortunately for them the closest thing they have to a celebrity. >> wow. >> surrogate. they're using him the aim way the obama campaign is using is sarah jessica parker. he comes with a ton of baggage bigger and better than sex in the city. >> is sarah jessica parker shuddering at the comparison? >> she should be offended. >> never mind. we're not going to get into the "sex and the city" trump card. while mitt romney hitches his wagon to the ryan budget plan,
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we'll take a look at bromances and frenemies when we discuss presidential congressional relationships next on "now." today i'm talking with melonie who loves to garden but doesn't think walmart has all her favorite brands. you want to check it out? let's go. yes. ok, you're a gardener -- you're going to love this. low prices on round-up, miracle-gro -- it's a miracle! did you know walmart had the same great brands as every other gardening store? no, honestly i didn't. you know what'll really make your yard look great? what? these mosaic solar lights. oh they're beautiful. sunshine not guaranteed. low prices, gnome what i mean? even miracle-gro potting mix. you want one? three. three? uh, it's okay. see for yourself. walmart's got just what your garden needs. backed by our low price guarantee. yard well done. yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall.
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why? i thought jill was your soul mate. no, no it's her dad. the general's your soul mate? dude what? no, no, no. he's, he's on my back about providing for his little girl. hey don't worry. e-trade's got a totally new investing dashboard. everything is on one page, your investments, quotes, research... it's like the buffet last night. whatever helps you understand man.
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i'm watching you. oh yeah? well i'm watching you, watching him. [ male announcer ] try the new 360 investing dashboard at e-trade. what i see in mitt romney are the kinds of tools, the kinds of skills and character and attributes you feed in a leader. he makes decisions. he doesn't pander. i believe he's the right guy for the times. i think he's going to beat barack obama. i think we're going to save it country. >> that was house budget committee chair paul ryan at the reagan library this week predicting that mitt romney will win this november, a romney victory could set the wheels in motion for representative ryan to drastically remake the government next year. gentlemen and women, gentlemen and woman, we have talked about actually the action this year that will decide the fate of this country i think are the congressional races, right? if the republicans held on to
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the house and capture the senate, it changes the game for president romney or president obama. and certainly, the ryan budget has been hugely under explored. i had a laminated card made with all the details or with the details we know about the budget, including the fact that it uninsures up to 57 million americas and balances deficit on the backs of the poor and working class. i seem to have memorized stats. i don't have the card anymore. steve, let's talk about paul ryan and mitt romney. they love each other. jonathan writing in new york magazine, ryan has been setting up the big gamble for a long time, win the presidency, house senate trifecta and pass his plan. everything he is doing is geared toward locking the rest of his party into it. >> what you said up there with yeah, we've got the presidential election but think about the house and senate. if romney becomes president and you have a republican house and senate, that's where the power is. the power really is in the house because what we've seen in the
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primary campaign is a, how suspicious the republican party base is about romney and b in the presidential campaign and in every senate and house primary, how willing they are to rise up against anybody they deem impure, anything like that. so the pressure romney is going to have much less wiggle room than a republican with more solid conservative cree deckses going in which means here's the paul ryan budget. you'd better sign this. >> fundamentally you watch ryan and mitt romney together, they seem to be kindred spirits. it's worth noting that team romney met with mitch mcconnell this week. it's always interesting to try and unpack the coordination. how much house, republican or senate republican leadership is in touch with the campaign. right now, ben, they seem to be walking fairly in lock step. >> i mean, i think what you'll see in the fall is the house republican leadership, romney is going to have to push away from them a little for it, will give him more space than maybe we
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expect to say hazy things about the ryan budget, to wiggle a little bit to distance himself from specific elements of it. i've talked to leadership aides on the hill. they are totally ready to give romney lots of space on the hill if he needs it. >> on the flipside, the president's relationship with congress has been at times frosty. top democrats kent conrad, chair of the senate budget committee, tom harkin, chair of pensions committee, jeff bingman chair of the energy resources committee have not talked to the president in months. you question the relationship between the two. it does not seem warm. we know the president met with leadership. but in terms of coordinating the message, that does not seem to be there. >> the most common thing i hear from democrats on the hill is how distant he seems. he doesn't reach out. how he basically has a chilly governing style. i think that's actually something we haven't talked a lot about in terms of the coming campaign. i think it will dim senses the
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ar door and enthusiasm that certain party leaders bring toward it, not in ways they necessarily intend. it's impossible to feel as passionate about someone who essentially ignores you as it does who reaches out to constantly. >> when he reaches out to you, gives you a to-do list. the president giving congress things he would like to see them get done. >> to a certain degree running against them has prevented him from enacting major pieces of legislation he would have liked to tackle in his third year. >> he sort of runs against politics itself. what you have in obama is a politician who's gotten 0 to the highest rung but shows a very palpable distaste for politics itself. so i think one of the problems in his relationship with congress is they sense this distaste he has for the sausage making of legislation which is what happens on capitol hill. >> the one thing i would say is, it's sort of academic at this point and became academic after the 2010 midterms.
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there wasn't going to be any agenda obama could advance. but look back to his first years that, congress. that was one of the most productive and accomplished congresses since the great society. he got a lot done. >> nancy pelosi got her caucus in order. speaking of pelosi, she has in a letter to speaker john boehner she is pushing to extend the bush tax cuts for those making under $1 million. this is interesting because the president has been traditionally someone who's advocated to extend them for those making $250,000 or less. it is definitely a cleave. the question is how the white house responds to this. certainly how republican leadership responds to it. it would seem to suggest that there is some coordination between arguably one of the most powerful women in congress and the president on a very important, a key issue to tackle before the end of the year. >> this is sort of an example of what frank was talking about. there's not the open lines of communication, good will sense there's all exactly on the same
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team. pelosi wasn't trying to jam up the white house with this but also wasn't thinking what is the most helpful thing i could do for president obama. >> sheefrz also thinking they'll only defend tax cuts for millionaires and above. the post outs her position offers the benefit of letting democrats argue -- tax cuts below that level remain off-limits. do democrats really want their new slogan to be almost as irresponsible as the republicans? again, something if you think about what's happening with republicans both in terms of would be presidential leadership and congressional leadership, i can't imagine this kind of things happening, a testament to perhaps the president's lack of appetite for getting in the muck and mire of congressional politics. the muck and mire only seem to be increasing. >> things are going to get more
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confused from here. on top of that, you have the fact that everybody is really on the campaign trail, not just the president but every house member. everything everyone does or says is refracted through the fact they're trying to get eelected. >> the cbo reporting we will be plunged into recession if the bush tax cuts are not extended. next time after the break, as summer kicks off, many americans are fueling up. but what is washington doing to put together a long-term energy policy? we'll take a look next. [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach.
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>> that was president obama in newton, iowa, yesterday, pushing for clean energy tax credits. this weekend marks the unofficial start of summer and this year pain at the pump is not so acute. the national average price for a gallon of regular is $3.67, down 17 cents from a month ago and 14 cents from a year ago. it's good news for the economy and it maybe it makes it easier for president obama to get energy back on the table. i mean, well, i would think it would actually, contrary to my script. it actually, i mean it gives president obama a little bit of an opening to start talking about renewables again which has been sort of a boggy man or booingyman. he has not wanted to talk about it i think in large part because the republicans have used solyndra effectively within washington. as we said during the break, i don't think most of this country has any idea what it is. here we have the president talking about wind energy and
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renewables, steve. >> i feel the whole issue of energy he has been the way the political dialogue runs in washington, he's been on the defensive. solyndra has been part of it and the ski stone pipeline. the republicans are saying look, here are guaranteed jobs and something for homegrown energy. why aren't we doing this. there's a consequence for his party, too. there are a couple of races democrats are making a lot of noise about a senate race in south dakota they have a chance of winning. i think it's really hurting the democratic candidate out there. it's an issue where i think there's sort of a conflict between obama once he has the environmental base he wants to cater to, but the way the issue is portrayed doesn't necessarily work in the party's favor. >> i think democrats thought they had this winning issue with green energy, green jobs and particularly in coal country in places like pennsylvania, ohio they got killed. republicans are starting to talk about brown energy. john ellis had the great column of it's sort of their winning
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issue, shale extraction, instant jobs in ohio, pennsylvania particularly. i think republicans love to talk about that. >> i mean it, look, the numbers are there. it's helped with unemployment in some of those states. mitt romney has been talking education and also energy. this is what he said in an interview with the inimitable mark halperin just a day ago. >> i will have a very different policy to take advantage of coal, oil, natural gas as well as our renewables and nuclear. make america the largest energy producer in the world. i think we can get there in 10 or 15 years. that will bring back manufacturing of certain high energy intensive industries. it will bring back jobs. it will create a surprising economic revitalizization in this country. >> alicia, you're going to tell people at home, were you rolling your eyes or just closing them? >> i think they're stuck up in my head right now. we can't have a debate from this
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if we're not operating from the same set of facts. domestic oil production is up. administration has put emphasis in their energy policy on that at the same time talking about renewables. so i would love to know how mitt romney thinks his plan is materially different than barack obama's short of talking about things like keystone which you have people going wild over short of talking about opening up even more regions to domestic -- it's ridiculous. >> the president has touted the dependence on foreign oil has gone down every year. america is now producing more domestic oil than anytime in the last eight years and natural gas and biofuels, as well. some credit due to the bush administration because they put some of these plans in place. but the question is, you know, i mean on energy, it is -- it is worth mentioning, frank, that one of romney's energy adviser is oklahoma oil billionaire ar harold ham who has already given $1 million to restore our future. >> what you're seeing happen with energy is what you're going to see happen with issue of an
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issue which is the attempt by romney and the republicans to paint obama as a pawn of liberal interest groups. so regardless of whatever facts you just read, there's going to be an attempt to say he's in the pocket of environmentalists and they're controlling the way he votes. keystone presented an opening to make that argument. when it comes to education, you'll hear about the teachers union. the narrative is going to be the president responds not to the will of the american people but to special liberal interest groups. >> bp is something he cut off deep sea drilling and doesn't want us to produce oil and gas in this country regardless of the fact that the permitting process is basically on track. coming up, congratulations, graduates. we'll school you how the candidates fareed this week when we look back and ask, what just happened? that's next. man: 1939 -- my parents ran across an ad for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace." so my parents went to bank of america.
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they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you." and we've been loyal to bank of america for the last 71 years. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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this week was about taking the next step. and "saturday night live" andy sandberg helped guide the way. it's time to look back and ask, what just happened? >> relax, dude. you just finished college at harvard. i went to santa cruz, and then i transferred to film school. and i'm rich. >> as graduating seniors went through the annual rites of passage, mitt romney went back to school. >> we all smile, right? smile. >> laughter is hollow. it's empty. >> look at the eyes. there's nothing there. >> unfortunately, the governor still hadn't learned a few key lessons, namely drop the dog thing. >> shamus as his name is climbed up by himself, enjoyed his ride. >> who let the dogs out, who, who. >> good boy. >> for those beginning a job
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certainly, the first step is it usually putting together a solid resume. >> the president's is experience has been exclusively in politics and as a community organizer. >> you're missing what this job is about. >> that's like saying when you're president of godfather's pizza, you made one pizza. that doesn't qualify you to be president. >> touting one's own experience without sounding too arrogant. >> i wish i could bat 1,000, i can't. but i'm in the investors hall of fame. >> 2012 is a great time to be graduating from college. sure the job mark is a little slow. >> there are still some positions that no one wants to take. >> still some questions about the vice presidential slot with mitt romney. >> if i thought that call was coming, i'd disconnect the phone. >> i might start with the most popular question. >> no. >> if all else fails, part-time work is one way to get by, spinning records or rapping. >> when he, cory in the house of
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pain. >> ultimately the lessons learned in college will last a lifetime. but no matter where you land, always, always remember your passions. >> i love animals in zoos. >> do you like the reptile house? >> yes, they're astonishlying successful. >> and never forget the advice of your graduation speaker. >> in the end, it's up to each of us to define ourselves. >> you leave liberty with conviction and confidence as your armor. >> it is that fundamental faith that american optimism which says no challenge is too great. >> just remember these beautiful words from the film "dead poet society." neil! my neil is dead. my boy! >> did everyone catch the dog riding the bicycle? probably the most important part of that video other than the
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incredible buzzfeed from the vault clip of mitt romney saying he's probably in the investors hall of fame. >> quite a moment. >> quite a moment. ben, what advice would you give to college graduates graduating this season? this is a tougher question than i usually ask. >> that is a tougher question. i guess i would give people graduating who want to be journalists the advice that they should worry a lot about the social web and not very much about websites. >> wow. the social web and not websites. actual advice. >> actual advice. >> i'm not smart enough to give advise to graduates. if there's a veterinary school looking for a commencement graduate, newt gingrich could give an address. >> if anybody has not seen the chris matthews interview with newt gingrich, look at it immediately on whatever social network or website you would like to look at it on. it is must see tv. and there is an exchange about cobras and black mambas that is an important piece of television.
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>> do you have a favorite reptile? >> i do have. it's on i'm being told or actually our website i do have a favorite reptile. that would be the burmese python. alicia, comments to -- or advice, good thoughts for graduates graduating? >> yeah, don't go to law school just because you don't know what you want to do with your life. i took the lsat which is the most painful part, filled out the applications and didn't do it because i didn't want to do it. and every day when i hear my law school friends complaining about how i have the job of their dreams and they're in a allow firm, i am reminded unless you want to be a lawyer, you don't need to go to law school. >> frank bruni. >> based on what we just watched my advice would be if you're going to follow politics closely, have a very robust sense of humor. >> i have a very good sense of humor if you're going to be on this show or watching the show i
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would say. thank you again to our panel, frank, alicia, receive and ben. that is all for now. this memorial day weekend. i will see you back here not on monday but on tuesday at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific/10:00 a.m. mountain when i'm joined by glenn thrush. the "chicago sun-times" lynn sweet, the boston globe's scott helman and steve core knackster kornacki. he's coming back. but until then, you can find us at we should have highlights from that chris matthews up. am a.m. reports is next. good afternoon to you, andrea. happy memorial day weekend have a great holiday. and you'll hear coming up the remarkable story of a once promising football star, a high school star exonerated now after serving more than five years in prison for a rain he didn't commit. brian banks will join me next. plus "meet the press" moderator and david gregory and romney
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adviser kevin madden. "andrea mitchell reports" up next. have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long. mmmm... no good! no good? no good! so you chose geico over the other. whatever this insurance is, it's no good. ok so you... [ thunk ]
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," barnyard brawl. president obama campaigns for iowa by going local. >> govern romney came to des moines last week. warned about a prairie fire of death. that's what he said. prairie fire. but he left out om facts. you know, his speech was more like a cow pie distortion. we'll get reaction from both campaigns. and the company you keep. what do you get when you campaign with the donald? cold case confession. exactly 33 years to the day after etan patz' disappearance, the dramatic final chapter, but is the mystery solved? pl
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