tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 25, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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can call it that in terrorist bombings is the idea of a double bomb. an initial bomb big any to cause damage maybe to injure people, maybe to kill people, but the important part is the first bomb has to be big enough to attract attention, to attract help. the first bomb has to lure in a lot of rescuers. once those people are on the scene, that's when the second bomb goes off. that was the tactic used in 1997 in the united states when this man set off a double bomb outside an abortion clinic in sandy springs, georgia. eric rudolph is remembered for bombing the atlanta olympics. after he bombed the olympics and went on the run, that same guy bombed a gay bar in at llanta a
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an abortion clinic in birmingham, alabama. when he bombed that abortion clinic in sandy springs, georgia, the first bomb went off at 9:30 in the morning. it ripped out part of a wall at the clinic. it destroyed the clinic. an hour later, the second bomb went off in a trash can just outside the building. this double bombing was designed to give responders enough time to arrive on the scene and figure out what the first bomb was about and the second bomb exploded then to try to kill the emergency responders. six people were hurt by the second blast including a federal atf agent the they said it was a miracle that the second blast did not kill anyone. that was the women's clinic in sandy strings, georgia in 1997. this year another women's clinic in the same place just about a
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mile from the bombing was hit by burglaries. that could just be a random break in. a couple of months before that another women's clinic had been burglarized. it was a place about 15 miles away from the sandy springs location. there was one burglary and another one in early march and then two weeks after the clinic this sandy springs was burglarized there was another break in at the offices of the georgia society. three burglaries and then a couple of weeks after the third burglary, on april 5th, the atlanta journal constitution published this letter. it's a letter arguing against a 20-week abortion ban that was just passed. it came from the infertility conso consortium. the letter was not signed by any
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medical member. they said a professional group of doctors opposes the bill recently passed that out laws abortions after 20 weeks. because of threats of violence and outbreaks of vandalism at their offices, not one physician would sign his or her individual name to the following column. it's a safety issue said the doctor who went it. one of our doctors got 25 threatening phone calls. unfortunately because of intimidation we have to find a different way to get our message out. because of threats this group of doctors who oppose this new abortion ban in georgia felt it necessary to public their opinion anonymously. that was in april. that was last month just as the legislature gave final passage to that new abortion ban in the state of georgia. that ban was signed into law by the governor there about three weeks ago. then, just this past sunday, very early in the morning, something else happened.
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a fire broke out at an ob/gyn clinic. investigators called that fire suspicious. it caused heavy damage to the clinic but nobody was in the office at the time to have the fire so nobody was hurt. that was on sunday. then on wednesday of this week, another fire. on wednesday of this week another fire at another women's clinic in suburban at lan. this time the fire was set during business hours. patients were being seen at the time. it took more than 20 firefighters to put out the flames. the third floor of the building is reported to have sustained extensive damage. the lower floors were damaged by water when the out the third flr blaze. employees said they saw two men go upstairs and then leave the building in a hurry just minutes before the fire was discovered up on the third floor. clinic workers were able to get the building evacuated. the clinic workers say they are
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thankful there were no patients under sedation in the clinic. thankfully, it was not true at that moment. everybody got out safetily and nobody was hurt. the fbi is investigating both of the clinic fires this week as arson. they released these photos saying they are looking for this man. described as a black male driving a gray mercury marquis. they are looking at him for a witness to the fire. an atf spokesman said they are investigating whether there's a connection between the burglaries and the two fires. an employer from the clinic that was the target has told the huffington post that the clinic will be up and running next week and none of the workers will be intimidated by the protest, threats or by the violent attacks. we're going to have stricter surveillance and we're just going to keep treating patients with respect and dignity.
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their end result will be the n pententiary. that strikes the same court of one of the victims of eric rudolph. a part-time security guard was killed. she was laying in pools of blood and glass-her entire body was full of nails. when eric was finally sentenced for that bombing of that clinic in 1998. when he was sentenced in 2005, he said to him, it really doesn't matter what you say because i will go back to my home and you will go back to jail. the clinics in town will still be open and abortion will still be legal.
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there's a history of terroristic violence of abortion workers in this country. there's two thing s that stand out in the atlanta area over the last few weeks. two things that i think deserve some attention. there's one detail about wednesday's fire. clinic workers report seeing two men. two men together heading upstairs when the fire started. leaving the building just moments before the fire was discovered. the possibility that two people were working together to commit violence against an abortion clinic is a significant thing. anti-abortion extremist who is have committed murder and clinic bombings and participated in incidents like this in the past have had connections to the extreme anti-abortion movement but they have been lone wolves. they have acted alone. the prospect that people are working together to plan and execute acts of violence adds an
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extra level of alarm to what is already an alarming situation. the other thing that's remarkable about this series of escalating crimes in the atlanta area is an apparent link to policy making and politics to what is happening in the georgia state house. georgia's republican governor signed into law a new bill restricting when women in georgia are allowed to have an abortion. it would be a vast understatement to say the bill was contentious. democrat senators covered themselves in yellow tape chanting loudly enough that they could still be heard inside the chamber once they were outside of it. >> women will remember in november. women will remember in november. women will remember in november. women will remember in november.
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>> one of the issues that was debated as part of that anti-abortion bill was whether to keep the names of doctors who perform abortions private or whether to make abortion doctors names public as part of the state record reports on abortion. what could possibly go wrong? the night before a senate committee was set to debate that point whether to keep them private or release them, the night before the discussion is the night the offices were burglarized. the intruders bypassed three laptops and appeared to make a beeline for two happen to computers in the executive director office which stored the names and addresses of doctors. the night before to publicly release name, computers containing the names of abortion doctors in georgia are targeted
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and stolen when other computers are left behind. the physicians who were victims of these three burglaries and sunday's fire did not perform abortions themselves. they had all visited the state house this session to discuss the impact of abortion related legislation. the president of the burglarized society told the paper, we are concerned that each of these physicians spoke with lawmakers during the session and became targets of felony crimes. this is the pattern that is emerging in the state of georgia right now. physicians who try to speak out about policy making that targets their line of work, becoming the subject of harassment and intimidation and theft and arson. if you're a doctor in georgia right now and try to take a political decision in public. if you speak out on the issue of reproductive rights, it's looking like the possibility that you will soon become the victim of a crime. joining us is the executive vice
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president of the feminist th majority foundation. good to have you here. >> thank you. >> do you see a connection between this series of violence in the atlanta area and politics? >> i don't see how you can't see the connections. you described a very contentious legislative session. it was hostile and brutal according to many of the salespeople i've spoken to. the doctors who testified during the session were receiving death threats at their homes and offices. i don't see how there can be, how you can deny any kind of a connection. you've got this extreme political agenda that's being run not only in congress but in many state legislatures around the country. extreme positions being advocated by religious leaders.
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we've characterized it as war on women. it's fueling the extremism of the most extreme and violent wing of the anti-abortion movement. there can be no question. >> we've never seen as many pieces of anti-abortion legislations moved in this country since roe versus wade. it's unprecedented. over time are there noticeable patterns following more mainstream politics? are you just seeing both of them happening at the same tile right now? the >> there has been a correlation. usually during presidential election years, we've seen the extremist wing, the violent wing tap down the level of activity. any time you see an outbreak of ar sons and bombings and murders and death threat, the public reacts strongly.
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in fact, political candidates who are running on an extreme anti-abortion platform are hurt by that in an election. what we've been surprised by is how the extremist politicalically mat, this w politicalical politicalically climate has fueled them. we're surprised at the death threats, stalks at their home. a clinic director in alabama was physically assaulted. we've been surprised at how brazen the violent wing has acted out this year even during a presidential election year. we've just come through a republican primary season where the candidates all pledged not only to outlaw abortion but to go after birth control. this is how extreme the debate on the war on women has become. it clearly has imboem boldened e
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that would use violence and murder. >> even people whom have been associated with the movement when they acted in a violent way whether it was arson or bombing or a murder it's usually one person acting alone. if there's pair of suspects acting together as law enforcement has indicated there may be in these atlanta cases, is that a new thing? does that seem like an important detail to you? >> it is an important detail. remember in the sandy spring bombing, eyewitnesss seen eric rudolph in the company of another man before the bombings and after the bombings. the other suspect was never found or arrested. i have to say that we don't know whether there have been other people involved in planning and executing the murders and the bombings because there's never
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been other people affiliated with the person who actually commits the murder or sets the bomb, arrested and prosecuted. we're waiting right now on the results of a grand jury investigation in wichita. they are looking into whether scott roader, whether he might have been assisted in planning and strategizing. we've argued they are always connected to this other network of extremistextremists. we've got a terrorist movement in this country attacking doctors and abortion providers. it seems to be very closely correlated with the political as well. >> the executive vice president of the feminist majority foundation. this is a tough story. i expect that it should get more
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national coverage as people r e realize it's happening. >> thank you. do you know what vice president biden did today. what he said proceeded with i probably shouldn't have said. we have the tape, next. stay tuned. switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, now it's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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droid does. droid with color for facebook. it's the ultimate status update. get a droid razr maxx by motorola for only $199.99. ♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism. thnchts is called flags in. it happens before memorial day every year.
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1,200 soldiers worked during the day to put flags at the grave sites there. they will come down after memorial day. also every year is the taps survivor seminar. the tragedy assistance program for survivors. at today's t.a.p.s. gather there were more than 2,000 people in attendance. vice president biden was there. jill biden and michelle obama made it their priority to work with military families. the biden's family son served in iraq. it started an off script moment. i don't know if you saw any of this today when it happened. i do not think i've seen a speech like there from a
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president or a vice president. i've never seen something this raw and emotional said by a president or vice president before ever, i don't think. we're going to play an extended clip because i want this to be on the record as news. i want you to know this happened. i think this is a big deal. please watch. >> our son spent a year in iraq. when he came home, it's going to sound strange to you, maybe to anybody but this audience. we felt almost a little guilty because he came home whole because there's so many, so many funerals i've attended, so many bases i've visited. you know not all losses are
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equal. not all losses are equal. what used to drive me crazy, i could be wearing one of those red shirts, not for the military but when i was a 29-year-old kid i got elected to the united states senate out of nowhere on november 7th. i got a phone call like you guys got with someone walking up to me. on december 18th, i was down in washington. i'm the first united states senator i ever knew. i was down in washington hiring my staff. i got a phone call saying that my family had been in an accident. the call said my wife was dead, my daughter was dead, and wasn't sure how my sons were going to make it. christmas shopping and a tractor
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trailer broadsided them in one instant. killed two of them and, well. i have to tell you, i used to resent. i knew people meant well. they'd say i know how you feel. [ applause ] >> i knew they meant well. you knew they didn't have been any idea how you felt, right? isn't that true? that black hole you feel in your chest like you're being sucked back into it. looking at your kids, most you have have kids here and it was the first time in my career, my
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life, i realized someone could go out and i probably shouldn't say this with the press here, but it's more important, you're more important. for the first time in my life i understood how someone could consciously decide to commit suicide. not because they were deranged, not because they were nuts. they had been to the top of the mountain and they knew they were never going to get there again. never going to be that way ever again. that's how an awful lot you have feel. there will come a day, i promise you, and you parents as well, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. it will happen. my prayer for you is that day will come sooner or later. the only thing i have more
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experience than you is, is this, i'm telling you it will come. they say biden how you say i can have an advantage over anything. you have that incredible thing called the military. you are not alone. hang onto each other. hang onto each other. i can't tell you, i can't tell you how deeply the five of us on this stage feel about the sacrifices you've made for this country. that doesn't feel the black hole. you should know only 1% of you have fought these wars and much less thank god than 1% that fought the wars are going through what you're going
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through. we owe you more than we can ever, ever repay you. as i said, my prayer is that that smile will come sooner than later, but i promise you it will come. god bless you all and my god protect our troops. thank you. [ applause ] >> that's vice president biden speaking to gold star families. families who lost a loved one in the military. this sunday is if first memorial day since the end of the iraq war. they will be laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. they are asking people to pledge a moment of silence at 12:01 on monday nowhere where you are. i'm more of an absentee plant parent.
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occasionally a local news clip comes along that sweeps you off your feet. such was the time in salt lake, utah. >> reporter: the only horses in the arena were in this bucket because of an outbreak of contagious and fatal herpes virus. >> we're testing their knowledge and ability to adapt. they are riding stick horses. >> reporter: with a little more effort. >> a stick horse is a lot
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different. you have to do all the work. i think it's going to be a lot more tiring than with a real horse. >> reporter: what really shined were the true trait offense a between, poise and personality amid trying times. >> it's uncontested. the greatest local news clip of all time. god bless you and the stick pony you road in on. there was this local news gem from los angeles last month which doubled as a public service announcement. >> reporter: looks like he's turning into at driveway. we're going to see if we can get another shot. a resident there. >> he just saw the bear. >> the giant black bear meet man who is texting while walking. texting guy, meet, giant black bear. yes, local news. without you i'm nothing. tonight, maybe the best local news clip about mitt romney. we've got it. it's next. stay tuned.
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will take his cars and lower them into a 3,600 foot basement. tonight, we talk to the man that's going to make that happen. it lowers into a subterranean garage. >> it looks like a regular garage floor. when you hit the button, a whole other car comes up. >> infrared lights that surround this is an option. if someone comes too close, it will shut down. >> reporter: brad davies created it. >> we installed one in london, norway. >> reporter: clients included harrison ford and britney spears. first, mitt romney will bulldoze the home and build one that's 11,000 square feet. plans we toelld you about in
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november. the basement alone, 3600 square pet feet. it will have one of these. to store his cars. >> being president of the united states is not exactly a blue collar job. mitt romney is a different breed of cat. his net worth is more than the last eight presidents combined. his wealth is nothing bad. it's just a fact about him. it is a strategic conondrum, how to keep him relatable. they're not going to change who mr. romney is but given his own megawealth, how he talks about the issue of wealth and who has money and who doesn't is an important and sensitive subject for that campaign. >> i'm not concerned about the
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very poor. rick, i'll tell you what, 10,000 bucks. $10,000 bet. >> i'm not in the betting business. >> i drive a mustang and a chevy pickup truck. i like being able to fire people that provide services to me. >> he said in an interview today that he regrets saying that last one. yeah, you can see why he might regret that. if he's trying to appeal to voters who aren't rich like him and maybe on the lower end of the economic spectrum. he would be the wealthiest president in modern history, his economic plan would raise taxes on poor people on purpose. it could single them out on purpose. on average households making less than $20,000 would see their taxes increase by more than 60%.
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medi people making more than a million dollars would get tax cuts averaging 15%, and it's on purpose. it's not an unintended consequence. >> i think it's a real problem when you have half of americans that are not paying income tax. >> that's the real problem. the problem he is trying to fix when it comes to poor people in america is that they have too much money and the government should take some of their money away. it's a real problem. this is the thing in republican politics right now. it sounds crazy. the problem with poor people is they have too much money so government has to fix that by basici in taking money away from the poorest people in the country. this is a thing right now among republicans. >> i think it's abysmal that the bottom 51% do not pay income taxe taxes. >> republicans are anti-tax except that aren't. they are proraising taxes on people that have the least pun.
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they are not ignoring them, they are raising their taxes on purpose. i'm not sure democrats are aware this is happening. everywhere that republicans have control and can set policy, they're not talking this way, they are acting on this. earlier this year republicans this south carolina introduced their tax reform bill. it would raise taxes on the poorest families in south carolina and cut taxes for people who will are well off because poor people have it too easy. after the republican takeover in wisconsin, scott walker enters a budget to cut taxes for everybody in the state except for poor people. scott walker's budget would raise taxes on the poorest people in wisconsin. this week in kansas, that state's republican governor signed a bill into law that cuts taxes for the richest people in the state and raises taxes on poor people. this is amazing. the republican party has this anti-tax reputation but they are only pursuing that for rich
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people. you would they are ignoring people, but they're not. they are seeking out ways to make poor people more poor using the tax code. joining us now is ezra cline. it's great to see you. >> good evening. >> i wanted to talk to you about this because i feel like i need a wonk check. is there some kwaquantitative analysis. >> if you don't have poor people paying income tax, they will want to vote themselves larger and larger shares of government spending because they won't be paying for it. they will see government benefits as free and say we want more medicare, medicaid and food stamps. it's a political economy viewpoint. i think it's important to say it isn't true. when they keep saying income
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taxes most poor people, the main taxes they pay are payroll taxes. the taxes go to fund social security and medicare. beyond that, topeka, kansas pays state and local taxes. poor people and middle class pay large amounts of taxes, the income tax is the one primarily progressive tax we have in this nation. when you only focus in on that, you have taken out the taxes that poor people pay. >> all of these republican legislatures, not everybody, but just about everybody, it's a rounding error to consider who hasn't sworn a blood oath to grover norquist that he or she will never raise taxes on anyone. is there an asterisk in the no tax pledge that says it's cool if you're raising taxes on poor
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people. why aren't they calling for the republicans heads for raising taxes? >> they're not that pure. in his defense, he tends to be quite consistent. he will say, it's not good if you let the payroll tax cut expire. what romney is attempting to do is let some of the stimulus provisions that help out people. he's fairly consistent here. it's more generally republicans who when they talk about what they want to do on taxes. what they really want to do, the way they see the economy is they want to lower taxes on richer folks. the folks they think of as job creators that will unlock some dramatic amount of economic potential. it's important to say there's no economic evidence in that happens and more to the point, we ran a very large experiment on this in 200 when the bush tax cuts cake into effect which is part of the reason poor people don't pay as many income taxes. it did not work. we did not have a wonderful
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decade of economic growth. it hasn't done anything to undermine this theory in republican circles. >> what you're just describing there in terms of their philosophy people in terms of rich people, i feel like we're having a debate about that. i feel like democrats are in denial that it's impossible that republicans will consider it. here on the friday before memorial day, we will launch the national discussion, you and i. >> it's never going to be the same. >> exactly. have a great weekend. thanks for being with us. still to come, the wizard of oz has campaign advice. plus we have a cocktail moment. stay with us. one that continuas and corrects for wheel slip. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today. then...we built it. the 2012 glk.
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for exceptional offers on my journey across america, cocktail moment. it's friday, coming up. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings?
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whanchts makes the hot and tot so hot. what have they got that i ain't got? ever since he won donald trump's endorseme endorsement, ever since that february meeting, mitt romney has made donald trump a leading surrogate. he said he's able to show voters the real mitt romney. he is out there trying. donald trump might be the single best known household name to speak up for mitt romney this year. when he needed to win the
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michigan primary, he called on donald trump and then he robo called you. >> i support mitt romney because he's the outsider in the race. he knows what's happening. he knows how to handle china. he's a good man. he's working hard. we got to get him elected because he's the one person that's going to beat president obama. he will win. you've got to give him that chance. >> this message is paid for by romney fr president. >> donald trump hit the air waves for him in ohio. he told people to vote for mitt romney. he worked so hard for the romney campaign in ohio that mrs. romney thanked him by name and called him an honorary buck eye. he began working on national
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robocalls. he's been key in the fund raising. the week before the michigan primary, the candidate that argued to let detroit go bankrupt ducked back east with donald trump. last month, donald, the trump, fund-raiser at his home in new york city. they hauled in more than $6,000 at that one. donald trump spokesman says the romney campaign wants mr. trump to host another one when mr. romney secures the nomination. whatever it is that mr. trump does for mitt romney, it seems to be working and mr. romney seems to think he needs it. which makes mr. trump's continued inas i say tense that president obama my might not be an american citi that much more for the campaign. he said this, quote, a book publisher came out three days ago and said in his written synopsis of his book, said he was born in kenya and raised in
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indonesia, his mother spent a day in the hospital. donald trump is not letting the birther thing go. but oh, moral dilemma, he is still useful to mitt romney. on tuesday he'll attend a fund-raiser with mitt romney in las vegas. next month, another fund-raiser, the romney campaign offering a chance to dine with donald trump and mitt romney. while donald trump continues to travel the country telling reporters and everybody he meets that president obama is secretly foreign, and is secretly not really the president. he's aitkinian usurper. of after mr. trump's latest trip to birther land, an adviser said next week's fund-raiser with mitt romney and donald trump, that fund-raiser is still on. nobody can be responsible for their views of all of their supporters. if you like mitt romney or you like barack obama, mitt romney or barack obama does not have to answer for everything you think and say just because you like them. but donald trump is not you. donald trump is not just a
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romney supporter. he is a prominent part of the romney campaign. donald trump is a representative of the romney campaign. mr. romney is raising money off of donald trump. they are doing joint appearances, joint fund-raisers, paid robocalls together, and donald trump is preaching that barack obama is not the president. his birth certificate and his sit citizenship are a fraud. if you're mitt romney, what's the right thing to do? you're making a lot of money off this guy, but he's wrong. but you're making a lot of money off this guy, but he's wrong. are you seriously going to do this fund-raiser with donald trump next week, mitt romney? after all the birther stuff was reiterated today? seriously, are you still going to do that fund-raiser? >> what makes the seventh wonder? courage. what makes the dawn clap like thunder? courage.
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what puts the ape in apeman. what do they got that i ain't got? >> courage. >> you can say that again. >> courage, mitt romney. courage. cocktail moment, dead ahead. an airline has planes... and people. and the planes can seem the same so, it comes down to the people. because, bad weather the price of oil those are every airlines reality. and solutions won't come from 500 tons of metal and a paint job. they'll come from people. delta people. who made us one of the biggest airlines in the world. and then decided that wasn't enough. is non-stop to seattle? just carry preparation h totables. discreet, little tubes packed with big relief.
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[ laughs ] dad! [ laughs ] whoo! oh! you're up! oh! oh! so close! now where were we? ok, this one's good for two. score! [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-eat! we lost the cocktail shaker. there could be lots of excuses for doing a cocktail moment this fine friday night. it is geek pride day. also, it is towel day. don't panic if you don't know what that is. that's actually a joke, specifically for people who know what towel day is. also, the fleet is here in new york city. fleet week. all good reasons for a cocktail. but i am picking a different reason for a cocktail moment tonight. and i'm picking it because of hometown privilege. i grew up in the san francisco bay area. this, of course, is the golden
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gate bridge, carrying u.s. 101 from the city of san francisco north to marin county, or the other way around, depending on your perspective. the beautiful, bewitching, other worldly golden gate bridge turns 75 years old this weekend, which is both amazing to think it is 75 years old, and also kind of amazing for the opposite reason to think that there are a lot of people around on this earth who were here before the golden gate bridge was here. in any case, happy birthday to the golden gate bridge. and as an excuse to teach you how to make a real delicious whiskey drink that has a horrendous name, i hereby present to you, the frisco. it's the worst name in cocktailia, right? nobody -- one thing about being from a place is that you learn from a very early age how to identify when a person is not from your hometown. anybody who says frisco is not from anywhere near san francisco. nobody from san francisco would ever use that word. but drink is delicious. so here we go. we only have -- we could only
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find our tiny baby-size cocktail shaker? do we really not have the other one? anyway, i think it will work. it's two ounces of rai, in this case using 100 proof wry, because -- well, guess. 100-proof rye. this is written house bonded. anything that's bonded, it's 100 proof. it is half ounce of lemon juice. and you want to use fresh lemon juice, not something that is from a plastic container marked lemon. half ounce of lemon juice. and then the magic secret ingredient that makes everything better, benedictine, one of those weird things only like invented by monks and you would never use until you're an adult who is taking cocktails seriously. it's like the secret sauce for cocktails. benedictine, herbal, sweet, it is, in fact, the sweetener in this drink.
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don't be put off by the tiny cocktail shaker. it's totally normal. it's not that we lost the normal cocktail shaker. no, this is fine. oops. the frisco follows the traditional two half-half pattern. [ shaking ] >> makes my hands look enormous. i'm squeezing your hand. two ounces of rye, half ounce of benedictine, half ounce of lemon juice, and -- no matter what size the cocktail shaker, within reason, you will be delighted. 75th anniversary of the golden gate bridge on the 50th anniversary of the golden gate bridge, i went out with my family, we got up before dawn and we went on this special commemorati commemorative, we're going to close it to traffic and we're going to walk across the bridge thing, and so many did it that the bridge from its usual arc
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flattened out. the scariest thing i have ever done in my entire life. now it's 75 and they're not doing that stunt again. not bad. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again next week. but now, say it with me now, come on. you know where you're going. in 3, 2, 1. prison! due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons, into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen, "lockup raw." if you were to describe prison life in a three-letter text, it definitely would not be lol. it could be wtf. but that doesn't mean what you think it does. >> sorry mom. >> it stands for workouts,
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