tv The Last Word MSNBC May 29, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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this hour, nbc news can project that mitt romney has won the presidential primary in texas and that he has thereby >> wow, talk about a coincidence, the biggest liar of the presidential campaign is raising money tonight in vegas, with america's biggest pathological liar. mitt romney accepts and plays the trump card. >> doubling down vegas style. >> honeymoon in vegas. >> mitt romney's fund-raiser. >> a $2 million las vegas fund-raiser.
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>> with donald trump tonight. >> i want to say thank you to donald trump for his endorsement. >> donald trump. donald trump. >> why? >> why? >> why? >> the place of birth movement. >> you are courting disaster. >> this is about raising money. >> mitt romney is not going to have trouble raising money. >> how do you let a guy, donald trump. >> chair a $2 million fund-raiser who thinks that the president of the united states is illegitimate. what is the benefit here? >> i just don't even -- >> i thought your introduction was highly inappropriate. >> there is some very nasty undertones. >> he was born in kenya. >> this is the most obnoxious swill. >> a kind of feud between donald trump and george will. here's how it standarded. >> the cost of appearing with this bloviating.
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>> george will may be the dumbest and most overrated political commentator of all time. >> i don't understand the benefit, what is romney seeking? the romney campaign gets too celebrate their victory in the texas primary tonight and they're clinching of the republican nomination, officially. they get to celebrate that tonight in las vegas. where the romney campaign collided with the bloviating ignoramus on tv today. you have one second to guess what he's going to talk about. time's up. >> nothing's changed my mind. his mother is definitely in the hospital, they don't even know which hospital it was. his grandmother said he was born
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in kenya. i've been known as being a very smart guy for a long time. i don't consider myself a birther or not birther. but there are some major questions here. a lot of people don't think it was an authentic certificate. many people put that announcement in because they wanted to get the benefit of being so-called in this country. >> some of the willing servants of his self-promotion have grown a bit frustrated with him. >> you're beginning to sound a little ridiculous. >> beginning to sound a little ridiculous. well, on cnn, maybe, but not if you listen a word donald trump has said for the last three years our so. the man has been ridiculous since america first learned his name. wolf blitzer took trump's argument about the president's birth certificate on its own terms and wonderfully and relentlessly confronted him on
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his assertions that make absolutely no sense. trump tried to insist, to wolf blitzer that many, many, many people simply don't believe president obama's birth certificate is authentic and wolf blitzer simply wanted to know who those people are. >> give me a name. >> there are many people -- i don't give names. >> of course trump has no names. as the interview made absolutely plain. wolf blitzer asked a follow-up question that i've been dying to ask, since the day trump lied and said he sent investigators to hawaii to investigate the president's birth certificate. >> tell us with your people who were investigating in hawaii what they found? >> we don't have to go into old news. that's old news. >> as to mitt romney's reaction to trump's madness and his definition of old news, he told
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reporters this last night. >> i don't agree with all the people that support me and my guess is they don't believe in everything i believe in. but i need to get 50.1% or more and i'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people. >> joining me now is democratic strategist crystal ball and jonathan capehart. i think you both and other close observers of this show have figured out by now that i like and respect george will, although i disagree with him on most things. there are actually times, there are some times when i really, really love george will, just love him, like this sunday when he said this. >> i do not understand the cost benefit here. the costs are clear, the benefits -- what voter is going to vote for him because he's seen with donald trump? the cost of appearing this with bloviating ignoramus is --
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>> the republicans and mitt romney have made the cold calculation that they may win with 50.1% of the vote, but they want 100% of the racist vote in america. they don't want a single racist to stay home. so they got the pied piper of american racism and that is now donald trump to do his tune about hatred of the president and the birth certificate and crystal, i think george will is too noble a republican to ever have had down and strategized how to get the racist vote. >> i think you're right about that, and donald trump, and certainly embracing donald
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trumps assertions. he said clearly he was born in kenya, like there was no doubt in his mind that the president was born in the united states. of course he doesn't actually agree with that but it's a great way for him to promote himself. everybody came out against the attack on reverend wright. what they decided to do instead, instead of using the racial jeremiah wright attacks, they have decided to finance a film calling the obama ideology anti-columbo luo tribesmen. so clearly, this is a strategy that at least some in the republican party will be effective. and to your point, lawrence, mitt romney at some point can't say oh, well i don't agree with everything my supporters say. donald trump is not some
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supporter, he is a surrogate. he's taking robo calls. he's being asked by the romney campaign to go and do some of these interviews. so this is not just some guy. you think about someone like ted nugent who romney actually -- these are serious questions and romney at some point if he is going to have the character to lead this country, he's going to have to say this is not acceptable and it's not what i'm about. so far he has not done that. >> jonathan capehart, absolutely no prize in what donald trump said today. this is what he loves to talk about. they know that he has race-based analysis and demands, that he issues about president obama's birth certificate and president
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obama's transcripts, president obama's law school grades, he doesn't believe there's anything legitimate that president obama has learned in his lifetime and the campaign knows he's going to say this. they cannot have entered into this honeymoon with donald trump without full knowledge. >> but lawrence, on a night like tonight, a night when governor romney has clinched the republican nomination by winning the texas primary to get the 1,144 delegates that he needs to become the republican nominee. on the night that this happens, we're now mixed up in the birther nonsense, which is something that, you know, i have argued for a very long time that even though mitt romney is a presumptive nominee, and by this count, officially the nominee was still trying to convince the base of the party, which is increasingly far right and a lot of many folks of the far right
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of the extremist ring, are clinging to these birther notions, he's still trying to convince these folks, romney is, that he's one of them, that he is a conservative, that he is someone that can be their standard bearer and go after the president in the way they want him to. as crystal was saying, if he's not going to criticize ted nugent and he's not going toy size rush limbaugh, and he's not going to criticize donald trump, at what point does governor romney show himself to be not just the republican nominee for the president of the united states, but a leader in this country? at some point, someone is going to have to convince him and tell him to stand up in the way that senator mccain did in 2008, when as we have seen many times in the video, the woman at that town hall forum, saying that barack obama, she didn't like him, she didn't trust him because she was an arab, and he grabbed the microphone from her
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and said no ma'am, no ma'am. >> do you agree with donald trump, do you think that george will is really dumb, the dumbest. george will, this man with a princeton phd is really dumb. oh, by the way, while we're at it, do you agree with george will that trump is a bloviating ignoramus. he is not a man that trump should be fooling with in this way. crystal, i think there's a spot of the george will factor is going to have to do something. >> and you know, lawrence, i'm sure george will is doing a lot of soul searching tonight in response to donald trump's
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criticisms, i'm sure he's going to be up late trying to figure out where he went astray. but you're absolutely right, at some point romney is going to have to respond to these things, he can't keep saying as he did with rush limbaugh, it's not the language or the words i would have chosen. he can't keep saying that i don't agree with everything my supporters say. if the american people are going to see him as president of the united states, he's going to have to take an actual, courageous real stand. >> but the romney campaign is determined not to leave a single racist vote behind. birtherism is now way out of control in florida. a 91-year-old decorated world war ii veteran who was born in brooklyn now has to go find his birth certificate to prove that he should continue to be able to be allowed to vote in florida.
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florida the democrats say that that is the republican birther movement and that is all about winning the state for romney. that's coming up. also ahead, the real money men of the romney campaign are real billionaires. we have the author of the rolling stone page showing who romney's billionaires are and what exactly do they want from mitt romney? and political tv today includes michelle obama's appearance on "the view." tv wizard andy cohen is here to analyze the first lady's interview and to make her an offer she cannot refuse. and in rerun, 65-year-old mitt romney is now lecturing us on civil rights, that's right, the same mitt romney, who sat out the civil rights movement. the man who does not know that the civil rights issue of his era was civil rights.
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[ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter.
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mitt romney spent an hour today talking to real billionaire sheldon adelson, the man who has already donated a million dollars to the republican national race. how much has donald trump contributed to mitt romney? $2,500. up next, rolling stone tells us what -- and later andy cohen reviews michelle obama's appearance on "the view" today and he tells us why he is one tweet away from being fired. i'm putting down the twitter machine right now. mitt romney will learn tonight in the rewrite for the very first time that the civil rights issue of his era was civil rights. [ woman ] for the london olympic games, our town had a "brilliant" idea.
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support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪
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the problem is and i have talked to romney many, many, many times. he's not the bold decision maker like newt gingrich is. he doesn't want to -- every time i talk to him, he says, well, let me think about it. everything i have said to mitt, let me look into it. >> that was billionaire newt gingrich sheldon adelson back in march. mitt romney's -- one hour meeting today with the much richer casino mogul sheldon
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adelson -- sheldon adelson is the single biggest donor in the romney campaign so far. he has spent more than $25 million on conservative candidates, most of which went to a newt gingrich supporting superpac. meanwhile donald trump has donated a grand total of $2,500 to mitt romney. not one penny of sheldon adelson's millions had gone to mitt romney. >> sheldon told me he was going to actively support governor romney. >> joining me now, tim dickenson, editor of -- and karen finney, former dnc
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communications director and an msnbc political analyst. karen, according to newt, it sounds like adelson is on board with romney and so the adelson millions should be flowing from those casino tables straight into the romney campaign. >> it kind of makes you wonder why the romney campaign was so worried about getting another $2 million by showing up with donald trump today. when he has sheldon adelson and several other billionaires. >> donald trump is the dog whistle for racist voters. it ain't about the money. trump has contributed next to nothing to romney. he means nothing to romney financially. this is about leaving no racist voter behind. >> love all, serve all, that's the romney campaign.
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anybody who's willing to write a check, we have got an issue for you, we're going to take care of you. >> there's a bunch of millionaires and sheldon adelson is the most active. who else does he have lined up with the money to support him? >> the biggest guy is harold simmons, he's the buyout king of great renown from the '80s and is making a big weight in nuclear waste that he wants to import from 36 states into west texas. but to do that, he needs a very compliant epa. so he's hoping that romney will help him out with that. >> there's some red tape involved that you might need to deal with. >> what's interesting is that, guess what, the rhetoric that each of these guys that are writing these big checks want to hear seems to find their way into the stump speeches. every time romney talks about
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how regulations are crushing businesses, i want everybody to think about the millionaires and billionaires, the pesky epa that's there to stop all that waste from getting into our water supply and our air, and those pesky regulations that you don't want to build something substandard. >> tim dickenson, in your exhaustive study of these billionaires in rolling stone, but if they didn't give any money at all, isn't romney already in agreement with what they want to do? >> about half of these guys are private equity and hedge fund folks. looks like paulson who was involved in goldman's profanity deals and, you know, picking bad stocks. these are folks that sort of won on the wall street casino and want to go back to the way
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things were. romney wants to eliminate the inheritance tax. they have just very natural i finities with romney. but they also have specific things that they want, they want help suing argentina to collect on defaulted debt. like, you know, just any number of things that these guys all have sort of pet interests. but they're pretty well in sync with romney to begin with. >> in each of these instances these are things that will hurt middle class americans. if you are someone who lives in a home that was built substandard and mitt romney is president and those regulations are scaled back, you're screwed basically. that's the other part of the story that's going to be hard for democrats to communicate is it's not that romney is protecting the 1%ers, is that
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many of these roll backs that these guys are opposed to will impact americans. >> one of the billionaires is now scaring the obama re-election campaign, a friend of the show, john highland in his new york piece says that senior advisor david plouffe at the white house told hidel man, and that the president is going to be overmatched. the president will take on the financing of the campaign. and plouffe said from a political standpoint, i'm almost as worried about that. >> they know that they are going to be outmanned. and remember that money is going to unregulated -- that money is going into these super-pacs that
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can issue ads are kind of a thing of the past. they will attack this president directly and mitt romney has shown they don't care about lying to the american people about what's true and what's not. so team obama should be worried about that money. >> tim dickenson of rolling stone and karen finney, thank you for joining us tonight. coming up, mitt romney says education is the civil rights issue of our era, little does he know that the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. michelle obama has been doing nonpolitical tv like "the view" today, but sit really nonpolitical? u're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me, your friends showed up with this awesome bone.
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michelle obama has been doing nonpolitical tv like "the view" today, but sit really nonpolitical? andy cohen analyzes the first lady's performance and will make her an offer that andy thinks she can't refuse. that's coming up. and in the rewrite tonight, mitt romney is now lecturing us on civil rights. it's too bad that mitt romney did not know that the civil rights issue of his era was civil rights.
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diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. i never had any trouble. i have voted for the last 15 years around here. and i have voted in brooklyn when i lived in brooklyn and i really don't understand it. it's -- to me, it's like an
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insult. >> i know you sound like you voted in brooklyn, but that's what you get for being a registered democrat in florida these days where birtherism is running out of control. republican governor rick scott has ordered all noncitizens removed from voter rolls. it is illegal for noncitizens to vote anywhere in the country and florida officials have come up with a list of 180,000 suspects. people who they think are not citizens and are on the voting rolls. it is a list that florida's former secretary of state did not believe was credible. the first 2,600 people have now received letters saying that florida believes they are not citizens of this country. but they will be allowed to prove their citizenship within 30 days in order to stay on the voter rolls. the man you just heard, saying he's been voting in florida for 15 years is 91 years old. that's 91-year-old bill
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internakola. he was born in brooklyn, he was awarded a bronze star for service as a medic at the battle of the bulge. and he is a registered democrat. the new nbc news maris poll in florida shows president obama at 45% and mitt romney at 40%, the new quinnipiac florida poll shows mitt romney at 47% and president obama at 41%. how important are the millions of votes cast in florida and how important are the votes that will be blocked by rick scott's sudden interest in birth certificates? in 2000, in the final official vote count, only 537 votes separated george w. bush and al gore. joining me now, congressman ted deutsch who represents florida's 9th district, u.s. citizen,
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maureen russo, who received the letter informing her she had to prove her citizenship. thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> i want to read the part of the letter that you received from the board of supervises. it says the broward county supervisor of elections office has received information from the state of florida that you are not a united states citizen. however you are registered to vote. if you agree with this information, please complete the enclosed voter acceptance or denial of eligibility form. if you believe this information is false, you may request a hearing with the supervisor of elections for the purpose of providing proof that you are a united states citizen. maureen, where does your case stand today after receiving that letter?
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>> well, i sent a copy of my passport because i don't want to go to a hearing. and i haven't heard back in the mail, it's been about two weeks now, but i did get a call today from dr. brenda snipes. stating that i was eligible to vote. and i asked her if i could maybe get a new voter's registration card or something. she said oh, no, you don't need that, you can go to the polls and you'll be fine to vote, don't worry. >> congressman deutsch, are you confident that after that episode if maureen goes to the polls with or without her passport she will be able to vote given all the hysteria that surrounds this? >> no, lawrence, it's good to be with you by the way, i'm not confident at all. i'm sitting with one u.s. citizen who was told that she doesn't have the right to vote. i spent the morning with bill,
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and you just played back some of his thoughts on this process. a 91-year-old war hero who was told that he's not a citizen and he doesn't have the right to vote. we have a history in this country, a tragic history of voter suppression, through violence, through intimidation, through poll tactics, this is the most insidious poll. this is a ploy to strike 180,000 people from the roles. i don't have any confidence at all in this governor, that's why i this the governor should stop this process immediately. >> maureen, you know, this is the time of year when the worst news that can arrive in an american mailbox is a high school senior getting a rejection letter from one of the colleges that he or she has applied to. but i just can't imagine, what was it like for you to open your mail box and pull out this letter from the state of florida saying to you, you're not a citizen. how did that feel? >> i was very surprised. it took me right off guard. i didn't really know what to do
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at first. but i have taken action and i'm hoping it all comes out, i really would like something in writing, of some sort. i don't want to stand in line to vote, it's a very long line and then get up there and them tell me i can't vote. >> congressman deutsch, is there a counter action to this intimidation through the mail that is going on in florida, some counter action you think people should be taking? >> sure, absolutely. we have to respond to this plan which as you point out, lawrence, these individuals who are receiving this notice risk losing the right to vote if they don't respond. in dade county, florida, in miami-dade county, with the largest number of voters who have received this notice, there are already people who by failing to respond have had their voting status wiped from the voter registry. that's what we have to combat. we have called upon my
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colleagues in the congress and the democratic side of the aisle in florida have called upon the governor to stop this personal. there are efforts under way by civil rights groups and voting rights groups that may ultimately lead to a lawsuit which i think is appropriate as well. there's so much we have to do to make this stop to ensure that people have the right to vote. >> this is not the american way of voting. florida congressman ted deutsch, and maureen, thank you for joining us tonight and i hope you get to vote. >> i do too. bravo's andy cohen will join me to discuss michelle obama's tv appearances and where andy thinks michelle obama should appear next on tv? in the rewrite tonight, mitt romney tries to lecture us about civil rights, yes, that's the very same mitt romney who sat out the civil rights movement.
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mitt romney is now lecturing us on civil rights. but 65-year-old romney refused to participate in any way in america's civil rights movement when he had a chance. mitt romney has no right to be lecturing anyone on civil rights. that's next on the rewrite. follow the wings. [ male announcer ] we imagined a vehicle that could adapt to changing road conditions. one that continually monitors and corrects for wheel slip. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today.
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in tonight's rewrite, mitt romney tries to rewrite the meaning of civil rights. >> here we are in the most prosperous nation on earth but millions of our kids are getting a third world education and america's minority children suffer the most. this is the civil rights issue of our era. and it's the greatest challenge of our time. >> this is the civil rights issue of our era. well, it could be. you could try to make that case. if you were born in, say, 1990 or after that and you're neighbor 21 years old now. or if you were born yesterday like mitt romney thinks you were, but mitt romney was born in 1947. the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights.
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>> there were hundreds and hundreds of 16-year-olds marching with dr. king in that crowd of 135,000. mitt romney had a chance to march with romney when he was 15 years old. he had a chance to march with history and he didn't do it. the last time he was running for president, he lied and said that his father did, but he didn't. the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. the civil rights martyrs, james cheney, andrew goodman and michael schwartz were murdered trying to help people get the
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right to vote in mississippi. that was when hundreds of college students just a few years older than mitt romney were pouring into the south during the civil rights movement. a month after james cheney, andrew goodman and michael schwerner gave their lives for it. the civil rights act was signed into law because the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. the voting rights act was signed into law two months after mitt romney graduated from high school. did mitt romney attend any of the civil rights demonstrations in detroit during his high school years? no, not one. did other american high school kids both rich and poor, white and black throughout this country attend civil rights demonstrations in the 1960s in detroit and elsewhere? yes. by the thousands.
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that's because they knew that the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. high school is not an excuse for not taking a position, for not participating in the great issues of your time. in my one and only run for elect elective office, president of my high school, my one issue was the vietnam war, i wanted my school to follow other schools around the country and have a demonstration. i came in a close second, joe duffy, a legendary athlete at my high school and a great guy who needless to say ran a much more disciplined campaign. there were hundreds of high school students at every demonstration i attended in boston and washington when i was in high school. mitt romney participated in exactly one demonstration in college.
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it was one of the earlier campus demonstrations of the vietnam war. some stanton students organized a protest against the draft. romney organized a counter protest in favor of the draft. that's right, mitt romney is one of the very, very few americans who can claim to have been in a demonstration in favor of the draft during the vietnam war, not that romney was willing to be drafted himself, oh, no, no, no, not that romney was willing to enlist in the military whose draft he supported and the war he supported. romney urged his government to draft unwilling participants into the war, to draft college classmates of his into the war, to send them to their deaths as long as romney didn't have to go to war himself. romney went to france instead. as a mormon missionary, which he
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used to preserve his deferment from the draft. while he was trying and mostly failing to convert parisians to mormonism, tens of thousands of boys his age were being killed in vietnam. martin luther king was assassinated in 1968 when romney was in france. perhaps mitt romney can tell us what the civil rights issue was in paris in 1968. but in mitt romney's country, in the then not so united, united states of america, the civil rights of mitt romney's era was civil rights. mitt romney was 21 years old when martin luther king was assassinated and for another 10 years after martin luther king was assassinated, until mitt romney was 31 years old, throughout his 20s, he would sit
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back silently and watch as his church would continue to refuse to allow black men to be priests. mitt romney's father, at the same time, took a much more enlightened view of civil rights than his church did. according to the book "the real romney," a mormon official wrote to then governor george romney urging them to write -- god's quote curse upon the negro. end quote. mitt romney's father knew the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. mitt romney did not protest his church's racial discrimination, he did not have the courage of the reverend schuler who has
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been publicly protesting his ban on female priests and his church's ban on priest's marrying. in his 65 years, mitt romney has never protested the actions or decisions of any figure in authority other than the people he has met on campaign debate stages. mitt romney came of age in an era of protest. if you are a 65-year-old american, the civil rights issue of your era was civil rights. martin luther king jr. knew that, james cheney knew that, andrew goodman tow knew that. michael schwerner knew that and republican governor george
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romney knew that. but mitt romney, the man who now has the soulless audacity to read the teleprompter words of a lecture to us written by his speechwriters about civil rights, that same mitt romney does not know that the civil rights issue of mitt romney's era was civil rights. emily's just starting out... and on a budget.
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10:55 pm
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and the host of watch what happens live and he's the author of the new book, most talkative stories from the front lines of pop culture. andy you said that this morning come today to being fired for something you've tweeted today. >> i'm trying to think. today was cool, i was under the radar today, i was playing it cool today. >> what are your feelings about that, in these kind of shows where you're one sentence away from getting fired. have we gone too far about the sensibility of a tweet? >> we're live with a 24-hour-plus news cycle where everywhere you turn someone can pick up on something you say and either misconstrue it or make a big deal out of it. it's really hard to read irony in a tweet.
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so it's become a very volatile, dangerous situation. >> andy politics is invading your jurisdiction, which is to say say nonpolitical tv, audience friendly, especially women friendly audiences like "the view." michelle obama was there today. let's take a look at michelle obama on "the view" today. >> in an interview just recently you said, and i quote, that you are sometimes unsure if you are a classic first lady and if the things you do are okay. why do you feel this way and who is your idea of a classic first lady? >> i have never seen a first lady hula hoop on the south lawn, jump double dutch. >> you mean mrs. kennedy never did that?
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>> you said yourself maybe i've gone too far. >> it's not doubts, it's just really wondering, not too many people have done what i've done. >> i think we know what michelle obama is up to and what politics is up to in general and people like the first lady go on those kind of shows, they want to appeal to the voter who's not going to pay that much attention to this kind of political tv, but is checking in with your tv, with barbara's tv there with "the view" that kind of television, that's where to find that voter now who's not going to concentrate until you get down to october, right? >> i think bill clinton kind of rewrote the playbook when he played the saxophone on late night tv. but i want michelle obama in my bravo clubhouse. she's the realist housewife of them all, she's the first housewife.
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>> andy hold it, i don't think that's the way to get michelle obama, to compare her to any real housewives of yours. i have needed it as a complement. >> i think that what -- i think what's great about my show, not to toot the horn if mrs. obama is watching her, is that it's unscripted and it's fun and it's putting somebody you know in a different environment that you have never seen them in. and i think that's why she goes on the view and letterman.
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