tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC May 30, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. good morning. i'm chris jansing and it should have been a huge day for mitt romney finally clenching the delegates needed to be the gop nominee. >> this is a big day. 1,144 we finally got there. >> donald trump stole the spot light dominating the air waves by reigniting talk of the president's birth certificate.
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trump's central position highlights how unprecedented the need for big dollar donors is in 2012. >> this is really been a special day and a special evening. it's been amazing the amount of money that was raised. >> joining me now columnist for the las vegas sun and clarence page. good morning, gentleman. >> the last i read you had the goal at 2 million and at that point had commitments of 657,000. how did it go last night? >> they are saying, chris, that they got over the $2 million mark and they had a star studded cast there from the republican establishment including prominent names in the casino industry. the two loudest critics of president obama. they bundled probably more than $100,000 each. so did lorenzo who had station
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casinos. they are well known republicans. you had some other gaming executives bundle a lot of money and business, republican business folks. they say they got to the $2 million goal and above. we won't know until later when the reports come out. it sounds about right to me. >> was there a sit down between mitt romney and sheldon who our viewers know personally wrote checks to keep newt gingrich going for quite a while? >> he and his family wrote $21.5 million to that superpac that was supporting newt gingrich which was like trying to win mega bucks mptd but sheldon has a personal friendship. he did sit down at lunch time with mitt romney. i think he will support mitt romney not in a personal full throated way that he supported newt gingrich. the question is how much money he will put out there. he told me a few weeks ago that he didn't like the attention that he got with the newt
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gingrich support. i think he is going to go more underground with his money which is giving to something like carl rove's group. >> of course, the opposite of underground would be donald trump who kind of stole the show yesterday. and he just can't stop calling into tv shows and talking about the birth certificate issue. let me play for you what he said on cnn yesterday. >> many people that don't agree with that birth certificate. they don't think it is authentic. >> i don't know when you say many people. >> many people. >> like who? give me a name. >> many people. >> give me a name. >> there are many people. i don't give names. >> clarence, he will not back off the birther stuff. why? >> well, for one thing let me point out that the obama campaign is rather delighted to see mitt romney standing together with donald trump, a fellow who normally an attack ad
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would photo shop someone like trump next to romney. here the obama campaign looks up and here is romney doing it himself standing right there with donald trump carrying on the birth certificate appeal. the real message here from trump is that barack obama is not like you and me. he is not a real american. he has a strange look to himself. he has a strange name, etc. so he can't really be a real mar american. that is the real name to the birth certificate ploy. donald trump doesn't care. his tv ratings go up the more exposure he has. he doesn't help mitt romney. a lot of people are questioning his judgment as people questioned john mccain's judgment when sarah palin chose not to be running back. >> headlining is time for romney
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to fire trump. make your case. >> i just think i hope clarence is right that it's not going to do much for him. i agree with him that trump doesn't care. all trump cares about is getting attention. i call him an attention0 phile. he is tapping into the worse of a republican base that is not as enthusiastic about mitt romney. donald trump makes it look like he walks down the park avenue and people are screaming at him like go donald. he is appealing to the sliver of the republican base and it probably goes beyond the republican base that are really enthusiastic hearing this stuff. i hope it doesn't help mitt romney because it shouldn't. you would think mitt romney would not want to stand on a stage with a guy doing this
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stuff. so far he will take the money and run. >> and what he has said is he himself and his people are saying that mitt romney acceptathize fact that the president was born in the united states. people who support him are entitled to have their own opinions. we thought it was interesting yesterday that mitt romney at his las vegas rally in his speech talked about of all the people he met one particular person and what he says they told him yesterday. this is mitt romney from vegas yesterday. >> i was speaking with one of these business owners who owns a couple of restaurants in town. he said i like to change the constitution. i'm not sure i can do it. i would like to have a provision in the constitution that in addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birth place of the president being set by the constitution i would like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business. >> why in the middle of this
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controversy if you want to sort of separate yourself from the donald trumps of the world and birthers why make a reference of all the people that you talk to to something that has to do with the birth place of the president? >> well, romney is trying to make the point that barack obama has not run a business. this is a standard line on the stump for him. i think he kind of muddied his own message here because with the whole question of trump and this birther business in the air people's ears are more tuned into romney's reference about where barack obama comes from. as far as running a business this has been the attack that the obama campaign has made against romney that it's the way he has run businesses that would be bad for the country if he were to run the country that way. this is a good debate, a legitimate one. it is funny how we get attracted
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to this trump birther business because that's the bright shiny object out there and it is pulling away from romney's message. and i don't think it is doing him that much good. >> let me bring in brad woodhouse. good morning. >> good morning. >> the bottom line to all of this is that trump is helping to raise a lot of money for mitt romney. obviously more than $2 million they say last night from the obama campaign perspective. does bringing in all that cash hurt you more than donald trump going on and on as a birther? >> look, i question mitt romney's judgment here. i don't think he needs donald trump to raise money. he's a presidential candidate in his own rite. it was announced this morning that outside groups are going to spend a billion dollars to try to defeat the president. i think it says donald trump wants to campaign with mitt
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romney and mitt romney is too weak to say no. he won't stand up to the extreme voices in his party. if donald trump says jump mitt romney says how high. >> let me play for you what she said about an hour ago. >> governor romney has said he believes the president was born in the united states. he said it repeatedly. he said he thinks the issue is closed and that he is focused on jobs and the economy. democrats put out a web video on this yesterday. they can talk about donald trump all they want. >> are democrats the ones keeping this going? >> no. this is not an issue that we have ever wanted to talk about. we don't think it's an appropriate issue for public discourse. if mitt romney is going to show such poor judgment and such lack of back bone not to condemn this let's remember here donald trump is not condemn iing the
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president's economic policies. preparedomney can't cond to be president. >> you mentioned this, too. the billion dollars, big article front page. billion dollars put together by conservative groups to support mitt romney. can you guys match that? can you fight back? >> no. i don't believe we'll be able to match it. i think it's clear now that the romney campaign which i am sure that the obama campaign will have parity with. but broadly speaking when you include the money being raised from outside groups we are outspentd. citizens united has unleashed the likes of all of these groups, the groups that -- perry that ran swift boat veterans.
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carl rove. >> why aren't there enough people out there writing big check snz. >> let's be clear. what you are talking about on their side are casino magnets, big oil. you are talking about the wealthiest contributors in america, people who want like romney to play by a separate set of rules. they were able to do that back during the bush administration. they would like to do that again. they are writing very, very huge checks. the fact is we don't have that kind of money on our side. >> thank you very much. it is always good to see you. is it that democrats don't have that kind of money on their side or is it that there isn't the enthusiasm for barack obama? >> don't have the enthusiasm at this time because circumstances are very different. barack obama was a very exciting and new candidate at a time when there was a lot of anger on the left and disenchantment on the
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right. these days there is this energy on the right that we can see. and on the left the obama campaign has not yet begun to fight in many ways. i think they are looking ahead to the fall as being the real big campaign. right now somewhat low key on that side. traditionally democrats have relied on organized labor to get foot soldiers on the street knocking on doors, making phone calls. that's going to make a big difference, too, this year. that kind of organizing is underway. >> you mentioned the big money people. sheldon adelson being there. can the president pull the weight with the people who have
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the ability to write a multimillion dollar check? >> i am outraged by brad's slander on behalf of casino being on there with oil. >> point noted. >> i'm just joking. the interesting person is not adelson. take steve win. steve has supported democrats in the past. he has been outspoken and loudly so for three years says president obama has been the worst president for business in history. and so now he is firmly in the antiobama camp. there are other casino folks here in las vegas who will support the president. i don't think inside the super pacs the way sheldon adelson and steve will.
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there is no way the president can match the kind of money that the billionaires are going to be able to funnel into the super pacs which is why you saw the story this morning. >> great to talk to you. thank you. >> thank you. meantime mitt romney is using the crisis in syria to attack the president as a weak leader in the one area where barack obama has held significant leads in the polls. romney is calling for action after the on going slaughter of civilians including women and children. he wants the u.s. to work with partners to organize syrian opposition groups putting him at odds for his own party.
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palin endorsed a tea party event and ted cruz was able to force a runoff. says her endorsement gave a huge boost to the campaign. i'm joined by john harris. >> good morning. >> this is the latest in a string of successful endorsements by sarah palin. she gave a nod and backed indiana state treasurer richard mourdock. is the power of palin alive and well? >> you know, she is clearly on a hot streak. one question we always have with endorsements is to what extent is the endorser making a bet of who wins and to what extent it is driving the behavior of voters. it does seem clear that at least
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some voters do look to sarah palin. she gives sort of a good house keeping seal of approval. >> they love it. i mean, by all rights she should have faded into the background. her performance is basically viewed as a cautionary tale. how has she done it? >> well, coming off 2008 she built herself into a national and international brand that was controversial but certainly among conservative voters. it is clear that she is viewed favorably. it surprised some of us in the media in that sarah palin has not been as high profile for the past year since she made it clear that she wasn't going to seek the republican nomination which she has been able to demonstrate in the work deciding where to put the chips and risk her own credibility. she demonstrated that without
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the publicity without the spot lights she can be a player. >> i guess the key question is why. i love this quote from politico who said in madonna-like fashion she is the master of self invention and self reinvention into the political churn. is she planning a political comeback? >> i am not a mind reader. >> team lead maybe? >> but i do think that sarah palin is different than donald trump. what donald trump wants is oxygen and his oxygen is mainstream media publicity. i think sarah palin does like that kind of publicity and sometimes controversy does help her. i think she has a greater ambition to be seen as a serious player over the long term in republican politics.
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that is consistent with those other things that you mentioned. she does want to build her brand and wants an income stream off speeches and books. she has to be seen as serious and not just a celebrity preacher. it is day eight of deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial. yesterday the judge told jurors to refocus and not to talk in small groups outside the jury room. the judge met with attorneys behind closed doors to talk about a problem with one juror, not clear exactly what. edwards is facing six charges for allegedly using donations to help hide his pregnant mistress during the 2008 campaign. [ sighs ] forget it. [ male announcer ] there's more barbeque time in every bag of kingsford charcoal. kingsford. slow down and grill.
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is launching an ad against mitt romney in florida, iowa, virginia and d.c. >> when mitt romney says -- >> planned parenthood we are going to get rid of that. >> romney is saying he will deny women of birth control and cancer screenings they depend on. >> and trying to fix an ipad app after misspelling a pretty crucial word. john stewart got the first lady to laugh last night on the daily show. >> are there people in the white house where you are like i can do that guy's job? >> no one. everybody is like i am glad i don't have to do the job. >> and biden? you ever think like okay? >> i love joe. >> i love joe, too. >> the president gave out the country's highest civilian honor at the white house yesterday.
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13 medals were given out. there is john glenn. bob dylan admitting he is a big fan. love bob dylan. love him. if you read only one thing this morning you have to check out a piece that describes how researchers are working on a road block that can wait. are you ready? debone a chicken. it's in the wall street journal. i found this article oddly fascinating. it is on our facebook page. [ female announcer ] aging may slow a dog down, but iams helps keep dogs playing year after year with our age-specific nutrition. and now, even for dogs 11 and older with new iams senior plus. it helps boost the immune response to that of an adult dog and helps fight signs of aging. [ dog ] i'll never be a bench-warmer. [ female announcer ] new iams senior plus. see the iams difference or your money back.
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s susan. top three picks for mitt romney. >> rob portman, senator thune and tim polent paw lenty. he has worked in democrat leaning state and has been quite loyal. when he got out of the race he backed romney and has been campaigning ever since. thune because he is so relatable. he is great on the stump and can go one-on-one with people and the press, of course. >> senator, you like rob portman but then chris christie and marco rubio. tell me why. >> they aren't my choices but i think they are choices that the romney camp will take a hard look at. obviously rubio from florida a very important state. christie would shake things up some. i would want to lead an effort
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to put donald trump on their ticket. i would pay for the bumper stickers. trump. if not trump then gingrich. >> i'm guessing that you are not in the trump camp, susan. you are not happy with what happened with trump. >> it didn't make sense for romney to go with trump on the day where he could have had a fabulous all attention on him kind of day. >> speaking of taking attention you're not crazy about senators picks. you don't think marco rubio or chris christie. >> i think those are people that republicans would like to see. i don't think they are the best choices for romney. >> because? >> mostly rubio inexperienced and needs a little more time out there. >> been there and done that with sarah palin. >> a lot of people think he could be a game changer. i don't think vp candidates do change the game. chris christie he has said he is not ready to be president. and you never put someone on the
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ticket who may be more popular than you are. >> is that why you pick also jeb bush? >> the last one was jeb bush because of his last name. >> i wonder if there is a dark horse candidate out there. certainly sarah palin was a shocker the last time. there has been a lot of buzz about mike huckabee. he is popular with strong conservative credentials. he has name recognition. do you think there is any chance, senator, that romney will go bold with somebody like mike huckabee? >> i think the problem at the moment for mr. romney is he has to find his way back somewhere towards the center. this primary season is taking the far fringe right. his trick is going to be to try to move a little closer to the center. let me say with respect to rubio i don't think he is ready. with respect to christy i mention his name, as well.
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that adds a volatility to the ticket. >> what about jeb bush? do you think jeb bush is somebody that democrats wouldn't want mitt romney to choose? >> i think it takes a while to get over the bush brand. i don't think he will be selected. >> i think from a purely democratic standpoint who do you think senator the democrats would love of the names that are out there most to have him pick? who is the weakest candidate of those that are really out there in the mix a lot? >> donald trump. and newt gingrich having won primaries. i do think that it's very unlikely the selection of a vice presidential candidate will have much of an impact on the race. in most cases probability an exception in 1960 putting lyndon johnson on the ticket in texas it carried a candidate. in most cases it is not. there are plenty of people out
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there. plenty of people that mr. romney can take a look at to put on the ticket. i think it is going to be a close race. i think this is going to be a difficult presidential contest for both sides. >> susan, we are not going to see a surprise here? >> i think it will be somebody that mitt romney has to be comfortable with. >> always good to have you on. great to have you. thank you so much. making news this morning we are hearing that u.n. observers have discovered 13 more bodies in syria. meantime several countries including the u.s., britain and france have expelled syrian diplomats. most of them women and children. joining me now from cairo and the critical decision now is syria is at the tipping point,
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what to do about assad. give us an update from there. >> well, there ask no doubt that in the wake of not only today's revelations by the united nations that 13 more bodies were found, many of them hands tied behind their back in what is considered a massacre. the international community is as ever divided about what to do. the french president suggested that his country and others would be willing to intervene if approved by the united nations security council. china and russia shot those ideas down saying they would not support any type of military intervention inside syria. you get a sense that the international community and division is allowing for the violence to continue. right now everybody is committed to the united nation's plan. >> thank you so much. the former rutgers university student convicted of
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using a web cam to spy on his gay room mate has given up his right to remain free. ravi says he will report to jail tomorrow and issued the first public apology to the incident. ravi wrote in part my behavior and actions which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry were the wrong choices and decisions. i apologize to everyone affec d affected. as police try to kwaub rate the conquestion of a man who says he killed etan patz in 2009. his attorney says hernandez is schizophrenic. meantime a note posted on the door of the patz' family apartment is asking that they be left alone. julian assange will head to sweden to face sex crimes
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allegations. attorneys say an appeal is unlikely. wall street is watching facebook stock this morning as it closed below $30. facebook ceo is now off bloomberg's top 30 richest list. mark zuckerberg is worth more than $14 billion but on paper he lost more than 5 billion in just 11 days. for the rest of us there is a new and eye opening report out this morning that shows that thieves are taking a huge chunk out of our retirement. over the course of a working lifetime a median dual income household will pay nearly $155,000 in 401 k fees, nearly a third of their investment returns. personal finance expert is here with what is moving your money or maybe what is losing your money. i was stunned the average couple
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$155,000. where is that money geeg? >> and dual income high earning couples is almost $300,000. the money is going to thieves. they have been there all the time. we are talking about it more. talking about it more because now the u.s. department of labor has mandated that 401 k providers must inform 401 k participants quarterly of the fees that they are paying on their 401 k. also you can have a free consultation to talk more about the fees and options you have available to you. arp did a study and found that over 70% of americans who have 401 ks didn't know there were fees at all. >> i found at our meeting that people didn't know they were paying any fees. >> it seems small month to month if we are talking an average of 1.2%. compound that from 20s to 60s that is a six figure loss that is thousands of dollars a year.
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first know where your money is invested. the fees come from the funds that your money is invested in. make sure you compare those and you may have two funds similar. switch to the one with the low fees. the other thing is if you don't have a company match you want to open an ira outside of your employer. a traditional ira or roth ir skparks then pick very low cost funds like index funds. it's very important to do that. you can also talk to your employer and say offering us ten high fee options is just not working. >> they may not really get it. who knows? we are trying to educate. so you can't avoid fees completely, i assume. or can you? >> no you can't. when you are talking about funds there are things that are management fees, marketing fees and administration fees. that you can't avoid. however, you could go from 1.2%
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to .7%. index funds which do not trade will save you possibly an additional 1% or more on trading fees. >> that's huge. >> if the market is returning over 40 years 7% and you are getting 3% eaten up by fees you are actually only earning around 4%. it's really important to pay attention. >> and not complicated to do to find out this information. >> it is provided to you and must be provided in plain english. make sure to set up an appointment. >> fair warning to the folks upstai upstairs. >> always great to have you here. if you want to see the full report on 401 k fees we have that link on our facebook page
7:41 am worst dressed cities in america starting off the list san antonio, texas. orlando, florida. up next is baltimore. the runner up, salt lake city. the worst dressed city in the u.s. anchorage, alaska. still have doubts about taking aspirin for tough pain? listen to what mvp justin verlander thinks about it. i would say the source of most of my muscle pain would be in my shoulder. my trainer kevin rand recommended it to me. i was kind of skeptical at first, but i tested it out, and bayer advanced aspirin relieved my pain fast. feeling 100% every start, every fifth day, i think definitely gives me a little bit of an edge. but don't take his word for it. put bayer advanced aspirin to the test for yourself at yoo-hoo. hello.
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which led to weight loss. researchers are hoping this will be used as an alternative to beriatric surgeries. scott walker's fight against milwaukee mayor is seen as a referendum on organized labor. recent polls show the governor still has a slight edge doing no small part to his massive campaign war chest. in the last five weeks alone walker outraised by more than $2 million. joining me is lee aunders secreta secretary -- also the co author of this book "main street movement" which will be out in june. thanks for coming in. >> good morning. >> the enthusiasm there was the
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protests and then the recall that got hundreds of thousands of petition signatures. the money is coming in on the other side. has the enthusiasm on your side faded. >> as a matter of fact we looked at recent polls this morning and it is showing a dead heat. what labor has to do and it is not a labor issue. it is a working families issue. we have to knock on the doors. we have to make the phone calls and make sure that our base gets out in our communities aacross the state of wisconsin. we are very optimistic that we can do this. >> there are labor organizers that say there are disgruntled union members who will sit tuesday out. >> the goal has always been to defeat scott walker. we supported another candidate in the primary. we are supporting tom barrett now and will support him through tuesday. >> organization by republicans is really credited for the fact that this is a dead heat when there was so much recall
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enthusiasm. governors including chris christie and nikki haley. you see bobby jindal out there for support. a lot of big republican leaders. have national democrats not helped the way democrats have? >> we are convinced that this is a wisconsin fight. the only way you are going to win this fight is to develop a grass roots mechanism and organize and mobilize. it doesn't matter if christie or those other governors come in from out of town. we have to convince the people of wisconsin that this is an extremely important election for working families, for the middle class in that state. it's about what their values are versus the values of scott walker. we are delivering that message loud and clear.
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we are going to be outspent. we are always outspent in races like this. one thing is we have the ability to knock on doors. we have the grass roots effort. >> is this a referendum on organized labor? >> on the kind of country we want to be. we have scott walker and cronies supporting 1.5%. taking our voices away from us by taking cleblollective bargai away from us and attacking the life line. this is beyond wisconsin. this is the battle right nou and this is a battle we have to win. >> you talk about wisconsin in the new book. what is the message with this book? >> it is simply a book which says that working families and individuals every day heroes are saying enough is enough. they are playing by the rules every day. they are trying to put bread on the table and send kids to school and pay mortgages.
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harder and harder and tougher to do that. the top 1% in this country is squeezing them more trying to get more wealth and more power. wall street fighting back and making voices heard. they are not only doing that in the state of wisconsin and ohio and all over this country. making their voices heard saying enough is enough. >> let me talk to you about places like ohio. we were talking about how these conservative organizations are expected to bear for mitt romney a billion dollars. we had the community saying no side their side will match that. how involved and how active will wl labor be and can they be a difference? >> we are going to be involved in all of the states. we had a major victory in ohio.
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if you look at the victory where the governor of ohio tried to do the same thing. we took it to a referendum. 1.3 million signatures to put that on the ballot to let the citizens of ohio decide whether public servant workers could have collective bargaining. we beat it back by a two to one margin. we can keep that pressure on in the state of ohio. >> good to have you in the studio. thank you so much for coming by. today's tweet of the day is from mitt romney. number 1,144. thank you. whatever challenges lie ahead we will settle for nothing less than getting america back on the path to prosperity. 7 ♪
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has hits rominee. mitt romney secures enough delegates. why is donald trump stealing the thunder? chicago police think the warmer temps are causing a spike in violent crimes. ten people were shot and killed over the weekend. how police are now cracking down. and wall street status on facebook, sell. the social media site continues on the street as the stock is down nearly 25% in less than two weeks. thank you so much. simpson's baby love kate dazzles and a cricket invasion. we are getting our first look at jessica simpson's new baby girl. simpson and three week old baby are on the cover of "people" magazine and says she will be working with weight watchers to get back in shape. another royal event, another chance for duchess of cambridge
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to shine. the $2,000 dress was just seen 11 days ago. also dazzling in pink, a rare diamond sold for more than $17 million. the 12 karat rock is known as the martian pink. it honors the satellite mission to mars. millions of crickets have invaded utah. it is the worst experts have seen in years and trying to reduce the population before they decimate farms and lay eggs. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co." thomas roberts is up next and i will see you back here tomorrow.
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e take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions.
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the charcoal went out already? [ sighs ] forget it. [ male announcer ] there's more barbeque time in every bag of kingsford charcoal. kingsford. slow down and grill. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. deoxyribonucleic acid. he knew that. [ male announcer ] with everything. go! goooo! no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] but that kind of love is...frowned upon. so instead she gives him new capri sun super-v. so he gets more of what he needs... without all the "her" he doesn't think he needs. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v.
7:59 am
good morning. topping the agenda today romney hits the delegate jackpot. what happens in vegas doesn't stay in vegas especially if if involves donald trump. the donald took what was supposed to be the milestone day for the rominee and turned it into a political circus over the president's birth certificate. >> there are many people who don't agree with that birth certificate. >> i don't know when you say many people don't agree. >> many people. >> give me a name of somebody -- >> there are many people. i don't give names. >> donald, you are beginning to sound a little ridiculous. >> i think you are. >> with 1,183 delegates romney crossed the threshold. he won't officially clench the nomination until the republican convention in
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