tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 31, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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at but there seems to be a bit of a dichotomy here because the majority in all three states say the worst of the economy is behind the country right now and the president, he inherited it, didn't create it. why isn't the president fairing better if that's the attitude? >> i think that's the mixed message here. clearly if you rook at any of the numbers in this poll, it's 40 something to 40 something. the president, he's in the mid-40s. if it's are a referendum on him, then he's got some work to do. romney's favorability, in the 40s. he needs some convince dochlg but clearly they're sending mixed messages here. they're upset about the economy, they think that it is -- the worst is behind us, but think there's a bdebate over the battleground. as far as romney and obama is concerned they're very mixed up
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as to who is the one who will better handle the company. again, 40-something to 40-something. >> let's break that down. romney is leading in iowa and in colorado and nevada. what's keeping the president treading water? >> well, it's just what you just said. night that we have the highest unemployment rate in the country, thomas. we're also the epicenter of the foreclosure crisis. it's hurting here in charge county, las vegas, which is a big area of the state and certainly the president is not running as strongly here as he was in 2008 when he won the state by 12 points. there are a lot of o people here having second thoughts about the president. i think the poll is not good news for the president. there are internals for instance
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that show hispanics at 19% of the electorate here. dealership think that's going to happen in november. this is going to be very close. i think there are ominous signs for the president in the poll. >> gentlemen, when we talk about the foreclosure crisis, it with one of the cities that had the biggest building boom and then to see it kind of crush under the weight of the foreclosure crisis, but, again, it all falls back to what the president inherited. >> i think that's true to some extent. i think for a while he thought, okay, it's not his fault, but now people have been out of work for three years. their house is being foreclosed on or their house has no value least. three, four, years ago, their house were twice what they paid. now they're lucky to get half. that's devastating to a lot of people. it's silly to blame the president for the economic failings but people are going to take the most visitbling person
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and blame that person. in a presidential election year it's the president. >> when we look, it only has six electoral votes when you break it all down. why is there such a push on both sides to clinch a win from iowa. >> for iowa, for the president this is where it began for him when he won the iowa caucuses. that was a shot heard around the political world. i don't think it's the election toshl polls but you want every state you can get. >> when we talk about the in fact this dead heat exists in iowa or as joy-ann rightfully points out he started there, there's a look at o 10% of the voters being undecide. what's driving those undecided voters? >> well, i think what's driving them, almost every poll that you
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see, they're caught between what the president wants to do with this election, which is make it a choice between himself and mitt romney instead of a referendum on the economy. and so i think 10% of the people, which is what these presidential races are always decided on, thomas, are going to wait. let's face it. any poll taken five months plus from the election is bound to be the proverbial snapshot. we don't know what's going happen in foreign policy. we don't know what might be unfor sene. we don't know how the economy is going to improve or get worse in any of these swing states, whether it's iowa, nevada, colorado, or three or four of the other ones. i think there's a wait-and-see attitude with the 10%. they're not too happy with the president or too unsure about mitt romney so they'll wait and see. >> we'll point out it is preseason. what in your estimation will get their attention? >> think right now they're largely independents, moderates.
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take a case of iowa. they had so much activity over the caucus four years ago, but that's really for the partisan, democrats and republicans. right now what you see here is the folks who really weren't being spoken to in those caucus events. they're the ones that aren't sure which way to go. i think one thing we're watching closely is the enthusiasm of voters and what we're seeing in the states right now is that is tipping slightly romney's way, especially when it comes to young voters who are showing nowhere near the enthusiasm they showed four years ago for barack obama. so that's an area where he needs to pick it up on his side of the ledger, however. independent voters in all three of these states are slightly tipping obama's way. that's what's keeping this close for him or else he'd be behind these three straights. >> joy-ann, let's head down south to florida where you hail from. it's super important to this election coming up. in your estimation, romney
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having the slight lead in florida right now, is there a sense from the democrats that president obama is truly in trouble? >> i think not based on the quinnipiac poll that came out. the demographics were a little questionable. florida's actually a 407 republican -- i mean 40% democratic and like 38% republican. it was reversed with the quinnipiac poll. i think what the obama team is looking at is not really the senateshot but the trend line. they're in good shape in florida because the democrats in florida are leading the democratic election, meaning the minorities and wherever you see that, that geesd news for the obama campaign. >> thomas, might say in the nbc news maris poll in florida last week it was as joy-ann correctly identified an we think we captured the slightly democratic flavor better than the republican numbers that the
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quinnipiac poll had. >> what's the margin of error? >> margin of error was three and we're seeing a slight advantage for president obama, be but, again, he's at 48%. there's a big difference. >> lee miringoff, joy-an reid, jon ralston, we appreciate your being here today. dona provides federal benefits to same-seks married couples. pete williams is live in washington with the latest on this. what more is it saying? >> okay. well a couple of thingss. it's important to note this is not about whether states must recognize the same-sex couple's ability to marry. it's the question where states have done so. can the federal government withhold benefits to the couples
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and to those states and it's that part of the law that this three-judge panel today unanimously found unconstitutional. here's what it said. korng has to be specifically clear when passing a law that's traditionally one of state jurisdiction, that is to say who is mairnd and who isn't. and it looks at the reason that congress offered for passing the law and it finds them all wants. first of all, one reason it was preserved scarce resources, that is to say, the kind of benefits that flow to couples but a more recent analysis suggests that dona may cost more than it saves. secondly it says congress has to have something more, some further distinction when it's dealing with a historically disadvantaged group. secondly, the defermd fenders o said it would support child raising but they found it doesn't do anything to increase benefits to opposite-sex couples and final there was a suggest that it was based to some extent on moral disapproval of gay
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marriage on the idea that what the country should do is freeze the situation and reflect on it but the court said there's nothing in doma that suggests that it was a temporary law. it finds that that's not a sufficient justification at all. and finally the court said it's very hard for us to know what congress had in mind given there was only one day of hearings and very little debate before congress passed the defensive marriage act doma passed into law by president clinton. they said, look, we realize it's going go to the supreme court. it's really the only court that can truly make a decision so it puts a hold on the effect of the ruling while the case goes into ee pee apeop apeople. you may remember it defended it and then when it came to the appeals court the obama administration and attorney general holder said we thing it's unconstitutional, we're not going defend it. the house of representatives then hired a lawyer and he's
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been the one defending it so i'm assuming house will choose to appeal the decision. >> nbc justice krornlt peetd williams live in washington, d.c. thanks so much. as you bring up about the obama administration and they will not defend against this, stay tuned. we're going to get reaction from president obama's press secretary and whether or not it's validation of the obama administration's stance on doma. possibly no more super-sizing your soda. have you heard about this? mayor michael bloomberg's controversial proposal. a battle over a will that would make it a crime tolingly seek an abortion based on gender. sheila jackson lee joins me to weigh in. [ female announcer ] want to spend less and retire with more?
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this is the ultimate war on women, mr. speaker. if we don't allow women to warned, we cannot talk about any other rights. >> you talk about war on women. this is a war on ethics. woe to you if you vote on any part of this bill. >> wow, the record is shameful and it's clear. instead of devievs attacks on wichl, we should unite behind policies that prevent unintended pregnancies in the first place. >> that's just a small taste of a debate raging on capitol hill right now, introduced by arizona congressman trent franks who would fine anyone who has an abortion sought based on the sex or gender of the child. a vote is expected around 2:00 p.m. eastern. originally this bill included a
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provision based on race-based abortions. oppone opponents were against the name the susan b. anthony. now it's called the prenate tall act. joining me is congresswoman sheila jackson lee. they say oefd abortions based on the predicted sex of the fetus, they're limited. they're also inconclusive. so why do you think republicans are bringing this bill up now. >> well, thomas, thing the next act be dragging women out of parent rooms into the streets and screaming over their bodies as they get dragged out of getting access to women's health care. that's what i feel like is occurring today with the legislation that is on the floor. thomas, first of all, there is bipartisan unilateral and unanimous support that we should not have agenda-based abortions
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for the sake of getting one gender over another. that's a hue maven thing that we shoumtd get involved with. this bill is a direct intrusion into the relationship between patient and physician. we lielz that there is a suggestion that cultures around the world do this, but in order to change those cultures, this legislation will not work. what you really need is an affirmation of the value of women, and today pren da is an evaluation of the value of woman. what it does is demonizing the women in the united states. it suggest, putting on them the idea that they're going go in and have an abortion for a daz tardly reason other than the choice or personal needs and the faith conversation and medical
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needs of that particular patient. this is a draconian drastic initiative and, frankly, it should go down today. >> congresswoman this comes at a time when they're showing that it intended to show planned parenthood accepted planned sex selections. right now the funding is in limbo. is this about the ongoing battle to defund planned parenthood which this week launched the campaign in several states targeting mitt romney or is this something else? is this strictly about trying to strip away the funding that goes to planned parenthood? >> well, you know, the women in texas are particular victims. i would say it's the world. it tees holistic approach of coming after women. the decision by the court in texas and the federal court as you well know enjoined the state from its ridiculous approach of denying the funding to
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unaffiliated clinics from planned parenthood. they eerks of course, fighting for its life but it is an institution that's fought for years. it's an a3r0e67 across the united states go after women and bring up this heinous bill which as i said, no one -- i have been an advocate in opposing forced abortions in china so obviously i believe in a different approach but i cannot find in any way in this bill an inkrimm nagt, incarcerating doctors. we're going back to the days of coat hangers. that's what they're trying to do. they want to incriminate doctors. so the only way do is get into their minds. the bill should go down, we need to reinforce the value of women,
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educate them on boys and girls and join with the mun family and stop condemning a woman's right to choose. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee. thank you for your time this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> absolutely. another deadly spree in one of the city's safest in seattle. plus, a not so happy hour. a local bar turns into a drive-through. look at that. not on purpose. we're going to hear from the bartender who survived this very close call. [ female announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role throughout our entire lives. ♪
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♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ all right. some might say awkward. others will say it's a moment in time. president obama will welcome his prez saider bush back to the mansion for the unveiling of the former president's official white house portrait.
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nbc news white house correspondent mike viqueira j n joinses njoi joins now. it's not the first time he's coming back but the first time the first lady is coming back. >> there's a book coming out by that name. george w. bush was here with clinton two years ago on the haiti relief fund. if you'll forgive the analogy, it's like a fox hole. all the tremendous responsibilities, if it's not overly dramatic to say so, that come with being the president and it transcends the political differences of the day. this is the individual bush 43 that president obama said drove the economic car into the ditch. it has all kinds of policy differences on iraq and policy on tax cuts. it's not personal. it's just business and today it's more of the personal side.
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both presidents bush, herbert walker bush and george bush 43 and mrs. bush will be there. it's on to the east room for the main event. an unveiling of the portrait of the previous president, president bush did it with president clinton. it's been going on for years. it's going be smiles all around. that's what we can expect today. >> nbc's mike viqueira in the white house. here's a look at other stories topping the news for you. u.n. declaring the cease-fire plan as a failure. meanwhile it's said syria troops attacked villages. secretary of state hillary clinton says that russia is standing in the way of military action, which she believes is required. the survive ore of a deadly
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shooting spree is recovering in a seattle hospital. the man killed four people in a cafe and another during a carjacking yesterday. hours later he shot and killed himself as police closed in. family members of the shooter say we could see this coming. all right. take a look at this. it's pretty startling so prepare yourself. cameras capturing the moment when a truck crashes into a minnesota bar. you see the degree buried the unsuspected patrons as the truck came to rest inside the building. six were injury. some were uninjured but the stunned bartender did speak out on the "today" show. >> we're a little shook-up, you know, but they're alive. that's all we can say. we're happy about that. i know them very well. i see them every day. so it was a great relief to see people walking around after that. >> wow. just unbelievable. officials say the 51-year-old driver appeared to suffer a
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medical emergency behind the wheel. new york city mayor michael bloomberg is proposing a ban on large suggestry drinks. the proposal would prohibit sales of 16-ounce drinks or larger in restaurant, theaters, food carts, and kochb session stands. the mayor says the maneuver will help battle obesity. meanwhile they say high fructose corn sewer rupp cannot change their name to syrup. the term does not racketly describe the product. coming up at 1:00 p.m. andrea mitchell will talk with mayor michael bloomberg to talk about the city's obesity problem. tune in for that. >> we're told never to look at the sun except for these moments. take a look at these solar images erupting from the sun. they admit the new video does not have scientific value, but you know what? it's pretty eye-catching. [ female announcer ] women have made it the number one selling
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anti-aging cream undeniably. it creamed unbelievably a $500 cream and now women have made regenerist microsculpting cream also unscented. women love it. in original and also fragrance-free. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. the charcoal went out already? [ sighs ] forget it. [ male announcer ] there's more barbeque time
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to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage. the obama campaign during massachusetts into ground zero. the newest tactic, attack mitt romney as the base statement david axelrod will hold a conference. you can see people there lining up, this as the campaign rolls out a new web have it owe highlighting what they call romney's massachusetts failures. >> people want to know what i stand for. they can look up my record as governor. >> mitt romney was not an effective leader in massachusetts and the proof is in the pudding. >> joining me now is ben lebolt.
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ben, it's nice to see you this morning. as we look at this, mitt romney was governor of massachusetts. he added 40,000 jobs. 47th out of 50 states in job creation in total. here's what they're saying now about the national average. 8% unemployment. 12 million unemployed. they're saying mitt romney created more jobs in the state of massachusetts than president obama has for the entire nation. is this an effective strategy for you guys, you know, highlighting the job creation failures of his administration or are you opening the door at reverse fire, what's going on right now and being above 8%? >> well, we're absolutely putting president's economic record up to mitt romneys and they're talk about romney's record in massachusetts, something he doesn't talk about because he made a whole series of promises in 2002 when he was running for office that he can't feel. he said the pace of job creation
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didn't pick up. it slipped. he said that he'd get debt and deficits under control. debt increased by 16%. he left the state with a billion dollar deficit. the size of government grew. he said it would shrink. tax went up. he said they would go down. and the president took office at the time of historic economic nation. he brought us back from the brink. the manufacturing was in decline. it's up again. he's created an economic climate that has led businesses to create 4.2 million private sector jobs. >> ben, when people are critical of the obama playbook in terms of how the obama team is trying to hold their campaign and go after mitt romney on bain first and now massachusetts and people saying it's preseason, no one's going remember this come november about the bain attacks, why this attack?
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why not go after the governor on his record for what he was governor of? >> obviously romney's campaign wants to declare his economic record off limits since he's been campaigning as a job creator. it turns out that's not what he was. we're going to talk about it every dayday through the election like he'll talk about the record. the fact is he profited off of bankrupting companies and outsourcing jobs but in massachusetts we see what happens when he brought those lessons, those experiences and those values he took from his time as a corporate buyout specialist and applied them to government and it didn't benefit the class. he cut programs essential to the working class. community colleges and worker training. and you saw that job creation decline. you saw manufacturing jobs decline by twice the national average. you saw outsourcing all at the same time. that's exactly the same philosophy he'd taken to the oval office and i think you'd see similar results.
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>> i want to get your take where the boston appeals court upheld the earlier ruling 20610 saying that doma was unconstitutional. was that a validation of the administration's stance they won't defend doma and most recently the stance of coming out for marriage equality? >> i think you pointed it out right there. the fact is the president ordered the justice department to stop defending doma in court because he believed that it was unconstitutional. this isn't just about marriage. it has implications for rights and benefits for gay-mile-an-hougay americans across the board. i think it's also a reminder that governor romney is somebody who wants to amend the constitution to enshrine it into it? you know, the platform process is a process that's been outlined by the dnc. the president's obviously expressed his support for gay
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mancht make it clear if he was in a state he would vote for it. there are numbers who have been out in front of it in states like new york and maryland. those voices will all get together as part of this process to develop the platform language at the time laid outz by the d. >> ben labolt, thanks for your time. >> absolutely. look no further than a new ad titled "the promise of america" and it comes from mitt romney's campaign. that join me in the next step toward that destination of november 6 when across america we can give a sigh of relief and know that the promise of america has been kept, the dreamers can dream a little bigger, the help wanted signs can be dusted off, and we can start again. and this time we'll get it right. >> karen hunter is an msnbc
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contributor, journalist and they join me this morning. karen, let's talk about first this web ad. it's 2 1/2 minutes long. it's got the amber waves of grain. it's got all of that. one thing it's being criticized for is its lack of diversity. when leaders are calling for division and what mitt romney sees for america is it proper to be critical of this ad? >> i watched it three times. did he say this time we'll get it white? >> right. >> oh, i'm sorry. maybe he's not running for the presidency of the u stachlts maybe he's running it for the presidency of caucasian stachblts what's sad for me watching it as an can american, in 2050 we know this country is going to be majority/minority, whatever it memes.
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there are already states that are majority or minority and yet in his ad there's not one single person of color. this america that people want back, where does it exist exactly? >> reverend joe, i hear you laughing. it's not going to be run on web tv or prime time. some people are wondering why not put out the big tend kind of ad that's going to draw more people to what we're seeing from mitt romney and the type of leadership he's going to cast as he now is the official, unofficial gop nominee, you know, prior to the convention. he's got the delegates now. but is there a danger in giving the base a white-only face? >> i think this is the first of many adds. i think what's more important is what you say in the ad and to whom you speak. he's speaking to anybody. if there's ooh anybody this this
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country who isn't working, didn't believe in the message four years ago of hope and change and hasn't seen hope and changes this message is for everybody in that group than would be people of all colors, all backgrounds. >> joe, seriously? >> he's ichb cluded in a more substantive way, people of color, diverse backgrounds in his campaign because he wants to reach out to all americans. when you tack about 12.7 million americans not working, those are people of all colors. >> why weren't they in his ad? >> joe, i want to ask you. someone who knows politics and someone as an observer watching that ad, you don't look for somebody who kind of looks like you or resembles you that is speaking to you? >> i'd be delighted at times to be the poster child for diversity, of course, but, no. on a more serious note, the romney campaign has reached out to lots of people of color, including to me and has said, you know, this is about america
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and putting america back, rebuilding america and getting americans back to work and it's going to taker to make it happen. so he's reached out to african-americans and to latinos, to large groups of people in the minority community to join with him. >> has there been enough diversity efforts in the romney campaign. >> i've been watching the whole debate during this whole season and i've always been looking for that person behind them because that really show as what you're about, right? you can pay lip service all you want aunt reach out zwroe watkins all you want but who you're around tells a whole lot of story. i don't see a whole lot of you around him, joe watkins. >> thank you very much, both of you. florida is trying to clean up its voter registration list. a # 1-year-old vet was kicked off that list. he was told he was not an american citizen. is the purge in florida going a bit too far? h? yep uhuh let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel.
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welcome back, everybody. florida republicans are jumping to the defense of rick scott. they met a ton of resistance from democrat this week and that base some of the voters targeted turned out to be valid u.s. citizens. among them, a 91-year-old decorated world war ii vet born and raised in brooklyn who has live and voted in florida for 14 years. also maureen russo, a native of ohio who has owned a business in the state for 40 years. they are two of the sum 2,600 names sent to county election supervisors as suspected noncitizens. the majority are hispanic and other minority voters. we're joined by lenny. good to have you here. i want to start off with this because you sparked some outrage yesterday in a statement you released in frechbs to this. you say in part, quote, we accept the notion that on such a
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heavily traveled holiday, a few moments of inconvenience to law-abiedsing drivers is worth it if we can ensure safe highways, similarly officials in florida are undertaking a methodical right to maintain the security of florida's voter rolls. the rights they've enjoyed for years now to that of suspected drunk drivers? >> we're not stripping anyone of their voting rights. here's what we know. we know that there are noncitizens on the voter rolls in floor and we know they have voted in previous elections in the state of florida. one person, one vote of the united states citizens is the bedrock of the democracy of our ru public so we're just ensuring that florida, which is going to be a critical swing state, which will likely be close that every individual who cast balls lot is awe state krit senn. >> when you talk about that, a critical swing state and everybody looks at florida and jeb bush was running for
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president and instructed his secretary of state to pledge those ineligible to vote, 12,000 of the eligible voters were wrong wrongly ids as convicts felons. what do you say about this. >> this process is to ensure that non-citizens do not cast a vote in this election and in future elections, and to be sure, there are certainly some issues with the data. i heard your opening statement that an army veteran was identified. he presented his paperwork and will not be removed from the voter rolls, but we can fix this. the department of homeland security has a data role called save which tracks people from beginning to end. if president obama would release the information in that data
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base and let us cross-check it would be less likely people would be cross-check and identified as united states citizens. the administration doesn't want to do that. the valid question is why? they want to politicize this and make it a political discussion rather than about operating under the rule of law. >> lenny curry, thanks for your time. appreciate it. ted deutsche of the 19th district of florida. it's good to have you with us. i know you've been listening to lenny curry and listening to his responses. you met or will meet with bill interna cola, that vet we spoke of. he'll be rein stated but it truly doesn't take away the sting of this happening or the nagt there are other people out there like bill who could have this happen to them and not know about it until the day you go to vote.
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>> right willen to what he just said. this isn't a big deal. so we have a bronze star winning battle of the bulge veteran that we inadvertently sent a letter to telling him he's not a zit cit extend and if he just shows his papers, he'll be able to vote. that's outrageous. we know already if this doesn't stop based on the initial results there are 35,000 to 40,000 eligible voters who will tossed off the voting rolls. he's wrong when he says they're not going to be stripped from the rolls. they're gove to receive a letter saying if they don't respond, they won't have an opportunity to vote. this is the most brazen attempt that i've ever seen to suppress the participation in our democracy. that's why we've stood up against this and we're telling the governor he's got to stop
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this and make sure the integrity of our elections is upheld. >> let's talk about it. you and the democrats are calling on the governor to stop the purge. how are you counter acting this? >> first of all we sent a letter to the governor pointing out that this process that's put in place is one that has no transparency, no accountability. it calls into question the whole idea where this idea came from. we don't know if the governor has come up with this idea on his own. we know that when he discussed it with the former secretary of state, the secretary of state of florida told him that he was uncomfortable going forward with this because he knew that this was going be the likely outcome. so we need the governor to stop this if there's going to be any hope of having a fair and a better understanding that there's real integrity in our system. he's calling that into question right now. he gets to stop it if we're going to be successful here and make sure people continue to believe in our democracy in florida.
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>> congressman, i want to bring back in lenny curry. he's still with us. how many ineligible voters have actually voted in florida. >> ler we know that an nbc affiliate in the naplesville, florida, area did a study. in that study they identified one lady that has been registered to vote. she's a non-citizen, registered to vote for over 11 years and has voted in six elections. we know there are noncitizens on our rolls. when you go to register to vote you fill out a form and check a box, are you a united states citizen. there's nothing in place to verify that process. it verifies the in fact you are a citizen. we slim want to operate under the rule of law. it's common sense. >> you heard the congressman say this is brazen attempt to suppress democracy. >> that's just a false claim. again, the simple solution is for department of homeland security, president obama's administration, to allow us and other states, in fact,
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colorado's requested this as well to interface with their system. immigration from beginning to end shlg and it will be much less likely that someone who is identified and contacted under this scenario. >> we need more perfect data and that data resides with the obama administration. >> thomas -- if i may. >> naples ft. myers they voted. the vote was cast and counted? >> we know that they are registered to vote. we know the one example i gave you did in fact vote. >> so congressman, jump in there. >> sure. if i may. first of all, two things that i would point out. in the 2008 election there were 16 cases of voter fraud out of 8 million votes cast. and we don't even have confi confirmation on this person he's referring to ever cast a vote. we know there were 16 cases out of 8 million votes cast. the most important news remade this morning, thomas, is that
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the republican party chair of florida admit there had is a problem with this system. that the data isn't accurate. given that admission i hope that he will step forward and call on the governor, reach out to the governor like i have and tell him to stop this so it doesn't go forward and continue to throw eligible voters off of our voter rolls. >> we'll have you change numbers in the break and maybe make a conference call together to the governor there. gentlemen, thanks so much. we'll be back with much more. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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talk about a passion for politics and the people. a state lawmaker from illinois is making headlines today for this on the state house floor on tuesday. take a look. >> sick of it. every year we get power to one person. it was not made that way in the constitution. he was around when it was written. now we give -- we pass rules
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that stop each one of us. enough. feel like somebody's trying to be released from egypt, let my people go! >> going all moses. who knew anybody could be that passionate about pension reform. we have condi rice to the list of mitt romney supporters. she endorsed him in california last night. there has been talk about her as a potential running mate but she recently told a group of business leaders she's not interested. and a surprising endorsement from massachusetts governor patrick who said he was going to stay out of the democratic primary battle. he threw support behind elizabeth warren who could face a battle if her democratic challenger gets at least 15% of the vote. >> that's going to do it for me. thanks for your time. now with alex wagner comes your way next. ♪ to check your credit score before it gets too late ♪ ♪ and you end up strapped for cash ♪ ♪ patching your board with duct tape ♪
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into a room. this is not the beginning of a joke, but something that is happening right at this very moment. our 43rd president is at the white house for the unveiling of his oil portrait, and a luncheon hosted by our 44th president. our 41st president presumably tries to mediate the awkwardness of this moment with his best dan quayle jokes? it's thursday, may 31st, and this is "now." joining me today is david corn of mother jones, new york daily news columnist s.e. cupp, mort zuckerman, and the publisher of the new york daily news and se cupp's boss, and former senior adviser to the obama/biden 2008 campaign, patty doyle. when you are bad mouthing someone for months what do you
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