tv Lockup MSNBC June 2, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. on the ground! >> no way to handle the situation in here. you've got to fight. >> she got a broken eye socket. i put her in the infirmary for eight days. >> love that. >> i chased after a court officer. they said i hit one and kicked one and spit on him. >> for those inmates all too willing to throw a punch -- the jail has a special place. >> the box. >> separated from everything.
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so you learn to deal with it. it's called the box life. boston, massachusetts, is by any standard a world class city, but ever since its colonial days, some have called it a fighting town. and located in the heart of the city is a place for anyone who does their fighting outside a ring. >> step inside, gentlemen. back to the wall, please. >> more than 12,000 people a year pass through the walls of suffolk county jail. though the jail also holds inmates who have already been convicted and serving short sentences, most arrived here having only been accused of a crime.
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if they don't make bail they will stay until their case is resolved. for some, that time could be measured in months, if not years. >> we're not necessarily housing people, very violent crimes with people with completely non-violent crimes but it's a maximum security facility. if you're one of the nonviolent one, it's something you definitely need to get used to. >> with an average daily population of 2,700 male and female inmates, someone reaches their boiling point virtually every day of the week. >> on the ground! >> we're back -- >> the most common violation is fighting. it's common to fight for them over rivalries and gang differences. people get transferred into new units. so new inmates come in, detainees come in and they go right at it and they end up here.
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>> here is the segregation unit where inmates are placed after fights or other serious disciplinary violations. other than toiletries and legal papers, they are not allowed personal property and are locked in their cells 23 hours a day. while segregation is officially known as the 6-1 unit, inmates have another name for it. >> the box. >> get down. >> it's hell on earth. >> the box sucks. >> you hear a lot of screaming. i'm going to kill you. i'm going to get you. >> [ bleep ]. >> these people really do not like each other, and they will take every opportunity to tell whoever is listening how much they don't like somebody else. >> unlike some segregation inmates, dan espinoza usually keeps quiet. especially about the fight that earned him 30 days here.
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it happened the night he was arrested but he says he doesn't remember a thing about it. >> from what i was told i chased after a court officer when i was being cuffed up. they said i hit one of them and kicked one and spit on him. >> he came in severely inebriated of some sort. not sure if it was drugs, drunk, he was definitely under the influence of something when he came in. >> espinosa was arrested for soft lifting and instead he was taken directly to the segregation unit. fortunately for him, he wasn't charged for his behavior and later pled guilty for his original charges. he blames his problems on the abuse of prescription drugs. >> i was on klonopin. felony pills. yeah. >> felony pills, why do you call them that? >> because every time i take them i get felonies.
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>> i fell when i was in the ironworkers union, tore my knee up, had my knee reconstructed. i was on vicodin, percocet. and it eventually led to heroin. i've been doing heroin a little over 10 years. >> espinosa said he supported his addiction while shoplifting and then would sell them in ethnic neighborhoods. >> i would grab a rack of ed hardy jeans, fence the stuff, go to the italians, puerto ricans for the clothes. go to the chinese for the electronics that you can get you know, from watches. >> if convicted of his current charges, espinoza could face several years in state prison. >> sad to say, but maybe it's what i need. >> while his legal future is still uncertain, his time in segregation is drawing to a close. he's about to be transferred to general population. >> tomorrow i get out.
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thank god. get to play in the big box again. out of the little box, into the big box. hate the little box. >> like espinoza, daniel also aspires to be placed on the general population unit. >> got to mingle with the crowd. you get to get out. be with everybody else. i never been to pop. only time i was in pop was in newman. i've never really seen pop. i was only in there for like two weeks. >> what happened? >> a fight. everybody fights. right? that's the only way you can handle situations in here, you have to fight. someone says something to you or you got problems and you got to act on it. if you don't, they will. >> 16 months ago, esdale was convicted of possession of a firearm and sentenced to two years at the house of
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correction, a separate jail facility for convicted inmates serving 2 1/2 years or less. due to multiple fights, he spent the first 13 months in segregation, but even under those restrictions he was still a significant discipline problem. >> daniel has gotten into many fights since he's been here. he's been involved in about ten fights. there are a lot of fights that he has actually asked or called to happen. so he's been involved in a lot more behind the scenes than he's actually been involved in. >> if someone is arguing with a c.o., i'll be in the background amping them up. just i like going at it. i don't know. it's just fun to me. i just enjoy it. i like all the commotion and stuff like that. >> while esdale thrives on commotion outside his cell, inside is a shrine to order. >> that's my rug. that's the blanket i use to keep on my floor.
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i feel more comfortable and cozy. makes it more like home. that's my cosmetics. each toothbrush doesn't has its own toothpaste so i don't get it mixed up. sounds weird, but that's the way i do it. same thing with deodorants. one day i pick up one. one day the other. you don't use the same one. that's the way do you. mouthwash, shampoo. two of everything. you don't want to use all one thing. >> there's another unique aspect to esdale's current living situation. due to his fighting or egging on of other inmates, jail officials decided to house him in an area where other inmates would be less likely to respond to him. >> lunchtime, gentlemen. >> we decided to remove him from segregation and put him in the infirmary where he wasn't with other people where he could incite a fight or do it himself. >> this is the infirmary. this is medical, this is where sick people come down here. i come down here and i maintain
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their behavior, i get a detail. in detail, you pass the trays out. then if i follow the detail, i can go back to population. >> in the meantime, esdale says he will try to make the best of his work detail and life in the infirmary. >> i got a tv in the cell. i never thought i would see a tv in the joint let alone in my cell. i got a tv. a little razzle-dazzle. work out. write her. sometimes you talk to yourself. >> what do you say to yourself? >> everything i want to hear. that's the best thing about talking to yourself. you can hear anything you want. >> coming up, an inmate nicknamed smiley deals with her troubled past. >> i punched a lieutenant in the face, so they gave me a full assault and battery on a police officer.
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>> we got tuna today for lunch. got no choice but to eat it. back to our cells after this. every day in here is a living hell. every day. ain't no sunshine in this jail. >> there is some sunshine in boston suffolk county jail at least on the open air recreation decks. depending on their security level, inmates are allowed out for an hour or more of rec each day. during bad weather, recreation is taken in housing unit day rooms where inmates work out any way they can. >> got to do pull-ups every day. about ten reps a day. ten sets, 100. i do my push-ups, squats. i work on the legs.
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>> now raise your left arm up. >> over on the women's side, some inmates aim for a mind/body connection for a more contemplative breakfast. >> reach, reach, reef with your left arm and bring the hand onto the chair. >> from time to time the jail allows a volunteer yoga instructor to conduct a class. >> grow like the tree. >> i like it. it's really relaxing and makes your day go by easier. takes away all your stress. >> 23-year-old valerie minacapelli hasn't always been so mellow. she's nearing the end of 90-day sentence for convictions that include assault on a police officer. >> i got in a fight with a girl. when they took me to the police station, they got rough with me so i fought back. i punched a lieutenant in the face. they gave me assault and battery on a lieutenant police officer.
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they call me smiley, because i'm always smiling. i'm a nice person, but don't get in my personal space because it's going down. >> minacapelli proved her point just a few days after arriving in jail. she got into fight with another female inmate. >> she got a broken eye socket. i put her in the infirmary for eight days. time to go. >> the fight earned her a lengthy stay in the female segregation unit. she was released to general population a few weeks ago. despite her sometimes violent tendencies, she claims her numerous days in the suffolk county jail stem from her addiction to cocaine and heroin. >> when i was with my kids, i never did nothing. never did no drugs. did nothing. i was a stay-at-home mom. i was good, and then started racking up charges and doing drugs. it was all downhill.
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>> she says she turned to prostitution to support her drug habit. her two children, ages 5 and 6, are now in the custody of their father. >> i do write to them. i don't get any mail back from them. i don't get to talk to them on the phone. my family talks to them. he won't let me talk to them on the phone in jail. >> despite the pain, minacapelli has found room for laughter in jail, particularly with her cellmate cindy archer. >> the first day we came in, we laughed. the whole entire night. >> yeah, we did. >> so hard she was on the floor rolling. >> yeah. i was against the wall slapping the wall, everything. i haven't laughed so hard in my life like that. >> like minacapelli, archer also struggled with addictions to heroin and cocaine. she's currently serving one year for prostitution. i was street walking. i would go there and you know,
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jump in the car, get the money. but usually i would rob the guys. i would take the money out of their wallet, put the wallet back in, because they didn't even know. i know how to do it. you know whey mean? grateful i'm not dead by that, but that's how i got my money. when you're high, all you want to do is get another hit. if you're dope sit, you need to if you're dope sick, you've got to get money to get more dope because your body's aching for it, and that's disgusting. had i think about it now, yeah, i'd love to get high. think of the consequences. think of the consequences. those were abscesses when i shot coke, i used to miss, and it turns to poison. they'd get big, and i would have to go in the hospital on antibiotics. i know they look horrible, but she's got to be thinking that could happen to her. i could save her from getting these scars. i have them. but the thing is, i'm alive, and
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i can still try to help her. stay with her. don't let her get any further into her addiction and try to control it now before it gets out of hand like i did. >> like she said about the scars and stuff, i think about that all the time. when i go in the bathroom i look at my track marks. i'm like, wow. you know what i mean? we're too pretty for that. we don't need to have all these marks and scars on my body. all the things i lost getting high. you know what i mean? it's crazy. but you have to get clean for yourself. you can't do it for other people. >> daniel espinoza has also paid a price for drug addiction. high when he was arrested for shoplifting, he assaulted several deputies during his initial court appearance. as a result, he spent his first 30 days at suffolk county in segregation. but now he's on his way to general population where he will have more privileges and time
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outside his cell. >> today i'm getting out of the hole. i'm going go play with the big kids in the big box now. i'm pretty excited. when you go to a new unit, you don't know who's on that unit or whatever. could be a lot of small time units. so i'll see what's going on. 30 days since i got to put a pair of sneakers on. my new unit. see what's going to happen. >> 2-4, open. >> daniel esdale has spent the last four months living and working in the jail's infirmary hoping good behavior would convince jail officials to overlook his history of fighting and grant him a transfer to general population. >> he actually got to a point where he had a detail in medical where he served food to the other inmates and cleaned the
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unit, so he came a lot farther than we ever anticipated him coming. >> esdale did finally get a transfer, but definitely not the one he wanted. he's back in the box. >> i'm in segregation because i had a disagreement with the officers. i was told if i work and behave, i can choose where i want to go, but then when it came down to it, you can't go here, you can't go here, you can't go here. you go where we tell you to go. >> he likes to get what he wants. he's very manipulative, and yesterday morning had an incident with the juice leaking and decided he didn't want to serve the juice. so when the officer asked him to go into his cell and he's not going to work his detail that day, he basically had a little bit of a fit and said i'm not getting what i want so move me out. >> i got aggravated and said i'm not doing the juice. why do the work if i'm not going to get what i'm supposed to get out of it.
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>> he packed up his things. the sergeant asked what he was doing. he said i'm leaving today one way or the other. the officer let it go. later in the day he was fine, but decided to make a comment, meaning that michelle needs to make a decision. she needs to i think he said, grow up and either move me to the work program or to the box. and i made the decision he went to segregation last night. >> coming up -- >> beaten pretty severely. passed out at one time during the fight. >> a brutal assault brings consequences that could go beyond time in the box. ns... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... ns... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf...
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where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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the city of boston is known by the nickname beantown. but inside the walls of the suffolk county jail where fights can break out suddenly, the inmates have another name for the city. >> straight from the bloody bean. you know what i mean. >> the bloody bean. you know? >> this is bloody bean. >> bloody bean. >> daniel espinosa has just
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helped give the name some credence after spending 30 days in segregation, or as he calls it, the little box, he's finally been released to what he calls the big box. general population, where he had more privileges and time outside his cell. but now just six days later, espinoza is on his way back to the little box. >> we got in a fight. jumped someone. >> he got involved in a three on one in which he and two others pretty brutally assaulted another inmate. >> i beat the [ bleep ] out of him. sent him away in a bus. >> what's that? >> an ambulance. >> like i said, beat him severely. passed out one time during the fight. went to the hospital, bleeding from the ear. not quite sure what his head trauma was, if any. >> the jail normally punishing fighting by places the inmates in isolation for up to 30 days. >> is a clinic available for one
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to come up, the altercation on two? >> for especially violent incidents, the jail may also choose to file criminal charges, but first, staff will review surveillance video of the fight. >> at that table is four detainees including daniel espinoza. you can see mr. espinoza looking back to see where the officer's positioned and see where the officer's sight lines are. another interesting proposition, this gentleman knows the attack is coming and he's vacating the area because he doesn't want to be a participant. as the gentleman raises his arm, that's the signal to the others that the three-on-one attack is now ready and then he strikes the victim and you see mr. i see espinoza rises, who joins in and what ensues is a flurry of punches and kicks to an essentially defenseless detainee. >> if additional criminal charges are filed against espinoza, the most likely charge would be assault and battery.
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a conviction could then send him to state prison for up to eight years. >> most people come into the building. they don't want to make what they have worse. so they generally keep really bad behavior in check on their own. yeah, there's a lot of fights and things like that but they quickly are broken up. but they don't go too, too far. a person to pick up a significance charge like this is actually very rare. >> the long-term consequences are still unknown, his day-to-day life back in the box is completely predictable. >> i try to sleep until, like, 1:00. and i get up. read for a while. work out. anything, just to make the time pass. separated from everything, you know, the outside world. so you learn to deal with it, and it's called the box. >> coming up -- >> it's 13 windows over. >> valerie communicates with her
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fiance in the cell block next door. >> he's got his heart up. and his hand. oh, i love him. right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems,
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>> did you find him? >> yes. >> when valerie minacappelli entered suffolk jail, she not only hit it off with her cellmate, she got closer to her fiance. >> my fiance, who i've been with for 2 1/2 years, i couldn't wait to get up here and try to find him. >> he's housed in the men's unit on the other side of the jail. luckily enough, she has a perfect view of his cell window. >> 13 windows over on the bottom, he has a heart in the window. >> yep. >> in pink. >> as inmates, minacappelli and her fiance cannot talk to each other on the phone. so now they use a different method to communicate. inmates call it skywriting. >> you write the letters backwards. because it's like looking in the mirror for him. you put your hand up like that and start another one. then i wait for him to reply. i'm grateful at least we can
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talk to each other. doing our time together. oh, he's got his heart up. yeah! and his hand. oh, my, i love him. it's crazy things love will make you do. right? >> daniel esdale would also be happy to see a friendly face. he recently refused to perform his job detail in the infirmary and became verbally abusive to staff. the incident earned him a minor disciplinary ticket and a transfer back to segregation. he's not happy about being back back in the box. >> i stare out the window all day. work out and just stare out the window all day and talk through the doors. what did you say? >> despite his setback, esdale still believes his four months in the infirmary should have earned him a shot at going back
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to general population. he's requested to speak with assistant deputy superintendent rachelle steinberg in order to plead his case. >> how you doing? >> i'm all right. >> i dealt with him for probably the last five or six years whether it was in classification or in my current capacity as a assistant deputy superintendent. >> you made a comment to the officer. he's a very smart individual. however, he's very manipulative, knows how to get what he wants, and knows how to play the game. he's a good talker. >> i just want to see if i can get this straight. you're telling me that whole 4 1/2 months i slipped up one time and everything goes down the hill. that's what you're telling me? >> no. you had a choice and you made a choice not to do what was asked of you. >> i just can't -- i really don't understand that because it all started off in the morning. >> yeah. >> about some juice. i didn't want to pour the juice. i had other issues going on too but everything was adding up. you know what i'm saying?
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>> yeah. >> you have to look at positive side. he caught a ticket, but he didn't catch a ticket for threatening somebody or trying to hurt somebody. he didn't catch a ticket for making a whole bunch of noise. >> i never said you're dead in the water, but you're not going back -- >> but i am, rachelle. >> if i get into fight, you can do that. i don't care. >> i'm not saying you're dead in the water, but -- >> you know i am. >> but i don't know. you had a setback. that's all it is. no one's saying you're dead in the water, but you need to make sure you're maintaining yourself up here with no issues. >> rachelle, can i ask you a question? seriously? >> you asked me ten questions. yeah? >> did you honestly think what i caught a ticket for was really that bad for me? for me. >> the ticket wasn't bad. it's the fact that you were getting escalated so quickly and and getting angry over the most minor thing, that the next step was what we were trying to avoid. >> i understand that. i wasn't doing nothing aggressive. you understand? >> right. i know you weren't. >> i know. i said -- my exact words was
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this -- >> yes. >> call rachelle. tell her i need to speak to her. make a [ bleep ] decision. grow up or something like that. >> yeah, you did. >> if you send me to cw or send me to the box. >> right. >> i was aggravated, rachelle. >> i know that. >> and the only way i know how to channel my anger is physically. so instead of me doing that, i'm yelling. >> yep. >> i'm yelling. >> that was recognized. >> rachelle, tell you the truth, all jokes aside, i'm not trying to play with you. like you know, you got your job. you the boss and i respect you. know what i'm coming from? >> yep. >> you and i both know usually i wouldn't care about being -- about being seg. doesn't matter. i'll stay here. >> i know. >> i just feel as though, if i just did four months. four months. >> that's why i'm saying you're not dead in the water. >> the next step for esdale is administrative segregation or asu hearing that will determine how long he remain in segregation.
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>> you'll most likely be seeing asu tomorrow. yes. >> i'll be there. >> all right. >> i'll be there. >> all right. >> yep. it was nice seeing you, though. >> you, too, daniel. >> it's always nice seeing you. you're always going to be good in my book, no matter what. always going to be good. get the [ bleep ] out of here. >> while he deals with the consequences of his actions, it's time for espinoza to do the same. he's been called to a disciplinary hearing for a brutal attack, a three-on-one attack on another inmate. a fight jail officials called one of the worst they have seen in years. >> as you know, it could be a big incident. he might charge it criminally. before we ask you any questions, you must understand your rights. >> since most fights are broken up before there are serious injuries, they usually are handled internally, with punishment as a stay in segregation.
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but for espinoza the fight was so violent, he could face new criminal charges. >> you have the right to remain silent. >> so he's read his miranda rights prior to discussing it. >> you understand the rights as i have read them to you? >> yeah. >> so what happened? >> told him -- he didn't leave. >> so he didn't leave and why did you tell him to leave? >> he robbed from my cellmate. >> he was stealing from the unit and other people, as well so you told him to check off and he didn't, so you banged him up. why did you do it so badly? >> i can't answer that question. >> you know? it went on for a while. you guys took breaks. >> i didn't take breaks. >> no, that's true. i'll grand you that. you were the one -- the other two were taking breaks. all right, but why so long? you know what i mean? >> i lost the concept of time. >> well, basically, you know --
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yeah, it was pretty bad. you're probably going to do 30. i can't imagine in terms of you not doing 30 in terms of segregation. all right. thank you. >> 30 days in segregation could be the least of espinoza's problems. should the d.a. decide to proceed with criminal prosecution, if convicted, espinoza could potentially face eight years in state prison. >> so was it worth it? >> tired of being in here. put me in a cage and i'm turning into a beast. that's what it's like. that's what i do. >> coming up -- >> what happened? >> bought a ticket. >> you seem to be spiraling out of control before that, though. >> daniel esdale tries yet again to catch a break. >> daniel is a little bit of a special case. >> i knew it was going to happen. surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place.
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enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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every day i get up. i have breakfast. i go back to bed until 10:00. i'll get up, have my coffee. take a shower. have to go back in the room from 11:00 to 12:00 till lunch. watch tv during the day. go on the treadmill. >> when it comes to doing time in suffolk county jail, cindy archer is an old hand. this is her 14th stay at the jail. and she's learned a few tricks along the way. >> i make eyeliner. see? eyeliner. >> makeup is considered jail contraband and inmates caught with it could receive a disciplinary write up. archer turned to an unusual source as a substitute. >> this activates the eyeliner. activate it with hair grease and
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it turns black. doesn't hurt me. i've been doing it for the last ten years. like real eyeliner. nobody can make it as black as me, though. >> during those ten years she's been in and out of suffolk county on a variety of petty charges, which she claims was fueled by her drug addiction. currently she's serving a year for prostitution. the time has been made easier by the presence of her good friend valerie minacapelli. but few things in jail are permanent. minacapelli was released a few days ago. >> i miss valerie very much. i called her monday night. she said she was doing okay. she answered the phone, a collect call from me. i talked to her mom. they were doing good. she's so happy that her daughter was home. >> it won't be long before archer can join her friend and she vows it will be the last she'll see of the suffolk county jail. >> i'm getting released in five
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days, and i'm trying to get to a program, and i'm going to stay clean. i'm not going to come back here. >> archer recently took a small step toward freedom when she was allowed to join the jail's community work program. twice a week the program sends them outside the jail to perform public service, such as painting and landscaping. >> you get out of jail for the day. you go and work a real job. you only get $3 a day, but it's worth it to me because it helps me get through the day when it gets me back into the real world. you know what i mean? >> almost like a stepping stone, to get out of the door. they're working, seeing people, going to work, children with families. different than being in a house with 30 females. they're actually in population. it's a gradual thing. >> yeah, but i don't think they're any smaller. >> today some female inmates are
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headed to a public library to shovel snow. >> the classification process to get into the community program is very strict. you can't have escape charges, parole violations, you know, fighting while you're in here. >> the program's director heather mcneil has known archer for years. >> cindy archer i've known since 1991 when i first started. she's been in and out. she was in here with her mother in '91. we're almost working together, which is kind of scary. >> can we have a cigarette together? >> no, we cannot. >> oh, please. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. >> it's not worth it. >> i know that. i know. >> take your shovel. i'll get these. >> she has been in and out for so long that this is kind of like home, unfortunately. she feels probably safer in here than she does on the street. >> i'm almost happy to be doing something like normal, you know?
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>> daniel esdale is also hoping for a bit more freedom. he has five weeks left to serve on his two-year sentence for possession of a firearm. as unlikely as it is, he's still holding out hope that he can serve that time in general population. >> it's still a possibility just like this big. i might. i doubt it. >> esdale is currently back in segregation after refusing to perform his job in the jailhouse infirmary. >> open 4, please. >> but he sees it as one small slipup after four months of what was for him unusually good behavior. today he's meeting with jail officials where he'll learn what's in store for him. >> i'm going get administrative because of my history in the building. they're not going to let me go to pop, because they're thinking as soon as i go to pop, i'll come back in and fight. >> assistant director of classification, cindy is in charge of esdale's hearing. it's not the first time she's
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seen him. >> how are you doing today? >> fine. >> this is not where i wanted us to be. you know that? right? >> yep. >> what happened? >> caught a ticket. >> i know you caught a ticket. you seemed to be spiraling out of control before that, though. >> yeah. because i kept getting restricted for no reason. >> he is a little bit of a special case. he is a special case because of the level of violence he's shown at our facilities, staff assault, fighting, continuous disruptions, you know, four cell moves and he just doesn't stop. so now we need to move forward. >> i'm going to asu. >> correct. but you knew that. so what we're going to do is place you into asu. i would say probably for the remainder of your sentence. okay? >> no restraints, right? >> correct. we're starting you out on asu, no restraints. you came out of the infirmary. it was nothing violent. no reason to put you on full restraint, but you know that can be our next step. we can even move further than that, if that's the way you want
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to go out. i hope it's not. you don't have that much time. a little more than a month left with us. i hope you can ride that out and do what you're supposed to. do you have any questions about what is going to happen? >> with what? >> with asu. i want to be clear about everything. >> it doesn't get no better than asu. nothing else can change. i can't go to pop. so, no, no questions. >> all right. thank you. >> now, knowing he will spend his last five weeks at suffolk county in segregation, esdale is led back to his cell. >> he's a player. he's the type of inmate who reads you and if you're afraid of him, he's going to act up. if you're not afraid of him, he won't act tough. >> i knew it was going to happen. >> he doesn't know where his lies begin and his truths end. very compulsive. he likes to keep himself clean. he will beat up a cellmate because a cellmate doesn't keep himself clean. that's just his personality. >> it's just stupid because i knew this [ bleep ] was going to
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happen where i can't leave the box. you know what i'm saying? take the dog out of the cage. he nibbles. he don't even nibble. he barks because he's so used to him biting. instead of looking at the positive side and saying he barked. he didn't bite for a change. he barked. he might bite. let's throw him back in a cage. [ bleep ] that's corny. looked at the box [ bleep ], it's a box. at least i know where i'm going to be at, though, right? >> while esdale's near future appears settled, cindy archer's has suddenly taken an uncertain turn. she's just returned from her work detail. >> why did they have your bra? >> i don't know. i have no idea. >> when we strip searched her, just now, we found that there was cigarette residue all over her bra that she discarded of
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obviously and it's all over the bra. looks like she might have smoked it. >> that was makeup from the other day. that's all that was on there. i don't have no cigarettes, believe me, so i don't know what you're talking about it. the makeup i wore from the other day. don't have nothing. they searched me, i have nothing. >> having tobacco could delay archer's release. but since officers have only found residue, she will not face any consequences. >> she's leaving friday. we'll hold her inside. she will not go back outside until she leaves on friday and that will be the end of it, because there is no contraband on this bra. maybe she doesn't want to leave. maybe she wants to stay. that might be one of the reasons, too. she's afraid to leave here so she's trying to sabotage herself. >> coming up, big developments for three suffolk county inmates. >> hey! follow the wings.
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i was [ bleep ]. >> inmates at boston's suffolk county jail often refer to the disciplinary segregation unit as the box. but for a handful of inmates, time in the box does nothing to deter their behavior. >> i can't help it, man. you know? >> in those cases, the jail has one other more drastic option. it can transfer them to another jail in a neighboring county. >> we'll accept inmates from other facilities who are having issues in their populations and vice versa. what we try to do is give them a fresh start. we'll send the classification department. we'll send individuals out to different counties where the smoke or drama may not be and we see if they can live in population. because we don't want a large contingency of people in our segregation units. it creates more disciplinary problems and we try to keep down the violence. if we try to stem some of the violence, we do.
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>> that step has now been taken with one of suffolk county's most notorious inmates, daniel esdale. >> yeah, man. >> mr. esdale was transferred to another facility for a week. he was here for a long time and sort of taking that known identity for him out of it and placing him somewhere else where he's not so known will be good for him. it was a real win/win for both the department and daniel because he's given another shot in another county. >> the suffolk county jail has almost been a second home to cindy archer but today she'll have another chance to put it behind her. >> i'm leaving. i'm going home. i'm getting discharged. >> you are? >> yeah. i'm excited. i'm going to do the right thing, i'm going to stay clean. and i'm not going to come back. i'll remember where i came from. >> what's the first thing you're going to do when you get outside? >> i'm smoking a cigarette. you know? okay. bye, kirby. >> as she is processed out, archer gets to exchange her jail uniform for the street clothes she was arrested in months
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earlier. >> my pants fit me. imagine? >> let's go. >> bye! bye carey. i will, yeah. all right. my god, my god. this is the best feeling in the world. is to get out of jail, i'm in here nine, almost ten months on a year. >> you want to go home? >> yes, yes, sir. oh, i'm going home. 100-354. thank you. my release papers. thank you. >> take care. >> okay, this is my stuff. i'm going outside to smoke right now. >> archer has arranged to stay with an old boyfriend while she gets on her feet. >> i just got out right now. i'm on my way out there, okay? i'll call you when i get there. please, have your phone with you. all right. i'm call you in half an hour. all right?
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i value my life very much now, and my freedom too. i'll have to value it every day when i'm out there and think about, well, if you do drugs it's only going to last for a minute. you're going to get back to the drugs and have a habit. you'll get another case, be down in the infirmary dope sick looking like [ bleep ]. i have the power to change myself. i just got to stay away from all bad things. >> dan espinoza expects to walk out of jail any day now, as well, but his freedom is not guaranteed. authorities might still bring criminal charges against him for his role in a three-on-one fight in the general population unit. but a $750 bail has just been set on his original charges of shoplifting and larceny and he's got the money. >> i'm going to bail out and
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hopefully beat this case, the way most of the cases i have on my record are beaten. people don't show up. i hope that's what happens. when i beat these cases i'm all done. i think i'll try the mundane life. >> but espinoza has tried before. >> when i get to a spot where i think i should be, like i have the house, the car, the girl now, everything's great, that's usually when i pick out. i'll start out smoking weed thinking it's okay to smoke weed once in a while. that progression leads me back to heroin and once i pick up heroin i look at everything i have and i go, probably got three or four months before this is all gone and i can't stop until it's all gone. i've been happy, real happy, but sometimes i like the pain. the box life.
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