tv The Last Word MSNBC June 4, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> still a lie whether or not mitt romney says it out of his face or whether or not it's in the ad. shouldn't mitt romney have to pull down that ad? isn't that what's supposed to happen next now that this thing has been called out as a lie? it's a test. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." have a great night. tonight, trump is still talking about the birth certificate and romney is still not talking about massachusetts. >> you folks like politics? >> they're giving him nothing. >> republicans would go too far and sound like they are cheerleading bad news. >> stop rooting for failure. >> high fiving each other on days when there is bad news. >> they should stop sitting on their hands. >> putting ideology of ahead of country. >> what about their ideas for the country? >> i don't really like talking
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about the place of birth. >> somebody said, because i brought up the birth certificate i'm a racist. >> he himself said he was born in kenya. >> the deficit in leadership. >> perhaps it's going to say hawaii. perhaps it's going to say kenya. >> you mentioned the plan. >> republicans have vastly outspent democrats in this race. >> it started with bain. now they're moving to massachusetts. >> it started like this. >> i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. >> governor romney left massachusetts ranking only 47th in the nation in job growth. >> one of the worst economic records in the country. >> mitt romney saying i saved the auto industry. for the last 20 years, i've been hosting "the tonight show." there you go. mitt romney spent today in two states.
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he is going to lose, oregon and washington. while president obama headed for a state where he will pick up 29 electoral votes in november. the president had three fundraisers scheduled with bill clinton in new york, including one tonight with entertainment by jon bon jovi. >> what the other side's counting on is fear and frustration. that in and of itself is going to be good enough because they're sure not offering any new ideas. all they're offering is the same old ideas that didn't work then, won't work now. we will not go backward. we will go forward and we will remind the entire world just why it is the united states of america is the greatest nation on earth. thank you, new york. i love you. >> the president's remarks gaca hours after the campaign released its first television ad that exposes what mitt romney now considers the most shameful
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period of his life. no, not the prep school bully years. the governor years. >> it started like this. >> i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. >> but it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. so now when mitt romney talks about what he'd do as president -- >> i know what it takes to create jobs. >> remember, we've heard it all before. >> i know how jobs are created. >> a new poll shows president obama with a three-point lead over mitt romney, which is within the margin of error of the poll. the president leads mitt romney on favorability, 56%, to mitt romney's 48%. both candidates now have a 42% unfavorable rating in the poll. president obama is particularly popular among young voters. more than 2/3 of people under 30 have a favorable view of the president while just 40% of
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people under 30 have a positive opinion of mitt romney. the first national tv ad by the obama campaign is targeted at the youth vote, and it appeared last night during the mtv movie awards. >> okay. the guy who ended the war in iraq, the guy who says you should be able to marry anyone you want, and the guy who created four million new jobs. that guy, president obama, and michelle, are coming to my house for dinner on june 14th, and i want you to be there too. you have to go to for your chance to win. >> joining me now is msnb c's crystal ball and steve. crystal, it was a little concern that broke out among conservists today. they're worried about the appointment of the transition
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chief because he supports the president's affordable care act, otherwise known as obamacare, by republicans. he supports the exchanges. he advises states on how to implement the law. this has rush limbaugh worried. >> romneycare, obamacare linkage. the obama campaign hadn't gotn to thgot n -- gotn to that yet. it isn't going to be pretty when they do. >> it just might involve the words mike levitt when they do. >> that's absolutely right. this dove tails with what you were saying about mitt romney's record in massachusetts. he's not wanted to talk about his record in massachusetts in any respect. if you don't talk about your own record, then your opponent is going to define it for you, which is exactly what the obama campaign is doing now and what they are also likely to do regarding health reform. also, conservative pushback,
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this is not the first time conservatives have been upset about a mitt romney appointment. you'll recall richard gernell was forced down because he happened to be gay. so it'll be interesting to see if the romney campaign on this one stands their ground when they've appointed someone who, again, conservatives don't like. it also shows the fact that romney is still, still has not really won over his base. he still has to watch that right flank. he can't really move to the center in the way that we all expected him to. he still has to appease the base. last week he was asked to grade the president. what grade would he give? he said i'd give him an "f" absolutely across the board, which is the kind of answer you'd give to appease the tea party in the primary, but it's not the sort of thing you want to say when you're trying to appeal to independents in a general election. >> steve, i hadn't considered until crystal just said it that we might have a rerun of the
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grinnell situation where there's an uprising against the ericks about the appointment. conservatives should consider it unacceptab unacceptable. this should shake every conservative's confidence in team romney to really understand just how badly we want obamacare fully repealed. steve, could there be a revolt on this appointment? >> there could be, and i think this is the interesting thing to watch. how much latitude and how much leeway in the campaign is romney going to get from sort of the opinion leaders and thought leaders on the right? you're seeing red state now. you're seeing someone from the "washington examiner" earlier today. is going to me it's a size? is it going to turn into something big? i would guess we're not going to go down that road partly because the role of levitt is ill defined.
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the thing to think about here is look at what romney had to do in the primary season. look at the heat he is already taking on this. think about what a romney presidency would actually be like. you know, whatever leeway and whatever latitude he gets from the right now, he will get none as president. the entire purpose of mitt romney to the right -- i think grover norquist has said this, he has a hand in what they sign. whatever the republican senate passes, he's going to put his signature on. if he balks even once, there's going to be a revolt. >> let's take a look at what donald trump was saying this weekend. he was in north carolina, and he now has what he believes is the perfect answer to anyone who makes any accusations of anything involving racism with donald trump. let's listen to how trump handled that this weekend. >> when is the last time you saw a bridge being built in this country? you go to china. you go to the o peck nations. you go to some of these nations.
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it's unbelievable what you do. somebody said, oh, because i brought up the birth certificate, i'm a racist. i said, how could i be a racist? i just picked arcenio hall. >> let me explain because the trump game show got record low ratings this year. really, nobody watched it. that crazy show he has where he pretends to fire people and then in the end there's one person he doesn't fire. the one person he didn't fire was the only black person in the crazy show, arcenio hall, the only black person he could get to be in his show after his conduct the last year. so now crystal, he has his perfect defense of any charges of racism. he just holds up those words, arcenio hall. >> right. he has black friends, lawrence. how could he be racist, right? that makes sense, doesn't it? didn't he also have a quote that was like, i'm cool with the blacks, when he was flirting
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with his presidential run? so, you know, i don't see what the problem is here. i do have to say, though, i personally hope that donald trump spends every day between now and november in north carolina. that is my own personal hope, talking about this birther nonsense and how we don't build bridges anymore and whatever else he said in the very rambling, incoherent speech. i would love for him to spend as much time as possible in every swing state in the country, in fact. >> steve, you think there's any chance of trump slipping into the way he was caught on tape last year talking to that vegas audience where every other word was the "f" word when he's out there on the romney campaign? >> yeah, i mean, look at the setting for this. he's at republican state conventions now. he's doing official party events. you got to imagine that the audience there, you know, it's been said, you know, why is romney scared of standing up to trump? in a lot of ways, trump is channelling the republican party
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base. they feed on this. trump is becoming -- you know, the romney people may have discomfort with it. at the state party level, there's a demand for this guy. the more the guy is out there, the more he runs his mouth, who knows what he's going to say. >> in fairness, i should say you should hear steve off camera with the "f" bomb. put him to shame. >> i don't know what you're talking about. there's something to be said for the understanding the difference between on camera and off camera. >> trump has no understanding. >> the romney campaign is trying to fight back, steve, against the whole idea of the obama campaign being so unfair as to bring up his period as governor of massachusetts. they are struggling with this. you get the feeling that they weren't really ready to campaign over issues involving massachusetts. >> well, there's that, and there's also the interesting
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thing to me about this is the response from the romney team to the criticisms to obama about his role in massachusetts. four-year period, 47th in the country in job growth in that time. you can bring all these unflattering statistics out. the romney defense to that is, well, i inherited a really bad situation. i inherited a budget deficit. i inherited an economy that was in a really bad shape. so you should give me credit for improving on that. now, there is actually, in romney's case, some validity. it's not as universally awful as the obama campaign paints it as, but my goodness, the entire romney message in this campaign boils down to judge barack obama only on january 20, 2009, to the present. do not consider for a second the fact that wall street melted down before he came to office. they want the voters to ignore that completely. the biggest elephant imaginable in the world. the minute you say anything
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about massachusetts, it's there's a recession going on. >> also, romney's pushback has been, we love to compare massachusetts 4.7% unemployment rate with the president's. what they fail to mention is that part of why they had a low unemployment rate is because 220,000 people left the work force. essentially left massachusetts during that time period, which was the second worst in the country after only louisiana, which had just been devastated by hurricane katrina. so even in that, even in their spin, you know, they're leaving out an important part of the picture. >> crystal and steve, thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. >> coming up, you remember alex castellanos. he's the guy that kept interrupting rachel on "meet the press." he was back this sunday and said some wicked nutty stuff, which means he's in tonight's rewrite. and it's never too early in
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politics. so hillary supporters are pushing hillary for president in 2016. but what about andrew kuo mow, the governor of new york, who has achieved marriage equality in new york and is now pushing for reducing the penalties for possession of marijuana? he's doing everything right to position himself for 2016. and let's not forget the sitting vice president of the united states, joe biden, who has not ruled out running for president. that's coming up. what's with you? trouble with a car insurance claim. [ voice of dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, now it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. are you in good hands? mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything.
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alex castellanos is back on sunday morning tv saying nutty things. the last time he was on "meet the press," he couldn't stop interrupting rachel maddow. yesterday, he couldn't stop saying nsa saying nice things about bill clinton. that's in tonight's rewrite. speaking of bill clinton, bill clinton says he will support
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conference call this afternoon. >> congress has to step up and do its job. if congress passes the paycheck fairness act, women are going to have access to more tools to claim equal pay for equal work. if they don't, if congress doesn't act, then women are still going to have difficulty enforcing and pressing for this basic principle. >> mitt romney's position on the paycheck fairness act is pure romney. it is nonexistent. the romney campaign is refusing to say whether mitt romney supports the bill. when asked today, the romney campaign refused to say yes or no, but simply endorsed the general concept of pay equity for women and then spun that into an anti-obama gibberish thing about the economy. of course, governor romney supports pay equity for women. in order to have pay equity,
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women need to have jobs. and they have been getting crushed in this anemic obama economy, losing far more jobs than men. as president, mitt romney will create a pro-jobs business climate that will put all americans back to work. today, the women's rights group ultraviolet put out this video about romney's record on issues of concern to women. >> it's 3:00 a.m., and your family is safe and asleep. but there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. something is happening. it's 150 million american women, and they want some answers from mitt romney. they called about rush limbaugh's attack on a young woman, and there was no response. they called about the violence against women act, and there was no response. and now they're calling about the paycheck fairness act, and still, there is no response.
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>> joining me now are congresswoman jan of illinois and an msnbc contributor. congresswoman, how long did it take you to decide your position on the paycheck fairness act? >> well, it's obvious to most women that there's still discrimination in the workplace when it comes to our paychecks. 77 cents is the average for all women. for african-american women, it's about 68 cents. for latinas, it's about 59 cents for every dollar a man earns. mitt romney never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity when it comes to women and what's good for us. he likes to talk about jobs and the economy. here's what he could do. he could call up his colleagues, republican colleagues in the senate, tonight, tomorrow morning. the vote's going to be at 2:15 in washington. tell them stand up for women and vote for the paycheck fairness
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act. it's still in his court right now. he could do it. >> joy, this vote tomorrow puts senator scott brown of massachusetts in a tough spot. he's in a close race to hold on to his seat in massachusetts. he decided today he's going to vote against it. his statt says, senator brown believes strongly in fair pay and that employers who discriminate against women should be prosecuted aggressively. however, senator brown believes the bill will put more burdens on small j so joy ann, senator brown thinks that not allowing businesses to discriminate against women would just put more burdens on businesses. >> this is where the republican party, their loyalty to big business comes in conflict with their need to increase their demographic appeal. they're only doing well with republican women. they're not really expanding that circle. but businesses putting
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tremendous pressure on republicans to stay the course and to tow the line when it comes to not doing anything business doesn't like. business doesn't like regulation. they see this as a regulation. this is 49 years after the passage of the equal pay act in 1963, and women are still earning 77 cents on the dollar. this bill would talk about the remedies that women could employ to try to seek their rights. that's why business doesn't like it. >> congresswoman, this looks like an opening for elizabeth warren in massachusetts. you would have expected that scott brown in a campaign like this would just take the campaign convenient position of eliminating the difference between him and elizabeth warren on this issue. but in a state like massachusetts, this looks like a real opening for her. >> i think that this could be a winning issue for elizabeth warren now that scott brown really has an opportunity -- you know, it's one thing for people to say, i'm for pay equity. i think equal pay is a good idea. now there's a piece of
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legislation before them. actually, it's a pretty modest piece of legislation. it just says that businesses would have to prove that they were not discriminating against women. it would give women an opportunity to ask other employees what their pay is. scott brown, that's a real phoney thing to say, that you're for equal pay but you're not going to vote for this legislation. i think this is definitely going to help elizabeth warren, and it's going to help democrats who support this legislation against republicans because it's another chapter in the war on women, and it's one that really gets at the heart of the economic issues for women. >> let's listen to what president obama had to say about this at a dnc women's leadership forum. >> as long as i'm president, we're going to keep moving forward. you can count on that. you don't have to take my word for it. you've got my signature on it. because something like standing up for equal pay for equal work
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isn't something i got to get back to you on. it's the first law that i sign. >> joy-ann, when professional republicans take a look at that video, do they have any doubt about why there is a gender gap in favor with women voters in favor of president obama? >> yeah, i mean, i think that's what republicans are trying to convince women of. they don't have enough jobs. well, it turns out the unemployment rate among women is actually lower than the inemployment rate among men. this recession was a very male-semale male-centric recession. women have lower unemployment, but they have lower pay. they're in a lot of jobs that tend to have lower pay. teachers and other jobs. so, i mean, the problem for republicans is they haven't gotten a message that gets them beyond being in the service of business. the important thing about these bills, the lilly ledbetter act, and this one, is that the reason women still have pay inequity is
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when they attempt to assert their right to fair pay, they can be retaliated against if you say how much money you're making talking to a co-worker. look at the wal-mart lawsuit. you still have really systemic lower pay and retaliation. that's what these laws are getting at. republicans haven't really explained how they would deal with that. >> congresswoman and joy-ann, thank you both very much for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you, lawrence. >> coming up, democrats are already positioning themselves to run for president in 2016. we have new york governor andrew cuomo making all the right moves. so is maryland governor martin o'malley. and hillary supporters are just begging hillary clinton to run. and as he positions himself to run for president, new york governor andrew cuomo now wants to reduce the penalty for possession of marijuana. that's coming up. follow the wings. wake up!
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well, last time rachel maddow was on "meet the press," alex castellanos just could not stop interrupting her. he was back on "meet the press" this weekend, and he said some really nutty stuff about president obama and bill clinton. and that puts alex castellanos in tonight's rewrite. and hillary clinton is in our next segment. virtually all of her supporters want her to run in 2016, but new
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york governor andrew cuomo is positioning himself for a run. so is maryland governor martin o'mall o'malley. vice president joe biden hasn't ruled out anything yet. late ere, the extremely popular governor of new york might become a lot more popular with his plan to decriminalize marijuana. that's coming up. ovider is difft but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. i would love to see a secretary clinton become the nominee for president in 2016. i do think, though, that the secretary should entertain the thought of running in 2016. hasn't she been a magnificent secretary? >> that was nancy pelosi in april hoping for a hillary clinton run for the presidency in 2016. pelosi echoed those sentiments during a recent interview with the san francisco chronicle saying, why wouldn't she run? she's a magnificent secretary of
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state. she's our shot. former pennsylvania governor ed rendell is also pushing for hillary clinton to run for president again, revealing in his new book that he has even offered to manage her campaign for free. rendell wrote, she is bone tired. still, i believe, when she gets some rest and has a chance to reflect on what she wants, the challenges facing the country will be too great for her to resist, and she will change her mind. for her part, secretary clinton maintains she has no sfwoeinten run again. >> i'm very flattered, but i feel it's time for he to step off the high wire. i've been involved in american politics for 20 years now. >> joining me now, johnathan capehart and karen finney.
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karen, i listened very carefully to what secretary clinton just said, and i did not hear her say, i will not run for president. >> oh, my -- can i tell you, every day she ran for senate campai campaign, she got asked, are you going to run for president? she said, why are people asking me this question? maybe i should tell her she has to be more definitive. i'm of the mind she doesn't have that answer at this point. i genuinely believe she's exhausted and wants to, you know -- lord knows she has earned a rest. take a rest. i think from there figure out what she wants to do. most of us really want for her is for her to get to pick, what does he want to do for once? >> let's listen to bill clinton help build hillary fever. >> she's being absolutely honest with you when she says she doesn't think she'll go back into politics. whether she does or not, who knows what will happen. but if she comes home and we do
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this foundation stuff the rest of our lives, i'll be happy. if she changes her mind and decides to run, i'll be happy. >> johnathan, if he decides to run, he'll be happy. big surprise. >> he's being a supportive husband. what else do you want him to say? it's the right thing for him to say. but, you know, i agree with my darling wife karen finney when she says that, you know, secretary clinton is tired. folks want her to be able to, as she says, get off the high wire she's been on for the last 20 years and to rest and do what she wants to do. in an interview she did last year, maybe a year and a half ago, she talked about how she looked forward to being a grandmother and tending to her family and, you know, just taking some time off. also, if she were to run in 2016, she's not going to have that much time off. the way the modern political cycle is, she'll be back into the game by 2014, at the latest.
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>> i was going to say, you mean march of 2013. are you kidding me? >> a year. this is one of those stories of a few that drive me absolutely nuts. secretary clinton says she doesn't want -- she wants out. she wants to rest. can't we just let her have that and let all the people who say they want her to run, fine, you say that, that's great. but take the secretary at her word that she wants out. i believe she wants out. >> she has never said she wants out of presidential campaign politics. she's been very careful not to. >> she said off the high wire. >> let me tell you, to her insiders and to her fundraisers who are close to her, at least one of them has told me he's absolutely convinced she's going to run. that she's absolutely locking it in now. but it's going to be an amazing field if hillary's in it.
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he's going to be going against her governor in new york, andrew cuomo, who's moving toward it. martin o'malley, strong governor in maryland. and we have joe biden, who would be 74, still not saying i'm not going to run. and you know, i previously had ruled out both hillary, who would be 69, and biden as being too old. now i no longer think they've hit an age barrier for running for president. >> john mccain showed there's no age barrier, right, for running for president. >> and reagan. >> exactly. i have to say, though, for my own conversations with hillary, and chelsea's going to kill me for saying this, she really does want to be a grandmother. no pressure. >> it's legal to be a grandmother and run for president. that's possible. >> that's true, but if you want to be the kind of grandmother who gets to spend a lot of time with her grandchild, that's a little tough when you're running the country. let's be honest, even if it we get four more years of president obama, we're still going to have a lot of work to keep this country on the right track.
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>> johnathan, what about the age issue for joe biden and for hillary clinton? not factoring in whether they're going to run or not. have we moved into a zone where we have a higher age limitation than we used to have on this? >> i think so. one, because folks are living longer. the people who are going to vote for them are going to look at them and say, they're young or they're right around my age or they're slightly older than i want. also, i think as we get further down in presidential election years, and if we don't dig out of the problems that we have by 2016, the american people aren't going to be looking at age. they're not going to be looking at any other factors expect for competence and what ideas will those candidates bring to the table to change things, to make things better in this country, assuming things aren't where folks want them to be by '16 or '20. >> i also think, lawrence, part of the fascination with this
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is -- i mean, it's wonderful having president obama. it's inspiring having an african-american. a lot of us really still want to see a woman president. i think that's part of why hillary comes up so much in the conversation. there are other women in democratic politics who, i think -- you know, senator jill would make a fantastic president. >> she already said she's going to urge hillary to run. >> i know she will. there are a lot of wonderful, talented women coming up. but my point is that i think there really is still a desire to have a strong woman candidate. we really didn't get that fix from sarah palin as the vice presidential nominee. i think that's part of why hillary still comes up. >> johnathan, andrew cuomo in new york has pushed through kind of bravely, politically pushed through marriage equality in new york. he achieved that. he's now looking at marijuana laws and saying we got to reduce the penalties on that and decriminalize this population of
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kids that have been getting dragged into the criminal system because of possession of small amounts of marijuana. i mean, andrew cuomo in addition to many other things, he's been making every right move to position himself for that nomination. >> well, sure. he's been taking leadership positions. the marriage equality position he took is really extord their. keep in mind, he did that, personally separated that bill through to passage six months into his first term as governor of new york. something that lots of people thought was politically risky. he provided the way for governor o'malley of maryland and dare say president obama in terms of getting to yes on marriage equality. now what you're going to see, assuming that maryland's marriage equality law does go through in january, we very well might see two leading contenders for the democratic nomination, one of whom could become the
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nominee, and either one who gets it is someone for same-sex marriage. i think the days of a major political candidate, particularly in the democratic party running, who's not in favor of marriage equality is over. >> you're right. >> karen finney and johnathan cape part. i'm placing my bet. hillary is going to run. >> thanks, lawrence. coming up, alex castellanos is in the rewrite tonight. not for interrupting rachel on "meet the press." rachel did a fine job of handling herself on that. alex castellanos was back on "meet the press" this weekend. he said some really nutty things about president obama and bill clinton. that's what has him in the rewrite tonight. later, new york state is making a big move toward decriminalizing marijuana. that's coming up. let me show you something. [ dr. rahmany ] as soon as you leave here... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer. introducing new
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president we have ever had, especially president bill clinton. that's next in the rewrite. and later, why the governor of new york, a possible future presidential candidate, is pushing toward decriminalization of marijuana. that's coming up. i'm an expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way.
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problem we have is other americans that are holding the economy back. >> that's alex castellanos trying to make president obama sound downright un-american. that's alex castellanos trying to say president obama is unlike any other president we've ever had, especially bill clinton. >> bill clinton was a new business democrat, a new democrat. he wanted to grow the economy. the president's job, bill clinton thought, was to grow it for everybody, not just to redistribute what some americans have. >> that's funny. i don't remember republican operative alex castellanos saying stuff like that when he was trying to prevent bill clinton from becoming president in 1992 and when he was trying to prevent bill clinton from being re-elected in 1996. now, don't ever bother trying to figure out what someone like alex castellanos actually thinks. castellanos is a pure political
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spinner. there is no such thing as truth to him. there is simply the next rhetorical device that he will use to make whatever political point he might be trying to make. and on sunday morning, bill clinton was alex castellanos' rhetorical device to use against president obama. quote, bill clinton was a new business democrat. a new democrat. he wanted to grow the economy. the president's job, bill clinton thought, was to grow it for everybody, not just to redistribute what some americans have. yes, alex castellanos actually does know that the very first order of business for president clinton when he took office was to redistribute income, to take what some americans have and give it to other americans. something every president,
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democrat and republican, has done since the invention of the federal income tax in 1913. bill clinton didn't just raise taxes in his first six months in office. he enacted the single biggest tax increase in history. it's not that the republican presidents elected before bill clinton, reagan and bush, were not already redistributing income through income taxation. it's just that bill clinton thought it would be fairer to ask the richest americans to redistribute more of their income, a little more of their income through the income tax. alex castellanos was right about bill clinton being a new business democrat, a new democrat of sorts, and he was right about bill clinton wanting to grow the economy for
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everybody. and bill clinton's idea to do that was to get control of the budget deficit by cutting spending and by raising taxes, and everyone knows what happened after he did that. the economy grew and grew and grew and kept growing, and even alex castellanos knows that. and now, while praising bill clinton for doing that, alex castellanos condemns president obama for trying to do the exact same thing. for trying to restore the top income tax rate to exactly what it was under bill clinton. for that, alex castellanos condemns president obama. now, what do you call that? it's not just spin. it's something way nuttier than
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spin. it's self-contradictory. it's crazy. it assumes that the audience of "meet the press" is utterly ignorant. that they don't know that president obama wants to restore the clinton tax rates. i guess this means that five or six years from now alex castellanos will be using president obama as a rhetorical device against president hillary clinton or whoever is our next democratic president. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v.
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legislation that would reduce the penalties for public possession of small amounts of marijuana. >> young person has a small amount of marijuana in their pocket, and that's a violation. that's a fine. police officer says turn out your pockets, and now it's a crime. i mean, who could defend against that? >> under governor cuomo's plan, all possession of small amounts of marijuana, public or private, would only be subject to a fine. new york city's police commissioner, who has been cracking down on private possession of marijuana, especially among young african-american men who are stopped and frisked by the nypd, now says he and the mayor support new york's governor. >> mayor bloomberg totally supports this legislation. he hopes that it passes in this session as do i. >> joining me now is the founder and executive director of the
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drug policy alliance, an organization promoting an alternative to the war on drugs. this is a major breakthrough to see the governor of new york now and to see ray kelly, it's kind of really surprising, to see new york city police commissioner, who's been really, really tough, really crack down on this with the support of mayor bloomberg. to see them coming around like this, it's a historic event. >> it really is. miss organization and other ally groups have been, you know, making this a major issue the last few years with grassroots mobilization. but the police chief, the mayor, the district attorneys in new york just kept resisting. so cuomo coming on board now and saying i'm introducing my own bill on this. we're going to move this thing forward. then whatever he had to do to get the police chief and the mayor and the d.a.s on board, this is a major change. this is going to result in thousands or tens of thousands of young african-american men being arrested needlessly.
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it's an important and bold step forward by the governor. >> over 50,000 people arrested in new york state last year for this kind of possession. it seems we're in a moment, ethan, where this stuff -- there's a wave that's moving here. i mean, this rant was on line recently that if this kind of arrest had happened to president obama when he was that age and trying marijuana now and again, he surely would not have ended up as president. there's a lot of lives being ruined under the age of 25 with these mass arrests. >> that's exactly right. there's a new book out about barack obama's youthful marijuana use. he wasn't just a casual user. he was a bit of a head in his younger days. the fact of the matter is the number of people smoking marijuana today is probably the same or maybe a little less than it was 30 years ago when barack obama was doing it. but twice as many people are being arrested today. the consequences of arrest in terms of what it can do to your access to government benefits,
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scholarship, travel, all of these thi things is more severe now. roughly 70% of americans don't believe anybody should be going to jail for possession of small amounts of marijuana. strikingly, according to the annual polls, the percentage of americans who say marijuana should be regulated like alcohol, for the first time, has hit 50%. there's more people now in favor than there are against. that's a huge increase in support in just the last five or six years. we are seeing a major change in public opinion in this area. >> i think the most important thing about the example of president obama and many others in our government, senators, congressmen, governors, others, who in their youth used marijuana, is that these laws would block the advance of the people we want to see advanced in this society. no one would have wanted to see barack obama's life blocked by this kind of arrest or many of the other people we have serving in the congress. >>
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