tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 6, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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again, literally. mr. president, please, a huge jobs bill. the republicans would have to say yes or no to it, that's the tact. if they say yes put $5 million people to work right now, if you say no, you put them, the republicans out of work. that's "hardball" for now, thanks for being with us, "politicsnation" starts right now. welcome to "politicsnation," i'm al sharpton. we'll be talking later in the show about the big election in wisconsin, and why i think it's not as bad as some progressives are saying. no question big money is a big problem. we need to keep moving forward until election day. fighting for what's right, that's what we need to do. but we start tonight with what we will do now. about a big fight and a big fight of this election. the republican party is pushing
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to keep the erroneous bush tax cuts for rich people in this country. the same tax cuts that have been destructive for the economy. now the gop is embracing an unlike l unlikely here hero for their cause. they believe the bush tax should be extended for middle class americans. so predictable, love, president clinton is around republican circles. >> obviously president bill clinton gets it. >> president clinton got it right the first time yesterday. >> coupling that with bill clinton's remarks. he is the gift that keeps on giving. >> that's right, desperate facts, they continue to believe these tax cuts are somehow good for the economy. it's pretty incredible. >> extending all of the current
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tax rates for at least a year is really important if we're going to help job creators gain a little more confidence and put americans back to work. >> it's obvious that the economy needs the certainty of the extension of the current tax rates for at least a year. >> it's about economic growth and job kcreation. that's what small businesses are telling us, and it's time to focus on job creation. >> this should not be a surprise. if you threaten the largest tax increase in america's history, much of which will fall on small business people and entrepreneurs, you will not get robust economic growth. >> job creation, economic growth, good for small businesses, haven't i heard all this before? and willard romney has i'm bracing extending the tax cuts. he wants to take it astep
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further and give the wealth even more tax rates. on average, millionaires have saved more than $123,000 in taxes each year thanks to the bush tax cuts. but middle class workers, americans making between $40,000-$50,000 average $647 in saving. check out this chart on the causes of the national deficit. see the part in the middle taking up most of the space? those are the bush tax cuts. here is the big one. jobs creations. are they kidding? we all know how that went. and the president is not even entertaining the possibility of extending it. the white house says no way, no how, not even temporarily. joining me now is robert reich,
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a labor secretary and now a ethics professor. he is author of "beyond outrage" let me start with you. by asking can they keep saying these same lines even though we know how destructive the cuts have been? how do they keep running the same line? >> they learned an important lesson, that if you tell the same big lie, and you have enough money behind the big lies, people start believing them. they believe the bush tax cuts need to be extended because they work so well in 2001, 2003, and after that. the fact of the matter is they poked a huge hole in the budget deficit, and instead of creating a lot of jobs and improving wages and economic growth, even before the great recession, the bush tax cuts were a complete
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dud. we had almost no job growth compared to what we had in the clinton administration, and the median wage, for most americans, continued to drop after 2001. you had a huge, huge tax cut for the wealthy and nothing trickled down. republicans have no compunction about saying that trickle down economics works when the evidence is exactly the reverse. >> now white house press secretary jay carney said clearly the president is not budging on tax cuts by the bush tax cuts. watch this. >> there was no daylight about extending tax cuts for middle class americans and to not extend tax cuts for those making over $250,000. he will not, could i be more
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clear? he will not support extension of the upper-income bush tax cuts, he could not be more clear. and former president clinton's spokesperson matt mckenna released the statement that president clinton does not believe the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans should be extended again, he simply said that he doubted a long-term agreement would be reached until after the election. the facts are the facts has you said secretary reich. the extension of these tax cuts would be devastating in terms of where we are going or attempting to go in terms of economic recovery. >> they make no sense at all. remember we do want to extend the tax cuts for the middle class. the issue is are those going to be extended for people whose incomes are over $250,000 only
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on the force of incomes exceeding $250,000. the answer has got to be no. there is no reason, no logic, and no basis for extending those tax cuts when we have a huge budget deficit in the out years that has to be brought down. when there is no excuse for the very wealthy getting a continuation of a tax cut that had no positive impact on the economy at all, measurable or in any other way, why in the world would republicans want to extend the tax cuts for the very wealthy? there is only one reason. they're in the pockets of the wealthy. more than the democrats campaign money, the republicans are the spokespeople for the top 1%. >> stand by, i want to bring in david corn, an msnbc political analyst. david, the fact that the
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republicans now are trying to use former president clinton's statements and now trying to rally around extending the bush tax cuts, your reaction? >> i think we all know, they'll say whatever they can to get tax cuts for the rich through. when times are bad, you have to cut taxes for the rich. you have to cut taxes for the rich. and they know -- this is what is interesting here in terms of the political dynamic and the secretary sure knows this. if you look at polls and what president obama argued in the whole debate over this, the public believes that the wealthy should be taxed more, and there should be shared sacrifice, particularly if you're talking about cutting any programs to deal with the deficit over the long term. the public is fully on the side. so democrats often are scared of making this fight or voting
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against this, because they will be accused of being tax hikers by the republicans and now they have all of the super pac money behind them as we saw, thanks to citizens united in wisconsin and elsewhere. so the political die nam sick even though this is a majority issue, sometimes it's hard for democrats to stand up to this so the republicans keep playing this game, you're for hiking taxes up, hiking taxes if you want to continue tax rates on the rich or go back to the old rates, and they know they can use their negative ads to make democrats really pay for this. so here comes bill clinton who says something and they latch on that as well. >> we have to keep fighting. >> secretary reich, the fact is they talk about deficits and bringing down the deficits, but
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under president bush, we had $7.5 trillion in deficits, and then by january 2003 of that year, and then it was $ 7 trillion. by january 2006 $8.2 trillion all the way to january 2009, $10.6 trillion. this is the national debt their screaming about. we have to deal with the debt that grew under them and their president. >> of course it did, and it grew under them for two reasons. number one because they had this big, big bush tax cut in 2001 and 2003. most of the benefits going to the very rich, and secondly because president obama engineered a medicare drug benefit that was very costly.
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this is the old republican technique of starve the beast. you create a huge program, reduce the taxes on the wealthy, and that haefs a huge deficit and democrats are left trying to pick up the pieces. why are we allowing them to get away with the same thing over and over and over again particularly at a time when the top 1% in this country have never taken home a larger percentage of total income. and when the tax rate they're now paying is lower than it's been in 50 years, and we're facing a huge budget deficit. if they don't pay their fair share, everybody else will have to pay more down the road, and we will have to lose medicare, medicaid, and social security. a lot of the programs we depend on. >> this is to me what this election really comes down to. fairness and about who are the ones in this country that will be the priority in terms of who will we salvage and who will we
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protect. the rich, those at the top, or ordinary, average middle class americans and working poor, and poor people that need government to protect them against those that want all of the privileges and none of the responsibility. thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, why some of my friends on the left should shake off they wisconsin hangover, sure scott walker won, but the results don't tell the whole story. plus brejing news from florida where republicans are defieing the justice department and doubling down on their voter purge. an explosive response from governor rick scott sets up a big show down with the federal government. and willard loves to talk tough about war, but a new report reveals exactly how he avoided the draft current vietnam. a story getting a lot of attention today.
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>> welcome back to "politicsnation," congratulations to wisconsin governor scott walker for keeping his job. it's a big win for the gop, but let's be clear about what happened and what didn't happen. here is how walker did in the 2010 election. he won just over 52% of the vote. here is how it shaped up last night. walker got 53%. one percentage point different. one point, $30 million in funding and scott walker gained one point on the scale. how is that possible? for one, exist polls showed 60% of the people think this should only be a recall for political his conduct. what he did no the unions was
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unpopular not -- 70% of people who voted last night didn't think there should have been an election. everyone with walker's win, the news wasn't all bad. here is the silver lining. democrats changed four senators last night, and democratic john lehman was able to unseat his republican point. last night the determines won back control of the state senate. another thing the gop doesn't want to talk about? the presidential election had been held last night, obama would have beaten romney by 7 points. no doubt the progressive lost the battle. now is not the time to be down. now is the time to keep going, keep fighting, not the time to give up. don't be in denial, we lost a round, but don't through in your
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towel because the fight is far from over, this is just the beginning. joining me now is someone that knows a thing or two about fighting, the president of the american federation of teachers, and former congressman allen greyson, a democrat from florida, thank you for being here. >> randy, let me start with you. what can we learn from wisconsin and a roll big money played in organizing and winning the campaign? >> first, look -- the results were decisive, but it's showing us what the wisconsin voters really said. i think you got it right, al. the results are that wisconsin voters who very much believe in good government, was sending an unmistakable message to all of us that said recalls are for
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misconduct. and that's what we learning from the exist polls. it was not about the labor movement, in fact they said that they believed in the labor movement and it was not about scott walker, but it was about don't use recalls for this kind of situation. in fact, you saw the difference between what happened in wisconsin verses what happened in ohio where it was just about the law, and the voters said reverse the -- you know, keep collective bargaining. i think your point about money is also very important. >> let me -- i want you to address that. look at the graphic. walker raised and spent $30.5 million, barrett only $3.9 million. when you list the top ten spenders of the 2010 election, the only three on the list that
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supported liberal causes were unions. >> this is why the money advantage is so corrosive. you would have seen wall to wall ads by scott walker without any kind of response. so you would not know that the labor unions gave the concessions asked for, you wouldn't have known who barrett really was or what he stood for. that's the influence that a few people can actually outweigh and gro drown out the voices of everybody else. >> allen, you're running for office this year. how do we deal with a one sided discussion it big money is able to weigh in like this. what do democrats learn out of
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this wisconsin situation last night? >> we're hoping that small contributions can make up the disadvantage that we've had in big money. in our case, 50,000 people have come to the website and we have raised the money we needed to respond to the negative ads that have already started. they started in may that the polit politicfact called liar liar pants on fire false. you'll see more of that this year preponderate only way to respond is for people to reach into their pockets and support the candidates they feel they need to support, and this year there is no alternative, we're fighting to save social security, pensions, right to
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organize, and student loans. >> randy, we have to fight to save our right to organize, where does labor go from here and how do we fight to preserve our right to organize and social security, medicare, medicaid, and the things we care about. >> when you work for working families, we know that we lose more battles than we win. and so you still have to fight those battles for working families. allen is right, we will have to fight knowing there is a money advantage. long term there has to be public campaign finance. at the end of the day, americans if we reach them, and you saw this yesterday, the if the president was on the ballot, he would have won. so it is about really having a conversation with meshes around the country about who is out there for fairness. so make sure your kids can go to
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college, that it's affordable and accessible, that parents are okay in retirement, and those of us trying every day to work hard and play by the rules have access to the american dream. rich, middle class, or poor. so that's what we have to do, you know? so we're does appointed today, but we go on and fight tomorrow because we're fighting for a cause which is to ensure that america has the american dream for all people, not just some people. >> mr. greyson, as they try to talk about extending the tax cut, i have a minute left, i want you to weigh in on that as someone who fought this and continues to fight this in this campaign. what will the tax cuts if extended do to us? >> it's shocking to me that we're thinking about it at this point. they were enacted 11 years ago tomorrow. in those 11 years, private employment has increased by zero. not a single job created by the private sector since the bush tax cuts went into effect.
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if you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result you're crazy. you have to be crazy to support these tax cuts for the rich. >> some of them think we're crazy. thank you both, let's keep up the fight. we win some, lose some, the only permanent losers are those that don't fight at all. ahead, breaking news from florida, republicans are defying the justice dfrt to potentially disenfranchise thousands of american citizens. we can't let it happen. ♪
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help the republicans steal the election. we want you to join the "politicsnation" community too. head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. we hope to see you there. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ ♪ ♪ spread a little joy... [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream. that's what makes philadelphia. ♪ so spread a little... [ female announcer ] and that's what makes the moment we enjoy it, a little richer. ♪ real belgian chocolate whipped with philadelphia cream cheese. new indulgence. the moment just got a little sweeter.
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he just had a different thing driving him. every step of the way. ♪ visa. supporting athletes and the olympic games for 25 years. join our global cheer. we're back with breaking news out of florida where republican officials are defying the justice department and defending their campaign to suppress the vote. the mover from governor rick scott's administration sets up -- the effort to shut down the purge hardly seems like an approach earnestly designed to protect the integrity of elections and ensure that
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eligible voters have their votes counted. florida has sent thousands of letters to residents across the state saying they are shown as potential not citizens. they must prove their citizen or be purges from the voting polls. in miami-dade county alone, more than 1600 people were identified as noncitizens, but 385 of them turned out to be eligible. that's nearly one in four, and we have no clue how many eligible voters may slip through the cracks. that's just one county. 180,000 have been targeted as potential noncitizens including this 91-year-old citizen who go a purge letter last month. >> i voted here for the last
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almost 15 years around here. and i voted in brooklyn when i lived in brooklyn and i really don't understand. to me it's an insult. >> it is an insult, especially when there is practicically no voter fraud in florida. since 2000 there has been only 178 allegations after fraud in the whole state out of 37 million votes cast. that's .00005%. joining me now is a supervisor of elections in leon county. and my civil rights organization, that is fighting hard against voter suppression effort website thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> mr. sancho, what is your
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reaction to this letter of defiance from governor scott's administration. >> i could see basically it was about argument for argument's sake. in our opinion, in what i'm referring to is the state's local supervisor of elections, we have one representing every county, we're not going to implement any league act. we circulated a memo saying the legal issues really make it impossible for the state's local flexion officials to proceed. so rarless of what governor is saying in the letter to the justice department, quite frankly there will be no zitmatic purge of citizens -- >> my am i understanding you right? are you saying despite the letter that there will not be
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purnling be the local supervisor, you being one, and you will not abide by the letter that they sent from the administration of rick scott. >> yes, that's what i'm saying. before this letter that came out. the ability of us that could read plain law of section eight, it states that it is illegal under that federal act to conduct a systematic purge with three exceptions, burning a period 90 days from a federal election. we have one on the ballot here in florida on august 14th. that means that deadline was may 16th. there cannot be a systematic purge, and i took an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states, and this official will not conduct any illegal
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activity. so governor scott can do all he wants, we want to make sure the system works as it has for the last decade, and we will ensure that our voters are protected. >> that's a strong daytime. attorney hardy, as a lawyer, is he right on the law to the best of your ability? >> i think he is, and his statement that the response of florida to the justice department was argument for argument's sake in trying to stake out a legal position they will try to defend. the law is very clear. the plain language of the law is clear, and i think if in fact this ends up in court, they will have a very difficult time defending that a systematic purge was attempted in those 90 days. >> you're also a lawyer, so you're not just talking about someone that has gone through this and looked at it from a
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lawyer's point of view -- >> let me be precise. i have a law degree, but i practice the administration of elections, not law in the state of florida. >> you have a law degree though? >> yes, sir. >> okay. let me ask you this. if you and the majority of supervisors take the stand you announced here tonight, which is very important and really stunning news, can they implement the purge? can the administration of governor scott implement the purge without the execution being done by supervisors like yourself? >> no they cannot. we're the hands, legs, feet, and eyes of the process. we're under florida law, the individuals in charge of the eligible of the florida voter laws. not the secretary of state or the governor.
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i was independently elected by the voters of my county, and i work for them. >> attorney hardy, it look ths to me that if the secretary of state has written this defiant letter, the governor is backing that position, but if the supervisors are saying no, then at least in this case supervisor sancho says he won't, it seems like "a dog life can't cut it" they can't defie if the arms and legs of the stay are saying we're not doing it. >> and it really demonstrates the problem that the governor will have. when you have your own supervisors and officials, that have been elected, that say this is improper, illegal based on our reading of the laws within our county and state, the governor will have a very difficult time pushing this. they may be trying to push a fight with the administration, with the justice department,
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they are trying to also bring in the homeland security issue, but it is a fight that really, the facts of this are not in their favor. >> now, supervisor, the fact is that florida has a history in terms of voting rights that falls under the voting rights act of '65, it's not supposed to change basic voting unless it is precleared by the justice department. they're talking about fraud. i showed you the graph where only 0.0005% of people voting had allegations of fraud. this is clearly suspicion for many people around the country. you're saying you're not dealing with the politics, you're dealing with the law and that you elected to protect the voting of the people in your county. >> yes, and if you look at the reason why the national voter registration act passed in 1993,
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it was a overwhelmingly passed bipartisan law passed pre 2000, so we had not gotten into the super partisan ship. 90 days have got to have this election under way. i have train my workers, test the voting machines, make sure the polling places are set up. there's a million things we have to do, and dealing with this bureaucratic problem is not critical now. what is critical is we make sure the precincts open on time, and that they are really nevered and ready to vote on august 14th. the state should have done this last year. i know in reading the memo they say we talked to them last year, but you know what? you missed the deadline. let's be wise, focus on
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conducting the election properly, because this state owes it's citizens that. >> i hope you don't miss the show tonight because we'll do it again tomorrow night and keep talking about it. attorney michael hardy and mr. sancho, thank you for your time tonight. still ahead, mitt romney once said he longed to go to vietnam, so why did he get four deferrals? ce in my life did i ever think i would have heart disease. she just didn't fit the profile of a heart event victim. she's healthy, she eats properly. i was pushing my two kids in a stroller when i had my heart event. i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
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>> i have a lot of memories of france, walking around the city of paris. >> that was willard mitt romney talking about his love of france. of course french culture has been a big part of his life. remember this olympic video. [ speaking french ] >> there is another reason he loves france, it helped him
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avoid serving in vietnam. in the late '60s, he avoided the draft. it was one of four deferments that kept him from the war. that's interesting right? because he participated in protests supporting the draft and the vietnam war. that's him right there. when ram any ran for president decades later, he was quoted assaying i longed in many respects to actually be in vietnam. if you long to be in vietnam, getting four deferments is an odd way to show it. why is this all important? romney is talking pretty tough about sending americans off to the kinds of wards that he managed to avoid. he increased defense spending by
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2.1 trillion dollars. and he said this about president obama's decision to withdraw from iraq. >> the president's failure to secure an agreement, and maintain 10,000 to 30,000 troops has to be a signature failure. >> back with me is david corn, a washington bureau chief. the author of showdown about the obama administration, and hubris and the bush administration and how they sold the iraq war. thank you for being with me again. what does this issue say about romney? >> it says that he is very, to be kind about it, flexible when it comes to describing his own past. not only did he say he longed to be in vietnam, he also said he
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was frustrated that he wasn'tble able to be in vietnam with the troops. he said that in 2007. there was nothing preventing him from being in vietnam. they say he didn't do anything to take himself out of the pool of applicants for the draft. as you mentioned, four deferrals, and a pretty controversial deferment at the time for the mormon missionary trip. it was controversial. it looks like there was a dodge for mormons as opposed to other religions. so he had to seek those deferments, and he could have not asked for them, he could have kept his name in the graft. there were a lot of ways that he
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could have put that longing to good use, and he chose not to. even years later, as an adult, not as a young man, he is sort of fibbing, telling stories, not coming to terms and trying to have it both ways. >> and i think that's the point. i think he has the right to do whatever he legally wants to do, but you can't rewrite history later. you can't have it both ways and then also come out with these strong pro-military positions and use as a cover that you longed to be in service when you look at the fact that he talked repeatedly about cutting the size of government, but the only place he wants to build up is the military. he adds 80,000 to the defense department. he did 20,000 homeland security,
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i mean he is beefing up the military and talking about what he longed for but direction speaks something different. >> during the bush years, there was a popular term called a checken hawk, neo cons and overs that seemed eager. people, when they had the chance to fight a war, say dick cheney for one, took advantage of the system, gamed the system -- >> i have to hold you there, we're running out of time. thank you david corn for your time. we'll be right back with one of the top radio personalities and a best selling author. now it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. are you in good hands?
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welcome back to "politicsnation." hosting this show puts me in a great position to talk about everything from social justice to politics. like the effort in florida to purge the voter roles and what's at stake in the 2012 election. these are big topic and nobody knows that better than my next guest. joining me now is the one and only michael baisden.
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he is the author of a new novel "maintenance man" in your book, you talk about the dark side of politics. >> it's really interesting, you talked about earlier today, i've been watching the news on it, you said great things about the polls. for the unions it is sending a message, they're trying to get the money out of the unions. but i'm optimistic about everything. the president is going to carry that state. >> now, you are in the entertainment radio and you do a lot of serious work. today you have to deal with the fact that rush limbaugh, and his radio show, about his celebrity
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friends. >> he is celebrity of the united states, he is not the president, and he is actively and his whole team is out there pushing this. so it's barack obama hussein kardashian. it's what he has become. >> how do you react to that? >> this guy is a joke. you heard earlier today, you referenced james browne, it should have been prince, "let's go crazy. it's madness. in the movie "republican the titans" reminds me of what's going on with the republicans. the kids were playing this big game and the referees were cheating. republicans are trying to cheat their way into this election and it's not going to work. >> now you push heavy voting. you tell people to decide who they want to vote for, but voting has declined for turn out
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from 2008 to 2010. >> i'm not worried about it, i think when we get back to election day, when we travel to the cities, it will be to pronote not just maintenance man 2, but we're encouraging people to get registered to vote and they will turn out. >> you have also been looking for missing children, tell us about this. >> people talking about children of color that were missing. so with the national platform i had, i thought we could do something to help. so we found 12 or 13 children lady, 14 years old from
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baltimore, so it's not just entertainment, but it's serious too. >> it keeps people engaged until it's time to sound the alarm. let's engage people, talk about business. and we get down to business. >> what's the most important thing about this election? >> voter turnout. i think people have chosen sides. we're going to win this election when the debates start. that's the only time that the viewers from the other side see the candidates side by side, and they will knock it out of the park when they see this man and mitt romney. >> "maintenance man 2". >> good luck with the new book. thanks for
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