tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 8, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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agency. may it never be that. may the ideas never be lock upped to pass. thanks for being with us. "the ed show" starts right now. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show." today mitt romney pulled back the curtain on one of the great republican secrets of all time. this is "the ed show." as ed would say, let's get to work. >> overall, the private sector has been doing a good job creating jobs. >> president obama is out defending his jobs record and republicans are too happy to tear it down. >> he said the private sector is doing fine. is he really that out of touch? >> the american people are still asking the question, where are the jobs? >> former labor secretary is here to set the record straight. >> you have to ask yourself, when ever the leaks take place, who benefits from it. >> republicans are trying to blame obama for leaking
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classified documents for political gain. the white house is firing back. >> the notion my white house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. >> richard wolffe gives it the context it deserves. >> mitt romney's crew they believe black people were the devil till 1978. what changed them? bootsie collins got them? to paraphrase my man jay-z allow me to reintroduce myself. i'm michael eric dyson. the president wants congress to act on suring up te inine inini before it's too late. >> it's critical that we take
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the actions we can to strengthen the american economy right now. last september, i sent congress a detailed jobs plan full of the bipartisan jobs ideas that would put more americans back to work. it had broad support from the american people. it was fully paid for. if congress passed it in full, we'd be on track to have a million more americans working this year. >> the plan sent to congress would help boost public sector jobs which are greatly needed. since president obama was elected, the public sector has lost 600,000 jobs. the unemployment rate would tho. public sector jobs remain the drag on the national economy. while private sector growth has continued uninterrupted, government jobs continue to be in the red. the president made this point today. >> as i said, we created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27
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months. over 800,000 just this year alone. the private sector is doing fine. where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. often times cuts initiated by governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help they have from the past. >> it didn't take long for republicans to pounce on president obama's comments. u mitt romney made sure to take care of the two words doing fine. >> he said the private sector is doing fine. he said the private sector is doing fine. is he really that out of touch? i think he's defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the american people. >> the house republican leaders had mitt romney's back during
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their own news conference painting the president as out of touch. >> mr. president, i used to run a small business. mr. president, take it from me, the private sector is not doing well. >> my question would be to the president, are you kidding? did he see the job numbers that came out last week? the private sector is not doing fine. >> of course, the 24-hour media arm of the republican party had a field day with president obama's out of context remarks. >> to argue that the private sector is in good shape seems to be completely disconnected from reality. >> they don't feel fine. they want a president who understands they are not fine. just because they're not a cop or firefighter doesn't mean they are fine. >> to say the private sector is doing just fine and that sort of stuff, it does dishearten some of his most loyal allies.
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>> i think he just lost re-election. right now on this day, mark your calendar. this is the day president obama lost. >> since they love ronald reagan so much, let's go to him again. there they go again. fox news took several opportunities to compare president obama to john mccain in 2008 by playing there clip. >> our economy, i think, still the fundamentals of our economy are strong but these are very, very difficult times. >> my friend, only those suffering from political amnesia would forget that john mccain made those comments after the collapse of lehman brothers and merrill lynch. he was saying the economy was strong and didn't need to bailout the financial industry. the president's remarks were becoming so misrepresented he felt the need to reiterate later in the afternoon. >> it's absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine. that's the reason i had the press conference. that's why i spent yesterday,
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the day before yesterday, this past week, this past month, and this past year talking about how we can make the economy stronger. we've seen some good momentum in the private sector. we have seen 4.3 million jobs created. 800,000 this year alone. record corporate profits. that's not been the biggest drag on the economy. >> i mean anybody who was paying attention to the president this morning didn't need that clarification. the president made clear what is dragging on the economy. >> one of biggest weaknesses has been state and local governments which have laid off 450,000 americans. these are teachers and cops and firefighters. ko congress should pass a bill putting them back to work now giving help to the states so those layoffs are not occurring. >> it was good to see mitt loosen up a bit from his stiff
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wooden image. he was having so much fun he didn't realize he gave away the big secret of the republicans economic plan for americans. >> instead he wants to add more to government. he wants to hire more government workers. he says we need more firearm and policeman and teachers. didn't he get the message of wisconsin. it's time to cut back on government and help the american people. >> i hope you heard that. when republicans want to say they want to do away with government jobs, they want you to think they are talking about faceless bureaucrat. they are talking about teachers, firefighters, police officers. last year alone, 194,000 education jobs were lost. make that 194,000. people doing public service jobs are not doing fine. president obama is calling on congress to act and get these people back to work. corporate profits are at record levels. taxes are at the lowest rates
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since the '50s and mitt romney says we don't need anymore teachers, firefighters or police officers. by the way, mitt romney is doing just fine. get your cell phones out. tonight's question. who's job remarks was worst? text a for mitt romney. text b for mitt romney romitt r. i'll bring you the results later in the show. joining me now is former labor secretary. he's a professor of public policy at the university of berkeley. welcome back secretary reich. let me ask you this. the president has added 847,000 jobs to the economy this year. that's about 169,000 per month. certainly it's slowed a bit to the last two months of 90,000. that keeps it really above barely above the unemployment
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rate or keeps it from going up higher. the man has done a remarkable job. isn't that what he meant when he said relatively speaking they are doing fine and the public sector lost the jobs because of the obstructionism of the republican party? >> you can expect when the republicans start taking the president's words out of context and bending them and trying to make fun of the president, they are doing it because they have no arguments. they have no ideas. what they are saying about jobs is basically the same thing that president herbert hoover was saying about jobs. that is all you have to do is cut government. cut government payrolls. cut government contractors. cut public budgets. this is the same tune they've been using. it's as wrong now as it was in 1929 and 1930. when you have so much of america in terms of industry and
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factories generally and store fronts and offices that are vacant, what you have to do is stimulate and boost the economy. that government payroll is very, very important because those people when they have money in their pockets and have jobs turn around and buy things. when they don't have money in their pocket, they don't buy things. that means there will be fewer jobs in the private sector. >> so, do you think the doing fine comment will damage the president or did he do enough to put this thing in context because they are trying to make hay out of this? >> we're in a kind of silly season. we're going into a silly season of politics. the republicans will say what they are going to say. i think the president will do well to keep on his message. the republicans have said no to everything he proposed. the jobs bill, the original jobs bill. the next jobs bill. they are the naughtering nabobs
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of negativism. the president needs to say i have plan. i have ideas. these guys just say no. if they are just going to say no, we're going to get nowhere and you're going to replace them with people that will say yes. >> you're two for two with the great quotes. i like that. the president said that major job problems are happening on state and local levels. here is chris christie responding. >> it's an outrage to have the president of the united states stand up and say to hard working governors, republicans and democrats around this country that state and local government hiring is moving in the wrong direction, and we're to blame because the economy is not growing. he's the one who put forward an ineffective wasteful stimulus plan that did nothing to help this economy. he's the one who saddled us with all these federal rules and regulations that don't allow governors to do what we really want.
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>> to paraphrase, is our politicians learning yet? care to give him a reality check? >> there's a lot of rhetoric. he's as good as any with regard to rhetoric. the fact of the matter is we lost 13,000 government jobs. most of them state and local jobs. that adds to the total of hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been lost at state and local levels and federal jobs that have been lost. those are jobs that once they are lost, they are not contributing to the economy. governor christie is wrong. needs to look at the facts. it's happening in new jersey and california. it's happening all across the nation because 49 of 50 states cannot run budget deficits. if they don't have the revenues because, let's face it, a lot of wealthy people are paying lower tax revenues than they have paid and a lot of people are unemployed. then obviously, the state will
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have to let people go. it's not the fault of president. it's not the fault of governors. what the president saying is a fact. we have a fiscal drag on the economy and it's coming from state and local governments. >> the republicans don't want to hear anything that would criticize the very rich and they don't want to talk about dealing with ramping up the public sector. what will happen, for instance, if our job numbers stay where they are and the financial crisis in europe worsens? >> the big danger is the republican plan to the extent there is one is the same austerity europe is adopting and that's whack public budgets. if you cut public budgets is you take more stimulus out of economy. you have more unemployment, which means you have fewer government revenue, which means the public budgets are even more stressed and your deficits grow. that's why europe is going into
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recession because they adopted republican style austerity economics over there. the chancellor of germany is saying and doing the same things republicans want to do in the united states and look what's happening in europe. >> we know that whacking public jobs, budgets mean you have a whack economy and that's purely whack. >> it's whacky. >> thank you for joining us. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter. i want to know what you think. coming up, keeping secrets. find out why one question really got under the president's skin, and why the republicans just keep droning on about it. later, i'll show you how president's evolution on gay marriage is helping his changss in a big swing state. ttd# 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about the typical financial consultation ttd# 1-800-345-2550 when companies try to sell you something off their menu ttd# 1-800-345-2550 instead of trying to understand what you really need. ttd# 1-800-345-2550
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allowing security leaks for gain. rick scott is still thumbing his nose at the justice department with his outrageous voter purge. chris rock cracks a joke about the mormon recent history of discrimination. we'll take a closer look. share your thoughts on twitter. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is corporate caterers, miami, florida. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way.
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using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ welcome back. a question about security leaks drew president obama's ire today during the news conference he held. >> the notion that my white
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house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. it's wrong. >> i don't know if you've been keep can go up with president obama, but those are fighting words for him, offensive. top republicans claim someone leaked classified information to make the president look good. it details a cyber attack targeting iran and a kill list in the u.s. drone program. senator john mccain wants a special prosecutor to investigate the white house. >> the only conceivable motive for such damaging and compromising leaks of classified information is that it makes the president look good. >> tsk, tsk, tsk. it's a little hard to stomach the republican outrage. remember this guy? louis scooter libby who was an advisor to dick cheney.
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he was convicted of leaking classified information and trying to cover it up. he leaked the identification of valerie plane after her husband exposed bush's lies about the iraq war. after years of legal wrangling, libby was convicted in 2007. what was president bush's response to this high level security breach? was it out rage? he was saddened and he commuted the sentence so he wouldn't have to spend any time in prison. compare that to president obama's response today to mere allegations of a leak. >> we're dealing with issues that can touch on the safety and security of the american people, our families or our military personnel or our allies, so we don't play with that. >> while the republicans were scooting away with libby, the obama administration has filed criminal charges in no less than six leak related courses.
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that includes the court-martial of bradley manning. as for this case, attorney general eric holder's appointed two u.s. attorneys to investigate the alleged leaks. the fbi is investigating, so is the house intelligence economy. senator diane finestien wants to crack down on security clearance. the republican thinks the president needs to leak secrets and risk american lives to look good. it's lies. his unclassified record speaks for itself. let's bring in richard wolffe. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> what did you make of president obama's comments on the security leaks? you know him. he was kind of piping mad in a calm and cool way. >> yeah. those of us that have seen him mad, no that wasn't terribly cool for him.
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he's steamed about this for good reason. let's split apart what people are talking about. we hear senator mccain talking about these things, he's mixing together new stories. what they call the tick tocks about what the president said to who and when. the legal disclosure of classified information, they are two different things. we may all them leaks, but they are different. i suspect was the president was most steamed about is the story in the new york times about the psy cyber attacks. this was a covert plan. we assume it was executed by the united states against iran using computer technology. that opens up a whole different area of worry and concern for the united states. both in terms of the techniques and the challenge that iran represents. that's got nothing to do with making the president look good or bad in the news.
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>> when you take the techniques and consideration together, with the challenge, think about senator diane finestein, she's against bringing in a special prosecutor. she says it will take too long and we need to plug the leaks immediately. do you agree with that? >> well, i don't think you need a special prosecutor into a white house, but we do already s have news today, this evening, that attorney general holder has appointed to prosecutor to go after leaks. we don't know what they were. i suspect this is about very specifically the disclosure of classified information here. once you get professional prosecutors going into this, they're going to find someone. that's how scooter libby was caught. the u.s. attorney gets into this and they smell blood. they want to go after this. >> much more and much more quickly than the republicans. it seems the democrats are
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willing to be self-critical and scrutinize their own practices so they can be above board. do you think that bodes well for obama's pledge to be open and sunshine and have full disclosure about the goings-on of the government? >> there's going to be plenty of people that don't want to see this happen. reporters have to push up against classified information all the time. for those of us that covered the bush administration, the hold build up to the war in iraq, there was the barrier, the curtain they could drop down and they this is classified, we can't talk about that. journalist are coming up against it. there will be good journalist who is will get wrapped up into this. there's a tension there. there's a complete conflict to get stories out and the administration's need for national security. i think we have to point out, when you get the president making decisions about drone attacks, we all knew there were drone attacks.
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there's a difference here between journalists telling stories about what goes inside the white house and this kind of national security breech. >> he should know. he's one of the great journalists of our time. thank you so numuch for joining us. >> thank you. is the voter purge in florida really dead? >> secretary of state doesn't think so. chris rock jumps into the world of politics again. stay tuned.
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since the year 2000, the state of florida has recorded just 178 cases of alleged voter fraud. of those reports there were only 11 arrests of millions and millions of votes. bottom line, there's no real problem with voter fraud in florida. the governor and the secretary of state today are insisting their voter purge go forward even though the justice department says what they are doing is illegal and state election officials say they won't go along with the plan. democrats says it unfairly targets blacks and latinos. the miami herald uncovered that 72% of the people were black or
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latino. they made up just 26% of the total florida electorate in the last general election. blacks and latinos who voted for barack obama in 2008 have been singled out three to one over whites in this purge. today florida secretary of state said he will continue the voter purge. he said he had no political or racial motive. >> we do not look at sexual or ethnic origin. this process is looked at independently as to whether somebody is a citizen or noncitizen and the idea of anybody's ethic origin or party to be part of this process is totally incorrect and the wrong assumption. >> yeah, that should have been accompanied by a big wink. joining me is a contributor for rolling stones magazine who has been over the voter suppression for day one.
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welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. congrats to "the ed show." >> this is a diabolical scheme to deany mny minorities and dems the right to vote. from your reporting can you tell me that i'm wrong? >> i do think you are correct. if you look at what republicans did, they looked very clearly at how barack obama won in 2008. the coalition that he turned out which was young voters, hispanics and african-americans. the voter suppression laws that were passed by republicans across the country since the 2010 election are aimed at that group of voters making it harder for them to vote and making it harder for the president to get elected and for democrats to win office and for young voters to vote in the next election.
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>> this the headline. florida county election supervisors will not resume voter purge. every supervisor say they will not proceed throwing voters off the rolls. why is the secretary of state still going on television and insisting he can move forward if his own state is rejecting his efforts? is there any chance he's trying to suppress the vote by keeping this conversation alive? >> i think this purge is dead. i think it's dead for two reasons. number one, the justice department has said to florida very clearly this violates not only the voting rights act but the national voter registration act arnnd the florida election supervisors will not implement the purge. they are denied the governor's express. rick scott is pander to the tea
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party. he's lost this battle. >> any sense what progressive force is in alliance with other black and latino groups are doing to fight back with this? >> they've been successful in terms of legally and the public outcry. it's important to remember rick scott when he became governor did three major things to suppress the vote. he disenfranchised ex-felons who had the right to vote. he made it hard for like the group of league of women voters and rock the vote to do registration drives and he cut back election on sundays when african-american churches mobilize their constituents. a federal judge blocked what scott was doing to shut down voter registration drives and the league of women voters and rock the vote can resume voter registration activities in florida. it's late in the game. they lost a lot of progress. 80,000 fewer voters have registered.
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there's a lot of work to be done. at least the tide is turning. >> they are trying to avoid a repeat of what happened with gore v bush. >> thanks for having me. there's a lot more coming up. gay marriage is gaining support in the black community and president obama had everything to do with it. aisle talk to dr. james peterson about the new bend toward justice. chris rock lights up late night. >> the economy is getting better every month for almost two years. everybody is complaining it's not going fast enough. like complaining that your team keeps winning by one. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both
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♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? saturday will mark the one-month anniversary the first time any president of the united states spoke about social justice for our gay brothers and sisters
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equal right to get married. >> at a certain point i've just concluded that, for me personally, it's important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same-sex couples should be able to get married. >> at the time president obama's evolution on same-sex marriage appeared to be a political lightening rod. members of the african-american community were some of the ha h harshest critics. this is what herman cane said. >> who does he think he is? he's not god. he is the president of the united states. that's what's turning a lot of people off. >> he ain't god and you ain't jesus. as usual he's absolutely wrong. mr. 9-9-9. take a look at these numbers. now a record number of americans say gay marriage should be legal.
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throughout the month of may, many african-american members of the cloth took to the pulpit to criticize president obama's shift. my friend predicted it would hurt the president in the polls. >> as an african-american it's been difficult to feel like you're being called like uncle tom. you must be against your own race simply because you disagree with him on manners of principle. i believe this is going to shift. i believe marriage is the issue that will make it shift. >> in the word offense a great song, it ain't necessarily so. the religious conservatives in the african-american community have seen a shift. a shift towards justice. 59% of african-americans say they support same-sex marriage. that's an 18 jump point from just last fall. that's quite a shift bishop jackson. let's bring in james peterson and joe watkins who is the
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president of christ cathedral church in philadelphia. both are in the city of love. we expect love all the way around. thank you. pastor watkins, why are you losing this fight? >> well, i don't know that we're losing the fight. i said earlier that i didn't think this was going to be the issue that was going to determine the presidency. african-americans were not going to vote against president obama because of his stance on gay marriage. that being said, as pastor of the gospel of jesus christ, i stand by what the bible says. i love everybody. we all love everybody as god loves everybody. god, in his word, doesn't like everything that we do and doesn't sign off on everything that we do. >> as you know, pastor watkins, he said if you right hand offends, cut it off. talk about drinking poisoning. you know that nobody is literally interpreting the bible
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to the extent they excludes common sense. can't people disagree with you and still be christian? >> anybody can disagree with me because i'm not god. i'm just a follower. i choose to believe the word of god. >> so do people who disagree with you. >> there's people that disagree with me that say they believe god's word. maybe they don't see it the way i do. >> you're good. you're not being arrogant. some people can disagree with you and still be a believer. >> gentlemen. >> if i were the judge, i'm not the judge. i'm just a follower of the master. i won't be judging anybody on judgment day. it's not my place to judge anybody. god is the judge of us all. i'm a follower. i love people. god's word says what it says. >> let's bring professor peterson who attends church. he's a believer as well. tell us, why are so many african-american members of the cloth so out of touch with the
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progressive views of members in their pews? >> let me be clear, i don't speak on behalf of my church. i think the disconnect has a lot to do with the mix up around this issue. this is not a political issue. our president is christian but he's civilly and civicicly minded. this is about civil rights. it's not about his religion or my religion or your religion. it's about equal rights and opportunities. this affects people that don't observe religion. we can't christianize the civil rights process in america. >> for people of faith, it's a challenge. they may like the president as i know many do, but they may not agree with the president on this issue because they may believe the bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. >> they're entitled to those
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believes but the bottom line is everyone doesn't have them. we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion. the president is making a civil decision here. >> no doubt about that. it remains a fact that may follow to believe what the bible says. >> wouldn't that be for some? you saying black people that are reason, you're a follower of the master. there are people that are follower of the master. martin luther king jr. denied the bodily resurrection of jesus at 14. he permitted to pull upon the ge genius of the world without being trapped. would you agree there are people that disagree with you that are also christian, also follow jesus and have a different perspective on this and can we come to the agreement that
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professor peterson there's a civil rights question that all people need to be protected, we can all agree on that? >> clearly dr. king was a great man. on the other hand, jesus christ, i believe died for my sins. i follow him and i trust him. i have to stand by the word of god in times and bad times whether it's popular or unpopular. that doesn't mean that i don't love people who don't agree with me. i think we have to have love in our hearts for everybody. i'm not the judge. i'm a follower of the master. he's the judge of us all. i'm not judging anybody. >> let's get professor peterson in. >> the president has been effective at showing his process and how it's unravelled. he's evolved on this particular issue. that evolving and unraveling as given space for a lot of black folk who is have family members
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and friend who is are from the lesbian and gay community that want to have the rights and need to have the rights. they can identify with it. >> we're going to have the holy ghost to have another convening of this kind of tremendous conversation. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. it hasn't happened in more than three decades. we'll tell you why it won't happen again this year.
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up next, the triple crown disappointment that has everyone talking. and john boehner's inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. ,. and john boehner's inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. and john boehner's inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. and john bo inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. and john bo inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. and john b inside lobbyists. we'll be right back. today's workout hardcore...
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and hot! so we use new coppertone sport pro series with duraflex. it's light, but it stays on strong in extreme sweat conditions. and it gives us broad-spectrum uva/uvb protection. new coppertone sport pro series. embrace the sun. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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the aid to mr. boehner used to lobby for the medical device industry. he's now boehner's policy chief. it's called reverse revolving door. yesterday the house voted to repeal the medical device tax that helps pay for the health care law. it won't get through the senate, thankfully. speaker boehner has no problem with the influence of lobbyists. back when he was the fourth ranking republican, he admitted handing out tobacco lobby checks to house members while they were debating tobacco subsidies. >> one asked me to give out half a dozen checks before we got to the end of month. i complied. i did it on the house floor that i should not have done. it's not a violation of the house rules. >>on a totally unrelated note, the triple crown is proving highly elusive from the other. i'll have another has withdrawn
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after a tendon injury. the racehorse won the kentucky derby and the preakness. tonight, i asked you whose job remarks was worse? 94% say mitt romney 6% say president obama. coming up, chris rock speaks out everything from mitt romn romney's religion. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest
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my good friend chris rock stopped by last night and weighed in on a lot more than just his new movie. he hit on everything from the economic recovery to taking a job at mitt romney's mormonism. >> the mormons, mitt romney's crew, they believed black people were the devil till 1978. i'm not making this up. right, right? we black and we have to look this stuff up. '78. >> blackapedia. >> tell you what other black policies of this religion. '78. that means jackson 5, devil. temptations, the devil. what changed them? bootsie collins got them. >> george jefferson.
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>> the devil. not even the boogeyman. devil. >> president of the united states. okay. >> wow. bootsie collins has a religious following. chris is hilarious. some of what he said isn't funny. there are several passages new mexico book of mormon that deems black people as cursed. they became a dark and loathsome and a filthy people full of idleness and all manner of adom my nations. african-americans were not allowed to fully participate in the mormon priesthood until 1978. they banned black people from ceremonies from the highest heaven. mitt romney said he he felt on meet the press back in 2007. >> i can remember when i heard about the change being made. i heard it on the raid ydio and
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pulled over and literally wept. it's very deep in my core beliefs that all people are children of god. >> joining me now for more on this is political john fugelsang. i've been butchering his name. >> get in line. >> his off broadway show guilt, a love story is june 16th. tell me what you made of chris rock's humor? you're a great comedian. >> i love him. he's a great guy. it was very funny. i think '78 was more along the line of reggie jackson and the o' jays. >> knocking that ball out the park. people say you can't talk about
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religion, you get to talk about where god lives. chris was wrong. they didn't think they were demons. way were denied the priesthood. i have much more of a problem with how the mormon church treats women now. women don't get the priesthood just like in my catholic faith. men as of age 12 get the priesthood, but it's the same across the books, no knob, no job. i'm more than concerned about if this policy was still in place about black folks not being able to be in the priesthood, we would call mitt romney a racist. no one is calling him a sexist. >> that's a good point. you think in 1978 ain't really that long ago. have people really overcome the beliefs they had. i'd love to know what mitt romney thought before the church changed his mind. >> he was opposed to it.
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a lot of positive progressive mormon folks made it change. brigham young is the father of races. he was hater of black folks. he said the mark was brown skin and a flat nose. t, his words. the mark of cane was the first time a murder was granted pardon. the first guy to get murder and he got a pardon from the commander in chief. >> when they used to come to my house and say ham is cursed. i said, i know. ham is real bad for you. >> noah passes out naked. ham sees him. >> dr. charles adam a great preacher from detroit, michigan has a great speech. why is it that this is such a touchy subject. you made a statement that's important. if we're going to talk about reverend wright then we're going to talk about the kind of
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inconsistencies of the mormon faith which may have a role to play in politics. >> across politics. >> all religions. tell us how we wiggle out of that predicament. >> i think there's lots of charming things about mormonism that people laugh with that are harmless. jesus hung out with the indians. the pundits say we shouldn't talk about religion like this. i think we need to talk about religion more because they are miles and mile offens of daylig between the teachings of jesus and his fan club. >> john fugelsang thank you for en
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