tv Martin Bashir MSNBC June 15, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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they pledge allegiance to our flag. they are americans in their hearts, their minds, every single way but one -- on paper. >> the president made clear that this is not amnesty and is not a permanent solution, but is at heart the right thing to do. >> this is a temporary stopgap measure that focuses our resources wisely, and gives hope to driven, patriotic young people. it is the right thing to do. >> -- foreigners over americans. >> excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm thinking. a president interrupted by a heckler in the rose garden, to which he responded with a rare flash of anger. >> i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering the question.
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it is the right thing to do for the american people and here's why. here is the reason. it's because these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions, and already making contributions to our society. >> remarkable, that individual clearly taught his manners by a member of the animal kingdom, yet another example of the rank disrespect this president has had to endure form as the president was changing policy and making history mitt romney was busy abandoning against any attempt to go against -- and yes, it was an event tailor-made to mitt's wholesome, old-fashioned and caffeine free. tess a light moment after the engines roared on the every town counties bus tour where he waxed lyrical and poetic about the towns that do count in the romney-verse. >> every town counts, every job
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counts and every american counts. we're here to launch a bus tour to take us from new hampshire to pennsylvania, then on to ohio, iowa, finally wisconsin and michigan. i think our tour will take us along what i'll call the backbone of america. >> of course others might call it the backbone of mitt's election bit. you may have noticed that every town that counts for mitt happens to be in a battleground state. in particular states that some now consider up for grabs in november november. white mitt recalls trumpeting towns, he notably did not mention extending that opportunity beyond his, shall we say, whitewashed version of this nation. much more on mitt romney and the president's contrasting visions, but i want to bring in nbc's mike viqueira for more on the heckler in the rose garden.
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mike, you i understand was standing next to this -- i don't know that i can call him gentleman, but what happened? >> reporter: martin, let's stipulate it's in everybody's interests to have an unrulie press corps and officials even up to the president trap on the trappings, and the very buildings they're standing in front of to give them some respect, to give them a bit of leeway. most people will draw the line at interrupting a president of the united states, whether republican or democrat, but mike -- but mike. >> reporter: yes, martin. >> can you remember a president being accused of lying during the state of the union address? >> no. >> can you remember a president have been a finger pointed in his face by a governor. >> reporter: yes. >> do you remember a. at a press conference where an individual has shouted? it's not open to question. the president is delivering a speech in effect to the media. do you remember that ever
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happening to anybody es? >> reporter: i'm scanning my mind very quickly. i don't. perhaps it did, martin. i would agree with you, there's a certain amount of decorum, even if you have an aggressive question, you wait for the president to finish. this jae identified from kneale monroe, from "the daily caller." i'm not up on my media personalities. he started screaming at the president in the middle of his statement, words to the effect of, why are you sending jobs to foreigners and not to americans? according to mr. monroe's twitter profile, he says he was born irish, a cold war bridegroom. i'm not sure what that means. he's worked for reputable places around town. afterwards he told reporters he was simply asking questions that we, the white house press corps woochbt. that's a comment we've heard, however most of is wait until the president was finished.
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>> mike viqueira, thanks very much. a busy political day in nbc. let's turn to our political panel which is here with us. julian epstein is with law media group. here in new york city, joy reed, who's manager editor of the -- and at the white house, jonathan capehart. you're there at the white house. what do you make of this, another example of utter disrespect? >> reporter: i was not here for the rose garden ceremony, but i was rather shocked to hear about it. this is a give-and-take between the president and the press corps. here in the united states we value and prize the freedom of the press and the ability of the press to question the chief executive, the ability to question the president of the united states, but as in any place, there are rules and there
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are rules of conduct. when the president of the united states democrat or republican, is speaking to the nation and speaking before the press, it behooves the press to allow the president that space and room to make that statement and then yell questions out. everyone knew that the president was only coming out to make a statement, and would not be taking questions. so this person from "the daily caller" who attempted this stunt at least did something for his own personal reputation and the reputation of his organization. >> yes, indeed. julian getting to the content now, it seems to me today we had one candidate looking back in time, small-town america, and the president looking forward to weighs in which young law-abiding immigrants, albeit brought here illegal i by parents, can be encompassed by the nation. is that right? >> i think romney's vision is to which ice cream socials and the
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next thing is sock hops. the president is showing when congress won't act, that he will get something done. this is a guy about action. the republican criticism -- they first said these amnesty, and these bloggers and right-wingers who so rudely interrupted the presidenter making this argument, but in reality marco rubio has proposed something similar to this. they've also said the president has not right to do this without congressional authorization. but presidents have done similar things. so there's enormous amount of press for this, and a lot of republican presidents have done this in the past. it shows you how bankrupt the right-wing is in terms of their
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criticism of this. >> i want your reaction. you were watching it live. was it unprecedented to you? >> i've been following politics since i was a kid. i have never seen a such a braising amount of disrespect. it's a mesh you have of contempt that the right holds with this particular president. "the daily caller" is a vaughned right-wing blog, basically, but also the fact that i went on twitter afterwards, and a lot of the people on the right were egging them on, that's how a real journalist is supposed to behave. there isn't a sense of respect as long as barack obama is in it. >> i think they're being politic here, this is so unprecedented and outrageous, you have to ask the question, would the right-wing president be doing this if we had a white president
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there. >> you answer that question. >> i think it's an important question. this is the first african-american president. we've never had a white president told to shut up in the middle of a major address. we've never had a president like this heckled so duringfully. and never had this afforded to any other president. i think the right wing has some explaining to do. to me it seems -- >> not to their base, though, julian. the problem is there aren't grownups on the other side saying this is out of bounds. no one has the courage. >> mitt romney says nothing when a woman is call a slut and -- >> and the -- yeah, go back to sandra fluke, the treatment of women, anyone who dares to not be a conservative. you're treated as a nonentity, and there isn't anyone on the right to stand up to say that is out of bounds. >> that is why all the of the demographic data is showing that
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the republican party are going to quickly become a minority party unless they can do better in reaching out to people of color. when the leadership of the republican party doesn't condemn it the way they didn't with rush limbaugh, it sounds a loud and clear message. >> do you think that someone like romney imagines that he could become president without any support from african-americans and hispanics? >> certainly he can. >> do you think that's statistically possible? 90% approval rating among african-americans, and maybe 10% of the black vote, maybe mitt romney should consider that maybe a victory, but the real problem is latino voters who, through all polls we have seen, if he cannot crack 35%, he's not going to be president of the
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united states. right now we are still watching mitt romney, the presumptive republican nominee still trying to convince folks in his party, particularly the far right and conservative wing, that he is one of them, which is why you don't hear him abrading rush limbaugh for what he said about sandra fluke, which is why you hear him coining new terms like "self-deportation" things like that alienating himself from the very voters he will need. i hope he does this, but don't be surprised if mitt romney doesn't say that what that heckler did to the president of the united states was uncalled for and disrespectful, if not to barack obama the current occupant of the oval office, then to the respect and dignity of the oval office. of the office itself. >> exactly. >> jon capehart, julian emsteep and joy reid, thank you
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so much. stay with us. we have much more ahead. if you have all the black and brown people on the one side, all the white people on one side, sadly politics is becoming increasingly about race and ethnicity. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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than to join thousands who call upon you to resign your office. >> we can expect more in the coming days. house republicans have forced a vote next wednesday to hold the attorney general in contempt of congress. ranking democrat is elijah cummings, who called this vote irresponsible, unprecedented, and contrary to the rule of law. i'm delighted to saw the author is with us. what they aring it the attorney to do is to disobey the law, in other words, try to find him in contemp for not releasing documents like wiretap applications. martin, it is against the law to
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do that, but they're saying because he's not doing it, he's in contempt. they also want him to release information that might put confidential informants in danger. again that's something he simply cannot do. they also want him to release information which might jeopardizes prosecutions in ongoing trials, just like the trials with regard to brian furtherry, the slain agent. basically what he's said is i am going to obey the law. and so he's offered to give them as much information as he possibly could action consistent with the law. they seems to keep saying, no. let's take a listen. >> you've got to ask the
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question, did the president of the united states authorize people on his staff to brief "new york times" about this program? >> this is about the president? >> this is about the president, no doubt about it. they're trying to find ways to embarrass this president. i have never seen an attorney general treated this way. >> could you believe the hearing and the way he was spoken to by members of congress? >> i don't think a lot of people realize how -- i'm a lawyer he is the highest law enforcement officer in the country. then the implications that they've been saying here lately, he's one of the greatest human beings i know. what they're doing, i think is trying -- again this is election year tactics involved here. the witch-hunt is clearly that.
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>> isn't this also a convenient camouflage? what they don't like about this man are some of the things like the trial for khalid sheikh mohammed to take place in a federal court in manhattan, like the possibly legalization of gay marriage? these are the issues they hate this man for. that's why they're using this to attack him. >> i have no doubt about that. if you listen to senator cronin's testimony the other day, at the end of the list, it says because he's not enforcing these anti-voter fraud law that is have been put in place. of course these laws are meant to keep african-americans hispani hispanics, others, students from voting. eric holder is a very competent attorney general.
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it's interesting that we -- attorney general mccasey, who came during the bush administration, he oversaw something called wide receiver, dhfs a similar operation, by the way, to this he wall street briefed and did nothing. when eric holder found out about it, he stopped it and had an investigation. he said i want to work with you and cooperate. he gave a serious proposal on thursday. the question now, martin, is can the committee chairman, mr. issa say yes, i mean, agree to a yes answer. i've got a feeling if this is all about politics, he will continue to say no. >> instead, i'm sure. we had this disrespectful behavior to the attorney general in committee. we had a heckler today
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interrupting the president. it was announced the president would speak, he was not going to be taking questions. everyone knows there is a standard protocol. if you wish to throw a question to the president as he leaves, that's fine. what is your reaction? >> i believe there's a disrespect not only for the president, but for the office of the president. that is very, very alarming. we saw it when joe wilson called the president a liar. our country is better than that, and i think a lot of the same thing is happening with our attorney general. these are two men doing outstanding jobs, but there are folks who just don't like them. >> is it because they're both black? >> i think that probably has something to do with it, and i think the other thing it has to do with is they purely goods agreed with their politics,
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period. >> congressman, thank you so much. a great privilege to have you here in the studio with us. >> my pleasure. much more ahead. do stay with us. if you have copd like i do, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd.
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the volkswagen passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $209 a month. visit today. glee. the word itself makes some men uncomfortable. vagina. >> oh, yeah? today we are most definitely stirred by not shaken by the republicans' war on women, which now appears to include a war on words. i'm not talking about expletives nor pejorative nor satanic verses, but perfectly acceptable words. this week in michigan of all places. two democratic lawmakers decided to use their democratic rights to oppose an anti-abortion bill. there was perhaps an even
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greater force to the lawmakers' words. they're both women. as we know, the right to choose is their prerogative, but apparently they don't have the right to use words to describe their reproductive organs, certainly not in michigan. so representative lisa brown said -- >> and finally, mr. speaker, i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no. >> i'm flattered you're all so interested. there i said it. she was immediately chastised by republican leader jim stamos and ruled out of order, but an even worse offense came from her colleague. in michigan it's one thing for a female lawmaker to talk about the reproductive process, it's even more outrageous for a woman to trespass into the territory of men, so representative bobbirum really blew it, quote. it's my impression that i'm being banned from speaking as a result of my use of the term
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vasectomy, a mel procedure. >> jim stay moss, a cheers to you, a man who doesn't like the words, but maybe he's got a problem with both. ♪ [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one.
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a here are today's top lines. >> the president is really out of touch. >> i'm funny like i'm a clown? i want orders a business steak dinner, a mare continui. >> that's a car, might want to hang on to that one. >> accuse you of running up the tab. >> it appears he did dine and dash. >> define irony. >> women are everywhere we're letting them play golf and tennis. >> you know what? >> and she steps on the ball.
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>> the notion my white house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. >> that's like the president of the titanic saying he's offended by the iceberg. >> plame, plame, plame and blame blame blame. >> blah blah blah. >> somebody walked that in there. >> hey. ♪ i just met you ♪ and this is crazy >> don't know much about the bieber. i don't think i would like it. >> this is what the rap group meant got to get the money $bill, y'all. >> if it wasn't for rap, white people wouldn't have been so open to vote for somebody like barack obama. >> oifbly you got excited about it. >> i'm not the only one. >> we'll be lookling forward to you in the movies. >> no shortage of gaffs. i've made my own contribution. >> while speaking from the hot tub of his luxury yacht.
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>> a good sprinkler systems in your home. >> average blue collar fan of dressage, and also goes by the street name horse ballet. >> romney's base. >> talk is cheap. >> quiet rooms, martin. >> you don't talk too much. >> if you want to give the policies of the last decade another try, then you should vote for mr. romney. joining us is joe williams, who covers the white house for politico, and steve core neki, a senior writes at and msnbc contributor. welcome to both. you cover the white house, you heard about the heckling. have you ever seen anything about this before? >> i have not. it was breathtaking, and what's interesting "the daily caller" is getting for this stunt journalism bakley trying to draw
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attention from themselves. it all goes in with this notion that this president has delegitimized from day one. certainly conservatives -- quite remarkable. >> why do certain conservatives believe it is acceptable to heckle the president, be it the rose garden or of course that joint session of congress where the congressman shouted "you lie" always over the issue of immigration. >> but it could be over other issues. i think what you're seeing is there is a history of this stuff on the right, sort of views a democratic president or president who's perceived as liberal -- you can look at the backlash that john f. kennedy faced from the john birch society, bill clinton with the vince foster rumors. and it's evolved to the point where you have joe wilson interrupting, this reporter doing it today, but it stems from the same sort of sentiment
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that a president sort of from the left side, a president from the democratic party in the eyes of many people on the right is illegitimate from the beginning. >> even if he wins the election? joe -- >> i just want to make one quick point. that is true it's evolved from bill clinton and vince foster rumors to openly challenging a president at an event where there's a lot of decorum, but it's gotten more acceptable. i think it's largely because this president does not look like the others. i think that's something that could be discounted, even though the right has been at this a long time. bill clinton was never openly confronted. it was alls within certain strictures. he never got challenged openly at a joint session of congress. >> i would say this kind of
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press corps didn't exist when bill clinton exist. he was apparently there on a one-day blogger pass, will probably never be back, and i do remember there was this mom when bill clinton was president, jesse helms told him, you know, he better think twice before coming down here, somebody may take a shot at him. >> well done. alan west has decided to ring the voter fraud bell. here he is this morning on fox. >> i can start asking question. says a back-door opportunities to allow people in the next five months to get the opportunity to vote? >> joe, this policy is driving the gop mental, isn't it? congressman steve king says now they're going to sue. they're goods bonkers over it. >> it's the old republican party probably could have come to a consensus on to talk about ways
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to make this happen, but what's even more stunning than representative west's statements is his ignorance. if we're talking about children, of course they have the right to vote, as soon as you're born on this soil, you're an american citiz citizen, regardless of who your parents are. so i think it's interesting he raises this question without any kind of factual basis for asking it. >> indeed. >> now, we understand, steve, mitt romney has been asked about the president's statement. he had no comment. is that a surprise to you? >> well, one of the reasons -- >> is it a surprise he had no comment? >> it isn't because he's sort of been headed off here. i think there was an intent to basically make this move as a policy proposal in a few months. we're not going to do the full d.r.e.a.m. ac. >> that was romney's way to get back to the middle. obama has preempted him. he said it's not the policy of
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the government. he looks like a strong leader in doing that and cut off a path that mitt romney has identified himself to get to the middle. >> to that point, joe, if he tends to sustain his lead this is a problem now for romney, a serious one action isn't it? >> it's going to be a serious problem, in that during the rep primary you had him -- romney was trying to outplank all his rivals to the right, talked about self-deportation action a key adviser to his campaign wrote the laws in alabama and mississippi that basically compel immigrants to prove they're citizens or get out, upon pages of really strict jail time. it doesn't so much affect his standing with latinos. he's already up in the 60s 70%, probably won't go down anytime
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soon, but this allows him to show moderates and small splinter in the center, he's a reasonable guy, not in favor of splitting up families and if children do the right thing, they can contribute to american society. right. now, steve, romney, as we know is on his six-state bus tour, he's got his talking points on debt. here's what senator john mccain told pubs about romney and his super-pac's biggest backer. listen to this. >> much of mr. adelson's casino profits come from the casino in macau. >> which says what? >> obviously in a roundabout way, foreign money is coming into an american campaign. >> did he just accuse him of being the man churian candidate? >> this is the ghost of the old mccain, the media fell in love
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with him, maw -- >> maverick. >> and it was build around campaign finance refusal. >> he's positioned himself as a voice on the right, but he still has ha campaign finance passion. you start talking about it, yeah, that alliance will be a problem if you're asking john mccain about it. >> joe williams and steve kornacki, have a great weekend. the top dogs gather for the faith and freedom conference. stay with us. this time we'll get it right. we'll stop the days of apologizing, and never again apologize for america abroad. >> it's not a lie if you believe it. ♪ biggest move that's ever hit the big time ♪ and all i gaotta do is act naturally ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies
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this weekend's annual faith and -- will have the following breakout sessions. and obama's assault on israel, whatever that is. these topics will be discussed by a panoply of stars raging from donald trump to newt gingrich. the speech every is waiting for comes tomorrow morning. what kind of reception will he get from many conservative christians who regard mormonism as her receipt cal and a cult. his latest is "sex, mom & god." good afternoon, frank. >> hi, martin. >> in listening to the speeches today, we heard a great deal about freedom, and virtually nothing about faith. is that badge their candidate is a mormon or people like newt
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gingrich have finally realized talking about faithfulness may not be the stronge suit. >> i think what you have to understand when they're in action these days they speak in orwellian double-speak. what's the common denominator of all their faith and freedom? politics. it's to take away the freedom of choice for women, to take away contraceptives from women who work for roman catholic institutions, to take around choice for women, to take away gay marriage. this is not freedom. this is another form, the american form of sharia law being imposed because of religious fayyad. this is naked anti-obama politics masquerading as faith. that's all that's going on. >> one of the breakout sessions is titled, and i'm quoting, building bridges to the hispanic
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community. how exactly is that going to work, given the president's proposal to stop deporting young illegal immigrants, while mitt romney's answer is self-deportation? >> well, as you take about in my bhook, when you're looking at the religious right, you have to balance their hatred, do they hate the mormonism of mitt romney more than they hate the pretended islamic faith, quote/unquote of the president? do they hate the hispanic and brown people and people of color in this country more than they will embrace their own hispanic evangelicals. in this particular case i think we'll go with race-based politics. they have lied about our first african-american president, and they will turn their backs on their hispanic brothers in christ in the christian community in order to maintain their race-based american and race-baiting white politics. >> let me read you something
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from a "new york times" editorial, written by david mason a mormon professor "i suspect that mr. romney is a tape cal politician that should he occupy the office, he studiously avoid the appearance of being any bus a w.a.s.p. mormons are christian enough to know how to spitingly abuse their power. what is your reaction to that? >> let's be honest we have the first african-american sitting in the white house, and obama was a young man when the norman church that romney belongs to still would not allow black men toss bishops or pastors, as we would call it for most denominations' backgrounds. nobody wants to talk about it, but there's a lot of racial tension, just as the tea party and the religious right have lied about our president consistently using everything in the book except to come out and say what's bothering him, which
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is a black man sitting in the white house, which in their view belongs to white people in perpetuity, so in this confrontation between our first mormon president if he becomes president, and our first african-american president, you have a collision that i think is quietly driving the evangelicals and conservative roman cath likes and others crazy. there's a whole other side that is about faith and freedom. there are moderate roman catholics, moderate evan jell calls such as the wild goose festival. it's about right-wing politics, there are alternatives, someone like myself who is a christian is one of them. >> indeed, and grateful to have you. frank schaefer, thank you, sir. we'll be right back. [ boy ] come on.
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the president's immigration policy was interrupted by a blogger, mike, instead of letting this rude and disrespectful idiot distract from the president's message, let me play what he said about this dramatic change on immigration policy. >> effective immediately, the department of homeland security is taking steps to lift the shah doef deportation from these young people. over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation. >> mike, i have to assume the president knows he's going to be attacked and has been by republicans calling this a political move in an election year. is the white house willing to have this fight because they know in the end this will mean
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even more latinos voting for this president. >> i think that's right, martin and i think they understand the die nynamics of this issue. they understand that the president is going to give a major speech to elected latino officials a week from today in orlando and now, he's going to come and get a very warm reception there. this is an issue that has pulled positively for democrats all along. there's an old cliche in politics, you're not going to convince people that are against you. i think clearly, the white house believes they are doing that today. the president making it clear this is not an executive order that would allow a path to citizensh citizenship. rather those two year increments of individuals who came here at a young age and also in keeping with the theme he's been striking since last fall sort of going around congress, the we can't wait rubric, the dream act, that bill that would have gone a lot further, had 55 vote,
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that would have allowed a path to citizenship. clearly stalled. he's doing what he can, stopping short of a path to citizenship, but clearly and you're defined in this business by who's against you. that's going to play well for the president. >> i'm able to report we've just heard that mitt romney has made astonishingly a statement and he says that the president's announcement today makes a long-term solution more difficult. what does he mean by that? because i mean, the whole point is the president in light of how the congress has been dysfunctional is incapable of making a long-term decision on this matter. >> i haven't seen the statement. i'm going to sassume that the president has now enflamed passions, assuming it would come under a romney administration is going to be unattainable. it bears noting that mitt romney
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was not on board with the dream act, a proposal from marco rubio, the biggest latino star of the republican party. so, cheerily, you know, mitt romney is playing to a republican constituency. >> he was on board with self-deportation though. mike viqueira, thank you very much for joining us. we'll be right back to clear the air.
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a wonderful vision, a vision to help create a better life. for immigrants in america. our vision is a biblical vision. where were you, where did we see the stranger, jesus of nazareth answer, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me. >> these leaders who represent every denomination in the country have decided that immigration is not just a political or economic issue, it's a moral one, too. so in washington on tuesday, they called for a bipartisan solution that would do the following. respect the god given dignity, protect the unity of the family, guarantee, secure national borders, respect the rule of law and establish a path toward legal citizenship for those who qualify. since these leaders believe in a god who can move mountains, i guess the president's announcement wasn't much of a surprise to them. >> this is a temporary stopgap
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measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while giving hope to talented, driven patriotic young people. it is the right thing to do. >> perhaps this president after all has more in common with evangelical christians than we've been led to believe. thank you so much. dylan is here to talk us forward. >> excuse me. it's a tv network here. talk to people. martin bashir over there. i don't know if you know who he is. one of the most prestigious and acclaimed journalists in america. >> i have heard of him. >> he danes to interact with us. >> martin, can you -- >> that's to his own, he's loathe to do it, but has indulged us so far. >> dylan, the
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