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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  June 21, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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but here eaters concern for democrats. inmaker the obama campaign spent even more than it took in. and the republican challenger is coming off his best fund-raising month to date, thanks to megadonors, both to his campaign and to super pacs, as if to emphasize how heated this money race is, mitt romney is taking the entire weekend off from campaigning to talk policy with his biggest and best fund-raisers in park city, utah, at a swanky resort. let me bring in republican strategist john feehery and democratic strategist, steve alman dorf. good morning. let's talk about the president first, steve, his campaign is buying ads early, why the burn rate is 110%, meaning the campaign is spending more than it takes in. is this a problem? >> i don't think so you know, i don't think this campaign is going to get decided by money. i think both sides are going to have more than they need and communicate with voters. this election is going to be a choice between two different visions and i think that both campaigns are going to have plenty of resources to
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communicate that vision. >> but you are not suggesting money doesn't matter? >> no, money matters but both campaigns have plenty of t there are campaigns. four years ago, i think obama had a 3:1 advantage financially and i think that mattered. i think in this case you neither one is going to have a big advantage so it is not gonna matter. >> john is that your analysis, in the end it is going to be pretty close to a wash? >> i night agree with my good friend steve elmen dorf, but absolutely right on this one. both sides will have plenty of money. at the end of the day it is how you goff vendor, how the country is running. people will determine if they want a change or are they strat jized. the fact is who has the most money, run the most commercials. not surprise president obama is spending more money thanes i drinking n. >> why is that not surprise? >> that is what he did as president.
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>> these are folks who don't see outside of the con ven eggs, the top rain makers, folks who can write $50 and $100,000 checks to the campaign and convince their friends to do the same, wining and dining not just with the candidate of his wife but the top tier vp contenders, tim pawlenty, rob portman, jeb bush, go to seminars on poll which is folks like condoleezza rice and karl rove and a strategy briefing all day saturday with the campaign's top operatives, all the way up to the camp main been a jer f they make it through the big dinner saturday night with the candidate and his wife on sunday, they will all be playing golf. >> interesting piece in the "new york times," the headline is romney's personal touch pays off with campaign donors, talks all
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about how good romney is, essential late schmoozing. tell us about the style he has. >> sure. this is the flip side of folks who wrote similar stories in the primary season about romney's awkwardness with regular folks. you think about romney's natural constituency this is a man who spent 25 years the head of a huge business. he is incredibly comfortable, you see him at small business roundtables, talking to folks, maybe you own a sandwich shop all the way up to private equity execs, much more comfortable talking data and details and real minutiae of the business and economy with folks than he is shaking hands along a rope line. the idea that he might be more comfortable in this kind of setting is absolutely consistent with what we see on the trail. >> garrett haake, always good to see you. thank you so much coming to us from detroit bring in the chair of the dnc, florida congresswoman, debbie wasserman schultz. congratulations, dnc had a very good month fund-raising, sure you were happy about that >> thank you.
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yes, we are. >> there are still concerns that all the romney entities are not just competing with but beating your side and part of the reason the "new york times" writes, i'm quoting michael barberio, the president's discomfort with stroking donors is well known, prompting some to complain that he can be chilly and inattentive. is that a problem? >> i think it is no real surprise in the conversation you were just having that mitt romney is the most comfortable with millionaires and billionaires and the corporate elite. except he is running for president and he want to make sure that we have a president in the white house like barack obama who is fighting for the middle class and working families, who understands the plight of working families and who makes it a priority every single day to go to bat for them. that's why he has made sure that we cut taxes 18 different times for small businesses and for the middle class and made sure that when it comes to our tax policy and to our spending policy, that we strike the right balance and not focus our deficit reduction
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on balancing it all on the backs of people who can least afford it the middle class, and why he is fighting to make sure that in just ten days, we don't have a transportation bill that causes a million jobs to evaporate in the transportation sector. 7 million students -- >> get the money to compete. >> 7 million student was to their student loan interest rates double. that's because of mitt romney and the republicans total disregard and insensitivity and really discomfort with the middle class and regular folks. >> there are some campaign officials, as you know, congresswoman, who have been privately telling reporters, we originally heard that the super pacs were going to spend, outside groups, about $1 billion on tv ads for mitt romney. now they are saying $1.25 billion. $1.25 billion. and karl rove says it put democrats in a precarious position. he wrote an op ed in the "wall street journal" said through part, the president's team was hoping for a repeat of 2008 when
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financial muscle made it possible to spread out the battlefield and make a successful play for more states that won't happen this time. the obama campaign is spending its money too fast. what do you say to karl rove? >> well, aside from not needing the advice of karl rove to execute our campaign strategy, we are very proud and pleased with the progress we have made. we have gotten tremendous support from all over the country. more donors at this point than we had at the same point in the last election. we have our average contribution of about $50, when mitt romney doesn't even have 20% of his dancers have contributed under $200. 98% of our donors contributed less than $250. so, you know, i think when it comes to making our case of two vision and two directions for this country, the way our campaign is financed and the way barack obama will be re-elected and carry back to the white house is on the shoulders of
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working families and the middle class and mitt romney is trying to do it where he drags us back to the failed policies of the past on the shoulders of the wealthy elite in this country. i think the voters of america will sign up for barack obama's brand of politics once again. >> is there a new ad out that gives a sense of one of the issues that the obama campaign feels is very important. so, let just play a little clip of the president's ad. >> the son of a single mom, proud father of two daughters. president obama niece women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men suspect just unfair, it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lily led better fair pay act. >> let me play a little bit of devil's advocate for you, that is that the romney campaign says that you're targeting these microissues because you don't want to talk about the bigger picture of the economy and how much americans are hurting. >> well, what we are talking about is that barack obama has
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made the issues this are important to women a top pry oifrmt signing the first bill that he signed into law being the lily led better fair pay act, making sure he championed the paycheck fairness act. those are two things we don't even know where mitt romney stands on them because he refuses to say. he still won't say whether he would sign the paycheck fairness act into law if it went to his desk. he wouldn't say whether he would repeal the -- advocate repeal of the lily led better act. barack obama has fought to make sure that health care for swim a priority, making sure through the affordable care act we have preventive care around access to affordable birth control and mammograms and mitt romney would repeat affordable care act and make it so that being a woman is a pre-existing condition again and insurance companies could drop us or deny us coverage simply because of our gender. that's unacceptable. so again, there's two visions for this country, two completely different directions. the pry over the women have been championed by barack obama.
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and mitt romney really has consistently and repeatedly, through his own actions, his own words and the priorities y of h party, attacked the values of this country. >> debbie wasserman schultz, thanks to have you on. >> thanks, chris. >> let's go back to the beginning, doesn't surprise her that mitt romney is more comf t comfortable talking to millionaires and billionaires. what about the optics of this weekend? is there a problem with him going off the campaign trail, getting all these folks together, most super pac donors, bringing in $100,000, $500,000? is there a problem? >> i thought to myself what a load of baloney. the fact of the matter is that president obama's been schmoozing with george clooney and that gal from "sex & the city," that is his crowd he hangs out, who he is most comfortable with, so the idea that mitt romney can't meet with
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his big doaners. when barack obama has campaign on more campaign events than any other president by far at this time in the presidency that's all he does is campaign. the president spent more time governing and less time campaigning and schmoozing with his donors, he might be in much better shape. >> we do hear that every campaign there is an incumbent, if he spent more time governing and less time campaigning. steve, do you think there is an optical problem on either side? >> actually, i don't. john and i are agreeing a lot today i think this election is not going to be about the money, not going to be about the process it is going to be about two competing visions of where people want to take the country. and i think there's too much money in politics. i think people -- politicians spend too much time raising money. i would like to change the system, but i don't think that's what voters care about right now. i think what they care about is what are you going to do about the economy? what is your vision for the economy? i think barack obama is going to win the election because i think he is going to present a compelling vision for what he wants to do for the economy. >> let me ask you this then, if
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it doesn't matter to the voters, if you agree with that argument, insiders, people day to day working on the campaign, paid parts of the campaign or volunteers with the campaign, is there a psychological thing at play when these fund-raising numbers come out, if the cash on hand significantly favors one or the other or if the fund-raising that month goes significantly one way or another? >> well, i think one of the great -- i think one of the great strengths of the obama campaign this last time and this time they don't worry about that stuff, don't listen to the chatter from the insiders they worry about what they are doing to win the leeks. again, i don't think this is that big a story. >> john, do you think so? >> people in campaigns care about the money, ultimately the money coming in pays them. so yeah, a big psychological thing and the fact of the matter is that in 2008, president -- the candidate obama brought in millions and $1 billion because people were sick of the republicans. now the money is changing the other side because they are sick of president obama.
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money has a big difference psychologically for a campaign and it does play a role but i think steve's right. tend of the day both campaigns will have plenty of money. you can only run so many ads it is actually good for the broadcast industry. >> fantastic for local station man zerk addition, if you ask the people raising the money, they never have enough. so how much is enough i guess is the question this time around? john feehery, steve elmendorf, great to talk to you guys. thank you. after hundreds of complaints about voting are, egypt is delaying the release of results in the recent presidential election. the once-banned muslim brotherhood says its candidate won and is threatening more protests. meantime, protesters gathered last night in cairo's tahrir square, calling for an end to military rule. at the same time, the health of former president hosni mubarak is not totally clear. yesterday, he was reportedly near death. today, his supporters say he has been taken off a respirator and is doing much better.
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closing arguments today in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse case. the defense rested yesterday without calling sandusky to the stand, but there's a fascinating backstory about why not. nbc's ron allen is live in pennsylvania. talk about what's happening today. could the jury get the case today? >> reporter: yes, very soon, chris, probably some time after the lunch break, early this afternoon. we are in closing arguments now. the defense is about to begin making their case. we think they could go on for an hour or more, really not sure. remember, everything about this trial has preceded at lightning pace. the defense is going to say that the investigators coaxed these accusers to their stories, in it
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for a monetary profit and most of the defense has been character witnesses, testifying about jerry sandusky's good deeds over the years in this community. the prosecution steps up, they will go on about the 48 now charges that he faces, four charges dropped during the course of the trial but still obviously 48 criminal charges that carry hundreds of years of jail time if he is convicted of all of them. yes, the jury of seven women, five men should have this case just after lunch. >> meantime, nbc's michael isikoff did interesting reporting. all we wanted to know yesterday was will jerry sandusky take the stand yesterday or won't he? he didn't. now there is some indication the prosecutor says he goes on the stand, then his adopted son does. tell us a little bit about that, ron. >> well, it is a little unclear exactly what happened, but the thinking is had jerry sandusky taken the stand, his adoptive son, matt, was prepared to testify as a rebuttal witness
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against something jerry sandusky might have said. it is unclear exactly what the younger sandusky's roam was in all of this he may have witnessed an incident. he may have been a possible victim himself t is unclear. but there are many reasons that jerry sandusky did not take the stand in his own self-defense, according to his attorneys and people watching this trial. just imagine the scene of this man sitting on this witness stand being cross-examined by the prosecution about the allegations of these ten young boys who are now young men, who came into court and said -- and talked about these unspeakable acts that were committed against them. i think the defense just basically said, look, we can't decide on that let's let the jury decide request what they have now t comes down to whether the jury believes those accusers. again, all the defense is about jerry sandusky's character and trying to poke holes in the accusers' stories but those stories are very powerful and certainly had an impact on the jurors listening to them. >> nbc's ron allen, thank you.
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we will keep folks posted as we continue to watch what's happening inside that jury room today. meantime, george zimmerman's defense team released new documents this morning in the investigation into the shooting death of florida teenager trayvon martin. they include audio interviews, written statements and a video interview of zimmerman talking to a police expert, who was giving him a computer voice stress test, which he passed. zimmerman described his confrontation with martin the night the teenager was killed. . >> he was on top of me answered kept punching my face and my head and i was screaming for help and he told me shut the [ bleep ] up. and i kept yelling for help. and i got a little bit of leverage starntded to sit up and he took my head and he slammed it into the concrete several times. >> zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder for fatally shooting the 17-year-old. meanwhile, sanford, florida,
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he's police chief was fired yesterday for his handling of the case. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. to politics now, the first lady is getting it comfortable on the campaign trail. she talked to about 2800 supporters at a centennial colorado how school yesterday, thanking volunteers for getting voters fired up. and insisting the country needs four more years her hshd at the helm. >> that is what i think about every night when i tuck my girls in. i think about the world i want to leave for them and all our sons and daughters. i think about how i want to do for them what my dad did for me. >> keeping the campaign all in the family, all five of mitt romney's sons appeared on
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"conan" last night. he made them wear name tacks so he could keep them all straight. >> does it bother you that the press always calls you the romney boys? it is like you're 98 degrees or something. >> we were thinking about starting a boy band. >> a boy band in a mall. >> we prefer brothers but some people call us boys, so whatever. >> is also like in a western, you would be the posse. get them romney boys in here. >> and the press had a chance to take a swing at congress on the softball field in washington, d.c. last night. our own andrea mitchell calling the game as color commentator. the game raised money and awareness for the young survival coalition. it helps women diagnosed with breast cancer. and if you read only one thing morning, my must vaed a list of best beach reads, since it will be unbearably hot in much of the country this weekend. check out the list whether near the ocean or lounging next to the air concern, up on our face
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the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us.
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another election year showdown between republicans and president obama is boiling over after republicans charge attorney general eric holder with contempt of congress and a committee vote, the entire house takes it up next week. but president obama invoked executive privilege over additional documents that republicans want in the botched fast and furious gun operation, which, of course, was linked to the killing of a bothered patrol agent. >> if he did not know about fast and furious before brian terry was murdered, if he did not approve of the wiretap applications, then what in the world is he asserting executive privilege for? >> the attorney general has been stonewalling this committee. >> it shouldn't have come to this nobody likes doing this. it shouldn't be a political witch hunt against the attorney general of our country and our president in an election year. >> i want to apologize to the american people for yet another
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show of gotcha politics. >> i think that if mr. boehner takes this to the house, he will be seen as one of the most extreme speakers that ever took charge of the house. >> i'm joined now by "new york times" columnist nicholas kristof and "washington post" columnist, dana milbank. welcome to both of you. nick what is going on here? is this politics on the part of the republicans or do they have a legitimate beef? >> it seems to me we have so many priorities nationally to focus on this just seems incredibly lame. on the other hand, they have a point, i think in that president obama in 2008 suggested that executive privilege should be very narrowly defined in terms of what a president and white house saufgss discuss amongst themselves and that does not seem tonight case in the documents he is trying to hold back. it just seems to me everybody -- i'm sympathetic absolutely everybody in this case u. >> if you look at the politics
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of it, dana, there is this feeling any day the romney campaign isn't focused -- focusing efforts on attacking the president on the economy is not a good day. i mean, are house republicans off message for the romney camp? what do you think's going on here? >> i mean there is a school of thought that says that the white house is actually picking this fight by refusing to hand over the documents, just to get the discussion on things that make the house republicans look bad, get them off the economic message. last week, the president drew them into immigration. this week, he is drawing them into a fight that nobody really understands and is presumably one the president can win, because there were all kinds of things wrong with this gun-walking program. but documents these guys are asking for are documents about what happened after the program was shutdown so pretty much by definition, they are just trying to make a political attack on the president. >> gentlemen, stay with me. i want to bring in congressman
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chris van hollen, democrat from maryland. always good to see you congressman. good morning. >> good morning. >> so, what about those critics who say that this is not about executive privilege based on principle t is about getting the republicans off the message of the economy? >> well, i think that's nonsense. nobody likes to be held in contempt, but what you have here is one of the most extreme houses we have ever seen. as you know, never in history has the house of representatives decided to bring a contempt citation against an attorney general of the united states, not even newt gingrich, who led one of the most partisan houses, did that with respect to janet reno. so, what you have got here is just a runaway extremist right-wing house and nothing more to it than that. >> a lot of people have reminded the white house, the republicans, that back in 2007, when barack obama was a senator, he criticized president bush for
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invoking executive privilege. let me play that four u. >> there has been a tendency on the part of this administration to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there's something a little shaky that's taking place. and i think the administration would best beer is bifd coming clean on this. >> the romney campaign quickly piled on. they said after president obama pledged to run the most open and transparent administration, here is another broken promise. is there a concern? do you have concern that it can look like the president is trying to hide something? >> well, certainly the republicans are trying to make it look that way. what they are not telling the american people is that eric holder has now appeared before this committee on over eight occasions. they provided thousands and thousands of documents to this economy. they have been very transparent. so, what's going on here really is an obvious effort of the house republicans to try and pick a fight on this issue with the administration. they have been determined to try and bring this administration
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down from the beginning. senator mitch mcconnell, the republican leader in the senate said their object all along has not been jobs and the economy but the defeat of the president and we have -- the irony here in the white house where we can't even get a vote on the president's job proposal, pending since september, yet they want to vote for the first time in u.s. history to hold an attorney general in contempt, with all the other things that are going on here at the end of this month, the transportation bill that provides investments for transportation expires. at the end of this month, student interest rate loans will double and yet republicans are focused on this issue, which is why you see the american public holding this republican congress in contempt in the opinion polls. >> you know, one of the things i have been talking to republicans the last couple of days about this, they say to me, we can't forget there was an atf agent who was killed in this and whose family wants answers and the family of that agent did release a statement, and i just want to
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read part of that statement for you. "our son lost his life protecting this nation and it is very disappointing that we are now faced with an administration that seems more concerned with protecting themselves rather than revealing the truth behind operation fast and furious." how does the white house, how do you answer that statement by the terrys? >> well, first of all, the whole nation grieves for what happened to their son. but it is very important that an investigation into the death of an american citizen not turn into a political bat. we should get to the bottom of the facts. the attorney general has been working to get to the bottom of the facts. you get into the details of this care the attorney general offered to provide all the documents that related to a particular letter that is the specific subject of this contempt citation, but then they decided to ask for other
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documents that have nothing do, nothing to do with the death, the terrible, tragic death of this agent. so everybody is focused on trying to get to the bottom of that issue, which as you know, was a program that started under the bush administration, was continued but then stopped by the obama administration. everybody has a bipartisan interest getting to the bottom of that it wasn't the doing of one administration or the other, it was a terrible tragedy, we should get to the bottom of it but for the republicans to decide to make this the political i shall owned the first time the history of the united states, bring a contempt citation against the attorney general of the united states when we have so many pressing issues on the jobs and the economy, suggests that they are just trying to run out the clock on the economy and focus on these other issues. the. >> congressman chris van hollen, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> do you think the average american is sitting been a and they are saying this is why we can't take congress anymore.
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why are they doing this? >> i think it just leaving everybody feeling contempt white house of congress and the larger political class. we have a failed policy that led to deaths, a letter from the department of justice that was misleading and wrong and now president obama asserting executive privilege in a way inconsistent with his past statement and we have republicans clearly trying to make political hay of this when we have so many other issues going on. just trying to exploit a gotcha moment. so i think this is just politics at its most crass. >> i have heard a lot of debate about this, i'm curious on your take, dana. does this issue have special something republicans will still be talking about come october and november? >> i don't think so chris.
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who does do they hand it over to prosecute eric holder? to the justice department to prosecute eric holder. it is nowhere to start with and a republican assumption if they can make all of washington look like a cesspool, all incumbents will be blamed but it will help them get obama out of the white house. so from that point of view, they would just like to make it look as ugly as possible here. >> let me ask you both the question at the heart of all this, it certainly strikes at the heart, a lot of people feel terrible, obviously, about the death of that atf agent. are we going to get to the bottom of this, dana? >> the committee had been doing commendable work along those lines but see they haven't brought in the people from the phoenix office of the atf where this prafgs run out of. they haven't brought them in for public testimony, haven't brought the former atf in for public testimony and they are demanding documents about what happened two months after the death. so they are sort of looking to
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go after the cya that was going on in the obama administration as opposed to what went wrong with this program. that's why it has gone offtrack. >> i should mention, nick, worth saying that senator grassley then sent a note to president obama, a letter, demanding documents, you know to make sure the move was constitutional. more of the same s this just a distraction? are we going to get to the bottom of this? >> well, i don't think we are going to get to the bottom of this but also clear the fundmental bottom is this was a failed policy, it was a mistake but essential lay bipartisan mistake. this approach had really begun in the bush administration and it was expanded in the obama administration. there's no doubt that mistakes were made at every level, this latest effort by john boehner compounds this mistake. >> nick cristophe, welcome back, if people missed i have no his columns while traveling, you need to go to the "times" to see
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that. dana milbank, thank you for being on the program. no decision today from the supreme court on what we have been waiting for, the president's health care law but the high court did rule on the fcc's policy regulating profanity and nudity on broadcast tell vision. nbc's justice ender to pete williams is live at the supreme court. what did they desnide. >> reporter: you can thank cher and nicole richie for bringing this case before the supreme court because in awards shows, both uttered words that i could say on cable but i certainly could not say on broadcast and that i won't say now the fcc fined the networks when those words were uttered during live broadcasts and they challenged the fcc's rules. and today in a unanimous decision you can the supreme court said the fcc's rules were too vague. it agreed with the broadcasters that the fcc seems to be shifting ground on this all the time, that on the one hand, it is permissive when fleeting had expletives are uttered during live awards shows and then turn right around and issue huge multimillion dollar fines against the networks and their
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own station. today the supreme court said the rules were simply too vague but it is important to notice that the supreme court did not do what broadcasters, including nbc, the parent company of msnbc, wanted the supreme court to do and that is to say it's unconstitutional to treat broadcasters differently. the broadcasters had argued that newspapers don't get punished, cable doesn't get punished if those words are uttered and why should broadcasters be different in the supreme court simply didn't go there and said that is a case for another day. it is the second time the supreme court has punted on that deeper constitutional first amendment question. now, as you said, no decision today on some of the bigger cases, the health care case, of course, or the arizona immigration case. the next day for decisions is this coming monday, there will be undoubtedly other decision days added. we don't yet know what they are. we may find out later today what those days are and may be that we have to get into next week before we find out all the extra days. so, we will see you again on monday for the decisions. >> thank you so much, nbc's pete williams. appreciate it.
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also making news this morning, day two of the scorcher up and down the east coast. temperatures could hit triple digits in philadelphia, new york and boston. yesterday, records were set as far north as burlington, vermont. and it is not just the east coast. phoenix is expected to hit 111 degrees today. a state of emergency today in duluth, minneapolis, where they have been drenched by ten inches of torrential rains. residents have been forced to evacuate as floodwaters washed out roads and even killed about a dozen zoo animals. more rain is expected in the region on saturday. an upstate new york school district is investigating some disturbing incidents of elder bullying after a group of middle schoolers ridiculed a school bus monitor to tears. it was captured on video and posted online. >> karen klein says she wants the kids to apologize and hopes
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parents will talk to their kids about being more respectful a website in support of karen has raised more than $115,000 to send her on a dream vacation and to help with her retirement. oh, that's nice. car quality reaches a new high. some good news. cnbc's jackie deangeles live at the nasdaq with what's moving your money. jd power comes out with this sur acres have the best ever, right? >> good morning, chris. yes, that's right. and lexus was at the top of the list, followed by jaguar, porsche and cadillac. bringing up the rear was honda. but some interesting points to note in the survey. while traditional problems that people report like squeaks, rattles, electrical glitches, they have become more uncommon. owners are complaining about tech issues with high-end audio equipment and navigation systems. getting the technology right is being described as the battleground of the future among the manufacturers, but sometime the survey showed a nearly 5% improvement with the reported problems that we have seen. >> meantime, millions of americans are saying, hmm, what can i afford to do for my summer
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vacation? larry ellison, of course, the ceo of oracle, bought himself an island? >> well, an island would be nice if you had 5 or $600 million to and that cash kind of like around, how much ellison is reported to be paying for hawaii's sixth largest island, lanai, buying 98% of the island's 141 square miles from fellow billionaire rupert murdo murdoch. lanai is home to two four a sense resorts and 1994, bill gates, he booked every hotel room on the island for his wedding. chris, i'm still waiting for my invitation. i'm guessing it got lost in the mail. >> wash up on shore, 20, 30 years from now. thank you, jackie deangeles, appreciate it. facebook without out with the list of most social landmark around the world what people check in the website the most. what are they looking for? in new york, they check for times square. in chicago, people are looking up wrigley field. of course, that's the home of the cubs n rome no surprise, the
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coliseum. people in singapore, are checking in at universal studios amusement park, nbc, a division of nbc universal, rather that is a division of nbc universal and in oslo, norway, facebook gets the most check-ins at tgi friday's. [ groans ] [ marge ] psst. constipated? phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue... thanks. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere.
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marco rubio will be andrea mitchell's guest at 1 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. mitt romney is taking his economic message directly to the hispanic community n about an hour, he will address the national association of latino elected and appointed off wases in lake buena vista, florida h romney has struggled to clarify his response to president obama's decision to let younger illegal immigrants stay in the u.s. joining me now anna lopez buck with the national association of hispanic journalists. good morning. >> good morning. >> senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said that republicans should wait to hear what romney has to say to respond to the obama executive order. today, at this meeting, romney is only expected to touch on immigration. he is mostly going to be talking about the economy. do you think that is a mistake? >> i don't think that is a mistake. he should be talking about commit, because that is a priority for the latino community. immigration is important. but the economy is one of the
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main priorities for the latino community and unemployment and jobs. >> given that we did see a huge -- pretty significant, i don't know if huge is the right way to categorize it a pretty significant swing in the numbers in terms of support for the president after this immigration policy was announced. do you think that at some point, mitt romney is going to charge have to clarify exactly what his position is? >> i think it will and interesting to see what he says this afternoon at the conference and what his stance is. is he supporting immigration or his own version of it? but he will have to make some type of announcement. >> in florida i think it is about 15% of the electorate was hispanic in the last two presidential elections. a new politico article con ken suss in florida, particularly, is that romney does need a clear immigration poll swrichlt do you think marco rubio plays into all
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of that? >> we think it will be interesting, he has talked about his own plan and we will see if he does pick him as his candidate or not and interesting to see if he announces that today or not. >> also hear tomorrow from the president what do you think they are hoping to hear from him? >> hoping to hear from him to see what exactly is he wanting to do for the latino community? immigration reform was something that was expected to be in the first year of his administration. it wasn't. it has been hard to do. and with his announcement on friday that has really helped i think with the latino community but still, we need to know about the employment, the economy, things that are important to the latino community. >> we will be watching speeches of both of them at that meeting. thank you anna lopez buck.
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>> thank you. today's tweet of the day comes from robert reich. back from the worst economic depression. almost 4.3 million new jobs we're still not creating them president's jobs plan firefighters, police officers, work. right now. wealthiest americans congress refuses to act. tell congress we can't wait. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils
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to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. trouble with a car insurance claim. [ voice of dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, now it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em. unlike randy. are you in good hands? but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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let's go down to the wire. happy birthday, prince william. the british heir turns 30 today. with the new decade comes a $15 million inheritance from his late mother, princess diana. so, how is william celebrating? in private with his wife and close friends. also in london, check out city hen edge, an art project made with 18 scrap cars and placed near the tower bridge to mark the summer solstice. the artist says the cars have hundreds of thousands of miles of history, just like the famous stonehenge. another cool formation this time out of japan, an unusual hat-shaped cloud was spotted hanging near mount fuji just
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after a strong typhoon swept through the country. experts say such clouds rarely appear this time of year. it disappeared after about 30 minutes. and a canadian climber who lost his legs at able 5 managed to do something most of us wouldn't even think of. spencer west climbed mount kilimanjaro in africa this week. it took seven dies reach the top. and he climbed most of it with his hands. the group raised more than half a million dollars for charity. remarkable. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co.," i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next. what do you got, thomas? >> good morning, everybody. the agenda next hour, mitt romney's message to latino voters, the presumptive gop nominee will deliver remarks. a week after president obama's executive order on immigration. does romney have a fully built response to the president's plan? we will find out. closing arguments begin in jerry sandusky's sexual abuse trial. how are lawyers bunting up that case? and jurors, they are expected to
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start deliberating this afternoon l they come back quickly? then highly sophisticated phony fake i.d.s. how illegals and underaged kids are turning to the internet for the finest of forgeries. how the government is fighting back. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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goodness gracious, that's kosher. with no fillers, by-products, artificial flavors or colors. hebrew national. the better-than-a-hot dog- hot dog. morning, everybody, nice to have you with us, i am thomas roberts. developing now on msnbc, mitt romney just one hour away from his biggest campaign appearance yet in front of a latino audience. for romney today, mistakes for the right message, they are sky high as we mentioned, coming up less than 60 minutes from now, romney is scheduled to address the national association of latino elected and appointed officials, also known as naleo, and his speech comes less than a week after the president obama announced a new immigration policy impacting hundreds of thousands of undocumented young people in the united states and it comes as that latino population in five battleground states, they are key to romney's


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