tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 26, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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be a fan, sitting in my car listening to your show on sirius, because no electricity here in richmond. >> wow. richmond, virginia, dr. danny, that is a level of commitment. i don't think we've heard before, no electricity in the house, goes and sits in the car. no electricity in the house, goes and sits in the car and listens. dr. danny, perhaps you're the one who needs to see a doctor. how about one more? >> we have jamie. those weren't boos you were hearing behind president obama in boston. they were saying "youk, youk." >> i hadn't thought about that. by the way, it's derek jeter's 38th birthday. "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ >> boston i just want to say thank you for youkilis. [ crowd boos ]
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>> i'm just saying he's going to have to change the color of his "sox." i didn't think i'd get any boos out of here but i guess i should not have brought up baseball. i understand. my mistake. my mistake. you got to know your crowd. >> that's true, you need to know your audience. good morning, everyone. welcome to "morning joe." it's tuesday, june 26th. with us on set we have mike barnicle. good morning. are you awake? >> i am. >> you look tired. >> i am. >> that's okay. >> host of "politics nation" and activist, reverend al sharpton and from "the daily beast" --
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>> whoa! >> evil kin evil today. >> it like a costume. >> okay. >> barack obama. >> they were saying youk. >> barack obama has problems in boston. remember the 100th anniversary, they were booing him at the stadium. that was unfortunate. >> he was enjoying himself. >> should the sox have gotten rid of youkilis? >> yeah, i have to guess that that at symphony hall where the president made those remarks, it was a hall filled with casual fans. kevin youkilis had to go. he had to be traded. >> why? had he killed somebody, mike? >> there's a youngster who has to play and they couldn't keep juggling the lineup. he's a wonderful player, he's been hurt, he's getting old. time to move.
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>> you are cold as hell. >> sources very close to me, like i'd say six inches, from the boston area report that boston fans don't even like kevin youkilis. i've heard from other people, too. i once called him one of boston's favorite sons and i got a barrage of tweets and e-mails from red sox fans that said leave us out of this. >> listen, he's an intense guy. >> very intense. >> he's an anti-man, like manny would lounge around and not care and youkilis is very intense. i like my players intense. >> he's like you, he plays hard, he plays hurt, he plays every day. i'm always here. >> always here, even when you're not. >> like phil griffin just asked me when am i going to take a vacation. i don't do it. >> i'm begging you to take one. >> willie? >> rain, sleet and snow you are here.
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>> have i beaten gehrig's streak yet? i'm coming up on ripken but have i beaten gehrig's? >> in cable news, yes. >> oh, god. seriously? >> anyway, let's go to snake river, canyon. evil, what are you expecting today as you go over the canyon? >> well, the canyon this week is the supreme court, of course, and the headlines say mixed message pu bu the court established federal jurisdiction on immigration of course but they let the show papers ruling stand. the point is it's not a mixed message for hispanics. hispanics hear that profiling is okay, that they're supposed to carry papers when no one else is and as long as this is in the news, which won't be for long, by the way, because of the health care ruling, it's bad news for romney because romney is the guy who said that the arizona law is a model law and until and unless he expands his vision of what comprehensive
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immigration reform is about, this kind of news is bad news for mitt romney. >> so you are offended by the parts of the law that were upheld by the court yesterday, right? >> yeah, i am. the supreme court can say something's -- rule that it's constitutional. that doesn't mean that it's right. i think that this is a ruling that sends a bad signal to hispanics, that it unfairly present as situation for them where they're being profiled and put in a situation where they have to show papers and nobody else is. i think it's bad for the country and i think it's bad for hispanics and bad politically for mitt romney. >> let's get al sharpton's reaction. and evil, just jump right in because if you're evil, that's what you do. you're at cesar's, what are you going to do? >> are you going to throw a penny in the fountain? >> no. >> he was on the bike, he's ready to go. >> oh, my lord.
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now i get it. >> thank you for evil jumping over that controversial issue. reverend al, tell us what you think. >> democrats and republicans are claiming victory on the supreme court's ruling that threw out much of arizona's controversial law. it kept the most controversial element, which allows police to check the immigration status of someone they stop for arrest if they suspect they were in the country illegally. arizona's governor haled the court's decision saying the most important part of the law had been preserved. >> the heart of senate bill 1070 has been proven to be constitutional. this is a day that we have been waiting for and make no mistake, arizona is ready. we know the eyes of the world will be upon us. >> mitt romney, who was in arizona for a fund-raiser yesterday issued a brief
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statement about the court's ruling. romney said nothing about whether he agreed with the court or not writing only that president obama had failed to provide leadership. romney's traveling spokesman was repeatedly asked by reporters again and again and again and again for more clarity on the candidate's stance. >> does the government have a position on the arizona law beside supporting the right of states to create -- >> this debate is sprung from the president failing to address this issue so each state is left and has the power to draft or to enact their own immigration policy. >> but the arizona law does very specific things. does the governor support those things? >> what is his position on the actual law sp. >> again, each state has the right within the constitution to craft their own immigration laws. set up own government in their state. >> first of all, it unfair for
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willie to badger this kid. he just got off of spring break. >> he's a page, an nbc page? >> if he works hard his senior year, we'll get him a job in the nbc page program. you a basketball fan? >> yeah, at least at the end of the season. >> you remember dean smith and unc. my dad is a kentucky fan so i followed kentucky basketball growing up and i used to hate when they would just go into the four corners, right? and they would just like stall out the clock and stop playing when they were ahead like 3-0. romney -- first of all, they don't understand they're losing by three or four points but serious think their goal is to not let people know what he believes. >> that is his goal. >> one issue after another after another after another. >> you'd have to feel that. first of all, to send this spokesman back there on a day
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that you know the supreme court is going to make a ruling with no message at all is really insulting to the public. i mean, this is really not even a nice way of avoiding the issue. you could have at least given him some rhetoric. this guy didn't even know how to duck. >> well, he's in eighth grade. >> he's a nice young man. i wouldn't knock him again. >> i knock romney for sending him back there. >> mark mckinnon, he takes the right courses his senior year -- >> he should join the french club. >> he locked in. he stayed on message. we may not have liked it but he did his job, which is hard to do. >> but we've seen this with mitt romney time and again where a very basic issue will come up and he's got no answer to it. are they just trying to make this nothing more than a referendum on barack obama and trying to make their own campaign just this sort of voidless mass of sound bites?
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>> well, it certainly appears that way. and, you know, the problem is this race became competitive and the more competitive it became, the less bold the romney campaign became and it reminds me a little bit of walter mondale's old campaign slogan "dare to be cautious." >> that worked well for him. >> didn't work out real well. >> like walter -- >> the guy who lost 49 states. i don't know. >> is it possible, mark, maybe can you answer this, too, you've seen poll after poll that shows the spread on latino voters 40, whatever the percent, that they've just written off this vote, they realize they're not going to overcome a 40-point margin and they play out the clock on the question and they wait to thursday when it's going to be all about health care and the immigration will be forgotten? >> i think they're trying to get
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through the cycle but i think they recognize there is a political problem, particular any li in swing states where the hispanic bloc could make a difference. he's got to evolve and have a comprehensive vision, a macro economic vision about getting people out of of the gray economy, trading with south america. there's so many economic components to this message that could be formulated. he's got time. he could do a lot of this before the convention or at the convention but he's got to do it in order to win the election. >> i'm just looking at the newspaper, top of the "new york times." you see this rate of kills rises 38%? in chicago, gang violence blamed. we haven't read headlines this like since the 1970s. what's going on? >> every weekend record killings in chicago. >> why? >> the gang violence, the access to guns.
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it's happening in major cities all over the country. i mean, it is out of control and it an emergency. clearly certainly's got to be done. >> how does new york city compare? >> new york city has had its homicides but not to the level that chicago has. >> chicago's off the charts. not this past weekend but the weekend prior to this last weekend i think there were 15 homicides on a saturday night in chicago. >> over 50 one weekend. when you look at what's going on with crime and how we're ignoring it, it almost unbelievable. >> all right. we're going to keep on the immigration ruling, which wasn't the only big decision that was handed down by the court yesterday. in a pair of 5-4 votes, the justices also addressed issues surrounding campaign finance and the eighth amendment dealing with cruel and unusual punishment. one case involved citizens united, the controversial ruling from back in 2010 that opened the door for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money
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on elections. the court yesterday refused to reexamine the issue and instead struck down a montana ban on corporate political cash. it reverse as ruling from the state supreme court that raised concerns about the heavy handed influence asserted by special interests. >> this ruling actually is kind of depressing given everything. you're looking at what? >> i'll tell you in a second. i'll tell you in a second. you're not going to believe what i'm looking at. >> no, i saw it. >> no, you are didn't. >> so let talk about it. >> you know, if you take the supreme court ruling on immigration, the supreme court ruling on money and politics yesterday and the supreme court ruling that will come thursday on health care, it begs the question is the president of the united states going to end up running against the supreme court? >> i think he will. i mean, when you look at the immigration ruling and i agree
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with mike or evil or whatever we're going to call him this morning, i think that it clearly leaves a real question of discrimination, which is going to be played out in a lawsuit now against hispanics. there's no question it's profiling. and i think the fact is that governor brewer is wrong when she says they waited on this day because it completely undermined her states right theory. when you get to the campaign finance ruling, it opens the door for the states to do what they want to do with their money. they took a, very very partisan view yesterday. >> the other factor it, yes, and you spoke to it earlier and willie just alluded to it, the
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he -- in state like nevada, colorado -- >> and florida. >> and florida, it's not going to overshadow what's happening to their daily lives. >> that's right, mike. they got the message loud and clear and it going to ripple through those communities. they're going to remember it as long as that law is upheld. if i could comment on the campaign finance ruling, nothing more poisonous has happened to our politics than the citizens united ruling. you look at the history of the state in which that ruling came down, you know, a hundred years ago there were a couple of copper barons who financed the entire politics there and they bought and sold senators as they come to washington. now they've come full circle and they have the united states telling they they can't control the special interest in their own state wirks is a very bad situation for politics locally and states and nationally. >> evil, i'm curious, where would one find one of these
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copper barons if one were in the market for the copper baron to support him? >> they're all over the place. there's not just copper barons. there's union barons, they're on both sides of the aisle. the race is between special interests. >> president obama was in boston last night and shared the state with massachusetts senate president elizabeth warren. she introduced the president, praising his work for financial reform and stick big the middle class. >> mitt romney wants to let billionaires get special tax deals and repaul all the financial reforms so that wall street can call all the shots and mitt romney tells us in his own word he believes corporations are people.
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no, mitt, corporations are not people. [ applause ] people have hearts. they have kid. they get jobs, they get sick, they love and they cry and they dance, they live and they die. learn the difference. >> that's a sound bite that's going to play very well as you drive outside of boston towards the blue collar, they love and they dance -- >> mike, how she's doing? >> she's doing well. she should be doing better in a state so tilted toward democrats and a state where the governor will clean mitt romney's clock. >> scott brown is strong. >> he's very strong for a republican. >> for a republican in massachusetts. >> he really is. >> you listen to scott brown talk. he's a massachusetts guy. you know, he seems like the real
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deal. i mean, you're right, obama is probably going to win up there by, what, 15? >> oh, at least. >> at least 15 percentage points. >> yeah. >> it's going to be really hard for scott to win but he is a tough candidate. i wondered throughout this campaign whether elizabeth, who we also love, doesn't have a martha coakley moment or two. >> you she might. she's a freshman candidate. she's doing very well. she was very good last night i'm told but it is amazing to me scott brown's resilience. they are neck and neck in the state when he's got so much going against him. but what he does have going for him is his personality and his appeal to moderates. >> but he's running with mitt romney. that's going to hurt him. and i think she's doing a good job. i think the fact that he is that good and she's where she is is a testimony to her as a first-time candidate. she's doing very good. >> she could be doing much
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worse. >> you know who else is doing well? >> okay, what? >> the damned yankees. they just keep hitting home runs. you guys keep hitting home runs. you play long ball, man. the yankees just keep winning. >> they started pitching about a month ago, hitting home runs. >> they don't do small ball. >> no, it's all or nothing. >> no billy bean here. it's long ball. >> oh, lord. >> it's a different kind of money ball. it's the $200 million money ball. >> yeah, but the thing i love about these kid seriously you give them a stick and like just old sack cloth and they'd be playing out in the street for free. >> alex, does he have any more vacation? >> you see alex throughout with an old broom stick. they say, hey, alex, the game's inside the big old stadium.
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>> is this how lou gehrig made the record? >> the yankees have only won, if i recall, the yankees have only won one game this year where they haven't hit a home run. >> is that true? i didn't know that. >> okay. >> did alex just tell you that? >> he did. >> mike, what year is this song, "my little town." >> i would have to put it at 1981. >> good, god, where were you in the 70s? i think this was '75. >> he wasn't sober. >> look it up. i think it was 1975 off of "still crazy after -- t.j., were are you even pretending you know? you don't even know how to do your job. "my little town."
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is anybody helping me out here? >> no. when we come back, an exclusive first look at the political playbook. >> great album. >> also ahead, tom brokaw, ken feinberg, actor eugene levy and two time nba-mvp steve nash will join us. >> but first bill karins on tropical storm debby. >> areas north of tallahassee picked up 20 inches of rain yesterday. this is a storm they'll remember for decades to come. a lot of these places have seen rainfall three days in a row. now our friends in southern georgia are picking up a lot of heavy rain and they're starting
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to get significant flooding. the good news of debby, we have about two days to deal with a slow moving, painful storm and then it will head out into the open waters of the atlantic and then we'll be done with debby. the other amaziing story, the 10 degree club went across dallas, memphis and everyone from chicago to charlotte to raleigh, to richmond back through tennessee and kentucky, get ready because that heat is going to expand east. as we go through the next couple of days, we're going to be near 90 and washington, d.c. ♪ nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town ♪ man: there's a cattle guard, take a right.
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welcome back. it's time to look at the morning papers. let's start inside "the wall street journal." afghanistan attacks are jumping again after a drop. over 3,000 attacks by the taliban in the month of may alone. more bad news coming out of that troubled land. >> front page of "usa today," the women's tennis tour, they're trying to stop the grunting. >> why would you stop the grunting? that's why i listen. i don't have to watch. i turn it on just to hear -- >> and hotels are offering fitness camps to lure people to their hotels. >> you play tennis. do you grunt when you play your
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dad? >> no. he beats me, though. he cheats. >> of course he cheats. >> politico for bob kerrey. buffett rules. a big fan of bob kerrey and so are we. >> and back in "usa today," on the betting market, there's a 70% chance the supreme court will strike down the individual mandate in the health care law. they give president obama a 53 chance of being reelected. that's down about ten points in just two months. >> and more from "the financial times," an ambition plan to turn the european union. the proposal would give the european union far reaching powers to rewrite national budgets for countries that breach debt and deficit rules. yesterday spain and cyprus
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became the fourth and fifth countries to request euro bailout funds. >> and orbits found that people who access their web sites on mac computers tend to spend $10 to $20 more on hotel rooms. orbits admits they're experimenting with steering mac users to more expensive options. >> we go to willie now. >> what do you buy, willie? >> a lot of miscellaneous charges on my expense report. that's the best way to hide them. >> ew, ew. you're yucky. >> let's talk about the piece you guys have up right now about darrell issa, saying he doesn't think the white house covered
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anything up in the fast & furious. "to date the white house has steadfastly maintained it had no role in advising the department with respect to the investigation. the surprising assertion of executive privilege raised the question of whether that is still the case." issa now taking the fight directly to the white house. >> again, the letter is setting the stage for the vote on thursday, most likely on thursday in the house to hold holder in contempt for not turning over documents to the committee. there's zero sign the white house is going to buckle under pressure. they've made their decision and made their claim of executive privilege. this is now pretty much a political issue. the dynamics aren't likely to change. in all likelihood on thursday when they do have the vote, it will get overshadowed by the
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health care decision that you guys were talking about earlier on the show, which for a lot of republican leaders is good news. they'll rather be talking about health care than talking about a big fight over contempt and executi executive privilege. >> reverend, are you troubled at all by the fast & furious operation? >> i am. that's why i'm glad the attorney general put an end to it. i think it's outrageous what issa is to doing to the attorney general. i think this letter is absurd. i mean, issa went on television sunday saying himself there was no -- no, no evidence the white house was involved in any cover up or anything. now he sends a letter basically trying to say maybe they were. i think they're right, it
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clearly leads and you're going to be dealing with things like arizona, the fallout, like voter i.d. and other issues. i think that is really, and issa is grandstanding at this point. and they're going to be overshadowed thursday by the health care decision? so why didn't they have the vote wednesday? i think they wanted the vote thursday because i think the fact that would be front and center, which they could have called this vote tomorrow is something people will go away. >> jim, does this issue go away on thursday? >> but there's a lot pressure from the romney campaign to get the emphasis back on the economy and back on the health care ruling, assuming it would go in the aebs' favor. >> still ahead, "the washington
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer.
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as you know, today is a national holiday. a lot of folks keeping their kid home from school. >> i love arbor day. >> the birthday of one derek sand sanderson jeter, 38 years old. keep your children home from school on this day. the yankees beat the indians 7-1 last night thanks to the long ba ball. >> can i ask you about swisher? >> yes. he's great. >> he's just so -- he's just -- i heard him yesterday and he said oh, man, you're so great, you're so great. like is that the real deal? >> that's how he is always. >> so he's not a phony? >> no no. >> loves to play. >> happiest guys on the face of the earth. >> he actually is one of the
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guys that would play for free. >> he was so happy, i actually almost reached through -- driving my '75 dodge dart, i almost put my first through -- >> that's no nonsense. that's nick swisher. >> i'm just so happy to be alive, man! >> hi energy all the time. fans love him. >> can we get him on the show? >> no. >> yankees are won the game. >> did you see this? >> it sounded like it hit his bat. or was that the helmet?
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>> strasburg drilled him in the head. he didn't mean. you can see strasburg shaken up by the whole thing. scutaro stayed down for a few minutes but pops back up and walks off the field. 95 miles an hour in the head. >> he looks like he knows where he is. >> strasburg gave up two runs. the important thing, scutaro is okay after taking that fastball to the noggin. >> the important story, though, is the yankees won. >> and strasburg was shaken up. >> you guys. >> arizona against south carolina. south carolina had won two consecutive college world series titles, going for a third. top of the ninth. games tied at 1. brandon dixon smokes one down the left field line, run comes around to score. they take the lead there into the bottom of the ninth inning.
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sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. mitt romney's very steady job creating focus on allowing the private sector to create those jobs is spot on. most americans understand that. they're ready to have a change in washington, d.c. in 2015. [ buzzer sounds ] >> okay. let go to the must-read opinion pages, boys. come on. >> no, saying they're not ready
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for 2015. >> joe. joe. you don't do that. >> i love him. there's not even an election in 2015. i love that guy and i miss him. i miss him hard. i miss him real hard. >> i don't miss any of them. really, eight perfect segue. >> he could have won the primary. >> first "the washington post," an election running on empty. remember we were calling it the inni seinfeld campaign? >> 2015, what was he thinking. >> i think he was saying in three years they would be willing to embrace that and -- >> stop. >> we have daring jumper evel
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knievel as we show you right before your disastrous cesar's jump. what did he mean by 2015? >> it complicated math. 2015, there's an election somewhere. >> all right. can i do a must-read opinion? >> i wish you would. >> if the presidential campaign were a tv program, it would have been cancelled by now. viewers have clicked off, stupefied by a campaign that has one overriding issue, the economy and nothing else. what started out with such energy, a "gong show" of debates, the unlikely and bizarre front-runner one after
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another, into a slog in which two "firsts" an african-american and a mormon are proving the efficacy of the melting pot. they campaign dutifully and dullly. the main time america has gone for a beer. >> that is a great way of putting that. both of these guys seem to be letting the campaign shape them. you're getting billions of dollars reading. >> part of the problem is you have to spend so much time now because the other side has so much money. i think that it a real terrible place to be in the mensch
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political playbook as you would say it that unthe other point is how howe does somebody go in the ring with somebody who says he can't do it, he can do it. there's not a lot coming from his opponent. >> also something strange has happened over the past four to eight years. we've got all the news channels in the world, all of these cable channels and we had all of these outlets. i remember four years ago the press people, who weren't wearing obama buttons, were actually complaining about the fact that you couldn't get access to him. he'd release a statement online, he'd do a video blog, he'd do this, do that. but they kept a pretty healthy distance between candidate obama
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and the working brass and now mitt romney and the press, there's even a wider gulf and these candidates are just deciding we're not going to engage, we're going to talk on our terms and not answer questions. >> there is a bigger distance between the media and governor romney than there was between the governor media. i don't think there's any doubt about that. the because the underlying anxiety in this country about the fen is fair if it -- there's a different element and it's times four hours into the news and it is the global economy. it is coming apart in europe and the world, at least much of the
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civilized world, seems leaderless. who is going to step up and address the situation globally? >> let me read frank rooney from the "new york times." this is a great piece. captain america? he asking. on front bes -- "on most fronts, i suppose that's long been one definition of the presidency but it has seldom fit as well as now. in the twilight of his first
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term, obama is learning how unscripted history ultimately is. >> and mark mckinnon, a great example of this and it used to drive democrats crazy and that is george bush got whatever he wanted. even when nancy pelosi was speaker, democrats would go crazy. 15% of americans supported the surge in iraq. 75% were opposed to it. every democrat, most republicans said they weren't going to support the surge but they just pushed it up there saying we need a surge. and guess what, but all this talk about, oh, obama can't get anything passed through a republican house. that's nonsense. the president has been doing this for decades, for centuries. >> president obama had a democratic house and senate for
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the first two years of his presidency. for two years with he full control of all branches of government and could have pushed through whatever he wanted to. >> exactly. that's what i think frank is talking about is the fact that right now he's looking impotent and a lot of that just has to do, mike, with knowing the tools that you have. like lbj -- look what lbj did. he would massacre when congress was going to kill a bill. >> we're talking about the anniversary of the start of the berlin air lift. >>. >> here's a great example, too, harry ruman, 1948, he was running against a republican congress, he called them a do-nothing congress, this
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president seem to be sitting back. >> i think b the president trie to reach out. tell it wears on them. narrator: he's fought to pull us out of economic crisis for three years. and he still is. president obama's plan keeps taxes down for the middle class, invests in education and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share. mitt romney and his billionaire allies can spend milions to distort the president's words. but they're not interested in rebuilding the middle class. he is. i'm barack obama and i ♪ [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble... ♪
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its road gripping performance makes it a cadillac. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with advanced haldex all-wheel drive. [ engine revving ] it's bringing the future forward. thought they were dead. huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem.
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court's decision by prerecording a series of responses to every possible outcome. >> no, he didn't do that. >> he did. >> it hasn't happened yet. how do you do that? >> unfortunately each of those responses -- >> oh, no, no. >> -- mistakenly posted to youtube. steven colbert came to his defense. >> the property has ruled obama constitutional. >> we now know that obamacare down as a split decision, striking down part but not all of the health care bil. >> the united states supreme court has done what none of us expected, they found an answer which led to no decision at all. >> my only criticism here is the only options mourdock prepared for were overturned, not overturned, half overturned and no answer. but what about all the other
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possibilities? i think we've got to be ready for anything. jim? >> the united states supreme court has done what none of us expected. there's been a recount and justice antonin scalia ruled he's been for raccoons. >> only clarence thomas can rule on obamacare. he's remained silent. >> justice alito announced he'll be stepping down from the bench to become the base player for iron maiden. tonight the long-awaited decision on obamacare came down -- >> excuse me, excuse me, i said
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nobody in the break room. out! out! >> love him. >> youtube. >> when we go into break, i asked reverend al a question. >> oh, that was mean. >> and t.j. cut him off. >> t.j. was making my point. every time we reach out, they try to cut off the mic. thank you, t.j. you've got the eric cantor in you. >> i love reverend al. >> why do you think t.j. would cut off reverend al? he was proving my point. you republicans don't want dialogue, joe. >> reverend, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> i just don't think he likes you and i want to know why. it's a basic question. >> you're agitating. >> the american people need to know what exactly it is he knows about you. >> we'll be right back.
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well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this.
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♪ now, the greeting at these events is everything. you never get a second chance to make a first impression. first up, mitt romney. >> i come to you as a candidate for president of the united states. >> i'm not so sure that's a plea for unity as much as he's a guy addressing a room where he's not sure if everybody speaks english. are you comfortable? your chair-o, chair-o. let's see obama's open. >> it's good to be back.
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[ speaking spanish ] >> you. now i know why the economy isn't doing so well. he spent the past three years doing rosetta stone tapes. [ speaking spanish ] goal! >> welcome back to "morning joe." look at that beautiful shot. mike barnicle is still with us, along with mark mckinnon in washington. and joining us now nbc news' tom brokaw, tina brown and msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. >> in all your years of covering
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journalism, god, you started back in the mid 60s, working in wsb, followed civil rights, gone to vietnam, the things he's done, the things he's seen, the experience you've had. have you ever, ever, ever worked with a man dressed remotely like mark mckinnon? >> i think the evel knievel comparison is appropriate or my friend who was is sportscaster when evel knievel first appeared called him evel knievel. to get attention these days you have to be different a. >> yesterday mark was talking about his concerns with the
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immigration law. of course all of america waiting for the next supreme court decision to come down ot health care. where do you place this? terms of your reporting, as far as big supreme court decisions? >> well, i think the health care bill is going to be obviously one that we're all going to -- he made it that. >> will it be historic? >> let wait and see what it is. >> if it is overturned. >> all together or mandate? >> the mandate. >> yeah that, will be historic. here's the issue that i think has not gotten enough attention. if not this health care bill, then what? because we still have health care in america eating up 17.5% of our gdp. it's not getting less expensive and we vant had a coherent plan
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from the other side that addresses how we're going to get these costs under control. we refuse to deal with the run away costs, for example, of medicare. there's a lot of talk about death panels. for example. there are disparities in this country about how many money is spent on health care, it's like 50% more spent in florida than it is in oregon and in a lot of other states where they worked at managing health care. those are the issues we're not getting at because we're so concentrated on whether or not it going to be a politically victory or defeat, for the presidents. all been seeing these reviews the la.
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>> we've had recalculations and the cbo suddenly says the obama bill doesn't bend the cost curve and it could be much worse. the underlying problem is whether this bill passes or not, we still face crushing debt from medicare, we still face crushing dead from medicaid. you sit here and say what were the first two years of the presidency would say to key members of the administration, why don't you just take care of the uninsured. do something that is fundamental and easy to stand and then phase in the other parts of it later, maybe even in a second term because the country is really concentrated at the moment on what's happening with their homes and what's happening with their jobs. there was a big internal debate about whether to do that. i know very few people who have read the 2,700 pages.
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i've talked to health care experts who believe we need the reform and are utterly concerned about what this will can do. >> eugene, you write a big win for the baum administration. and lists who see this as a split ruling, which something for both sides are wrong. the obama administration said that arizona was trying to usurp a federal prerogative. that has huge implications for other states such as south carolina and georgia, they are. >> mitt romney, who is struggling to reduce president obama's huge lead among latino voters once rfrd to the arizona that each stayed hat the duty and the rye to president clinton the borders. actually, no, romney should
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receipt the ruling. >> so the provision that was upheld the police to determine or if they're in the united states illegally, as mark said, that makes around with them that the rid of them don't have to go around. >> but the courts got -- they said people have to carry around papers. i base that and al cyst or -- it seemed to me that the central issue was do we have one immigration policies or no, there's going to be one that
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that of the state's full stop. and you go to justice kleeia's consent. he complains about that decision and he think it's wrong. >> this all could be erased in the news cycle, teen a but i wonder if you between the candidates. we've been talking about a nothing coming paampaign. >> i don't know how long how long he can continue to be newt romney. spinning nothing round and round and round. i think he's going to get killed in the debates because at the end of the day people want to know what's he going to do. it's going to kill him with the latino vote in particular.
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i think on the raelt -- right, i think it's going to galvanize those young supporters who have fallen by the wayside, thinking he wasn't anymore the great dream candidate when they hear that these rights in a sense that they now assumed will be revoked. the idea they could get helps from their parents until they were 26. >> there are things about the al there than it is -- on the arizona border, there is a lot of violence. if you're in arizona and you're hispanic and you get stopped and you don't have papers, you can
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very likely say to the policeman, my family's been here since 1650 because there are a lot of hispanic residents of arizona whose families have been there well before the union was formed, well before arizona became a state, which was 1912. that came home to me when pbs was doing series on world war ii and they didn't have a hispanic reputation and i got involved in the dialogue with secretary salz -- salazar, he's the one who said my familiar's been here that's the point -- >> and that's the law. it's still the law. >> somebody could have slipped into this country who happens to be an ingle, driving around in arizona, what are the chances likely they're going to be asked for their papers? >> right. but just off the excerpts, at least from justice kennedy's
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majority opinion, he's basically saying bring us a test case and we throw that part, too. imagine being a police officer in, are they saying in a county where there's a very hispanic population to get in the coffee. >> can i just make one other -- >> let's go to jeanne first if that's okay. >> i just had and you're dressed like mark mckinnon? do you get stopped? do you get deported? >> well, actually, that was a very good contribution. you actually don't get arrested.
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you get committed. they're coming to take me away ah-ha. so you've run campaigns in texas, mark mckinnon. i remember the bushes and i remember jeb in 1998 running around the state of florida talking to republicans saying, guys, we better learn how to win the hispanic vote. for all of their missteps along the way, we're returning republican that 96, 97, 99, 911. in we do that will yous as well as mitt romney's response is bad for the republican brand, bad for the future. it's not his passionate. he embraced the language with
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immigration reform that git's very clear he's trying to do something significant. voters want problems solved. people are going to look at these candidates and say whose got a solution to this very, very difficult problem? >> tom. >> also in texas, i read something in the "arizona republic" when i was in deen uks actually, i thought. >> it turns out they were talking economic trade with mexico. texas has increased its trade with mexico by 50%. or all the troubles that mexico has, there is a pretty active
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and pretty robust economy going down there and those border states really depend on it. arizona in the meantime has fallen back in terms of trade with arizona. so there's an economic component to all of this from a state to nation basis, i gather? >> seas exactly right. there's overnet immigration now is a zero we've done polling that shows that a third of the country in america thinks that 50 to 100% of spanish who are here are here illegally. that's so out of wabllied. >> you'll be heening into
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somethi heading into it. >> what is it that you're wearing? >> it's cowboy vampire look, joe. have i to head back to snake river now. >> cowboy vampire. good luck on the jump. i hope the rocket boost er, thanks for dressing for the occasion. we'll be reading your column. >> what's up, mika? >> the challenges of putting a price entourage di. and up next, nbc's check assad joins the conversation. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. ♪ recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test.
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the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card!
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i'm barack obama and i approve this message. >> president romney's first days, creating thousands of jobs for virginians. >> but would he? "the washington post" has just revealed that romney's companies were pioneers of shipping u.s. jobs overseas, investing in firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by american workers to in facilities in low-wage countries like china. do america want a chief outsourcer in chief? >> joining us from washington, chief white house correspondent and political director and the host of "the daily rundown" chuck todd. good to see you again. >> a lot of people have been criticizing the president even in his own party for going after bain capital.
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but they are doing it, these 30-second ads. they have poll tested them and it must be working. >> i was just going to say everybody's that's criticized it apparently has not been following -- done a couple thing, not been following the careers of people that have run against mitt romney before successfully, namely ted kennedy, and, two, haven't followed -- what's interesting, joe, is all of these ads that obama is running against romney right now and on outsourcing and on pain, i've seen version of these in the few-- boy, it move voters. you see it in all these races. i get the people that have been criticizing inside the democratic party are people that haven't been following these house races, haven't about in focus groups.
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there's a reason this stuff is -- that the obama campaign is going to keep it up. >> mike, from what you've heard, inside it's working? >> first of all, chuck is absolutely right. the focus group stuff that we're not privy to has to be enormously proud of temperature but just an an anecdotal evidence, they didn't have enough confidence in you as a worker here to make this product or whatever product so they shipped it overseas because they could make more for themselves at your expense. pim a huge, huge emotional or nick issue. does that work? >> i think it is part of the lingering virus in this country
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about the economy. is it going to get worse? it's more than a virus at this point. we have a systemic problem going on. if they keep picking away at the idea that the republican candidate was very happy to enrich himself by shipping jobs overseas, however true that may be, however nuanced it may not be, i think it does work. >> i think it does. >> and also ticket logical displacement. ultimately the excitement of technological innovation is leaving people behind. obama nonetheless now is having to run against of the structural unemployment that's been created by technicological innovation. >> to chuck's point, though, if you go out to allegheny county near pittsburgh or take a couple of counties in ohio and you take a 48 to 52-year-old male or
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female worker in a company who has this anxiousness about their existing job and they're surrounded by jobs that have disappeared and you start talking about this, they start worrying about how long is this job that i have going to be here? this plays right into it. >> no doubt about it. and we have so many people that will celebrate what's happening in silicon valley. of lot these lotting class people because we've become so unprokt of. you can el what's a kid with a decision that could jove turn a written mandate? >> we pretty much know it's going to be a roberts written decision. when we talk to our friends and foomless, kennedy wrote arizona.
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there's no way kennedy is going to get. >> well, it means that i think is is one of those things and assuming the best for their own side. you talk to some who believe this was going to get upheld the whole time. they said if it's going to be upheld, roberts is going to write this opinion so that it's narrowly written. we have those who hope to see the mandate overturned say, well, of course robert's the guy who is going to stay away. he's taken responsibility of the most important decision that could have the most impact on sort of the power of congress that we've seen of any decision in the last 50 years and he's taken on the responsibility. so i -- i am -- look, all i say on the property is a win is a win and a loss is a loss. if you're the ballpark white house, everything gets upheld, that's a victory.
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any part of this gets struck down, it becomes harder to politically explain away. >> if they lose mandate, how do they spin it at the white house? that is a problem. >> i'm looking at this reuters poll that says 61% of americans disapprove of the individual mandate, only 39% approve. that doesn't sound like it's good campaign fodder for democrats. again, it's one of the bizarre things, i spent two years at the barricades fighting and dying politically. guys like you sent back home to virginia for fighting for a bill like this and now they're all afraid to talk about it, democrats, talk about it and de --
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>> i know you run some of the largest institutions of america, as have i, as have a lot of us. ceos in america have no idea hough it's going to impact them fire years from now. >> here's romney, who has been so vocal -- in massachusetts they liked what he passed in make. they liked it. it's well liked. >> and it works up there. the only way can you spin this if it comes down against the baum straight law is to say, more plan. >> do you think it would have been better if they had gone out on the public option than this? >> we're going to talk about one of your favorite topics.
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we're having a debate with the man who is behind the gallop poll. >> i want to congratulate you for that very artful, serb entine discussion about what's going to happen and who's going to write the opinion and how it's likely to turn out. you managed to be on 12 sides of that argument. >> exactly. whatever's going to happen will happen. >> thank you so much! actor eugene levy will join us, and some of the biggest names in basketball and soccer. >> we can ask him if he's going to play york and soccer. weston wamp and his son join us next on "morning joe." ♪ snts ♪ dp
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government in america belongs to we the people, not the other way around. >> i'm weston wamp and i approve this message, don't you? >> that was a good ad from the 25-year-old weston wamp. >> what? what? >> he's 25. he's young. you were young when you ran for congress. >> 29. >> when you ran for congress. >> he's running for congress. he and his father zach wamp join us from chattanooga. zach, you served with joe. you guys were sworn in together. >> we did. we're good friends. >> so what happened there? did joe -- was he -- that
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swearing in ceremony, did he just -- >> he was too rambunctious and newt gingrich sent him to television. >> oh, really? >> actually, i think you got that a little backwards. we sent newt back to atlanta. but that's okay. >> different story. >> i survived there. i'm struck, tom brokaw -- first of all, it's a great ad. >> it's a great ad. they're both dressed essentially the same way, both clasp their hands the same way, they both laugh the same way. >> we do love each other. >> kinetics are strong in that family. >> adorable. >> 25 years old. i'm sure a lot of people would say that's far too young to run for congress. why did you jump in so early? >> gosh, i've been 25 for three months. i've been 25 for a while.
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i've been a candidate since i was 24. some people here are already over the age barrier. the truth is washington is the same. it's vanilla. there's too much of the same thing and people here are ready -- i see every day they're ready to send some different. you keep sending the same kind of place to washington and the place is always going to be stuck. that may require at a time when we're running record deficits that we send some campaigns to deficit to try the wok the boat how long did it take to you get your mental health back? >> we're all actually really proud of joe. because i think he's fair. weston is kind of like joe. he's reasonable, fair to everyone but rightfully disrespectful to both parties right now because both have really let us down. weston is as independent as
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anyone can be and still run on a party label. joe was a pretty independent guy, somewhat of a maverick and he served us well by hosting "morning joe," joe has. but i think weston would be that independent, fresh kous voiced in washington right now which we really need. >> weston, let's pick up on that. you obviously have to be disappointed in how the republican party's performed over the past five, six, seven years. obviously when we were in power, reran up record deficits and a lot of people from tennessee it why should i vote for the rens? they i think that's right. i think as long as reeb behave the that all politicians have behaved in washington for an era, i'm probably trying to but
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one of the first lessons i learned in business, we've got a lot of young companies that we started here in chattanooga. one of our core principles is if you blame other people all the time, you're probably going to get kicked out and get fired. in washington it's a great way to get reelected and i think people are catching on that that's a broken process. >> okay, okay. that's nice. >> he's 25. he started a business, he's running for congress. i need to go home and slap my kid. >> how much of what you take to washington, if you get there, will be generational? >> the truth is my campaign is not about the younger generation, any more than it's about my grandparents. it's about put being different people in washington, a
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heightened level of urgency about the challenges this country faces so we can get serious about long-term solutions. i think americans are see some things wang in washington so we know the cha what is the united states of america going to look like in the fuss. >> they call hit we need young americans to go to congress specif. >> i don't know if you want to compare my son to harold ford, jr. >> weston, good luck. >> there is going to be a new
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generation of leaders at some point stepping forward. what do we get, their social security debt, the debt for decades long wars. i mean, in is -- i don't think are -- do we have a moment to talk about all this? i think it's really important. i think it's the new generation that are coming along and a lot of them get the knock because they move back home after graduating but they're going back home with 20,000, 30 pus. they're saying i can't trust the institutions out there and i've lost my parents lotst there. i'm going to take my time to tock -- to be trying to --
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>> they also feel that the generation is screwed. they're so lumbered by debt that they can't even move. we have a very good piece in "newsweek," it's like a metaphor, you can't do anything about it because they're in the way. >> unbelievable. >> it is the generation of disrupters. >> it's unbelievable. how do you get a start in life with that? steve janash joins us next when "morning joe" comes right back. [ morgan ] right now when you use your visa card,
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>> i thought you were going to talk politics. >> do you want to? >> no, i'm fine. >> phoenix has been nice. the weather's good. >> it's too hot! >> nice people. >> too hot! >> you've already got a place here in new york. why not just make the commute short? you can live in your apartment, go to madison square garden -- >> you know what? you're downtown, just a quick jump over to brooklyn. you're right there. >> it does sound alluring. you never know. i mean, it's kind of freaking me out actually. it's going to be sunday. >> can i say something? i'm a body language expert. i'm looking at steve nash and you know what i see when i look at steve nash? a guy who's freak being out. >> never let them see you sweat.
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>> you have ideas in your mind about places you'd like to be, new york included? >> it's not hard for someone to be attracted to new york or brooklyn or l.a. or whatever, you know, or los angeles or whatever. chicago. any of the big franchises. the bottom line is free agency starts sunday and i can't have a conversation until sunday. you have to listen and see what kind of fit it's going to be. if everyone can have a penthouse overlooking the garden and go to the finals every year, that would be great. >> you are not going to hold it against the knicks for the organization. >> i thought we were not talking politics. >> we are being political. >> i love soccer. my good friend roger bennett told me a long time ago, you are like a soccer fanatic and you
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could have played professional soccer if you wanted to, but your parents said play basketball instead. i simplified the story. >> that was a good one. >> let me finish it up. you are on the side of the road and as you were saving a young baby's life, god came to you in a vision and said yee should play basketball. >> i actually grew up playing soccer. my parents were brit skpish my first word was goal. that was great and i wanted to be with them. i never looked back, but i never fell out of love with the game of soccer. it's a huge part of my life. i play on two teams here in the city. >> i have seen you running around. how exciting is that? >> it's amazing.
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for me it's a dream come true. >> do you cheer for england? >> i do. since i was a baby. i had no choice. >> my son and i picked up soccer quite a few years ago and we always cheer for england like it's our home country, always bitterly disappointed every two years. >> it's disappointing. we have the best domestic league in the world. er you a liverpool fan? that's where my dad and grand dad comes from. there so many good athletes and players, but we can't keep the ball. >> the thing is, i know they just don't perform well, but after seeing england every two years, at the end of the term, i say i worship these guys every saturday and sunday? they are slow. the germans are 21, 22 just
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running up and down the field, killing them. they are the best sport. we lost 99% of the audience, but they are the lest. lee probably top to bottom and we can never perform in the nationals. >> germany's federation has done a great job. they have to be a part of it and training their kids to play a certain way. us, england, they bring players in from all over the world. the best teams have less english than foreign players. i don't think they are inially in the past have been a service to their own and suffered and they have the best league in the world. >> quickly, what an endoing to this year. this year's premier league. >> you lost the last percent. >> we did, but that being said, 600 or 700 million people saw
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that. it's hard to explain to people that don't love the sport how that was one of the most remarkable endings. >> it was the nba finals with the buzzer beater. it was an exciting year. the euros are exciting as well. as a soccer fan it has been good. >> what are you doing with your showdown? >> this will be the fifth summer. we used to be on chinatown and now we call it showdown. it's a little field to play on thursday nights. we bring in a few bleachers and pack the place with fans and kids and bring professional soccer players and nba players for a game on the street. it's a lot of fun. the kids love it and we stopped every day on the street. what day is the game. tickets are available. it's free. inside the fence since it is for
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charity or early education, tickets inside the fence to the after party are available. steve down. hopefully we get a lot of people. >> with superstars from soccer and the nba. who will be there. >> solomon from chelsea and from the u.s. national team. grant hill. danny green from the spurs. there a bunch of guys from both sports. they are arm's length from the fans. they are just down and interacting with people and it's a lot of fun. >> that's tomorrow night at 6:30 and it's free and it's an after party. it's
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what was his club? >> it's a big win for myself or something like that. what's your analysis of him over the last couple of years going from villain? >> i think people should back off him a little bit. i think he admitted that the decision thing was a mistake. look at him. he won a championship and i will have to say i give him a lot of respect. last year he was so reluctant and this year so reluctant to shoot jump shots. i give him credit. >> where does he rank? >> overall the best player. what he can do about kobe still is deadly deadly killer. lebron is younger and bigger and stronger and faster. >> by the way, i have to ask this question also.
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we would be killed if we don't. let's talk about u.s. soccer quickly. how is it? >> u.s. soccer i think is doing well. they have the new coach and think he's a brilliant guy with tons of enthusiasm and a star for germany and won it all. he is just starting to put his imprint on the program and taking time to develop the philosophy. i would be patient and have good young players and a good strong team. by the time brazil comes around, they're in that position. >> that's exciting. liverpool is going for it next year. >> they are. >> they were here first. >> bite back the viewers. >> liverpool. friends with the red sox, man. >> they are playing fenway in august. they played in baltimore too. taught in liverpool in july. >> i'll be there. we have something about the
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yankee stadium coming up. what a great summer. summer matches. the game is tomorrow night at 6:30. steve nash, thanks for being here. we will talk to doe dee meyers and dick gephardt and senator claer caskill. magic johnson. up next, the arizona immigration law has supporters and opponents claiming victory. we will talk about it next. schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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how do you know which ones to follow? the equity summary score consolidates the ratings of up to 10 independent research providers into a single score that's weighted based on how accurate they've been in the past. i'm howard spielberg of fidelity investments. the equity summary score is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. get 200 free trades today and explore your next investing idea.
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i want to say thank you for youkilis. i'm just saying, he's going to have to change the color of his socks. i didn't think i'd get any boos, but i should not have brought up baseball. my mistake. my mistake. you have to know your crowd. >> good morning, it's 8:00 on the east coast and 5:00 on the west coast. time to wake up, everybody. welcome back to "morning joe" and take a live look at new york city.
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reverend al sharpton and in washington, it's okay. it's like a costume. >> i like that. brack has problems in boston. i thought that was unfortunate. he was enjoying himself. should they have gotten rid of youkilis? >> i have to guess that the president made those remarks, it was a hall filled with casual fans. kevin youkilis had to go. he had to be traded. >> hear he killed somebody? >> he was a youngster who has to play and they couldn't keep juggling the lineup. he is a wonderful player who is hurt and gets cold.
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>> sources very close to me like i would say six inches in the area report that boston fans don't even like kevin youkilis. i heard that from other people too. i once called one of boston's favorite sons and i got a borage of tweets and e-mails. red sox said leave us out of this. >> he's an intense guy. >> very intense. >> he's anti-man. they lounge around and not care and i like my players intense. >> he plays hard and hurt. >> always here even when you are not. >> griffin is asking when am i going to take a vacation? >> i'm begging to you take one. >> rain, sleet, or snow, you are here. >> you are keeping the clicker.
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coming up on ripken. >> in cable news, the cable news. let's go to the snake river canyon. there we have evil knievel. what are we expecting as you go over the canyon? >> this week it's the supreme court of course. the headlines say mixed message. they established immigration of course, but let the show papers willing to stand. for the point is it's not a mixed message and hispanics here, the profiling is okay. they are supposed to carry papers when no one else is. as long as this is in the news, the health care ruling has bad news for romney. he is the guy who said the arizona law is another law. until and unless he expands his vision of what comprehensive
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immigration reform is about, this is bad news. >> you are offended by the parts of the law that were upheld by the court yesterday, right? >> i am. the supreme court can rule it's constitutional, but that doesn't mean it's right. that sends a bad message to hispanics where they are being profiled and put in a situation where they have to show papers and nobody else does. it's bad politically and bad for mitt romney. >> read the news and evil jumped right in. that's what you do. you are at caesars, what are you going to do? throw a penny in the fountain or are you going jump over? >> he's ready to go.
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over that controversial issue. that's the reverend. >> democrats and republicans are both claiming victory ruling on monday that throughout much of the state of arizona's controversial law. it kept the most controversial element that allows police to check the status of someone they stop or arrest if they suspect they were in the country illegally. jim brewer hailed the court's decision saying the most important part of the law had been preserved. >> the heart of senate bill 1070 is proven to be constitutional. every other state's authority to protect and defend the people has been upheld. this is the day that we have been waiting for. make no mistake, arizona is ready. we know the eyes of the world will be upon us. >> mitt romney who was in arizona for a fund-raiser issued
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a brief statement and said nothing about whether he agreed with the court or not, writing only that president obama failed to provide leadership. his traveling spokesman was repeatedly asked by reporters again and again and again and again for more clarity on the candidate's stance. >> all this debate has sprung from the president failing to address the situation. he has the power to draft and to enact. >> but the arizona law does very specific things. does the governor's support those things -- >> we -- >> what is his position on the actual law? >> again, each state has the right within the constitution to craft their own immigration laws. >> did he think arizona did a good job? >> it's unfair that they badger
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this kid who just got off of spring break. >> an nbc page. >> for he works hard in senior year, he will get a job. >> he's like ten. >> you a basketball fan? >> yeah. >> so you remember dean smith and unc. my dad is a kentucky fan. we followed kentucky public and used to hate when they went in the four corners and smalled out the clock and stop playing when they were ahead. romney, they don't understand they were losing by three or four points. their goal is to not let people know what he believes. one issue after another after another after another. >> you would have to feel that. first of all, to send the spokesman back on a day that you
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know the supreme court will make a ruling is insulting to the public. this is not even a nice way of avoiding the issue. you could have at least given rhetoric. this guy doesn't even know how to duck. >> he's in eighth grade. what are you going to do? >> he takes the right courses his senior year, maybe he will be better next campaign. >> he should join the french club. >> he locked in and stayed on message. that's hard to do. >> we have seen this with mitt romney time and again. a very basic issue will come up and he's got no answer to it. are they trying to make this nothing more than a referendum on barack obama and trying to make their own campaign this sort of voidless mass of sound
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bytes? >> it appears that way and the problem is this race became competitive and the more competitive, the less bold the romney campaign became. it reminds me of walter mondale's dare to be cautious. it didn't work out really well. >> like walter. >> walter, the guy who lost 49 states. i don't know. is it possible and mark, maybe you can answer this. you see poll after poll that shows the spread on latino voters at 30 or 40 or whatever the percent is between the president and mitt romney. they have written off this vote. they realize they won't overcome a 40-point mashlgin and they play out the clock and wait for thursday. the news will be all about health care and this immigration decision will be forgotin. >> they will try to go through the cycle and recognize that
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there is a political problem and particularly in the key swing states. he had a good speech last week and started to show good body language and the right tone, but he has to evolve and have a comprehensive vision about getting people out of the gray economy and trading with the south america. there so many components and he's got time. he can do a lot of this before the convention or at the convention, but he has got to do it. he has to to win the election. >> in the europe, the top of the "new york times," the rate of killings rises 38% and in chicago, gang violence, we haven't read headlines like this since the 1970s. >> every weekend it has been record killings in chicago. >> why? >> the gang violence and the access to guns. it's happening in major cities
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all over the country. it is out of control and it's an emergency. clearly something -- >> how does new york city compare? >> new york city has it, but not to the level chicago has. >> new york is off the charts. >> not this past weekend, but the weekend prior i think there were 15 homicides on a saturday night. >> over 50 one weekend. when you look at what's going on with crime and how we ignore it, it's almost unbelievable. >> all right, we will keep on the immigration ruling which wasn't the only big decision handed down by the court yesterday. in a pair of 5-4 votes, the justices addressed issues surrounding campaign finance and the eighth amendment with cruel and usual punishment. one involved citizens united from back in 2010 that opened the door for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of
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money. the court refused to reexamine the issue and instead, struck down the montana man on corporate cash. it reverses a ruling from the state supreme court that raised concerns about the heavy handed influence asserted by special interest. this ruling actually is kind of depressing given everything. you won't believe what i'm looking at. still talking about it. >> if you take the supreme court ruling and immigration, the supreme court ruling on money and politics yesterday and the supreme court ruling that will come thursday in health care, it begs the question, is the president of the united states going to end up running against the supreme court? >> i think he will. when you look at the immigration ruling, i agree with michael.
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where we will call it this morning. i think that it clearly leaves a real question of discrimination. you tlad on a lawsuit against his friends. no ghe his profile. the question is governor brewer is wrong when they waited on it because it undermines the states rights theories. when you get to this financial campaign rule, it opens the doors for states and cities to really just do what they want with money. i think that the president will end up having an election against this court. they took a very, very partisan view. >> the other aspect of the reverend and the health care ruling overshadows to a certain extent in the media the immigration ruling. in states like nevada, colorado and arizona, hispanics in those
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states, and florida, it's not going to overshadow what's happening in their daily lives. >> that's right, mike. they got the message loud and clear and it will ripple through the communities and they remember as long as the law is upheld. if i can comment on the ruling, nothing happened to the politics more than the citizens united ruling. you look at the history of the state in which the ruling came down. 100 years ago, there were a couple of copper barron who is financed the politic there is and they bought and sold senators that they accepted to washington. they have the united states telling them they can't control the special interest in their own state. that's just a very bad situation for politics locally and states and nationally. >> i'm curious, where would one find one of these copper bearings?
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>> they are still out there. they are in the energy industry and all over. there is not just copper bearings, but union barrons. they are on both sides of the aisle and controlling politics. it's not between candidates, but between special interest. >> coming up next, actor eugene levy. >> he's great. >> he's called upon when bad things happen. we will talk to ken fein berg who determine what is gets what after disaster strikes. why seeing the gulf oil spill claims. >> a guy who is not prepared for his role. bill, give him a dart board. just give him the dart board. >> see what happens. >> he makes up stuff. a little ambien. what's the forecast. >> my turn? i will work on that actressy
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thing. the forecast, this is an easy one. florida is wet and we are watching heat in the rest of the country. unless you are on the northeast or the west coast, it's a hot summer pattern. the horrible thing. it's isolate and where it is happening is very, very bad. let's talk about the story that is encompassing much of the story. you can believe it was 105. wor 08 in phoenix. that tied the all time hottest temperature. all the heat has been in the middle of the country. what will happen the rest of the week is it expands and heads to the east. hot conditions in chicago and tennessee all through the carolinas. watch the forecast and look at chicago. 82 and beautiful today. all of a sudden we turn the temperature up on the oven to 94. by the time we get to thursday, we have given you one of the hottest temperatures ever recorded. 103. not just chicago, but everyone
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in the valley through the tennessee valley. more updates coming our way on the days ahead. you are watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. are so ama, you'll get lost in an all-beef hot dog world. what was i supposed to wish for? why am i wearing a bow-tie? where did i leave my bicycle? after all, when you're enjoying the beefiest, juciest bite of pure kosher beef, nothing else matters. goodness gracious, that's kosher. with no fillers, by-products, artificial flavors or colors. hebrew national. the better-than-a-hot dog- hot dog. [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man.
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that's what i am the admip straighter. i am working for you. on monday you file with the gulf coast claims facility. now, let me tell you something. we will evaluate your claim. if you are eligible and if you have documented your claim, you will be paid in 48 hours. >> 23 past the hour. many victims of the oil spill were upset about compensation a month after the former oil spill claims czar made promises about the timing of the compensations when he first took over the gulf coast claims facility in 2010. in his new book, who gets what? fair compensation after tragedy and financial upheaval. he reacts to his estimates and talk about a self-inflicted wound! under estimating the volume and complexity of the claims, i promised what i could not
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possibly deliver. as a result the gulf coast guilt was placed on the defensive promising to send out by the administrator thousands of checks during the program's first few weeks. it would take months to recover from my gaffe. ken fein berg joins us now. a thankless job. nobody, who could you make happy? >> you can't make anybody happy. every perceived wrong can be attributable to a spill, a terrorist attack and a deranged gunman. it's not my fault. pay me, pay me. >> you never paid them enough ever. >> you can't, but you try and deliver on what policy makers ask to you do whether it's congress or the president or an attorney general. i think they understand the limitations of what you do. do the best you can and above all, get the money out the door. >> what did you learn?
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obviously we talked about overpromising or promising anything. putting a number on a tragedy and a loss of a business and a loss of a life. that's what you had to do. how do you do that? >> judges and juries in every city in the country do that every day. how much would the person have earn and what about pain and suffering? juries every day. what i have to do is judging a jury, the law that sets up the programs and everybody counts other people's money. it's a trade. what did my next door neighbor get and my uncle and sibling. that makes it more difficult. you do the best you can. >> when is it -- let's take a few moments for self intro expect. what is it about your personality do you think that gets you to the point where you agree and you do fulfill your role as judge and jury and compensation for september 11
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victims and the virginia tech tragedies and for the bp disaster? what is it about you that the attraction is? why do do you it? >> the president or an attorney or congress said will you do it and it worked last time. you have a certain degree of experience and credibility. you have known me for 30 years. there may be a personality trait or something that i weighed in, but i think millions of americans would do what i do if you asked by the attorney general of the united states, will you step up and help. a lot of people do what i do. >> how hard is it when you are trying to adjuteicate the cases separating the scammers from the legitimate people who suffered the losses. >> that's not hard. some of the scammers, they add a zero to the tax return or they say they were.
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ed in a job and we checked and there is no such job or they worked on a ship and the ship has been dry docked and owed tax leins on it. what's hard is what mika is implying. you are dealing with people in grief. it's very emotional and no matter what you try to do, this is found money and being offered to you. you have to expect that no one is going to thank you. no one is going to say it's fair. life is unfair. you have to be prepared i think. >> even a lot of people who have money and rewarded claims and didn't think they got enough money. briefly if you can, what's the process of coming to that number. the guy with the shrimp boat comes and said i would have made x this year. you have incapacitated my business not just for this
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month, but long-term. how do you come to a number? >> what do you earn now and how did you document it? they said i lost $100,000. we do things with a hand shake down here. this is not boston. we have no -- everything is by generations. >> that's a fair argument? >> in terms of equity, but i can't pay claims. people say this is what i earned and trust me. people who pay taxes get incensed. they said i pay my taxes and you pay me x? this person is saying he doesn't have any documentation and no proof. >> would you give them nothing with no documentation? >> usually they have something. we try to provide them at least a level of compensation. i had one person who documented their claim for $100,000 in the gulf. when i said to that person i am sending you a check and you are
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going to get a 1099 with it, he said i waive it. you can't waive a 1099. he withdrew his claim. >> you dealt with a lost these people directly? >> 9/11 was almost all one on one. bp there was over a million claims from 50 states. >> you were immersed. >> yes. >> what did you learn through the process? >> you learn that reactions to programs like this where a few people are allowed to benefit from special compensation programs and everybody else is not eligible. you learn that the reaction is as diverse as human nature. people are angry, frustrated and skeptical and disappointed. it's a trick. grateful. you never hear fair or thank you and you don't expect it. >> for the people who are not really familiar with you, you
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grew up in massachusetts, not exactly beverly hills. you are an emotional guy. back to the september 11th compensation fund, i can't imagine sitting there talking to a widow who comes in with her two kids to talk to you about the loss of her husband or the loss of a wife who worked at one of the financial houses or who was a cop or a firefighter. how did you deal with the emotion of it? >> you have to take a walk around the park. a walk around the block. get an ice cream cone and sit on the bench. you cannot spend your entire day case after case after case, widows and their life has changed and widowers, my wife was an angel. horrible. nobody came to talk about the money. everybody came to validate the memory of a lost loved one. that's why they want to talk. let me show you a video of my
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wife 25 years ago at our wedding. see what an angel she was. no one wanted to talk about money. it can help and impact you. you become very fatalistic. i don't think i will plan more than two weeks ahead. i will realize that the congress and the american people asked to you do this service. pro bono. you can't get paid for that. you do the best you can. if anybody said they can do it better, go right ahead. i will do it to the best of my ability. i can't do more than that. >> and now you are involved in the jerry sandusky victims fund. >> not yet. i received a television caphone asking me. >> do you anticipate being asked? >> please. you hope there won't be another katrina or oklahoma city or
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sandusky or 9/11. one of the problems with all these programs and you know this, 9/11, bp, very generous compensation. i get e-mails from the parent, my son died in oklahoma city. where is my check. my daughter died in the flood in katrina. how come i'm not eligible. it's not good public policy. you set up the programs, one widow woman called, i don't get it. my husband died in the basement of the world trade center in the original bombing by the same people. how come i don't send in a claim? you carve out the programs for very special people under very special circumstances and tell all the other american people you are not eligible? bad things happen to good people every day in this country. through no fault of their own. these programs just this oil
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spill, just this terrorist attack, just this deranged gunman in virginia tech, it raises profound questions about that. >> the book is who gets what? you can read an excerpt in our blog. it will make you think. ken feinberg, thank you very much. good to have you back on the show. actor eugene lefy is standing by in the green room. sitting down and having a cup of coffee. keep it here on "morning joe." [ male announcer ] now you can swipe...
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>> she has been in there way too long. >> she is doing a mission. dangerous work. you know what, i would hate to be cliff diving with you. >> look. i saw this in a movie once. you go east and i go west and we make it out alive. >> i am not running with you down the street like some [ bleep ]. >> what are you talking about, fool? >> i am committed to see this through. >> you better not snitch.
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>> that was a scene from the new movie. eugene levy. good to see you. >> a pleasure to be here. playing on my strengths. >> perfect. exactly. >> what do you feel about it all? >> about money and politics? >> yes. >> makes the world go around, doesn't it? >> that sums it up pretty well. we will stop asking you now. tell us about not just this movie, but the tyler perry phenomenon which you have been a part of. >> yeah. he does it for a small budget and makes a ton of money. >> yes, sir. that's what he does. he makes his money, but he is absolutely brilliant. i was not familiar with the madea movies.
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i was familiar with tyler perry and i knew probably over the years, a half dozen of his movies came out. i knew what it was and that he established himself as one of the show business icons in the business. here's what he does. he knows his audience and he knows what he needs. he shoots very fast. he knows what he needs and what he doesn't need. there is no wasted time on the floor. next thing you know, you have a 20-day shoot and you have done it in 16 days. that's as fast as i have ever done a movie. i saw it last night at the premier. it is amazing what that man does in 16 days. it's brilliant. and the character, the two characters, uncle joe and madea are brilliantly funny. he mainly rips. he puts the camera on himself and goes.
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it's amazing how many home runs he hits. >> to take it, you have to be brilliantly crazy as well as incredibly organized. >> he is incredibly organized and he's amazingly efficient on the floor. >> what does it say about the larger universe? you spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars in five, six, seven, you shoot this in 16 and 17 days, it's up on the big silver screen already. what does it say about what's going on in the movie industry? >> a lot of wasted time. you are doing a big budget effects movie, that takes time. you are doing a comedy, it normally shouldn't take that much time to shoot a comedy. i loved doing it that fast.
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i don't like doing something over and over and over again. you lose it after a while. >> how much was improvisational? >> quite a bit from what i didn't know when i started the movie, since he wrote the script, i didn't want to play around with the lines too much. i don't know. i normally do in a movie. i have the liberty to play around with my scenes. here i was when i started this thing playing straight man to tyler. to his madea character. i didn't want to tamper with the lines. when we started shooting, he said blow this open. just go on this one. let go. i said okay, this is how it works. all right. there is a lot of improvising. the key to tyler is that when you do a scene with five or six people, you can't do that much
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improvising because everybody has command and not everybody is an improvisational artist. when the camera is on himself, he goes way off script and goes crazy. that's the gold in the movie. >> it strikes me listening to that that this plays to your strengths. >> sctv and you think about investing. you would be full of improv. >> certainly what we did on the movies. i wasn't expecting it because i didn't know the process on these madea movies. he turns the camera on you and a single shot on camera. nobody else is involved except him standing off camera throwing you lines and things that take you in a roller coaster ride. it's great fun. >> too bad you couldn't get
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fred. willy and i laugh at the name. >> when we were doing best in show, i remember when chris guest and i were writing and working on the script. the problem i had in the beginning, it's a funny idea, but what are we going to do with the third act. we are stuck with the dog show. you can't make it too funny because it has to be legitimate. we dropped the idea for a while. he said what about the dog show idea? i still have a problem with the third act. how are we going to make it funny? what if fred is a commentator. remember that? talk about an improvisational run. those to me are three or four of the funniest movies.
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is that the most fun you had working with friends on the projects? >> they are all great fun and it's a great group of people. they are really adept at this kind of work. not since the movies have i had as much fun on the set as working with tyler perry. the vibe is the same. not so much group and when he's on with you and the scene, not everybody is effective at the same time, he loves to go off a& i had great fun. i had the movies and the great group of actors. >> witness protection and opens in theaters this friday.
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good to have you on the show. talk about money and politics. >> you mentioned that. a heads up for the book travel online. cnbc's brian sullivan has the story next. >> i was considered by some to be quite the cas nova myself back at ponce deleon junior high. we started dancing. >> i started dancing by myself. >> i have two left feet. >> i thought he was kidding. >> but i wasn't. i was born with two left feet and they had a nickname for me. they used to cool me loopy because i would walk in loops.
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kept going in circles. then with therapy i learned how to walk a straight line. the president from interview: i talk to folks on rope lines and in coffee shops. people who have been out of work. you can tell it wears on them. narrator: he's fought to pull us out of economic crisis for three years. and he still is. president obama's plan keeps taxes down for the middle class, invests in education and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share.
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mitt romney and his billionaire allies can spend milions to distort the president's words. but they're not interested in rebuilding the middle class. he is. i'm barack obama and i approved this me put me at 5 timesd out my greater risk of a stroke, my first thoughts were about my wife, and my family. i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa, there's no need for regular blood tests. that's really important to me. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners,
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the equity summary score is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. get 200 free trades today and explore your next investing idea. wow. you, you, all of you. you guys are like the old guys in the muppets except there is three of you. time for a business with brian sullivan. >> he's something. you know, brian, the kids and i. >> statler waldorf.
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they are laughing about this. he is laughing right here about it. all the kids down at the holiday inn this morning, they are only talking about one thing and one thing only. cypress. what can you tell us? >> you will give me a little business. all the other kids with the pumped up kicks. >> this kid knows everything. >> nobody cares about that. i want to throw this out and that's why i pitched this thing. you probably got that in her birken bag. it's nothing. if we asked for a bailout or needed a bailout, the same percentage of the economy, america would be asking for an $8.5 trillion bailout.
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♪ ♪ delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer.
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