tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC June 26, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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good morning, i'm chris jansing. one big supreme court decision down, one to go in a critical week in washington that's just getting started. thursday, during this house, we will get the long-awaited ruling on the president's health care law. congress is dealing with student loans. and attorney general eric holder is facing a contempt vote from the full house. but right now, we are watching arizona, where the show me your papers portion of the controversial immigration law was upheld and today, officers are being retrained to enforce it. >> the heart of senate bill 1070 has been proven to be constitutional. arizona and every other state's inherent authority to protect and defend its people has been upheld. >> five other states with
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similar laws are now assessing how this ruling will affect their own enforcement. and with president obama and mitt romney only issuing statements reacting to the ruling, we are waiting to see if they have anything to say today on the campaign trail. let me bring in "washington post" columnist dana milbank and joy reed, managing editor of good morning to both of you. you heard jan brewer call this a win. both sides are calling it a win s there a clear political advantage here? >> well, it is a split decision in the sense that they -- the supreme court struck down three provision and let stand one, albeit tenuously, and that may change later. so clearly, it is a lot better than the obama administration and the sort of pro-immigration folks had expected it to be, particularly from this court. so, jan brewer can declare victory but nobody is confusing her with some sort of a legal genius. >> yeah. >> but it severely weakens the arizona law and takes away a loot of its power. >> nobody is suggesting that this is over yet.
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obviously, we talked about the fact that they are training today, not surprisingly, controversial sheriff joe arpaio says he is not going to bend to the federal government, let me play for you what he said. >> lock up the human smugglers, raid businesses, crime suppression. i'm not stopping. i got state laws that i can enforce. >> so let's look ahead what does this really mean? what's gonna happen next, joy? >> the ruling on this part of it provision two of the sb 1070 law, the justices didn't say it was okay, they said they didn't understand how it was going to be ablind really couldn't make a definitive decision on it until it actually was applied. if joe arpaio is going to make a show of applying it in a very harsh way and if he goes too far this is a guy who you could count on to occasionally go too far, then actually, co-wind up influencing the final disposition of sb 1070 in a way he doesn't want, because this
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could go back to the court if this is enforced in a way that people feel violates their fourth amendment rights. >> if it starts to get accusations of racial profiling, is it a game changer? >> well, certainly that in a legal sense, that's what the courts are going to be looking out for. that is why arizona and the others have to interpret this very narrowly and be very careful about it. certainly as a political matter, you can see in mitt romney's reticence to combo, out and speak publicly about, they wants to keep this law at arm's length. you can sort of see the tide has shifted here a bit away from the immigration hard liners, both in terms of the court around in terms of what romney's been saying. >> well, he did issue a statement. he said, this has become a muddle, let me read more from the statement that he released that you talked about, dana. "i would have preferred to see the supreme court give more latitude to the states, not less." but i wonder if nothing else, we talked about a legal ramifications but politically,
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joy, does this remain a significant issue into november? >> i think a difficult issue, especially for mitt romney. mitt romney has combo, down on the side of 1070 and the side of the provision most egregious when it combo,s to latin -- hispanics. the part they didn't like is the part that survived and he is still stuck with that and then you have got this sort of, you know, radical kind of dissent you have on the part of justice anthony scalia, keeps this political and partisan. in his defense, he talked about things like states used to be able to exclude free black and cool his, and rad dal cal and went after the president for his dream act decision. i think the partisanship and the politics of this stayed really caustic right up until november. >> the other big supreme court decision is going to combo, down on thursday that is the fate of health care. for more on that let me bring in chris van hollen, democrat congressman from maryland. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. great to be with you. >> on thursday, the individual mandate will not survive, it
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seems to be f supreme court overturns health care, what do you do? what do democrats do? >> chris, of course, we don't know what the supreme court is going to do i think there is a decent chance it does survive. after all, the irony here is that obama care was based on the same principles as romney care around understood that in order to prevent people from being discriminated against for things like pre-existing conditions, you needed everybody in the pool. look, chris, this was our proposal. we put this out there. the reality is major pieces of this are very popular with the american public. there's been a lot of disinformation with respect to other pieces that are going to combo, in combo, into play later on. >> let me play devil'sed a vo cat, you and other democrats argued, you want to protect average working american, make
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sure the maximum number of people possible have health care. so do you just say well if the supreme court strikes this down, it's gonna be up to the republicans to do something about it because they are the ones who challenge it had or do you have a plan b to say, okay, we are gonna have to deal with whatever the supreme court does but we have a plan in place to move forward and help as many people as possible? >> well, again, this -- this was our plan. there was a big debate in this country, as you know. one alternative was to go with a medicare for all type plan, a single payer plan. it was ultimately passed was based on the republican model, the idea that we will ask everybody to share responsibility, as they should, for getting health care coverage. and i think everybody understands, republicans and democrats alike that if you're really gonna tackle the major issue of pre-existing conditions and making sure people aren't denied coverage because of that, you have got find way to get everybody in the pool. and so, look, the reality is
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that the reagan solicitor general, charles freed, said from a legal perspective, the affordable care act is clearly constitutional. so, let's not get ahead of ourselves. this was the effort that we put forward. we think it's a whole lot better than the status quo where you saw very rapidly escalating health care costs and lots of people discriminated against by insurance companies some, let's wait and see what the court does. we are still optimistic that they will uphold the law. we will take it one step at a time. >> there are progressives, as you know, who back the public option plan who plan to press for medicare for all potentially if this doesn't go your way or something very similar, if health care gets struck down. would you be open to looking a that the? >> well again, chris, i don't want to get ahead of ourself there is, because i really think there is a decent chance that you will get a decision that upholds this law. gek, i go back to the fact that
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one of the lower courts, one of the appellate courts who wrote the opinions upholding the law was from a very conservative and very well-respected justice it the commerce clause clearly gives the congress great latitude to regulate commerce. you have got 18% of our economy, as you know, part of the health care market. so, i continue to believe that there's a reasonable path to getting this law upheld. so, i continue to believe tha so, i continue to believe tha >> dana, you know, look, there's a lot of people who are saying that if the supreme court strikes down health care, it
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really diminishes the president's legacy, but not necessarily, bob shrum was righting about this not necessarily hurting his re-election chances, he thinks immigration maybe more important from that give us your take in the context of how important health care is for the 2012 election. >> well, look, in terms of the president's legacy, hugely important, four years in office. this supreme court is seen as being highly politically, people saw the immigration decision went the other way, they saw, a-ha this very political supreme court is getting ready to inoculate themselves to strike down obama care this becomes highly politicized in that way. suddenly, you have all of these things being taken away from people that they want, the portability of health insurance and coverage for certain other procedures.
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that could shift, obama care riled up to the right when it disappears, seat balance shifting, that is not something that this president wants to gain a political advantage and lose his pain policy achievement. >> without a document i thought it was interesting, frank bruni wrote a piece called "captain america" in the "new york times" today. i want to read a little bit of that he argues so much is out of the president's hands. "he's beholden to lawmakers' whims, buffeted by global winds, as much a spectator as an agent of the most important developments around him, a leader of the free world who follows the news like the rest of us. against obama's wishes and will, his attorney general has he investigated and excoriated by a house panel his jobs bill languages -- languishes." republicans say he hasn't led. do you see a grin of truth in what frank bruni rights? >> americans got the impression when george w. bush was president that the president could simply do whatever he
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wanted and that was the impression because what bush wanted to do was things like war and those renot that difficult to get through congress, frankly. when you are looking at policies highly divisive, congress has a big role to play, they are the first branch of government. a minority in congress in the senate, republicans, also the house majority they do have the ability to stymie what the president wants. that said, this president was able to get through some pretty big things in his first term. he was able to get through the health care reform bill. we will see how much of it survives. and so some of the things that happened actually were against congresses' wishes or the republicans' wishes there is a balance there i think people forget that. >> wouldn't you kind of like to think, dana, at least some people would vote on what has been done and not necessarily what the supreme court decides? i mean it does seem sometimes, like in all of these conversations, some of those very basic facts get lost. >> the truth is, chris, not
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going to decide based on what happened or the supreme court. people are going to decide how they are going to vote based on how they are feeling in late october, where the gas prices are where the stock market is, where unemployment is and a lot of this will just become background noise to that. but certainly, the knocking down of obama care will add some energy to the left that feels like this president has been taken away. >> great to have you on the program, dana milbank, joy reid, thank you for coming in. told you this would be a busy week in washington, thursday the same day as the health care decision the house is expected to vote to find attorney general eric holder in contempt. by saturday, june 30th, the house and senate need to pass that highway spending bill. it would keep 3 million construction workers on the job. and saturday is also the deadline for congress to act to keep student loan rates from doubling. ah, claim trouble. [ voice of dennis ] you should just switch to allstate, and get their new claim satisfaction guarantee. hey, he's right, man. [ voice of dennis ] only allstate puts their money where their mouth is.
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from health care and immigration to money and politics, the supreme court is certainly shaping a lot of the political debate. but new questions are being raised about justices getting political. today specifically, justice scalia. he issued bench statement with his opinion that took a shot at the obama administration's new immigration policy not to deport some young people brought here by their parents. scalia said it boggles the mind because federal officials have been unable to remedy the problem and, indeed, have recently shown that they are simply unwilling to do so. joining me now, a lawrence harvard professor who argued bush v gore for al gore. it is good see you. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> so i'm not a constitutional scholar, international airport a lawyer, i don't want to play one on tv, but the thing that struck me when i read this statement from justice scalia that one of the footnotes actually mentioned an article in the "new york
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times," not a point of law, not a court case but the "new york times." i'm wondering what you made of that and this statement. >> well, it wasn't so much the reference to the new york times that boggled my mind. it was the fact that justice scalia went out of his way in his dissent to make reference to something that was not part of the case, to make it clear that the president is out of line in offering part of the dream act on his own and his own views didn't agree with the president's politically. to go that far when the court is plunging itself into the middle of these politically divisive issues but certainly not a step on justice scalia's part. i do think that the court will surprise a lot of people when it probably upholds the affordable care act in a decision by chief
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justice roberts. >> you think it will be upheld in its entirety? >> everybody can be wrong, i can be wrong but i do think it will be upheld. i do think that will be a partial ant dote the way people felt, not only after bush versus gore, but citizens united but other cases where the court has reached further than it needed to to grab onto issues that were the middle of the -- i think justice scalia in particular ought to consider the harm to the court as an institution when he indulges his famous wit in order to stab the president. >> there are a lot of people who have written that they are concern about the perception of the court. in terms of its popularity t is down in the 40s, the most recent polls have shown that the american people have concerns about the supreme court being
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split much the way that america is divided politically. are their concerns justified? >> i think justified to some extent. in a nation like ours where issues are mixed up and often intertwined is often criticized. the people on the losing end often say that it was just politics but i think it's the court's responsibility to act like a court to not reach out to issues not presented by the case, to not make comments about a recent press conference the president holds to make a political point. when that happens it is not simply a matter of the law being politically charged but a matter of the court being politically unwise. critical we not lose faith in our institution, bad enough when people, 9%, one wonders who they are, have faith in congress but
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when people lose faith even in judge house are honestly trying to do a good job, thank you endan endangers the institutional stability of the country. >> as someone who knows justice roberts, do you think he has, as has been reported, great concerns about the court being viewed as too poll lilt sized and feels strong think is his job to somehow right it? >> well, i think he is certainly committed to the idea that the court should-recognized as an institution that as he put it during his confirmation hearings is a kind of neutral umpire there is no such thing as total neutrality when it comes to politically charged issues like abortion and the structure of political campaigns, but at least it's important for the judges not to basically take off their -- take off their robes and allow themselves to simply shoot off at the mouth, as some of them have begun doing. and i think that the chief justice is likely to be concerned about the place of the
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court in history and is not likely to want the court to continue to be as deeply and politically divide. doesn't mean he will depart from his philosophy. you can be deeply conservative and believe the affordable care act is completely consistent with the united states constitution. i do think he is most likely to come out. >> with he have been holding our breath, we can exhale. professor lawyers are entribe, flesh sure to have you on the program. thank you. >> pleasure to be with you. straight ahead, president obama plays ball in boston but even among supporter he is, be very careful when you are talking about the home team. we will tell you what he said. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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congressman jesse jackson jr. is taking a medical leave. his office says he is being treated for exhaustion. the nine-term congressman is also under investigation for his role in the scandal that brought down form irillinois governor, rod blagojevich. president obama got booed in boston. it wasn't politics, but baseball that got them all riled up. >> i just want to say thank you for youkilis. [ crowd booing ] >> i'm just gonna saying, going to have to change the color of his socks. ha ha ha ha. i didn't think i would get any boos out of here, i guess i shouldn't -- i should not have brought up baseball i understand. my mistake. my mistake.
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you got to know your crowd. >> and those new englanders missed out because earlier in the day, in durham, new hampshire, the commander in chief grabbed a dish of ice cream and offered to pick up the tab for other customers. and if you read only one thing this morning, you have got to see the list of the most expensive restaurants in america. if you've ever scrolled through your credit card bill and you think you spent too much money eating out, my must read is going to make you feel better. i'm telling you, i live in new york, even i was surprised. on our facebook page, facebook/"jansing & co." sweet butternut. we're roasting, and grilling to create must-have meals with no preservatives. lean cuisine. be culinary chic.
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a major blow for supporters of campaign finance limits it almost got lost in the immigration decision but the supreme court also struck down the montana ban on corporate political cash ruling that the controversial citizens united decision applies to state and local elections, too. let me bring in oregon democratic senator jeff merkley. senator, good morning. >> it is great to be with you. >> in a statement, you call this
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a doubling down of the disastrous citizens united decision. tell us what your concern is. >> my concern is simply this, that citizens united unleans a tsunami of corporate money that buys up the election, buys out the air waves and drowns out the voice of the people. so instead of being, as our first three words of the constitution say, for the people, it is for the powerful. and this is a complete travesty of american democracy. >> all looking a what is going to happen with the house and the senate and the amount of money that super pacs, we talk a lot about houze they are influential the presidential race but we know tons that have money will goo into congressional races, senate races as well. do you think that this ruling will potentially be a game changer in some senate and house races in november? >> it absolutely l states that have a strong tradition and rules such as montana has. go back to why montana set this
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up. 100 years ago so this is 100-year precedent, the copper kings the supreme court has delivered. montana said enough of having powerful corporations buy out our state, we are going to say, no it is question we the people, not wet powerful and therefore, we are going to have limits on corporate expenditures. and so this has been struck down. it changes the die nam inc., on the ground in states like montana that have had this sort of protection in place for transparency and for democracy. and it will make a difference. >> the white house has expressed disappointment with this decision and also, of course, they had with the citizens united ruling. yet, as you know, senator, the president has given his top donors his blessing to give to a super pac supporting him. can finance -- campaign finance reform happen when advocates for reform, including you the president have to give in just to remain competitive? >> a situation where you have got play by the rules that are in place, you country unilaterally disarm.
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the president had no choice in this matter but meanwhile, while says these are the rules, for the home, these rules are not in the best interest of america, they are not in the best interest of wet people and we are going to fight to change them. let's just recognize that if a major corporation spends a small percent of its net profits, exxon in 2008, 3% of its net profits works have spent as much on the presidential campaign four years ago as the rest of america put together. that's why this represents a huge flood of cash drowning out the voice of the people. >> let me ask you finally, i know you advocating for changing the constitution to fix this issue, so, what can be done, what is the your next step? >> in the short term, we should have full disclosure, virtually every member of the senate advocated for the disinfect effect, the sunlight effect of disclosure and we only had 59 senators actually vote for
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disclosure we had they had the chance in two 2010. we need to go back and say let's again carry this to the floor, with the evidence of the primaries, super pac roles very evidence. go back and have this conversation again, 60 votes to cause debate and at least make sure the american people know where this money is coming from and who's responsible for theed ats they are seeing on television. >> senator jeff merkley, great to have you on the program. thank you. >> good to be with you, chris. let me bring in former democratic governor of ohio, ted strickland and hoag gund giddily, the national director of the santorum campaign. what do you think? >> i think it is terrible. i think our democracy is at risk. i think we are returning to the conditions that ex-symmsed during the gilded age. our democracy is becoming more and more, i think if this continues like an oligarchy or
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plutocracy, a handful of very wealthy people control the public agenda this is a tragedy, we are in danger, chris, i believe, in losing our democrat circumstance not because of some external enemy or some external threat but because of this decision and these decisions made by our court. it's dangerous to our democracy, needs to be a back lark the people of this country need to speak up loudly and clearly our democracy is not for sale and we will take on the court, if necessary and make the court the issue in this upcoming campaign if that's what it takes to call attention to what's happening to our democracy. >> so, hogan, you are somebody who not only benefitted in the santorum campaign from money that came from super pacs but attacked by money that came from super pacs. what's your take on this latest ruling? >> you know, money has been in politics for a long time this is really nothing new. one of the reasons we have those early states as primary states
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so money is really taken out of the equation, to a large part. i mean, rick santorum, i think our campaign spent $30,000, we won the state. mike huckabee outspent 20:1, we won the state. small states geographically, allow you to get out and have hand-to-hand combat, press the flesh and do some campaigning the right way, but money has been in politics a very long time. i remember just in 2008, the republicans, my side was outspent hugely by barack obama. we didn't have these same types of stories, romanticized all these small donation and big hope and change wave came across the country and i understand all that but the bottom line is people want -- people want change to happen the way they want it to happen and they want influence it is to that the outcome benefits. they >> you can't disagree, hogan, if you are able to write a $10 million check or whatever, 40 -- up to $100 million that we might get from sheldon adeleson it is it is a little bit different than you and i who could write a
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check of more normal proportions, let's say. >> right. there's no question about that. humanly influential for someone like sheldon adeleson to drop all that money in a race, no doubt. i don't think at the end of the day the american public differentiates the super pacs versus the president's campaigns f obama runs a negative ad, they will is support barack obama for the most part and the same for romney's running a negative ad against obama. they will assume it is mitt romney. the voter thought is not paying attention to this all summer like we are has that much knowledge about how this thing works and they just assume it is just these negative, nasty campaigns or just a lot of money and i don't think there is a win or loser, i think it is kind of a wash. sometimes some people have money in some elections, sometimes they don't and this is the way it shakes out. >> governor, these super pacs and i think hogan may indeed
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make a good point, not sure every single voter out there is paying attention the minutiae of the impact of citizens unite bud they are suppose tonight working independently from the campaigns themselves and then last weekend, at this big mitt romney/utah retreat, the treasurer of a major pro-romney super pac was spotted in the lobby of the retreat. romney's campaign says he wasn't attending, he just happened to be there, that their campaign fully complies with the laws. but do you think that it defies common sense for a lot of people who are paying attention that there's a real separation here, governor? >> chris, if that retreat in utah was not a technical violation of the law, it certainly was a violation of spirit of the law. bringing in the fat cats, having them -- giving them access to all the campaign apparatus, talking with him about strategy and then pretending that there's not collaboration and
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cooperation is ludicrous. it is -- it is -- the american people are not fools. we understand what's going on here. and things have changed. went supreme court said that corporations are people, that money is speech, that means that the average citizen is absolutely a total disadvantage to the likes of adeleson who can give $10 million and up to $100 million and even more. and that's why i believe our democracy is at risk here. this is a big deal. it is not like we have had, in years past, because of the supreme court rulings. this is -- this is the wild west of campaign finance. and i'm larged because of it and i think growing numbers of americans are alarmed. even conservative -- i have got conservative republican friends who are offended by what's being done with this outside money. here in ohio, between $8 and $10 million has already been spent in negative ads against our
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senator, senator sherrod brown. that just -- it's appalling and we have got to take action and maybe a constitutional amendment is the only way to deal with this supreme court ruling. >> i wish we had more time. i'm sure we will have you back to talk about it again because this is certainly not the end of the conversation. governor ted strickland, hogan giddily, always great to have both of you on the show. thank you. and also making news this morning, flooding has closed parts of interstate 10 in north florida this morning because of tropical storm debby. look at that. the storm hasn't even made landfall yet, but it is threatening to dump up to two feet of rain in some areas. it is only moving about 3 miles per hour around the gulf coast and the northern half of the state will continue to get drenched for several more dis. record-setting heat is comp pliccing things for firefighters battling stubborn wild fires in colorado. after nearly a week of 100-plus temperatures combined with low
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humidity you the flames are threatening homes, business and colorado's $5 billion summer tourism industry. rupert murdoch's news corp confirms that it is considering splitting its publishing and entertainment businesses into two publicly traded companies that would separate its film and tv networks from its newspaper and book publishing businesses. a final decision has been made. about a month until the 2012 london olympic games and the competition to get there is heating up. swimmer michael lochte beat out michael femmes in the 400 meter individual medley in the olympic trials but both will head to london along with a slew of american teammates. some of them are celebrities. according to bleacher, they have ranked the top celebrity athletes on team usa number five, tennis champ venus williams. at four, beach volleyball partners misty may-treanor and kerri walsh jennings on "dancing with the stars." track star, justin gatt listen the number two spot, the entire men's basketball team and the
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oh, you're good! hey, did you know that honey nut cheerios is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! craving junk food? you aren't the only one. according to new data, the reward center in the plain brooichbs people sleep deprive ready more activated for unhealthy and fatty foods. sleep deprivation can lead to obesi obesity, the study suggests. in what's moving your money, for the fourth straight month, consumer confidence is down. let's go to cnbc's mandy drury. what are the latest snubs. >> absolutely. the really worrying thing is the consumer expectations index as well, chris you was at the
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lowest level since november. as for the consumer labor markets assessment, always mix bud income expectations fell, suggesting the consumer spending that kept the economy afloat just may not last. >> let me talk to you about facebook, facing more criticism today from users. what did they do now? >> you know, facebook has decided to replace the personal e-mail addresses on a user's profile page with a a e-mail address without consulting the user and also coincided with a decision by facebook to halt testing, temporarily, of a feature called find friends nearby that locate other facebook users in the vicinity and the minks a similar app, friendom accused facebook of stealing its idea. all kinds of problems with facebook seems to continue. >> keeping you busy. good to see you. seeing another round of attacks from mitt romney and bain capital's investments in jobs overseas. >> it was reported that governor
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romney's old firm were pioneers in the business of outsourcing american jobs to places like china and india. now, so yesterday's advisers were asked about this and they tried clear this up by telling us there is actually different between outsourcing and offshoring. [ laughter ] that's what they said. you cannot make this stuff up. >> this latest move comes after romney's campaign responded to a pro-obama super pac ad, arguing that, again, outsourcing is not the same as offshoring. romney's senior campaign adviser also took a shot at the president. >> this is just another assault on free enterprise by president obama. one of the reasons why this economy is not moving at the pace that it should be. it's why millions of americans have been left behind. >> i'm joined now by alex burns, national political reporter for politico. good to see you, alex.
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outsourcing, offshoring, it is not your typical political argument, is it? >>. >> chris, i think what you are hear here is president obama's message on bain and mitt romney's career, a bailout, the president is frying to fled a careful needle, telling the values romney has a businessman would translate to the job of president being t is a lot easier to say this guy outsourced jobs. >> he had taken quite a bit of criticism, as you well know, from everyone from coulderry booker to ed rendell, even diane stein stein said move on what is the idea here? why does the obama campaign think this is a winning argument? >> well, chris, the whole idea of private equity, the whole business and what it actually does is something of a mystery to voters but this a state like ohio, or a state like virginia, the idea of a u.s. company creating jobs overseas instead of creating them here, that is a lot easier to translate and the
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kind of thing we have heard in political races dating back to you know, well before the 2012 cycle. the romney campaign is hoping that they can defend their candidate in the same way they defended him from the initial bain ads saying this is an attack on a legitimate business practice and a misleading ad. i think it is going to be interesting to see how long the romney campaign sticks with that line of argument. >> is trchlgt i think it is instructive to go back to this ad that kind of touched off this latest round and it featured a worker who was at a company that got shutdown answered talked about actually building the stage where the company came out and said, oh, hello workers, we're closing. let me just play a little clip of that. >> mitt romney made over $100 million by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin. >> there is a new poll out that
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showed voters, of voters, saying 12 battleground states, showed that 47% think that places like bain hurt people. do you think that that's some indication that the argument is working? urge i think this is certain lane indication will is a receptiveness to the argument. the ad you showed was an ad from the obama super pac which all along has been delivering a much more sort of hard-edged message on the whole issue of bain and obama has himself. we don't next act whether the top line numbers in this race are moving because of the bain issue but the polling you just saw is part of the reason why the obama campaign, allies on the outside, think they ought to keep on messaging in that direction. >> politico's alex burn. good to see you. thank you. >> thanks lot. late-night comedians are jumping on the supreme court decision on arizona's illegal immigration rule rug. today's tweet of the day comes from "the "daily show"" jon stewart. mitt romney, we need to make legal immigration more attractive than illegal immigration.
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so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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hollywood's gone to the dogs and a jet man. let go down to the wire. we all know that dutchess katherine is a fashion icon. two cats worn by kate middleton before she married prince william will be sold at auction. one informs 2008 when william was presented with the order of the garter. kate wore the other to the wedding of a friend in 2010. hollywood pet royalty, uggie, the canine star of the oscar-winning film "the artist" put his prints outside graumann's chinese theater. he is also retiring from showbiz. it is not a bird or a plane, it is jet man.
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daredevil eves rosser took a flight above lake lucerne yesterday wearing a carbon kevlar wing with four jet engines, reaching speeds 130 miles an hour, even flying alongside a passenger plane. you might crack up over this event in england, the world egg throwing championship, other events, egg target throwing, russian egg roulette, egg relay. s here the great part. watch this. they have to be, like free range organic eggs. oh. what event is that? where you just smash it onto your forehead. that wraps this up hour of "jansing & co.," i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next with less nonsense. >> does a body good on that last guy. know if you noticed that, the eggs are working there, buddy. good protein. thanks so much. i'm thomas roberts, the agenda the next hour, the calm before the supreme court storm over the
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affordable health care ruling, with the decision coming down on thursday, how both sides of the aisle are prepping to react on president obama's main policy achievement. mitt romney remaining mum on a long-term solution to illegal immigration, but it didn't stop one of his campaign aides from speaking out. you need to see that for yourself. and majorities voting on minority rights in maine. should marriage equality be on that state's ballot in november? that and more coming up after this. it's very important to understand how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies.
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moorping -- morning, everybody, i'm thomas roberts. the supreme court looming over the presidential campaign with two candidates mixing reaction to major decisions with direct attacks on the trail. we are now just 48 hours away from one of the biggest rulings we will see from the high court. the president's health care law hangs in the balance. but the re-election team not waste anything time waiting for a decision. president obama pleased with the court's ruling to strike down
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key pro-sfligs the arizona law and hitting the second leg of a major campaign swing today, hauling in $5 million for a multitude of fund-raiser he is. mitt romney was greeted by protesters in arizona monday as the gop leader tried to keep his name out of the immigration headlines and the debate while other gop leaders went on the offensive. >> i would think that the american people would think long and deep about what the federal government is doing and why aren't they abiding by the rule of law? it's just unconscionable. what they said to arizona is drop dead, arizona. >> meanwhile, the president's team is up with new ads in swing states slapping a new label on their opponent. >> the "washington post" has just revealed that romney's companies were pioneers of shipping u.s. jobs overseas. investing in firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by american workers to new facili
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