tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC July 5, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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the president stepping on the air force one and in pennsylvania trying to sway blue collar voters critical to his election. in ohio, one with a general motors plant and scheduled to speak in pennsylvania tomorrow after the unemployment numbers come out and talk about support for the auto industry. >> one in eight jobs in ohio is tied to the auto industry. it's critically important to the voters about where people stand. where the two stand on the auto industry and who stood up to save it and let it go bankrupt. all of this, the industrial midwest and many other states will be looking at who identifies with them and who is in touch with what's going on
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and what is fighting for them. >> mitt romney is taking the week off, two surrogates, bobby jindal and tim pawlenty have their own bus tour with three of the exact same stops as the president. tell us about stop number one where you are in ohio. >> reporter: that's right. we are here in mommy, ohio. president obama won this county in 2008 and hoping to hold on to it again in 2012. the theme of this entire trip is betting on america. you will hear president obama tout what he sees as accomplishments on the economy and the auto bailout, a theme that resonates with voters here in the rust belt. he will continue his line of attack against mitt romney as an out of touch corporate raider and the recent articles that claimed mitt romney out sourced
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to other countries when he was in business and holds offshore accounts. those are claim that is the romney campaign pushed back on. the big announcement today which is president obama will be announcing that has administration will file an unfair trade complaint with the wto against china saying that china is manipulating on u.s. auto. specifically a jeep plant here in the toledo area. it's something that will resonate with the folks here. as you have mentioned, mitt romney is launching a strong counter attack to tim palenty and bobby jindal will argue that the economy is stag nating and that the unemployment rate has been above 8% for 40 months and the debt has gone up and those are the things you expect to hear from the romney camp.
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when you look the ohio and pennsylvania, president obama won both of these states in 2008 and a recent poll shows that he is leading right now with mitt romney, but of course the big question, the big uncertainty in this election is the economy. we have the jobs report that comes out on friday. the last support shows that the unemployment rate ticked up. president obama really can't afford for that trend to continue with just four months until election day. everyone watching that jobs report. >> following the president, thank you. joining me now "washington post" columnist and contributor and the grio's editor. kristen was talking about polls as of late. showing the president is doing okay in the states that he is about to visit. ohio beating mitt romney 47 to 38. pennsylvania 45 to 39 there. then something that may cause
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him some trouble. that's with white working class voters. nationally. our nbc news "wall street journal" poll shows romney with a big lead. 24 points there. is that who he is aiming at? >> the national polls i think understate the share of the white working class vote that the president can get in pennsylvania and ohio. a lot of people in that category are southern whites who probably will not vote for president obama. i think this trip to ohio is going to be a tribute to the auto bailout. a few months ago before the ohio primary, i was in parma, ohio and had dinner with the mayor and other local democrats and they were stressing how important gm is to the town and the state. the auto bailout is not snag is a fight over should government do this or that, but a reality
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that a lot of jobs that might have gone under were saved. i think we talk a lot about the auto bailout helping obama in michigan, but ohio is the other state where it's helpful. if obama can manage to carry ohio, the path for mitt romney to an electoral college majority gets more difficult. we will talk a lot about ohio between now and election day. >> despite the strong numbers, the president not taking it for granted. what's the message we will hear. we have ideas from kristen welker and the auto industry and unfair trade with china. is he going to continue the attack with bain and romney's attachment to the firm? >> he will connect his jobs plan in contrast to mitt romney's. the white house knows and the campaign knows that the health care ruling was helpful, but
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this is about the economy. everything will be talking about the auto bailout and the president on his job creation plan. the campaign is focused on making the jobs case and making jobs the biggest priority for the voters and establishing that they have the best job creation. we now moving off of health care? is it clearly right in front of us. we will get back to the issue of the economy and the jobs report is coming out tomorrow? >> i agree with perry. the economy is the underlying issue of the campaign. had the health care decision gone the other way, we would probably be sitting here talking about president obama's defeat on health care. that say huge victory, but i think romney wants the election to be about jobs and president obama knows the election is about his stewardship in the economy. you will see some refighting on the margins of the health care bill and democrats trying to
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resell it. they have that opportunity now and some of them will say wait a minute, you don't want this to go away. >> tomorrow he is on the road. is that good strategy? >> for obama to be on the road? >> right. >> depends on what state he is in. no matter what happens in the rest of the union. >> he did an union and he said health care is a tax. i top the play that. >> it's clear that his manigate sdait a tax. >> does that mean that the mandate in the state of massachusetts under your health care law is a tax and you raised taxes as governor. >> actually the chief justice made it clear that at the state level, the states have the power to put in place mandates and don't require them to be called taxes to be constitutional and
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massachusetts mandate was a mandate and a penalty and described that way by the legislature and by me. it stays as it was. >> that are is different from what one of the senior aids told chuck todd that he believed it was a penalty. is this another flip flop or too much being made of this? >> i don't think too much is being made of it. voters want to know what you feel and that you can trust your issues. on thursday the health care ruling came out and took almost a week for romney to figure out what he was for. this was not something unanticipated and something we knew was going down and goes back to the deportation issue where romney can't figure out why where he is for. it is more about what is mitt romney for and why can't he tell the voters clearly and cleanly? >> last one to you. the "wall street journal" coming out and hitting hard on mitt
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romney and the way he handled this thing. the reason why this might be a flip flop is he was trying to avoid it before. >> this is a really problem for him. an etcha stech moment and being the guy originating the etcha sketch phrase. it wasn't just a spokesman, but the campaign said no, this is not a tax. two problems quickly. one is just a flip flop and why couldn't he stick with one. giving way to the congestion will leadership and the leadership of the republican party. the issue of leadership, at what point will he stant stand up to the republican right and the republican congressional leadership. this will be a real issue in the campaign. >> thank you both so much. >> thank you. >> the latest unemployment numbers come out and we just got the weekly update where applications dropped by 14,000, a six-week low. i want to bring in a democrat on
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the budget exitee. thank you for being here. may's numbers fell short of expectations. do you think the numbers are going to uptick or starting to soften? >> first of all, i think the adp report came out and the actual payroll report which was about 176,000 new private sector jobs, 70,000 more than expected. maybe that is sign that is the overall labor department report will be positive. >> we have seen consumer confidence dip as well. >> and also see the employment index at a four-year high as well. companies planning to hire versus those planning to lay off. there mixed signs. ultimately what you will see at end of the campaign is whether voters believe that president obama or governor romney has a better vision for moving the economy forward. right now governor romney is in
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the cheap seats. to a certain extent president obama was four years ago. he can say anything, but what he said is he plans to return to the same policies that george w. bush advanced during his eight years that were one of the most stagnant players. drive trillion that will go to the top 1%. these are the trickle down philosophies that didn't get us anywhere and didn't promise much for the future. >> to get us off of the unemployment. >> that are would be nice. >> we were showing the viewers on that last full screen, we have been oscillating the range and if we expect that same space for the next few months, around 8%, does it make things easier for mitt romney, things are simply not working. >> for does and to a certain
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extent this is the responsibility of the obama campaign. he's in ohio and ohio's unemployment rate is well under the national average in the six range. >> 7.3. >> 7.3, okay. in virginia it's way down in the 5.5% elf range or something. there places where the policies made a huge impact. in my district we add 3,000 new jobs at the ford facilities this year. we have a general electric appliance. more than 1,000 new jobs. there places where selectively the economy is better. overall not as good. >> i was looking at a chart in swing states and how well the economy is doing and the unemployment rate. they are all below the national average. does that mean for the president things are looking good in terms of the narrative he can carry forward? >> in certain places. in florida they are well under
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the national average. we saw where governor romney is trying to get governor scott to be quiet. again, romney is in the cheap seats and it could be a lot better and the president needs to tout the progress he has made. there a lost success stories. the economy is better today than four years ago. not for everyone, but by any measure. >> a big "usa today" headline talked about defense cuts and saying that because the country is cutting back on spending, it is hurting economic growth as well. what can you do? >> when you take government spending out of the economy, it hurts jobs. doesn't matter whether it's in the defense or the domestic sector. there numerous examples. you talk about health care
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alone, medicate and medicare is almost 30% of the economy. these are private sector jobs. wherever you cut government spending, you will have an impact on job growth. in jurisdictions where you have military contractors, you talk about connecticut with submarine manufacturers and joe courtney and places with military bases, the impact will be greater than other places. >> it affects all the towns and businesses in those areas and the people that are working at cat fays and everything. that's why there is concern about the gdp. thank you for your time today. over a million americans are without power this morning after storms struck six days ago. the heat index will frb 105 to 110 from chicago to st. louis, little rock, and charlotte. the end may be near for the heat wave with rein sight on saturday followed by the great lakes. i read an article... well, i read the majority of an article online
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about how older people are becoming more and more antisocial, so i was really aggressive with my parents about joining facebook. my parents are up to 19 friends now? so sad. ♪ i have 687 friends. this is living. what!? that is not a real puppy. that's too small to be a real puppy. [ male announcer ] venza. from toyota.
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what is mitt romney trying to hide? that's what an obama campaign notes related to accounts in bermu bermuda. >> he needs to come clean about where that money is and why it's there. >> i don't have a problem with people making tons of money, but there questions about keeping your money offshore. >> a bermuda-based company is invisible. among several romney holdings suggesting he could be wealthier than the $250 million suggested by his campaign. a trust was owned by his wife and a day before he was sworn in as governor in 2003.
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i am joined by senior washington correspondent jonathan allen. let's start by pointing out these missions were permitted by state and federal authorities and he has never been cited for failing to disclose information about his money. when we look at the issues, the optics of not fully disclosing. will they be a problem as we get closer to november? >> a couple things are at work here. they don't appear to violate any tax laws or campaign finance disclosures or personal disclosure laws. in addition that, there doesn't appear to be any money in this company as of that report that ap was talking about. that said, this narrative ties into one about the obama campaign and generally about republicans for a while. they would take it easier on offshore tax donls and thing
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that is a lot of americans may find foreign not only overseas, but dealing in corporate dealings. with mitt romney in particular, it's not just about how he would treat some of these issues, but he himself has benefitted from them. it ties into that narrative. whether it moves voters or not, it's not a news flash that mitt romney is richer than the average american. >> the romney campaign did not respond to the request for comment. here's what they said. everything on the filings is reported as required and if the office has an issue, they would let us know. >> does the campaign need to say more based on the probability that more information will come out week after week about his dealings in the past? we have the tax returns from 2010 and as we learn more about
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the details, it has more and more questions that may need to be put to rest. >> surely there is going to be pressure on the romney campaign from the obama campaign from the media that wants to write more stories about what's going on. there will be pressure to come forward. whether or not they end up doing it, i'm not sure. they have been famously closed to reporters. they released a couple of years of tax returns and no more than they felt they had to. mitt romney wanted to keep e-mail messages private. >> very private about his financial dealings. right. the obama campaign in ohio and pennsylvania hitting the drum of romney's bane back ground of his financial dealings. how important, how crucial do you think this issue is into the obama campaign and downgrading the business background.
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>> this is the one pillar that he is the guy who had success in the private sector. he is somebody who because of that understands the economy and can pull america out of economic doldrums. it is essential to under cut that idea that he is not just successful, but what he would do is bring economic success to the rest of americans. you will hear this all the way through november. i imagine the economy with everything standing, the economy will be the dominant issue in this election. it is almost all you will hear about from the obama and romney campaign. >> this latest being a counter attack to the attack against president obama. right? >> i think that's right. at least part of it. >> thank you so much. coming up later today, george zimmerman is expected to find out whether he will be granted bond for the shooting of trayvon
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to politics where both president obama and mitt romney spent the day at picnics and parades. mitt romney and his wife ann and many of other 30 family members joined in as well. president obama hosted a picnic for military families on the white house lawn joking the first family did what lots of other americans were doing. having a cook out in the yard. earlier he participated in a naturalization ceremony at the white house for 25 service members where stressed america needs to remain a nation of immigrants. >> as another step forward we are lifting the shadow of
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deportation from deserving young people brought to this country as children. we need a dream act to keep talented young people who want to contribute to our society and serve our country. >>. >> rick snyder going against his fellow republicans and vetoed bills to show id to vote. snyder signed other bills and 30 rock star alec baldwin for mayor? his brother said it's a real possibility. billy baldwin looks at the other side and said on the other hand i'm not sure if he is cut from the proper cloth. it require a lot of tolerance and patience. we are all thinking about the beach, but have you toward the story about a guard getting fired after he made a rescue? he ran over to tomas lopez and said a swimmer needed him. he ran to help, but the rescue was outside the designated
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swimming area. since he left his post, he got the ax. >> it wasn't too much of an upset because i had my morals intact. >> several quit after lopez was fired. they told the sun sentinel we have liability issues and can't go out of protected areas. what do you think? you can vote in a poll up on our facebook page. goodnight, stuffy. goodnight, outdated. goodnight old luxury and all of your wares. goodnight bygones everywhere. [ engine turns over ] good morning, illumination. good morning, innovation. good morning unequaled inspiration. [ male announcer ] the audi a8, chosen by car & driver as the best luxury sedan in a recent comparison test. chosen by car & driver as the best luxury sedan until i had the shingles. i have never encountered such a burning sensation... it was like a red rash. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck.
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each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. >> ann romney reveals new details about her husband's search for a vice presidential running mate. >> our country is in such deep trouble right now and think it's going to take someone else that is going to be there with mitt that mitt will enjoy with the same personality type that will enjoy spending time with him and also competent and capable and willing to serve this country.
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>> joining me now is democratic strategist and republican strategist. you said in a past conversation that the ideal vp brings something that the presidential nominees don't have. in the "new york times" article focusing on ohio senator said many republicans argue that mr. portman is ideally suited for campaigning in ohio and many other critical mid-western states. >> he should be very, very high. if you are talking about somebody who has the same personality type as mitt romney, you say that's the ideal guy. there is no drama with rob and he has a long, long background and worked for a u.s. president and the first president bush with me and the white house. he worked with the second president bush and served as a member of congress and currently a member of the senate. a long background and no drama.
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very steady. >> hopefully ohio. other states that are so critical to this campaign. mitt romney has to win all of the swing states. >> mid-western as well. >> you say that the romney camp is looking at two things right now and you mentioned passion as one of them. >> listen, i think one of the big problems for this campaign is they lack fire especially when you look at the intensity that voters have about a lot of these issues. in my mind, there is a lot of factors that go into play when you think about vp. do you go with demographics or a particular issue and in this case, the economy or the battle ground. you are talking about passion, you look at governor kristi. he overshadows romney and would make the people nervous about him.
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i think it's the wrong strategy, but my guess is they play it and that means a governor pawlenty or senator portman. >> group is women. the president took over 50% of them in 2008. ann romney pipes in on a potential woman vp candidate. take a listen to this. >> we're have been looking at this and i love that option as well. a lot of people that mitt is considering right now. >> on the heels of that from yesterday, mitt romney was joined on the july 4th parade. she was close by walking down in that town of 20,000 people. is there a potential female vp candidate some. >> kelly would be great and you have the governor of south carolina and the governor of new mexico.
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condoleezza rice and a great asset to mitt romney's campaign. a number of women who bring lots to the ticket and cause a lot of excitement. >> beth meyers overseaing the search for romney at his new hampshire lakefront home and the picture we obtained. if romney does pick a woman, change the strategy. >> if you look at the demographic problem, they have issues with hispanics and they is serious issues with women. they are down 10 to 15 points depending on the poll you are looking at. there is strong considerations and the one question they have to struggle with, fair or not is the palin hangover. that is there is going to be
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this unfair inspection, valuation of another female candidate. i wouldn't say it's necessarily fair because of the women republicans that you mentioned, these are credible and serious. >> you don't want anybody who will be the story. someone will energize the campaign and raise money and give mitt romney everything he needs to win. you don't want to start the feeding frensy. he will make a smart choice and somebody who will give him everything he needs to win the campaign. >> joe and chris, thank you for your time. let's bring in staff writer franzia and the author of the rise of marco rubio. he is considered in the veepstakes. romney said senator rubio is being vetted. of all of the potential vp picks that we were talking about with joe and chris, where do you
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think senator rubio stands on the romney list some. >> he has to be on the shorter of the short lists, but all this is tea leaf reading. nobody know who is is on the very, very short list and who is on the longer list and who is being vetted or not. this is a small group of people within the campaign. >> a small group of people and he is high on the list. what are the biggest differences that could cause reservations even at the top of the list? >> very different personality types and romney doesn't have the same charisma that marco rubio has. when you look at marco rubio's assets and the energy and dine ammism that he brings and the popularity he has with conservatives, all of those are in the plus category. there some potential negatives. that has to do with not being as
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well-known on the national stage and possibly even overshadowing the guy at the top. that's always dangerous. >> does he bring in tea party support? >> he was very popular with the tea party in florida. he recognized that early on. it was a big key to his election victory in 2010. i see no reason why tea party people would not be excited about marco rubio coming on the ticket. >> thank you. a developing story making new this is morning. an early morning terrorism rate near london's olympic mark and people are under arrest. was this operation linked to the upcoming games? >> well no. scotland yard is saying so far there doesn't seem to be a direct connection to the london olympics. some of the arrests have been close to the olympic park about a mile away. it is still early days. the suspects can be held for up
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to 14 days while they sift through a number of computer hard drives and also continue their search at other addresses. we have learned that those three suspects are apparently british muslims and they are all brothers. at some point for the police community. neighbors say that the early morning raid was dramatic as you can see. armed and masked police stormed the house and blue off the front door with explosives and tazered one suspect who reportedly resisted. the arrest of the other three individuals took place in a different part of the capital. british security forces are obviously more vigilant as we approach the olympic games later this month. the group is just one of scores of potential terrorist cells and dozens of terror plots currently being investigated by scotland yard and the mi 5. they have been under surveillance and it's clear why
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suddenly this robust reaction was traded. there is a lot of chatter that it might have been something to do with that. richard? >> thank you. the fourth of july became deadly on new york's long island sound. three children are dead after a boat capsized off oyster bay. 24 people were pulled from the water. police are investigating whether too many people were on the yacht. two other bizarre tragedies to tell you about. in tennessee, a 10-year-old ais dead and an 11-year-old friend is in critical condition after being electrocuted. it happened while the children were swimming near a private dock. a house hospital said country wide made hundreds of sweetheart loans to buy influence with executives of fannie mae. they were made from 1996 to
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2008. the subprime loans helped start the foreclosure crisis. his nickname is the blade runner and we will see a lot of them in the coming weeks. he will compete in the london olympics in the individual 400 meters and the relay events. the 25-year-old south african will be the first amputee track athlete to compete at any games. in san diego a bigger bang than usual for the fourth of july. a technical glitch causing all the fireworks to ignite early and go off all at once. spectators saw a 15-second jaw dropping eruption and the city apologized for the mistake. why part of london was overrun by poem in panda costumes. that is coming up in 15 minutes. free food, massages and transportation and haircuts some of the perks lavished on workers in the high tech world. mandy drury is here on more on
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what's moving her money and we wish we could have that free stuff. >> they were quoting "usa today" and say we have a talent war going on in silicon valley. like the late 90s and in order to attract them they have to pull out the big guns. let me run you through examples. facebook is transforming the headquarters into headquarter with couches and bars for hundreds of the t-shirt crowd. most of them in their 30s. they have free laundry services and haircuts. zynga has free food, 100% of medi-cal, dental, and vision and a bring your dog to work day. >> i like the dog. >> they set the bar for everyone. those perks are legendary. they had a day of surfing where they department go to the beach, but they brought a wave pool in
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and everyone surfed at the google plex. >> it is a nice place to be. changes are coming at chuck e. cheese. the mouse is getting a makeover. >> in an effort to revive sales, they are retiring the mouse saying it's updated. they retired the man who voiced the mascot. they are launching a national ad campaign with a revamped image of chuck e. cheese with a hip rock star and voiced by a guy who is a real rock star. the chuck e. cheese facebook page put a silhouette and what do you see? the new chuck e. cheese. >> times are changing. >> they sure are. they always do. back to you. >> tom cruise's personal life may be in trouble, but at least he has has wallet. forbes is out with the list of the highest paid actors and
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cruise takes the cake with $75 million in the last year. leonardo dicaprio and adam sandler are follow-ups. duane johnson with fast and furious and rounding out the list is ben stiller with $33 million. in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. a little snack. on a wednesday. at 2 am. get that great taste anytime with kingsford match light charcoal.
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mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit >> good news for you morning people. research shows not only are you happier in the morning, but have a better outlook on life than night owls and have better immune systems as well. >> the discovery of our lifetime. after a decades long search and $10 billion, the biggest atom smasher has found the so-called god particle. what is it and what does it
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mean? let's get some answers from derek pits. the scientific name is the higgs boss on particle. many are asking what is it? >> what this particle is, scientists theorize, this is the particle that will impart mass to other particles. because it has that property is it drags particles through a higgs field where they pick up mass. that gives them the capability to turn into other particles and become the building blocks of everything in the universe. >> is this the match that started it all? >> i would say it's close to that. without the higgs properties, the other properties would not exact with each other. without that interaction, the universe would not be here as we know it. >> sorry that the big deal and why i should care? is this a big revelation in the scientific community?
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i think thousands of scientists were involved in the process with great fanfare when they made that announcement. >> 6,000 scientists were involved and it's a very expensive project. the biggest scientific piece of equipment ever made. the thing is this is as if we are saying that there are four mysteries to the universe and we have all three. we have three of the four and we are missing the last one. this discovery gives us the last piece of that mystery of how the universe may have come and why it evolves the way it does and inform us about everything else in between works. >> is it a fluke? based on the standards that are applied here. the odds have to be better than 1 in 3.5 million in order for to you say this is what we found. >> this is a good question. scientists have to be certain before they are willing to say that something is a discovery. it could be a fluke in the equipment or a fluke in the data
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reduction somehow. because so many scientists worked on this and looked at the data so carefully, they feel certain that there is a in 3.5 million chance they could be wrong. they feel good this is right on the money. >> those odds are good. it's only running at half power. >> this is quite the machine, but it requires a lot of energy to make the interactions occur. when the protons crash into each other, the amount of energy released on necessary to generate the conditions that were existing. when these particles would have been more numerous. >> might we learn more? >> we will have to use the machine at higher power to completely uncover all of the qualities. it looks like the right one, but seems like there could be slight differences. >> perhaps more to come. interesting stuff. thanks. >> today's tweet of the day ams
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from arianna huffington saying after the god particle, they can isolate romney's position on health care. we're at the legendary southfork ranch in dallas for a cookout with world champion grill master brett gallaway. he's serving his guests walmart choice premium steak. but they don't know it yet. they will. it's a steakover! the steak is excellent. very tender... melts in your mouth... so delicious... tonight you're eating walmart steak. what? it's good steak. two thumbs up. look, i ate all of mine. it matches any good steak house if not better. walmart choice premium steak in the black package... it's 100% money back guaranteed. try it for your next backyard barbeque.
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it's 100% money back guaranteed. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged.
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>> a little dog's big adventure and a piece of krim contide history becomes history. it's the end of a story for 13 stories at the university of al bam a. the school's rose towers were imploded in tuscaloosa and destroyed to make room for a bigger and better residence hall. twitter saves the day for a dog who went on a misadventure in ireland. he took off from his home and walked a mile to a train station and boarded a train to dublin. passengers saw him and alerted the start who tweeted the out a picture. it was retweeted the 500 times before his owner saw and they were reunited. he is on a tighter leash now.
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what you get when you take 100 people and throw in ty chi? they are dressed up as part of the first ever panda awareness week. 1500 giant pandas remain in the wild. they want everyone to know they are threatened by habitat loss. that's it for down to the wire. thanks for being with us. thomas roberts is up next. hey, thomas. >> that's a good one. >> panda moan yum. coming up on the agenda next hour, breaking out the beast. driving for votes in ohio and can they stay ahead of the june jobs report. the press secretary will be here. mitt romney's reversal over a health care fee is a tax or a penalty. does the gop have a problem controlling the message? joining me and the lifeguard
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fired for saving someone from drowning. wait until you hear this. it's a wild story and now in solidarity, other lifeguards are quitting in protest. much more ahead in the next hour. ♪ rocky mountain high ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses.
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7:59 am
>> good morning and great to have you with me. political developments topping the agenda this hour. president obama takes the beast on the road in his first bus tour of the 2012 campaign and all about wooing white working class voters. two days and the rust belt. the focus is jobs, jobs, jobs. the president scheduled to speak later this hour. we will take the remarks live for you. ohio one of the battle ground states. he is leading both there and in pennsylvania months away from november. the economy is key and tomorrow's unemployment report could be a big game changer. right now unemployment in ohio and pennsylvania is nea
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