tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 16, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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five-figure checks to politicians. they should have to pay a price for it at the polls, but, of course, they're going to get a lot of money from these folks to muddy that water. i think the american people are smarter and able to see through that. >> another day at the office. another filibuster by the republicans. tom, great to have you with us. thank you for joining us on the ed show. the rachel maddow show starts right now. good evening. >> good evening. thank you, my friends, and thanks for stag with us for the next hour. tonight president obama is watching the u.s. olympic basketball teams, both the men's and women's team play exhibition games against the basketball teams from brazil. sort of a warm-up for the olympic games. the president, obviously, a big basketball fan. he has a big night out with with the vice president there. it's kind of nice. the campaign is firing on all cylinders at this point. the president was campaigning in ohio. mitt romney is raising money at a country club in jackson, mississippi tonight. they're campaigning full speed.
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the campaign is actually sort of happening at a pace it's never happened at before now. it's the toughest pace it's been, but they're taking time to relax. mr. romney took the weekend off with his family at their big lakehouse in new hampshire again. he drove around very fast on his very large speed boat, and president obama tonight watching hoops. this is not a qualifying match for the olympics or anything. those have already happened. this is just an exhibition game. they play these games before the olympics. you know, it's interesting. before the last summer olympics in beijing in 2008, the u.s. men's basketball team before those games, they prepositioned themselves before beijing. they pre-positioned themselves close to beijing but not in beijing. in order to acclimate themselves to what it was like to play in the olympics, the u.s. men's team before the games moved themselves to macau about three
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hours from beijing. specifically they moved there for the bad weather. quoting from news reports at the time, macau is mostly hot and humid and blanketed by thick smog. exactly what competitors are expecting in beijing. so the u.s. men's basketball team was there before the beijing games and almost the whole british team was there and brazil and argentina. all of these countries sent their olympic athletes to macau in advance to get used to how disgusting it would feel to play in beijing. china is, of course, the largest country on earth by population. that's our population and theirs. china has 1.34 billion people. you could subtract our entire population from their population, and they would still be over a billion people. china is just massive, and inside the enormous nation of china, there were null really recently two european colonies.
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hong kong, obviously, the highest profile one. hong kong was a british colony in china until 1997. in 1997 hong kong was handed over from british control to dhi neez control with great fan fare. when hong kong got handed over, there was one other european colony left in china. one owned by portugal of all places. two years after the british handed hong kong over to the chinese, portugal handed over control of its colony in china, which is this little place called macau. while macau's weather and air quality and its scenery are nothing to write home about it, it has one absolutely untouchable greatest in the world mega-asset, gambling. gambling is legal in mac au, and gambling is illegal in mainland china. there are so many people in china that if you can funnel all of them who want to gamble into one nearby place, well, then
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that place is the gambling capital of the world. even though it seems like macau is out in the middle of nowhere, it's a 90-minute journey for 200 million chinese people who can gamble there and no where else. if you think that people will travel even more than 90 minu s minutes. then the numbers are more staggering. >> within a five-hour flight of las vegas there are approximately half a billion people. take that same flight circle and move it to macau, there are 3.51 billion people. >> you can tell from his use of the world opportunity there, that's one of the guys making money off of the gambling capital of the world. he has an american accent, right? how is that possible? in 1999 when china got control of macau, when china took it over, they did not try to ban gambling.
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instead of all the gambling concerns on macau run by this random guy, the chinese decided instead they were going to open up their gambling capital of the world to foreign developers, namely to vegas developers. to two developers from las vegas in 1999. within five years of that decision, macau's first vegas casino had the grand opening called the sands in macau. here's what it looked like when it happened. >> when sands of las vegas opened its doors, they were deluged with customers. >> somebody was describing that tape before i saw it, and they were like it's a bralg crowd. let me see it first. oh, my gosh. the casino isn't that spectacular of a casino, but as you can tell from the crowds on opening day, it did the trick. within two years that same vegas developer just two years later
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naturally opened up another casino in macau. here's what it looked like in 2005. a couple of cranes in the middle of a empty lot. here's what it looks like right now. the venetian macau. when it opened it was the second largest building in the entire world by floor space. that opened in august of 2007. one year later, world financial collapse. that vegas developer had taken on a huge amount of debt to be able it to open up the two casinos one right after the other, including the second largest building in the entire world. they take on this huge amount of debt, and when the economy and the financial system collapsed in 2008, a lot of their revenue which came substantially from las vegas dried up because they had a dip in their revenue. they took on all this long-term debt and cannot pay the bills on all of their long-term debt they took out. they were in a rather desperate state as a company. so desperate that the owner of
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the company wrote a pair of personal dhchecks to his compan for a billion dollars. billion with a b, because he was a casino mogul long enough he had a billion dollars laying around and he could do that. he had to loan his own company a billion dollars out of his personal funds, and even that wasn't enough. the company decided it was maybe going to have to break apart properties in macua and sell them off to get cash. they started to look into doing an ipo in china. taking the company public in china to raise billions of dollars in cash on the hong kong stock exchange. if they wanted to do these things, which they needed to do to raise cash, if they wanted to do those things with those assets in china/portugal/the place where the basketball players go to get used to the smog, if they wanted to do it in macau they needed help in the policy department and in terms of dialing with the local
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government there and china and permissions and regulations and, and, and, and. part of this las vegas company's solution was to hire this guy. he's a legislator in macau, public official. he's on a kind of government executive board that runs macau's affairs and he's on another government body that advises mainland china on how to deal with macau. he's got three very important government positions, and this american company needs a whole bunch of very important government decisions to go its way to save its bacon. they hire this local public official to do some legal work. they pay law firm $700,000 for four months to do lawyering and legal stuff. just for this context this same
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las vegas company had a expensive, super fancy new york city law firm on retainer as well. they paid this guy in macau three times what they paid their whole new york law firm. if you're an american company there's a foreign corrupt practices act. thank you, jimmy carter. that law says in short you can't bribe people in foreign countries to get your way. you can't bribe local eofficials in foreign currents if you're an american business. that doesn't mean you can't work with officials in a kosher way, but it has to be kosher. i'm not a lawyer, but i'll say some local officials to help you out with poechl matters can't just bill your firm 200 thousand to you doll for a line number that is labeled expenses in beijing. that's the kind of relationship this las vegas company apparently had with this local official who proved very helpful to them in getting down what
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they needed done in very desperate times for that company. the only problem was it looked super illegal. that was the assessment of this las vegas company's lawyers when they looked into it. quote, i understand that what they are seeking is approximately $700,000. p if correct, that will require a lot of explaining given what our other firms are charges and the foreign corrupt actions act. another lawyer says i continue to believe this proposal is unimportant, unrealistic and way above market. that was the general counsel of this company, this las vegas company. at that point he's writing to the ceo of the company. the ceo of the company agreed with his reasoning seemingly and said he would get rid of the local lawyer guy in macau to who they made the legal fees. after they expressing his
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opposition to the payments and stressing they would have problems with the corrupt action act if they play this guy that general counsel resigned. the ceo of the company got fired. the head lawyer of the firm working in macau also raised objections to this arrangement and also got himself fired. but it worked. the company got to do their public offering on the hong kong stock market and raised a bunch of money and survived the downturn in the economy. vegas is back. their properties in singapore are doing very well, and macau, you know what, they're sit it from space, the smog choesed chinese armpit that is macau not only separated but it separating luxor from their money faster than the speed of math. it was a big bet that looked like it paid off. it worked, maybe. unless they get nailed for it.
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propublica have a blockbuster report today about how the securities and exchange commission and the department of justice are investigating this american company for what this raft of internal e-mails shows what they're fighting about and they do it any. foreign corrupt practices be damned. the guy who owns and runs this company in this mess is the guy who is essentially bank rolling the entire election, the single largest political donor of all time. a man who said he would give 100,000 million this year to defeat president obama to elect mitt romney who says the amount he could give this year could be limitless. that is sheldon adelleson. that's the guy at the heart of the mess in macau. it's his company. that's the guy named in the e-mails as directing the payments despite what executives are told about the payments possibly breaking the law.
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if you were that guy and that was your multi-billion dollar casino in the gambling capital of the world 90 minutes away from 200 million chinese people that can't gamble anywhere else, how much would it be worth to you to get a brand-new justice department in office? joining us is receive engelberg. thank you for being here tonight. >> good evening. >> your investigations show it benefitted sheldon adelson. did i get anything wrong describing them? >> it's pretty close. it's pretty close. >> what did i mess up? >> i think just to be clear, you know, what actually happened here is there were several assets that connect other things. in the ipo the key issue is they wanted to retain a ferry concession. it delivers the gamblers right
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to the doorstep of the casino, and somebody else wanted it and it went to court in macau and they were losing time after time again. they are clearly going it to lose again when the gentleman who was in charge of macau, the chief executive, this man who works closely with lionelal vez issued a decrease, saying, nothing, the las vegas sands will keep their concession. that was crucial because the people that investigate in this country want to make sure the gamblers would be brought to the door accept. i think ultimately they have to figure out what all that adds up to. >> when potential violations are investigated, do u.s. investigators what's happening in the foreign country to say it looks like that decision is the product of a bribe? it looks like that local government decision shouldn't be trusted? maybe explained by misbehavior by an american company. >> they look at, first of all,
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was a public official paid money. clearly this gentleman is a public official. did he potentially affect the decision? you can't pay money to gain something in business. you can't get a contract or getd something special out of the government. so the question they have it to look at closely is what happened? through the work of two very fine reporters i work with who work at the university of california's investigative reporting program, they obtained a number of e-mails which are on our website. i think people 14ud see what the e-mails say, because you get a piece of the picture. they were leaning on this gentleman to get himt some help and got him help. >> you don't disclose who you got the eternal e-mails, but they were received from people that were authorized to get them. you talk about high level executives at the company who resigned or were fired under
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circumstancing that seemed connected to deals investigated. is it possible that they are just trying to make sheldon adelson look baz because they're disgruntled or suing him for wrongful termination? >> i couldn't discuss the sources. i'd have toe shoot you and me. i think the e-mails speak for themselves. they're pretty xleer. they tell a story, and we have on the record the former president of the company, a man who also had a very bitter dispute with mr. adelson who said, we knew you couldn't real do business in macau without getting in with dodge y characters. it's where chinese organized crime has existed for decades. you can't get into macau and have this success for people unl savo savory. it's a political system, and as we document in the piece and this comes from a mem low
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written by the board of directors of this company. mr. adelson had an unusual personal style. he went to china, so the mem toe says, slammed his wrist on the fable and demanded things, and the chinese were very unhappy with this. he didn't have a lot of friends. in 2008 he needed a friend. who more than mr. alvarez who is a pour cheese singer andment they opened man about town with three different jobs. he feel fills a crucial role for the company. you can't jurnd investigate how seriously they were. this is ironic. the stock of sands was so far down, you know, it has come up something like 3,000% since they saved the day. no man is more wealthy than sheldon adelson which is a social administration. he's doing okay. >> he has presumably if these
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investigations went as stronger again thm as they meet. >> these investigates come up from time to time. they have all kinds of people who protect the ceo from being anywhere near this. sheldon adelson is a fortune 500 company, but it's his company. he owned a majority of the stock. he runs it -- what these e-mails show he has his hand on many, many aspects of this. that's unusual. don't see that very often. he obviously faces -- the investigators have to look at his actions in the context whaf we're talking fw. >> this is a fascinating people i'm sure. it took a lot of investigations to get the resources necessary p to do this. thanks for helping us understand it. a data point about american politics will aamaze you. it's what you're not doing in
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droves. plus, we have the best new thing in the world today. now with more heartwarming cheating than ever before. please stay with us. i hit a wal. and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn their bachelor's or master's degree for tomorrow's careers. this is your moment. let nothing stand in your way. devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team.
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see, back when everybody was paying attention, back when people were voting p in caucuses or primaries, back when most tuesday nights around here were punctuated with this. back when people were voting in what we think of as the primary season, a candidate named ron paul never won any of those contests. he didn't win any of them. his campaign had another strategy designed for the time that came later. the time bh people didn't pay as much attention and there's no fancy election theme song. the ron paul strategy was even though he might not be able to win on what everybody thought of as election night in all states, his supporters would plan to later on pack the boring day-long county and state level conventions to get themselves elected as delegates to the big national convention in tampa. that was how ron paul ended up winning iowa this year. he didn't win on caucus night,
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but he won the delegates from iowa months later when nobody noticed. same goes for maine and minnesota and for louisiana. a total of four states where ron paul didn't seem like he won the state, but he did get a plurality of the delegates. you need a plurality of delegates at five states. getting nominated might not be the whole enchilada but a tiny, tasty flauta. there has to be duelling speeches by mitt romney and ron paul. many of the delegates that fought their way to tampa have a big profile ron paul president thing to do at that convention. inside what was supposed to be the rah, rah core nation.
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that dream energized ron paul supporters down to their last chance. the last state to award those golden tickets to tampa and the last chance to get the fifth state to fulfill the fever dream of a chance to take over at the national convention. here we have a little video of some of those supporters getting psyched up the night before the nebraska convention this weekend. getting psyched up by the voice of ron paul via conference call in a way that emanates from speakers in an open car trunk. >> what we believe in. >> the ron paul came pan was excited going into the weekend in nebraska, and frankly that got the mitt romney campaign
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excited enough to send their own big guns to the nebraska state convention this weekend. to nebraska this weekend the romney campaign dispatched the chief counsel, top lawyer, ben ginsburg, known as one of the lawyers representing george w. bush in the florida recount in 2000. this is not the first time he's been dispatched to a party convention by romney, but whenever his name comes up in news reports about those otherwise little noted state conventions, it's in kwekz with efforts to rangle ron paul supporters trying to take over the state and delegates for themselves. for whatever reason the romney campaign sent its top lawyer to the nebraska republican convention. when athey squared off this weekend, what happened? the ron paul folks are excited for the last chance to be the camel's libertarian nose wigg wiggling into the mainstream
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tent. they dispatched the staff to hold the tent in place to keep the camel out. what happened this weekend in nebraska? the camel got smoked, and that's a quote from the omaha world herald who described the ron paul revolution as failing to materialize this weekend in nebraska. quote, in the end the paul revolution in nebraska got smoked, ron paul won two national delegates. mr. romney, the party's presump active presidential nominee won the rest. two delegates. that was ron paul's last chance to win a plurality in a fifth state and his last chance to be put out for nomination in tampa. the dream will never die? i'm sure many other ron paul-related dreams will never die, but this one is dead. let's call it. dead. if you are one of the millions of men
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if you don't already, you should like maurice cheeks. he was a head coach in the nba and now he's an assistant coach. the reason to like maurice cheeks has nothing to do with basketball. it has to do with the national anthem. in 2003 a girl named natalie gilbert won a contest and got the chance to sing the national anthem before an nba playoff game that maurice cheeks was about to coach for the portland trail blazers. poor natalie gilbert started off
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okay but then completely forgot the words. out there in front of thousands of people in front of millions on television she just forgot. everybody's horrible anxiety dream happening to a kid not old enough to drive a car. what did coach maurice cheeks do? he helped. he walked right over and sang the song with natalie gilbert. a move that inspired everybody in the arena to sing their guts out right along with her, too. by the end what began as a personal nightmare turned into a rousing rendition of the "star-spangled banner." tonight's best new thing in the world is in the spirit of maurice cheeks but it involves cheating. you don't feel bad about the cheating but it's great and coming up right at end of the show. [ mrs. hutchison ] friday night has always been all fun and games
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spending unlimited amounts on elections, and that's not knowing who they are. that's the rules by which this year will be run. the short-term good news for liberals in today's news is liberal fat cats are finally starting to give money where it counts. lefty cats are finally giving money to super pacs this year. over the past three months the democratic-leaning american bridge 21st century pac brought in $4.1 million. these numbers are reported by politico and mother jones. house majority pac spends its money to get democrats into congress, into the house of representatives. they got $4.3 million in the last couple of months. house majority pac is dwarfed by plain old majority pac which tries to put democrats in the senate. majority pac brought in $5.4 million over the last three
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months. democrat-minded voters if you want to see your fat cats pulling the wagon, if you really want to see the big money roll inning on big waves like the ocean in a storm crashing into the beach, check out priorities usa. they hold 11$11.7 million all i. they raised half of that in june alone. add together all four of the super pacs over the last three months and you get $25.5 million for democratic causes like electing a democratic president and congress. $25.5 million. want to see who else has that kind of money? just the super pac for machiitt romney. it raised $20 million not in three months but in one month, in june alone. 30 days, one super pac, 20 million bucks. we won't know where the money came from, but the early consensus is from the casino
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megamogul sheldon adelson who we talked about at the top of show. he's on his way to spending $100 million or month up to no limit and more what he calls to elect mitt romney. we learned over the weekend that he will be also spending more unlimited millions on electing republicans for congress. if you do the math at home, this is one voter tapping his personal $25 billion fortune in order to elect the president and congress of his choosing. the president and congress that he believes will most benefit him and the $24 billion or so fortune he has left after buying that government. why wouldn't he? i mean, let's say your family has been very lucky. let's say household income of your family is well above the national median. let's see your family income is $100,000 a year. when sheldon aadelson donates 10 dolt doll million, he's so rich
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that's the financial equivalent of someone making 100 grand a year donating $40. $40 to you is 10 million to adelson. this gives rise to important questions. number one, why is he giving all that money? two, why on earth would you ever give money at all into that system? if there are people throwing $10 million checks around frequently like this guy, why drop your mechely 40 bucks or 200 bucks or whatever you can afford into that sea of somebody else's cash? why would you spit into that wind? they put an exclamation point on this for a long time. you want to know the proportion of americans who give more than 200 bucks to a congressional campaign. 0.26%. 99.74% of americans don't give that much. why would you? not even half of that teeny, tiny group give the maximum in a
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congressional campaign. the tiniest one-tenth of one percent give more than $10,000 to any combination of candidates in an election cycle. this time around so far -- look at that, .000063%. if elections are going to be decided by chunks of money that arrive in multi-million dollar increemen increements. why would we expect anybody to give at all? it would be hard to devise a system to alienate people from our government than to have one where money determines what wins and what you choose from and your human scale money can't make a difference to don't bother. if you want to know where they're coming from, sorry, that's secret. if you wanted to create something more alienating, what would you add to that? it's nearly perfect. since the supreme court ruling in 2010, since the ruling in the
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citizens united case, most of the new unlimited, unprecedented money spent in our political system is spent for the benefit of republican candidates by almost 2-1. a 2-1 last time and again by a big margin this year. the system favors conservatives decidedly and decisively. today in the senate the republicans filibustered at attempt by democrats to pass new rules for the unlimited giving. the disclose act required corporations and labor unions to disclose publicly any political spending of more than $10,000 right away. the republican filibuster did in a block, a party line vote. even though they disclosed, republicans like the new way we do things. since they cannot pass their bill, democrats are making a big deal of trying tonight. after the filibuster the democrats plan to hold a midnight vigil with hours of
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further debate followed by another vote around 1:00 a.m. they're not expected to win that vote either against the republican filibuster, but they hope to succeed in making their point. a live report from what the democrats are trying to pull off tonight in the senate when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] this is our beach. ♪ this is our pool. ♪ our fireworks. ♪ and our slip and slide. you have your idea of summer fun, and we have ours. now during the summer event get an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz for an exceptional price. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st.
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money continues, the day after the election 17 angry old white men will wake up and realize they've just bought the country. that's a sad commentary. about 60% or more of these outside dollars come from these 17 people. >> our nation is being sold to it a few billionaires. senate majority leader harry reid today arguing for new rules about the unlimited campaign giving now swamping the 2012 election. republicans filibustered those proposed new rules today and voted to block the bill and let the unlimited millions keep pouring in no strings attached with no requirement to say where they come from. perhaps coincidentally republicans have doubled up democrats when it comes to benefits from the new unlimited donations. after having the republicans successfully filibuster the new rules today, tonight democrats plan to debate the bill all over
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again with another vote scheduled for 1:00 a.m. joining us for the interview fresh from the capitol is democratic congressman tester from montana. i'm going out on a limb here and say you democrats probably cannot get this bill passed given the way the vote went this afternoon. what is the goal here? are you hoping people are going to hear more about the issue or republicans feel embarrassed? what do you hope for? >> i think the goal here ultimately is to get transparency in all this giving going on. all the secret money that's going into elections, i don't think it's healthy for our democracy and quite honestly i think we're looking for some folks to change their mind. you know, in montana everybody says they're for transparency, but when it comes to voting for it, sometimes they don't. hopefully common sense will prevail here, and the next time we have a vote whether early this morning or tomorrow, we'll get enough votes to move on to
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the bill and get it passed. it's the right thing to do for the country. it's the right thing to do for montana. i think it's the right thing to do for our democracy in general. >> in earlier debates about money and politics, the republican line for a while was that they weren't against limited donations. they wanted people to make unlimited donations, and any concerns about the outsized impact anybody might have, outside influence anybody might have could be remedied by disclosures. they wanted no limits but disclosure. now we have republicans against disclosure. something like a dozen republican senators who voted for a proposed law like this in the past are against it. do you have any theory to explain the evolution there? >> i think your previous chart probably showed it. some of the folks on the other side of the aisle see a political advantage at this point in time with having no disclosure, and i can tell you that i don't think democrats or
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republicans win with this supreme court decision on citizens united over the long haul. i think the democracy loses, and hopefully people back in washington d.c. will understand that. who are you accountable to? are you accountable to the people who elect you, who vote for you, or are you accountable to the corporations that donate boat loads of money into these third-party folks all anonymously, for the most part all have an agenda of some sort or another as you pointed out earlier in the show. >> you are up for re-election this here with a race about a ton of outside money to aattack you. do you feel like when you meet people in montana, when you're campaigning and running to re-election and talking about what's been thrown at them, does it matter who the author of the ad is or who is paying for if? >> i think it does. montana has a different history
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than most states. back in 1899 william clark literally tried to buy an election with $431,000 back then, $11 million in today's mon. i think montanans look at it differently, and i think it cuts party line. whether you're democrat, republican or independent, all of montana has a libertarian tilt and they don't like people buying their government. so i do think it makes a difference, and i think it's going to have -- there's a law of diminishing returns. there's no doubt about this, rachel. we're on a different landscape now than we've been before as far as the amount of money coming into the campaigns and the amount of secret money coming into campaigns. >> you are a centrist senator on a lot of ish us. you have good relations with gun owner ers and had you not r groups. the nra decided to score this vote as if it's a gun rights vote. what's your reaction to it that
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as somebody down the middle on the issue? >> i support the second amendment and always will and have. i also support transparency. montana is a very transparent state when it comes to their government. we allow press in about every meeting out there, if you have more than a couple people meeting. i think that's a good thing, and i think we ought to do that more in washington, d.c., and the whole transparency argument about money coming into the campaigns is critical to me. while i support the second amendment and will continue, i also support transparency. i think transparency is critically important. >> senator john tester of montana, thank you for joining us tonight. it's a late night for a lot of democrats now. i appreciate it, sir. >> thank you, rachel. >> we have the best new thing in the worldcomi coming up at the of the show. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet
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twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! best new thing in the world today is about openly and honestly reminding yourself to do something, doing it, and being rewarded for it. the key here is openly and honestly. this is technically about cheating but you don't have to feel about it. a couple of years ago this was sarah palin speaking at what was then a very important and prestigious event that everyone in the beltway was paying attention to. it was a tea party convention. govern governor palin delivered a speech that was well received, but it's not what got remembered that event. what got remembered from that event is what happened during the q and a that followed her speech. watch.
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>> we have to rein in the spending and not raise extremely high budgets and say we'll freeze a couple of programs here. that doesn't do us good. we have to rein in the spending. >> did you see that? sarah palin very clearly looked at her hand there. she looked at her hand while answering a question about spending. at least i think that's what she was trying to answer. she got caught. she really, really, really got caught. look at her left hand. without us enhancing this picture in any way, you can clearly see there's lots of stuff scribbled on her left hand. here is a close up of her left hand. she has written there the words "energy, drill baby drill -- no. just "energy, budget cuts maybe and then there's the word tax and then lift america's spirits. one way mrs. palin chose to lift american spirits that day was by
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mocking president obama for using a teleprompter at speaking events. meanwhile, she had a very elementary cheat sheet literally in the palm of her hand. the cheat sheet itself is of no moral significance there. that was how she decided to help herself get through the day. being a hypocrite about it being a bad things to use notes when you talk about politics, there's a moral issue there. mostly it's the amazing photo. we remember that idelible picture of that indelible ink on her palm there. now we fast forward a couple of years to this year's all-star game at kauffmann stadium, home of the kansas city royals. the national anthem was performed by a country music singer named luke bryan. he has a nice voice and did a beautiful job until this happened. mr. bryan was caught looking at the inside of his left hand. the very next day he said on twitter that he really wanted to explain his performance.
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he had a few words as in words to the national anthem written on his hand so he would not mess up. he said he just wanted to do his best, and he promises it was from his heart. there's nothing terrible or horrible or inherently evil about using your skin as an index card when you're afraid you might forget things when you don't want to be forgetting things. there's nothing wrong with that, per se. i write stuff on myself all the time. here's how you do it awesomely. the summer olympics are at the end of the month in london. there's a man named jack green, who is a sprinter on the british track and field team. he's going to run in the 400 meter hurdles and 4x400 relay. this weekend he ran at the big deal race before the olympic games in london. jack green really wanted to win so badly that he was willing to put on display for all the world
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to see what he thought of that day as the keys to his racing success. did you see the photo of this today? jack green, 20 years old, runs for track and field for britain. look. see that on his arm? it says -- it says in green on his arm, chin down, flat back. this is not photo shopped. look what was written on the ngsd of his arm. is that like green craion maybe? a tiny paintbrush. chin down and flat back. we have sub titles, and then the race began. at first he was behind pause he was in one of the outside lanes, but chin down, flat back. then he won. jack green won this race, and the time was his personal best time. chin down, flat back can't lose. there's nothing evil or bad or even weak about writing yourself reminders on your body like you are
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