tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC July 23, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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>>al penn state takes a symbolic step in pulling down the paterno statue but how hard will the ncaa come down to make an example out of penn state? that major announcement coming in just minutes. we'll be there live. president obama comforts survivors and victims' families in aurora, colorado telling the country to focus on them and not the shooter. who himself heads to court for the first time later this morning. and mitt romney gets ready to fly across the pond for a trip to israel, poland and the london olympics. is there any political risk to a week long trip abroad at this stage of a tough campaign? good morning from washington. it's monday. july 23rd, 2012. this is "the daily rundown." i'm chuck todd. our first read coming up. first breaking news any minute now, penn state university will learn its fate as the ncaa prepares to hand down punishment to the football program the entire athletic department for the child sex abuse scandal. it comes just 11 days after a
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scathing report accused university officials of covering up allegations again then assistant coach jerry sandusky for more than a decade. national investigative reporter michael isikoff is awaiting the announcement at state college in pennsylvania. bruce feldman is the columnist for cbs sports. michael, you're at state college. let me start with you. what are they expecting to hear, what are they bracing for? >> well, chuck, to say people are on edge here would be an understatement. college football is so central to this school, to the entire region as an economic force that the prospect of severe sanctions that are going to restrict the football program is very troubling to a lot of people. i'm hearing it from clerks at the hotel to the owners of restaurants, everybody is nervous about what the ncaa is about to announce. we're told these are unprecedented sanctions. that they involve restrictions on athletic scholarships that
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would severely limit the ability of penn state to recruit top flight athletes. no playing in bowl games for multiple years. millions of dollars in fines. the big question, of course, does it include the death penalty a full scale suspension of the football season? early reports are indicating it may not go that far. but the combination of those other sanctions, some people are saying could be just as bad in terms of basically really limiting penn state's ability to field the kind of top flight football teams that it's been doing for a long time, for decades. >> bruce, willet me go to you. you've got some source ong this and done some reporting. what is your understanding of where the ncaa comes down? i understand you're reporting that penn state does not plan to appeal whatever the ncaa announces. does that mean they've already been informed? >> i think they've been informed they're going to have a severe punishment.
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people close to the ncaa said only about five people in mark emmert's inner circle really knew exactly what was going to come down this morning. i think that's worth keeping in mind. just for people who are going to hear terms about devastating and crippling, two years ago, usc got hit with you know, devastating sanctions. two-year postseason bowl ban, going to lose. >> the number one ranked team you're talking about? >> yeah. what's worth noting there is us c-appealed the sanctions and what that was able to do was, it let the new coach lane kiffin basically brace for the scholarship hits and back load his roster. if penn state doesn't appeal, that means the sanctions kick in right away. and then all of a sudden, you're in this kind of scramble mode. if there's multiple postseason bowl ban, as much as three years which some speculate it could be three, four years, that makes it really hard to recruit because those kids will not want to come
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in knowing most of their career they're basically playing for nothing in terms of the rest of college football. the other thing when you hear the term unprecedented here, you know, it was unprecedented with reggie bush. the ncaa ruled in a different way, in their hamming of cam newton. here's it's unprecedented with mark emmert because there was no committee on intractions process. there was no due process here to penn state but we are in uncharred waters because the circumstances of penn state, not just the crimes but the cover-up, how it was concealed by joe paterno and the leadership of penn state, that's what the ncaa is scrambling to get in front of, if they can. >> michael, i want to talk about the removal of the statue, the symbolic move. i want to read part of the statement from president rodney erickson because it seemed to be the first time you heard somebody representing penn state sort of understand the gravity of the situation publicly at least. i believe that were it to remain the statue will be a recurring
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wound to the multitude of individuals across the nation and beyond who have been victims of child abuse. well, i'm going to stop you there, michael. we're going to the announcement. >> highest levels of the university in reckless and callus disregard for the children. there is incredible interest in what will happen to penn state football. but the fundamental story of this horrific chapter should focus on the innocent children and the powerful people who let them down. there has also been much speculation on whether or not the ncaa has the authority to impose any type of penalty related to penn state. not only does the ncaa have the authority to act in this case, we also have the responsibility top say that such egregrious
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behavior is not only against our by laws and constitution, but also against our value system and basic human decency. the executive committee which acts on behalf of the entire association and plepts policies to resolve core issues, along with the division 1 board, a body of presidents representing all of division 1 directed president emmert to examine the circumstances surrounding the penn state tragedy and if appropriate, make recommendations regarding punitive and corrective measures. as a result of the information produced from the sandusky criminal investigation and the freeh report which penn state commissioned and also agreed to its findings, it became obvious that the he'dership p failures at penn state over an extended period of time directly violated
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association by laws and the ncaa constitution relating to control over the athletic department, integrity, and ethical conduct. the corrective and punitive measures the executive committee and the division 1 board of directors have authorized should serve as a stark wake-up call to everyone involved in college sports that are our first responsibility as outlined in our constitution is to adhere to the fundamental values of respect, fairness, civility, honesty, and responsibility. i'll now turn to president emmert to discuss today's actions and what is expected of penn state in the future. president emmert? >> the penn state case has provoked in all of us deeply
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powerful emotions and shaken our most fundamental confidence in many ways. as we, the executive committee, the division 1 board and i, have examined and discussed this case, we've kept foremost in our thoughts the tragic damage that has been done to the victims and their families. no matter what we do here today, there is no action we can take that will remove their pain and anguish. but what we can do is impose sanctions that both reflect the magnitude of these terrible acts and that are also -- and that also ensure that penn state will rebuild an athletic culture that went horribly awry. our goal is not to be just punitive, but to make sure the university establishes an athletic culture and daily mind-set in which football will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people.
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more than 100 years ago, the ncaa was created to assure that sports are fully integrated into our colleges and universities. and that the athletic programs wholly embrace the values of higher education. our constitution and by laws make it perfectly clear that the association exists not simply to promote fair play on the field, but to insist that athletic programs provide positive moral models for our students, enhance the integrity of higher education, and promote the values of civility, honesty, and responsibility. the sanctions we are imposing are based upon these most fundamental principles of the ncaa. with these intentions in mind, the executive committee, the division 1 board and i have agreed upon the following sanctions -- first, the ncaa is imposing a fine of $60 million
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on the university with the funds to be used to establish an endowment to support programs around the nationing that be the victims of child sexual abuse and seek to prevent such abuse from happening. this amount is the equivalent of one year's gross revenue of the football team. second, penn state football will be banned from bowl games and any other postseason play for four years. third, penn state's football team will have its initial scholarships reduced from 25 to 15 per year for a period of four years. in order to minimize the negative impact on student athletes, the ncaa will allow any entering or returning football student athletes to transfer and immediately compete at the transfer university provided he is otherwise eligible. further, any football student athlete who wants to retain -- remain at penn state may retain
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his athletic grant and aid as long as he meets and maintains appropriate academic requirements regardless of whether he competes on the football team. fourth, the ncaa vacates all wins of the penn state football team from 1998 to 2011 and the records will reflect these changes. fifth, the university athletic program will serve a five-year probationary period during which it must work with an academic integrity monitor of the association's choosing. and finally, the ncaa is reserving the right to initiate a formal investigation and disciplinary processes to impose sanctions as needed on individuals involved in this case after the conclusion of any criminal proceedings. beyond these sanctions, the ncaa is imposing other corrective actions to ensure that the intended cultural changes
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actually occur. the ncaa is requiring the university to adopt the formal reforms delineated in chapter 10 of the freeh particularly section 5.0. additionally, the association is requiring penn state to enter into an athletic integrity agreement with the ncaa and the big ten conference. this agreement will require the establishment of a chief compliance officer position, a compliance council, and an array of control mechanisms that are intended to insure the fleck culture will be fully integrated into the broader university. and finally, the ncaa will select an independent athletics integrity monitor who will for a five-year period report quarterly to the ncaa, the university's board of trustees, and the big ten conference. they will report on the progress
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penn state is making in implementing all provisions of this agreement. let me address also the issue of so-called death penalty. the executive committee, the division 1 board and i, had exextensive discussions about the appropriateness of imposing a suspension of football for one or more years. an argument can be made that the egregriousness of the behavior in this case is greater than any other seen in ncaa history and that therefore, a multiyear suspension is appropriate. after much debate, however, we concluded that the sanctions needed to reflect our goals of driving cultural change as much as apply punitive be actions. suspension of the football program would bring with it significant unintended harm to many who had nothing to do with this case. the sanctions we have crafted are more focused and impactful than that blanket penalty.
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moreover, the actions already taken by the new chair of the board, karen peetz and the new president, rodney erickson have dem upon straighted a strong desire and determination on the part of penn state to take the steps necessary for the university to right these severe wrongs and were appreciated by all of us. for the next several years now, penn state can focus on the work of rebuilding its athletic culture, not worrying about whether or not it's going to a bowl game. with the sanctions imposed today and with the new leadership the university we hope indeed we intend to ensure that that will be the case. in closing, willet me say that this case involves tragic and tragically unnecessary circumstances. one of the grave dangers stemming from our love of sports is that the sports themselves can become too big to fail, indeed, too big to even
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challenge. the result can be an erosion of academic values that are replaced by the value of hero worship and winning at all costs. all involved in intercollegiate athletics must be watchful that programs and individuals do not overwhelm the values of higher education. in the penn state case, the results were perverse and unconionable. no price the ncca can levy will repair the grievous damage inflicted by jerry sandusky on his victims. however, we can make clear that the culture, actions and inactions that allowed them to be victimized will not be tolerated in collegiate athletics. i'd be happy to take your questions. >> first question. >> reporter: harold hayes, kdk, pittsburgh. the an tern know family issued a statement yesterday calling the
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freeh report a charging document, not necessarily a verdict. don't you usually conduct your own investigation and why did you rely so heavily on the freeh report? >> the freeh report as well as the data that came out of the criminal trial provided extensive information in this case. the report has been accepted by the university itself. it was the result of more than 450 individual interviews and examination of more than 3 million e-mails and other documents. it is vastly more -- more involved and thorough than any investigation we've ever conducted. >> next question? >> reporter: art dennis, does this as speculated open up some sort of pandora's box for future cases or is this unique
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in and of itself? >> this case is obviously incredibly unprecedented in every aspect of it as are these actions we're taking today. we do not see them as opening pandora's box at all. this is a very discontinuing and very unique circumstance. >> yahoo! sports. how much communication have you had with penn state about this, and do you expect them to appeal in any way? >> we have informed penn state of the findings. the adoption of the findings coming from the freeh report also of our penalties. we have craft this had in the form of a consent decree which the university has signed as well as we have. classify the seriousness of these sanctions for me. do you consider this more serious than the death penalty? >> well, i'll leave those kind of judgments to all of you.
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obviously these are very, very serious sanctions. we certainly hope and i know president ray and the executive competitive hope that the fine that's being imposed will allow some very serious good to be done out of this circumstance. the imposition of the both the corrective measures and the punitive actions will most certainly have a significant impact on the university. that's their intention. i'll leave it to all of to you speculate whether that's better or worse. i think one of the mischaracterizations out there that these penalties are coming somehow in instead of a death anti, penalty, i think that would be a false assumption. if the penalty were imposed i'm sure we may ask president ray to speak to this, the executive committee and i would not have agreed to the death penalty. it would have included other penalties, as well. >> let me briefly say in our discussion in the executive committee and the division one
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board, we were very clear that in talking about options, we were always if the death penalty were to be considered or suspension of play really is appropriate, that that in and of itself would not be the only penalty, that other elements would be there, not just punitive but corrective. the kind that president emmert talked about. there was discussion. there was i think some preliminary sense, and i can only tell you that overwhelmingly, the executive committee and the division 1 board did not feel that the suspension of play would be appropriate. and for the measures that you've just heard about, those who were able to participate in the conversation both the executive committee and the division 1 board of presidents and chancellors unanimously supported the actions that you've heard about this morning.
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>> all right. we're going to break out of this press conference now to sum up the penalties. a $60 million fine as you heard ncaa president park emmert said, the equivalent of one year gross revenue of the football program. it will be used to start an endowment on helping child abuse victims. a four-year bowl ban for penn state. 40 scholarships over a four-year period, ten per year that will be taken away. the erasing of every penn state victory from 1998 to 2011. that is a penalty on joe paterno's legacy. by the way, he was the winningest college football coach in history. that is no longer the case. and then finally, this decision of a five-year probation for the entire university's athletic program. bruce feld pan, i want to go to you to answer that last question that was posed.
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is this worse than the death penalty or not? >> well, keep in mind after smu got the death penalty for the next 20 years, they didn't even win 20% of tear games. we'll see how this is going to -- this has got to be close. i really think the ncaa just crushed penn state football. that's what i kept coming back to because the four-year postseason bowl ban basically means no blue chip recruit is really going to want to go there because your entire career, you're not going to be able to compete for anything beyond just the regular season. the other thing is, and this is kind of underneath all the things you just said. penn state's entire roster now is recruitable to anybody in major college football. >> right now. those kids can transfer without penalty. not only are there commitments, the 13 exitments and a lot of kids were very sought after already buying into the new regime, those kids will get swarmed on. also, the timing of this
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announcement by the n caa was key. it's only about ten days before most schools report to camp. a lot of them don't have too much scholar slip wiggle room you can bet the best players are going to get approached now. this is going to be the picking apart of the players within the program already. >> michael, i have to say no death penalty has got to be economically a sigh of relief, if you will, to state college pennsylvania. >> to some degree, but first of all, start with that $60 million in fines. that's the entire revenue of penn state football on an annual basis. so all that revenue that goes to the school now gets sucked out and into this endowment fund. the ability to recruit top flight athletes, i mean, so central to the economic power of penn state football is its ability to put on the field top flight football teams.
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when you cannot recruit athletes, especially those out of state that have come here, who are not going to be able to play in bowl games, how are you going to be able to put class a football teams on the field? by the way, i should add one other point. the question had been raised, would penn state appeal. i think that was answered by president emmert who said this has been crafted in the form of a consent decree penn state has signed. we'll hear from president rodney erickson in just about an hour and a half from now. it looks pretty clear that penn state is not going to appeal. so it's accepting this very harsh judgment. we'll see how this plays out and see if players now who are playing at penn state and have the option of giving up and transferring will start to do so. but it's clearly going to have a big impact on the field and on the economy of this area. >> you know, bruce, the documentary on espn, the 30 for 30, the pony express was on. i remember that scene literally, the announcement by the ncaa of
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death penalty and that same day it turned into almost -- it was described as a meat market. coaches from all over the country going and grabbing kids and getting them to transfer. but i want to pick up on a phrase that emmert said when he was asked, he basically was trying to answer the question about death penalty before it was asked. and he said, you know, is there a question of being too big to fail. i have to ask this question in this way. if penn state were not a member of the arguably one of the two most powerful football conferences and he talks about the unintended consequences of basically vacating of suspending the program for a season, if this were an smu and didn't have the -- who didn't have the impact on a conference the way penn state might, would we have seen a different outcome? >> i don't know. that's a good question. i don't know the answer to that. i think the only person who really does know the answer to that, honestly could address it won't and that's mark emmert because it speaks to the politics and the economics of
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major college football. i'd written this about a week and a half ago in the freeh report first came out. the ncaa has a big headache here with the too big to fail. college football coaches and a few basketball coaches are so much bigger than their universities and the power they have because everything around it, around their communities is dependent on this money. the contracts are even bigger. the tv contracts are astronomical now. they're only getting bigger. how is the ncaa going to get out in front of this? this was their way to try to send any kind of message it could to say look, we have to try to show we're not just going to turn a lined blind eye to this. joe paterno, the most iconic coach in our lifetime in college football his legacy has been devastated. this was the case study of all the ills that could happen in a worst case scenario. >> michael, explain just the impact you know, it's interesting. he used too big to fail to
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describe that that may have been the administration's initial response to basically turning a blind eye to sandusky and paterno at the time when all of this was brought to light, that they saw the football program as too big to fail. what kind of impact on the entire athletic program? how much did football fund everything there in state college? >> well, look, that's in many ways been the sort of core issue all along, that football was so big here, it was so central to the school's identity. pa tern know was iconic figure and the symbol of the school. that any dent on the football program, any possible whiff of scandal would impede on that, and that's as best as anybody -- people have scratched their heads after reading the freeh report and all the disclosures that have come out since the arrest of sandusky, how could
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such prominent top officials at this school have turned a blind eye for so long to the red flags about sandusky's conduct were out there. and it's very hard to come up with an explanation, but the best people can do is say look, if they had blown the whistle, if they had cracked down, if it had become public that joe paterno's top defensive assistant for years was a child molester, it would tarnish the football program and so they did everything they could to avoid that public disclosure. >> and bruce, the ncaa as a governing body over college sports, its credibility gets called into question a lot. does this go -- have they restored some of tear credibility today or not? >> you know, i think it depends if you're a penn state diehard you say with lack of due process although it does say they were consulted on this to some degree. i think for a lot of people i
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think it will. in my eyes, i think they had to weigh in. i know people outside had said well, well it's bigger than the ncaa. yes, it is but i don't know how they could have punished anybody else, you saw the ohio state scandal with the tattoos. some of these other things, texting, miami investigation is ongoing. there's a lot of this innings that do not come anywhere near the severity of the heinous crimes that were concealed by the penn state power base there. i think for them to completely ignore it would have created their sense -- their justice system to look at at a comrees farce. i think this is something that they had to do. i thought it was -- it's unprecedented. we're in uncharted waters. i think this is something that the ncaa had to try to address. and i think they did today. >> michael isikoff at state college, we'll be doing all of our reporting for nbc news all day long. bruce, thank you for helping me
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out this morning. i couldn't think of anybody better. >> thanks, chuck. president obama returns to the campaign trail after an emotional night with shooting victims and their families in colorado. coming up, live to aurora where the gunman in thursday's mass shooting makes his first court appearance. that's just hours from now. plus, as president obama and mitt romney resume campaigning, will the attacks resume? will either even try to talk about guns. first a look at the president's schedule dual. first he starts out in the bay area in california, goes to reno for the vfw speech. and here is mitt romney's schedule today, as well. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. ♪ [ jennifer ] better. stronger. believe. happier. healthier. i believe weight watchers made me more powerful. it's time to believe again. stand up and take charge. i believe if you want to change your life, you can.
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starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. all right. back to you with my first reads of the morning. politics took a break this weekend as is nation mourned the
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shooting victims. president obama spent nearly three hours visiting with family members of the victims. the university of colorado hospital followed by remarks to the nation. >> i come to them not so much as president as i do as a father and as a husband. and i think that the reason stories like this have such an impact on us is because we can all understand what it would be to have somebody that we love taken from us in this fashion. >> thousands gathered in aurora at a memorial and a prayer vigil where the colorado governor.john hickenlooper read allowed each victim's name. >> john blunk. a. j. boik. jesse childress. >> we will remember. >> a romney fund-raiser in san francisco last night opened with
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a moment of silence and he offered praise for the president's response to the shooting saying "we are thinking of the people in aurora, colorado and the tragedy that occurred there, this senseless killing there. i know the president will be here before he'll be here with san francisco visiting with the families and victims which is the right thing for the president to to be doing on this day." the suspect has been in. solitary confinement since taken into custody friday morning. he will be arraigned later this morning. police say the gun pan legally purchased the weapons, armor and all of the ammunition he used including 6,000 rounds of ammunition that he bought on the internet. some gun control advocates have tried to reignite the debate calling for the presidential candidates to take a stand on guns. new york mayor michael bloomberg scolded both candidates this morning on "morning joe." >> he and governor romney have to tell the public what they're going to do. people say it's bad politics to address the issue. i think they're wrong. i'm going to try to stir it up
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and so is everybody else. you ask one of the families is this the time to focus on how to keep their other children from getting killed in i think they would be on the side of do it now. >> members of congress also spoke up. but acknowledged the challenges. >> pure and simple, weapons of war don't belong on the streets. there has been no action. and there has been no action because there's been no outrage out there. people haven't rallied forward. >> a lot of politicians know it's the right thing to try to fight for something to save lives. they don't have the spine anymore. >> white house though sent a clear signal to democrats that anyone believing that they could use this strategy -- tragedy to push for stricter gun laws is pretty much on their own. jay carney directed reporters to an op-ed that the president wrote after the 2011 tucson shooting and told reporters that "the president believes we need to take steps that protect second amendment rights of the american people but that ensure
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that we are not allowing weapons into the hands of individuals who should not by existing law obtain those weapons." and emphasis was mine. governor hickenlooper played down the importance of the gun control debate on "meet the press." >> if you look at this person, again, almost a creature, i mean, if he couldn't have gotten access to the guns, what kind of bomb would he have manufactured. >> james holmes, the suspect in the colorado shooting rampage is expected to make his first appearance in court about two hours from now. this comes as the police chief says emergency first responders averted a second crisis that night at the suspect's apartment. >> i have been told by the bomb experts that had someone opened that door it would have triggered that device it would have almost certainly killed or injured whoever opened the door and would have started a very big fire that would have been a real challenge for our fire department. >> joining me now is nbc's chris
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jansing of course, host of "jansing & co." and chris, as we -- as the authorities went into the apartment, now they're getting access to the apartment, his computer, things like that, we still don't have that answer that we in the press and we in the country i think all are looking for which is simply why did he do it. >> well, that is the key question. and it may be weeks, months, we don't know if we'll ever know from james holmes would provoked this terrible, terrible attack here in aurora. behind me is the courthouse where for the first time since that horrible shooting that he's accused of perpetrating, we will actually have a chance to see him and to hear from him. this is not technically an aarraignment, chuck. it's called an advisement hearing. that's pretty much what it is. the judge is going to advise him of what he's facing which will be a huge series of first-degree murder charges and attempted murder charges. his main public defender will be a dan king, assisted by tamron
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bradley. two of the most experienced in the public defender's office but as you can imagine, they have a huge hill to climb. first of all, you have all the witnesses in the theater. you the have the arrest. you have the suspect who police say pointed them to that apartment where they found all those booby-traps that took several days of the world's leading experts to disarm. and we also know that threw going to having that trail that they're finding. not only in 6,000 rounds of ammunition that police say he ordered over the internet to be delivered to his home and to his school, the guns that were purchased four guns over the last couple of months, but also the computer you mentioned. we are told they did remove his personal computer from his apartment and there will be potential will i a lot of evidence there. let's talk a little bit more about what's going to happen in that courtroom. there is at least some suggestion, it's having, isn't it, we have not yet seen a
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booking photo for james holmes. his lawyers may be trying to block the release of that. we'll see if that comes up in court today. otherwise, it's expected to be pretty short and straightforward. the prosecutor in this case i think it's worth noting is karen pearce. there are only three people on death row in colorado. two of them were placed there by the prosecutor's office here in arapaho county. but again, in terms of the actual charges in terms of an aarraignment, and even a competency hearing to see if he's fit to stand trial, chuck, that's coming up later. >> chris jansing. i know you're going to be covering this live from aurora in about 21 minutes. we will see you. thank you. still ahead, the monday political panel will be here. plus, the debt deadlock. if sequestered doesn't scare them, what will it take to get congress to act? former senator judd gregg joins me next. first, white house soup of the
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more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. a full a blown economic disaster? is it just five months away? is there any chance of finding a real budget solution in time. normer senator judd gregg was budget committee chairman and ranking, served as past as part of the of course, bowles-simpson commission and now co-chairing a new campaign to fix the debt. former senator gregg joins me now. thank you for sitting there patiently. i know we had promised you to talk to you a little bit earlier this hour. let me just start with this back and forth that we're hearing between the two parties. and i'm going to start with one question. i know republicans are hitting senate democrats for saying
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they're going to hold the tax cuts hostage, if you will, off the fiscal cliff. what's the difference between what democrats are doing for leverage and negotiations to what house republicans did with the debt ceiling a year ago? >> not much. but you know, it's interesting. and with all the tragic and terrible events that have just occurred, certainly in aurora and then penn state situation, it's hard to realize but if you look out over the next year and a half, are two, four years the thing that's going to most affect americans will be our loss of standard of living, reduction in standard of limping, loss in prosperity as a result of deficits and debt. the only way we can address this is if we do this in a bipartisan way. >> you can't trust one party. if one party wins everything in november, is that the worst possible result? >> well, i don't actually think one party can take control even if they technically have control because in the senate, you've got to have 60 votes to have total control and that's not going to happen.
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it's very obvious the american people won't accept a partisan solution. they want fairness. by definition when you're dealing with big programs like medicare, medicaid, social security and tax reform require both parties to be participating because bipartisanship is fairness. that's why we're pushing the simpson-bowles plus proposal. a legitimate attempt to get the deficit and debt under control under a period of time and which had fiscally conservative and liberal members voting for it. so we think it's a good blueprint to work from and we're going to continue to work to push a simpson-bowles plus program for the senate and the who us to work off of. >> it's interesting about simpson boles, it got a majority of votes, not enough to get its vote in congress and all of that. but of the 11 votes but of the five of the six house members, i think it was two democrats and all three republicans voted against simple son boles. doesn't that tell you there's
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nothing that the house, you know, i mean house republicans unanimously against it, are house democrats 66% of their membership on simpson-bowles against it? doesn't that tell you that's the problem? is it the house? >> no, it tells you that the house needs leadership because of the fact that it's become politically stratified. you've got a lot of districts in the house which are gerry mandered based on politics. people have trouble going across the aisle because they've got to maintain their commitment to the base. i genuinely believe if you have a president and senate that put together a legitimate strong package, built off of simple son boles because it's the best vehicle around, that the house will follow. i believe the house has the capacity to stand up and govern this country. that's the job of folks in washington, by the way, to govern the country, not to stand in the corners and shout and i think they'll do it if they get some leadership. >> judd gregg, i hope to have you back for a little bit longer segment. good to hear your perspective.
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let me bring in the panel, kelly o'donnell, jamal simmons, democratic separatist and an-dan, you hear this and it's always interesting it's former lawmakers that seem to be the most ready to be bipartisan. it is apparently very difficult for these guys to do it when they're in office. >> it's exseeingly difficult because they're so pressured by the base of their parties, by sometimes the leadership of their parties by what they hear from back home, by what they said when they went out and campaigned. people get locked into positions and people get locked into this deep partisan polarization that we see, and this is the embodiment of it. it's going to take as senator gregg said, some extraordinary leadership on the part of a number of people to try to get it done, but the campaign that is being waged for the white house this summer and in the fall isn't moving us in that direction. >> we're not having any of this conversation. it's interesting, there was criticism republicans have of what senate democrats are doing.
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i'm going wait a minute, you guys just did this a year ago on debt ceiling. is that the lesson that senate democrats took? well, hey, apparently you got to be willing to actually drive off the cliff to get your way? >> the deadline motivation that has always existed has now gotten to full threatal defcon 5 the end of the world kind of incentive to get people to act. there isn't enough positive incentive politically even in the wider kind of sort of marketplace of ideas. no reward for people to work together. with house republicans a lot of talk about a balanced budget amendment. that puts the brakes on some things if that's not included. it's still early before some of those sort of end of the world scenarios kick in again. but it really is hard for them to do things that get out of their lane as dan said. >> jamal, one of the questions that i hear from sort of people i'd say unaffiliated with either
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side, business leaders, other activists who will sit there and say why won't the president endorse bowles-simpson? answer that question. i've heard an explanation from them, answer. >> i think the reason is because the president spent an entire year and a half going out willing to take on his base, willing to negotiate with republicans without having a partner on the other side. democrats complained a lot. you guys heard it. democrats complained about the president extending his hand, wait too long long. have you ever heard republicans complain about eric cantor extending his hand too much? we've got to hear more of that. democrats draw a line in the sand, stand there firmly. let the republicans get to where they are and cut your deals in the last week. >> and the other explanation i hear is that there's this widely held belief, including among senate democrats that if the president had fully endorsed simple son boles, the only place so see the proposal is on the website, it's like this weird -- is that the
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minute he endorses it, then any republican support goes away. >> yes, i mean that is the explanation you get from people in the white house. people around the president that there is no way that he could have led on that because on tha proposals become instantly toxic. then the question is, how do you get around that? and i don't think that they've found that strategy. >> there's a lot of staff work, working on this -- >> there is! staffers take it very seriously. politicians, we'll see. stick around, i want to talk, a quick preview of mitt romney's overseas trip and an interesting look back on the mitt romney olympics archives. we'll be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen.
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them. >> that was mitt romney at the opening ceremonies of the 2002 winter olympics, you didn't get there on your own was the message there of mitt romney. welcome back to the panel. jamal simmons, kelly o'donnell, dan balz. that was found in our archive as we were digging through, getting ready for the preview of the trip. jamal simmons, you hear that and know that the romney folks were hitting him hard on, "you didn't build it," and he awkwardly say it. >> to the hear, it does sound tough to hear. i think the context, though, when you put this in context, it makes sense. and obviously mitt romney does believe that it takes a village. >> let's talk about romney's foreign policy trip here a little bit. i actually look at what he's doing, and this is -- this couldn't the anymore different than obama's foreign trip.
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i mean, he's really being very careful to limit his risk. very risk-averse trip. >> yes, although all of these trips carry some risk. >> they do, they do. >> which is to say, things happen that are unexpected. and how do you deal with those? the logistics of this trip, very complicated. do they pull it off? do they look like a professional operation? do they look like they're white house ready? there are a lot of things like that. the words that he's likely to speak should not be that difficult. he will be speaking in a number of very friendly countries. he can limit his criticism of the president. so in that sense, the risk is not that huge. >> and kelly, when we're going to hear from him on, he really hasn't espoused a foreign policy. he's been very critical of the president, but doesn't really offer his own prescriptions, because i think there's some hesitance. some risk in that, does he want to look too much like bush/cheney. >> and here he has an opportunity to be viewed on that statesman stage, to see if he
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has parody with people with in, for example, israel and that carries some benefit. >> shameless plugs. >> the redman group, 2:00 p.m. tuesday at center for american progress. they'll have a panel talking about the nra. >> daniel silva's new novel "the fallen angel," wonderful read. >> we will have mr. silva on. >> and we are really happy in our home that our cousin is back from afghanistan, stephanie is a marine officer and she got home safely. >> happy birthday, mom, one day later. that's it for this edition of the daily rundown. coming up next, chris jansing. she is live from aurora, colorado. i'm meteorologist bill karins with your business travel forecast. airport delays are very likely during the late afternoon hours, especially up through new england, all the way back down to philadelphia, baltimore, washington, d.c. everyone has a chance, it seems,
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