tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 17, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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to preclude and nearly 1 million voters lack the primary form of acceptable voter id. it would seem lonely a partisan opinion could sustain the new law. that's "hardball" for now. thank you for being with us. "the ed show" with ed schultz starts right now. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from minneapolis. 81 days until the 2012 election. mitt romney actually picked the perfect running mate. paul ryan lies almost as much as mitt does. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> that gm plant was shut down in 2009. i remember president obama visiting it when he waz first running, saying he'll keep that plant open. >> the romney campaign rolls on, and the lies keep on flowing. >> the president's plan, this goes bankrupt. >> tonight, we'll dig deep on paul ryan's stimulus lie. >> i don't recall. >> and we'll relive a week's worth of deception from the
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republican ticket with big eddy's board of truth. paul ryan gets ready for some assisted lying in florida. >> you wouldn't do that to your mom, would you, tim? >> bewe'll show you the stakes r ending medicare in the sunshine state. >> the obama campaign keeps taxes on the table with a creative offer. >> i never paid less than 13%. >> and the creator of the wire drops the hammer on mitt romney's ridiculous tax rate. >> this game is rigged. >> and could new poll numbers in minnesota mean michele bachmann could be out of a job? >> the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. >> tonight, an "the ed show" penetrating expose. >> this is it for freedom. >> good to have you with us tonight, thanks for watching. it's been seven days since mitt romney had a slip of tongue when introducing his running maim mate. >> in me in welcoming the next
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president of the united states, paul ryan. >> well, that was a mistake. but over the past week, mitt romney and paul ryan have repeated lie after lie after lie. so i thought it would be good if we should just pick up the big eddie board of truth and keep track of the lies from the gop ticket just this week. >> there's only one president that i know of in history that robbed medicare $716 billion to pay for a new risky program of his own that we call obama care. >> oh, the medicare lie, that is a big one. and it helped create more lies to benefit paul ryan. >> this man said, i'm going to find democrats to work with, found a democrat to co-lead a piece of legislation to make sure we can save medicare. >> simply not true. says the very democrat mitt romney is talking about.
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senator ron wyden of oregon said governor romney is talking nonsense. i did not co-lead a piece of legislation. now, let's see. that's two lies so far. what else is there? >> bob played me a tape of one of the ads that president obama has out there. and i just scratch my head. he talked about how wonderful it is and how we're adding jobs in the coal industry and producing more coal. i thought, how in the world can you go out and tell people things that aren't true? >> the president is telling the truth. since 2008, there are more coal jobs, and there is more coal production in the united states. well, the lies just keep on coming. remember this one? >> going out and saying he's going to take the welfare -- excuse me, the work requirement out of welfare, how in the world could he not understand the power of work? >> the work requirement for welfare? isn't going anywhere. this is an outright lie. romney's television ads are lying also.
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>> so now the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a massive new government program. it's not for you. >> it is for seniors. obama care helps seniors pay for medicine and preventive care. >> today's seniors if you will, my plan presents no change. the plan stays the same. romney's plan causes medicare premiums to rise in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. so that's another lie. so let's see now, if you're scoring at home, we're now up to six so far. >> the generation after today's seniors, generations after today's seniors, and the president's plan, this goes bankrupt. under the plan that i proposed, it is solvent. >> ooh, now, this one is a double lie. the medicare trustees say that president obama's plan extends medicare's solancy like eight
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years. meanwhile, the romney/ryan plan would end medicare as we know it. okay. if you're scoring, we're up to eight. and it's not just mitt romney who is lying. >> do you think the obama bailout of the auto industry was a good idea sitting here today? >> didn't help janesville. it didn't help kenosha. shut down the chrysler plant. >> really? even though paul ryan voted for the automobile loan? >> what i voted for was to prevent a worse bailout. >> this din dishonesty count as a lie and so does this. >> i live in janesville, wisconsin. we use today have a big general motors plant. a lot of my high school buddies worked at that gm plant. that plant was shut down in 2009. i remember president obama when he was first running saying he would keep the plant open. one more broken promise. >> now, here's the problem with this lie. the factory ryan is talking
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about was closed under george w. bush. >> good afternoon, i'm here with this update for tuesday june 3rd. rising gas prices and a sluggish economy forcing the hand at general motors. the decision to close janesville's gm plant. >> so we're in double digits now. ten lies in a week. what do you think? can we make it 11? >> you had asked for stimulus money for your district. is that accurate? >> i don't recall. i haven't seen this report so i can't comment on it. >> getting tired yet? i never asked for stimulus money. this isn't just a lie. this is the height of hypocrisy. listen to paul ryan talking ability his stimulus vote in 2010. >> i assume you voted against the stimulus, and i'm just curious if you accepted any money in your district. >> no, i'm not one who vote for people and then writes to the government to ask them to send
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us money. >> ryan has successfully lobbied for federal stimulus funds since 2009. as recently as five months ago, ryan was still securing federal funds for his district. now, letters show ryan's signature on requests for money to invest in green technology and alternative fuels. we would applaud the congressman from wisconsin for the use of good government programs if he wasn't always lying about how bad they are. ryan should probably expect more reactions like the one he got today. >> epitomize what the american idea is all about. >> why did you lie about accepting stimulus funds? >> so what do we have here?
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can you blame the guy for standing up because we have now 11 lies in one week? one week. 11 lies. let me pull a mitt here and make this real easy for everybody to understand. that would be 11 lies and zero lies for the obama campaign. romney and ryan set a high bar for themselves when it comes to deceiving the american public, don't you think? you think they'll get into double figures again next week. gut your cell phones out. tonight's question, who is a bigger liar? mitt romney or paul ryan? text a for mitt romney. text b for paul ryan to 622639. you can go to our blog at and we'll bring you the results later on in the program. >> i can joined tonight by congresswoman gwen moore of the great state of wisconsin. great to have you with us. appreciate your time. you're on the budget committee in the house, which of course, this is the committee that paul
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ryan chairs. is he a hypocrite? >> well, i feel very sorry for paul ryan because paul ryan hails from a district that leans democratic, and so he's done the right thing in stewardship of his district. he's sought stimulus dollars, he sought very, very hard to keep the kenosha plant going. and i was on a letter with him and with both our senators, senators feingold and senator cole trying to get money out of treasury to retool the kenosha plant because i was born in paul ryan's district, and i have a great deal of affection for that community. and now that he is a national player, he's got to walk back from the commitment that he has made to that community. i think that he has succeeded in that community because he was responsive to the needs of the community. and like so many other republicans who wanted to decry the failure of the stimulus on
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one hand, they want to decry it to republican donors. and on the other hand, they want to stand there and pose for holy pictures when those dollars come in. and so -- >> what do -- i mean, if you had to score the first week of the number of lies, how would you characterize their first week on the campaign trail? >> well, let me tell you, ed, it really does cause me pain to hear the romney team claim that they're not going to end medicare as we know it. to hear them talk about how the president has taken $716 billion out of it, out of medicare, but they aren't planning on doing that, when in fact, they have taken that much and more out of medicare with the intention of costing seniors a minimum of $6,400 a year more, and you know, leaving, giving it up to
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the tender mercies of the insurance company. it's been very, very painful. one thing to respect paul ryan for his independence, and it's another thing to see him and mitt romney try to walk back and, yes, i'll use your word, lie, about what their real goals and intentionality is. >> i don't think the democrats in any way, shape, or form can be afraid to tell it like this is, what these two candidates are doing on the campaign trail. they're repeatedly lying to the american people. gwen moore, great to have you with us tonight. thanks for your time. let's turn to richard wolffe. has it been a rough week at the office for this 3wr57bd new ticket that says they have the rk?n for ma >> well, it's not exactly been great, let's face it. mitt romney wheeled out the white board, and one of the signs that you've got that this ticket is struggling here is that they're trying to bring the candidates back together again.
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what you want to do in any campaign, once you get a vp pick, is send them out to different parts of the country. that's where you maximize your reach, you get into the regional media that the single candidates can't do. if you have to bring them back according to reports that mitt romney needs his spirits lifted or you want to build bigger crowds, you're looking at what mccain had with sarah palin. the top of the ticket needs help of the number two pick, and that's a bad dynamic. >> why are they together so soon? >> i think mitt romney has struggled with his message. he has tried to go out there talking about medicare. and ended up talking about his tax returns. talking about medicare at all is off topic. and by the way, just to come back to this question about what the president's doing with medicare, this is a party in the republicans and the top of the ticket that says all the time that the president is doing nothing about entitlements, that he's not facing up to the challenges that medicare faces. and yet when he tries through
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the affordable care act to deal with fraud, waste, and abuse and try to control the rising costs of medicare, they say that that's wrong and evil and raiding seniors. if that's not lying, it's at least rank hypocrisy. >> politico quotes a romney adviser saying that romney and ryan will not be discussing details of the ryan plan. saying that it's not only politically unwise to do that, but it's not how the voters engage in a presidential campaign. i mean, how can they just continue to get away with avoiding specifics? i mean, it's -- is this going to be a shallow campaign? >> well, it already is. but you know, the problem for paul ryan is that when you're on the house budget committee with all due respect to them, it's not the same as being on the national ticket. you face a totally different kind of scrutiny. and here is a guy who has portrayed himself as being serious and intellectually coherent and a fiscal hawk.
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he takes three decades to balance this budget which makes him anything but a fiscal hawk. he's projecting a budget to 2050 and saying that's when it's go to work. that's not worth the paper it's written on. the financial times, my former publication their top op- op-ed columnist has written a searing critique of the paul ryan budget. by incredible, he meant not credible. these numbers don't add up. for someone who says i'm going to balance the budget but wants to cut taxes across the board, there's no way. it's not conservative. it's why newt gingrich said this was radical right-wing social engineering. >> fun to see their tap dance in florida this weekend when it comes to medicare questions. richard woflf, great to have yo with us. remember to answer tonight's question. share your thoughts on twitter@ed show and on facebook. up next, selling the package in florida. the medicare lie to seniors.
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are out, and percentage wise, he pays more than mitt romney. we'll have a full report ahead. the block the vote effort continues in the state of pennsylvania. we'll show you the latest obstacles voters are facing in the state. you won't believe it. and now polling shows that minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann's days in congress could be numbered. her democratic opponent very imgressive guy. jim graves joins me later in the show. share you thoughts on twitter and facebook using the hash tag ed show. we're coming right back. whoa. right? get. out.
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exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. now in two new flavors. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies.
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we will not duck the tough issues. we will lead. >> welcome back to "the ed show." did you hear that? paul ryan says he will not duck the tough issues. but he only mentioned medicare one time today in virginia. tomorrow, he's not going to have that option. ryan and headed to florida where 17% of the population is over 65. 22% of the voters in the 2008 election were retirees. in fact, ryan's targeting a retiree hot spot, the villages. almost 70% of the population there is over 65. 80% usually. they turn out to vote. they're active. this is the customized golf kaurt capital of the world, my friends. the wall street journal says more people collect social
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security in this zip code than any other place in the united states. it's a favorite stop for conservative campaigners, so you think it would be an easy stop for ryan. well, think again. the latest polls show 53% of americans trust president obama over mitt romney to make the right decisions about health care. and even worse for paul ryan, 71% of americans over 65 say that medicare should stay as it is right now under president obama. a mere 23% support the voucher plan that paul ryan has been pushing for months on end. paul ryan could have a serious problem on his hands. his medicare plan tanked in the polls so what is he doing? he's going to bring in the reinforcements. it doesn't get any closer than mom. 78-year-old betty ryan douglass is expected to appear at his side. she's a longtime florida resident and at this point, paul ryan needs all the help he can get. let's bring in mitch seizer,
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chairman of the broward county democratic party in florida and on the executive board of the dnc, and mike pappen tonio with us, attorney and host of ring of fire radio show. first of all, mike, how important is it for medicare to be explains to the florida voters because you know, they have been dealing in bullet points. they have been very effavasive they have not been direct. how important is this issue the the voters down there? >> he's going to need more than mom to explain his position. the problem he has to overcome before he gets there is paul ryan is remembered for the guy who attacked aarp, called them leftists when they came out in support of health care reform. his ara rating, ed, is -- it gauges how well he votes for retiree issues, is a dismal 10%. people in florida, elderly senior citizens keep up with that.
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as a matter of fact, it's one of it lowest in the senate. add to that that ryan has been the voice, ed, that has always been out front talking about privatizing social security. that scares the bejesus out of the elderly in florida. so before he even get to the discussion, he has to overcome all of these threshold issues. if you don't do that by bringing mom with you to explain away those kinds of problems. >> with that being the landscape and paul ryan's history with seniors that way, how is he going to help mitt romney win florida? >> he's probably going to cost him florida. you know, he's bringing more political baggage to florida than a family of five brings to miami beach for the winter. this is a situation where he doesn't realize that about 50% or more of the florida electorate are over 50 years old. so you don't have to be 62 to be worried about medicare. you could be in your 50s like
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myself and as we get closer, we start to think about these things and get concerned. you could be in your 40s and worry about it for your parents. this is a political train heading for derailment and florida will be ground zero when that train goes off the track. >> i mean, it's hard to criticize a mother going out on the campaign trail supporting her son. i mean, everybody american, mother, apple pie, all that stuff. everybody understands that, but mike, if she is saying the same things that her son is saying, she's going to be lying, too. she's going to have to be careful about what she says. how dangerous is this because the gop is out there telling their candidates to invoke their mothers in the commercials and to use them as a prop. what do you make of it? >> there's some things you cannot overcome. the democrats have done a very good job hanging voucher care around mitt romney's neck. he wants to say, he wants to distance himself from it even though his vp has put it on the table.
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but you can't distance yourself from something that's being called voucher care right now. look, a solid 75% of elderly americans don't trust private insurance enough to believe that they can get a voucher from voucher care and get the kind of medical treatment that they get right now. with 80 days left until election, it's very difficult for him to separate himself from this problem that paul ryan brings to the ticket in places like florida. about a third of the very political, very active, elderly voter in the state of florida, they grudgingly say that paul ryan, the republicans, say that paul ryan is a problem for this ticket. and this is a ticket that already had the image of having a war against minorities, a war against women. a war against immigrants, and now it looks like a war against the elderly. to the democrats' credit, they're finally on the offense and putting that right up in paul ryan's face.
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>> what's the best play, mitch, for the obama team right now? does it change anything for them in florida now that ryan is on the ticket? >> well, we have a luxury the republicans simply don't have. we only have to tell the truth. all we have to talk about is the fact that there are over $700 billion in savings, there's no cut to benefits. and let's repeat that, there's no cut to benefits. and yet you have the romney/ryan plan for whatever it is this moment, and that talks about giving unlimited, unwarranted money to insurance companies and to hospitals. and has said to create a voucher system that the congressional budget office which is nonpartisan said will cost up to $6500 a year more. not $500 a more year or $1,500. >> and i don't know how they're going to make the case to seniors down there they're getting screwed. because right now, they're already seeing the benefit of the health care law that was
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passed. mitch and mike, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much from florida. coming up, it just got even harder to vote in pennsylvania. i'm not kidding. there's more information out there. those tough voter id laws, well, they just weren't enough for republicans. see the latest suppression tactic next and what the democrats are going to do. >> paul ryan, what did he do? he released his tax returns today. he paid a larger percentage than his multimillionaire running mate mitt romney. stay tuned. you're watching "the ed show" on msnb krrb. . c. if you are one of the millions of men
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welcome back to "the ed show." thank you for watching tonight. i wish every american would gather the information and comprehend what is happening in pennsylvania. this story, this story is the election. if you take one thing from this broadcast tonight, just remember that ed thinks that pennsylvania is ground zero for our democracy. that's right. the state of pennsylvania is making it even tougher for people to exercise their right to vote. now, i want to say this. what are they teaching in high school government classes across america? that this is a good thing? to make sure that people can't vote, that they have to jump through a bunch of hoops to be able to express themselves on how we should run our country? as we have been reported all week, a jung upheld the state's tougher voter id law this week. the law requires every voter to
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show a valid state id. the civil rights attorneys are appealing, but we don't expect a ruling until the middle of september. so you can't gamble with that. you have to pay attention to detail right now. right now, 758,000 people do not have a valid id. that's over 9% of the state's registered voters. 18% live in urban areas. so almost 1 million people need to get a valid state id in the next 80 days if they want to be able to cast a ballot or they're going to be turned away. and now we have learned -- oh, there's more, pennsylvania is going to make it even harder. isn't it interesting on the very day the judge approved the voter id law, the state killed, eliminated its online registration service. suddenly, you just can't apply for absentee ballots online anymore. you now have to send in the paperwork, the old fashioned way. this is interesting, on one
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hand, you have the righties trying to kill the post office. on the other hand, you have the righties saying you can't go online to take care of your voting issues. you can't register to vote online anymore either. the effort to support the vote appears to be succeeding in the keystone state tonight. this is all about stealing the election. all about making sure that president obama's base doesn't get out to vote. now, you tell me if this is the america you grew up in. i'm joined by stephanie singer, chairman of the philadelphia city commissioners. stephanie, good to have you with us tonight. >> great to be here. >> tell us about the online initiatives. i mean, we're hearing they did it because of budget priorities. what's going on here? >> well, so the -- currently in penpen, we haven't had online registration or online absentee ballot requesting. that was something i was excited to see in the spring when the
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department of state was talking about how they were going to implement it this summer, i was excited about it because it improved access and it's a money saver. it's a great way to cut out some of the paperwork, and make the whole process more efficient. >> so did they stop to do it because of funds or are they just trying to steal the election? what's going on? >> well, i think that they really got overwhelmed with the details of the voter id law. so they have put the legislature passing the law has forced the department of state to spend an enormous amount of resources educating people about the law and just answering the questions from county election officials and clarifying everything that needed to be clarified because the law left a lot of details unclarified. so they have been -- >> now, is their voter fraud in
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pennsylvania? >> impersonation, voter fraud, the kind the voter id is going to take care of, i have seen no evidence of it, none, zero. >> so why is the state so adamant to do this? >> well, the legislature is a republican legislature, and the governor is a republican governor, and our speaker of the house spoke to say that he did it so romney could win pennsylvania. >> that pretty much sums it up. so the bottom line now is that advocacy groups are going to have to collect 758,000 people and get them a valid id. what are the chances of accomplishing even half of that? >> well, one of the things i find so frustrating about at least once a week, someone comes up and says i have a great idea. the city of philadelphia should send mobile vans out to give ids to people. they can go to neighborhoods and people can get the id in their own neighborhood. and i say, that is a fabulous
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idea. the id -- voter id law is carefully written so the city of philadelphia does not have the right to do that. if we -- >> wow. >> the county board of elections, we're allowed to issue little paper voter registration cards saying you're registered to vote, congratulations, but we, the county board of elections is not allowed to issue ids that people can use for voting. >> i tell you what, if anybody has a formula to save pennsylvania for the democrats, i am all ears. i'll devote all kinds of time to it on the program. i got to see the template for how this is going to get done. it is a huge lift. stephanie singer, great to have you with us tonight. all the best. there's a lot more coming up in the next half hour of "the ed show" stay with us. >> the fascination with taxes i paid, i find to be very small minded compared to the broad issues that we face. >> the obama campaign asked mitt romney to make a deal on his tax returns. and the candidate blows it off.
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tonight, patriotic millionaires respond to romney's ridiculous tax rate. >> paul ryan says he likes the band "rage against the machine." but they sure don't like him. we'll tell you about that smackdown ahead. and could michele bachmann's seat in congress be in jeopardy? >> that's our hope. >> we'll talk to the democrat who thinks this is the year to take her job. ♪
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why not get buried in something other than work? get two times the points on travel, with chase sapphire preferred. at my taxes, and over the past ten years, i never paid less than 13%. so paid taxes every single year. >> it's always good to go back and check things out, isn't it? mitt romney says he's never paid lower than a 13% tax rate on his income. i guess we're supposed to trust him on that because he's not releasing any more returns. today, the obama campaign made
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an offer to the romney campaign. release five years of tax returns and we'll drop the issue. jim messina wrote to romney's campaign manager, if the governor will release five years of returns, i commit in turn we will not criticize him for not releasing more. neither in ads nor in other public communications or common tear for the rest of the campaign. pretty easy, right? the obama campaign is requesting romney release returns from 2007 to 2012. the span of years romney has been running for president. seems pretty fair, i think. but the romney campaign, well, they're not taking the bait. the response is, it is clear that president obama wants nothing more than to talk about governor romney's tax returns instead of the issues that matter to voters. but the tax issue does matter to voters. it's about fairness. and not all wealthy folks think and act like mitt romney. david simon, creator of the hbo's "the wire" is just the
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latest patriotic millionaire to hit romney on the tax issue. 13%, he says. the last time i paid taxes at that rate, i believe i might have been in college. if not, it was my first couple years as a newspaper reporter. since then, the paychecks have been just fine, thanks. and i oent don't see any reason not to pay the rate appropriate to my earnings. given that i'm writing the check to the same government that provided the economic environment that allowed for such incomes. joining me tonight is daniel burger, an attorney and member of the group patriotic millionaires. the group is advocating for the expiration of the bush tax cuts for those who earn $1 million or more. great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. romney says that he hasn't paid below 13%. are you buying that? >> ed, thanks for inviting me. it'sigate to be here. his statement today, or
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yesterday, is laughable. you know, i guess there's a twitter feed, right, lol, laugh out loud, at a statement. first of all, there's no reason to believe him. you know, given his reputation for voracity. you know, he's the all-time flip-flopper. but you know, even if you were to believe him, the 13% is way below, you know, what even people in his income bracket are paying. you know, the patriotic millionaires involves people who have an income of a million dollars a year or more, which roughly corresponds to the top 1% of income earners in the united states. and even in that -- even in that category, the 13% is way below what the average people in the top 1% pay. you might remember the warren buffett situation, you know, he said he pays less than his
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secretary. it's, you know, an outrage. it's a disgrace. >> today we learned -- today we learned that paul ryan paid a 20% tax rate in 2011. on a little over the number was $320,000 of income. mitt romney project his 2011 tax rate to be 15.3% on about $20.9 million. i mean, inyou look just at the gop ticket, aren't we just being shown how the system is really unfair? >> well, here's the thing, ed. i think what we have to do is, i mean, you know, in all of the outrage, we have to understand that romney, among his many dubious distinctions, including being the poster child for everything that is wrong with the u.s. economy as a result of involvement with bain capital, is also the poster child for everything that is wrong with the tax system. now, why do i say that? there are two points. number one, he is able to gain
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the system. that's the problem. nobody else can game the system because he can use -- he can use offshore secret tax havens and secret bank accounts to avoid taxes on a massive scale. and he says, well, you know what, it's all legal. yeah, but that's the point. he's gaming the system. he may be technically legal, but you know, we have to hold our president and people who run for president to a higher standard. i hate to quote such a paragon of indecency as newt gingrich, but he was right. what is a person running for president who has a secret offshore account and secret swiss bank accounts? you know -- >> the thing that gets me is how they say, well, we're not going to release any more because we're going to be attacked. well, being in the public arena, that is just part of the arena. do you think president obama has never been attacked?
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my lord, he's been called everything underneath the sun, and the romneys are so concerned that they might get attacked if they release any more tax returns. full disclosure is full disclosure and this guy is not about full disclosure. >> for sure, and you have to think, what are his motives for not releasing his returns? there are two things -- >> i don't think he paid anything. i think harry reid is right. i don't think he's a cartoon character in this deal at all. i think he's got him. i think when the market went down in 2008 and 2009, mitt romney got away with not paying a dime of tax. the only way to find out is if he releases them. daniel, great to have you with us. your group is doing a service to the country. paul ryan says the group "rage against the machine" is his favorite band? wait a minute? the feeling is not mutual. stay tuned, you're watching "the ed show." ...a tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit.
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up next, "rage against the machine" guitarist tom morello rages against paul ryan after the candidate declares his love for the band. and to the big finish tonight. tea party favorite michele bachmann is losing favor in her district here in minnesota. i'll talk with her challenger, jim graves. don't forget, you can listen to my radio show at sirius xm channel 127 monday through friday, noon to 3:00 p.m. and on progressive talk stations across the country. follow me on twitter @ed show and like me on facebook. we're right back after this.
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welcome back to "the ed show." let's see now. they're pro worker, against corporate greed, and paul ryan loves them? that's right, a "new york times" profile reveals that paul ryan the candidate for vice president lists the rap-metal group rage against the machine as one of his favorite bands. today, the group's guitarist tom
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muroorreello said the feeling i mutual. the band's music and political activism do not align with his views. they staged protest concerts at both conventions in 2008, and he was involved in last year's mass protest against scott walker's union busting agenda in wisconsin. he has spoken and performed at occupy wall street camps all across the country. you can see where all of this is going. today, morello blasted ryan in an op-ed for rolen stone calling him the embodiment of the machine our music rages against. he writes that ryan just doesn't get it. don't mistake me, i clearly see that ryan has a whole lot of rage in him, a rage against women, a ridge against imgrnlts, a rage against gays, the poor, the environment, basically, the only things he's not raging against is the privileged elite he's groveling in front of for
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political campaign contributions. you know, i think this geise has it right. cheer up, paul ryan. you can always go hang out with ted nugent. nugent says he's just overcome with giddiness at your place on the ticket. >> tonight in our survey, i asked you, who is a bigger liar, mitt romney or paul ryan? here we go. 71% of you say it's the mittster, mitt romney. and 29% of you say it's the congressman paul ryan. coming up, new numbers show tea party congresswoman michele bachmann is in danger of losing her job this november. could it be real? i'll talk to her democratic challenger jim graves next. [ engine idling ]
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welcome back to "the ed show." the big finish tonight, ooh, we're seeing signs that tea party rock star michele bachmann could be in real danger of losing her house seat this year. she won her primary on tuesday, but got the lowest vote percentage for someone in her position since 1962. bachmann's drawing heavy criticism recently for her witch hunt against muslims in the united states government. and tuesday's results show voters are fed up with her behavior in washington. beyond the primary, recent numbers from a democratic pollster show that bachmann has got a 51% unfavorable rating. it also shows her with only a five-opponent lead over her
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democratic opponent jim graves. bachmann's long history of reckless rhetoric finally seems to be catching up to her and there's been a lot of rhetoric. >> now we have moved to the realm of gangster government. we have gangster government. >> how about delling you what light bulb you can use. >> i want people armed and dangerous on this issue. >> our founders thought taxation without representation was bad. what would they think of representation with taxation? i don't know what's going to happen. >> this is the crown jewel of socialism. >> it's socialized medicine. >> socialized medicine that's going to kill the country. >> socialism is a principle that i reject. >> socialized medicine is the heart and soul and the crown jewel of socialism. >> joining me tonight is jim graves, democratic candidate for u.s. congress in the sixth district of minnesota.
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running against incumbent michele bachmann. great to have you with us tonight, jim. is michele bachmann now being recognized in her own district as out of the mainstream, reckless, as the view of michele bachmann changed over the years by constituents? what are you hearing? >> ed, no question about it. she is out of touch. the people in the district are fed up with her antics. she's wearing thin. and we're hearing it up and down the streets of the district. people want a change. they want a business person. they want somebody who can actually represent them in congress and being there for the people. she's not. she's out and about on her own agenda and people are sick of it. >> she says that -- she called obama care socialized medicine. she says that will kill the country. will you run on the health care bill? would you go to constituents, people you want to have their support and say this is a good bill and we need to make it better? >> well, you know, ed, it's a good bill in many ways and we can make it better and it's a good start.
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and by gosh, heretofore, we knew it wasn't working. we have to move forward, bend the health care costs, but by gosh, we're moving forward and doing something. she doesn't want to do anything. she wants to go back to the old ways and let the big insurance companies and everybody run this thing. we need to give back to the people what they need, which is good access to health care for everybody. >> you're a successful businessman, you hire union help, you believe in paying a living wage. your employees are happy. i have spoken to them. you want to, after all the success you had in the private sector, you want to join a group that has a 10% approval rating across the country. what is motivatingia to run for congress? >> well, ed, i think i can make a change for the better. i know how to do it. i have done it in business. we bring people together. we find real solutions to the real problems. we don't try to make these things just so we can get re-elected. we can get some money into the
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coffers like michele bachmann does. i really want to go to congress and actually represent the people and get the thing done. get jobs on the ground where we need them, we need to get the middle class working again. i have a lot of good employees, and these people need good jobs. they need livable wage jobs, access to health care education. thaw want to pay for their homes. they want the same things everybody wants. that's what i'm going to represent, those people, the people of the district. i'm not going to represent some tea party or try to get on some other news channel or be a excellent. i'm going to work for the people, serve the people. i'm in the hospitality business. if your folks come online and help us out, she's got a virtual atm machine. she says crazy things and it raises money. if we can get the money in through, we're going to take her on and win this on november 6th and bring it back to the people and make congress more civil and more functional and make it happen. >> jim graves, thanks for joining us tonight. we should also point out that you and
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