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tv   Lockup Wabash  MSNBC  August 19, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> give me the respect and courtesy of a human being, not a animal and you'll receive the same. >> the killer of the correction's officer, fights to be freed from 16 years of solitary confinement boyhood friends struggle to father their
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kids from behind prison walls. but one, cut off from visits with his son, is on the razor's edge. >> i get hurt a lot and a seek revenge for all of that. >> hey, loweholy goads. >> a committed murderer, they suspect he's a front for white supremacist gangs and we've turned our cameras over to the inmates to share personal thoughts in the privacy of their yells. >> wabash, welcome to the belly of the beast. >> i hate wabash. they make sure you know you're in prison every day.
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>> who wants to be locked in another room with a man for 19 hours a day? three of the half hours that we come out is to go and get the worst food you've ever ate in your life. i don't even know how they call it food. >> every day, things people take for granted, we would cherish right now. >> wabash valley correctional facility, a maximum security prison on the western edge of indiana, the centerpiece of the rural town of carlyle. tin may it population outnumbers local residents, 4-1. many of indiana's most violent defendesfend sfend offenders ar here. >> it could be murder, involuntary manslaughter, battery, assault. >> the most violent of these offenders are housed in
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single-person cells, 23 hours a day, in the secured confinement unit. >> 1205. >> few, however, are more notorious than leonard here, who has spent 16 years here. >> he's still is escorted anywhere he goes. he has a two-man escort. he's cuffed behind the back. his recreation is he's in solitary by himself. his activities are kind of limited. it's all just by himself. that unit is designed for people like him. everybody in there knows his history. >> the most infamous chapter of mcway's history occurred when he was serving time at indiana state prison 17 years earlier, when he stabbed a correction's officer to death. >> we approached him from the front, according to reporting, stabbed him one time in the front chest area which broke a rib and he stabbed him with such force. the sound of it targeted another staff member that was one rooing over to respond. when he responded he actually
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observed the second stab to the back. according to the reports. before the officer actually died, they said that he told them he didn't know if he would make it or not and mcquay did it. >> he was sentenced to an additional 60 years after being found guilty of murdering the officer. despite the eyewitness accounts, he still proclaims his innocence. >> it's been a long ride, but, hey, i've maintained my balance and my mental health. >> he will soon reach a milestone. his time in confinement is about to surpass the years he spent free in the outside world. >> you know how sometime you can be in the environment like this and a person begins to see you
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as a mad dog. like every chance you get you're just going to lose control or you're going to slap on somebody and that's not me. >> periodically, he fileses to be moved back to joan population where he would have considerably more privileges. >> i still believe that leonard mcccqyay. >> we all get along with leonard. he's very likable. very charismatic. so friendly. but he's so overly friendly. it's so fake. it's not for real. >> since coming here, he's been involved in several incidents that have enforced his violent reputation. >> a few years ago mcway was on
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the rec pad and he asked for a basketball and when they went to hand him the basketball he come through the door and pushed his way through and begin assaulting a couple of the staff members. and several staffers responded along with myself and -- there was about six of us -- finally, to restrain him and get him down on the ground and get him in cuffs. >> sometimes emotionalism can push you over the edge. sometime you can regret after becoming so emotional, the things that you do, especially when you know that one action can result in a lifetime of misery. >> he says he's had a spiritual awakening since converting to islam. >> it's a reflection of a new person, of a new man, a changed man. >> mcquay is not the only inmate that says he's gone through a spiritual transformation since
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coming to prison. marcus murray, a self-proclaimed priest of a little-known germanic pagan religion. >> asatru is the prechristian religion of northern europeans. hail all ye, holy gods. hear me now your son of -- >> this has proven popular among predominantly white inmates. he said he discovered it shortly after coming to wabash 11 years earlier. he's serving a 60 year sentence for beating another man to death and says asatru which worships nordic gods has helps him coming to grip with the murder. his many prison tattoos are symbols of his faith.
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>> they're all oriented. viking age is a large portion of this. study the viking age history. >> a prison officials have begun to see this as something else. a front for white supremacist gangs. asatru members have been allowed to hold services at some prisons but wabash has banned such gatherings. >> the white supremacy gang members are using the services to have their gang meetings within the services themselves and it's been quite disruptive at the other facilities. >> murray denies any ties to white supremacist gangs and has decided to file a grievance to appeal the ban of group meetings. >> it's not gang. it does not promote gang mentality or any criminal elements at all the. it's a religion based on virtue and knowledge. >> the ban also hasn't stopped murray from recruiting new
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members. his latest, william jones jr. >> marcus has been teaching me about what the hammer means. what the different gods and goddesses are. >> jones, who also denies being a white supremacist, came to wabash three years ago at age 18 and sentenced to six years for burglary. >> i was hanging out with the wrong people and i strung out on drugs and broke into a house and took a tv and a bunch of other little items like a tattoo gun and took them and sold them for drugs. >> the house he robbed was his father's. >> my dad called the police he was like, a struggle to believe it was my son, junior. and it killed him to do it. >> jones says he would like to rebuild a relationship with his father and will soon have the chance. he leafs prison on parole in one
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week. >> you're not enjoying the weather, are you? why would you enjoy the weather, man? you get the enjoy all that when you go home next week. >> next thursday. >> he wants to be influenced. he's still being molded as a man. you know? he's still a kid and he's turning into somebody. >> delivering papers? >> no. that's just temporary. until i can find a real job. >> i'm just glad you have aspirations. >> what the hell does that mean? >> coming up -- >> i got a $100 bill tattooed on my penis. >> two boyhood friends find themselves at a crossroads. >> i'm asking you to open your heart. >> and leonard tries to rehab his image. >> i treat him with respect but i do not trust him. dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar
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commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. as you can clearly see from this attractive graph... that our sales have increased by... sorry, my liege.
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honestly. our sales have increased by 20%. what is this mystical device i see before me? it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. vo: with an ultrabook, everything else seems old fashioned. introducing the ultra sleek, ultra responsive ultrabook. a whole new class of computers powered by intel.
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>> i recognize that i got a family out there that really needs me. they've spent a lot of time away from me. can't say i've always been the best for them. as a matter of fact, their lives probably would have been a lot better without me in it. >> the wabash valley correctional facility is isolated with miles of corn and soybean fields in southwestern indiana. some of the state's most violent inmates are housed here. and they've been known to hurt each other. james stone has been in prison for the past 25 years for attempted murder. and he's had more than a few scrapes in that time. while some inmates have been known to create knives out of toothbrushes or nearly anything else, several years ago, when stone was at another prison, he
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devised a more unique weapon. >> a cheese grader. inside of the welding glovers i take off the pads, dipped them in the varnish and put the pads on top of the varnish. let it dry until it got good and tacky. drip it back to the varnish. then went over to a drill press would the curly queand then i l them dry and ran them through the top layer of the varnish in the can so it would keep them from breaking off and let them dry on your hands while your hands stay bald up. and once they dried, they last forever. every time you hit someone it's like taking cheese and -- through a grade rechl achlgrade.
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it's like miking slaw. >> once boyhood friends on the outside, they now rely on each other for survival on the inside. >> we met like a different places we hung out when we was, what -- 13, 14? at the latest, maybe even 12. >> robby is serving six years for armed robbery and is no stranger to prison. >> i'll be 23 in a couple of days and with parole violations all together, i've came to prison five times. ain't none of it been for a long time but if i keep coming eventually it's going to be and i don't want that. i really don have nobody out there. i wish i had some place to go. i wish i could get on my feet and get a job and live life productively. yoopt want to keep coming here. this ain't for me.
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he'll help me stay out, right, you hear me? >> you already know. >> unlike his boyhood friend who has been in and out of prison five times, this is bradley's first time behind the walls. but as a juvenile, he was twice placed on house arrest. now he's serving 16 years for burglary and criminal gang activity. >> when i heard my sentence, i was crying. at 18, getting 16 years, you know, it seemed like forever. it seemed like, oh, man, i ain't never getting out. we got a good relationship. we talk to each other crazy. smack each other around when nobody is looking. but -- >> no matter, it's always automatic good right afterwards. >> even though the two are from the same hometown, their lives in prison would make it seem like they're from different sides of the tracks. >> his tv is just a little older
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model. and my tv is one of the flat screens they started selling. it's expensive but it's just a bigger picture, you know what i mean? everything in here is ours. you know? it's not whatever is mine is his and whatever his is mine and that's the way we live. you know what i mean? thanks to support from his family, napier also has more to spend at tcommissary so once a week he loads up. >> he needs to carry half of everything. >> robby. damn, mother [ bleep ]er. >> why would you just grab at it? >> all of this goes in one box. we both eat out of it. he doesn't have a lot of the
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things going for him that i have so it's hard for him to stay on the right path. >> one thing he does have, an abundance of tattoos. >> i got these from my dad, the praying hands. that's my mom's name in the heart. honor your mother and father. and then the southside, the neighborhood i'm from. over here, money bags. some naked girls. and money, that's all clowns up there. and not too much meaning behind those. >> don't you got a $100 bill? >> i do got a $100 bill tattoo. >> where is that at? >> it's crazy, bro. >> i got a $100 bill tattooed on my penis. [ laughter ] >> so what do you tell the girls about that, man? >> that's money to blow. >> the imagery on his body only tells part of his story. it's the pictures he keeps tucked away in a photo album that tell the rest.
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>> look at that. >> he hadn't seen his son, 3-year-old robby, iii, in more than two years. he's had a contentious relationship with his son's mother. >> since i came back to prison. me and her got into it when i came back to prison and i ain't seen him at all and it's been 26 months ago. >> napier is also the father of a young boy, 2-year-old bradley jr. >> this is what he sent me for my birthday. another little thank that came with that he colored on and put stickers all over. that's my world, my life zbhooir like other aspects of their friendship, their relationships to their sons are also marked by a have and have-not quality. unlike mcanelly napier enjoys regular visits with his child. >> i couldn't go what he's going through what he's going through, not seeing my son and stuff, i don't know, but there's a reason behind it. there's no reason behind 26 months. that's just how it is. >> we're in two different
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places. >> he longs for a visit with his son, marcus murray has been playing father figure and teaching his religious beliefs to william jones jr. jones has only two days before he leaves prison on parole and murray says he hopes this will help keep him from returning to prison. >> when you're hanng out at the house and you realize you got bills to pay or something like that that and somebody comes er and they offer you the opportunity for you to make a little bit of easy cash, go rob something, things go bad. things break bad. people get involved. people that were not supposed to be there come out with shotguns and you get killed. you end up being another justin. another heart break i have to deal with. >> i'm not going to die. >> i've been through this before. i've had friends of mine that i had taken under my wing, youngsters that get out before i do, anyway, and they get out there and they mess up.
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and in fact, i lost a friendbility six years ago, justin, he got shot by a police officer in indianapolis. so i feel like i failed him. >> i'll send you a card for every month you're out there. if you come back, i'll send a blanket party your way. >> i'm not coming back. >> all right. thank you. >> coming up, leonard gets the -- >> my supervisors thought i had lost my mind. >> and later, marcus murray lashes out when a member says the wrong thing. >> you just made us look like a bunch of [bleep]ing as. chewy g. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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where i every day i do me some curls, right? i do these. and i do what they call shrugs. i do these. and then back arms, like this. and like this. it's probably about 55 or 60
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pounds. >> he's spent years trying to earn his way back into general population. but his history as a violent offender continues to haunt him. >> i basically engaged in what i consider to be the emotional response to be disrespect. >> i was warned when i came into this job, regarding offender leonard mcquay. he's very, very smart and very, very clever. he can talk a great talk. >> though caseworker beverly gilmore has raised serious questions about mcmcquay's trustworthiness her goal is to give segregation inmates an opportunity to prove themselves. so she recently made a controversial decision. after mcquay successfully completed a prison life skills program she gave him a job many his housing unit. >> i made him a sanitation worker. that was to the dislike of some of my supervisors.
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they thought that i had lost my mind. i would never, they say, let him be getting out of his cell. and i said with let's give him a chance. i talked to leonard, i said one time, buddy, you passing a scrap of paper to another offender, you will be without your job. and we are watching him probably more closely than we are any, at least, this ms. gilmore is because i've got something to prove because i think he can do it. >> change is gaged by behavior. if you are actually changing, your behavior must change. and i believe my behavior has changed. >> may quite hopes a positive job performance will help him win his transfer and his fate will be determined at his next review, which is less than a week away. >> the bottom line is, i'm still somebody that deserves respect. to be treated like a human being. and if it's given to me i'll give it. treat me like a human being. give me the respect and courtesy
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of i human being and not a animal and you'll receive the same. >> coming up, an asatra refor r er speaks.
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three other nato soldiers were killed in a roadside bomb in the central part of the country. and the west nile virus spraying getting unway in the dallas area. 14 have died and hundreds have been sickened. storms have interrupted the spraying over the past few days. and now, back to "lockup."
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>> isolated in rural, south we were indiana, a wabash valley correctional facility is more than 100 miles from a major urban center. but it has plenty of reminders of urban problems behind its walls. >> wabash valley has approximately 43 different gangs, approximately around 400 different gang members. that doesn't reflect all of our suspected members. those are all confirmed members. and we have approximately somewhere between 200 to 300ing expected gang members. >> they are mostly divided along racial lines but the majority of gangs here belong to white supremacist gangs like the arian brotherhood and the knights. prison officials suspect that a growing religious group mean the as asatra might be a front for white supremacist gangs. marcus murray, one of asatra's
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leader at wabash, denies that. >> there has never been anything in my studies that says one race is more dominant over another. one culture more dominant over another nor any religion. asatru believes believe that our religion is fine. your religion is fine. >> guy ratcliff who has been practicing asatra for several years says through is one group that's not welcome. >> if we find out that somebody in the asatra community was a child molestation, he would be banned from the community. he cannot participate. it's a by law. you cannot be a sex offender and be a asatra. >> rat cliff who used another accepted pronunciation of the group's name defended the fact that some members have swastikas tattoos on their body. >> the swastika was around a long time before adolph hitler come along, okay?
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now, i don't have nothing against uncle adolph. but he took something from my religion which was a sun wheel and made it part of his party. it goes back to ancient civilizations. they had a swastika in persia, way before national socialism came along. >> while radcliffe defended asatra, his comments disturbed murray who let him know how much when he returned to his cell. >> you just made us look like a bunch of [ bleep ]. >> i tried to talk about this with you. i swear i did. >> sorry, marcus. i [ bleep ]ed up, i'm sorry. i apologize. try not to get mad at me, man. >> it's hard not to. you just sank my boat. >> later, we told murray we recorded his exchange with radcliffe and asked hill to
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explain it. >> i was a little mad at him. i mean, he didn't mean any harm, he just, you know, ignorant of the conduction of leadership roles and i think that now that he has seen, you know, that it upset me and knows that it's not really how we do business, i think he's changed his point of view. >> murray hopes to also change the point of view of prison officials. he will soon have a hearing with administrators to appeal their ban on group worship services among asatra members. and to have it removed from the list of security threat groups. robby mcnelly faces a different challenge. he not only feels isolated from his young son, but from his boy madonna friend who just happens to be his cell mate. >> with my celly, i've been knowing him for years, even before we came to prison.
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but i got my problems that i ain't seen my son in two years. and [ bleep ] he gets to trip and act like he knows how i feel and stressing hard or not when he don't see his son for a week he gets visits every week. everything that's possible to get in here he's got it and i'm in here all [ bleep ]ed up. >> serving six years for armed robbery wears his frustration in prison ink. >> that says "vengeance." i've had a lot of wrong done to me. i've been hurt a lot and i seek revenge for that. i had a lot of animosity built up when i got it. i'm hoping i can let things go now. just for my sake and my son's sake. ain't worth it to come back to prison over. >> he points to another tattoo, as the source of his frustration. >> the mother of my child. i'm kind of mad at her that she's holding my son from me.
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>> but that could be changing. arecent letter and her submission of a visitation request, are indications that she's planning to bring his son to see him. >> this ain't the first time she says she's going to come visit and let me be in his life and then all of the sudden she falls off again. so i mean, i'm not really going to get my hopes up. last time i seen him he couldn't walk at all or talk, nothing. i can't wait to see him. >> while he clings to the hope that the visit will take place, list cell mate, brad napier is enjoying a i have sis with hisself son and his son's mother. >> say, touchdown! >> touchdown! >> bradley talks about his datd all the time. when he pull up and he sees the guard tower. he says "daddy's house." inside you're like, great, he sees a guard tower and razor wires and thinks of his dad but in another sense, that is his dad's house and he's excited to see him.
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>> this type of one-on-one between an inmate and his child is rare in most maximum security prisons where visits typically take place in a large common area, choked with noise and distractions. but napier's session is in a private playroom. it's part of the prison's fatherhood program. >> fatherhood program is great, man, because i get to spend a lot more time with my son. i get to come in this visiting room and in this visiting room, everything is great. it's one-on-one. me and him running around here, playing ball. >> the monthly visits are carefully monitored by the program'scoordinator, joshua cull cullens. >> even though they're in prison that doesn't give them a cop out not to be a bad. >> you're okay, buddy. get up. >> come on, let me kiss it. tell daddy to kiss it. say, kiss it.
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>> you'll be all right. >> you're all right. >> mr. napier, have a seat. >> following each visit, napier undergoes a review. >> let's talk about bradley cryi crying. >> when he cries i say, get up, you're fine. he's raised by a whole bunch of women. you know? and little boys raced by a whole bunch of women get babied and i don't want my son to grow up getting babied all the time. he needs to have a little bit of toughness about him. the world is tough, you know what i mean. get up, you got to go on anyway. >> i understand where you're coming from. i want to give you a suggestion. it's okay for him to cry. it's okay for you to say that he's okay. and then address the situation and move on. it kind of seems that some of your patterns came from just quick fix, let's get him on to something else so he stops what
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he's doing. it's okay to acknowledge that he's crying and find out why and move on from there. you understand what i'm saying? >> okay. >> appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> no problem. >> i like to hear insight on what people think about how i am as a father. i'm going to give it some thought about it one but i know how to be a father. i've done good with it, you know. >> coming up, william jones says good-bye to his mentor and hello to life on the outside. >> don't come back! >> and leonard mcquay argues for a transfer out of confinement. y? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united.
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>> a lot of people forgot about me. they act like i'm dead. all the people won't write me. shut off everything to me. i keep them going and i help me stay strong and you don't even
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know it. you know? >> as the predawn darkness hangs over indiana's wabash valley correction facility, most of the 2200 convicted felons housed here were treated as one more routine day of incarceration. but not william jones jr. today, after three years, he's going home. >> how do you feel? >> nervous. i'm happy to leave but it sucks that i have to leave people in here. >> the one inmate he most hates to leave behind is his close friend and spiritual mentor, marcus murray, serving 60 years for murder. >> what's up, man? >> it's going to be hard, dude. >> you're going to miss me, you know it? >> i'm not going to miss you. oh, man. be cool, man. >> yeah. >> all right? >> all right.
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>> while jones spends his final moments in prison outside the walls, his older brother, casey and casey's family arrive to pick him up. >> me and my brother are pretty close. i'm just glad i get to pick him up and not have to leave him here. i've been up here like eight different times. it was hard. >> have a good one, bro. good luck and stay out of here. >> appreciate it, man. >> good luck, man. >> it feels different. i guess there's nothing like walking out of prison, i guess. >> all right. >> being in jail is not real good. i don't like it. >> what's your name? >> jones. >> here's your cloth tes. >> thank you. >> get your property and we'll
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escort you out of here. >> i'm releasing one from gate two. let's go. >> be right with you, ma'am. come on, billy, run to me. >> don't come back. i don't want to see you no more. >> no, i ain't coming back. >> one step at a time. >> get him, sissy. >> a little bit normal? >> yeah. >> let me do the honors! >> cigarettes are in the car. >> give me a hug! >> taking pictures? >> finally! >> all right, everyone in?
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>> while jones savors his first moments of freedom, back inside wabash, convicted murderer leonard mcquay fights for a different kind of freedom. he has a review hearing with his case manager to determine if he's ready to be released back into general population. from administrative segregation, the only world he's known for the past 16 years. >> you're going all the way out with it ain't you? do it all? >> the prospect of mcquay, can killer of a correction's officer being released back into general population, naturally, has some staff on edge. >> offender mcquay, he comes off as a very well-spoken polite, individual. that being said, he does have the conduct history, assault on staff, the murder charge of a staff member from a previous facility. so even though he does come across as a polite individual
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you always have to keep that in mind when you're dealing with him. >> they're so evil out there. they're so ball-bearing, putting all them chains on that guy like that. >> i do not trust him. i treat him with respect, but i do not trust him. >> the last time mcquay had a review with his case manager, beverly gilmore, she approved his request for a job. he hopes he can now persuade her that he's ready for general population. >> hello, mr. mcquay. >> how are you? >> i'm all right, ms. g. how you be? i got my presentation for my review. >> mr. mcquay, what makes you a good candidate for release from administrative segregation into the offender general population? >> i've engaged in rehabilitation that has allowed me to take a retrospeculative like, not only at my past,
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violent behavior, and my new more humbled progressive behavior. and i believe that i've made some significant strides in my social relationship with staff. >> all right, leonard, eye talk a mighty fine talk. however, how are we to be assured that you actually have soaked this in and believe it down into the bone and marrow? >> i'm asking, yous with mrs. gilmore and i'm asking the administration here, to open your hearts and look at me as a human being who has made some terrible mistakes and who has come back in the grave. i'm a new man. the only way this new man can shine is that you give me the opportunity. please, give me a chance, that's all i need and i won't let them down, ms. gilmore. >> i'll summarize that in a
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statement. >> thank you, mr. mcquay. >> all right. >> they got reason to be concerned because of, you know, prior incidents, you know, associated with me. and the only way that they can see that i'm not only a changed man, but i'm ready to do something different with my life, is to let me have an opportunity. i haven't had a chance. that's what i'm hoping for. >> coming up, marcus murray defends asatra. >> you have a salute, kind a like a lot of white supremacists do. >> and a decision is handed down on leonard mcquay. down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar
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commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. welcome to the sleep number store's biggest sale of the year. not just ordinary beds on sale, but the bed that can change your life on sale. the sleep number bed. never tried this before. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the hips. take it up one notch. oh gosh, yes. when you're playing around with that remote, you get that moment where you go, "oh yeah" oh, yeah! ... and it's perfect. right now, every sleep number bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599.
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♪ >> that's my little boy right around my birthday.
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here's the day he was born. i don't know, what the hell. >> robbie has been in prison for a little more than two years. in all that time, he hadn't had a single visit with his 3-year-old son. recent contact with the child's mother had given him hope that a visit might be imminent, but now the child's mother represented in a tattoo on his arm, has changed her plans. >> she been talking about for the past two and a half months now, i'll be there. i'll bring tre down there and now all of the sudden, she's too busy. i think i'm going to turn night a clown, bro. >> whatever. don't do it. you talk a game. you love that girl. >> i love her but she ain't worth a [ bleep ]. >> you're just talking. >> she ain't worth a blooirn [ bleep ]. >> later, he revealed one of the
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reasons why the mother of his child massn't follow tlud on visits. he said there was an incident that happened before he came to prison. something he rarely talks about. >> it was a domestic battery and i haven't seen him since then which was -- yeah. that's the last time i seen him was the fight that that happened. >> he can only accept the consequences of his actions and do little to control developments with those he's left behind on the outside. but today, marcus murray is hoping to make a big change on the inside. >> how you doing? >> he filed a grievance to have asatra removed from the list of the prison's security threat groups, or gangs. today, security threat group coordinator, robby marshall, and assistant superintendent, jeek hendricks, have granted murray a hearing on the matter. >> if you were in a leadership position and you saw someone coming into your community or into your services with ill will or intent to participate in a
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security threat of activity what would your take on that be? >> i would tell them to go back from where they came. there's no reason to bring ill will into the place. it's a sacred place. if one person is sick in the group and then we're all sick. and if you're in the community, you have a say-so and if it's anything that's kind of controversial, it does get voted on. >> can you elaborate on that a little bit is this. >> let's say somebody had a new idea for how we salute each other or something like that and -- >> you say "slight" you mean greeting someone? >> a particular handshake or something. you know, like as a fraternity, people like to set themselves apart. >> you stated that you or your community have a greeting that you refer to as a salute, can you show me what that refers to? >> i never said that? >> no. >> you mean we say something, we say hail sa, which means hello
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and good health. >> so you were not referring to a gesture. >> no. >> okay. >> a hand or a body language or anything like that. >> no snee kind of like a lot of white supremacist do. the hitler salute. >> no, sir. >> i guess i have one major question here. what is your input on other races joining your community? >> we will discriminate against no one. regardless of race, gender, sex, yesterday, nationality, origin or of their religion. we won't discriminate from that. >> if you had a minority in a leadership role? >> no we haven't. >> if that opportunity arose would that be allowed? >> yes, it would. >> mr. hendricks, do you have any more yes sfs. >> not today. >> marcus, do you have any questions for us? >> no, i don't. >> thank you very much. >> a final decision could still be weeks off but the wait is over for leonard mcquay. prison officials have denied his request to be moved back to general population. >> he seems like he has
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everything in the world going for him. but when you really sit down and you really listen, off the unit, when he thinks that you can't hear him talking, some of the things that he talks about, negative towards staff, staff persons when a staff person was assaulted by another offender in another cell house, he was ap d applauding. that's a tell tale sign that he's not ready. >> i don't want to lose my mind on a unit like this. . i don't want to physically deteriorate where i can't get no help. i want to actually be given an opportunity to do something progressive with my life back here in solitary connement i can't do that.


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