tv MSNBC Live MSNBC August 21, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> the condemnation is deafening. romney is slamming his remarks. he did not ask akin to step down. >> his comments about rape were deeply offensive and i can't defend what i said. i can't defend him. >> do you think for the benefit of the party, sir, he should drop out? >> well the thing he should consider is what is in the best interest of what he believes deeply and what will help the country at this critical time. >> you have said that todd akin should drop out of the race. mitt romney would not go that far. did he miss an opportunity to state that what congress member akin said is not acceptable and has no place in the party and he should step down? >> chris, i don't think you could have been any clearer. >> the question is should he step down and he did not say that. he would not say that todd akin
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should step down. >> democrats are doing all they can to link paul ryan and todd akin pointing to the bill redefining rape. this all at the same time that reports have come out that ryan has personally called akin and asked him to exit the race. president obama stepped into this in the briefing room. >> rape is rape. the idea we should be parsing and qualifying and slicing what types of rape we're talking about doesn't make sense to the american people. certainly doesn't make sense to me. >> here's the latest twist. republican leaders are dropping akin like a hot potato, the party is embracing the akin/ryan position on rape and abortion. nbc news confirming the draft language for the official platform ahead of the convention in tampa calls for a human right
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amendme amendment in all circumstances, including rape. one of the most outspoken for women rights on capitol hill is the democratic congresswoman. she recalled the women against violence accounts and recounted her own rape. >> violence, domestic violence has been a thread throughout my personal life, up to and including a child repeatedly sexually assaulted and up to including being an adult who has been raped. >> congress member gwen moore joins us. i want to show the clip from todd akin. take a look. >> rape is an evil act. i used the wrong words. for that, i apologize.
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>> akin has apologized twice in 24 hours. are akin's words of apology enough? >> thomas, this issue is not about words. it's about beliefs. i don't believe mr. akin is a rapist, by any means. the fact is, he is a sponsor of major legislation that redefines rape. while he is the fall guy being asked to get out of town by sundown, there are 232 other people who voted for changing the definition of rape. legitimate rape, forceable rape. i can tell you we had the publisher of the "milwaukee journal sentinel" along with the commissioner of health be commissioned by united way to do a study on teen pregnancy here in our town. milwaukee had been in the top
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ten for teen pregnancy for decades. six years ago, the study found that 71% of underage pregnancies were as a result of adult men impregnating underage girls. the problem with his words and his apology is it perpetuates the, oh, she wanted it frame of mind. that somehow the victim is responsible for her own rape. >> congresswoman. >> i can tell you -- >> quickly as we talk about this and you point out the great distinction. action matters too. the republicans have drawn connections with todd akin and paul ryan now especially since the war on women and the words
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have erupted the co-sponsoring of the h.r. 212, the sanctity of human rights and the h.r. 3805. the ultrasound informed consent act. ensuring women seeking an abortion would receive an ultrasound. yesterday, senator mccaskell called the comments a peek behind the curtain. as we get the full look at what's happening now with todd akin, are we supposed to really pay attention to the deeds and actions of what the voting records are for akin and paul ryan and the works they sponsored together? >> you know, thomas, i think that's why they want akin to hit the road because if they peek behind the curtain, they will see that not only has paul ryan co-sponsored and voted for all of these bills, but 232 other
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republicans share this point of view. they may not have said it, but they share the point of view. this might not only imperil the seat in missouri that they thought was low-hanging fruit, but all down the ticket, the american people will be able to see the real platform of the republican party is. no longer will people be able to rely on voting republican like my daddy and grand daddy did. this is not your grandfather's gop. >> you know, at the end of the day as we look at this, the main players in the latest debate of social issues, todd akin and paul ryan and the president, they all have one thing in common. they are men. what is your take on the women's issues being thrashed in the public forum by men? >> well, you know, they don't want to call it a war on women, fine. i can tell you that these
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attitudes perpetuate the rape syndrome and really excuse the rapist from his behavior and blame it all on women. you know, while some teen mom age 16 or 15, is out there being denied all kinds of benefits and reviled for being a loose woman and some 20-year-old man is supported in i didn't really rape her. she asked for it. she just wanted it. >> congresswoman gwen moore, i appreciate it. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> i want to bring in our panel. we have ruth and keith and sofia. great to have you all here. ruth, i want to get to you and akin's apology ad.
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you make the argument that akin is focused on self preservation. is what we are seeing here an attempt at self preservation? >> i can't get inside anybody's head. i think there is self preservation to go around. one is gravity of the comments which are dragging him down. the other is momentum. you can see his party pretty much pushing him out the door. so, whether it is an authentic apology or inauthentic apology, we will not have him to kick around much longer. >> i will play the comments on the huckabee show yesterday. >> we will win this race. >> so the right is trying to
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terminate akin and his candidacy. predicting akin will not leave the race today. keith? >> he is saying exactly what the republican party has been saying for the past god knows how many years. why not drop out if you believe this? they will say it again in the 2012 platform. this is where the v.p. is on terms with redefining forceable rape. after he goes out and says that, mitt romney seeks his support. the party is opposed to women's rights. this is a reaffirmation. >> sofia, despite the uproar, i want show everybody the poll
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showing he is one point ahead of the candidate. could akin actually win this thing? >> i think absolutely not. what i would like to offer, thomas, is the political analysis. mitt romney has a problem on his hands as long as the native continues that the republican party, which is mostly white and male has declared war on women. how do you come out of forceable rape and non-forceable rape and date rape? the president has a 15-point lead on the gender gap. i think mitt romney was tepid yesterday in the denouncing of akin. he said it was reprehensible. he needed to stand up like the leader of the republican party and say this is a new republican party.
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this is a party that doesn't declare war on women. akin needs to be run out on a rail by every republican leader. they are playing footsie on this. it offends me as a woman. >> if he has co-sponsored h.r. 202 and h.r. 3805. h.r. 212 is a bill that is the personhood amendment. you are familiar it would ban invitro fertilization. his grandchildren have been brought into this world enthusiasm invitro. their kids are all playing on the bus together. they are climbing up and down the aisle together and getting dirt on their khaki pants. paul ryan doesn't think that mitt romney's kids should have access to having children. >> thomas, here is the double standard. if the republican party is going to continue to say they are the party of values and protection
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of the family, i'm pro-life. that is my personal believe. that is the challenge with the gop. you are right on. i think they have a real problem. they better deal with it fast. >> nbc news is drafting the language for the official platform ahead of the convention calls for the human life amendment opposing abortion in the case of rape or incest. mitt romney is going to go against this just like john mccain and george bush did in the earlier drafts when it was approved in '04 and '08. is this a real problem they are facing going into the convention? >> with all respect, i disagree with you and keith. one thing is and i speak as a staunch supporter of abortion rights. if you believe it is the taking
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of a human life, you could oppose an exception for cases of rape and incest. you can believe no matter how the baby fetus or embryo is c conceived, that is a taking of the life. that is not the majority of the republican party. some people for some time, that is inconsistent. when congress member akin went over the line, it is to suggest there are different degrees of rape and not so real rape. women had anti-secret baby juice they could secrete. it is insuranensitive. >> ruth, the republicans haven't been consistent about this nor has mitt romney or paul ryan
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been consistent. it was sunday when paul ryan said he was willing to go along with romney in terms of the rape exception. before that, paul ryan said that rape was never an acceptable excuse for abortion. >> that is not a question of consistency or inconsistency. >> guys, we have to leave it there. i want to thank the panel. ruth, keith and sofia. all roads to the white house lead through ohio. could new early voting rules cost him the buckeye state? we will talk with dennis kucinich? and foiled again. 62-year-old diana nyad's attempt to swim to florida from cuba comes to an end.
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how about our heated political power panel? you can get me on @thomasroberts on twitter. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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welcome back. no president has ever won an election without first wins ohio. president obama is in the buckeye state right now where he plans to go after the ryan budget on education. he will argue that ryan's sweeping proposals would hurt everyone from elementary school to college students. the president also faces mounting pessimism on the economy. the gallup poll shows 56% versus 40% think they are no better off. joining me now is dennis kucinich. sir, it is good to have you here. >> good to be with you.
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>> the word is the president is planning to tell ohio voters that the ryan budget proposal will remove 2 million children from the head start programs from the country and cost 1 million college students their pell grants over the next decade. so many people can relate to the pell grants. how does the president address the question that we saw on the "usa today" gallup poll and the fact that americans don't feel they are better off. >> the way they address that is he inherited a mess. granted, he has had four year in office. the fact is that president bush had us in two wars. president obama has had a rough way to go. having said that, ohio will be a close vote. he needs to be in ohio. i'm glad he is there. i'm glad he is contesting. he should be there talking about
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education. we need to have the focus on job creation. that's where it out to be. also to help keep people in our homes. that is something the fed and treasury failed at. >> one thing is clear is the obama campaign is concerted of winning ohio. that is the gop effort to cut back early voting. the campaign filed suit to stop that. how critical is it that the law is overturned in your opinion? >> why should we be arguing about the voting hours? they should be unlimited. the very fact that a secretary of state in ohio or any state, is focusing on trying to find ways to limit voting and in this case, the last two weeks before the election, except for people in the military, the general public is limited. voting should be unrestricted. ohio, whether it is a battle ground state or not, the people
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of ohio and i'm an ohioan. we should not restrict voting hours. they should be uniformly unrestricted. >> you visited illinois congress member jesse jackson jr. who is getting treated for bipolar disord disorder. i know in earlier reports, he is concerned about his political future. >> you know, the first thing is that he was very touched by the fact that hundreds of members of congress signed a card urging him to get well. that was very important. also, you know, he's in a fragile state. i think that people know him and love him and there are many people not just in the capitol here, but across the country and in his district who love him. they want to make sure he gets through this period.
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emotionally, he has been in a fragile situation. i went there. he's my friend to support him and to let him know he is loved and let him know people everywhere want him to be able to make a comeback. >> democratic ohio congress member dennis kucinich. thank you for joining me. >> absolutely. >> president obama will be in ohio today. we will hear from him at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. questions today why movie director tony scott took his own life. the brain cancer report that has his family speaking out and disputing it. a live look from the battle ground state of pennsylvania. paul ryan come pai campaigning e today. we're back after this. follow the wings.
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with our babysitter. no. these work, right? no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no. really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects deli meat. the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food.
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so developing right now on msnbc, paul ryan on the campaign trail as we told you before going to break, he is in pennsylvania. he is expected to speak at the rally any moment now. this is coming as the party is in a fire storm. we have ron allen with the latest on the campaign trail. what has erupted over the fire storm over todd akin? >> thomas, we would like to get some questions to the candidate ryan. they are not offering a lot of media for the press following him. he will give local interviews today. i spoke with a campaign official this morning about the akin question. he will be asked about that. it will be interesting to see what they say about that. i asked why governor romney did not come out and demand that todd akin resign that senate
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race he is pursuing in missouri. the feeling among the campaign is it is almost a lose-lose situation for the governor. if he goes that far as senator scott brown of massachusetts has and asking for representative akin to quit and if representative akin doesn't quit, there may be hay made that mitt romney is the official leader of the republican party cannot able to control. paul ryan serves in the house of representatives. he is very pro-life. i doubt he will bring that up in the speech behind me. they will talk about we did build it. they will hammer president obama on the recent comments on small business owners. we're in a small steel company here in pennsylvania west of pittsburgh. 50 or 60 people employed here. they say there are about 2,000 people here to listen to ryan talk about jobs. we'll have to see. a hefty promise. a lot of jobs. paul ryan will specify how many
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of the 12 million jobs will be brought to the commonwealth. >> thank you. coming up, how todd akin's comments could impact who controls the senate for the missouri senate seat. and the plane hit by insurgents in combat. and the tributesi pouring i after the death of phyllis diller. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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that's crazy. crazy clean. whaaaaat?! come on... [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. its clean is out of this world. the push by national and state level republicans to get todd akin out of the senate race is approaching a boiling point. if he quits the race, the actions will be dictated by timetable in november. the questions remain, is he in or out and whahappens if he stays or goes? we have our political editor joining us. we have information about the process and timetable. >> september 25th, is what we
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are really looking at as the real deadline. with akin today, going up with this forgiveness ad, if you read the statute, it would have to be freely given the court order if it were challenged by the 25th, that akin would then have to pay the court costs. the statute clearly says it would be freely given. it is very unlikely that the secretary of state's office, which it happens to be a democrat, that they would be able to challenge akin being able to get off the ballot. >> domenico, remind us he did not get an overwhelmingly mandate in missouri to face off against mccaskell. what were the options if he were to bow out who would they stick in there? >> one name that came to the top of the list was jim talent. he said he would rule that out.
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we have seen people change their minds. he said he is not running for the senate. other was like a chance. if he drops out between now and september 25th, then we will see some macinations of those who would like to be considered. unlikely akin would pull out. see how this plays out. we will watch more closely for september 25th. >> domenico, the previous deadline was 5:00 p.m. central time today. this would be drawn out until september 25th? >> as we written in first read, there are two deadlines. the one today that he could get off of the ballot freely. he would not have to pay any charges. what the state likes to do by september 25th, they have to print the ballots. they want to make sure that
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people don't pull out. in a serious situation where he wants to pull out and pay the ballot printing costs, they would allow. >> domenico, thank you, sir. for all of the latest on the political news, download the political app available on itunes. joining me is ed o'heath. he is the author of the blog all about congress. two who just returned from the road in the midwest. i'm sure you have good behind the scenes. ed, you traveled through five districts. iowa and illinois. what have you learned about the travels of the races there? >> that they remain pretty close and voters are just beginning to form opinions. more focused on the presidential contest. many realize the vote for
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congress could be more important. in the end, no president could get anything done in washington unless they have support from congress. >> you make a great point. what was the perception of the presidential race? how closely are people paying attenti attention? >> very closely. it is as if they are treating it like their favorite television show in some cases. they are up and down. they have reasons why they like them for policy or personality. there is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. some people are scared about the direction of the country which has been in polling we have seen important months. people eager to see things calm down a bit. get rid of the political discourse that is nasty these days and focus on solutions. one person said go back to washington and worry about us little guys. come up with a solution for us and that will make us happy. >> ed, you learn that people care about congress and what is going on on the hill and it the vote carries of how things pass in the system. you wrote about how voters don't
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care about congress in one article. does that mean the recent skinny dipping scandal in israel doesn't perk up any ears? >> what i meant is they don't have a sense of the local race because they are confused by the redistricting process. they don't know who is representing them or if they are in a state that had lines redrawn. because it is the summer. they are on vacation. they have not studied the issue. overall impressions on congress remain miserable. one in ten americans have approved of the job congress is doing according to gallup. the situation involving lawma r lawmakers who visited israel last year has the potential to upset results in a few races. this certainly could all add up and cause problems for either party. >> congressional reporter ed
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o'keefe. i appreciate it. >> great to be with you. the violence in afghanistan with a rocket attack on the u.s. base that damaged the plane of the joint chiefs of staff. we have a live report from kabul. the attack was at bagram airfield north of kabul? >> reporter: thyes, thomas. it is in the province north of kabul. it was around 1:00 a.m. in the overnight hours when the insurgency lobbed rockets. two rockets hit the base. one caused damage to the helicopter and plane of the joint chiefs of staff. officials are saying that the taliban often attacked bagram with rockets. the fact it hit the plane was quote, a lucky shot. it did cause enough damage that
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a new plane was brought in for dempsey and his crew. we got a text message saying they were responsible for the rocket attacks. they tend to take responsibility for much of the attacks. thomas. >> atia abawi, thank you. we look at other stories. forecasters predict a storm could grow into the category two hurricane by the end of the week. tropical depression number nine is expected to be a tropical storm today as it moves over the caribbean. it could impact florida next week as the republican convention is getting under way in tampa. diana nyad's dreams are dashed again. the distance swimmer who turns 63 tomorrow ended her race from cuba to florida. she was in the water for 45 hours and 45 minutes. this attempt was hampered by
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jellyfish stings, massive squalls and exhaustion. this is nyad's third attempt since last summer completing the swim through the straits. she says she will do. it. rosie o'donnell is lucky to be here after suffering a heart attack last week. she experienced nausea and aches and that prompted her to take aspirin. doctors told her an artery was 99% blocked and inserted a stent. hollywood is remembering phyllis diller. the 95-year-old died yesterday at her home in los angeles. famous for her one-liners. she inspired generations of female comedians. ellen degeneres tweeted we lost
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a legend. whoopi said no one looked like her and no one sounded like her. she will be missed. speculations over what drove tony scott to commit suicide. his family debunked the 68-year-old was suffering from a brain tumor. scott left notes in his car and office before jumping off a bridge in los angeles. the best and worst of times. apple hits another high while facebook is faltering. president obama reportedly doesn't like to cozy up to billionaires. could it cost him donation cash? you can tweet m me @thomasaroberts. a special o c. new mini cream pies for one. real whip cream and a cookie-crumb crust. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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the easy and simple exercise is also america's most popular. walking. a new study from the centers for disease control and prevention states that over 100 million americans walk for exercise. over 60% of adults say they walk for at least ten minutes a week which is up from 56% in 2005. welcome back. as promised, we will show you paul ryan arriving in carnegie, pennsylvania. he walked out to the song "we're not going to take it" by twisted sister. we will watch that for you. he is appearing in pennsylvania. for the third month in a row, raising campaign cash. romney and the gop raised $101 million in july while president obama and the democrats raised $75 million. the finance reports also show
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romney and the republicans have almost $60 million in the bank than president obama and the democrats. $186 million to $127 million. "the new yorker" is out with an article with the efforts of donors or lack there of. we have jane with us. you report that the president really doesn't like cozying up to the millionaires to get campaign cash. how much of a departure from '08? >> in '08, he did not spend that much time with billionaires. his chairman was certainly a billionai billionaire. she set up a system with him to get smaller donations. what's happened is since citizens united, the supreme court decision in 2010, the whole playing field has been tilted toward gigantic donations from billionaires. it is not the kind of politics
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that obama wanted to play. these aren't his people, particularly. he is not doing great in collecting billionaire donations. we took a look. we counted and basically the pro-romney donations from billionaires, he has 33 of them, who have given more than $250,000 a piece. obama only has three such people. >> so, jane, the one thing the president is well known for is the love of the competition of campaigning and believing in what he is trying to sell and making it resonate with the american people. with the big change as you bring up with citizens united, shouldn't the president want to pivot to attract the larger donors? the ones that showed up in '08? the ones that he doesn't like to schmooze? >> there is a lot of lining
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going on in the billionaire class who feel their feelings are hurt because the white house has not given them enough holiday pictures. face it, wall street doesn't like the policies of the administration. that's where a lot of the money came from among the wealthy donors in '08. they are trying to decide if it is worth it. is this really what the democratic party wants to be? does it want to spend its time catering to billionaires? begging billionaires is as american as kissing babies in politics? i think it poses a dilemma really. the flood gates of money coming into the campaign are making it hard for democrats to compete without having to get down in the trough. they really don't want to have to do that. >> jane mayer, thank you. i appreciate it. >> thanks. no slam dunk for the vote.
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president obama might beat mitt romney in a game of hoops, but romney wins the battle for campaign cash. that is a tight gain. the president has received $68,000 from 23 different nba don donors. only 16 donors for romney, but more money. $71,000. rick santorum could use some of that cash. his now defunct presidential campaign is still in the hole for $1.5 million. that is down from $1.7 million in june. the campaign says it could take months if not years to pay off that debt. maybe he could take a loan from some of his former capitol hill colleagues. the hill is out with the list of the 50 wealthy lawmakers. $290 million from michael mccaul. senator john kerry moves back in
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the number two spot with $199 million. most of his money coming from his spouse. congress member darrell issa. $140 million. that is down from last year. issa made his money with the company he founded. congress member paul ryan did not make the list. he is only worth about $2.2 million. kevin yoder did not make the list. he apologized for his late night skinny dip in the sea of gallilea. he made david letterman's top ten. >> trying to take the focus off mitt romney. it's obama's fault. number three, putting the junk in congressional junket. that's how we party in kansas. s for a golf getaway. double miles you can actually use...
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welcome back. big stock market swings for two of the country's most recognizable tech brands but in opposite directions. apple officially became the most valuable public company in history yesterday while facebook shares took yet another tumble. let's take a peek at what apple is doing right now. you can see that apple is right now at 6.61 and change and we can see facebook right now trading over on the nasdaq at 19.45. so under $20, you can get shares of facebook for the price of one share basically of apple. think about this. the amount of facebook you can buy, i can't do quick math but that's why we have dan ackerman here who can talk about the tech giants on this. so apple obviously gangbusters, doing great. they have a new iphone coming out, the ipad mini. the projected growth is wonderful for this company. is it sustainable, though? >> that's a good question for apple as they've gotten to this annual upgrade cycle. every year they will have a new iphone, probably a new ipad and
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occasionally they come out with something like an ipad mini or apple television set that at least gives you something to look forward to every year, something concrete to go out and buy. that's what people like and that's what the stock price reflects. >> facebook's first major investor sold 20 million shares of stock in the company. do we think we will see more big stock dumps like that moving forward? now it's under $20. there was speculation about where it came on in the mid 30s when people could buy, after the ipo, but it's just continually tanked. >> it was priced too high to begin with. they flooded the market with too many shares and that's why it's fallen into a more natural price of around $20 where it stayed for awhile and the stock is worth just what people will pay for it. if that's the natural value it is. a lot of people will sell the shares because that lockout period has expired where if you're an early investor you could not sell on day one. that's why we're seeing a lot of people turn it over which will
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not raise the price in the short term. >> how does this affect their brand moving forward? it was white-hot and people wanted in on this but to see it kind of flailing along the way, it doesn't really boost investor confidence for the long haul. >> i think what you're seeing is this maturation from a hot startup to a more established company. with that, you have to answer all those questions a startup does like how are you making money, how you going to take care of your investors and shareholders and these are the issues that facebook will have to wrestle with as it transitions from being a creative fun place to sort of a more buttoned down business place. >> it's the tale of two different tech giants. they're both here to stay for the long haul. we'll continue to watch their prices. but apple, should have gotten that a long time ago. that will wrap things up for me. thank you for your time. see you back here tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. as always, you can follow me on twitter. don't go anywhere. "now" with alex wagner comes your way next. cebook friends with our babysitter. no. these work, right?
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no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no. really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects deli meat. the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food.
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days after congressman todd akin raised the question of legitimate rape, republican party leaders are calling for h his ouster. it's tuesday, august 21st and this is "now." joining me today, radio host and author of "true believers" kurt andersen. politico's senior white house reporter, glenn thrush. author of the brand new ebook, "obama's last stand." lynn sweet of the chicago sun-times and the man who forever changed the vice presidential nominating process, msnbc political analyst, national affairs editor for "new york" magazine and the man with the longest intro on this channel, john heilemann. the clock is ticking. missouri congressman todd akin needs to drop out before 5:00 today if the republican party wants to replace his
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