tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 23, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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about women not being able to become pregnant from a rape. >> sandra congratulations at getting that >> "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. and welcome to "the ed show" live from los angeles. 75 days until the 2012 election, as tropical storm isaac heads towards tampa, hurricane todd is already ripping apart the republican party. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> the selfish swine, todd akin, is going to hurt the republican party. >> todd akin's enemies are getting louder. and so are his allies. >> our position on him has not changed. >> and mitt romney is now adaming that the media stop asking him about the forcible rape issue.
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brand-new polling proves mitt romney's medicare lies aren't working. we'll break down the new numbers. the obama campaign says they have the answer to stop republicans from stealing ohio. state senator nina turner is here. and how did mitt romney get completely shut out among african-american supporters in every latest poll? >> i'm going to eliminate every nonessential program i can find. i'm going to work to reform and save -- >> the daily show's senior black correspondent, larry wilmore is here to explain. good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching. liberals, you have to be loving this. congress and todd akin, he isn't going anywhere, and the republican establishment can't do anything about it. he bragged about a one-day fund-raising effort.
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the message is clear, voters should pick candidates, not party bosses. politico reported on a closed-door meeting between akin and top conservatives last night. the meeting was held in the heart of the storm for republicans, tampa, florida, the site of republican national convention. family research council president confirmed the meeting on msnbc today. >> there was a private meeting that took place with todd akin, just to talk with him and encourage him in the stand that he's taking. >> you got to love it. we have them holding secret meetings. social conservatives are no longer shying away from throwing their support behind their kind of guy, todd akin. failed senate candidate sharon engel is now in the act. she engaged her right wing supporters today by tweeting out, missouri conservatives, support todd akin. you can just hear her voice, can't you? the party accomplishment is
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having what's known as a complete political meltdown over all of this. they just want todd akin to go away. >> i wanted him to drop out. you wanted him to drop out. rush limbaugh suggested for the good of the party to drop out. romney, ryan. >> this selfish swine is going to hurt the republican party. todd akin was the one who was chosen by the democrats. they spent millions of dollars to get him elected because he's the candidate they wanted. >> i don't want to talk about it anymore. >> akin is doing to fox news what democrats should have been doing all along, just ignore those folks over there, but he is getting pressure from pollsters as well. the ras muhsin the rasmussen organization has a reputation for favoring republican causes, the latest
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poll has mccaskill up over 10%. the senator also linked to an article from the milwaukee journal sentinel showing his close ties with karl rove, another republican that wants todd akin gone. it looks like michael steele was right on the money right here on "the ed show." >> the timing in my estimation could not be worse for the romney campaign and for the rnc going into this convention. >> so the last thing republicans want is a repeat of the 1992 gop convention. remember, infamous pat buchanan's culture war speech alienated moderates from the bush/quayle ticket and helped pave the way for bill clinton's first term? the romney campaign says it's too late. a senior official told talking points memo i think hurricane todd has already borne down on tampa and the damage has been done.
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that coming from the obama campaign. the romney campaign is trying to limit the damage and radio silence is the name of the game right now. >> you were one of only four local reporters to get to talk to him. >> yeah. >> and what did you ask him? >> i had about five minutes and we got through a fair amount of material, the one stipulation to the interview was that i not ask him about abortion or todd akin. the missouri republican who create add firestorm after saying women's bodies shut down in a legitimate rape to prevent pregnancy. >> this is what the romney campaign said. this is not how we operate, the matter is being addressed. someone better get that memo to paul ryan. ryan informs a question and answer session in north carolina. he adopted the silent treatment as well. >> we're going to take a few more questions from the audience. congressman ryan will answer
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media questions in a little bit. any other questions here? >> is that a no? i'm sorry, i thought that was part of it. i don't see any other hands going up -- >> that's the press. >> we're just doing it from the audience. >> audience. okay. >> exciting stuff, isn't it? mitt romney and paul ryan cannot talk about todd akin. if they support him they're in trouble with the mainstream, if they vilify him they're in trouble with the republican base. todd akin has created a perfect political storm for republicans. and he has some friends in high places making sure that he doesn't go quietly into the night. check this out. today, former arkansas governor mike huckabee sent out this letter to his supporters. "if todd akin loses the senate seat, i will not blame todd akin. he made his mistake but was man enough to admit it and apologize. i'm waiting for the apology from
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whoever the genius was on the high pedestals of our party who thought it was wise to not only shoot our wounded but run over him with tanks and trucks and then feed his body to the liberal wolfs. mike huckabee is a key figure in the christian conservative movement in this country. he's so important, he was granted a peeking role at the republican national convention. huckabee is sharing the stage with folks like rand paul, the senator from kentucky, ted cruz and former presidential candida candidate rick santorum. they're the outspoken proponents of the official party platform banning abortions in all cases. todd akin knows he does not have to step aside. if he does, a large part of the republican base will go right with him. there is a perfect storm brewing in tampa, republicans need more than umbrellas on this one.
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get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, which storm will have a bigger impact on the republican national convention? text a for hurricane todd, text b for hurricane isaac to 622639. you can also go to our blog. we'll bring results later in the show. on a very serious side, we have to think about what their platform is. joining me is cecile richards. president of the planned parenthood action fund. also with us tonight, karen finney, msnbc political analyst and former communication director for the dnc. great to have both of you with us tonight. cecile, you first, here. the platform, if you look at it closely, by the republican party is really an attack on women. and now we have mitt romney and paul ryan, they have gone silent on this issue. what does that tell you? what does that tell women? what's the message here? >> i think, obviously -- i don't think they have a todd akin
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problem, it's a mitt romney and paul ryan problem. mr. ryan's record in congress is almost identical to mr. akin. i think what we've seen unfortunately is the republican party leadership, not the party membership, but the leadership have been willing to throw women overboard completely. they've been very clear. mr. romney has been very clear not only that he wants to overturn roe versus wade, that he wants to deactivate planned parenthood. and end family plans and women are concerned. >> karen, has akin boxed republicans in? how do they manage themselves out of this? or do they? >> they can't. here's the deeper thing that todd akin is revealing. this is the kind of extremism we have been dealing with here in washington since 2010. just a year ago we we having this conversation about redefining rape and letting people die and turning people
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into abortion cops. we have not been able to get infrastructure funding done, the budget worked out, and we're on the fiscal cliff. and part of the problem is, and will likely be adopted monday, very extreme views that they know are not popular with a majority of americans. that's why mitt romney didn't want to talk about it today. he already knows he has a huge deficit with women. but also i think moderate voters and independent voters just aren't comfortable with this kind of language and this kind of extremism when we talk about taking away health services for women. but also suggesting that men should be deciding what kind of medicines women take or what kind of health care procedures women should have access to. >> maybe they're thinking that the media or people who pay attention to the news aren't going to pay attention to their gop platform. i don't know which one it is. but the fact is this is the most radical platform they've ever had. it's communication and mobilization at this point.
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cecile, you're starting a bus tour in swing states promoting women's health issues, what's the message going to be? >> i think it's that women are watching in this election. and i was just talking to our folks on the bus. they were in columbia, missouri, tonight where they've had hundreds of folks turn out. i think because women are paying attention, women and men, who realize that women's health care in many ways is on the ballot this november, i'm in columbus, ohio, tonight. we'll be in ohio for the next couple of days. and i think that karen's point is correct. this is not a democratic or republican issue. this is an issue about women's health care. what we have been hearing from republican women and independent women who understand that not only this republican platform, but frankly the positions of mitt romney are too extreme and they're not ready to go back and turn the clock back on women's access to health care in america. >> karen, how is this going to end with todd akin? will we see the republican party
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eventually embrace this guy and realize that this is really how we want our members in the senate to vote so we might as well just go along with this guy? when do they cry uncle? >> i don't think they can fully embrace him. this kind of thinking and extremism is so dramatically unpopular in this country. also because -- not just as a women's health care issue, but for women, these issues are also economic issues, also speak to do you perceive of women as equal human beings in our culture? they can't afford, if they have any chance at winning, they will not be able to afford to embrace him. they'll have to let him kind of continue to do his thing. if his money dries up, that's the way he ends up getting out of the race. and i believe they have a procedure they can remove him up to the next month or so. i would not be surprised if they don't try to shut off the money and see if they can get him out that way. >> great to have you both with us tonight on "the ed show." remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen.
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share your thoughts on twitter and on facebook. we want to know what you think. coming up, romney and ryan tried their lies about president obama's approach to medicare. but the lies are not working. a brand-new poll out shows president obama far ahead on the medicare issue. howard fineman joins me for the politics. have led to an increase in clinical depression. drug and alcohol abuse is up. and those dealing with grief don't have access to the professional help they need. when you see these issues, do you want to walk away or step up? with a degree in the field of counseling or psychology from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others. let's get started at [ male announcer ] to hold a patent that has changed the modern world... would define you as an innovator. to hold more than one patent of this caliber... would define you as a true leader.
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coming up, when it comes to medicare, the romney campaign's lies are not working. howard fineman will help us break down the latest polls and what is their next move if all they do is lie? the block the vote effort continues to ohio and there are new developments in the fight to overturn pennsylvania's voter id law. we'll have all of the details, it's a big one. and later, zero, that's how much support mitt romney has from the african-american community according to a new poll. how do you get a zero? the senior black correspondent larry willmore will join me and give an explanation.
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welcome back to "the ed show." today, we got clear evidence, the republican lies about medicare are not working. and the public sees the gop plan for medicare is a real threat. a new poll in three big battleground states shows president obama holding a wide margin and advantage on medicare. on the question of whether medicare should continue as it is or switch to a voucher program, the numbers were pretty overwhelming. in florida, 62% said it should
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just stay as is. and in ohio, 64% agreed, and in wisconsin, 59% agreed. this translates into a real advantage for president obama. in florida, by an eight-point margin, voters think president obama will do a better job on medicare than mitt romney. president obama holds a ten-point margin on the issue in ohio and a nine-point margin in wisconsin. think about what this means. we know how big health care is in this country. the republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan created a plan to end medicare as we know it and the guy on the top of the ticket embraced it. it's what republicans really want to do after all. when romney announced ryan as his running mate, the obama campaign immediately connected the dots with the american people. these are the guys who want to fundamentally change medicare. the course of the gop ticket, well, it countered. they told falsehoods about
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president obama was making the same cuts to medicare to pay for part of the affordable care act, which they call obama care. they failed to mention how obama care strengthens medicare and adds to its life expectancy under the program. today we see who is winning the argument and it's not close. on the question of whether medicare is worth the cost to taxpayers, the numbers are overwhelming again. 76% of floridians say, yes, the same huge percentage of voters in ohio and wisconsin agree. let's turn to howard fineman. nbc news political analyst and editorial director for the huffington post media group. great to have you with us tonight on this issue. i just view this thing in kind of a comical sense because you have to think the romney campaign behind closed doors is saying, you know, it just wasn't supposed to be like this. how look what we've got on our hands. what are they going through? >> they're trying to make a virtue of it if they can.
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it's very difficult. they've run four different ads in the last ten days on medicare. they have a new one up now saying the president wants to change medicare forever and they're trying to use apocalyptic language and they're going at that $700 billion cut, which is the same one that is contemplated by paul ryan in his original health care reform budget. i don't think this is the fight that the romney campaign wanted. they didn't pick paul ryan because they wanted to have this fight. it's when they picked paul ryan, they had to have this fight. and they're trying to neutralize the damage which you see clearly in those polls. it is true that obama care is not uniformly popular by any means. a lot of seniors are scared about it. and they were scared in the 2010 election. but it's not the same thing to have doubts about obama care as
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it is to have doubts about medicare. as those polls showed, and as these recent polls showed, he -- medicare is popular, the president is preferred as a protector of medicare. the republicans don't want to spend the entire campaign on this, and the way you know that, ed, is today, mitt romney did not mention medicare. if this was a winning issue for him, he'd still be on it today. >> we'll talk about that later about now how he's into the coal industry. there are some real discrepancies there as well. it seems like their counteroffensive is going to be one commercial after another, as you pointed out. but can they keep lying on the issue? there are so many news organizations who are saying they're fundamentally not telling the truth to the american people on exactly what their plan is versus what we have in medicare right now and what the president wanted to do for the future. can they keep going down this
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road? >> they, or any campaign, would be shamed by criticism into taking down ads that weren't fully truthful. that's not what's going to stop the spending on the ads. by the way, i don't think they're buying as much placement of these ads as they claim. they're not saying exactly where they're putting the ads up. i think part of it is a smoke screen to defend what they claim that their strength is. i think it's if the ads don't work. if more and more polls show that the president remains highly regarded and trusted on medicare, that medicare remains so popular, that they don't trust republicans to reform it. they'll stop spending money on it because it's not working. that's what will change the flow. and you can see with mitt romney pivoting away from this issue, i would bet that except in a couple of places, those ads will be gone within days. >> the issues won't be gone, that's for sure, and this is
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something the obama campaign will ride pretty hard. >> but ed, the democrats have to explain it carefully and consistently and concisely. because the republican attack on the notion that the president wants to take $700 billion away from medicare is a powerful argument that was shown to have worked in 2010. the democrats, even though they have good numbers here, they can't assume that everybody is going to understand the argument or take the argument for granted. if i were the obama camp, i would keep making the case. they should not expect the public to go with him automatically. >> howard, great to have you with us, always enjoy your take. appreciate it so much. up next, republicans are stealing. i want to use this word, hear me correctly, they're stealing the vote in ohio. they are setting the table to do just that. find out how they're doing it and why the stakes are higher than ever. and mitt romney is trying to make up ground with hispanic
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voters. but it won't be easy to shake the etch-a-sketch on this one. we'll bring you the latest. i am going to become facebook friends with our babysitter. no. these work, right? no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no. really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes."
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silent and watch this. two new polls show how tight this race has become. the ohio poll shows president obama and mitt romney are only three points apart. that's within the margin of error. the quinnipiac/"new york times"/cbs poll gives obama a slightly larger lead over romney, there's been no change in those numbers since july. if the republicans manage to block a small percentage of obama voters, romney could win ohio. so far, the republican vote stealing plan is right on track. they've shortened voting hours in all 88 counties in ohio, 88 counties. they've shortened the hours. it's a direct attack on obama supporters. 47% of people who voted in 2008 in that election cast their ballots during the extended hours made available to citizens. those early voters were mostly african-americans. so republicans are stealing
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almost half of the vote by changing the polling hours. it's social engineering of the votes. it's very clear what they're doing. but when reporters asked the ohio secretary of state about it, he insists, hey, it's fair. >> you may not like the hours of operation. you may think they're too long, you may think they're too short. but they're fair for everybody. everyone you talk to believes that's fair, easy, and accessible. >> everyone you talk to? no. more on ohio in a moment, and a new development in pennsylvania where they're fighting that controversial voter id law. the state supreme court says it will hear the appeal on september 13th. republicans wanted them to hold off until october. that would leave voters weeks before the election. right now, 758,000 voters might not have valid ids that they will need to cast their vote on november 6th. in pennsylvania and ohio, organizers are going to have to
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step up the effort to fight these laws and help people get to the polls. it is all about education, communication and mobilization. no doubt. let's turn to ohio state senator, nina turner. and also with us tonight, jennifer brauner, the former ohio secretary of state and author of the upcoming book about her time in office. great to have you with us tonight. jennifer, why did you expand voting laws when you were the secretary of state? what was the motivation behind that to expand them? >> interestingly enough, the laws were expanded by the current secretary of state when he served in the ohio house of representatives. we just implemented them. we followed federal and state law and made sure voting was as accessible to people as possible. they've enjoyed it. and now that it's being pulled back, you're experiencing quite a bit of kickback. >> why are we seeing the reversal?
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my opening commentary in this is it's the republicans trying to suppress the vote. would you come to that conclusion? >> there's a fundamental misunderstanding of the voting rights act. look at states like alabama or south carolina. anytime they change a voting law, they have to get it approved by the justice department. ohio doesn't have to do that, new york doesn't have to do that. so equal doesn't necessarily mean pro forma across the board. it means bring everyone up to the same level where those who have been suppressed, who have been oppressed, have the same access as everyone else has had. if that means we have to do a little bit more for those folks in the urban area, then we have to do a little bit more. but we should not set the standards based on a county with 10,000 registered voters. >> the secretary of state says the new rules are fair, i know you don't agree with that, he said the rules were fair. >> he did not ask me or the
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residents of kikko ga -- cuyahoga county. this is nothing more than uniform voter suppression. ohio and four other states cut early voting hours. in ohio and florida, they cut sundays. we know exactly who their targets are. again, in cuyahoga county, african-american make 26% of the registered voters, but in 2008, early in early in-person voting, they were 56% of the vote. how dare we forget how african-americans had to dodge the barks and bites of dogs and leap over grandfather clauses and literacy tests, and poll taxes, and here we are in the 21st century with the elections officer who is supposed to adhere morally and legally to expanding the vote. but here he is serurpsing the vote. if you are poor, working class, middle class, elderly, african-american, hispanic or a
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woman, you are s.o.l. when it comes to republicans. they are making it very clear that they don't care. that they are here to suppress and oppress and they don't care how they steal the vote. >> jennifer, do you agree with that? >> i think we've got some real problems with anything being partisan connected to voting. voting itself is not a partisan issue. it's really what everyone needs to do is to come into the room when we're talking about changing the voting laws, drop the partisan cloak, stand up, be adults, do what they know is fair because our future depends on it. if we -- >> where is your governor on this? where is governor kasich on this? he likes to present himself as a fair-minded guy. how can he go along with something like this? >> he is m.i.a., ed, when it comes to this voting issue. and it's a shame. >> i think typically you have the problem where it's the purview of the secretary of state. the secretary of state is the chief elections officers. so it's very rare in any state
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where you get a governor who will step in and interfere, even when they've previously been a secretary of state. but this is a situation where neither party should try to step in and grandstand and turn this into something other than making sure that the person in the lowest position on the street who's going to have the most difficult time voting be accommodated and voted for and will be, on election day, the one day when every person is truly supposed to be equal. >> we have not even gotten to the voter machines and the number of voting machines made available to all of these 88 counties in ohio. who knows what plan they will come up with there? senator, are you concerned about that? >> very concerned. if you extrapolate out the data from 2008 with the hours that have been eliminated, unilaterally by the secretary of state, about 200,000 ohioans will be impacted by that. if we remember, governor kasich
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beat governor strickland by a 2% margin. every vote counts. no one should suppress the vote. as far as i'm concerned, i don't care if people carry the title secretary of state or not. if you're a policy maker in the state of ohio, and you care about fairness and justice, it's it is all of our responsibility to stand up and tell the truth. and the truth of the matter is that it is republicans who are suppressing the vote and, oh, by the way, over 180 bills were introduced in states across this country by gop-led legislatures and i wonder why. could it be because president barack obama is an african-american? i wonder. >> nina turner and jennifer brunner, we're going to stay on this story. i think fundamentally it's the biggest story in this election cycle. to set the table where it's going to be harder for americans to vote. i would like to know if the tea partiers think that's what the
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forefathers had in mind for america. i don't think so. a lot more coming up. >> the answer is self deportation. which is people decide that they could do better by going home because they can't find work here. >> mr. self-deportation sets his own goal for support among latinos and it's coming up woefully short. los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa joins me next. and according to a new poll, mitt romney is laying a goose egg with african-american voters. >> i love that music. i love listening to that organ music. >> later, i will ask the daily show senior black correspondent larry wilmore why mitt romney has zero support from african-american voters. okay, here's the plan.
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will forget everything he's said about immigration policy over the last year. he said, our goal is to hit 38% with the hispanic vote. they have a lot of work to do, folks. president obama has had a 2-to-1 lead over them for months on end. it won't be easy for mitt to shake the etch-a-sketch on this one. he's taking a hardline stance, let's count them on immigration, wasn't afraid to speak out during the primary season. remember he said this about arizona infamous sb-1070 law. >> there's a model here in arizona. they passed a law that said that people that come here and try to fin work, the employer is required to look them up to e-verify. >> romney is also not a fan of the dream act. >> the question is, if i were elected and congress were to
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pass the dream act, would i veto it? and the answer is, yes. >> and there is the time he hammered his opponent, rick perry, republican governor from texas, for just being too soft on immigration. >> when you were governor, you said i don't want to build a fence, you put in place a magnet to draw illegals to the state giving $100,000 of tuition credit to illegals that come into this country. >> and of course there is romney's famous self-deportation policy. >> the answer is self-deportation, which is people decide that they can do better by going home because they can't find work here because they don't have legal documentation to allow them to work here. and so we're not going to -- >> republicans love self-deportation policy so much that they've adopted it into their party platform at the gop convention. and the icing on the cake, sheriff joe arapio will be speaking at the gop convention next week. what else do you need to know?
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we won't get into sheriff joe's colorful past on immigration. joining me tonight is the mayor of los angeles, antonio villaraigosa. mayor, it is great to have you on "the ed show." i appreciate your time tonight. >> great to be with you, ed. >> you bet. after that litany of issues we just played where mitt romney has been in just the last 12 months. how in the world do latino voters warm up to a candidate like that, if at all? >> with great difficulty. you mentioned he was somewhere, i was thinking mars, when they think they'll get anything close to 38%, they're not. every poll i've seen, it's at least 2 to 1. sometimes as high as 70% for the president. never higher than 21% or so for governor romney. i just don't see it happening. and you mentioned why.
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he called chris coback a great american. he touted his endorsement. he called the alabama and arizona laws a model for the nation. the dream act, a handout, serving the military, going to college. the self-deportation of 11 million people. those 11 million undocumented have 5 million citizen children. he is saying they should leave their kids here in the united states. the kids who are kizs, the kids who are maybe dreamers who know no other country but this one. i don't know how they do it. if you remember during the debates, and i'm glad you referenced them, didn't mr. mccain talk about electrifying the fence? mr. romney had an opportunity to chime in and have a mccain moment and say, we're not going there. maybe we want to secure the border, but we're not electrifying fences. when you see the rhetoric and
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the castigating of immigrants, the ryan budget that would devastate medicare and social security. the fact that their cuts would disproportionately impact our kids starting to go in school in greater numbers, scholarships for them, for all of those reasons, cutting the president's affordable care act, 9 million latinos will benefit from that. they're the demographic group that most benefits from the affordable care act. so for all of those reasons, i expect that they're not getting anything above 25%. >> in the midst of what you said, mayor, the gop, it's not just mitt romney. the gop has now put the self-deportation policy into the party platform. >> i saw that. >> isn't this generational damage that the republicans are doing to themselves? with the latino voters? >> absolutely, and having that sheriff arpaio speak at the convention speaks volumes about that party and that they're captured by the extreme right of
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their party. there are a lot of decent republicans that believe in the dream act and support comprehensive immigration reform. and i think even they are turned off by this self-deportation call and their opposition to the dream act and other things. >> mayor antonio villaraigosa, great to have you on "the ed show." we'll do it again. thank you so much for joining us. coming up, mitt romney's grand scheme to fix the nation's energy problems? well, it won't fund wind power. but it is full of hot air. find out what romney wants to do when we come back. ose little ths still get you. for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph,
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tonight, larry wilmore talks race, religion and sex and why mitt romney can't get any support from the african-american community. don't forget, you can listen to my radio show on sirius/examine radio. follow me on twitter. and like the "the ed show" on facebook. we're coming right back. to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye-care experts at bausch + lomb.
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welcome back to "the ed show." we told you how mitt romney lies about everything from medicare to his tax returns. but we got a new one today. mitt romney might be lying to himself. he announced his so-called energy plan this morning. here it is. >> north america, north american energy independence by 2020. north american energy independence by 2020. it is achievable. this is not some pie in the sky kind of thing. >> so romney's goal is to make the entire continent of north america completely energy independent in eight years?
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now, to do that, we need to drill a lot. romney decided to unveil his grand plan at a trucking supply company in hobbs, new mexico. he had a chart there but romney admitted that it was too small to read. so let's help him out. so, let's help him out. mitt romney wants to increase all forms of drilling. he claims he'll magically expand off-shore drilling by 2 million barrels a day. he wants another 2 million a day doing "tight oil" drilling or fracking. he says they can drill for an extra 28 million barrels of oil a day. that's his plan. more drilling. he doesn't mention emission standards at all to reduce oil use. cutting fuel use should be a key to reducing our dependence on foreign oil. romney doesn't expand wind, solar or nuclear alternatives, and he wants to cut initiatives because he thinks they're unfair to drilling companies.
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whose pocket is he in? and one more key to the romney energy plan. he would give states all of the regulatory power and ease back on safety laws. >> using the law to stop production of energy is not to the best interest of the united states or our people. >> so we have more drilling, fewer safety regulations, and decentralized regulation. what could possibly go wrong with that? ask the people in the gulf coast still struggling to clean up the deepwater horizon disaster two years after the explosion. if romney thinks more of this is good for america, playing russian roulette with our environment, he's just lying to himself and the voters. i asked you which storm will have a bigger impact on the republican national convention. 93% of you said hurricane todd, 7% of you said hurricane isaac
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>> the results are in and folks, it ain't pretty. the poll shows a whopping, count it, 30% of african american voters support mitt romney. that's right, 0%. such a shame considering how hard romney has tried to win over the african american community. romney's pandering led him all the way to the naacp's annual convention where he reportedly brought in supporters and delivered this speech. >> i submit to you think, if you want a president who will make things better in the african american community, you are looking at him. you take a look. >> i'm joined tonight by comedian larry wilmore whose showtime special, "race, religion, and sex" premieres this saturday. congratulations on your new show coming up. how do you get 0% after going to the naacp and guaranteeing it's
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going to be a better world? >> that is unbelievable. i have no idea how that even registers. you would think even the brothers that don't like to vote might show up. some kind of percentage. it's unbelievable. >> even john mccain got some black votes. that's like -- is romney going to get any black people to step up, is he going to get into double digits at all with just voters? >> it's tough, there may be brothers that vote for them, and they might regret it and then ask for them back, so you might get negative black votes. you never know. >> you recently compared mitt romney's mormonism to obama's blackness. explain that. >> they're both unique. we never had a mormon candidate for president before. it's more exotic than this is blackness. i think more people know about
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blackness than mormonism. it's interesting. what is interesting, we don't have a wasp in this presidential election. the closest is obama because he is half-white and he's protestant. >> no white anglo saxon protesta protestant, in time around. you went to salt lake city. your special is called "race, religion, and sex." >> hello salt lake city, i'm hoefth a special town hall meeting, it's about race, religion and sex. three of your favorite things. know what's interesting? i've been pedaling for three hours and i haven't seen a single black person. >> was there anything that surprised you about that community at all? >> i tell you, ed, it's surprising, it's a very progressive city. salt lake city. it was named by "the advocate" as the gayest city in north
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america, i swear to god. it's the gayest unknown gay city in america. you would never think that salt lake city is like that but it's very progressive, to be honest with you. >> what is your show, the sex end of it, republicans are always good for a sex scandal every now and then, will we get one this year? >> didn't the strippers double down in tampa this week or something? they're putting on an unbelievable show i hear there because apparently the republicans pay more for strippers i think than democrats, they outspend them by like $100 per stripper. it's amazing to me, ed, that people go out and find these numbers out. on my special, we talk a lot about sex, we talk about how the mormon church is handling gay marriage, and we have a good discussion about it. >> larry wilmore, all of the best. thank you for joining us. we'll do it again. that's "the ed show."
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