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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  August 31, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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the voters get out there and vote for our president. >> ohio state senator nina turner, a victory for democracy this week in the buckeye state. great to have you with us tonight on "the ed show." that's "the ed show," i'm ed schultz. the "rachel maddow show" starts right now. good evening, rachel. i hope you got some much deserved sleep and you're ready to go. >> i'm definitely ready to go. about the sleep, i'm not sure. >> okay. have a great weekend. thank you. >> you, too. looking forward to next week. going to be great. thanks to you at home for staying with us for the next hour. we're a little bleary, but it's sort of in a good way. this is sort of an exciting time of year if you're into politics. we have reached half time of the 2012 convention season. the republican convention wrapped unin tampa. the democratic convention started on tuesday.
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campaigns are a bit of an undurance sport. you give speech after speech, shake hand after hand, have to beg for money and manage leaks and put orfired. it's exhausting. when you think of the people at the center of the jijantic, sometimes hyperproduced events, the people at the fcenter of these things are just people, and people get tired. and when people get tired, they sometimes say things in a way they did not intend to say them. witness florida republican senator marco rubio, who did not get picked for vice president this year, but who did get the job of introducing mitt romney late last night in tampa. listen closely to how mr. rubio wraps up his big speech here. >> let us make sure they write that we did our part. that in the early years of this new century, we lived in an uncertain time. but we did not allow fear to cause us to abandon what made us special. we chose more government instead of more freedom. >> did you catch that bit at the
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end? we chose more government instead of more freedom. we chose mitt romney. >> we chose more government instead of more freedom. >> unless the republican party has gone reverse gult on us, i think marco rubio meant for that line to go the other way around. in fact, today, he said he meant for that line to go the other way around. he meant to say we chose more freementd instead of more government. it was late. i totally understand what happened. then there was congressman paul ryan, the guy who was supposed to sell the world on the big guy on the top of the ticket. rip momny, what was it? >> it's also going to be a speech where people get to know the man rip nominee. >> rim nominee. last night when the entire rachel maddow show also could have used a nap, we had that clip on a permanent lip.
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i'm afraid my brain is now wired to say rip nomny. it's just as easy to say. i very much sympathize with candidates who get tired. i woke up this morning and looked at my alarm clack for several minutes with no idea what this thing was, trying to figure out why this thing i had never seen before was making this awful noise and what it wanted of me. no idea. all i had to do was cover the convention. imagine how bushed the guys are who are in the middle of this. this is how mitt romney started this day, with a sendoff in lakeland, florida. listen closely to what he says here. >> we understand how washington works. we will reach across the aisle and find good people who like us, want to make sure the company deals with its challenges. we'll get america on track again. >> we'll make sure this company deals with its challenges. this comp -- what?
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>> we'll find good people who like us, want to make sure this company deals with its challenges. we'll get america on track again. >> america is not a company. and does that mean mitt romney wants to fire all of us? like he fired workers at a lot of those businesses, bain capital bought so he could turn them around? >> these guys are tired. they're all tired, but in politics, it doesn't matter how tired you are. after their respective conventions in '08, the democrats and republicans raced off to shake hour hands and make more speeches. the last balloons probably hadn't been pulled down from the ceiling and barack obama was in pennsylvania and michigan. take a breath but keep running. momentum is everything at times like this. that is usually how it goes. after a day of campaigning planned for ohio and florida with his running mate tomorrow, mr. romney is instead going to be taking some nap time. the weekend after the gigantic
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hyperproduced marathon commercial for why the american public should fall in love with mitt romney and vote him into office, the romney/ryan campaign has a lot of empty space on it. no events announced for sunday, no events for monday. they say actually, they have no next events announced at all. presumably, they will announce some before too long, but for right now, for the long weekend, the campaign appears to be more or less down for the weekend. at the very moment when campaigns try to rocket themselves to electability on the ingood fuel and intention, at that moment when they race from the convention hall to tour the factories in swing states, at that moment, the whole thing is finally fully incontrovertibly on, the republican presidential candidate this year is headed for the porch and a glass of
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lemonade, but you can be sure he'll turn this company around. we don't know yet whether the convention itself gave the romney ticket a lasting bounce in the polls. the first poll results we have do not yet include today, friday, so they may not factor in mr. romney's speech, for that matter, clint eastwood's conversation with that chair late last night. this is gallup's daily tracking poll. it shows no change in the race. the romney campaign got better news from another survey. going the to the reuters poll had obama leading romney by four points, halfway through the convention, romney was up, a six-point swing. a new poll shows he's actually down to a one-point lead. so it's not much compared to the 11-point bounce that john mccain got from his convention in 2008, but you got six points, maybe you got five, at least in this one poll. that means you have some wind in your sails. time to maximize, capitalize,
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turn this company around. get on the busering right? choosing not to campaign like mad when you finally have momentum seems strange to my, spaemsh for this campaign. they have operated so far with what looks to be a sharp understanding of the math that goes into winning elections. they have to understand momentum, right inthey surely understand geography. it's not an accident that the party held its convention in florida which had not hosted a convention in 40 years but has voted for the winner of the presidential election for the past 40 years and where barack obama now leads in the polls by an average of one single point. republicans lost florida last time but not by a lot. they would very much like to win florida this year. putting the convention there was no accident. since the '08 election, republicans have passed laws in florida that changed voting a lot in that state. for one, they cut the time for early voting. also the republican governor in florida has conducted a purge of the voting rolls.
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last july, they passed a law making it harder to hold a registration drive for new voters. they feared it would disproporlgztally affect minority voters who tend to lean democratic and they appear to be right. they released remarkable new analysis on voter registration in the state of florida. we talked about this a little during the convention, but i think this is amazing. have you seen this graph? coming into the '04 presidential election. before the '04 election, this is what the increase in voter registration looked like in florida. democrats in terms of registering new voters had an edge of 40,000 voters. in 2008, it surged again, this is the work the parties are doing to register new voters. for this election, started in 2011, starting with the time when florida republicans made it harder to vote in the state, here's what the comparable members are for this election? oh.
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republican voter registration, the red bars, they have carried on as normal. look at the blue lines. democratic voter registration has absolutely fallen off a cliff after these changes in florida. by the florida times union's count, it is frankly practically disappeared. on wednesday, on the second day of the republican convention in florida this week, a federal judge said he would permanently block florida's new law that makes it harder to register voters in the state. the law had been put on hold by a court in may, and the news this week, the new ruling means that the law is not coming back. and you know, looking at those numbers, look at '04 and then '08 and then 2012 in those blue lines. maybe the damage is already done for democrats. maybe they cannot catch up. or maybe they can if they try, if they move fast. the legal hurdles that explain why this graph happened in all likelihood, those are now gone. the republican ticket is not taking up the space they usually would with a string of post convention rallies, right?
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so they had an opportunity here, especially after holding the convention there. they're sort of petering out, taking the weekend off after saturday? maybe the other side's ground game has a chance if they're quick, if they think they can. i think what happened in florida is a test fortime democrats. if they want to hold on to florida, they have a chance, but boy do they have to show voter registration game if they want to get it done. also this week on the day mitt romney was nominated, yesterday, a federal court blocked a new law in texas that required voters to show documentation in order to vote that voters never had to show there before. the federal court in washington, d.c. said the placed a strict unforgiven burden on the poor, and in texas, as in many places, the poor are often minorities, that matters in terms of the discrininatory intent behind the law. it looks like registered voters in texas will be able to vote in november without the strict and unforgiven burdens of texas
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republicans' new law. texas is not considered to be a swing state like florida is, but to the extent more nonwhite texans will be taking part in elections without barriers to them doing so, texas frankly could be a swing state by 2016. at least the democrats keep saying it could be a swing state by then. and a different panel of judges from the same court that made that decision about texas, a different panel of judges from the same court is now considering whether or not to blake the law to make voting harder in south carolina as well. and more today, friday, we have news today from ohio. the swingiest swing state of all where republicans tried, you will recall, to cut early voting in half. they had to settle for cutting just the last three days of early voting. they had early voting on weengds and early voting on the last three days before the election in plenty previous elections without trouble, but they tried to cut it off for november. now, it looks like ohio republicans are going to have to settle for nothing at all, for
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no cuts to early voting. a federal judge ordered ohio to put back those three days of early voting that the republicans had cut. not just put them back for overseas military voters, put them back for everyone. almost 100,000 people voting during those last three days last time, and many of them were african-american ohio voters. so the game just changed in some must-win states. to the extent that this campaign was going to come down to not just how well you politicked in these states but how well the game had been rigged, the rigging has changed. and so this is a test. once again, of politics. can democrats take advantage of it by putting the states even more in play than they might have been able to before these burdens were taken away? democrats and voting rights activists have pushed back against the republican efforts to make voting harder in places like ohio and in places like florida and theirver having suck suck sus. vice president biden stumped in lordstown, ohio.
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president obama will show up monday in toledo, ohio. we have an idea of what happens when you make voting harder. we don't know what will happen this year when places who made voting harder suddenly make it easier again. joining me is duneta judge. i should tell you, there's so muff news out of ohio that she was the lead attorney on another case decided in ohio this week that says the judge cstate can longer throw out your ballot if you accidentally vote in the wrong precinct. thank you for peag here. you're involved in a lot of the intricacies of a lot of these matters. did i explain anything wrong? did it seem roughly correct? >> in ohio, in terms of the provisional ballots, the provisional ballots that are cast in the wrong precinct due to worker error. there were 13,000 of those ballots that were thrown out in 2008. now the court has basically said, when a voter has done
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everything they possibly can, they have taken their personal responsible as secretary husted often says, they have registered to vote, showed up at the correct polling place and then directing to the wrong precinct through no fault of their own, you can no longer throw out those ballots. >> that had previousply been the way that ohio was operating, that even if it was no fault of your own, they told you to vote in the wrong place, that would result in your ballot being thrown out, but that will now be counted as a provisional ballot, as a properly ballot? >> it was a provisional ballot. cast in the wrong precinct will not be thrown out if in fact it was poll worker error. ohio law is very clear. the poll workers have the responsibility to direct voters to the correct voting place. they also have the responsibility to make sure their provisional ballot application is completed correctly. that's another provision of the lawsuit that was just passed. that provisional ballots that do nod have the signature in the
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right place or maybe left their name off but you can still determine who the volter is, you can no longer throw out the ballots. that was a huge, huge win for ohio voters and ohio citizens because ohio tends to cast more provisional ballots than any state in the country other than california. something like 200,000 provisional ballots in 2008. >> wow. in terms of the ruling today from the federal district court judge, there has been a hugely politicized fight over early voting in ohio. we have sort of been tracking the twists and turns including seemingly very partisan turnls in ohio. if early voting has been restored in ohio by this ruling, how much risk is that ruling at? is there enough time between now and the election that an appeal can happen or some other legal matter can happen that can stop this from going into effect? >> there's a good risk, as a matter of fact, as i was sitting here this evening, attorney general dewine has announced
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they will appeal this decision to the sixth circuit. there's a huge possibility that, you know, we will be in court again fighting this battle, but again, we will urge the courts to really uphold the decision of the lower court that really protects the fundamental right to vote in ohio and giving the ohio voters an opportunity to vote in that last weekend where so many voters really came out and cast ballots. and disproportionately african-americans were among those voters who voted that last weekend. and that's a crucial weekend prior to an election to decide that you do not want to have early voting, and especially when you have had it previously. >> yeah. that's the part of it i don't understand. it's not like there's ever been a problem with early voting before, right? >> no, no problem, but of course, we had an opportunity to see in 2008 who came out to vote. >> that was the problem. >> that was the problem. that was the problem. >> defined in partisan terms. here's the issue about reporting on voting rights.
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so the voting rights stuff is so blatantly partisan when you step back and you realize it's all republican states doing this all in ways that disenfranchise typically democratic voters, but it's always the threat of voter fraud. as much as you debunk the idea that voter fraud is a spector in the country looming over the elections that is affecting the outcomes, if they can can find one case somewhere, one very hairy sounding allegation somewhere, they can sort of distract the argument with those claims. on early voting, that has nothing to do with even a red herring called voter fraud, rig right? is there any practical argument against early voting that makes any sense from the other time that is not just about keeping democrats away from the polls? >> no, there's no practical argument, and what the laws are are the right wing politicians manipulating the voting laws because they know who is voting. and so basically, they have no real argument other than to throw up the red herring voting
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fraud and it may exist if in fact you're munupulating elections, then there may be some issues and concerns there, but ultimately, elections have to be free, fair, and accessible, and basically, that's what these decisions said this week, is that the courts are going to uphold our democracy, and they're going to uphold our fundamental right to vote in this country. >> and seeing it in texas, seeing it pending in south carolina, seeing it in florida, seeing it in ohio, and all of these thing are appeals, all of these things are still in process to a certain extent. seeing democratic rights, in the most fundamental of all of our democratic rights supported in this way by the courts, it's getting close to the election to have this up in the air, but it's heartening to see this defense of the rights. you're part of that. thank you for being here. lead attorney for the advancement project in ohio. thank you for your work. >> thank you for having me. >> all right, so this thing
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calls clint eastwood happened. it definitely happened and it will certainly never happen again the way it did last night. as we carve that moment into the mt. rushmore of wack adoodleness in american politics, there's something substantial to understand about what happened with the eastwood debacle last night. it's not about clint eastwood the person, not even about what he said on stage. it's about what it happened and what the implications are for the campaign. it's coming up. [ chuckles ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you'll know when to stop. [ honk! ] the all-new nissan altima with easy fill tire alert. [ honk! ] it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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the interview tonight is paul croupman. stay tuned for that. [ angry ] i just ate an untopped triscuit. delicious. angry satisfied customer... if this image robbed you of the great taste
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eastwood that went so badly wrong for the republican party and the mitt romney campaign last night. it's the timing. the campaign, the party obviously, they want maximum political impact from their nominating convention. to get maximum political impact, they need maximum exposure. they need a ton of people watching, right? i mean, the conventions don't really do any work anymore. they're just three-day long infomercial parties for the party and the candidate. and when they are showing off their candidate and putting him in the best possible light, that is the key to this whole event. that's what they want tens of millions of americans to see on tv. now, the brought cast networks do not cover the conventions all that much. cable networks like us, we cover it all day and all night, pretty much. but as much as we like to think of ourselves as the center of the universe here on cable, the truth is that the great bulk of the audience that sees the conventions sees it when the broadcast networks put it on. nbc, cbs, and abc.
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that's where millions and millions and millions of people are watching. and in particular, millions of people are watching who aren't otherwise interested in politics. it's just what's on. the networks put the convention on typically for one hour a night. 10:00 p.m. eastern is that hour. so nbc airs "saving hope" from 9:00 to 10:00, but at 10:00, they switched over to the convention. on abc, they aired something called "rookie blue" from 9:00 to 10:00, and then 10:00, convention time. so because the one hour the network show is the 10:00 p.m. hour, the big speeches at the conventions are scheduled for that 10:00 p.m. hour. every year since the 1980s, that golden, priceless broadcast network coverage of the nominee for president giving his speech, every year for nearly 30 years, that broadcast coverage and that particular hour has included a heartwarming video introduction of the candidate, and these things are great. if you like political ads, these
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are the best political ads on earth. they sort of look like documentaries, but they're ads, and they're note perfect. they're letter perfect. to make the country love the candidate, and to make you at least want to stick around to hear the candidate's big speech. even the candidate introduction films from the bad campaigns are good candidate introduction films. this is good stuff. this is the best the campaign can do. so this has become sort of the way you do this in politics. in the magical 10:00 p.m. coverage that you've got with all of the broadcast networks, you get in maybe an introductory speech by someone else, maybe you do that. you get in the candidate pfsh speech itself, but it's key, it is what the whole week is for. it is key, you also definitely in that hour, get in the video. last night, the romney campaign did not get in the video. and we knew ahead of time they had planned it that way. and it seemed like a bizarre
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decision even before we understood why they were doing it. >> all right, here's what we know about the order of business. we're sort of going up the on ramp onto the main event. what is due to happen right now is a video, which we think is a video tribute to mitt romney. here's why i'm saying where think and it seems weird because as far as i understand the order of business, video followed by mystery guest, spoiler alert, clint eastwood, followed by marco rubio, followed by mitt romney. doesn't the video always go right before the nominee as the inspiring thing? we're not going to have a video to get us psyched about clint eastwood, are we? it wasn't. it was a video to get us psyched about mitt romney. it was a good ten-minute introduction video for mitt romney that was really well done. really might make you like him even if you didn't like him already or haven't been paying attention and fell asleep for a second at the end of "rookie blue." they had this done, ten-minute film, but they did not air it during network coverage, so most
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people did not see it. it was done by the time the networks started covering the convention. they had scheduled it to run before the networks were switching over to convention coverage. for a specific reason. they did that in order to make room in the golden hour, in the network coverage hour for this instead. look. to be announced. their big surprise. a to be announced speaker. a surprise, wow, and then of course, they blew the surprise. word about who it was going to be leaked out a day early so there was no suspension at all about who the suspensieful speaker would be, but apparently they thought it was going to be so good, this speaker was going to be so good, it was worth putting this on during network coverage of the final night of the nominating convention instead of the beautifully produced note perfect, emotional introduction of the candidate they had ready to go. instead, they did this. >> so mr. president, how do you
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handle -- how do you handle promises that you've made when you were running for election? and how do you handle -- how do you handle it? what do you say to people? do you just -- you know, i know people are wondering. you don't, you don't handle it, okay? somebody had a stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown new york city. maybe that would work. i've got to hand it to you, i've got to give credit where credit is due. you did overrule that finally. and so now we're moving onward. i think that mr. romney and mr. ryan are two guys who can come along. i'm speaking out for everybody out there.
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thank you. >> so the whole thing where he is addressing mr. president, an empty chair sitting next to him, the empty chair bit, him interviewing the empty chair as if in the empty chair was president obama, and then he was pretending that the invisible president in the chair yelled at mr. eastwood he should go f himself and to shut up. that was like the big -- that was the big joke. so that's what the romney campaign chose to broadcast to 25 million people about mitt romney's campaign for the presidency. what they did last night is a political disaster. this is unheard of. these are the mitt romney campaign strategists who could conceivably be responsible for this. eric fehrnstrom, stuart stevens, russ schriefer, and matt rhoades who is responsible for everything, so i guess it's his fault. an exasperating senior adviser to the campaign was asked who
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was spaunl for the clint eastwood disaster. the response was, quote, not me. continuing from the times, in late night interviews, aides called the speech strange and weird. one described it as theater of the absurd. these are romney staffers saying this about the thing that happened in the last hour on network television of their nominating convention that they have presumably be working on for years. so who is responsible for this? how did this happen? continuing from the times, a senior republican involved in convention planning said mr. eastwood's appearance was cleared by at least two of mr. romney's top advisers. and then later in the day, stuart stevens himself threw the candidate under the bus. stevens telling buzzfeed that mitt romney loved the clint east wd thing, quote, i was backstage with him and he was laughing and he enjoyed it. stevens said. adding that the candidate thanked mr. eastwood for coming. this is not about clint eastwood. this is about the romney
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campaign blowing their biggest moment in the campaign so far. the biggest audience they will ever have to present their unrebutted best case for their campaign. if nobody gets fired for this, what does that say about who is in charge over there? maouerleedr n wy n atct so an itha n atct in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ]
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on every tempur-pedic and serta icomfort. when brands compete, you save! don't miss mattress price wars. and hurry, this special financing offer ends labor day. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ this week in tampa, the republican party was like the grapes of wrath at an occupy protest and the instrekz of the
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statue of liberty all wrapped into one. they should no longer be called the gop, the grand old party. it should be called the phm, the party of the huddled masses. >> my dad got his first job when he was 6 years old. >> my dad never finished high school. >> nigh dad was a truck driver. >> nigh dad grew up in poverty. mom also came from nothing. >> working poor parents in a meat packing town. >> as a widow with seven children. >> basement apartment. >> tiny two bedroom house. >> single mother. >> working class. >> came from nothing. >> she got on a bus. >> took three different buses. >> every week day for years. >> every day to get to work. >> cleaning sheep pens. >> a poor farm boy. >> working on the railroad. >> a welsh coal miner. >> mopping floors, tending tables, tending bar. >> paycheck to paycheck. >> $10 in their pockets. >> making 50 kenlts an hour. >> as a teenager with nothing, not a penny. >> you know, give them a break. if you're nominating thurston
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howell for president, you would make your convention sound like that, too, right? distract, distract, distract. but the republicans did not just play the opposite game on the issue of class. and the subject of mitt romney's money. they also did it on the subject of your money as well. and your fate, particularly if you're an old person or somebody who plans to be an old person some day. that story is next with paul krugman. stay with us. [ kate ] many women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption.
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is a difficult thing to commit yourself to. now, in politics, in terms of lying, it's one thing to get away with little explanatory lies and exaggerations nobody is going to ask you again. everyone expects those from politicians. but if a fundamental thing in your campaign, a main pillar of what you're running on is a lie, then that's a problem. because not only do uhave to remember what the lie is, but so does everybody else. if you're a national campaign, have a ton of surrogates, a ton of other people, a ton of elected officials trying to get you alected and they're going to be asked about this thing that is a main pillar in your campaign and what you're banking on if it's a lie is everyone personaling t remembering the same lie. for months, for years, forever. what are the odds that's not eventually going to fall apart if people are going to be asked about it every day, and a lot of people are asked about it every day? today it fell apart a little more for mitt romney and paul
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ryan when eric cantor forgot what the lie was. the lie in question is that the republicans think it's awful that president obama is cutting $700 billion out of medicare. this is a lie because paul ryan has called for the exact same cuts to medicare. so clearly, they do not think they're so bad. somebody forgot to remind eric cantor of how exactly you explain that lie. asked ability the inconsistency of ryan attacking cuts his own plan embraced, mr. cantor said, quote, the assumption is that, uh, the, again, i probably can't speak to that in an exact way so i better just not. he said. eric cantor forgot the lie. what screws eric cantor up there, what he could not remember, the appropriate lie about is what nobel prize winning economist paul krugman called the smaller lie of romney and ryan on medicare.
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that's the small lie. but what paul krugman says is the big lie is this. >> medicare is a promise, and we will honor it. a romney/ryan administration will protect and strengthen medicare. >> if you were running a son of a zillionaire second generation zillionaire presidential nominee this year, you would have a convention about your party's up from the boot straps story? right, and if you were run the kill medicare guy as your vice presidential nominee, you too would have your convention about how much you love medicare and want to protect it. as paul krugman writes today, quote, the republican party is now firmly committed to replacing medicare with what we might call voucher care. they would give you a voucher that could be applied to the purchase of private insurance. if the voucher proved insufficient to buy decent coverage, that would be your problem. over time, the republican plan
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wouldn't just end medicare as we know it. it would kill the thing medicare is supposed to provide. universal access to essential care. that, i think, even eric cantor could remember. paul krugman joins us for the interview next, in just a moment. [ female announcer ] the power of green coffee extract is now in our new starbucks refreshers™ -- a breakthrough in natural energy. made with real fruit, starbucks refreshers™ are delicious low calorie drinks you can feel good about. ♪ rethink how you re-energize.
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medicare is a promise. and we will honor it.
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a romney/ryan administration will protect and strengthen medicare. >> paul ryan as the spokes person for protecting medicare. joining us now for the interview is paul krugman. and of course, a "new york times" columnist. mr. krugman is a contributor to the occupy handbook, which i own both in hardback and now in paperback because it's just out in paperback. thanks for being here. >> hi, there. >> political, the republicans say they have fought the medicare issue to a draw. they don't have political liability on the issue because they have convinced people president obama would hurt medicare more than they would. what is your reaction to that? >> it's amazing. they might be right on the politics, but in policy terms, of course not. the obama is proposing some cost saving measures, which are also exactly the same cost saving measures that ryan assumes in his budget. and then of course obama is trying to preserve medicare as
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what it is, which is something that guarantees essential health care to older americans, which we should have for everyone, but anybody, at least for older americans, it's a right. republicans are saying we'll give you a voucher and you can deal with the insurance company. it's your problem. >> in terms of the political allegations back and forth, one man pchs cost savings pressures are another person's dastardly cuts. in terms of what president obama is proposing, do you think there's anything wrong with it? >> the cost saving measures, no benefits are cut. benefits are expanded. they're all reductions in paymentses to insurance companies and hospitals. on the insurance company side, it's reducing overpayments. there's a program that has turned out to be a huge boondoggle. small benefits, in return for a lot of taxpayer costs. they're going to say we're going to stop subsidizing that. and then the hospitals would be paid less, but they have agreed to that. the hospital industry said, we're going to have more
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patients because people will have insurance. we'll have fewer uninsured people so we're willing to accept slightly lower rates. this was a perfectly reasonable way to save a fairly modest amount of money over the next ten years. amazing it has become -- well, it's because republicans are so good alt making people think they're going to take away your money and give it to those people. if you look at it on its own merits, it's a totally reasonable set of modest cost reduction measures. >> and they're winning on the politics because what we're talking about what obama did on medicare and not what paul ryan did to voucherize it. >> that's right, and i don't know if it will last, but that statement, we're going to keep the promise of medicare. the promise of medicare is if you have a medical emergency, a necessary treatment, it will be paid for. and that promise is explicitly taken away. the promise instead is, we will give you some money that maybe
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will help you to buy an insurance policy from a private insurance company. that's not the promise of medicare. >> in terms of the economics of a voucher proposal like that, in human terms it's harm to imagine. i imagine myself 88 years old, and i'm going to get a coupon and shop on the private a coupo shop on the private market for insurance because i've got a discount coupon. maybe somebody will want it 0 pick me up to get private of insurance. it's hard to imagine on human terms. in economics terms, is there any reason to believe that putting people into the private market with some sort of government subsidy like that would be more efficient and bring down costs in a big is sense? >> this is amazing thing. this is a case where severitiatives and especially the extreme ones won't take no for an answer. we have lots of head to head comparisons of private insurance versus government programs. and the private insurance always ends up being more expensive. you can see that we've got medicare advantage running medicare through private
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insurance companies, turned out to be a money losing prop pigs for the taxpayer. you have medicaid. medicaid is a lot cheaper. there's the international thing. every other advanced country relies much more on government provision of health insurance than we do. every other advanced country has much cheaper health care than we do with no difference in quality or in some cases better quality. so you look at -- it's not like you have to go to timbuktu to find this out. go a couple hundred miles north to canada. over the last 40 years, canada has had much lower growth in health care costs. they spend not much more than half as much per person as we do. same health care outcomes as we have, socialized health insurance. what more do you need? >> yeah, this is -- it works country to country. it works comparing two different systems within the same country and works comparing the private part of medicare to the public part. >> there is not one example that i'm aware of that shows what republicans insist we should be
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the belief on, which we completely overhaul our medicare system. >> the democrats will have done their job next week if we have been talking about is the voucher idea of paul ryan's. pul krugman, contributor to the new paperback version of the occupy handbook, thanks, paul. it's nice to see you. >> so republicans obviously wish the term legitimate rape and the moon said it would be scrubbed from this election cycle. they wish that enough to be introducing jokes now about hurding him. it's very awkward but that's next. i was teaching a martial arts class and having a heart attack. my brother doesn't look like a heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. i'm a fighter ari'm fine.y, babe? ♪
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yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. texas governor rick perry was at the republican convention this week. theoretically to support mitt romney for president. but these comments did it not help. >> would you ever do this again. >> oh, absolutely. i think the process. >> you might are up for president again. >> there's a long time till 2016
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and a lot of good things can happen my plan is for mitt romney to win and get this country back on track. i'll keep running the best state in the nation. >> 2016? that means mitt romney is going to win and then you're going to primary him after his first term or you think he's going to lose and you'll be ready -- you're telling reporters that at romney's convention. oh, rick perry, you were not a good candidate but you are an even worse surrogate. it was rick santorum the defact tote republican runner-up from the primaries who actually got a speaking gig at the convention. mr. santorum thankfully used a teleprompter and gave a very gooded speech. no single line of it was more well received than this one. >> i thank god that america still has one party that reaches out their hands in love to lift up all of god's children born and unborn.
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>> big applause. that big demonstratable show of enthusiasm for not just santorum but for rim santorum talking about abortion, talking about criminalizing abortion. that was one of the break through moments for social issues at this whole convention. republicans were very careful to stay away at the convention from the party's newly uniform hard line stance on social issues. they have prioritized it so much in governing over the last couple of years, but they do not want to talk about it when it comes to the presidential race. so yeah, there was that rick santorum line. there was one line from mick huckabee in his speech. there was a six-word sentence from mitt romney in his speech and oblique reference to the god of life from paul ryan. otherwise, they kept away from all social issues and especially from plans to criminal liza bortion. most of although, republicans did not want it talk about todd akin, the missouri senate candidate who last week upended the political narrative of the
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republicans heading into their convention when he said this. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. >> although the republicans were seemingly pretty undisciplined when it came to most of their messaging this week, take for example the fact that most of the major speeches were not at all about mitt romney, a little undisciplined about that, but they were capital "r" rigorous. and on message when they stayed away from the todd akin issue. and it largely worked this week. people were not talking about todd akin. he was largely out of the news cycle by the time the convention even started. until a reporter for business week sort of snuck into a briefing for zillionaire megadonors to karl rove's super pac held at the convention. because that reporter was there we got quotable details how rove and hailey barb bore are making the hard sell what of senate seats are available for the republicans and fascinating
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detail. we have posted it linked it tonight. here's the giant political screwup from that event where they didn't think reporters were present. >> on todd akin of missouri, rove clearly wants him out of the race. the goal is to get other donors to pressure some of his donors an get him out of the race. he used pretty colorful language in there. i believe he said we should sink todd akin. if he's found mysteriously murdered don't look for my wherebies. >> murdered. congressman akin's office responded saying they were disturbed by the murder comments but they were sure he misspoke. then mr. rove called todd akin to apologize and reportedly told him he would never had said such a thing if he had known there was a reporter in the room. i'm not kidding. that's reportedly the form his apology took. sorry i meant to back stab you, i never would have let you know i was back stabbing you. but just like that, thank you, karl rove.