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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  September 5, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. good morning, the democratic national convention is firing up the base. there was an electricity as democrats tried to recapture the energy from 2008. the speakers last night making clear appeals to the middle class to hispanics and to women. the night's headliner michelle obama, she blew the roof off the
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place. >> at the end of the day, my most important title is still mom in chief. >> keynote speaker julian castro touched the crowd with his story of humble beginnings the first hispanic to deliver a keynote speech at the dnc. he talked up the president but delivered a punch to mitt romney. >> i don't think governor romney nent meant any marm. he has no idea how good he's had it. mitt romney quite simply doesn't get it. >> it was a democratic party so speakers served up a lot of red meat. >> if mitt was santa claus, he would fire the reindeer and outsource the elves. >> women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar men make.
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maybe 23 cents doesn't sound like a lot to someone with a swiss bank account, a cayman island investment. >> put simply, women in america cannot trust mitt romney. >> i want to bring in ruth marcus, columnist for "washington post" and political reporter nick con sore ri. let's talk about michelle obama. it was called a resounding trium triumph. what do you think she accomplished? >> i think it was very important as we saw with ann romney's speech. spouses serve a very validating humanizing function, it's not that people don't know president obama, but they can speak about their spouses in a personal and real way that nobody else can. and i thought michelle obama's speech was terrific last night. and i was not a huge fan of most
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of ann romney's speech because i thought they both had the same fundamental goal which is to really speak to the women of america. you saw it in the most recent poll, there's a narrowing of the gap the gender gap between barack obama and mitt romney. and i thought ann romney did it in very heavy handed way, women i love you. i thought michelle obama's approach was more subtle and effective. >> let me play another clip from last night's speech. >> and he believes that when you've worked hard and done well, and walk through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. no, you reach back and you give other folks the same chances that help you succeed. >> the way it was described, both a political and politically masterful. you were there. depending on your point of view, i suppose, it could be
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considered a -- not so thinly veiled shot at mitt romney or at least a comparison. give me your headline out of my shell obama's speech. >> in some ways i thought it was the sharpest attack on mitt romney, it was cloaked in the language of fairytale of president obama but really a series of contrasts, quite scathing in her way, contrasting her husband and ann romney's husband. i thought it was pretty effective. >> let me interrupt you. we have breaking news coming to us from the convention site. my guess is neither of you may have heard this and that is a change of venue i understand for tomorrow night's big speech. the president himself. let me go to chuck todd. >> officials have made a weather call. they say the forecast they've been relying on has thunderstorms coming into charlotte, bank of america stadium, an open-air stadium with thunderstorms that would come and potentially start
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dumping water and lightning over the air right when vice president biden's speech would begin at 9:00. so they had to make this weather call. they had frankly they had -- they made this call i think midnight then went public with it a few minutes ago. that was the deadline the see kret service had given convention planners in order to have preparation to secure the site. they said they've had a couple of problems, chris, because of all of the rain storms and every day we've seen water dumped on charlotte over the last couple of days. a lot of this is remnants of isaac, they had trouble getting bank of america stadium prepared the way they would like. they had some 60,000, 65,000 north carolinana sen virginias coming in, earned their right to get a ticket for this. the question is where do they put them? i can tell you, convention planners are in a meeting to see if they get lucky, vice president biden and president
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obama will speak inside the time warner center. if they get lucky, they have a whole bunch of concerts planned, do they go back out there if somehow the rain clears up at night and at least give some entertainment for the 50 to 60,000 that made plans to watch the speech. big organizational blow to the obama campaign. >> it's a very different visual when you have the inside of that auditorium and then you have this big open air. we saw it in 2008. how big of a blow is it? and what does it mean to even how you deliver that speech? >> look, i think on television it's minimal. i think, you're setting -- you create these visuals for television. the thing that really hurts the obama campaign is the open air event they put on in denver when they were able to get 70,000,
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80,000 coloradons and used it before candidate obama spoke, getting them field training if you will, for the remainder of some 90 days before the election and obviously colorado an important state to the president's coalition and he won it. that's what they want to recreate in north carolina. a state the president is behind in. the real blow is organizationally, it's minimum impact on television and maximum impact to do what they wanted to do here in north carolina. >> chuck, i know you're going to stay with us. let me bring back in nick and ruth. nick, your thoughts? >> i think chuck is right. the optics are he can speak well anywhere and do a speech anywhere. it will be tighter shots. won't have the crowd shots we had in colorado, the sweeping aerial views but it will still be a good speech. what's important to hear, how do they use events to transform the
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base to turn them into an activist class. i'm not sure it matters for the speech itself. >> let's talk about night one and look ahead in this hour obviously to tonight because we're going to be hearing from former president bill clinton. but it's clear that one of the things that the democrats wanted to do is to show that this election was a choice. let me play you some sound. >> and now we need to make a choice. >> progress is a choice. job creation is a choice. whether we move forward or back, this too is a choice. >> women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and health care. >> that fundamentally is the choice in this election. >> we have a clear choice on november 6th. >> one thing did he this very well, ruth, they took these little snippets and pounded them over and over again. rather than a referendum on the president, the democrats want this election to represent a choice between two very
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different candidates. were they effective and can that be a game changer? >> i think they've been effective in making a choice. we were just at a breakfast with rahm emanuel and he talked about two phases of the campaign that they had sort of made the distinction between the president and mitt romney. but that the next phase of the campaign was to be sketching out more clearly and that's what we're looking for from the president on thursday night. exactly what a second term will look like and where he wants to take the country. one quick thing about the change in venue. these are not little rain drops that are falling on us here in charlotte. here's are torrential pounding rains. i was trying to listen to james take taylor at an outdoor concert and you are drenched and it would have been the worst visual in the world to have the wet poncho dripping democrats out in the open air arena. i think they made the right call there. >> let me ask you about what happened last night and, chuck,
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i heard you talking throughout the evening be inside there and how different it felt from the republican convention in terms of the energy and enthusiasm. and i can tell you that as someone watching it on television, i was in fact virtually flabbergasted by how much energy there seemed to be, how much wrapped attention were being paid and how many speakers seemed to hit a home run. but of course, that didn't stop the criticism. let me play with paul ryan said this morning on fox. >> what you did not hear is that people are better off than they were four years ago. what you did hear was simply attacks against their opponents. >> that's what we're hearing this morning from a number of republicans. they didn't tell you what they are going to do about the economy. they didn't defend his economic record, right? >> well, i and i think that the obama campaign would say that's what president clinton is going to do, that's what he's best at doing and what president obama will do. i want to go back to the passion issue. like i said, it reminded me a
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little bit of the 2004 democratic convention. as far as the way that there was 2004 republican convention, there you had all of the passion for george w. bush and his convention. at the 2004 convention all of the passion was against george w. bush. the same person was creating the passion. that's what we see here. it's the same person creating passion on the affirmative here, the democratic convention is barack obama. in the against the passion in tampa was against barack obama. so there was no passion there for mitt romney. and that's what was missing. it was last night you saw the delegates, every one of them, they were listening to speeches at 6:00. i can tell you the delegates and i was on the floor both conventions, at 6:00 in tampa, they were not on pins and needles listening to everyone one of their speeches, maybe they should have been. but that seemed to be what was missing. that was i think the passion disconnect between the two and goes to the challenge mitt romney has had leading this
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republican party. almost as if he's the invited guest. >> and you have very specific constituencies that they clearly were going after. they were looking to women. they were looking to latinos and they also made a very pointed effort, tammy duckworth and others to mention the military. and one of the criticisms of mitt romney's speech and there you see all of the women there from congress and who are running for congress, a lot of democrats criticizing -- even republicans, mitt romney for not even mentioning the military during his speech. how effective were they last night in going after those core constituencies who they have to not just hold but love to energy obviously? >> it's fascinating to see how choreographied the speeches were and in this one push. in tampa it was not like that. and as chuck said, it was almost
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like mitt romney was a guest at his own convention, unplanned speaking, clint eastwood. it wasn't a push in the same way. here we have an orchestrated party organization moving forward. all teeing up to the same places, hitting those constituent scies and capping i off with michelle obama, who's job is to take the greatest advantage of the election, even people who don't like the job he's doing, remind people of why they vote for him, it was pretty fascinating. >> nick confessore and chuck todd, thanks to you for bringing ugs the breaking news that the speech will move from outdoors to indoors. and ruth marcus putting on her rain hat. >> i have a collection of ponchos. >> what? >> i have a collection of ponchos. >> very wise, very wise indeed. thanks to all of you, appreciate it. while her husband is gearing up
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for his big night in charlotte tonight, secretary of state hillary clinton is in asia. she's pushing for a solution to end the crisis in syria. mrs. clinton met with her counterparts in beijing and blasted china and russia for vetoes against intervening in syria. >> we have been disappointed by russia and china's actions blocking tougher u.n. security council resolutions and we hope to continue to unite behind a real path forward to end the violence in syria. >> they also talked about how to resolve territorial disputes that have broken out between china and its neighbors. mom: ready to go to work? ♪
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let's tell everyone we meet, when the american dream is on the line, we want barack obama in charge. >> this morning after night one of the dnc, critics and supporters of president obama are finding some common ground. despite opportunity talk and the american dream, republicans and some democrats say they want to hear more about president obama's plans for the economy and the gop has been quick to highlight the national debt topping $16 trillion for first time yesterday. that translates to every man, woman and child owing $50,000 to uncle sam.
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>> how can the country as a whole be better off with $16 trillion worth of debt? >> the inauguration day, our debt was little bit less than $11 trillion. today it is projected to hit $16 trillion. >> four years in a row we've had trillion plus dollar deficits and now have a $16 trillion debt. >> joining me now, democratic senator ben cardin of maryland. let any start with that question about the debt because it's what republicans were talking about yesterday as you all were getting geared up in charlotte. their answer is what the democrats represent is more debt, runaway spending, that's only going to hurt our children and our grandchildren and shoulder them with a burden they can't possibly sustain. what do you say to that? >> remember, it was a democrat he can party that gave the first
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balanced budget in a lifetime. it was then the policies of president bush that brought on huge deficits. when barack obama took the oath of office, we were in huge deficits for as long as we could see. president obama has changed the course of this country. he's now creating jobs where when he became president we were losing jobs. he's putting our economy back on the right track. change takes time. we're moving in the right direction. we don't want to go back to failed policy that's brought on huge debts. i think democratic party is moving the country in the right direction. >> julian castro gave the keynote speech and focused on the economic challenges in a personal way that his family faced. let me play a little clip for you, senator. >> my grandmother never owned a house. she cleaned other people's houses so she could afford to rent her own. but she saw her daughter become the first in the family to graduate from college. and my mother fought hard for civil rights so instead of a
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mop, i could hold this microphone. >> there were a number of very moving stories like that yesterday that were very effective and i heard a lot of republicans actually mocking them, saying you know, what enough with the american dream speeches already. the question that they want answered is are you better off than you were four years ago? is that a legitimate question, and did the democrats miss an opportunity to answer that in a stronger way last night? >> four years ago we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, now creating private sector jobs. four years ago we were fighting two wars with no end in sight. our troops are home from iraq and we have a game plan to bring troops home from afghanistan. four years ago osama bin laden was out there doing harm to the world. he's no longer there today. four years ago our auto industry was on the verge of collapse. today the u.s. auto manufacturers are doing well, creating manufacturing jobs for our future. we're in better shape today but
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we need to continue in the direction that will create the jobs we need for the future. we don't want to go back to the failed policies that brought us this misery. >> what do you want to hear tomorrow night? there has been criticism of mitt romney that his speech had a lot of great rhetoric earn short on specifics. does the president need to tell the american people more specifically than they've heard in a long time, about how he plans to move the country forward? >> i think you're going to find two different visions for america. i think president obama will talk about his record, what he's been able to do under an extremely difficult environment, how he's been able to change the direction of this country. and that we're moving in the right direction. i think he will comment about mitt romney and paul ryan and their budgets an what it will do for our children as far as cost of college education, what it will do for america's investment that we need to make -- not able to make under the ryan plan and the mitt romney's proposed. i think he'll point out very
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clearly that we're doing those types of sacrifices and asking middle class to do more just so he can get tax breaks to the wealthy. i think you're going to find the contrast president embracing what he's done for the country and how he moved it in the right direction, that we've got to continue in that direction. we don't want to go back to failed policies and i think he also will clear the record up. there were so many things said during the republican convention that weren't true. i think you're going to hear a very clear defense of where we're moving and that we have to continue in this direction for the future of our country. >> senator ben cardin, good of you to take the time to talk with us. thank you. >> they are trying to counter bill clinton's prime time speech. while president obama and his allies would love to be able to borrow credibility from the nation's 42nd president, the contrast between bill clinton and barack obama particularly whether it comes to economic and fiscal issues, couldn't be greater. so the response is out there even before the speech.
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speech. willie geist tweeted, castro for preschool president. or maybe a pantene commercial. the campaign released this video where he and joe biden donned aviators and fist bump. >> my favorite -- who's cool with all of us getting gay married? thank you, invisible man in the chair for that. >> michael dukakis had advice, keep hammering mitt romney. he told politico, he's got to make sure everybody in america understands what a disaster mitt romney was when it the came to the massachusetts economy. the super pac is hitting ads on the support for same-sex marriage. >> obama is trying to force gay marriage on this country.
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that's not the change i voted for. >> and counterprogramming, new jersey governor chris christie hanging out with jimmy fallon and talking about his love for the boss, bruce springsteen and broke into song. ♪ >> chris christie, everybody. >> is it mean to say don't quit your day job. i shouldn't either. former president clinton enjoying his highest approval ratings ever and tonight he'll give his seventh democratic convention speech. what he'll say is a mystery, he has not given his speech to the campaign to review farce we know. joining me from charlotte, karen finney and former dnc communications director and i'm joined by former noout gingrich
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spokesman and senior adviser to the akin campaign. how does he help president obama? >> he'll remind people what it's like in terms of democratic policies and the competence and state where the country was in after eight years of president clinton's presidency and the reminder we need to stay on that path. he will highlight in a way that only bill clinton can do. as you've heard so many people talk about the challenge. he knows in a very personal way what the differences mean because he has been a stew ard of this economy. he's been a steward of this country so he understands the challenge that president obama is facing and the challenge we have going forward. that's what he's going to outline for people tonight. >> he also had uniquely and still does have uniquely broad appeal in many circles and with those independent voters in the latest poll, the president trailed governor romney by 7
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points among white blue collar workers. for example, bill clinton has a strong record of appealing to that group. is that the constituency he'll help him reach? where do you think bill clinton might be able to help the president? >> i think bill clinton -- >> actually, for rick. >> sorry. >> i think bill clinton is enormously gifted politician. he gives a great speech. a lot of republicans like myself miss bill clinton. we miss four years of balanced budgets but it took a republican congress to do that. we miss paying off almost a half trillion dollars worth of debt and welfare reform. this president has gone in exactly the opposite direction. and getting toward to a balance budget. yesterday we passed $16 electrical and going in the wrong direction. >> hold on, president clinton himself has said the attacks that republicans have made on president obama about the changes in welfare reform are sfals false. you can't put words in his
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mouth. you have the guy who passed the legislation saying you're lying. you have many fact checkers saying that it's not correct. people like governor romney when he was governor asked for additional flexibility. i thought your part was for more flexibility. >> i'll be fair. what president obama did was change rules that allow the governors to have more flexibility -- >> and i thought that's something the republican party is for. >> we are except for every single governor knew can now make a work requirement anything they want to make it. the fact is president obama usurped the progress. his department was not allowed to change that rule. that's the rule. >> president obama -- hold on. i think this is very important. what the president was responding to was the economic reality we're in in 2012, which is different from president clinton was president. my understanding what governors were asking for was if you're in a training program working towards a job, that should count
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because the one of things -- one of the things we understand this this economy is people are having to be retrained. are you saying that shouldn't matter, say tough luck? >> except retraining includes setting your alarm clock and getting sleep, these things -- >> this is another thing i think president clinton will speak to, this absolutely racist assertion and this absolutely biased assertion that somehow -- >> you're not calling me a racist, are you? >> people who are low income and need help are lazy? waiting for the alarm clock, come on. >> that's what the governor said they would be allowed to do. >> that's not -- >> we have to let that -- >> don't you think the people on welfare would like to get off welfare? >> i think you're trying to blame poor people and i think you're trying that low income people are lazy. >> i'm going to interrupt now. karen finney.
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you heard about reclaiming obama care, it's a term republicans use to criticize the signature health care law. following the lead of president obama on the campaign trail, democrats wrapped their arms around obama care at last night's convention. >> republicans may see romney care as a scar let letter, but for us democrats, obama care is a badge of honor. being a woman is no longer a preexisting condition. >> obama care provides my family security and relief. >> we cannot trust mitt romney to protect our health. he would repeal obama care. >> i'm joined by msnbc's lawrence o'donnell, host of "the last word." i want to ask you about embracing obama care as a strategy. great for the crowd in the hall, no doubt about it. do you think it helps to appeal to undecided voters out there in tv land? >> well, the more you think
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about it, the more you realize they don't have a choice. that's what the republicans are going to call it and throw it at the democrats and at the president as if it's an accusation. and they have no choice other than to pick that word up and run with it. and make it a positive. and turn it into obama does care. that what they were trying to do here last night. and i think it's about time. they really didn't have a political choice here. they had to embrace it. know, what is not commonly known, every single speech delivered from the podium goes through a process in a little office right under the podium. there are democratic speechwriters down there, a team of speechwriters who go through every speech for consistency and clarity. they do some little trims and edits. sometimes they end up writing a lot of those speeches. this is a very deliberate obviously, very, very deliberate choice that this convention is
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making to embrace obama care. >> i have to say, whoever was in the room and helping a mom named stacey lynn craft her speech, did an amazing job. her toddler daughter was born with congenital heart disease and talked about the impact of the new health care law and her family. i want to play a little bit of that. >> there's no way we could afford to pay for all of the care she needs to survive. worrying that people would let an insurance company take away her health care, just because of politics? one in 100 children are born with a congenital heart defect. president obama is fighting for them. >> one of the things that the administration has argued about the health care law, as it starts to roll in as more people start to feel its effects, then it will become more and more popular. is that what her speech last night was about? >> yeah, what that speech does
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was pick out just one component of the bill and a very easily understood one, which is lifetime limits of payouts of basically help from an insurance policy and how easily those lifetime limits can be hit. in this case, imagine you have a baby with congenital heart disease who needs three different open heart surgery operations over a period of years. you're going to hit the lifetime limit, the actual lifetime limit on that child's health insurance by the time she's six or seven years old. do you have to sell your home? you'll go into bankruptcy. this put a human face on that and that was one of the speeches that stacey lynn brought in. john gillespie, who works in the speech writing room below the podium made a couple of minor tweaks for her just for time so she would fit on enough time. he told me that was her speech. they do a little rehearsal,
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chris for people who never worked with a teleprompter before. they can show them how it works and he told me that when she did her speech there, these veterans like him who have been doing this for 20 years, there wasn't a dry eye in that room. >> well, you know what, it felt like it was her words and from the heart. i'm not sure that's the kind of speech you can put in the hands of somebody who hasn't done it before. it certainly seemed esktsive from at home. lawrence, great inside information. we'll see you tonight on the prime time shows. >> thank you. >> we're getting new details on the decision to move president obama's acceptance speech inside tomorrow. nbc's mark potter is live outside the bank of america stadium in charlotte, where the president's speech was supposed to take place. what can you tell us, mark? >> reporter: hi, chris, the democrats indeed did plan to have the president speak before a large crowd at the bank of america stadium but mother nature unfortunately has intervened as he she has done a
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couple of times during the conventi convention. because of the threat of rain and more importantly the threat of thunderstorms and public safety issue, a decision was made to cancel the speech here and move it over to the arena, back to the arena where everything else has been going on. that's a covered facility. the problem is that 65,000 members of the community had signed up to come here and hear the president. there was a lot of excitement about that. but unfortunately now they will not be able to attend because they do not fit in the arena. this is a big place and the arena is much smaller. the people originally in will get to stay and others will not come here because of mother nature. >> mark potter, thank you so much. apple has a big announcement set for one week from today. here's what's moving your money. i wonder what that could be. >> we can't say officially but all signs are pointing to the
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iphone 5. a location ha has been used in the past to unveil new products, the e-mail invitation shows a big 12 for september 12th cleverly casting a shadow in the shape of a 5. blogs and various reports are suggesting the new iphone will have a taller crean, newer mapping software and access to the latest wireless data networks here in the united states. analysts on the street, apple shares already up 66% year to date. >> thank you very much. well, bill clinton is the big headliner tonight at the dnc but there are a couple more speakers, including four star generic shinseki and ka mall la harris, getting a lot of buzz and three former employees of bain controlled companies and elizabeth warren, and congressman barney frank, his final convention as a member of congress. look! she wears the scarlet markings!
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it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. republicans are making an aggressive play for the critical latino vote, inspite of overwhelming support for president obama, polls did show mitt romney made some progress after the convention, going from 26 to 30%, highest level yet. but the democrats were ready last night with an answer. six high profile hispanic speakers including julian castro and his high energy take on immigrant dreams. >> my family's story isn't special. what's special is the america that makes our story possible. >> joining me now is the founding executive director of, also an msnbc contributor, we saw last night so many
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democratic latinos but we should also say there were prominent latino speakers at the rnc, new mexico governor susan na martinez and marco rubio. does one resonate more than the other with voters? >> both have personal stories, marco rubio has an immigrant story and martinez and you showed the clip of julian castro. what makes it so different is right now the latino voter in the republican party, while it's increasing in profile, they are having a tough time actually recruiting latino voters. they may appeal to the general public, they are having a hard time not because of the candidates themselves but because the republican party keeps beating up on the latino part -- the latino community so harshly. not only is julian castro transcends latino politics but appeals widely to everyday americans. >> part of the reason why republicans think they see an opening because of the unemployment rate, 10 to 11% in
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the latino community. is that an opening? >> no, i think if you were to ask me, chris, what nominee presidential nominee romney needs to do, he needs to go back to the republican party, enough is enough, you have to stop scapegoating them and find common solutions to our unemployment problem to increase small business and to increase education opportunities. if he were to go back and repudiate the republican party, he has a shot because they are looking for someone with leerdship and backbone to talk about real issues. >> and i and most of us looking at this through an english language media lens, all of the speeches and keynote last night. how is it playing out in spanish speaking media? specifically spanish language television in the u.s. and how significant is that? >> the majority -- something to keep in mind. 80% of latino voters are english dominant. the real opportunity for the
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both parties is to start crafting messages that are culturely relevant to younger hispanic. you have 50,000 latino youth turning 18 every single month. 50% of latinos are under the age of 40 but no one is talking to them in culturally appropriate programming. i applaud the obama campaign, they are going to do a youtube programming with kal penn. that's where they get the information and transfer the information back to the parents. while the spanish speaking media is important, to get to the latino vote you have to speak in english but in issues we care about. >> interesting we saw kal penn make that vote register last night. >> it may be more of a red carpet question than a political one. who are you rariwearing? she was in reese last night,
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democrats are lighting up the twitter verse blowing away republicans after one day of the convention in charlotte. msnbc's richard liu is here and the numbers are amazing. >> they are, day one made a bit of social media history. 3 million tweets were posted yesterday. that's single day convention record, over 2,000 tweets every minute of the day on average. the rnc convention's biggest day was the last night with 2 million, leading the charge that broke this republican high, the first lady. >> we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country
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forward. my husband, our president, barack obama! >> that was the end of my shell obama's speech and if tweet were claps, that was the night's loudest moment with 28,000 per minute. the keynote speaker was the second highest, san antonio maier julian castro got 11,500 and kal penn trended after this tweet, back stage on deck and put on, hash tag, sexy face, alluding to his sexy face expression if you think so. as the president tweeted, the biggest fans were these three watching mrs. obama's speech. little did they know, it was michelle obama who was setting a record of her own, doubling the list' number two, mitt romney. the democrats hold three of the top five spots with bill clinton and the president still yet to speak. for more social media, two online chats direct from the ed
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shultz radio show and >> not sexy face. >> no. >> that wraps up this hour of jansing & co. thomas roberts is next. >> the agenda next hour, convention planners for democrats scrambling to initiate a b plan now that norms are forcing them to move the president's speech from the open air carolina panthers stadium inside. ben labolt joins us to explain where they would move the speech and how they deal with the thousands of disappointed people that were expected to fill panthers stadium. and can day two be as good as day one? democrats prep the stage in charlotte for the return of the left's grandest star, bill clinton, will he deliver a full tloelted endorsement for a second obama administration? while people wait to see the tongues are wagging over
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michelle obama and julian castro, our power panel will weigh in on who stole the night. we're back with more after this. ? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. yeah, you -- you know, everything can cost upwards of...[ whistles ] i did not want to think about that. relax, relax, relax. look at me, look at me. three words, dad -- e-trade financial consultants. so i can just go talk to 'em? just walk right in and talk to 'em. dude, those guys are pros. they'll hook you up with a solid plan. they'll -- wa-- wa-- wait a minute. bobby? bobby! what are you doing, man? i'm speed dating! [ male announcer ] get investing advice for your family at e-trade.
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