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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  September 7, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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it's bringing the future forward. good friday morning. i'm chris jansing. developing news on the economy. it's a mixed jobs report. the unemployment rate is down from 8.3 to 8.1%. but, it's because more americans stopped looking for work with a less than expected 96,000 jobs added. this report gives new talking points to the republicans after a three day democratic convention that was by almost all accounts better organized, better messaged and left the base more energized. i want to bring in governor martin o'malley. governor, good to see you. good morning. let's start with the jobless rate. it missed expectations. what happened? >> well, we've had now, i think, 30 months in a row of positive private-sector job growth. so i think the president said in
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his remarks look this is difficult, we've not recovered all the jobs we lost in the bush recession but we're making progress but can make faster progress when the election comes around and replace some of the oppressive iedologues. >> we just saw paul ryan on cnbc. >> this is just another example of lots of promises and lofty rhetoric made by the early obama presidency or by candidate obama and look at the broken promises. this is not an economic recovery. >> in a statement from the romney campaign, governor, they said for every new net job created 4 million americans gave up looking for work entirely. do they have a point? >> here's the point. paul ryan voted against every single jobs bill that president
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obama sent to the congress. americans aren't giving up. we're going to continue to move forward. but we really could make even faster progress if the republicans instead of trying to slow down our nation's recovery would vote for the thing that actually work to create more jobs because our best days are in front of us. this was a deep recession we were dealt. >> without a doubt it was a deep recession and without a doubt there's been a lot of difficulty in getting both sides to work together. the question is, how do you do that and you can do that? let me give you one example, governor. manufacturing jobs last month dropped by 15,000. last night we heard president obama promise a million manufacturing jobs to cut the deficit and turn the economy around. are those promises the ones that paul ryan is talking about, the broken promises, and let me ask you, i guess, just point blank, are these promises running up against the reality of a still weak economy?
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>> well, the reality is there's always ups and downs in a recovery, but for the last couple of years we've seen the greatest expansion of manufacturing jobs that our country has been able to achieve since the 1990s. and as we move forward, especially as we become more energy independent, i think you're going to see more manufacturing jobs created in our country as this recovery continues to move forward. so, look, the most important job we create is the next job. the president understands that. that's why every decision he makes is based on what is best to move our economy forward. and that's what this election is about. look, nobody out there believes for a second that we've recovered from all of the damage done by the bush recession. but we are moving forward, 30 months in a row of private-sector job growth is solid progress. could it be fast center sure could. if paul ryan and the house
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obstructionist would stop voting against every jobs measure that the president sends to capitol hill. >> governor o'malley i know it's been a busy week for you and you were kind enough to stake round and talk to us about the job numbers. you just saw pictures of the president and first lady getting on air force one. barack obama knew what the jobs numbers were last night when he walked on to the stage in charlotte where he defended his first term and argued he needs four more years to finish what he started. >> america, i never said this journey would be easy. and i won't promise that now. yes, our path is harder. but it leads to a better place. yes, our road is longer but we travel it together. we don't turn back. we leave no one behind. >> president obama's biggest champion last night was joe biden who delivered perhaps an even more impassioned plea, again touting the killing of
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osama bin laden and the rescue of the auto industry. >> one more thing our republican opponents are just dead wrong about. america is not in decline! america is not in decline! i've got news for governor romney and congressman ryan. gentlemen, never ever, it never makes sense, it's never been a good bet to bet against the american people. >> here's "the washington post" deputy national political editor and white house correspondent for the national journal. good to see both of you. i'm impressed you're still awake after these back-to-back weeks. major, let me start with you. did the president do what he needed to do last night? >> it's fair to say the president's speech was tempered by reality, the reality of dealing with a congress that doesn't see the way forward the way he does, tempered by an
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economy that's not growing anywhere near as fast as his economic advisors have hoped or he would like to see. that was a modest speech last night that did not try either with soaring rhetoric or extravagant new list of promises. the president said we are as he said making progress. it's slow, sometimes feels grinding but it is better than falling backward. that's not exactly the most soaring election message the president would like to give. the president had better economic statistics. he was constrained by reality, tempered by the difficulty of dealing with a republican congress and didn't over promise and willing to settle for news coverage today that said the president didn't give a big glorious speech, he gave a basic speech, talking about the times we're in and moving incrementally forward. >> i want to play another clip to your point, major, what the president had to say about what's next.
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>> all they had to offer is the same prescriptions they've had for the last 30 years. have a surplus, try a tax cut. deficit too high, try another. feel a cold coming on, take two tax cuts, roll back some regulations and call us in the morning. >> the criticism was that mitt romney didn't get specific. did the president get specific last night and if he played it safe, as major just sort of suggested, why? >> well, i think it's probably safe to say he got a little more specific than the republicans did. that clip you played is probably going to be most memorable of the entire speech, channelling bill clinton there. the president has already, in the less than, i guess it's been 12 hours since he gave the speech, he's been rapped for giving a state of the union speech and not being specific enough. he fell somewhere in between but major is exactly right.
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he wanted to do something that was modest, that was accessible, that was not going to feel anything like four years ago and it certainly didn't so that people would see that he's tethered to the earth as he talks about the next four years. to your earlier question did he do what he needed to do, i think de. he was talking largely to democrats. both of these conventions are tailored to the bases. people were until excited to see him out there. if he didn't surpass bill clinton or joe biden that's probably okay given how much criticism he's taken in recent years for being a little too lofty. >> i want to bring in senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont. senator, let me play something else from last night and get your reaction. >> now, our friends down in tampa, at the republican convention, were more than happy to talk about everything they think is wrong with america. but they didn't have much to say about how they would make it
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right. they want your vote, but they don't want you to know their plan. >> to continue the conversation we were having, did you hear anything new? did you hear what you thought barack obama had to tell the american people? >> well, i think the point that he just made is absolutely right. we have in a sense a knowledge where the president is coming from but it's important to know where the republican party is coming from and where romney is coming from and what's most important is to understand the republican party has become an extreme right-wing party. their economic agenda is exactly what bush proposed and that's more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and at the same time they want to cutback on social security, medicare, medicaid, nutrition programs at a time when we're in this horrendous recession because of the greed and illegal behavior on wall street, their response is we need more wall street
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deregulation in terms of women's issues they have come up with the unbelievable position that if a woman is raped they need a constitutional amendment to say that that woman may not have an abortion even if her life is at stake. so, i think the contrast is pretty clear. we know in a sense after four years where obama is coming from. what the republicans have become now is a party which represents millionaires and billionaires and a right-wing extremist base. >> you know, last night the other thing we heard a lot about and there was a lot of criticism from the democrats against mitt romney that he didn't mention afghanistan. we heard a lot of focus on the military and foreign policy. since you're on the veterans affairs committee i want to play for you a couple of clips that we heard last night. >> my opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy. you don't call russia our number one enemy, not al qaeda, russia
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unless you're still stuck in a cold war mind warp. you might not be ready for diplomacy with beijing if you can't visit the olympics without insulting our closeest ali. ask osama bin laden if he's better of now than he was four years ago. >> will those lines matter to voters? >> think they will. we are now ending the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq is over, our troops are home. but the point that obama and biden both made is that a lot of men and women came home from those wars, wounded in body, wounded in spirit. we have a moral obligation to make sure that they get the benefits and the health care that they are entitled to and it really was pretty amazing that mr. romney forgot to talk about those wars and the men and women who sacrificed in fighting those wars. >> senator bernie sanders, thank
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you so much for being with us. let me go back to major and ann. ann, when did the democrats become the party of foreign affairs, when did they become the tough guys because that's what it sound like if you compare the democratic and republican conventions. >> an interesting evolution over the last couple of years. president obama has worked very hard to be not just the foreign policy president, but the national security president, and the military president. not just because he was able to be the one to take credit for bin laden, you know, he has been -- he's been a proponent of a lot more drone strikes something that liberals have decried, senator sanders is not a huge fan of, but independents and republicans have applauded. and i think mitt romney probably either inadvertently or intentionally gave him a gigantic opening. his numbers on foreign policy and national security, president obama's numbers, that is, have been quite good for him and i
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think that's what you'll see them continue to work on. >> major, more than a few analysts said last night too bad john kerry didn't give that speech when he was the nominee of the party. it really fired up that hall and my guess is a lot of people at home as well. was he trying out for secretary of state? >> well he's certainly going to be considered in the second obama term if there's one. i think he did rhetorically exercise the ghost of i was for it before i was against it. built there's something more important that happened last night. these convention, especially the last night do not exist in a vacuum. they lay a predicate for not only the remainder of the campaign but the debates. what the obama campaign wanted to do last night because the economic data is not all that great and not going to be a lot of new information about the economy before the debates. they want to lay a ground work for the presidential debates, about foreign policy, national security, what has happened
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under president obama's watch and make mitt romney and republicans responsive to that and the remainder of this campaign and the debates. that's a lot of what was driving the strategy behind last night's rhetoric. >> there will be one of three presidential debates focused on foreign policy. thank you to both of you. what an inspiration last night. this is former congresswoman gabrielle giffords who is recovering from brain injury, she walked on stage to say the pledge of allegiance. >> and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible, liberty and justice for all. ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪
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after a five week recess house and senate members will head back to work on monday. they will have 13 working days amid the frantic sprint november 6th. despite the focus on election, president obama said congress can still help with the economy. joining me now emanuel cleaver of missouri. good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> democrats head back to congress on the heels of the convention, where you gave a very passionate speech on wednesday. let me play just a little clip of that. >> just as bees cannot sting and make honey at the same time, members of congress cannot simultaneously let passionate economies and expect political progress. >> americans are fed up as you know with the polls with what's happening in congress. they will look and say why i wish i only had 13 working days between now and november 6th. what can you tell them about what might happen between now and the election?
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will anything get done? >> very little. i don't think the american people are being served well. members of congress are going to go back for these 13 days and argue and fight. there is no legislation with any significance that will go through. so, i think that we're going to have to realize that our only chance for doing something will possibly occur in the lame duck session and even then i don't know if we're going to pass a long term transportation bill. we got to pass a farm bill. in the midwest people are suffering. we still can't come together on a farm bill, a simple farm bill. >> let me ask you about three things that the president has said very specifically he thinks needs to get done and let me ask you if you think they will get done. passing continuing resolution to keep the government funded through the end the year.
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the housing refinance package and extension of bush era tax cuts on people's first $250,000 in income. >> well, i think we'll talk to the edge. we'll go to the precipice on at least two of those issues. one continuing resolution. that may be difficult to do because i think there's a segment of congress that would love, to you know, say we're not going to do anything that would increase spending or we're not going to go anything to reduce it. of course, the bush tax cuts, that's going to be the biggest fight between now and the end the year. and i think also we got to raise the debt ceiling and if we don't do that, i think the public may watch with anger as the united states jeopardizes, again, our
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bond rating worldwide. >> there's another issue that's out there related to the election, congressman and last night john lewis made an impassioned argument against voter i.d. laws. it was emotional. i want to ask you about reality. can these laws potentially change the outcome of this upcoming election? >> absolutely. when you consider the fact that many african-americans in the south were not born in hospitals as my father and his brothers were not, and so they have no birth certificate. if they are no longer driving, then it's going to be difficult for them to show government issued i.d. if you have government issued i.d. in my home state it will cost you $21. that's a poll tax. we need to shave off a couple of percentage points like in states
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of ohio, virginia, florida and we lose the states. it's a very serious issue. it's a solution looking for a problem. there is no voter fraud in the united states of america. and i hope the public can come to the conclusion that all of a sudden republicans are moving to do this so there must be a problem and i can tell you there is a problem and that is the fear of a huge turnout and that would put barack obama back in office for four more years. >> thank you so much for staying around the talk to us. we mentioned last night john lewis spoke about this and he told the story of he and a friend being beaten after entering a whites only waiting room in rock hill, south carolina back in 1961. >> a few years ago a man from rock hill inspired by president obama's election came forward. he came to my office in washington and said i am one of the people who beat you.
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i want to apologize. will you forgive me? i said i accept your apology. he started crying. he gave me a hug. i hugged him back. and we both started crying. this man and i don't want to go back, we don't want to go back. ? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. now in two new flavors. try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula.
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attacked mitt romney. >> now sure, sure, mitt romney loves our lakes and our trees. he loves our cars so much that they even have their own elevator. in romney's world the cars get the elevator and the workers get the shaft. >> and eva longoria shared a personal story. >> i needed tax brakes when i worked at wendy's but working on movie sets i do not. >> joe ken apology will be running for congress. my must read is for anyone who has dreamed of dramatically quitting their job.
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a court has ruled that a bank of america executive is not entitled to a bonus package after dropping his pants and mooning the board members. weigh in on our facebook page. it's up there at facebook/jansingco. backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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as soon as the convention speeches were finished the romney campaign was ready with 15 new ads in eight battleground states spending $4.5 million. the campaigns shadowing each other today making stops in swing states, iowa, new hampshire. let me bring in democratic strategist and a republican strategist and former newt gingrich chief of staff. chris, let me start with you. t-minus 60 days. let's talk democrats. how and where do you best use the president, joe biden, bill
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clinton, michelle obama. what's the strategy? >> well, you have a set number of battleground states, especially in this election, the map i would say favors us more than it toes the republicans because they have must-win states. republicans can't win this election if they won't win florida, virginia, ohio. the map doesn't add up. what you do is divide and conquer. you have the president and vice president hitting the first key battlegrounds and see surrogates like the first lady and vice president, joe biden, you send her to other second tier states. >> joe biden in the blue collar areas, in those states of michigan, iowa, pennsylvania. ohio. where his kind of background fits very well with that middle of the road electorate that hasn't decided yet. >> you know, when you look at the key undecideds, a lot of
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these middle of the road voters who are still trying to figure out which way they want to go, i think what you saw from the convention here was a really impassioned message by democrats that made it very clear the distinction between these two parties. if i'm an undecided voter and looking at these two parties you saw after three days one party made it clear this is about the middle class, about the family, moving the country forward. another one is going to talk about the same old policies that somehow fixing the problem but ignore the fact that it created the problem. >> rich, what about on your side? what happens next? how do you use these 60 days to your maximum advantage? >> here's the other side of what chris is talking about. i don't disagree with what he was saying except that last little bit. in terms of the tactics of it, though, that's exactly right. let me just say the sitting vice president is a sitting vice president. you can send joe biden anywhere. people will come out to see him because he's a sitting vice president. you don't need to limit him to
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the blue collar states. but what i think this is coming down to and everybody sort of agrees to this is that most people have made up their mind about fortunate. either they think he deserves a second term or they don't. the growth potential is on romney's side. romney has to convince people that he is a legitimate alternative, if you don't think that obama deserves a second term. will he do that? i don't know. that's what this ad blitz from now until election day is designed to do. >> let me show you a little clip. >> romney wants to present that. >> let me show you a little clip of one of those new ads. >> here in florida, we're not better off under president obama. home values collapsed. home construction jobs lost. high rate of foreclosure. romney's plan provide alternatives to foreclosure. end the mortgage lending freeze. create over 700,000 new jobs for
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florida. >> effective? >> here's the problem with ads like that, especially when you're a candidate like governor romney has been running for five years. it's not like voters don't know who the man is. they don't like what he is. they don't like his policies. when you do an ad that's supposed to reinfor the candidate's narrative, the candidate's message and it leaves more question, i'm curious, how is it different? another republican will say don't talk about george bush. here's the reality. those are the same policies, not any difference. >> rich, does that raise questions? >> of course. everything raises questions. look, chris is not going to vote for romney if he were the only one on ballot, i'm not going to vote for obama if he's the only one on the ballot. >> what about the 10%. >> as people now for the next 60 days really begin to zone in on who these two men are and what they think they can do for the
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country moving forward. those are the sorts of ads on both sides you'll be seeing and seeing at every baseball game and we'll see these on the inside of our eyelids between now and november 6th. >> one of the great lines from the president last night he's sick as he knows everyone else is sick, i'm barack obama and approve this ad. get ready because it's still coming. >> they have hundreds of millions of dollar and will spend every dime. >> have a great weekend, guys. with the final leg of the presidential campaign now under way the race shows to be neck and neck with president obama leading by one-point. for an inside look i'm joined by an analyst. what numbers your looking at to get a better idea of where each side has a chance to break out. do polls as a snapshot of where we are in time tell us that? >> they definitely tell us that. you can bet the campaigns on
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both sides will be looking closely at the back and forth of the polls. the key group i would break out of the polls is the independent voters. and particularly independent women who i think will be the key deciders in this election, the ones back and forth, obviously both conventions geared towards the independent woman voter and these ads talking to her about how these policies are going to help her families or how these policies have failed her family. >> what do you think about the conventions as a way to move polls? we didn't see a bump from mitt romney following the rnc although he did shore up some of his support with republican women, and made some gains in hispanic voters. the latest gallup poll shows a virtual tie as we said. do you expect the president to get a post-convention bounce? >> well, i do. i will say this. it is so late that one of the things these conventions are later so the voters were
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polarized. in some sense the conventions were as much about shoring up the base, mobilizing, creating enthusiasm amongst the base. democrats said we're fired up and ready to go. our convention was a huge success in that regard. i think the republican convention was a disaster for them. more people remember what clint eastwood had to say than what mitt romney had to say. that's a huge failure for them. the fact that they were trying to you night their base 60 days out is very telling. both campaigns are going to go the ground now and the other number i would like at in that gallup poll is your enthusiasm, how fired up are the republicans about their nominee, how fired up are the democrats about theirs. >> we'll see if that number changes given what happened at the democratic convention. let me ask you finally we have never seen, i don't think, a race like this where it's been so static for so long but there always is a core of late deciders. how late do you think those folks will decide? >> well, if 2010 is any
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indicator, independent women, for example, made up their minds finally in the last ten days of the campaign. so even with early voting and everything else, there's going to be a lot of voters with a decisive margin that will make up their minds in the last ten days and be primarily middle aged white women. that's going to be a key target. the other thing is there's two decisions on the table. making up your mind who you will vote for and making up your mind if you vote. both parties will be fighting like heck to make sure that their voters are making up their minds to vote. >> fascinating stuff. thanks so much for being on. also making news this morning, now that drew peterson has been found guilty of murdering his third wife, the family of his fourth wife says they are hoping for a break in her case. peterson was convicted yesterday in the death of kathleen savio. his fourth wife disappeared in
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2007. her body has never been found. prosecutors believe peterson killed stacey because she could implicate him in savio's death. no more antics in vegas for prince harry. he's been deployed to afghanistan. he flew into the country "early today" for a four month tour as a helicopter pilot and gunner in hellmund province. cities are spring to stop the spread of the west nile virus. cdc announced this year is the worst for infections and death. tonight authorities will spray in brine and queens, new york. rally i'm on wall street. stock market reached levels not seen in five years. what's been fueling this to this
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point? >> we had a good rally yesterday on the ecb bonds buying program. but today we're kind of a little change because it's a way up between the weak jobs report and the hope that that might be bad enough to spur the federal reserve to launch another round of economic stimulus as early as next week. it comes a day after the s&p closed at its highest levels since may of 2008 which was before the close of lehman brothers. >> amazon trading at an all time high. announcement about kindle. >> unveiled four new models, models with larger screens. amazon are going bigger with expectations that apple will go smaller. big event next week. really steps up the competition, chris, with apple and the tablet computer market, big holiday shopping season coming up. larger tablets will measure 8.6
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diagonally. so, i guess the heat is on. we'll have to wait and see. >> cnbc's mandy drury leaving us for the week with a pun. speaking of tablets here a list of the top five tablet makers. number five, barnes and noble with the nook. number four, aces. amazon is three with kindle fire. samsung is two with galaxy and number one, apple and it's ipod. naturally. ♪
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♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ la la la la la la la [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread that doesn't taste gluten free. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. solutionism. the new optimism. . the romney campaign released a fast critique of the president's convention speech last night. in fact they sent out reaction 22 minutes before the speech ended. here's what the campaign manager wrote. president obama laid out the choice in this election making the case for more of the same policies that haven't worked for the past four years. he offered more promise but he
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hasn't kept the promise he made four years ago. also a night for vice president biden who went after mitt romney here on his stance on the auto bailout. >> he was willing to let detroit go bankrupt. i think he saw it the bain way. i mean this sincerely. he saw it in terms of balance sheets and write offs. folks, the bain way may bring your firm the highest profits, but it's not the way to lead our country from the highest office. >> to help us separate fact from fiction is the "the washington post" fact checker. good to see you. good morning. as we did last week with mitt romney's speech we want to remind everybody you don't assign -- joe biden said mitt romney was willing to let detroit go bankrupt. >> there was a headline on an
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opinion article that romney wrote that used the word bankruptcy let detroit go bankrupt but he was talking about a managed bankruptcy, essentially what the obama administrations ended up doing. however most experts do say that if managed bankruptcy had been tried at the time romney suggested it, it probably wouldn't have worked. >> the vice president attacked mitt romney's tax plan. let me play that. >> governor romney believes it's okay to raise taxes on middle class by $2,000 in order to pay for another, literally another trillion there are tax cut for the very wealthy. president obama knows that there's nothing decent or fair about asking people with more to do less and with less to do more. >> does mitt romney plan to raise taxes on the middle class? >> he says he doesn't. in fact, he insists he won't. what the vice president is referring to is there's been an analysis of his plan which is
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still pretty vague which suggests in order to get the kind of cuts he wants and eliminate the loopholes he talks about, that would cause some taxes to raise for middle class people. though, of course, romney could adjust this plan if he becomes president. >> one of the big controversial ones is deduction for mortgages. let's turn to some of the president's comments. he talked about his efforts to save entitlement programs. >> we will keep the promise of social security by taking the responsible steps to strengthen it, not by turning it over to wall street. >> what's that reference? mitt romney and republicans want to turn social security over to wall street. >> it's a pretty outdated reference. back in the 2008 campaign there was some interest among republicans including romney in adding private accounts to social security which would allow people to invest their money in the stock market. romney has dropped that. he no longer supports it.
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he support as plan that's very much akin to what al gore proposed in the 2008 campaign. >> not something that the republicans would like to talk about too much about, mitt romney and al gore. >> the president addressed plans to tackle the deficit. >> you can choose a future where we reduce our deficit without sticking it to the middle class. independent experts say that my plan would cut our deficit by $4 trillion. last summer i worked with republicans in congress to cut a billion dollars in spending. >> he meant to say a trillion dollars there. how do you rate those statement? >> here in washington it's easy to mix up a billion and a trillion. >> it's close. >> that $4 trillion figure is really not that accurate. most analysts look to the way the way the administration came up with that and there's some bogus washington accounting going on there. he gives himself credit for
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ending wars in iraq and afghanistan and wants to spend that money in the last election he said was borrowed money and apply it to other spending priorities. so, the $4 trillion figure is not one you can take to the bank. >> thank you so much. it's good to see you. >> good to see you. >> today's tweet of the day has been retweeted almost 10,000 times already. mike drucker write, how amazing would it be if president obama turned around and said one more thing and then revealed the iphone 5. #dnc. [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you'll know when to stop. [ honk! ] the all-new nissan altima with easy fill tire alert. [ honk! ] it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites.
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it's another reason more investors are saying...
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there are as many active facebook users in the u.s. as there are eligible voters. president obama's convention speech had the facebook world flooded. take a look at the spike at the number of posts about the president. richard lui has been keeping tabs. >> big spike there, chris.
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the buzz, it's great when you have it, but in social media it can be fleeting. taken from millions of facebook phrases, the president is enjoying a 5% bump compared to yesterday. take a look at romney his bump at the moment is up 18%. it was the opposite, by the way earlier today. the vice president okcatapulted 24% a day after his speech. now helping democrats, first for the president's campaign they paid what ad says is up to $120,000 to get their hash tag for 2012 on top of twitter's trending list. romney also borrowed a page out of hollywood's playbook on his speech day his campaign paid out #believein america. one part of the strategy. all politics is said to be local and now so is social media for mr. obama. his campaign employs 50 separate
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state focused twitter and facebook accounts with potentially 50 customized social media strategies as well. his florida twitter account for instance, florida's field director tweets now is when the real work starts. new mexico's facebook page gives a nod to its latino citizens. the facebook page starts with obama votes. the confetti settled but not the tweets in north carolina. the romney campaign is taking a more central approach in comparison, directing it out of boston. a republican digital strategist telling the national journal that. vince harris saying it's opposite the way that the two would govern the nation. >> fascinating. thank you so much, richard. have a great weekend. that want does wrap up this weekend of "jansing and company." thomas reports is up next. >> good morning. topping the agenda next hour the jobs battle, the presidential
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election entering the final 60 day sprint with a weak jobs report and on the heels of the president's big convention speech how does this impact president obama's case for four more years? we break down numbers. can the president get the unemployment rate below 8% by election day? then senator john kerry delivering some blistering zingers against mitt romney. did the democrats steal the republicans foreign policy thunder. general wesley clark will join me. plus from fist pumping to tears, some of the great moments from last night's convention that you might have missed. we got the round up four. that and much more coming your way next. you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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llarme su cao yode. bct . w be s al u'lesi atarti . pl yo r
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hi, everybody. good morning. i'm thomas roberts. topping the agenda the 60 day sprint to election day is on and opened with a weaker jobs report than expected. unemployment ticking down to 8.1% but the number of jobs added takes a dip as well. the question s-whi


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