tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC September 11, 2012 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports" a day of remembrance. today marks 11 years since the attacks of september 11th. the presidential candidates put campaigning on hold while across the country and world, people pause to remember. >> at the white house, moment of silence, marking the moment the first plane hit the north tower. ♪ >> at the pentagon, where 184 people died, president obama and defense secretary panetta spoke of not just what was lost, but what was gained on 9/11. >> as painful as this day is and always will be, it leaves us with a lesson, that no single
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event can ever destroy who we are, no act of terrorism can ever change what we stand for. >> in trying to attack our strengths, the terrorists unleashed our greatest strength, the spirit and the will of americans to fight for their country. >> in pennsylvania, vice president biden paid tribute to the heroic passengers of flight 93. >> what they did, for this country, is still etched in the minds of not only you, but millions of americans forever. >> on capitol hill, lawmakers of both political parties stood shoulder to shoulder. and in kabul, soldiers gathered together to mark the day. ♪ thy soul in >> at arlington national cemetery the president and the
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first lady honored the fallen, visiting the special section reserved for service members killed in iraq and afghanistan. >> good day. i'm andrea mitchell live in washington on a day that gives every american pause reflecting on the great loss and our country's resolve. today president obama told service members that the deadly attacks will strengthen and connect us for decades to come. >> when the history books are written, the true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate, or division, it will be a safer world, a stronger nation, and a people more united than ever before. >> let's turn to our team here at home and oversees. nbc's ron allen in new york. nbc chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski and atia abawi in kabul. first to you at ground zero,
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talk about the feelings, the memorial, the ceremonies today. >> well, andrea, each commemoration, each anniversary is unique and different, powerful and special, and this one certainly was as well. it was smaller, more intimate, more private and less public if you will, although certainly open to the public. about a thousand people or so gathered here at ground zero. you may recall last year on the tenth anniversary there were tens of thousands of people who were gathered in all of downtown new york in this area, so a lot more low key this time. one of the big differences, this year there were no politicians or elected officials invited to come and speak. they were invited to come and participate and be a part of the ceremony but the organizers of the event wanted to make it less political and more and specifically about the families who came here in the hundreds again. now one big difference is that there is a lot more going on here at ground zero. you can see the the memorial behind me and through our camera shots, the oak trees that line the plaza, two huge reflecting
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pools, edges of them have the names of all those who perished that day, here in washington and in pennsylvania, as well. on the other side, perhaps you can't see it, there is a museum that is being built and one of the more controversial things here because it is not completed. it was hoped that it would be finished by now, but there's been dispute about payment and money and so on and so forth. but it's not. but a lot of progress. we're on the 22nd floor of world trade center 1 which will open in 2014. just another powerful, emotional, moving day for everyone that was here. andrea. >> thanks so much, ron allen. mic, you were at the pentagon that day. none of us will ever forget it nor your reporting in real time. think back to 11 years ago today what you saw, what youe witnessd and what you felt? >> i was on the air with katie couric for the "today" show reporting on the early investigation into who they thought was responsible, al qaeda, obviously, for the attacks in new york and i had
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just thrown it back to katie, when boom, i heard it, felt it, and within a matter of minutes, realized what it was and, of course, it was all history after that. but one of the things about today's ceremony, very somber, very low key. president obama stressed that, in fact, osama bin laden is now dead, all american troops, combat troops r out of iraq, and most -- combat troops anyway will be out of afghanistan by the end of 2014. in fact, a pentagon sources tell us that within a matter of weeks they should be drawn back down to that 68,000 level which it was thought would not be reached until some time in october. one thing about the people here in pentagon, i know that 9/11 has had a long-lasting impact on all of america but it's no harder felt or more felt than here at the pentagon, the u.s. military, after all, more than
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6400 troops have been killed, more than 50,000 wounded in the wars in afghanistan and iraq, over the past 11 years, andrea. >> jim miklaszewski and atia abawi the kabul, what about our troops in the field, they have to feel at some time -- to a certain extent they're the last warriors carrying on this fight and that rest of the country, to a certain extent, has moved on and often does not pay enough attention to what's going on in afghanistan every day? >> that's right, andrea. it's really difficult for many of the service members here in afghanistan, some of them have been on their fourth deployment in iraq and afghanistan, some of them were just children when september 11th happened, and all of them know that by the end of 2014, the combat mission will come to an end. there were remembrance ceremonies at various bases throughout the country attended by service members for more than 50 different coalition
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countries, italians, spaniards, brits, kiwis and americans because all their lives were changed on that horrific morning in 2001. but we also have to remember, a lot of them are still on the front lines. americans as well as other coalition partners and they can't take a minute out to have remembrance because they're too busy still fighting the taliban and the rest of the insurgency. the security situation here, obviously still a big problem for all the forces here on the ground, especially when it comes to these roadside bombs that are the number one killer and with this new threat, increased threat, of green on blue and insider attacks. so now they don't know if they can trust their afghan partners they're fighting with. but the biggest challenge that remains, andrea, is the fact that they want to hand over afghanistan back into afghan hands by the end of 2014. but there are many challenges and unknowns that remain. >> atia abawi on the front lines, thank you very much. stay safe.
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and, of course, as we remember as well, speaking at the pentagon today, defense secretary leon panetta invoked the courage of the thousands of -- excuse me the courage of the passengers of flight 93 who with the cry "let's roll" took that plane back from the hijackers, potentially sparing the white house or the capitol as we now or later learned, had been targeted. and instead crashing into a field in pennsylvania. >> that spirit of selflessness, that spirit of determination and courage, is the enduring legacy of 9/11. it inspires our nation, it inspires our military, to ensure that such an attack will never happen again. we will never stop until we have made sure that america is safe. sn>> and joining me now is senar dianne feinstein, intelligence committee chair.
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is america safe, can we be sure an attack like that will never happen again? >> we can be be sure we've made many changes and learn some very hard lessons, andrea. one of the big changes is all the stove pipes are down, intelligence is red teamed, the fbi now has a national security branch, staffed by 10,000 people. i mean how could it be that people were learning how to fly planes and not land. these were the kinds of things they would look out for. and as bob mueller said in open session to us, we've had 20 attempts at the last year and every one of them has been stopped. i think that's good news. so we have learned. we have a counterterrorism center that specializes now in threats to the homeland. we have a director of national intelligence to provide coordination over the 16 different intelligence agencies. no longer are they their own
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spheres, they're part of a network. there have been changes and we have learned hard lessons. >> how important is the killing yesterday in yemen of the second in command al qaeda's second in command, al shirry. >> that hasn't been confirmed to the best of my knowledge. i don't know whether he is dead or not. but if he is, it's certain lay positive thing. over half of the al qaeda leadership has been taken out. the problem is, that they're replaced and i think one of the great hard lessons learned is that this is a chronic situation that jihad isn't just going to disappear any time soon. that we have to keep our defenses up. and america has changed. we have tsa, we have body searchs, people now report unusual things. the new york bomber whose truck
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on the street caught fire or smoke, somebody reported it. so america remains on the alert and i think that's a healthy thing. >> let's talk about pakistan for a moment. you had long called for the haqqani network based in pakistan which has been attacking our troops in afghanistan to be designated as a terror organization. hillary clinton finally did that last week. what next do we have to do in pakistan? >> well, i think it's very important that the haqqani have been designated a terrorist network. and effectively, this means that anyone that does business with them, violates american law. and i think we should be very serious about seeing this carried out. i think the pakistani government knew that this was going to be done and i don't think it casts necessarily a reflection on pakistan. what it does say is that we know that the haqqani is indigenous
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to pakistan. we know they have been going across the border. they have known -- we have known that they have been attacking our troops, killed several thousand of them, and it is very important to us that this stop. so we are asking for unbridled cooperation from the pakistanis. i hope to be able to say this to the pakistani foreign minister next week when she is here and i think there is a new effort, too, by pakistan to try to breach the gaps in our relationship and work much more closely together. >> and finally, on iran, there is a new dust up between prime minister netanyahu today, speaking out because of something that secretary clinton said over the weekend, where she suggested that there was more time for sanctions to work, the israelis do not believe that there is as much time as you well know as the united states believes. what can we do to persuade prime minister netanyahu not to take
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preemptive action because there is more time, or do you agree there is more time for sanctions to work? >> i would agree with secretary clinton. i agree with that. additionally, the p5 plus 1 negotiations, i understand, have resumed. i think what needs to be done candidly and i have suggested this privately to the administration, i think we have to learn whether the supreme leader wants an agreement and if he does, what it will take. it may well be that the united states has to bilaterally step up and take use of this opportunity, to interface dir t directly with the supreme leader. i understand israel's position. i also know that the united states has been working hand and glove with israel, in many different ways, many of them classified, so there has been really unbridled cooperation
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with israel. so, i think we have done everything that we should be doing. >> and senator, just briefly, you're suggesting direct talks between the united states and iran if we could do it at the right level. you can imagine what, for instance, mitt romney would have to say about that if president obama were to authorize someone to go and talk directly to iran. >> well, i would hope he wouldn't. because what could happen with an israeli strike is an involvement in the united states of america in a major war because we would be israel's backup. and dependent upon how we would intercept missiles coming out of iran, we could commit an act of war. and i think we have to be really well cognizant that if israel does this and they do that, what
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do we do, how do we do it and what are the ramifications on that? we have nine muslim nations set from within in the midwest and what we do not want to encourage is a catastrophic cauldron that results in a major world war. >> senator dianne feinstein, thank you very much for joining us. >> you're very welcome. thank you. >> and on this anniversary of 9/11, senator joe lieberman joins us next on the newest threats to national security. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. hey america, even though they don't need one, wes, clay and demarcus tried on
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no matter how many anniversaries you experience, for at least an instant, the terror of that moment returns, the lingering echo of that phone call, that sense of total disbelief that envelopes you. you feel like you're being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest. my hope -- my hope for you all is that as every year passes the depth of your pain recedes. >> a somber reflection from vice president joe biden at the 9/11 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania, today, clearly thinking back to his own loss of
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his wife and child. joining me now, senator joe lieberman, chairman of the homeland security committee, who played a critical role in the u.s. response to 9/11, senator, thanks for joining us today. you worked very hard with senator john mccain and others to form the 9/11 commission, still leading the charge to try to prevent future attacks against the homeland. let me ask you about iran and israel, because just today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu took issues with something hillary clinton said over the weekend about giving sanctions more time to work. let's watch. >> okay. >> those international community who refuse to put red lines before iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before israel. >> does the united states not have a moral right to put a red light in front of israel? >> the word moral is a hard one
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to play here. but i would say that -- obviously the u.s. has a right to do that. i don't think it's the right thing to do. i mean i think the point is, that the u.s., israel and everybody else in the middle east, particularly among the arab nations who are very concerned about iran becoming nuclear, should find common ground here and to me, the common ground is that everything we've tried to do to convince iran to stop its nuclear weapons development program by economic sanctions is not working. and the diplomatic track, the so-called p5 plus 1 has made absolutely no progress, so that iran by its intransagainst, has now given the rest of the world only two options unless something changes and the two options are to accept a nuclear iran and try to contain it, which president obama has
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rightly said is not acceptable, or considering a military strike against the iranian nuclear facilities. to me -- >> senator. >> go ahead. >> i don't mean to interrupt you, but senator dianne feinstein, your colleague was just on the program, i don't know if you heard this, but she said she is privately advising the administration to have direct talks with the supreme leader, direct talks between the united states and iran at a very high level, and that was necessary now to avoid what she thinks would be a disastrous war. what do you think about that? >> well, i am very skeptical to oppose. i mean the supreme leader, i talk to people who have talked to the supreme leader, and he's -- he's very ideological and theological about this, and i think is the heart of the reason why iran has not moved.
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intermedia intermediaries, friends of ours have talked to him, with no result at all. so look, there was plenty of opportunity at the so-called p5 plus 1 negotiations with iran where the supreme leader was directly represented to see some signs of hope. i think for us to kind of plea for a meeting with him to try to resolve this, puts ourselves in a position of weakness, whereas we should be in a position of strength and to me that means that the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran and the government of this fanatical government in iran, should understand that the world will not accept a nuclear iran and they're forcing us to contemplate military action. >> looking forward two weeks from now, we'll all be in new york covering the united nations meetings, the president will give a speech, prime minister netanyahu is scheduled to speech, in between those two speeches we're expecting that
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president ahmadinejad from iran is going to speak at the united nations and the u.n. scheduled him on the holiest jewish holiday, yom kippur. does that strike you as something that is either wrong or inappropriate or does it matter? >> i'm sure it's coincidental, not intentional by the united nations and frankly, it doesn't matter to me. what matters to me is the threat that iran represents to the it's -- on this day, 9/11, as we think back 11 years ago, we got attacked in a way that a lot of people could see coming, but we didn't act to prevent it until after we were attacked on 99/11. today not just the united states or israel but the international atomic energy agency it tells us over and over again, that they have evidence that iran is acting in way that says they're trying to build a nuclear weapon
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and shame on us if once again we don't act to prevent that kind of attack on us or our allies before it actually happens t. to me that's the lesson of 9/11/01 that we should bring up today, that's what matters to me about ahmadinejad. the day he speaks to the u.n. doesn't really affect me at all. >> joe lieberman, thank you very much, senator. >> thanks, andrea. take care. >> you too. and next, teachers on strike. we're live in chicago. where negotiations drag on, anger is boiling over on all sides. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. when i found out my irregular heartbeat
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parents with no day care, children with not -- not having their subsidized meals. what kind of progress, if any? >> well you know, andrea, that's a very good point. i did note yesterday it was sort of a festive kind of atmosphere with the picketers on the streets and they had the very large march in the downtown core loop area last night, parents bringing their kids to various events, a lot of support was shown by parents for the teachers yesterday, some was against the teachers yesterday. and i am just wondering, the longer this thing drags on, how long that sort of festive atmosphere is going to maintain itself. how long before people start to sort of ask angry questions. in terms of progress, dave vitali the chief negotiator for the city of chicago, says that they are very close to a deal, but again, andrea, we have been hearing that even before the teachers went on strike late sunday night. on the other side, karen lewis, the chief negotiator for the
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teachers union, says that they are still far apart, that there are a number of issues that still have to be hammered out and the main one, isn't so much money, the main issue is still sort of tied to this teacher evaluation tied to test scores and a lot of these kids here are having a difficult time in school, the chicago schools are falling behind the rest of the nation and obviously that is something that the teachers are concerned about. and there's a myriad of other issues here because a lot of other chicago kids are facing a number of poverty issues, violence issues and that is going to by extension find its way into the classroom and the teachers are concerned that they may end up being blamed for things that they may not have a lot to do with. that is the -- that's the position that the teachers are taking. and the good news is, andrea, that they're still talking, of course. the bad news is that they haven't come up with an agreement because they're still on the picket line and all those kids are still out in the street. andrea. >> kevin tibbles, it's becoming
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a national issue as well as a political issue in this campaign year as well, thanks, kevin. thanks very much for the update. new hope for first responders suffering from serious illnesses after 9/11. that's next. we'll be right next here on "andrea mitchell reports." [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. it put me at ease that you could smoke on the first week. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away
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11 years later the national institute for occupational safety and health is finally giving surviving first responders and victims of september 11th attacks cancer coverage under the health and compensation law. the law after new york city detective james adro ga who died after working at ground zero was signed two years ago. new york senator chuck schumer applauded the decision. >> first step is to have everyone who got any kind of cancer, mess owe theel owe ma or any other disease to be covered.
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after all these are heros like our veterans. >> nbc chief science and health correspondent robert bazell joins me now. bob, we remember back when the epa was saying no worries, nothing is wrong with the air there and we all know what has happened since. finally these people are being compensated although there's still big health issues for those still ill. >> a lot of health issues, andrea. the idea that air and those of us who breathed it, the idea that air was somehow not unhealthful, was just a fantasy. it was terrible. it had every kind of pollution you could imagine in it, including just plain all kinds of metallic dust as well as toxins and the idea that it won't lead to cancer is just absurd. now it takes many years to prove that it will cause cancer because as we know from studies of smoking and other carcinogens it takes many years between the exposure and the cancer. there's no scientific proof yet
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that the fumes from the pile of 9/11 caused any cancers, but very few people who are in knowledge of this doubt that it will and that's why this is such an important decision by dr. john howard who heads the 9/11 fund. >> robert bazell, thank you very much. thanks for joining us today. >> other unfinished business from 9/11 to prevent another attack on the homeland and on u.s. targets around the world, that is the job, continuing job of the counter terrorism center led for years under both presidents bush and obama. michael lighter now joins me. michael, good to have you with us today. you spent many years at the counter terrorism center. you all assumed there would be another attack. what do you think were the signature things that you and your colleagues did and many agencies to prevent that from happening? >> i think it was the hard work of the people in two administrations, democratic and republican, working both taking the fight to the terrorists
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overseas whether in pakistan or yemen, and then also the great defensive work here at home. things that might seem like annoy onces today but have undoubtedly more difficult for al qaeda to attack us, whether screening at the airport or excellent work by the fbi and the investigative front. i think it's really remarkable that 11 years after 9/11, there have been all of 15 people killed in the united states killed by al qaeda associated terrorists. that's obviously too many, but that is somewhat smaller than so many people feared back in 2001. >> now, let's talk about the state of al qaeda today. nbc has confirmed the death of al qaeda's number two in yemen. we talked to senator feinstein about that a few moments ago and it's not yet announced by the u.s. government but we can safely say we have confirmed that from all of our sources. al libbi has been confirmed dead by al zawahiri, so we've had a
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lot of losses on their side. does that mean that al qaeda is no longer a threat? >> they're certainly a threat. on your first point al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and yemen, the death of the number two is significant. although they still have a real safe haven in the southern part of the country and can launch an attack as they tried to this past may, shah herry was critical, served time in guantanamo, he was very much looked up to by many and it will be difficult to replace him. in pakistan, the announcement that their number two was killed in june, al qaeda in pakistan really is a pale shadow of what it once was. going back to the death of bin laden they have not been able to recover. al that being said, again, the plot that we saw coming out of yemen in may highlights how dangerous even a small band of terrorists can still be. so while we should certainly thank the people who have done a great job over the past 11 years protecting us, the fight really does continue in places like yemen and north africa, somalia
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and, of course, the possibility of home grown terrorists. >> and the continuing threat against our troops and other nato forces in afghanistan. >> absolutely. the state department's recent designation of the haqqani network a group associated with al qaeda and certainly targeting u.s. troops in afghanistan, highlights that the threat of terrorism to the people of pakistan, but, of course, also our significant presence in afghanistan, is not going away and as we reduce the troop presence in afghanistan, we, of course, have to be concerned with the possibility that al qaeda or associated groups could use that ground as a safehaven as they did before 9/11. >> michael leiter, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> appreciate you being with us today. new information today about the ninth prisoner to die at guantanamo bay since the detainment facility for terror suspects opened more than a decade ago. nbc national investigative correspondent michael isikoff joins me now with the details. this man, the ninth death there,
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we don't know whether this is by suicide or not, is really emblem mattic with the problem of guantanamo at least according to the critics. >> this is going to remind people of president obama's now virtually abandoned pledge to shut down guantanamo. anan latif, the yemeni detainee found dead, unconscious in his cell on saturday, had been actually ordered to have been released by a federal judge in 2010. federal judge henry kennedy who ruled that the government's evidence against him was unconvincing, that his account, that he had gone to -- suffered a brain injury in yemen, gone to pakistan for free medical attention was credible, and he got turned over by pakistani police to the u.s. military. there was no reason to continue holding him according to the judge. the obama administration appealed that ruling, because at that point it did not want to
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return any yemeni prisoners to yemen, a country viewed as too unstable, the security declined to review the case. just in june, mr. lateef was known to have gone on multiple hunger strikes including one just last may when i was down there looking at the facility, hearing from u.s. military officials how improved conditions were at gitmo, and then was also disciplinary problem had thrown a cocktail of bodily fluids at a guard causing him to be disciplined. his lawyer told us he had good reason to be rebellious because this was a guy who was scheduled to be released. >> michael isikoff, this is only going to raise more questions indeed. thank you very much. and next, the obama campaign is hitting mitt romney hard on national security. >> 9/11 should have been a wake-up call. you cannot take it for granted. we have to make sure people don't forget that message. >> plus, new york city mayor michael bloomberg, who will be
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i'm tamron hall coming up in 15 minutes on "news nation" defense secretary leon panetta will be speebing to pentagon employees and mitt romney will address national officers at their annu annual conference. threatening massive layoffs right before election day. >> politics is largely on hold today as both campaigns mark the anniversary of 9/11. it is a reminder of national security as an often overlooked issue for both candidates, both campaigns. the editorial page columnist
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from the "washington post" and also from "the washington post," off the road, catching up on our sleep a little bit, karen, first to you, national security as an issue has been largely overlooked but it certainly came front and certainly because of mitt romney's decision not to put afghanistan in his convention speech. and the obama campaign seizeding on that. >> yes. in fact, during the convention, they made it a whole evening of thanking the troops with the delegates waving signs that said thanks and president obama's acceptance speech he described mitt romney and paul ryan as being -- he was rather arch in his description of them as being rather new to foreign policy. it's ironic because, of course, that's exactly the thing that people were saying about barack obama when he was running against john mccain four years ago. >> the republicans are seizing on anything they can to try to show divisions between the administration and israel over iran. we had another instance of it only today.
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benjamin netanyahu criticizing comments by hillary clinton over the weekend and saying that those who do not see the red lines, don't have moral authority to have a red light in front of israel. >> right. but he's walking a very delicate line because he knows that he could be -- well be dealing with a president obama even after the election and it's important for israel to have good relations for the israeli president no matter who he is. back to the convention, i thought the line in the president's speech, president obama's speech, karen mentioned was to use president clinton's word, very brassy. you know, i mean, who didn't hear that and think boy four years ago, we could have said that about you, buddy. >> 3:00 a.m., the phone call. >> but if you turned -- but if you took out, just heard the sound and didn't know which convention it was, you might have thought the democratic convention was a republican convention for all the rah-rah
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troops. >> except for iran this administration has really preempted the national security issue and the republicans are on defense, not offense, for the first time in generations. >> of all the statements that were put out today in commemoration of the anniversary the one that struck me the most the one from lee hamilton and tom kaine, the chairman of the 9/11 commission, reminding us of how many of the things that they recommended have yet to be implemented 11 years later. >> and the fact is, you know, when we talk about national security, the summer before 9/11, there was no focus that summer, i know, because a lot of us were deployed covering domestic concerns rather than foreign policy. >> sharks. >> weren't we worried about interns and congressmen. >> the chandra levy summer, absolutely. the warnings, the august 6th memo that went to president bush from the national security team about the possibility of something like this happening,
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there was such a confidence this could never happen in america. are we overconfident again? >> that's a really good question. there's a very powerful op-ed column in another newspaper in "the new york times" by kirk ikenwald today that not only talks about that one dial daily briefing that we've all heard about al qaeda determined to strike in the u.s., but warnings that were not heeded or adequately heeded and you kind of wonder now that we know that it really can happen here to us, we like to have the confidence we wouldn't be so negligent or whatever, just not believing, the next time around but you do worry because there is no, nt a daily focus on terrorism the way we sort of imagined there would be day to day in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. 11 years later we have slowed
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down a little bit, at least some of us. >> certainly there's a lot of public wariness with all of the security and the tsa and everything else that they do, until we realize as they would put it, how important it and ths the main thing. it is right now foreign policy the biggest question, the one that dominates everything else it feels like through the arab spring, through everything else, what are the conditions under which we would commit troops again? >> well, certainly iran and the positioning by israel benjamin netanyahu coming here. that's a climatic moment. we have to see what mitt romney does and whether there are meetings with netanyahu and romney and netanyahu and the president of the united states as well. thank you so much. >> thank you. it took four hours and 54
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minutes last night, but andy murray finally broex the spell defeated djokovic at the u.s. open bringing the title to great britain for the first time since fred perry won the open back in 1936. the marathon five-set match broke murray's four slam losing streak. congratulations to him. we will be right back. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. on every one of our cards there's a date.
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sxinch sxinchts. we leave you here today with some of the moments from this commemoration of 9/11. ♪ >> 11 years ago memorial services were held for americans of different races and creeds, backgrounds and beliefs. yet, instead of turning us against each other, tragedy has brought us together. >> today we stand on this
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hallowed ground, a place make sacred by the heroism and sacrifice from the passengers and crew of flight 93. [ bell ringing ] >> judith ber tez sierra. >> pa trish florence. >> rodney dickens. >> jerry d. dickerson. >> since 9/11 we have not lost our focus. we remain vigilant as we perform our duty in the service of our nation. ♪ america america ♪ from sea to shining sea normal for me.
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nation" is following memorial events around this country as this nation commemorates the 11th anniversary of 9/11. we have live pictures at the pentagon where secretary of defense leon panetta will speak to staffers there moments from now. this morning the national september 11th memorial in new york city, families of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the attacks gathered to remember their loved ones. for the annual reading of names of all of those lost this day. president obama will be visiting walter reed medical center later this hour. an event is not open to the press. earlier this morning the president and first lady laid a wreath at the memorial garden at pentagon. the president had a personal message for family members of the 184 people who died there. >> no matter how many years pass, no matter how many times we come together on this hallowed ground know this. you will never be alone. your lov
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