tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 12, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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here. of having lost the last election. so they didn't have to be here cleaning up the mess they left behind. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "the ed show" with ed shultz starts right now. good evening americans. welcome to "the ed show." 56 days until the 2012 election. on a day where americans honor the heroes and vick tims of 9/11, one party just can't put politics aside. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> this anniversary allows us to renew our faith that even the darkest night gives way to a brighter dawn. >> a nation remembers, republicans attack. >> the president calls for a moment of silence, but he doesn't call for the word god. so some are asking why is god being left out again? >> fox news, dick cheney, house republicans and others use the 9/11 anniversary to attack the president. i'll have commentary.
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jonathan alter is here with reaction. >> if you can't beat barack obama with this record, then shut down the party. shut it down. start new with new people. >> mitt romney has major problems inside his own tent. we'll tell you why the remorse is setting in so early. carl rove and friends are getting desperate in ohio. >> politicians like sherrod brown. >> we'll ask sherrod brown about his opponent's dark money controversy. and on day two of the chicago teachers strike, the union isn't backing down to the bully. the teachers union president is here for an exclusive interview. >> good to have you with us. thanks for watching. the presidential candidates put their campaigns on hold to mark the somber anniversary of the terrorist attacks. president obama spoke this morning at a pentagon memorial ceremony where one of the
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hijacked planes crashed 11 years ago today. >> we know that somewhere a son is growing up with his father's eyes and a daughter has her mother's laugh, living reminders that those who died are with us still. >> the president made a detour to arlington national cemetery where casualties of the iraq and afghanistan wars are laid to rest. they were honoring the victims of flight 93 and their families. biden drew upon his experience with the loss of his wife and his infant daughter 30 years ago. >> my hope for you all is that as every year passes, the depth of your pain recedes and you find comfort as i have, genuine comfort in recalling their smile, her laugh, their touch. >> in wisconsin vice presidential candidate paul ryan
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met with first responders and members of the wisconsin air national guard. and mitt romney spoke to a conference of the national guard association in reno, nevada. >> i would normally speak to a gathering like this about the differences between my and my opponent opponent's plans for military and for our national security. there is a time and place for that. but this day is not that. >> unfortunately, not all republicans were on the same page as the candidates. several right wingers used 9/11 as a tool to attack president obama. john mccain still bitter about his defeat four years ago went on a rant about president obama's foreign policy experience on fox news. >> this was the same president who has pulled all of our troops out of iraq without leaving a residual for us. i have not seen a more feckless morn policy since carter. >> mccain is not alone in giving the president credit for any accomplishments.
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rudy giuliani use ed d his position to attack the handling of iranian leadership. >> there has to be a sense of urgency about stopping them instead of this almost irrational desire to negotiate with them. i'm not certain that's the case right now. >> the most petty attacks came from the fox news hosts themselves. here's what fox news spent time talking about during this day of remembrance. >> does the president of the united states call on people to pray for those lives lost? no he calls on people to observe a moment of silence and then go out and do some community service. he proclaims today as patriot day and national day of service and remembrance and go perform community service to remember those who lost their lives. >> he does say at the end of it that he signs it on the tenth
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day of september in the year of our lord, so god is mentioned there, but no mention of the word god anywhere in his message to the american people. >> not only is it petty, it's untrue. they forgot to mention president bush's patriot day prom la magss which did not include the word god either. and they also ignored one from last friday calling for a national day of prayer to commemorate 9/11 and asking americans to unify through god's grace. it's not surprising to see this kind of disrespect coming from fox news. but even republican leaders in the house used 9/11 to beat up the president over defense spending. >> the the best thing that we can do as a people to honor those individuals is to make sure that it never happens again. and we have looming massive defense cuts that this house has acted to substitute.
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the president should be called upon, asked what is his plan. >> house republicans agree to the defense cuts as part of a debt deal last year. but facts get in the way of a political attack on a day like this. then there's dick cheney, the former vice president is no stranger to politicizing 9/11. eight years ago this month, he told america if john kerry is elected, the danger is we'll get hit again. now similar attacks against obama. if president obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis, perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take
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sole credit for the killing of osama bin laden. president obama never took sole credit for the killing and the president reviews his intelligence briefings every day. it's shocking for dick cheney to go down this road. an op-ed revealed negligence by the bush administration when it came to intelligence briefings in 2001. the direct warnings to mr. bush about the possibility of an al qaeda attack began in the the spring of 2001. by may 1st, the central intelligence agency told the white house of a report that a group presently in the united states was planning a terrorist operation. no one can say the attacks of 9/11 could have been prevented and further more democrats didn't attack republicans on national security. one thing republicans proved today, that there is never a day that they will take off from attacking the president of the united states. joining me now is jonathan alter, msnbc political analyst. why do republicans think they are impressing, who they are impression impressing with people around the country doing stuff like this and talking like this?
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>> i think this is disgusting. i'm not sure there's any other word for it. it's a sacred day. more than 5,000 people lost their lives 11 years ago and to be politicizing it the way dick cheney started to do in 2008 and did it again today is just beneath contempt. he's a twisted, bitter old man who will never get a break from history. even the most right wing history will condemn dick cheney for the mistakes that he made in this period. so to try to mitt game that in some small way, he's making up stories about the president, casting aspersions on a record that's much better than his own. this administration has been tremendously successful in dismantling al qaeda. not just through the drone attacks, but through collaboration with allies to cut off funding supplies and otherwise dry up that wicked
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organization. >> but they don't talk about that. they talk about intelligence briefings that president obama is not paying attention. >> it's garbage. and to do it on this day, it's disgusting. >> do you think president obama expected this? >> he expects it all now. he's seen it all and he knows that this kind of thing will take place. fortunate ly fortunately for him, he's in a very strong position on national security issues. he has a big lead in the polls when it comes to those issues. the republicans made a terrible mistake. it was an oversight, but nonetheless, it hurt them badly at their convention when mitt romney in his acceptance speech didn't even have the most elemental salute to the troops, not a word about afghanistan. >> do you think they are trying to get the democrats to stop talking about the accomplishments that they have had on national security?
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do you think that the republicans are getting beat up so bad in this campaign on national security they are trying some way to look for a political opening here? >> yeah, they are going to the well, again, to try to get some of that magic that they had in 2004 when they ran a 9/11 campaign basically 24/7 9/11 and they beat john kerry that way. so despite the anemic recovery, they are throwing anything they can against the wall to see what sticks and rifling through the old play book to see if they can come up with something that somehow tarnished this president on national security. i don't think they will be successful. i just don't see this working for them and getting votes for them. instead it makes them look small. >> you know, paul ryan is one of
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them. is that fair game? i mean on a day like this, is this a day you totally take off? >> it should be. it's true that paul ryan voted against money for first responders. that's a legitimate political point to make. if i were the democrats, i wouldn't have been pointing it out today. why not take one day off a year, just out of respect for the vick victims of 9/11, for the first responders, for the people who have made ill by going down and helping at ground zero. this is just not a day to land political blows. >> president obama and mitt romney agreed to suspend television ads today, but carl rove's super pac started a $2.6 million ad campaign in virginia. so here again, citizens united working its way into the campaign season in the most dishonorable way. >> let's make clear what they are trying to do in virginia and in some other areas that have a
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lot of military. both the democrats and republicans agreed to this so-called sequestration, where if there weren't cuts in the budget, then there would be steep automatic cuts in both domestic and defense spending. that's not actually going to happen, but what has happened is that people like paul ryan, who voted in favor of this sequestration, are now trying to make it seem as if it's president obama and president obama alone without them who favor these draconian cuts in the defense budget. so they are running ads trying to make it seem as if president obama wants to strip our national defense. it's just another example of their desperation in making up stories and lies in order to try to win the election.
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and get outstanding deals with the travelocity fall hotel sale. you can save up to 40% on select hotels. so book your hotel now and save up to 40%. hurry, offer ends soon. book now at travelocity. welcome back to "the ed show." conservatives are already jumping ship? really? here's laura ingram on her radio show. >> if you can't beat barack obama with this record, then shut down the party. shut it down. start new.
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with new people. one of the biggest conservative voices of america. she went further in blaming the romney camp this morning. >> mitt romney should be up by five points. stick their heads in the sand. business as usual. keep going along the same path. i think that's very dangerous. >> the fear for conservatives is very real. president obama is even beating mitt romney on the economy in the latest poll. mitt romney's flip-flopping on health care this weekend didn't win him any fans among conservatives either. the editorial page of rupert murdoch's journal says the pre-existing calculation seems to be that he can win the election without having to explain the economic moment or even his own policies. and this flap shows such vagueness carries its own political risks. rupert murdoch has been tweeting advice.
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romney must offer a specific path to restore the american dream, stop fearing far right, which has nowhere else to go. rush limbaugh seems to disagree. he wants romney to stay right. >> i think the romney campaign is going to have to make some changes. they are going to have to go id logical. >> let's bring in joan walsh, author of "what's the matter with white people?" and also susan del percio, i'll go to you first. you said several weeks ago that if mitt romney were going to go to paul ryan, that would be a big mistake. congratulations. where's the campaign right now? >> that's the problem. the campaign is trying to decide should it be a mandate on president obama or a bad choice. and when mitt romney goes out there and shows a little bit of leg on something like health care and says maybe i'm for this and this, but not the whole thing. he has to decide.
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full montee or keep his clothes on. >> where are all the conservatives like michele bachmann who have been running around for several years calling it obama care, socialism and everything else, government takeover, where are the conservatives? all of a sudden they are quiet. >> they may be squawking more in the days to come. susan said ryan was a bad pick, but for a bunch of reasons. one of them is that he wasn't chosen to stand for anything. when i was wrong, i was like we're going to have a real debate about two different directions for the country. paul ryan's budget, he believes these things. president obama believes different things. mitt romney is putting meat on the bones and we're going to have a real debate. >> i thought the same thing by the way. >> whether you liked it or not, it seemed like a strategy. but then to pick paul ryan and muzzle him, i thought ryan was
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more damaging to the ticket than romney was on the sunday shows because if you don't let him talk about what he believes, he was like sarah palin. gasping for air. he didn't have an answer if he's told to not to talk about what he believes. >> people expect him to be bland and talk about the numbers and the facts and here's what you need to know. >> how much of a political opening is it for the democrats? and actually, let's say every democrat across the country running has to go home and defend obama care. the democrats have accepted. we like obama care. that's what it is. doesn't it make it easier to accept it and even sell it on the campaign trail when you have mitt romney accepting some provisions that are working for americans right now? >> well, to start with, when they were having this debate a few years ago, there were provisions that republicans agreed with. the problem is when you say i'm going to repeal obama care and leave it as a finite thing and come back and say except for these things, you have to say what about all the other things. you have to deliver everything. i think congressional races and senate races will be in a
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different circumstance. i think they can still go back to their districts and say this is what i stand for and not worry about that. but romney is sending a mixed message. >> is it over the top for conservatives to be predicting the end of the republican party if they don't win this election? >> it's probably over the top. it's going to be a difficult mandate or lack of mandate to interpret. if you went hard right, we can say we went too far to the right. the tea party is a disaster. if he was moderate and ran as the massachusetts moderate who brought the health care, then you'd have the tea party people saying we don't want a moderate. now there's a battle over god knows what. >> either way if romney wins or not, it becomes a campaign that we have to now talk about governance and compromise and getting things done. that's hopefully what comes out of this. >> can we come to the conclusion that the republican party really
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has an identity crisis right now? they just cannot find the middle at all. moderate moderates in the republican party are threatened by being primaried. they are being threatened by you have to sign this petition and pledge and if you're not far right enough, you're not going to get enough money. >> we're talking about conservatives that aren't conservative enough. >> so is this stuff down the road after this election? ahead of the horse, but this is what really spawns a third party. >> it could be. it's hard to get a third party off the ground although it has been done. we had whigs. but i think what's really happening, the shocking thing in that "washington post" poll. one is that the american people, to say more. it's not just the rest of us. it's really the people. the other thing is barack obama is winning on every single issue, including the economy,
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including taxes except for the deficit. he's winning the table. >> finally, how demoralized are republicans now? >> i don't think they are nearly. they are very energized. this is going to be a base election. there's no doubt about it it. it's going to be a close election. if president obama's team wants to hit the road and take a few weeks off, go ahead. >> joan walsh, susan, thank you. mitt romney says he will repeal all of it. next, i will talk to a mother who says her family will be devastated if mitt romney gets his wish. you won't want to miss this. then dark money and the down ticket races. a tea party republican is trying to win in ohio. find out why his wealthy friends are so worried about senator sherrod brown when we come back. stay with us. xó
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welcome back to "the ed show." after repeatedly vowing to repeal obama care as president, mitt romney admitted he actually likes parts of the law. >> i'm not getting rid of all of health care reform. of course, there are a number of things i like in health care reform i'm going to put in place. one so to make sure those with preexisting conditions can get coverage. two is to ensure that the the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like. >> and a day later, romney was
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back pedaling on a right-wing radio show. >> i'm going to repeal obama care. i have said that on the campaign trail i think every single day. obama care must be repealed in its entirety. >> now what? what do you think of that? repealing the affordable care act would have a devastating impact on millions of hard-working americans. folks like the turner family out of ohio. craig turner is a steel worker. he's able to provide health insurance for his family through his job. but even with a good health care insurance plan the turners were forced to fend for themselves when their son travis got sick. he was just nine months old when he was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer. he was placed in intensive care, required a ventilator and chemo and had most of his liver removed. travis was kicked off his father's insurance plan because after three months, his care had had reached the one-million dollar cap set by the company. here's travis's mom and dad sharing their story.
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$1 million seems like a lot of money that you'd never think you'd exceed that in a lifetime, but my son exceeded that in three months. >> you think you're working, you're paying for insurance, you're going to be covered. they just got an illness they couldn't help and it's not fair to take away their insurance or to tell them they can never be on insurance again. >> the turner family was helped by the affordable care act. insurance companies can no longer deny kids like travis. they can't put a lifetime cap on health care either. travis is back on his family's insurance. he's had a liver transplant, is in remission and is now in first grade. quite a story. "the ed show" reached out to the
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romney campaign about the former governor's position on insurance caps. here's what they told us. governor romney empowers people to own their own insurance, so that they can choose a plan with the type of coverage they want. joining me tonight is travis turner and his mom carey turner. thanks to both of you for joining us tonight. carey, appreciate your time very much. this has been a long ordeal. and just tell us, what did the affordable care act, obama care, do for you? how did that turn things around for you? >> just this year travis was put back on our insurance plan. it has made his care, his hospital visits, getting medication, the monthly lab draws much easier. there's a lot less, you know, fighting and getting preauthorizations and we can just take care of travis and do what we need to do without all
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the extra hassle. >> what did it feel like going through that cap and then finding out there's no more insurance money there? what was that like? >> i never even imagined that ever happening. i mean, who imagines you're going to reach $1 million at 1-year-old. but it was devastating. and what we thought is we had to do what we had to do to take care of travis and get him the care he needed. so you know hearing obama was going to pass the affordable care act, that was huge for us. >> what would you say to families that aren't quite convinced that the affordable care act was the right thing to do after what you've gone through? >> you know, you just have to -- this is why i'm sharing my story story. they need to hear real life stories from real life people
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and realize that, you know, this happens to very young children and for them to never be able to have insurance again is just not fair. and i think it's a step backwards and a step in the wrong direction. >> what would happen to your family if the law was repealed? there's politicians in washington stay saying they want to get rid of obama care. what would that do to your family? >> it would be devastate ing. it would be like giving somebody a present and then taking it right back. you know, it would bring back more stress and more worry after after, you know, getting it back and having this happy feeling, it would just knock us right down to the ground again. >> were there times in your life you thought travis wasn't going to make it to the first grade? >> there were many times. just a few days into the illness
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actually he went into cardiac arrest. thankfully, thanks to the great surgeons, they saved him. even when he e had his resection, there were complications and he pulled through that as well. so to get where he has gotten has been nothing shy of a miracle and we're just really proud of him. he's a fight er er. >> how is travis doing today? >> he's doing great. he's going to be 8 in december. he just started first grade. and you know, he knows nothing else. he's loving life and he's being a kid just like he should be. and i think that's great. i don't think he should have to worry about things like this and that's why i'm his voice right now.
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>> carey turner, god bless you. god bless you and your family. it's a moving story and it's one that needs to be told to america. i appreciate you coming on "the ed show" tonight. thanks so much. there's a lot more coming up in the next half hour of "the ed show." stay with us. here we go, fans. sherrod brown steps on the field. >> there's no bigger target for carl rove and his allies than sherrod brown in ohio. we'll look at the race with the senator himself, next. billionaire sheldon adelson says he'll spend $100 million to get romney elected. new analysis shows he'll get a $2 billion return on his investment if romney gets the white house. and new polling says the people of chicago support their teachers. their union president joins me tonight for an exclusive interview. wç
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thanks for staying with us tonight. six months ago republicans were feeling good about taking back scroll of the senate. not anymore. democrats in key states could ruin the republican plan for the takeover. one of those crucial races obviously is in the state of ohio. sherrod brown is fighting off tea party republican josh mandell. he's ahead by seven points. the new poll out today shows senator brown maintains an 8-point lead over mandel. this is why he's still a threat. dark money campaign ads. one super pac spent more than $1 million on pro-republican ads in ohio so far. republicans have spent $15 million against senator brown just this year. mandel tried to distance himself from those ads, but he repeats their attacks on the campaign trail.
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here's what he tells fellow tea partiers about brown. >> never met a tax he didn't hike. never met a regulation he didn't like. thinks the constitution is a living, breathing document. tramples on our freedoms, says the government is the engine of job creation. >> mandel says he's against tarp and he's against the automobile loan rescue. but when the editorial board of the cleveland dealer pressed him for specifics on job creation and health care reform he said, i think there's some issues that i'd like to wait until i'm a senator and deal with them in a bipartisan way. so voters are just going to have to wait until he's elected, if he gets elected, to find out how he plans to create jobs in ohio or any other issue for that matter. joining me tonight is senator sherrod brown. good to have you with us.
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>> good to be back. >> i spoke with chris redfern today. this has been a financial slaughter against you. an onslaught of cash. why are they after you so much? why are you attracting more dollars? >> i think they spent $17 million. i know they spent $17 million. people are starting to ask that question. i think that people are starting to understand that it's wall street money because of my legislation to break up the big banks. i think it's china money and outsourcing money because i have gone after the chinese on leveling the playing field on currency and got our bill through the house last year. and i think it's oil company money, clearly, because i have taken on the oil interests and tax breaks. it's clear why they are in the state. i'm a progressive. i'm proud of that. i will continue to fight it it. in the end, it's whose side are you on?
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i'm on the side of giving opportunity to those who aspire to be in the middle class. >> your opponent calls you a liberal and a hyper partisan. how do you respond to that? >> you talk about what matters to people's lives. this automobile rescue has been huge for ohio. we celebrated this weekend two years of the chevy cruise, best-selling chevy that's made mostly in ohio. we're seeing the president's enforcing and enforcing trade rules. a new steel mill, something that surprises people. i'm clearly on the side of the middle class, clearly fighting for those issues. when sheldon adelson dumps money, that's why we have had over 400,000 people signed my petition to overturn citizens ewe united.
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we're fighting them on the grass roots level. that's how we beat this big money. we have 80,000 people that have contributed to my campaign compared to a small number that have given tens of millions to citizens united and the super pacs. >> there's been an attack on labor unions in this country. there's no question about it. we have seen radical governors do it. the democrats have been looking for voices that support labor. e we all know ted kennedy carried that torch for many years. there's you, there's bernie sanders and a few others. you two are the ones out there for workers in a big, big way. is this part of it? your opponent called you un-american and says you should be ashamed of voting for the automobile rescue. i know i'm throwing a lot at you, but when i saw that, i couldn't believe it. how could anybody in ohio vote for somebody who would be against jobs? because that's exactly what this automobile loan was all about.
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>> and the other senator from ohio in those days, back when we did the auto rescue in '09, they supported the rescue. it's clear my opponent is so out of touch on the automobile rescue. but we defeated, as you know, because you spent time at that fire house, first time, only time in american history when collective bargaining rights were on a statewide ballot. we won by 22 points. not because 50% or 60% of ohioans belong to labor unions, but because people understood that an attack on bargaining rights is an attack on the middle class. that's what the elections are about. >> senator, the last thing you need is voter suppression. are you confident that ohio is going to be able to overcome the shenanigans of the republicans and how is this going to affect your race? >> i'm confident. after the election in 2010, they
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went after collective bargaining rights, women's rights, and voter rights. we're going to win this year because we're well organized and we're going to figure out how to get people to the polls in big numbers. people are ready to vote as they were in 2011. and we're going to overcome the big money. they are going after us by try trying to suppress the vote. that's why people helping us out will really matter. it's about grass roots blunting that $17 million in ohio outside money coming at me. >> senator, good luck to you. it's a heck of a battle. ohio senator sherrod brown, thanks so much. republican groups are also pouring money into montana's senate race. tomorrow night, we'll talk to jon tester about his fight with outside interests and why he's making the gop so nervous lately. sheldon adelson says he'll spend $100 million to elect mitt romney. a new report says he could make
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up next, $100 million may seem like a lot for one person to spend in an election. we'll have the details. and tonight negotiations continue in chicago to end the teachers strike. they are not any closer to a deal. i'll ask chicago teachers union karen lewis the president about where it is at this hour. you can listen to my radio show on sirius radio. and like "the ed show" on facebook. multi-policy discount... paperless discount... paid in full discount...
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democracy, millionaires like sheldon adelson, they really are in a sense taking over this country if you look at it. they have a lot of influence and they can afford it. and sheldon adelson has vowed to spend as much as $100 million to defeat president obama in november. don't you think that's a lot of cash? i do. but it's nothing compared what adelson stands to make if there's a romney presidency. a new report finds that adelson could turn his $100 million investment into a $2 billion tax cut if romney is elected. so you know, we have to break down the numbers. romney's plan would cut the top individual tax rate from 35% to 28%. that's $1.5 million each year on executive pension. romney's plan would keep the 15%
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tax rate on corporate dividends. that's $119 million on a single year's worth of dividends. romney's plan would provide a permanent tax exemption for corporate overseas profits. that's $300 million each year. romney's plan would provide a tax holiday for untaxed overseas profits. that's $600 million. add it all up, and over four years, adelson's total tax cuts would add up to $2.3 billion, a 2,200% return on his investment. now add in $8.9 billion adelson hairs would save if romney eliminates the estate tax and the grand total, my friends, is $11.1 billion. an 11,000% return on his
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investment -- excuse me, on his initial investment. the burden of tax cuts for billionaires like sheldon adelson would fall on middle class families, they would see a tax increase of more than $2,000. coming up, school teachers in chicago continue their strike and it looks like there is no end in sight. the teachers union joins us for the latest.
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public school teachers continue their strike in the city of chicago. the teachers union and school board officials failed to hammer out a contract on day two of the strike. a spokeswoman for the teachers union said today there's still a considerable way to go. meanwhile, new polling is looking good for the teachers. 47% of voters support the strike while only 39% oppose it. a number of major issues are still on the table. however, teacher evaluations appear to be the hot issue. mayor rahm emanuel and the school board want teachers evaluated on the student's standardized test scores. teachers argue the new system is very unreliable. it's unfairly targeting teachers in struggling neighborhoods because outside issues harm students' test scores like violence and hunger in the home
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life. the system is so flawed, professor professors sent the mayor a letter warning against it. critics say this is a plot by rahm emanuel and the school board to make a move towards more charter schools. he's stepped all over the teachers of chicago. he's cancelled their 4% pay rise, he's extended their days in school, he's pushed for charter schools, and now trying to fire teachers with bad evaluations. and teachers in chicago have had little voice in all of this and are doing the right thing by standing up. the country is watching what's happening to these teachers because public education in this country is under attack. and teachers are being vilified by those in power because they claim they are making too much money. this is not about money. this is about working conditions.
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this is about for the students. and it's about fairness. let's bring in karen lewis, president of the chicago teachers union. just out of the negotiations to join us tonight. karen, any progress? what's the latest? >> there's been some movement on the scores. we were having problems with it. we were able to show them where there were some real major flaws that a person could actually be quite okay and actually good as a teacher and still get a flawed a teacher and still get a flawed evaluation. look, we want people to understand that the evaluation system that we currently have is flawed too. we don't like it. it doesn't help us improve. and what we're looking for is an evaluation system that gives us the feedback we need to get better and to improve, but also gives us an opportunity to work towards helping children go in a different direction than just test problems. >> but what you have in chicago are neighborhoods that have
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schools that just don't have the resources that other schools have, which puts double the pressure on the teachers to be able to produce the product that's going to score well on the test. do i have that right? >> yes, but in addition is that some teachers who don't teach subjects that are tested will get a school wide value added score. which again, not only do they not have any control over, it's really a big problem. you know how things are in terms of the violence in chicago and what we have been through this past summer. >> so is mayor emanuel putting his agenda in front of the teachers of the city? >> there's an ie dee logical problem. there's this idea that the school system is full of bad teachers. and i think that's what people want to believe and i think it's easy for them to believe. because they look at, quote, unquote, student outcomes. what they do not realize is that
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there are enormous pressures on teachers and students and the working conditions. want to talk about the fact tha have air-conditioning in the classrooms. we have a variety of issues along with not having the appropriate social services. we only have 325 social workers in a city that has 400,000 students. that's absolutely unacceptable. >> and the secretary of education arne duncan weighed in on this today. if you could tell us his involvement. has it helped or hurt? >> well, you know, as you know, arne duncan was the ceo here in chicago before he became the department of education secretary. >> is he part of the problem? >> his policies are harmful to children. i don't think they help.
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