tv The Last Word MSNBC September 26, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> president obama and i both care about the poor and middle class families. >> we have brand new polling out this morning. >> three new polls out today. >> three separate swing states. >> show voters trend ago way from him. >> barack obama is a little bit ahead at this time. >> because the closer we get to the election, the dumber mitt romney appears to be getting. >> there's no question we've made a couple of mistakes. >> time that cruel cruel mistress is slipping away. >> you may have noticed there's an election going on here in ohio, i don't see a lot of victims. i see hard working ohioans. >> we can't afford four more years like the last four years. >> how many times can you visit the state of ohio before they get tired of seeing you. >> the president makes his 29th trip. >> if we win ohio, we'll win this election. >> if we win ohio, we win the
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election. >> governor romney has logged 17 trips. >> no republican in history has won the presidency without ohio. >> romney, ryan. >> oh, sweet jesus. >> make no mistake, ohio, big problem. >> so you're a big romney supporter. >> if we don't run chris christie, romney will be the nominee and will lose. i get the last word. with just 41 days until the presidential election, new swing state polls show that the secretly recorded tape revealing mitt romney's intention to abandon 37% of the american people if elected president is actually having the effect you would expect. romney's secretly recorded words are crushing his campaign. a new poll shows president obama running ten points ahead of mitt
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romney in ohio, which is where abc news found mitt romney tonight and confronted him about the heavy words he dropped on 47% of the american people. >> about the people you said you couldn't convince to take greater responsibility. those are heavy words. >> what i'm talking about is a political process. i don't expect to get 100% of the vote. i hope to get 50-plus % and make sure i get the next president. >> that was his answer to the worst possible thing he could have said in his campaign, that was the best he could respond with. notice that no where in that answer does mitt romney attempt to actually repair the damage of his secretly recorded words. he simply says i'm just trying to get more than 50% of the vote. no word of explanation. no attempt of an apology to any of the american voters who have now heard him say this. >> 47% of the people who will
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vote for the president no matter what. all right? there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims, who believe that they are entitle to health care, food, to housing. they pay no income tax. >> president obama has no intention of allowing mitt romney to run away from those heavy words, especially in ohio. >> i don't believe we are going to get very far. if we've got leaders who write-off half the nation as a bunch of victims who don't take responsibility for their own lives. let me tell you. i have spent a lot of time in ohio, and i don't meet a lot of victims. i see a lot of hard-working ohioans. >> a new poll shows 54% of mitt
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romney's words unfavorably and 32% are favorable to what mitt romney had to say. that same poll shows that 61% of americans have an unfavorable opinion of the way mitt romney is running his campaign. that's up 12 points from july. 54% of americans have a favorable opinion of the way mitt romney is running his campaign. that's up 8 points from july. the romney campaign tried to bail out their sinking ship today by handing mitt romney this script. >> too many americans are struggling to find work in today's economy. too many of those who are working are living paycheck to paycheck, trying to make falling incomes meet rising prices for food and gas. more americans are living in poverty than when president obama took office and 15 million more are on food stamps. president obama and i both care about poor and middle class families. the difference is, my policies
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will make things better for them. >> unfortunately, romney could not remember any of those lines of that script when he was trying to answer the abc news question about those heavy words. here is how the democratic national committee responded to that romney ad. >> too many americans are struggling to find work in today's economy. >> i like being able to fire people. >> too many of those who are working are living paycheck to paycheck. >> i'm tell you what. 10,000 bucks? >> president obama and i both care about poor and middle class families. >> i'm not concerned about the very poor. >> the difference is my policies will make things better for them. >> and so my job is not to worry about those people. they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. >> i'm mitt romney and i approved this message. >> according to a new york times poll, among likely voters in
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ohio, president obama leads mitt romney now about 10 points. in florida president obama leads by 9 points. in pennsylvania, the president leads by 12 points. and according to a new bloomberg poll, president obama leads by 6 points. tonight nate silver fraufts that on november 6, president obama will opinion 316 votes and mitt romney will within 222. and president obama's chance of winning the election is at 81.9%. the highest of this campaign cycle. joy reid, i will bet you $10,000 that we are going to see a piece of that secret tape, about the 47% in most of the obama and
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team obama campaign ads for the rest of the way. >> it is going to be on an endless loop from now until election day. that is for sure because it's so effective. in a way democrats should thank him. he ripped the veil off something like 30 years republican fooling working class people into thinking you know what? we may be the party of management and the democrats are the party of labor but we really get you. he's showing they don't not only get working class people they don't seem to like them very much. i think mitt romney is like the guy who has to show up at a dinner party after being overheard insulting half the guests. a lot of people in the crowd are 47ers, he looks awkward and out of place. >> joy speaks for me. >> the great thing about where we are is that the statement that is controlling this campaign at this point is, as far as we know, the one true thing that mitt romney has said in the course of the entire
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campaign. i mean, my assessment of that tape is, the feel that i have for that guy is, that was the real romney. if i've seen any real romney, that was it. >> i don't know what the real romney is. >> i'm guessing. >> i have no clue. that's him at that moment that day, i don't know who the guy is. i have never known who he is. i think he's the worst candidate that i have ever seen running on either ticket. but what the tape illustrates -- >> how old were you when spiro agnew was running for vice president? >> the problem that romney has now is the kind of worry about the calcification of
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incompetence. that his incompetence is beginning to calcify in the minds of voters. that people get to a point where there is no recovery. it has become so solid in their thinking that this is just a guy who's not up to the task. and part of that is policy, and part of that is just impressionistic. the policy piece he won't divulge what he's actually going to do. so it's hard to go anywhere in america and say tell me what mitt romney stands for, policy-wise. and it's very hard for people to answer that, because all they can say is, well, he's for lower taxes and he wants to give everybody a job. but where are the jobs coming from? and if he lowers taxes, for whom is he lowering taxes and do lower class people or middle income pay for that. and there's the impressionistic part which is complicated complicated by all these gaffes. he cannot keep the foot out of
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his mouth. that is a problem for him. you look to leaders to be leaders both in policy and impression. that they can sit at a table and negotiate with somebody. world leaders or whomever. you don't get that sense from mitt romney. mitt romney, the impression you get from him is that this is a loser and nobody wants a loser. >> you're putting the finger on incompetence is a crucial observation which i have not made. the totality of them, as you point out, this person isn't really competent at what he's trying to do. what he's trying to do right now is run for president. when you run for president you don't say that, you don't say that, and that may be what you're seeing in that poll number that says these people don't approve of the way he's running his campaign. >> absolutely. because you take the partisans, a separate issue, partisans are partisan because of policy. you believe that, you know, life
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begins at inception, it's hard to move from that position. if you believe in the sovereignty of your body, whoever you sleep with or how you choose to exercise your health, it's hard to move from that policy position. if you're one of the people in the middle. take or leave certain pieces of this and i'm kind of going with the guy, the person who appeals to me on a visceral based level, this person does not connect in that way. he is not a competent figure when all things are taken together. >> bill o'reilly thinks he's got romney's problem figured out. >> the problem mitt romney has right now is a perception that he's out of touch with the folks. the president has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ads stating that and the governor does come across as a classic rich guy. it's tough to picture him super
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sizing his meal at mcdonald's. >> this is the old fashioned analysis that he's out of touch. i think charles's point trumps all of this that really what is coming across to people, he's not competent. that is possibly the worst thing that could come across. >> i was waiting for charles to say the word loser. the thing is for romney not only does it calcify among the electorate -- >> loser. i would never go that far. >> loser is deadly in a campaign because it starts to affect donors. nobody wants to put money behind a lowester. it starts to affect the media's impression of you. it becomes a metastasizing cancer in any campaign. the only thing i would take issue with is that i think people do know what they think
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he would do. that's the other problem. when you look add the the ohio poll, there was a story in the washington post where obama and romney are splitting seniors. one of the people who spoke. >> romney should be ared. >> he should be way ahead. you know what, he just wants to help out his fellow rich brothers and not me. that's dangerous. >> i think joe scarborough this morning has summarized how hard it is for republicans this morning. let's listen to joe. >> wait a second. romney, ryan! there we go. that's great. thank you. >> oh, sweet jesus. >> how do you fix that? >> you don't fix it. >> he is a great businessman, great turnaround guy if i had a
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business anywhere in the world, i'd have him run it. he's a horrible politician. he's one of the worst. >> that had loser written all over it. we are in unanimous agreement in joe scarborough. >> that made me sad. >> joy reid and charles thank you for joining me tonight. coming up, mitt romney is now contradicting himself. within minutes he said one thing to nbc news backstage tonight before going on stage at a rally in ohio and saying the exact opposite. and the man who said mitt romney would be a disastrous debatetor against president obama is now giving mitt romney advice on how
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to debate president obama. that's coming up with jonathan cape heart. and in the rewrite tonight, these three. paul ryan, mitt romney and honey boo-boo. they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ this single scoop of gain gives more freshness than a whole box of this other stuff... and that much freshness is gonna take some getting used to... [ sniffing ] ahh. mmm!
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crazy republican alan west has got to be stopped and democratic candidate for congress patrick murphy is trying to stop me. and honey boo-boo will help me teach paul ryan and mitt romney a lesson about family values and marriage equality. honey boo-boo, mitt romney and paul ryan all together where they belong in toot's rewrite. how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells
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that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. hand-carved on the side of a cliff is the guoliang tunnel. what?! you've got to be kidding me. [ derek ] i've never seen a road like this. there's jagged rock all the way around. this is really gonna test the ats on all levels. [ derek ] this road is the most uneven surface, and it gets very narrow. magnetic ride control is going to be working hard. the shock absorbers react to the road 1,000 times a second. it keeps you firmly in control. whoa! [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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okay. i know you've heard this before but i want you to listen to it one more time, just a short piece of it. >> the 47% who are with him, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them. who believe that they're entitled to health care. >> who believe they are entitled to health care. the same guy who said that, the same guy who just condemned people who believe they are entitled to health care, that same guy said this tonight to ron allen of nbc news. >> i care very deeply about the american people and people of different socioeconomic
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circumstances. we've talked about my record in massachusetts. don't forget, i got everybody in my state insured. 100% of the kids in our state have health insurance. i don't think there's anything that shows more empathy about the care of the people in this country than that kind of record. >> so 100% of the kids in massachusetts are now entitled to health care thanks to mitt romney. that also means those kids are among the people romney condemns out of the other side of his mouth for believing they are entitled to health care. and right after romney beamed with pride for making health care an entitlement for virtually everyone in his state, the same mitt romney got up on stage minutes later and said this. >> obama care is really exhibit number one of the president's political philosophy. and that is that government knows better than people how to run their lives.
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>> joining me now are karen finney and robert reich. professor reich, the romney flip flopping now, it's instantaneous, now separated by minutes. he's getting caught up desperately on the issue of health care as we just saw. romney care versus obama care. it seems like just -- and you've been around enough campaigns, that behaviorally what we're seeing here in this candidate is a form of public panic. the flip-flopping is related to him being absolutely lost at this point as a candidate. >> i think that's right, lawrence. it's a form of desperation. what this candidate is displaying is a lot of different voices yelling into his ear from
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different aides, saying you've got to be this kind of candidate. some of them are saying in response to that 47% video, you've got to show compassion. so all day today, romney in ohio was going around saying his heart aches for people who are unemployed. he is proud of what he did in health care in massachusetts. he's proud of the entitlements he created. but the same romney hearing from another political adviser probably shouting in the other ear is back to the right wing craziness that has characterize the the republican party for years now. and he wants to appeal to get out the vote among the base. >> we know he's been criticized and he's been criticized from this disc and you too, about not including the specifics in his tax proposals. he says he's going to cut every income tax rate by 20%, but that's going to be balanced somehow by changes in
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deductions. let's listen to how he talked about that today. >> small businesses typically pay tax at the individual tax rate. so our individual income taxes are once i want to reform. make them simpler. bring the rates down. don't be spigoting a huge cut in taxes. but by ringing rates down we'll be able to let small businesses keep more of their money -- >> so karen finney, there is with the standard message up to today, which is i want to bring the rates down. and then the next sentence is, but don't be expecting a huge tax cut because i'm also going to lower deductions. his problem is we've asked him for specifics. he didn't give us any, but he sure left his audience confused with the way he said that. >> well, i almost expected him to say you free loaders, don't expect a big tax cut. just yesterday he admitted that
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president obama did not cut taxes on the middle class. so this guy doesn't know if he's coming or going. i think what you're showing is quint essentially that exemplifies his problems. this campaign is trying to be all things to all people without be a core and center narrative about who he is and what he's trying to accomplish. so much of what we're seeing is not just desperation, but it's trying to please or appease all these different audiences. and the lack of consistency plays into his fundamental flaw as a candidate, which is he's not trust worthy. people can't trust him. so if you're an undecided voter sitting at home and you see yesterday he said the thing about obama, today he says don't expect a big tax cut, you're thinking i don't know what this guy is going to do. the incompetence in that, the uncertainty of that is not something you can afford when you're a challenger going up
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against an incumbent president. >> some republicans are saying let romney be romney. the problem is let romney be romney, is that there is no romney to be. >> he's been flailing around trying to prove that he cares about 100% of the population for a week now. let's listen to one of his least eloquent defenders makes the case. >> i know some of you people are not excited about romney. but the bottom line is folks, i don't care who you are, if you are a gay, one-armed amputee on the upper west side, there's not one thing mitt romney has done to you yet. and there's not one thing mitt romney plans on doing to you. but whatever your economic circumstance is, mitt romney has had nothing to do with it.
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>> so bob reich, i guess he's right there for every gay one-armed a.m. u tea on the upper west side of manhattan. >> i can make almost less sense of that than i can make of mitt romney. there is a choice that has to be made. republicans are going to be making that choice. and the question, the narrative that is going to be coming out over the next few weeks is the problem here with the candidate or is it problem with a right-wing gop that is out of step with the rest of americament and a lot of republicans are getting the long knives out and they want to attack romney as the worst candidate they could have possibly put up. but actually romney is doing exactly what the gop has wanted. he is the gop's candidate because he has been saying what the gop has been saying. a right wing gop that has all of the intolerance, all of the narrow mindedness, doesn't really care about the 47%.
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that's what the policy is. >> i have to mark down robert reich as being unable to make sense of rush limbaugh. your name is being added to the list of everyone else who has ever been on this show. karen fin i and robert reich. thank you for joining me tonight. >> thanks. >> coming up, paul ryan's values line. whenever you hear a republican talking about values, that's when you know they're lying. that's in tonight's rewrite. and we'll talk to the man standing between another term in the house of representatives for bat crap crazy congressman allen west. i didn't think it was anything. i had pain in my abdomen... it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer. feeling bloated for no reason.
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we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners. look! she wears the scarlet markings! [ man ] out! your kind is not welcome here! nor your odd predilections! miracle whip is tangy and sweet, not odd. [ man ] it's evil! if you'd try it, you'd know. she speaketh the truth! [ crowd gasps ] [ woman ] reverend? ♪ can i have some? ♪
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remember way back a few months ago when newt gingrich when mitt romney would say mitt romney would be a disastrous debatetor against president obama? now he thinks he has the winning advice. be funny and insult the media. it always worked for newt. jonathan cape heart and ari mel ber are already laughing about that one and they will join me next. and in the rewrite toint, honey boo-boo and i will teach paul ryan and mitt romney something
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about family values. and we'll show you why they must lie when they talk about their opposition to marriage equalifity. that's coming up. one serving of cereal, a baseball. and one serving of fruit, a tennis ball. - you know, both parties agree. our kids can be healthier... the more you know. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ ♪
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his record and they imagine him debating obama, obama is going to laugh at him. >> that was in january talking about mitt romney finding himself in the debate with obama. jonathan cape heart, newt gingrich thinks this is going to be easy or used to think this was going to be easy for president obama. one week from tonight we will have just watched the completion six minutes ago one week from tonight of the very first debate. how, each side is trying to spin it like the other guy is a great debater. what are you anticipating? >> i'm in that examp that says mitt romney is going to do a whole lot better than his campaign would suggest. that this is a guy who thrives in narrow environments. when he knows that the clock is
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ticking down and he's got two minutes, he's got the perfect answer, he'll sound reasonable, all those things that newt gingrich said in this piece that he wrote, giving unsolicited advice to mitt romney about what the optics will mean as opposed to to what he said. i think it's 85% visual and 5% substance. so mitt romney thrives in those environments. as we saw in the debates. mitt romney suddenly woke up become a fiery and aggressive debater. i think that's what we're going to see a week from tonight. >> let's listen from newt's advice how to debate president obama. >> first, relax and be prepared. be honest. sorry that's out of the question. use humor, i don't know. $10,000 bets, that sort of thing. enjoy the evening. oh, thanks newt. that's really helpful.
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and of course, be assertive and be on offense against both obama and the media. that always worked for newt, right? >> can we have some real talk about newt gingrich here? >> please, yes, sir. >> the guy who lost to the guy who's losing to the president is giving out advice on how to win. >> good point. >> so i just want to appreciate that context. as for attacking the media -- >> and by the way, newt lost in the debates. he would have a good debate with some dramatic flourishes basically in attacking the media. and then mitt watched that and came back in subsequent debates and beat him in debates. >> that's what i thought was the most revealing line in his article, lawrence, was he said that attacking the media really workds for him, the guy who lost, because he got big applause lines. >> among fan at kal republicans. >> among the core base that has
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taken the republicans to the right. i think that was revealing. even now some distance from his failure, that sums up the mistake that newt gingrich and mitt romney share. mistaking the most radical elements of their base for political victory. >> and newt says it is inevitable the media will ask mitt romney about the 47% instead of answering it -- like that's going to be an easy option. instead of answering it romney should pivot and say let me tell you about the 100% has failed, the 100% who have to buy gasoline, blah, blah, blah. so in other words do not answer that. >> the only problem is the president can come back and say he said i don't have to worry about those people. there's no way to pivot away from trashing 47% of the country. and it's not just 47% of those folks who don't pay taxes. he said those are the people who
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voted for president obama, those are the people who are dependent on government. those tr the people who have no personal responsibility. you wrote off half of the country. you can't pivot away from that. >> how should the president handle 47% in this debate. >> i think he waits 20 or 30 minutes because it would be more strategic to have it come from an independent source. we have to remember as much as we follow this, the debates are when you have the highest unfiltered impact to reach the public and everyone should know about this. i have no doubt the president will look for an opening if appropriate to bring it up before the end of the night. >> what are the things the president has to be careful of and be ready for? >> i thought you were about to say one of those things. he's got to be prepared to make the case to the american people. remember, the economy, there are signs of life that it still is recovering in ways that the
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american people don't feel in a majority yet. but the economy is not doing so well. unemployment is still above 8%. there's a case to be made. he has to be prepared to say the american people, things are bad but they are getting better and be able to do it and not five minute answers, but in nice pithy 30-second responses. >> and not in a defensive way. >> and not in a defensive way. >> thank you for joining us. >> thanks. >> coming up, the man who can save us from another two years of allen west in the house of representatives. patrick murphy will be here. and in the rewrite tonight, honey boo-boo will help me expose the big lie that paul ryan and mitt romney have to tell to justify their opposition to marriage equality. that is next on the rewrite. c! what's...that... on your head?
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whenever paul ryan or any other republican starts talking about traditional marriage, they either don't know what they're talking about, or especially in the case of mitt romney, they're lying. that's next in the rewrite. everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders
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so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. ♪ ♪ hi dad. many years from now, when the subaru is theirs... hey. you missed a spot. ...i'll look back on this day and laugh. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. the things you talk about, like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship, these aren't values that are indicative to any one person of race or creed or color, these
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aren't american values, these are universal human values. >> that was paul ryan lying to his audience in ohio. you can always tell 'republican is lying when he uses the word values. let's listen to paul ryan lie once again. >> the things you talk about like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship, she is aren't values that are indicative to any one person or race or creed or color. these are universal human value. >> first of all, entrepreneurship is not a vl u, it's an activity. family is not a value. some families have values. some don't. some families have good values. >> and we were taught to value everyone's contribution and treat everyone with respect. those are the values that barack and i and so many of you are trying to pass on to our own
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children. that's who we are. >> but not all families value the same things. for example, while some families like the obama family, value education highly, others value extracurricular activities far more than they value economic achievement. >> this is fun! >> this is what we do all the time. >> i like to get down and dirty redneck style. >> she values down and dirty. people have different values. and then, there's that other value paul ryan lied about.
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the thing he and other republicans love to call traditional marriage. which, of course, is not a value at all. marriage is a living arrangement. marriage is a legal agreement. marriage can be a religion-based definition of a relationship. please note that i did not say a religion-based definition between two people. because religion has always allowed, and still allows, for marriages between one man and more than one woman at the same time. in fact, throughout most of human history, the most traditional, which is to say the most popular form of marriage has been between one man and many women at the same time. and throughout human history, the other most traditional component of marriage is that it was arranged. not by the two people who marry, but by the parents of the two
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people who marry. this thing that mitt romney and paul ryan call traditional marriage, the marriage that is a union between only one man and only one woman and not arranged by their parents, is a tradition that is not as old as the federal government. the bible doesn't just sanction polygamy, it advises men how to do it right. the bible also notes that king solomon had, quote, 700 wives of royal birth. and 300 concubines. if paul ryan were to actually become vice president ryan, he would find himself in countries shaking hands with and smiling at government officials who are
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polimyists. legal polygamyists. and vice president ryan would be doing that on behalf of a president whose great grandfather had five wives at the same time. the thing that paul ryan and mitt romney now call traditional marriage has existed in the romney family as a tradition for exactly two generations before mitt romney got married. the harvard football team has traditions much older than that. mitt romney and paul ryan rewrite all of human history when they use the phrase traditional marriage to mean a marriage between one man and one woman. now paul ryan, he may be such a callow fellow and so uneducated in the history of marriage that is he not fully aware of how big a lie he is telling when he describes traditional marriage.
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but mitt romney, he knows better. as does every mormon. mitt romney obviously believes he has to rewrite the history of marriage, including the history of marriage in his own family. to give moral weight to the republican argument against marriage equality for everyone. mitt romney believes lying is the way to achieve moral superiority for his argument against marriage equality. and there you see romney-ryan values at work. according to romney-ryan values, it's okay to try to lie your way to moral superiority. [ male announcer ] the 2013 smart comes with 8 airbags, a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety.
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the modern day harriet tubman. >> i believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the democratic party that are members of the communist party. >> take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency. take your message of enslaving the entrepreneur will and spirit of the american people somewhere else. you can take it to europe. you can take it to the bottom of the sea. you can take it to the north pole. but get the hell out of the united states of america. >> that was bat crap crazy tea party republican congressman allen west. yesterday west took to facebook to complain about president
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obama's united nations speech and to show us how lucky we and the world are that allen west will never address the united nations. he wrote my statement to the united nations would have been the future does not belong to those who attack our embassies and consulates to kill our ambassadors. the angel of death in the form of an american bald eagle will visit you and wreak havoc and destruction upon your existence. joining me now, patrick murphy. can you explain to america how allen west got elected to that seat and how he currently in the polls is ahead of you by a few points? >> well, first of all, no one really knows how he got elected. 2010 was an interesting year. unfortunately democrats did not show up to vote. thankfully, we are getting a lot
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of strong polling results back. we are actually tied or up in basically all of the polls that we've seen. we're in a great position to win this november. >> you've raised $2 million for your campaign, which normally, until very recently, was an awful lot of money for a congressional race. we used to have senate races in this country that cost $2 million. but allen west has raised five times as much money. he's got $10 million he's trying to bury you with. who wants allen waft to stay in that seat so badly that he's been able to collect that $10 million? >> well, about 99% of his fund raising comes from outside of the district. he appeals to a very small percentage of america, to the tea party vein. the vast majority of his fund raising comes after these ridiculous comments that you just played. he then sends out a piece of mail to people all over the country, the tea party folks and
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raises money off of it. it's not necessarily support in the district the. it's that tea party vein across the country. >> i want to look at one of your ads, that as one would expect, where you use allen west's words against him. >> i'm patrick murphy and i approved this message. >> behind the ads, who's the real allen west? his bill would make all abortions illegal, even in cases of rape and incest. how does he really feel about women? >> and all these women are knew tering american men, let them know they're going to have their men become subservient. >> piers morgan piers morgatricr 50%. here's an incumbent who's been
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polling 48% 49%. >> we had an internal poll several months ago that had us tied in the dccc that had us up one point. despite being out-spent 4-1 or 3-1, we've upheld and now in a strong position going forward to defeat him and it's not a good sign that he can't break 50. people know how extreme he is and it's our job to introduce ours to the voters. we're getting support from the republicans, democrats that are tired of the extremism and wants someone that has a business background, that has a cpa that's actually created jobs and not just talked about it. >> do you have debates scheduled with him? >> we do. we have one debate scheduled, october 19th, i believe. we've been to four debates already, which he refused to appear at and we've sent him
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several dates for other appearances which he declined. so we have one on october 19th. >> so he's really going to show up on october 19th? >> we'll see. >> i can't wait for october 19th's show. patrick murphy gets tonight's last word. thanks for joining us. >> thanks good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" from new york. 41 days until the 2012 election and only seven days until the first presidential debate. mitt romney is telling nbc news, the race is tied. really? well, tonight we'll reintroduce the romney campaign to the concept of arithmetic. this is "the ed show," let's get to work. >> president obama and i both care about poor and middle class families. the difference is, my policies will make things better for them. >> mitt romney is still trying to clean up his 47% problem and america isn't buying it. tonight, e.j
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