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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 9, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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marriage. romney keeps same-sex banned entirely and for all time. >> president obama stepped up and rescued the auto industry. mitt romney said to let it go bankrupt. one said to make sure women get equal pay. the other heads the party that down the line was against it. -- across the country, the other did too, and says even today to let them sit there. that's "hardball" for in and out. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead. the buckeye stops here. there's no question this race has tightened up. both president obama and mitt romney know the key to winning the election is winning the critical swing state of ohio. the president arrived there late today, and he went right after
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governor romney. >> i am not going to have us go back to another round of top-down economics, but that's what my opponent is offering. the centerpiece of governor romney's economic plan is a new $5 trillion tax cuts that favors the wealthiest americans, but most of the economists who have crunched the numbers said that paying for governor romney's tax plan -- one or the other. pick your poison. last week when we were on stage together. governor romney just pretended it didn't exist. what $5 trillion tax cut? i don't know anything about a $5 trillion tax cut. pay no attention for that tax cut under the carpet behind the curtain. romney's pretending his tax cut plan doesn't exist, but the president won't let him get away with it. he also won't let him get away with hitting the middle class to
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protect his own tax rate. >> governor romney said it's fair he pays a lower tax rate than a teacher or autoworker who makes $50,000. he is wrong. i refuse to ask middle-class families to give up their deductions for owning a home or raising their kids just to pay for another millionaire's tax cut. i refuse to pay for that tax cuss by asking you students to pay more for college or kicking kits out of headstart or eliminating health care for millions who are poor or disabled or elderly. here in america we believe we're all in this together. we understand that america is not about what can be done for us it's about what can be done by us together as one nation and as one people. we're in this together. it's about what can be done by us as one nation. it's a message that's resonating with voters e. despite how some
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polls have tightened, the president still leads in ohio. a brand-new poll shows him with a four-point lead over mr. romney in the buckeye state. 51-47. and the gender gap remains huge. a 22-point lead for the president among women voters in ohio. no republican has ever won the white house without winning ohio. and that's why romney is going all in. romney is intensifying his advertising, deploying more troops, and will be spent are more time in the states. according to "new york times," romney even moved staff out of pennsylvania to concentrate on ohio. he knows he has a ton of ground to make up. but that's not all there's a darker side to the republican plan to win ohio -- voter suppression.
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ohio's republican secretary of state john ustilled said today he will ask the u.s. supreme court to appeal the federal court decision allowing early voting in the three days before the election. he called the ruling quote, an unprecedented intrusion into how states run elections. imagine that. ahead of an election who wants fewer days for early voting. ohio expanded these voting days after the election of 2004 when voting was a mess with long lines, people getting shut out. in 2008 things went much more smoothly with the new, longer hours in place. in this close election john hue stead has been pulling out all the stops. they know how important it is to
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romney. it's an abuse of power grab and we must keep fighting to stop it. joining me is ohio congresswoman marcie captor and catherine crier, journalist and former judge, and author of "patriot acts" what america must do to save the republic. thank you both for being here tonight. thank you very much reverend. >> congresswoman, let me start with you. can you explain to the rest of america who john ustead is and what he's up to? >> he's up to no good reverend sharpton. he's trying to stop ohioans from voting the three days prior to election day, which is something we've done historically. he's uses taxpayer dollars.
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they know that president obama will carry ohio. the only way he's going to carry it significantly. they had to try to cud back on the vote by cutting back on the number of days people can vote. for all ohioans listens, including here in the cleveland area tonight. you can still go and render sister tonight until 9:00. we call it golden tonight. you can register tonight. get down to the polls to your local board of election. help the president tonight. catherine, let me ask you a question secretary of state john
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husted said about last week's court decision quote -- the court is saying that all voters must be treated the same way until ohio law, but also grants ohio's 88 election boards the authority to establish how any court can consider this a remedy is stunning. now, he's saying this as his basis to appeal to the supreme court, yet clearly in the 2000 election, it showed how early voting was very crucial. 93,000 ohioans voted in the final three days of early voting in 2008. he wants that cut out this time in fact cut it out and the appeals court reversed him on it. tell me the legal interpretation you get from there. >> there's a lot of latitude in operating the functions of
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offices around the state, but when you were talking about the fundamental right, equal protection, equal access to the ballot that's what the court says you cannot abuse. the sixth circuit that made this decision is made up of 16 active justices, ten of them are republican appointees. the chief justice is george h.w. bush appointee. nine others from george wish one from -- so we're not talking about some radical liberal circuit court. these injureses understand this is a violation of ohio's voting rights and i will be surprised if the supreme court just prior to the election will hear this case, because it was an appropriately decided substantive decision and in fact violates the rights. when you're saying military citizens can vote in a certain way, others cannot that
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distinction was made making exceptions, you cannot do that. as we all know under our constitution, the notion of expanding voting rights is the nature of this democracy, not reducing them. i find it extraordinary the direction the republican party has taken to decimate the franchise in this country. >> extraordinary is right, outrageous is right. i mean congresswoman, this is unbelievable especially when you find the republican appointees on the court that came to this decision. this is not a partisan decision. we're talking about people's basic rights how bad is it in ohio and what are people saying, congresswoman? >> well it's bad in ohio because we sauce the gerrymandering that twisted our state in an unbelievable unprecedented way, breaking
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precincts so mistakes would be made, probably throwing out provisional ballots as people cast votes. they're trying to do everything to rig the election. here in ohio you have a circuit court that is saying to the secretary of state the people of ohio have a right to vote as they have historically. let them vote the three days prior to the election and he's fighting it, right up to the last minute and using taxpayer dollars to do that. he's a republican secretary of state. his job is secretary of state should be to make it easy for people to vote, not hard for people to vote to simplify the process. >> congresswoman, when i look at the polls on seeing that 47% of americans now see mr. romney more favorable, highest favorable rating so far, but he's still under water, 51% of northwesterns see it
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unfavorably. only four other candidates carter mondale. george h.w. bush and john kerry were under water in popularity polls at this point in the race. they all lost. meanwhile, the president is also at a popularity high with 5% favorability rate 44% unfavorable. he's high in ohio because unemployment has fallen down 3.5% since 2009. in the state of ohio it's down to 7.2%. is barack obama going to win ohio, in your opinion? >> reverend he's going to win ohio and he will win ohio big. here in the northern part of ohio, the recovery in the auto industry the hiring that's happening in the steel industry the work that's happening in energy exploration and natural gas, driving steel production all the investment we have seen in manufacturing, this president has made a big difference across ohio. if he can a congress that worked
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with him -- >> so you believe the president will win big. >> i believe he will win big. i certainly do. you can feel it when you're with the people. they're disgusted with the ads. people are sick of what's been happening, they know how hard he's working. they respect governor romney but they believe that for ohio president obama has made the largest difference. he's taken us forward from the bush years. we don't want to go back to the policies that got us to this point in the first place. when mitt romney said he wanted detroit to go bankrupt let the auto industry go bankrupt, our people heard that. one of eight jobs in ohio are connected to the auto industry and all the related industry that is feed into it. >> congresswoman marcy kaptur and catherine crier, i have to leave it there. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. is paul ryan starting to feel the heed?
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just two days before his do-or-die showdown with joe biden. check this out. >> by kiting taxes, with the big tax cut? >> those are yours, not mine. >> thank you very much, sir. >> that was kind of strange. >> yeah take off that microphone. good luck trying that with joe biden on thursday. plus big bird is still flying high and there are signs now that the great yellow friend is getting under mitt romney's skin. and the inside story of the family intervention inside the romney campaign. it's a real shocker, and it really happened. you're watches "politics nation" on msnbc. [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf.
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have you joined the politics nation conversation on facebook yet? today everyone was fired up about ohio's decision on early voting. john calls the move "a disgrace" and so obviously voter suppression. bash ra says "we will remember this here in ohio when it's time for his reeek electric. our facebook family was also wishing first dog bo obama a happy fourth birth day. judi says -- nothing like a loving dog to make your day. teresa says -- that's right. the dog rides inside the car. we want to hear what you think, too. head over to facebook and search politics nation and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence.
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rpg love to talk about how paul ryan is a serious guy with serious ideas. yeah, whatever. the truth is his ideas are more regressive than serious, and he may be feeling the pressure he's been getting over his used tax cuts for the wealthy people. just watch how ryan's press handler refused to let him answer a local reporter's questions about tax cuts. >> teach people good discipline good character. that is civil society. that's what charities and civic groups and churches do to help one another make sure they realize the value in one another. >> you do that by cutting taxes?
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>> those are your words, not mine. >> thank you very much. sir. >> that was kind of strange, trying to stuff words in people's mouths? >> well -- no one has to put words in ryan's mouth. we knows his policies. we know what they're all about. under the ryan budget the wealthy see massive tax cuts while the poor get a tax hut. the attack doesn't stop there. 62% of the country, 3.3 trillion, things like headstart and pell grants. paul ryan won't answer question being his own policy but listen to his bogus claims. >> he took from the medicare
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program to obama care. he treats it as a piggy bank. >> let's get the facts straight. under the affordable care act, 716 billion in medicare savings comes from suppliers, not clients. get this. ryan includes those savings in his own budget. as president clinton said it takes some brass to criticize somebody for what you did. vice president biden has a vocal supporter about these things. >> the ryan budget if passed that the govern ore said he endorsed would knock 19 million people off of medicaid. >> romney/ryan tax plan will raise taxes on middle-class
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families with a child, one or more children by an additional $2,000 a year. >> don't tell me what you value. show me your budget and i'll tell you what the value. vice president biden will have some serious things to say this thursday. joining me is steve carnaci, co-host of "the cycle. he's writing in "salon" today about paul ryan's thing skin. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. is he ready for joe biden? >> it's an open question. one thing we found is he hasn't been ready forred kind of scrutiny that comes with a national spot light. there have been several
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interviews, in what we all assumed would be friendly turf fox news where at the slightest bit of scrutiny on follow-up questions he's gotten very testy and evasive. you can think of early on back in august in an interview, how long it would take mitt romney's budget to be balance. he said i don't want to be all wonky on you, but i don't know. and chris wallace started grilling him, a promise it will be deficit neutral and very vague promise it will be paid for. so chris wallace said as loop holes and deductions, that's sort of the key. and ryan basically said i don't have the time to get into all the math. >> now, now -- let me put you right there, steve.
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not joe biden, the vice president pacing him thursday night. he couldn't even get specifics there. the exchange between he and chris wallace on fox news. >> here's what we're saying -- >> we'll get to the deductions but the cut in tax rates. >> it's lower -- >> how much does that cost? >> it's revenue neutral. >> it's not neutral unless you take away the deduction. i'll get to that in a second. lowering the tax rately difference. >> >> you haven't give me the math. >> well i don't have the time -- it would take me too long to go through all of the math. >> it would take me too long to explain the math. this is a fox news sank ore
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saying you haven't given me the math. if he can't deal with that on a friendly station, how will he go up against vice president joe biden? >> two things. one, obviously he will now be ready for this question ready for the moderator, for biden or whoever, to try to nail him down. so he'll be ready. mitt romney had -- very good at talking around a very -- the key i think the reason he got away with that, is that nobody was there to call him on it. no moderator, really no -- so the expectation is biden will try to pin him down and spell out for people when we start talking about these deductions, this is what's at risk.
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other telling them hey, you know what? the deductions are at risk. either way those are discussions he's not wanting to have. he's got to force him into a corner on that. let me ask you quickly, what do you think -- mr. ryan -- steve kornacki? >> i i've always been impressed by joe biden. the reason he ended up on the ticket in 2008 is because of all those primary dietz bates, when it was hillary and obama were the stars, but the guy invariably we end up saying won those debates was joe biden. he's a strong communicator, very good in the debate setting. i expect him to press the case in a way we didn't see last week. how ryan handles that is really
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the $1 million question. >> steve thank you for your time tonight. >> sure. catch steve on "the cycle" weekdays at 3:00 eastern right here on msnbc. still ahead, was there an intervention in the romney campaign? news tonight about a big fight inside team romney. rudy giuliani think about it, there is only three, a noun a verbal and 9/11 nothing else. i've been negotiating since you were in congress. if you all had been around enough -- maybe i've been around too long they forget all the wonderful things i've done -- but all siding aside -- walk around in my neighborhood or go up to scranton with me. these people know the middle class has gotten the short end, the wealthy have done very well corporate america has rewarded. it's time we change it.
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for months ann romney and her son tag felt a private frustration with campaign officials, a frustration that finally boiled over before the debate. what followed was a family intervention and now the family's taking charge. the high command has changed romney's oldest son tag is in the driver's seat. there's a whole new focus. the family's putting an emphasis on a softer and more moderate image for the gop nominee, a little let my be mitt approach to reflect a looser generous and more approachable romney. is letting mitt be mitt enough? and could intervention backfire? joins me dana milbank, columnist for "the washington post," and alicia menendez host and producer for if herb post live. thank you both for being here tonight.
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>> dana let me go to you. let mitt be mitt, how does that strike you? >> see, i don't buy this reverend, this whole idea of you know that his wife and his son swoop in and bring out the authentic. how do we note the mitt last wednesday was the real mitt, not the one we saw in the primaries, not the one tess convention not the one as governor of massachusetts. it's not clear to me letting mitt be mitt means anything that there is a real and authentic mitt. he changes his positions the way you and i change neckties. i think this is a way to dress i have a situation. he did this out of necessity very clearly he saw his campaign was going down the trajectory was headed in needed to try something new, and he got pretty lucky. he was able to do the etch a sketch at a point where the conservatives were desperate
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enough they'll let him get away with it. >> alisha there's a danger in him lets his hair down. we've soon some of that. >> i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. corporations are people my friend. we can raise taxes -- of course they are. everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. [ laughter ] >> where do you think it goes? >> it goes in their pocket. whose pocket? so there, alisha are some examples of mitt being mitt being spontaneous, unscripted. the fact is on personal traits president obama still leads romney, even in polls relief
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after the debay. president obama leads 44 to 39. on who takes a more moderate position? obama leads 49 to 39. on who connects with ordinary americans, 59 to 39. how does mitt romney turn his numbers around? >> apparently by being mitt. listen, i have a lot of simply and my heart goes on the to the -- it's hard to watch someone be different on the campaign trail. when my father was running for senate six years ago, they sat undouse and told us to sit down and mind our own business and your job is just to be a listening ear, not to get the candidate all twisted about poll numbers, but they know they don't reflect the person that they know well. i think at this point, though the reason we're seeing this is this would not have leaked if someone didn't want it out there is this is starting to become a blame game.
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they're deciding whether or not this will get tagged on the consultants who have been there since the very beginning, the staff since the beginning, or if they can say, listen the family intervened they wanted to do their things their way and that's why he did not win at the end of the day. we're seeing the beginning resume nation ruminations of that. >> let me give you an example. governor romney's son josh introduced his dad today at an event. he complied that the president of the united states was an obstinate child during the debate. listen to this. >> me and my brothers were responsible for my dad doing so well. we were the ones that kept saying the same thing over and over. we say the same lie over and over and my-day-old learned then not to believe it. so while we didn't go through invite formal debate
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preparation, we did the real hard stuff. as a father he learned how to debate an obstinate child. >> i mean dana with mitt romney's son saying the president was like he and his brothers lying over and over again, a member of the family would have to defend that. he got -- isn't that risky to put family out there like that? >> well we've seen the risk of this before reverend. it was the romney sons the ones responsible for telling the world about shameeseamus the dog being strapped to the top of the car. themed to walk back several things. i think it's too convenient they're putting out this line that somehow there's been a
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change that the family is really in control. i suspect they're doing what they were doing all along, and they're looking for a way to explain in a real -- try to make it look real what is really just a crafted political calculations. the hard thing wasn't working. let's throw everything out the window and try to run him as something else. now they're trying to work backwards to put a narrative around that. >> in all respect to members of families like you've been not only did romney change his approach, he changed his politics. i mean he changed policy. that's not family driven. for him to deny his tax cut and say his health plan was going to cover preexisting conditions this is a policy shift, a lot deeper than him being approachable and all of that. >> and if this is in fact coming from the family this is clearly the piece of it they don't
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understand. you can put a softer mitt out there, he can give as many policy speeches as he wants to be part of this supposed plan. if his policies don't match up then it doesn't mean anything to the american people. when you see those numbers about the fact that a lot of americans feel that president obama much more understands what they're going through than mitt romney does that's not about tone. that's about policy. that's about turning medicare into a voucher system. it's about taking positions on immigration, where you wouldn't support deferred action for, you know, young dreamers. it's about a series of policy positions that he took during this primary and during the primary 4 years ago that are out of step with mainstream americans. there's no amount of personal change that is ever going to explain to voters who are deciding who to vote for in november who he is and what he stands for. he's tethered to those policy decisions. the only option is to double
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down. any change in language isn't going to be much. >> dana milbank, alibba menendez i have to leave it there. thanks for your time this evening. coming up breaking news in ohio. the continuing efforts by the republican secretary of state to suppress the vote. plus they see ugly billboards are popping up in minority neighborhoods in swing states. who is behind this voter intimidation. and governor romney's war on big bird takes a big twist today. that's next. sneed
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♪ sunny day ♪ ♪ sweeping the clouds away ♪ that was playing dj before the rally today, having some fun with mitt romney's attack on big bird. it's still ruffling a lot of feathers. now there's a new campaign ad ridiculing the plan to defund "sesame street."
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since the presidential debate we have seen more of the "sesame street" gang crashing romney events. outside a rally today in iowa. and romney just snubbed nickelodeon, skipping the network's special event on the election, refusing to answer questions from kids across the country. president obama's already did the event, but romney's campaign says he couldn't fit it in his schedule. the real issue here is isn't nickelodeon or big bird but what the romney/ryan agenda would do to our children. the budget includes devastating cuts to program that help feed kids in america's poor and working-class families. it also slashes federal aid i've said before this election isn't about obama. it's about your mama and the real families and the real kids
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that live there. ♪ ♪ > how do you make shoo ♪ ♪ or help doctors turn billions of bytes of shared information... ♪ ♪ into a fifth anniversary of remission? ♪ ♪ whatever your business challenge dell has the technology and services to help you solve it.
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. we're back with the relentless right-wing push to suppress your vote. we told you about jon husted ohio's republican secretary of state who's appealing a ruling that reinstated early voting in the last three days before the election. in 2008 93,000 ohioans voted in the final three days. that's why president obama sued husted for cutting off early voting, and he won, but the secretary of state refuses to go away. let's be clear what's going on here. we have a guy in charge of elections doing everything he can to make it harder for people to vote. it seems crazy, right? so who is this man?
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joining me now from ohio is ohio state representative kathleen clyde, and joe madison, nationally syndicated radio host of "mornings with madison." thank you both for joining me tonight. representative let's go to you first. what can you tell us about this man? >> well today's decision shows us he really will stop at nothing to fight voters having access to the polls, and having their votes counted. appealing this decision the united states supreme court to have voting on the three busiest days of early voting is yet another attempt to suppress the vote, and so close to election day. it's really unfair to the voters to be changing the rolls so close to the time when the big day is here.
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>> now, it's interesting you say that because he was singing a different tune just in january of this year. husted himself said after realizing curtailing early voting was actually unpopular, he told the ohio association of elected officials that he wanted to quote, start over after the 2012 election. he promised no more midstream changes, and he says we need more stability and less drama. he claimed, quote, we don't need to confusion voters. that's what he said in january, representative. now, under 30 days before the election, he wants to go to the supreme court, over the court of appeals saying let people vote the last three days? >> and he can't get the decision he wants.
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we've two federal courts say let the voters vote. and yet you did have him say that you know we can't by changing the rules so close to the game but here he is appealing this decision, throwing ohio election. really seems to be yet another attack on the right to vote here in ohio. it's been difficult to be a part of fighting these attacks. >> joe madison, 93,000 people voted in the last three days are they afraid and blaze or misusing it in 2012? >> and what you have and i think the state legislator may
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inadvertently said something. this is about throwing it into confusion. you know and i know having done voter registration when people senior confused your hoping that they just won't turn out at the polls. marched with us from cincinnati to cleveland, registering people to vote. and, remember, the reason that early voting came up in the first play was because there were what long lines in cleveland. to allow people the opportunity to vote, so there wouldn't be they long lines?
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i think what's happening here is he's trying to create confusion with the hopes that will turn voters off and it will backfire. >> and it's targeted because joe, when you look how it affects african-americans disproportionately, in fact in kyling onna county african-americans used early in-person voting at approximately 26 times the rate of white voters. >> and that's -- you're absolutely right. you knowed that no one on the other side went after right-in votes. they didn't go after that you know why? that is because republican voters tend to use that more than the early voting so here's what i would suggests that minister do organizations do. that is do -- i think don't get
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confused, be determined you're going to go vote don't accept these provisional ballots or anything else. this is about trying to confusion people to the point that they simply won't go to the polls and vote. i will wager -- not to bet you, reverend, because you're a good christian, but i would wager that the supreme court is probably not going to hear this case because of the way the decision was written in the circuit court. >> can you imagine for people in ohio, the money he's spending. we're going to stay on this kathleen clyde and joe madison. thank you both for joining us. kathleen when joe said we were registering voters a couple decades ago, i was a little boy. [ laughter ] inner city african-american neighborhoods, the ugly right-wing intimidation plan is exposed. next.
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finally tonight, i'm here in virginia on a engagement tour with my civil rights organization, national action network. we're making sure that everyone gets their voice heard in 28 days. but the right wing is trying to scare voters away. look at this bulletin board. it's popping up in minority neighborhoods in milwaukie, wisconsin. with the big headline -- voter fraud is a felony. three years in prison $10,000 fine. and the woman on the right telling us -- we voted illegally. in ohio this billboard is in a black neighborhood around cleveland. they went up last week just as early voting started. voting fraud is a felony 3 1/2
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years, $10,000 fine. a private family foundation is reportedly behind them. what that means is a mystery. we tried to find out who they are. so far they haven't responded to our requests. city councilwoman fill is cleveland is determined to get answers. >> this is clearly an attempt at voter intimidation. i want to find out who this foundation is who paid for it, number one. they need to show their hand as well. you can't send intimidating messages to people. >> they're doing it from behind a veil of secrecy, and voter fraud barely exists in these states. in wisconsin, 23 cases in 11 million votes cast in seven years. in ohio only five in nearly 14 million votes in over eight
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years. we know what they're up to and we won't let them. it's your right to vote.
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