tv Lockup MSNBC October 27, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> i'm richard louis. we're keeping a close eye on the track of hurricane sandy making a slow trip up along the eastern cede board. it's expected to collide with two winter weather systems. already high winds and heavy surf are being felt in parts of the carolinas. the governors of eight states have already declared states of emergency and are warning residents to take no chances. joi joining me right now live from the weather channel is meteorologist kim cunningham. >> that's right. and you know, it's beginning that a little bit quicker, about
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13 miles an hour, richard, to the northeast. it should continue that for a little bit and then within the next 24 hours, more of a westerly turn. that's where that land fall will be somewhere between the mid atlant atlantic and up towards new york. that's right around the center. we err getting tropical storm force winds all the way to virginia at this time. so over 400 miles is tropical storm force kinds. you can see the extension out from the center, probably a hundred miles. midnight, still dealing with tropical storm force winds. it heads up towards the north and will eventually get up ward three:00 3:00 in the morning. and then we'll see it move inland. back to you, richard. >> all right, kim, thank you so
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much. mitt romney has cancelled stops in virginia tomorrow. opting to go to ohio, enstead. and the president is heading to florida, a day earlier than scheduled. now, back to "lock up." >> announcer: due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> narrator: a repeat offender smuggles contraband into the jail. >> my case is considered high profile because the i.q. was low celebrity. >> narrator: an inmate. >> he might as well do himself a favor and kim himself.
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>> narrator: a prescription pill epidemic takes it toll. drug use on the inside can keep another inmate from leaving jail. >> please don't keep me from going home on friday. >> if you don't go home on friday, i didn't keep you from going home. you did. >> narrator: officials are concerned over one inmate's growing influence. >> you identify got a reputation of leading these young guys to do all kinds of stuff. it's a reputation you've got to live down. >> narrator: a source of pride for louisville, kentucky has been the revitalization of downtown marked by high-rises, residential and retail centers. but it also has been a busy time
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for the louisville metro department corrections of jail that books about 45,000 men and women each year. and many of them have been through the process several times before. >> i chose the life of a criminal. since the time i was 18, i've been in prison. it's all i know. >> narrator: terry says his history at louisville metro is based on a near lifelong struggle with drug use. he has been arrested 27 times and has been convicted on charges including trafficking, possession, robbery and assault. botico has now been arrested affater failing to appear in cot and must begin the familiar process of booking. >> they'll come in here. this is what we call the grill, which is where we do our pat searches. we'll have the inmate stand here with his back to the wall. the officer will basically tell them take everything out of
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their pockets. any jewelry, watches, necklace, rings, belts, they can't have anything of that. they'll be pat searched down. 99% of the time when something makes it into the facility, it's made it in someone's rectum, anal area. >> you look uncomfortable. just keep your hands on the meltal, all right. what are you trying to conceal, buddy? all right. come on this way. did you really think you were going to get that passed us? >> i used to be able to. >> the inmate was taken into our strip search room only the booking floor. i asked him before we started, did you have anything on him? he admitted to having cigarettes. i said why? he stated that he was looking at a lot of time. so he brought in a couple
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cigarettes to purchase some food items while in the dorm. >> the food that they feed you here is, like, not enough to feed anything. i'll still have hunger pains. so people do this sort of thing so when they come in, they can sell them for top dollar. >> so how much would those two cigarettes have gotten in here? >> anywhere from $10 to $15 in jail. >> that's like $150 on the street. >> considering the amount that it was, we could write him up for contraband. but he'll go upstairs for a single cell or we can just properly dispose of the items outside of our facility and put it in his notes that he did come in with this, but no disciplinary action was taken. >> now confident that botico is no longer concealing contraband, officers decide not to pursue further sanctions and allow him
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to continue the booking process, which poses a new challenge due to an injured finger. >> right to the edge. >> narrator: with a large inmate population to manage, officers attempt to ensure that new arrivals are not housed with anyone with a threat to them. >> i'm not scared of them. >> okay. all right. that's all i need. >> thank you. >> botico will now join the 2300 other men and women housed at louisville metro. most of them are only chashlged with crimes and are awaiting trial under the resolution of their cases. many of them share something else in common. drugs have been at the root of their problems. >> about 80% of our inmate
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population have substance abuse issues. you know, you can call it the war on drugs, you can call it whatever you want to call it. but it's not working. >> narrator: while drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin have contributed to many of the problems, abuse of another substance is rapidly filling up jail beds. and its origins lie further south. >> the prescription medication down in florida and the other states making their way up the i-75 corridor and to this region has been very, very problematic. >> joe smithson and john carrol, both from rural kentucky have been charged with a litany of crimes which they say all stem from their prescriptions pill addictions. >> hill billy crack. >> hill billy crack? >> that's what they call it. hill billy heroin.
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it's just like heroin, but you stick it up your nose. >> carrol has been sentenced to five years for theft and giving false information to a police officer. simpson was given one year for possession of a controlled substance. >> he don't have no peace. >> that's why i know i haven't had no peace in years. >> years. >> i've got 11 kids. i've got eight boys and three girls. my oldest will be 19. my youngest is 9. i was real promiscuous when i was younger. >> wow. >> narrator: prior to pill addiction, both men relied on a substance to the appalachian towns where they come from. moon shine. >> i've got uncles down there that are bootleggers. it's still like that down there. but 190 proof, one shot, you're on fire.
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>> last time i got it, it was like $10 a jar. i ain't bought none in a wire. all of my money goes to pills now. i really don't drink no more. i don't smoke pot. all of my money goes to the pill. >> narrator: prescription pills create problems inside the jail, as well. >> several nights ago, we had inmate workers be observed on camera passing what appear to be pills. the officers reacted. they recovered 21 pills which were i'ved as volume. those inmates had urinalysis done on them. we have those results back. >> one of the inmates who tested positive was destiny van winkle. but she says pills pr nare not drug of choice. >> i've been smoking crack since i was 12. >> i was good all the way up
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until i was 12. i met a 19-year-old man when i was 12. i started dating him. i had a kid with him. >> soon after, van winkle's drug use resulted in a longstring of arrests and state prison. now, only days away from completing her kurcurrent one-y sentence, the positive drug test could delay her release. but, first, van winkle will be questioned by sergeant gentry. >> see the cut off? see what you've got? that's normal. >> damn. i only took two. >> why did you take any? >> i don't know. but i only took two. >> all right, listen. >> please don't give me a side charge. i apologized to brown and he said he didn't think i was going to get outside charges. >> so tell me, what happened? >> i took them to -- because the
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girl gave them to me. >> did you ask her for them? >> she gave them to me. >> did you know what they were? >> not really. i thought they wrnt valium. >> so you just put them in your mouth anyway? >> why? >> because i'm an addict, gentry. i don't want to get outside charges. i go home friday. >> what dupts do you want me to do? >> i have never seen drugs up here. that was the first time. >> and so the first time you wanted to be a participant in it and you just stuck it in your mouth? what if you were allergic to it? >> i'm sorry i did it. i don't know what else to say? >> you're going to get disciplinary. and i'll think about doing the chaurjs. >> please don't do it to me. >> don't beg. don't. >> please don't keep me from going home on friday. >> if you don't go home on friday, i didn't keep you from going home. you did. >> all right.
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>> narrator: coming up. >> you made a mistake. >> i did. and i understand it, too. believe me. >> destiny van winkle pleads her kags. case. again. terry botico gets a shiner. >> i stood up. stood my ground. >> you seem pretty cool, calm and collected. >> you can't cry over spilled milk. >> convicted of killing a local celebrity, another inmate faces his peers. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies. that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. i wish my patients could see what i see. ♪
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>> narrator: while most of the inmates of the louisville metro department corrections of jail are pre-trial detainees, some have already been convicted. they are either serving short sentences for less serious crimes or they're a waiting transfer to prison for major crimes, such as the case with kenneth brown. he was recently found guilty of murder. but not just any murder. >> my case is considered high provile because the guy i killed was a low celebrity dancer. >> he was shot august 18th. police say it was a drug deal gone bad. >> narrator: brown was found guilty of shooting and killing a local rap sensation. he started a dance craze that began in louisville and caught on nationally. and just a few hours earlier,
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brown was in court to hear his sentence from the judge. >> we, the jury, fix the punishment of the defendant kenneth brown for the offense of murder for 24 years. >> just got sentenced today to 24 years, 85 percent prison for first-degree murder, two counts of one endangerment, trafficking over five pounds with a firearm and tampering with physical evidence. >> seem pretty cool, calm and collected for a guy who just got 24 years in prison. >> you can't cry over spilled milk. >> i know i've been on the news. i was on the news earlier today. i don't know if i'm going to be on there again at six or not. see if they got my good side, man. >> narrator: brown's calm demeanor might result from his rigorous exercise regimen and having already spent the past 17
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months in jail awaiting to start an end of his trial and it has not been easy. fans of brown's victim seem to be everywhere in louisville metro. and they all put their own spin on the dance made famous by "the shiz." >> you heard me? >> narrator: even though the murder occurred nearly two years earlier, some inmats are still angry and would like to avenge "the shiz's" death. >> there go one of my fans. yeah. >> especially deshawn powell who was friends with "the shiz requests on the street. >> you took a friend of mine. that's a piece of my heart. i ain't ever going to get that back.
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we're going to always keep shiz alive in the streets of louisville. where ever we go, we're always going to keep him alive. >> yeah. >> these guys are our cheer leaders. i call them [bleep] riders. you might want to edit that out. but that's what i call them. >> what's up, homo. you're a homo. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]. >> we'll see who's gay when he hit the yard. we're going to see who's gay. they're going to make him a little boy nfor what he did. his life is miserable. where ever they go, they're going to giver it to him raw. he ain't ever going to be able to live. he might as well do himself a favor and kill himself. >> the notoriety around brown's case force jail officials to put him in protective custody. >> we had to end up placing him in a single cell and protect him. >> i'm not a protective custody-type of guy. people say oh, they're going to kill you in the yard.
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well, you know, i can only die once: so, hey, if i die, hey, i'll be with my son. i'll be with my grandparents. i'm not afraid of death. never have been. never will be. >> though deshawn powell makes his hatred for brown known, they rarely see each other as protected inmates are segregated from general population. and, for the time being, powell is separate. he's in administrative segregation. and for powell who's in jail on 14 felony charges includie inin assault and robbery, conflicts are common. so much so, jail officials have difficulty inkars rating him. >> it's hard to keep shuffling him around and finding a spot where he can be in a dorm and actually have the same privileges due to his keep
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froms. it's kind of hard to find him a spot. he ends upmostly in single cells because it's easier to deal with his behavior. >> i have a reputation. when i first got here, i took initiative, beat up people, controlled the floors, running floors, having it my way. every time i've came back, it's gotten worse and worse. >> powell says his convictions all stem from a drive to be looked up to and feared by his peers. >> but now, this last time i came back, i have not been that person. no matter how much i change, people still accept me as the same person. >> powell hopes his good behavior could warrant an early release to general population. but that will be up to chief of staff and his classification committee to decide. >> they said i was running your jail, man, every time something came up, my name keeps oncoming up. i've got so many keep awayings,
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right now, the only dorm i can go is on the six floor, dorm three. >> but ask yourselves a question. why is everybody putting you down as a keep separate from? >> because they keep saying they're scared of me. i can't help because of how i used to be when i came here in my past. but i ain't that type of person no more. >> all right. well, like i told you, i'll have a confers late e confers about , powell. >> narrator: coming up. deshawn powell goes on the defensive. two friends lobby to enter the jail's drug program. >> so what i want you to do is kind of reach down inside to find out, you know, really, what's going to be different this time. i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts. more events. more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now?
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[ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. there's a pop. wahlalalalallala! pepper, but not pepper, i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety. kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable.
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>> yeah? >> pills. >> what kind of pills? >> any kind. opiates. >> any kind. a lot of stuff out there on the street right now. >> oh, yeah. i leave tomorrow. i'm scared. >> you leave tomorrow? >> yeah. >> so what are you going to do different this time? >> go to my meetings? just trying to do the best i can to stay away from all people, places and things. >> easier said than done. >> yes, sir. >> talk is cheap, isn't it? >> yes, sir. >> narrator: knowing that drug use led to about 80% of inmay want mate arrests here, there's a special program to inmates who want to make a change. >> again, we talked about women have a very difficult time in recovery, why? >> because of shame, guilt and remorse that they experience. it's hard for them to let that go because you made a mistake doesn't mean that you are a mistake. >> narrator: the program is called enough is enough. and it's run by the jail's
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substance abuse coordinator, ken wright. >> you have the disease and you're not responsible for having it. but you are responsible for your recovery. >> the focus is on basic recovery. one of the things that happens traditionally in corrections, there's not a lot of programs to address resit vichl, rearrest, the same old kind of soup every day, get locked up, stay in jail, learn how to be a better criminal but never address the issues that are actually related to people coming in and out of jail. gl the >> narrator: there's a men's version of the program, as well. >> what did you start? >> 15. >> narrator: having battled addiction most of their lives, joe and john have decided to fill out applications to get into enough is enough. >> i didn't sniff no glue or nothing like that.
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>> narrator: it will be up to wright to decide if the men get into the program. and he doesn't accept just anyone. >> i dpesz the question is what's going to be different now, especially because you've had some experience in treatment before -- what's going to be different? i mean, i'm quite sure you've said the same thing before when they did an initial assessment about, you know, i'm motivated, i'm tired of going to jail, blah, blah, blah blah. those are the kind of things that people often say. what i want you to do is reach down inside to find out, really, what's going to be different this time? >> i toent hadon't have the ans. >> i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. i'm tired of leaving on the same road i'm leaving. >> it's the most structured dorm. we do 12 step meetings, relapse prevention, life skills, big
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book study and we do a men es group. the hardest part of the program, and i need to be real honest is what we call accountability group. it's going to go against the whole jails code. we're going to use the word snitch. we don't use the word rat. if you're doing something, some violation of the rules and regulatio regulations, you'll have an opportunity first o f all, to hold yourself accountable. >> i'm ready to make a change. like i said, the same road don't work for me no more. >> enough is enough. >> i love the name of the dwrup. >> but right has heard it all before. >> they sounded real good, but who doesn't? but the test is going to be once they actually get in the program. >> coming up, they find out if rehab is in their futures. and then deshawn powell is back in general population. but not for long. and every day since,
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i'm richard louis, here's what's happening. eight states as hurricane sandy approaches the east coast. once it makes land fall, it's expected to collide with two winter weather storms potentially creating a mo monumental storm. mitt romney has cancelled plans to campaign in virginia tomorrow and, instead, will hit ohio. now, back to "lock up." scot, jr. i'd be in the back with the strap belt. they just hungry so they just get clap. being official when you're sitting in the jail. you'd be crying to them be boys when you want some mail. >> narrator: it's not unusual
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these days for deshawn powell to rap tributes to his late friend better known as shiz. >> don't do the shiz. handle your biz. >> narrator: and, now, powell even has an audience. after 30 days in segregation, he's been released back to a general population dorm. >> finding a housing unit, staff finally worked it out. but if he is to stay out of segregation, he needs to be on his best behavior. >> said that if i do anything, that i would go back to max and that would be my remainder of the stay. i will not be back in general population. >> so powell is taking no chances, even when it comes to getting out of bed. >> when i get down, if i get
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down and step on his bed, you know, if i don't do it and put my foot on his bed, lead into a fight. i ask, as far as respected, i give him respect. >> i can honestly say at one point in jail, it was fun. they used to let you smoke in jails and visit every day. but then over the curse of these 20 years, everything has changed. there's nothing fun about coming to jail and being locked up no more. nothing at all. i don't like it. i don't like nothing about this jail. i don't like nothing about prison.rather be home with my w and kids. >> powell especially dislikes the routine pat down search. >> step back, open your legs. open your legs up for me. >> put your hands up on the wall, man.
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>> why are you grabbing me like that? >> put your hands on the wall and keep them on the wall. put it down. open your legs up. lift up? turn around. lift up your shirt, open your mouth, open your hands. mouth. >> what? >> put your shoes on. >> narrator: that doesn't seem to be much comfort to powell. >> there's no need to search me like that. i could see if i was a fresh intake. but i didn't like how he searched me.
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it was just such a search that turned up two cigarettes he was attempting to smuggle in to sell for extra commissary goods. >> did you really think that would make it past us? >> i used to be able to. >> but botico caught a break. the jail decided not to file criminal charges. and his good behavior has allowed him to get a job as a work aid. >> just passing out dinner and some hot water and cleaning up out here. in addition net required for his job, botico is also wearing something new under his left eye. >> somebody stoled some commissary and i just didn't let it go. if you let it go, they're going to get you every time. i've done too much time. basically, somebody trying to be a bully. and i'm not the bullying type. so i stood up and stood my
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ground. >> there ha >> narrator: there have been some more positive grounds. they have been accepted into enough is enough, the jail's drug rehab program. >> do you have any questions? >> not today, sir. >> absolutely none? do you understand the guidelines? >> i understand the guidelines. >> understand that tonight you're going to be going to bed at 11:00. understand in the morning you'll be getting up at 8:00. >> what i'm letting you know, it's not a choice. you can't be laying in the bed and say hey, today, i just don't feel like doing it. you have to put that same energy that you were using in the program. i doubt if you got up in the morning you were dope sick, y you'd say i'm just going to lay here a while. >> narrator: a short time later, the two men have packed up and
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move in to the enough is enough dorm. >> what's up, guys? >> what's up, man? >> what's up, brother. >> not everybody is as anxious to get help for their addictions. >> when they have a.a. classes in here, they have every class in here. they have a whole dorm that's full of recovering addicts. i don't choose to go in there. i can. they don't reject there. but i just don't choose to go in there. >> why? >> i don't -- cause i don't want to hear it, to be honest with you. i don't want to hear it. i know what i need to do to be sober. but i don't want to hear it from nobody else. i've just got to want to do it myself. >> narrator: drugs brought destiny van winkle to jail, herself. and now, just days before her scheduled release, they might keep her in jail. >> i think you can find dope anywhere you go. and i'm not saying nothing about this jail or nothing. but, you know, an addict is going to find the dope anywhere they go. >> narrator: and van winkle did. she recently received a
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disciplinary write up after testing positive for valium. she admits taking two pills given to her illegally by another inmate. if the jail decides to file criminal charges, her release could be postponed. >> if i wouldn't have got caught, i wouldn't have felt bad. i miss keeping it all the way real. but since i did get caught, i felt bad abit. does that mean i felt bad because i got caught? yeah. >> narrator: in a sprat meparat matter, van winkle must face to fiepd out what part might be spent in segregation. >> you've been taken them for a while? >> no, i don't even take pills. i have a problem with crack. i don't take pills. i was retarded. i know. i come home friday. >> why are you in jail? >> child support. >> you go home friday. >> yes. i'm sorry i did it. >> well, you ain't never been in
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trouble since you been here. not a problem. yeah, you made a mistake. i understand that. >> i did. and i understand it, too. believe me. >> well, next week, you're not going to get no visits or no gym or nothing. we'll take one week of your privileges. you will remain in general population. >> thank you, mr. hill, so much. >> you've got a right to appeal the decision i'm giving you today. would you like to appeal it? >> no. hell no. >> end of my report? that's your copy. >> thank you. >> when you get out of here u stay out of jail. >> all right, thank you, mr. hill. sorry to cause you trouble. >> narrator: coming up, having avoided segregation, destiny van winkle finds out if her drug use will keep her from going home. and terry botico tries to slip another one by sfaf.
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try to learn spanish, real spanish, from an authentic mexican, straight from mexico. none of that watered down stuff from rosetta stone. i'm learning directly from the source. >> narrator: kenneth brown will soon ship off to serve a 24 year sentence. but he's using his find days to expand his horizons. >> number 15. that means i will shoot you. so if you break in my car or you break in my house, and i catch you in there, that's what i'll tell you. okay? so hopefully, understand that. if you don't speak spanish, you better learn. and then i've got i'm sorry. i'm going to tell them i'm sorry after i shoot them. >> you just got handed a 24 year sentence. >> yeah. >> so what are your plans on
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using spanish? >> i don't know. if you've got 24 years, you've got a lot of time to learn a lot of stuff. why not take advantage of it. >> narrator: while his spanish might help brown bridge some cultural divides, it might not quell the hatred some of inmates feel toward him. deshawn powell, a friend of talberts has been especially incensed. >> if you're going to be in the weight room, you know you have to have your top on. >> narrator: after brief stay in general population, he's back in segregation. >> you've got a reputation of fooigting. you eve got a reputation of leading these young guys to do all types of crazy stuff. that's a reputation you've got to live down. nobody made that but you. that's all on you. >> but i can't -- you can't fault me, though, baby, if somebody want to be like me, i
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can't help them to look up to me. >> you know what you can do? you know what you can do? >> what's that? >> you can conduct yourself like you should while you're locked up instead of acting a fool. fighting, jumping people. all that stuff. you know what you do. >> i ain't -- yeah, but i told you yesterday, i'm, like, okay, i understand that. >> what was you doing yesterday in the dorm. you got loud, started talking all crazy. and what did the other guys do? they're following your lead. >> yeah, you right. >> the latest incident occurred when inmates in powell's dorm were ordered to put their shirts on. a white inmate refused the orders and risked putting the whole unit on lockdown status. >> when the white guy stepped out of the dorm, then i was like come on back in here, man. he flew back in there and the captain was like no, i told him several times. you told him wunls. he went in there.
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no, you about going back in that dorm. you got too much control. >> you told that one white guy in there, come back in here. he come right back only in there. >> but what i tell you. i said let me control this. i can control this in here. >> but we don't have dorm reps here. >> that's a bad thing here. >> if you're running the dorm, we don't need it. >> they could feel like if he can do this, it could be one of my officers that walk in this dorm and he koulgd say get my officer. >> right or wrong, though -- >> i told you i was going to talk to disciplinary. >> narrator: powell continues to struggle and terry botico's new job as a work inmate has been a welcomed relief.
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we did not know what botico mebt. meant. moments later, we'd find out. >> while driblting hot water to inmates in one of the housing units, botico slides a bag through a food slot but does not realize that the officer escorting him has witnessed the pass. a short time later, he confronts botico. it turns out he was passing packages of noodle soup to inmates. but now he's in trouble. but he did say he was sorry. sq >> i went against his wishes. >> wishes? >> it's policy. >> policy, you know. >> the reason why -- you do realize why we don't pass anything? that's how a lot of contraband gets moved throughout the jail. so it's a zero tolerance.
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you've got to remember, you work for us, you don't work for them. >> can i have another chance? >> i'm going to put you on there for at least two or three weeks. >> oh, zero tolerance. so i'll be on the list. i cannot work? over one little one? >> narrator: hoe botico has had a setback, destiny van winkle has received some good news. >> sergeant gentry said i was never in trouble and i knew better. i did. she said she wasn't going to charge me outside. she said i better get out and not come back in here. >> she said she was assigned to drug court. i went down to records and she said she was. i decided not to put added charges on her. if you mess up one time, you're not going to get another chance. >> does that look good, yo? >> though van winkle will be
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subject to drug testing, her release from jail will be inevitable. >> i stand spend about 200, 250 a day on crack. but here's what i do. i use everybody i know. i used my momma. she was western unioning me money. i used my daddy. i hustled. you give plasma. may be tricking, i height go out and trick. walk up and down the streets, get in cars, do whatever. i smoke until my options are dry. until i can't smoke no more. >> kocoming up, deshawn powell finds himself in familiar territory. >> come on, man, for real. >> hands on the wall, man. >> narrator: and one of the newest arrivals to enough is enough is told to leave the program. ♪ well, he's not very handsome ♪ to look at [ sighs ]
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♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and he eats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology. control everything from your pocket, purse, or wherever. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ that dirty, old egg-suckin' dog ♪ i wish my patients could see what i see. ♪ that over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. so it's even more important to lower their cholesterol, and that's why, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough, i prescribe crestor. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking.
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i ain't asking you, i'm telling you. >> narrator: it would appear that powell does observe control over the dorm. there's one thing he cannot control. officer pat downs which often get more personal than powell would like. >> come on, man. come on, man. >> put your hands on the wall. >> all right, put your hands behind your back. put your hands behind your back. >> come on, man. >> i'm telling you. >> put your hands behind your back. >> narrator: powell's one-yearlong stay has been riddled by conflicts with both staff and other inmates. as a result, he often finds himself in segregation. not only for infractions, but because of times there are no other housing yune inine ining . knowing powell's 14 felony charges will take months in court, some staff still hope they can influence him to change.
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>> you've created a problem y s yourself by having conflicts with so many people. we can't put you in a dorm with some guys you've been in a fight with or you've had a problem with. it wouldn't be safe for you or them. you have created that situation and now we have to figure out how we're going to deal with it and where we can put you. >> that's cool. >> and all of this other stuff with the search -- >> i don't like it, though, d.j. >> that's the way it is in here, man. just roll with it as best you can and move on. here's the thing, what if you pushed a little further? what would have happened? >> we would have been fighting. >> and then what would have happened? >> you would have stayed in here longer. do you want that? is that what you want? >> no, and i ain't trying to play no hardball. but it's something i've got to get used to. >> you've been in here for a year. >> but i mean, i ain't never -- the searches ain't been that
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thoroughly until you i've a've n cracking down. now the searches are more thoroughly than they've ever been. and like i told roy, i said i understand it's his job. i ain't mad at him for it. i just ain't comfortable with that. >> i mean, are you looking at time after you get out of jail? are you looking at prison time? >> no, i ain't going back to penitentiary. i'm ready to get out. >> it's even worse there. >> yeah, the strip search, i know the whole four seasons, strip search, bending, squatting, coughing and all of that. they definitely don't put their hands right there in the crease. >> okay. all right. well, you're not going to help yourself if you caused a problem there, you know what i'm saying? you just make your probables worse. >> while powell might be considered a problem inmate, those enrolled in enough is
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enough, the jail's antiprogram are held to a higher standard. >> part of recovery is that you've got to help somebody else. you have to help someone else. >> narrator: after near lifelong addictions that have helped them both coming in and out of jail, john and joe were recently ak cemented in the program. >> one of the things i shared with them is the hardest parts of the program is for them to hold each other accountable. we use the word accountability. because i care enough about you, i want to hold you accountable. >> the message seems to have gotten through to smithson. >> mr. smithson has been very motivated from the out set. he participates in daily morning meditation. meaning he's going to read something or kmernt. when you look at him, he's always taking notes and asking questions. >> narrator: but three weeks in, carrol is out of the program. >> what happened with mr. carrol
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was there was a disagreement between two of his peers: he got up out of his rack, went to the bathroom area, put on his shoes, which is an indication of threatening and intimidating behavior. and, as a result of that, he was put out of the program. >> penitentiary mentality, wept aggressive. and it wasn't his problem. but they was in the penitentiary together. he is a good person. just, in general, as a frenld or whatnot. but when it comes to the program, he's just telling everybody what they wanted to hear and stuff like that. i'm not dogging. i wouldn't say nothing to you all that i wouldn't say to him: it's about helping each other out. >> the expectation is everybody respects each other. >> narrator: smithson will continue on in enough is enough. and now it's time for destiny van winkle to move on to the next phase of her life. >> i'm getting released.
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i've been here a year. so it's time for me to go home. i'm very nervous. it's been a year and i want to go outside. >> want's the first thing you do when you get out? >> fire up a cigarette. just to be completely honest. >> though van winkle has been addicted to drugst most of her adult life, she has chosen not to participate in the jail rehab programs. she chose to stay clean on her own this time. but that has not worked in the past. >> i am so nervous.
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