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tv   Decision 2012  MSNBC  November 6, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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but now we've got to something and they want him to workers' rights and be aggressive about and don't go this lame duck session of connd medicaid on the table. the income inequalia chance for the democrats, the senate democrats to kent very focused not to getum too far out of line and saying we've gotnegotiate with tlicans. the republicans need to make the ans need to and be at adults this time around. not even acknowledges that the election is oveut we have been through this before in ohio. he had a very v f the legal bush's re-e bagging on air force one, the believed that had ce was w stuck w wait this is where i think this
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is. you're absolutely right about karl rove being the single biggest money player in this el which is a very strange thing but that same person is analyzing this. but he has an experience here that in -- if we're to take at his word, it is not unreasonable for him to be doing this kind of final accounting on %zb >>s as we look forward towards what's about to happen, we're still waiting for resu of stall.e results yet in virgtes on how those states are on this steve schmidt, are you going to be looking for r7in terms of the romney campaign? specifically, who is going to issue of -- >> i think it's to the point that lawrence said it is not unreasonable to give the romney campaign time. the numbers in we're, john kerry conceding the next morning.
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with al gore having to take the concessi process this is not going to kill anyone. the public will endure and survive for an hour or two. the issue, though we should separate the donald trump issue and othert from this. now, people calling+ for revolution in these extreme elected leaders and repudiate this nonsense and whether it's rush limbaugh calling that young lady a slut or a hundred other e years,ican should start being repudiated by responsible leaders. factual case of why ohio has been called what we know isee minutes after midnight. th votes still out in strong and moderate
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democratic areas of ohio. obama is winning at least 60% of those out in that area. there were less than 200,000 votes out. that isn't close. of state all but said it's over. i can't say it's o see what there is to hang around fort. guy is. so the evidence we see in front of us says reasonably this is i' begrudge a campaign being reluctant to accept these call for some on the clock where i'm going to say, okay this is unreasonable. this is --out. let's get this done. >> we're stillen they get to that point, nt statement that there's no concession speech being planned saying that at the beginning0s of the night. r. romney could speak as soon as 15 minutes. it could be an hour. the pool had been expecting him. the pool reports had been expectut they
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pushed back. on't think there's any reason to expectd that mitt romney would be as big of a manand look at something that mightable in some way and say, no i'm going to let the stand and not get in there. i think this team romney will fight they can. >> rich guys don't like being told that they can't have something. >> nobody doesn't like being told that they can't have something they want. like being told that they can't have something they want. >> but they bought and paid for. >> we should reiterate, even if ohio stops comin there is a total vote in and the romney campaign still reit we're going to get in floda and virginia which would render this conversation moot or vastly more interesting than it is already. there's no real map for how it
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happens thus far. the states that are me maining in terms of a polls are still open. but in the other states that you see, nevada colorado florida, and virginia we are still waiting and we are ve open to the results of an concession speech maybe people should stay in line now to win the popular vote as well as the ee lk torllectoral vote. >> we stay in the line anyway. >> we agr stay electoral vote tally according to the projections of the various states are 274 for barack obama and 3 for mitt romney. vb49/49 with only a couple hundred thousand votes between the two candidates. we're going to take a quick break. comments are expected from mitt romney. now with the romney campaign
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refusing to concede ohio w to happen. we'll keep you posted. we'll be right back.
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cf:$ arack obama.
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still up in theve. colorado for president obama. steve schmidt, what do you think? this is one more move towards maybe not needing ohio. >> this is another state whenp& you look at the numbers in colorado see the impacti mitt romney in a very bad way in that state. republicans had high hopes in colorado. >> we're getting all of this now and we still haven't heard from virginia yet and we haven't heard from nevada. so he can roll it up even further. 7> republicans were not very bullish going intoevada tonight. he does have a path over howard fineman who is in other command post. >> f the third debate which the president did pretty sell rod, who areundecideds? well there are a lot all overtry. i sa specific. he saidwomen, profe colorado. and in that case, chris, they weased on abortion
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anissues. these are voters libertarian on economics. business women and so forth but also libertarian in terms of ntrolling their own lives and own bodies and so forth. w generally i'd like i'm a reporter and an analyst and i thiunderstating de of is thing tonight. 's a guyd he unemployment rate is officially at econ is -- thi seems to be an more emphatic vote confidence in the democratic party's view of a time of in tough the american people said the we are all in this together message. we trust that more than the republicans have been onlye results we've heard so f out to be in its own way just as symbolic as the president's victory tonight. >> i
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at that people think there's a unfairness in from the tax that wall street needs to be ft that the federal government but intervene the case of the auto industry. we havee taxing and strong regulation. >> by the care. >> and obama care which the his very busy first day was to begin unra affordable care act. ain't going toped i think that's very very ly an historic moment, both on the policy grounds and demogrhi in a way the over snuck up on us minutes ago and w don't really realize what a rure. >> statement. the lastbout inspiration and hope and this is about policy that was put intof@ effet rejecting the eight years of george w. bush. >> that was. >> this was a referendum that mitt romney wanted on barack
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obama. and guess what? barack obama won european the of having an actualnd party lear regulationd[ of wall street, a very strongr industrial policy to go in and deal with the auto industry or another industry likeeconomic system. >> obama didn't sketch out enough what he wanted to do in true. on the other hand what's happened here is that everything he did inst term has beenvalidated. so in that ght. he said let me keep doing what i've bee the question that was o poed posed in the election a looks like hh very outride ares in particularly elizabeth street, money elizabeth unfortunately, they had scott brown on their side and ep ro0- electoral victory ld take
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electoral votes and deregulation especially the epa and things like that less regulation gened the cowboy capitalism. >> mitt romney iserson to c4çarry a message of the virtues of the free market to working people. he was the veryhill. he w returns. he didn't work forny that made things. he f flipped other things. what the republicans need speak to their message about the virtues the free market is find somebody who can that very productive force can be harnessed fo the good of working people. mitt rom nbhy in the absence of his ability to presiden been doing has not worked specha9r enough to really power, i now. i see the democrats not necessarily establishing mastery of the land. he republican hands and not all the president's policies were popular. but in the absence of a counter8j
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argument the president -- >> howard appreciate want to tell you a decided tonight. one, is a historic decision on ma when same-sex marriage rights have gone before the state's ic side of 0-32. that losing streak has beenight with voting to uphold riage the state of maryland. there's a few voting on thand is the one that has called thus far. and both colorado and washington have voted yes on legazing small amounts of marijuana. colorado a washington both pro gh been called. i want ;m defrancesco soto, where it was most crucial and if it ended up being anytexpected it to be.kq victoria, how do you see tonight? ur exassed. president bill clinton 72%. and in nevadand lat for
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president democrat president of barack obama. in terms of that the cuban electorate w support mitt romney. we saw that at 64%. the big surprise for me was seeing thert in the orlando area of puerto ricans for barack obama. how they were going to sit this out,they resoundingly came out nk you very much for that. ob more detail as we get more denitiveresults. thank you. we'll be that mitt romney has to concede in this race. his campaign is cong ohio for president obama. we continue to watch further results come ohio in. confidence in the call, as existrictsficantly larger share of the vote outstanding right now as compared to what is still come in from republican this does not seemsó to be a fine line of the call which is have made it. chucked to todd i'm sorry.
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i have voices in my head and my not donald trump. couldn't tried to bite myng i'll leave it there. a couple things.k& first of all, one of the reasons why we were comfortable for calling ohios were important nue them up here. one is the nummber 140. the point is in moderate to counties there's 750 vote uncall ed when we called it and nod rate to strong candidates 140 vote. you can do the quick math. it's not going to go 100% either way here's a lot more to be gains he. he already has vote's pulled back ahead there and most of it is in cuyahoga. ikb want toe of other states. the rest of our flova. every precinct that is left lot more votes that are coming from c is versus enough vote that's is winning.
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it going to be close. it's going to be probably anywhere from one full percentage point maximum to 1.2% but it looks like right than mitt romney. going to wait until all of the vote may see something like apparent winner, if you will florida is the other one if you will you look at in the vote count that is trong obama counties. i'm going to read it to you now. miami-dade 17% of the vote remains, the little spot of blue there is there's a still romney counties but they are smaller ones. brevard but he's only 56/43 compared to broward winning 67/32. another thing, by the way, to show you how this really was a game margin if you will in florida. i just want to show you how the map 2008 in 2012. this was just a game of -- as onerr republican consultant put
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it a money ball. you have to look really carefully to see what went from blue to red, a coupled right it. campaign did was run up their margins. they ran up their margin. here it is two little counties up there. and everything else is the same if you will and it's about those margins i was telling you about county. i think we have to stop calling the i-4 corridor a swing part of the state. the i-4 corridor is starting to trend democratic. not by a lot but it's starting to trend democratic. isally large problem for republicans long term in the state of florida, at presidential years. >> todd thank you. appreciate that. chris jansing is with us from eyrters do we expect mitt romney to concede tonight? what are you hearing there? >> well that is the $6 million question and we were told about 15 minutes ago that the+le brought
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to see the motorcade. this hotel, where he has been suite, i convention center and that they were going to leave sometime between 15 minutes to an hour. again, that was 15 minutes ago and since then there's been nothing but confusion. people are just waiting to see and toll hear hear what is going to happen. you'll are remthe beginning of the nig we were told by the romney campaign that he had written an acceptance speech and that was it. nothing else has been done. there's also always a possibility, first there is coming to the realization with thebers that you have indeed and then you have to your thoughtsm decide what you're going to say. but right now, as far as we know, the pool that is covering him is waitingg to see the movement of the motorcade which is basically just coming across the street, rachel. >> chris, in term of the mood in the room and how people are
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responding to the news that the romney campaign is not conceding ohio after ae netrks have called it was there any sort of palpable change in what it felt like there? >> oh, yeah. tremendously so. and it's been up and down, up and down. because a literal pawlo1rd that there was a possibility that there would be a challenge in ohio and people were literally screaming at the top of their lungs and they were watching as various -- they keep changing, by the way, what they've been showing on the screens. they were going from network to network to network and showing how basically it was done. whether or not ohio goes for barack obama or mitt romney, that the numbers are with the president. and every time those numbers would come up and that at one point people came in with boxeses boxes of american flag and it
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was c w flags. certainly no one has left. they want to see mitt romney. >> we saw the location for the ohio republican papprty empty the ohio secretary of state who is a rep and has been a romney would not be back to the podium saying that everybody could see the way that the results results are going in ohio. it's odd that ohio is done with this story but boston is not done with this story. they are still not trying to lobby you, for example, in term of how to get their side of the story on the air? >> well it's been interesting to watch because i've been watching ae reporters that have been o they are looking around to try to find someone from the campaign around to talk to and they are not having any luck and of course
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we've been, wog the phones and e-mails and everybody is comparing notes but, no, they are not putting anybody out and we kept getting different reports. i thhe last hour that john mccain was going to take the stage and then we heard that paul ryan had gotten into a motorcade and had to the convention center, stepped out of his van, got back in and turn that was probably, oh almost an hour now. so there have been a lot of conflicting pieces of physical verifiable information. a lot of speculation but rom the campaign that would indicate one way or another exactly what they are doing exact what i reported to you earlier which is that they said 15 minutes to an hour and that was now may >> chris jansing, thank you. we'll be talking to you more clear. thank you for that. i want to bring in pete william to talk about the legal side of this. if there ends up being a legal challenge in ohio, what would weed
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to see out there as true in the world before that sort of thing could happen. 't think anybody knows for this reason. everybody has -- every state had, until ohio did away with t spells out how you contest an election and, remember, this was . gore legal fight in 2000. ohio decided recently to do that state law. you cannot contest an election under state law. you can go to federal court and contest an election but that's no man's land because there are no laws conducting how state's conduct their elec thaw can't contest it in court. it just means it's going to be harder and unchartered territory. so it's certainly possible in ohio. we don't know on what grounds it would be contested and, remember, we don't even know what the final election returns are in ohio until all of those provisional ballots are counted and that won't be done until the end of the month. so we don't even know if there's an automatic recount in ohio if
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it's within the margin that would trigger an automatic rep count. we won't know until the end of the month. one other note here .other state where there might have been trouble is pennsylvania because of all of the confusion overer i.d. had to show. the pennsylvania republican party has congratulating all of the winners saying it was a hard fought campaign recognizing the state for the great campaign that they won there, patting back no indication in here that they are saying you know, we was robbed and that they planned to mount any kind of a legal challenge. fascinating. pete williams we'll stay in touch with you as this continues to unfold tonight. i appreciate it. >> one note i will say, as we're still waiting on nevada it's one of the races too close to call. you can still vote for none of these candidates which right now has 1% of the vote in nevada. >> there was an election for mayor of moscow early in that
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democracy in which none above won and they had to rerun the to get a winner. we're going to take a quick break and recap this race that's being called for president obama but the romney campaign refusing to concede ohio. meanwhile, virginia, florida ll remain still too close to call. there's a lot going on. races to talk about and governor races to talk about and more
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. wel back to msnbc's of election night
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nbc has projected that president obama won re-election. i took one bathroom break the whole night whereupon was called. i came back from the bathroom olorado wa i was in the bathroom that colorado won barack obama. >> a lot of us were in the bathroom, too. mr. matthews. >> we were sneaking colorado by us. this very large screen by the way. labeled square. apologize. i made an error when i described colorado still too close to call. it goes to president obama. we want to you know about some things that we have not yet discussed. a lot of people have been paying attention to the even if they are not in the state whehappening. they are some of the most illinois illinois, the incumbent is joe walsh. he's gotten in trouble for screaming at his constituents on camera. in redistricting, he was up against an even more difficult
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district and up against a very tough opponent tammy sh tight in the eighthis in florida, alan grayson has defeated todd long. also in florida, the scandal-ridden republican congressman david rivera has been defeated. davidrivera has been defeated and he has been replaced by joe garcia. in iowa steve f the most high-profile far right of congress has won k re-election. christie vilsack was his oppo. michele bachmann is 50/50 with á her graves. she'samous even before she ran for preside this year. high-profile member of congress.
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that race could not be tighter. obviously no characterization there. district 18 in florida. this is also a race where there is no characterization. 50/50 west in florida district oprphy. look how fight that is. not just 50/50 but in terms of that raw vote. we're going to keep an eye on the house races, some of the ballot races and senate races atfold. keep in mind for the o representatives, projected early tonight that the house overall would continue to eans everything in the house in terms of power in the house. the speaker of the house will continue to be the republican john boehner.q?obviously the main stonues to be the presidential election. nbc news projects that president obamelection that he will be a second term 44 united states. that call coming upon president obama being projected to win the state of ohio. all of the networks, for what it's worth, president obama. but the romney campaign is refusing to concede in ohio. and they are refusing to concede overall. races
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nd in virginia. colorado is the most recent state to be called nbc news, been called for president obama but the romney campaigning to concede that. to go back again in terms of the drama there, i want to try to bring in we can, romne case but we all know the numbers that chuck has been there, the hundreds and thousands of votes still expected to come in fromf ohio, the muchp( votes from the republican leaning ohio. any of you looking at these numbers, can you see possibility that ohiooesn't go ay that the predicting that it's going to go in. >> i don't see thatpl state is heavy labor. i just got off the phone witherard workers. he said there's never been this kind of an effort by labor across the that sherrod brown wouldident would win ohio. a way it breaks out demographically and the wage earners, the automobiles had an on and that was the 750 to 140
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number that chuck todd was talking about. i think it's going to be interesting in hamilton to see how well the president performed tonight because he did very well for the first time in many years for win that in 2008 andld just come back and get half of that or close t they would be in good shape because they knew that the northern tier going to be just fine. >> who is it in the romney campaign that is telling them to hold off? not a high-command staff decision. isn't that someone who is a technical -- >> the political director of the romney campaign is rich one of the most talented field republican party, very highly absolute expert in this space in politics. so they are looking at this and, think in the next hour or so we will have an indication. >> and would he be t in ohio on this? think what would typically ha is is they would have people on the field, c in toukch with the governor's n touch with their staffs at county level.
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you know they are looking of the precincts. they are very sophisticated modeling basis. they are fully aware as chuck pointed out, you have 750,000 leaning areas and 140,000 areas and they can do the math so you know i'm sure that -- who knows what is going on now. it's a difficult blow to absorb, as we talked about, and they are still counting votes and florida is still counting votes in virginia. so i don't think we'll go too hear some indication from the romney camp. >> let me note where that fantasy path ends up. right now we're still counting votes in nevada and if, let's say, something -- some sort of crazy miracle happened in ohio for th dropped off of president obama's electoral tally and it did go to that happened, he subtracted from the electoral votes and take ohio's 18 off and that brings it down to 266. if he wins nevada he doesn't need ohio. >> we can say that'ss not
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going to happen the president is going to win ohio and he's been re-elected. >> without ohio, virginia, or flida being called. >> if he wins ohio. in term of the overall perspective chris matthews you were right to note ea states at this point that president obama won in het. indiana and north carolina. and right now i think -- do we have a graphic in terms of what the popular vote is? it's not cons stulttitutionally relevant but it's what americans do. and president obama is leading in the popular votes as well as having won already in theg in cory booker who is the new jersey mayor. they have been suffering from ther city has been through a lot in the election'srobably not the on your your athe president winning re-elecan party is handling of all, i want to thank you for your attention tt you've been giving to those
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struggling in the new jersey area and york. it was thing people's minds. people have been ghrough a lot and still felt this urgency to vote for barack obama because of issues whether it's people with pre-existing conditions, people whose children came home from a war that president barack obama ended in a responsible way. so there was a sense of urgency today even despite all of the challenges that we're dealing with. rachel, can i say something because i'm following this very martin luther king said but bends towards just d that. so did maine washington is leading. there's something powerful happening in america tha gives me such pride tonight when you look at theat barack obama passed, his stance on the dream act, the end of don't ask, don't tell and four states loo affirm marriage equality. to me what that is saying is that american democracy remains z: inclusive, continues to be more equal and we're making a better country that understands that we're all in this together and hat i saw during this hurricane right and left coming together and i'm so
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to see that spirit continuing to advance in our nation. >> cory booker, thank you. you have been -- have gone above and beyond the call this last week or so. continued good luck to you, man. >> tha. wrong but at this point we can say that the maryland marriage equality marriage has passed. it's affirmed in the state of maryland. doi not believe that we have a call already on the other states. but we'll keep you apprised as those things happen. >> i think that's big news. when i was involved in the maryland fight and i think that we are seeing a clear across the country tonight of the growth in this country around various issues in terms of women's rights civil rights and i think that republicans have their -- you know kind of self trospection
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because a lot has been tauted. he would win the electoral but not the popular, all of the scenarios of doom's day, of portion doom's day is just panning out and i think the american people have sent a firm message tonight. >> steve? >> i vote by the people. this is a big development here. it's not the courts. it's not the interpretation of constitution. this is a ratification and this is a big step forward. ten minutes? >> romney is expected to speak at 12:55, which i guess is in about seven minutes from now and what we're told is that that is the time that he will speak. we are not told anything about what will be the content of his >> i can't conceive of him coming out now and doing anything but conceding. if he's not going to conced out. it will be shocking if he does anything other than concede. >> that doesn't mean thaw don't think he might.
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>> i think with him it's the possibility that he's going to do something very weird. >> tha i'm worried about, something strange here. >> if there's a professional running things, the man is coming out at this hour to concede. >> well gettingn party, we're going to hear that he was a bad candidate, not very well defined, never let anybody get behind him and chris christie was a big problem so there's really nothing wrong with our party.inue to lose and marginalize themselves. i think at some point -- you know, even when i the democratic party had to deal with how do we start becoming viable. first time i voted was in '72 and i was 18 that year. when the government took that beating, many of us loved mcgovern but we had a come to jesus meeting. you' going,u to have the thing --
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>> you had bob leader. >> i think haley barbour, if you listen to him analyzing the politics, he's a truth. >> a powerle man -- >> he doesn't have a position. >> a position that cannot leverage anything. >> lindsay graham is a senator. he can do something. >>re five minutes away from mr. romney's remarks. we know he's going to speak in five chris j is with us from the bostonheadquarters. we know he's expected to speak. >> we got confirmation literally just seconds ago that the phone call has been made, that mitt romn has called barack obama and congratulated him on being. we expect at any moment that the motorcade will make the two blocks from the weston hotel that is connected to the convention center that he will go out on the stage in the next
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five minutes and he will concede. there was confusion because they to%ld us 12:55 for remarfirmation that that has >> that is huge news. president obama has been phoned we will be back for that right after this.
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in. nbc news can project that tammy baldwin, the democratic candidate for senate in wisconsin has beaten her republican component,r governor tommy thompson. this was a hard fought race as tammy baldwin becomes the first
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openly guy woman in the united states senate. it's a big deal. wisconsin goes to the senate at the presidential level and goes democratic at the presidential left. mitt romney's concession remarks from boston and paul ryan will join him on stage after his remarks are concluded. mitt romney in boston. >> thank you. thank you, my friends. thank you so much. thank thank you. thank you. i have just called president obama to congratulate him on his victory. his supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations. i wish all of them well but particularly the president, the first lady and their daughters. this is a time of great challenges for america and i
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pray that the president will be successful in guiding our [ applause ] i want to thank paul ryan for all that he has done for campaign [ applause ] and for our country. besides my the best choice i've ever made. [ applause ] and i trust that his intellect and his hard workto principle will continue to contribute to the goodf our nation. i also want to thank ann, the love of my a wonderful first lady. she has been that and more to me and to our family and to the many people that she has touched with her compassion and her
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care. i thank my sons for their tireless work on behalf of the campaign and thank their wife and children for taking up their slacktheir husbands and;=+ dads have spent so many weeks away i want to thank mattbt anded the dedicated campaign team that they have they have made an extraordinary effort for not only me but for the country that we love and for you? here tonight and for the team across the country, the volunteers, the fund-raisers, the donors, the surrogates, i don't ever believe there's anything that compare with what you've done over these past years. thank you so vy much. thanks for all the hours of work, the calls, resources, and the prayers, you gave deeply of yourself and performed
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magnificently and you inspired us and humbled us. you have been the very best that we can imagine. you know, is at a critical point. at a time like this we can't risk partisan bickering and posturing. we have to reach across the aisle to do the citizens work and we have to rise occasion. we look to our teachers and profess sores, we count on you not only to teach but for passion and discovery of learning and discovery. we look to our pastors and priests and rabbis and counselors of all times to testify of the enduring principles upon which our society is built, honesty integrity, and family. we look to our parents from the final anis everything depends on the success of our homes. we look to job creators of all kinds. invest to hire to step forward and we look to democrats and blicans and government at all levels to put the people before the i believe in america. i believen the people of&v
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and i ran for office because i'm concerned about america. this election is over but our principles endure. i believe that the principles upon which this nation was founded are the
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