tv MSNBC Live MSNBC November 7, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PST
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up. we haveback. and we know in our hearts but for the united states of america erybody. i'm thomas topping our agendatoday, four more for 44. putting the wind at his back president obama now looks ahead to a second term. calling himself more determined and inspired to face the challenges ahead.vñ the presiden second:w t electorage overallenger 303 electoral vos. and a narrow da too close to acceptance speech inicago, he mentioned rifts and cracksline his road back to the white house. >> i believe we can seize this future together. because we aot oursuggest. we'r the pundits believe.ambitions. and we rema states and states. united states of america. >>+l in the end as wildly what put the that all important 2708" electoral vote threshold. the workers pulling obama in the state that was the lin ohiotes that together made up obama midwest
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firewall, the second bng ryan's home state of i recall forthen-senator obama four years ago. in north carolina and asked pundits to come together sake of the >> america's at al point. we can't risk political do theu people's work. and we citizens also have toe rise to the occasion. the question now, has o headed into his second 4jterm? or will the sharply washington continue ass quo? >> what does this president do following lessons of the past to make sure tha second term is effective than his first? >> the onlyng worse than losing a it. >> is not the time for just celebration orthink it's the really go where he went in the speech. take the high road. bring theome hard decision so let's dig right in and bring in our election post game political panel. a÷we have assembled quite the team. assisting managing editor of
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time0 professor university of virginia center forí= politics and columnist for the san fran and republican strategist. it's great to have you all a long night for so many of us. we still have so much to about. ron, i want to start with you. the f and did decisive and ssn ohio. when we he latinos that showed up the younger votes that showed up for the president. everybody that came out, was it romney's to lose because the republican party wasn't able to coalesce women and minorities to to absolutely. i think that f the day was the real issue. and that was obama's to own. he grabbed the issue of the middle class. he owned it. romney made mistake after mistake on that front. the 47% comment. i mean any number of issues á there. and the latino voters the these are people who are very o their income growt i think that's what happened in ohio in particular. >> talked about
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earlier in the week in your crystal ball blog youc predicted the presi would win electoral votes. you said it'ss< published so you stand by it. now are the pollsters winners. people likehat came through? >> i'd like to think so. thomas, we got so much blowback in 99% of it was and, you in at all. if he does it'll be 270 votes. we undershot what the president did as you pointed out. i think he'll end florida too. so what does that put hat?that. to come down fromsék 365 in but not that much of a comedown. look at senate. who would have imagined a year ago that democrats would pick up senate seats when the odds were stacked heavily against this contest. something significt significant thing was we learned that 2008 fluke. the changes are is sent to both
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parties. the democrats have adjusted to the changes. the republicans have not. >> all right. so let's talk though more about women and what means. are we able to call the jon tester? we'll say he's to stay in his seat in montana. the incumbent as we said. overnight we were debating that one and what was taking place tight. this exclusive on obama and the campaign's management of how they were reaching out to people. keepcal campaign to reach the proper people in the right counties. how are they able to do it? >> first of all, the jon tester news is a here's someone who wanted the ntana is a very conservative state. to your point about the microtargeting we used as we talked about the pollsters ns last night, we'cve used measure of vote. we ask them are you likely to
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are you enthusiastic to try top-down perspective what the obama campaign did and this will be the model moving forward for saying we can find the who have an ideological and we'll reach out to them individually because we know where they are. we can trackonline. we can use the data base/ós. we'll build our own data bases. that approach is of saying you may not be that enthusiastic, but you're kind of enthusiastic. if going to get you to the polls. more or lessthusiastic it's whether campaigns can fitual individua. >> ben labolt was quoted saying they had the nuclear codes to that direction in t as expected. he was able to flipana. he did try to expand themap. we talked about this on monday in the final base but let's look how he did in tho states. down five in pennsylvania. that's what we were talking about specificamonday. down eight in m
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minnesota. today a lot of talk has to be about how republicans are regrouping to go forward. they may have not gotten a lot of ground here in the short game, but about the what this loss means for governor romney, what it means for regrouping of the republican party. >> yes. we honest enough with ourselves to say we have a when we say the problem is demographic, it isn't necessarily black, hispanic, and so forth. collar blue collar. there's too many bl that feel the republican party does not understand them. doesn't understand what's important to them. and is not out to be hnderstand that's a change we have to make if we're going to make gains in future elections. >> i want to ask you about the talk on whether the president has truly this second termate and what that means going forward.there have been challenges in his first four years. but what's coming up right now and what fiscal cliff. he's going to face this largely demographic. the democrats have their majority and pick ig up a
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few se divided power. projected to have maintained its lñh to davidk gregory talking this morning on "th an independent to come into this congress the score here a bit and talk about to govern. because that i think is the that president obama brings into his second term. a mandate to make government work better. it's not necessarily fic. i think he'll have a bit more leverage. but peoplend make government work better. >> how fast do you think the president can do is that? this mandate obviously that the american public respects what the president has?" his first four years, wants to see him succeed with that vision over the next four they are keeping in place this republican house. >> well i think you're going to see an example of the new barack is free of any need to k about re-election. he is now thinking about legacy and he's t to do. he has those skills. and i think he will demonstrate that before december 31st ofhen the bush about to expire and of course obama says let them expire for those who are the
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will be able to succ i also think tha a better t other elected types in washington, d.c. be they republicans or mocrats. and i think he will employ that tremendous community organizing him so successfully into the world of poi think he will implore that as he goes about doing the job that needs to that catches my eye out of the corner of my eye, we have the numbers fromd. anhe big points. just below 13,000. a booming number at 13,000, but of 300 points. why? >> i don't know what else is going on in the market b point for the market in the obama term was 5,600 in march of '09. whatever the fluctuations are, the market's done really well over the last four years under the president. last night. and what doe that mean going forward?
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obviousln are not represented enough in elected offices, but it was pretty sweeping last night for): mccaskill, for warren. big night. >> absolutely. i think it's part of this demographic shift that w know has been happening. it helped to bring a victory forpresident. i think elizabeth warren's victory in particular is going to be interesting. if i were a banker i would be concerned right now. i think you'll see more regulation of wall street. i think you'll see her hitting hard on that now that she's back in office. and i think that in we're seeing the dow like this today? >> that and the fiscal cliff. >> thanks to the panel we've assembled n we were talking about this reaction we have seen this throughout the hour right here. but again my thanks to rana richard, the there, john. i know it's been a long night for so many of you. good to have you this morning. the boehner isaddress that fiscal cliff issue today. will this divided congress be to reach a partisan deal? emanuel cleaver is going to join me to talk about that. here's an interesting tidbit. president obama is the first democrat to win an electioneld
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on november 6th. republicans won the six previous d you think about this. president obama's decisive victory, what does this say about the state of the gop? tweet me y our thoughts. find me on twitter @thomasaroberts. "= [ male announcer ] humana and walmart have teamed up to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan.♪ ♪ l plan premium... ♪ ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ♪ ...saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy.♪ ♪ the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details.
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we have common hopes and dreams won't end all the gridlock solve all our problems or substitute for the pain staking work of building consensus and making the difficult compromises needed to move this country forward. but a that common bond we must begin. >> president obama there making his victory speech acknowledging last night that the status quo won't break the gridlock that exists in washince of power ged, many are wondering if leaders will be able tok stagnation in the bipartisan bickering that was there during the first term. we want bring in chairman of the congressional black caucus. great to have you with us. as we heard, speaker john boehner is expected to addre éin washington.e-elected our majority in
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the house. if there is a mandate, it is a mande for both parties to find steps together to help our economy grow and create jobs which is so by keepingrol of the house, sir, h voters reaffirmed their positions on taxes a so are we in store for much of the same of what we saw over the last four years? little much into it. i think the voters just voted in individual districts. 435 individual districts. divisionsv in the country produced the kind of country now, i do appreciate to some extent the words of the speaker.t thing we need i think is going to be functioning in harmony with what i'm c afford tnd zone. what we've got as we move forward. happened in the past. we to have the ran caucus and democratic caucus t say,look. esop was right when he coined the phrase together we stand divided we fall. a little to ita because together we stand divided we stall.
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stalling way of dealing with the business of the country. and we need to not interested in fighting anymore. >> sir, i want to look at some jm see'08. ent's support among pping 44% co 80% of non-whit four years ago. this year winning tionwide as we look at makeup african-americans making up unchanged from four years ago. was record mbers.> but do you think more of anonal or a impact of having the first african-american president re-elect snd. impact on the country. but when i saw late las'm i alarmed today.because it means tha the reported in a poll about nine days ago, badly divided racially. th thelect president. opposite. that relationse around this country and particularly i we've got issue of race and of course this tribal politics we've think contributes to the racial
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problems. an you reallyere a little better picture with the went racially.>e emanuel cleaver, th you.steve what does that mean about the and what will he owe hispanics inrn? and state senator nina turner. hour a lot.would be her reaction on what put the president over the top. [ male announcer ] ♪ ul fuel-efficien from japan. ♪ ♪ 's a car like no other... inspired by a pl like no other. introducing the all-new 2013 chevrolet malibu, our are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs udget? y covers about 80% l expenses. so concare supplement insurance plan, by unitedhealthcare insurance company. =úns re doesn't pay. and could save you in outical costs.
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call today to request a freetter understand me and medicare sup works best for you. wit plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with ytry. join the millions in the endorsed by aarp an org for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, call today. help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add upnds of plans could save you able to choose any doctor who ac and you never need r e decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement that may be righ%nt for you. uf united steconomy, what it means
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is that you know we're hopeful that the president will take up the dream act and t ake up comprehensive immigration reform sooner rather"v than later. >> and that was "thur chuck todd. president obama's victory last t wa thanks tomograp÷@hics. one group that came out latinos. performingter than four years ago when he got 7% of that vote. key incoloradome now is latino focontributor and usa todaymnest raul reyes. i known being here with me this morning. >> mypleasure. >> let's get into this. there was a huge turnout a had courted campaign went aftergressively and it worked. what does it mn now over theears t vote showed uphim.s should be delivered upon. of showing up i can tell you the hispanics on all sides of the political spectrum so excited and zwenergized. byon but this i and we did. we're in line with projections. so that is a huge been called the sleeping giant. we're awakáye because he has admitted that immigration reform was his
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greatest failure in his first term and he has promised that he will push for it it in his s has live up to. wing this soh a progressissa uound states, the latino vote exact in term ideology. themselves as democratic. 42% just eight ago. themselves as republican. a lot of people were talking about it intiehe rephashe white house based upon their their campaign. vote. from now with the amount of latinos ty? and to get more people? you know,eologues outós there. is there a way to b more som -- there's certainly problems within the gop. but more than anything it centered on thebeca candidat latino vote it was sort of in s rejection of number one otion issue which for us it' it's so personal. one out of four latinos is a immigrant. one of four kneone w uncunted. that's importantous. and the far right.
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policies favor the wealthy, the rich the upper class. mitt romney. i think the party has to come back towards the center lis to people listen to like jeb bush who say we have got to moderate ourselves. weto you know tone it theyx have to go through somee they ares of their me latinos. >> and find rig and sell that to tcoun we're going to be with much more here on msnbc, the place r politics.campbell's has 24 new soups that will make it drop over and over again.yu ♪ ♪ from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. ee what's new what soup can do. s:x
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ing a closewe're watching on wall street day. as see the dow down 350 points today. but look at this. red arrows acrod. ab place in europe. also coinciding with reaction to the presidentl election. but still the markets very high close to 13,000.hing we'll keep our eye ohio the state that put the president over the top last night. 90% of precincts voting. here's where the count in the buckeye state stands. up in the president's favor.ent guest here. neema turner who has her own brand of politics. very fact to the fpresident. you must feel >> i do thomas. it ohio but also this nature. >> as we look atbreakdown. president won the 51% of the vote in that county. that's 97% white. why do you think the president was able to connect there so
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distinctly with the working class voters of ohio? because, thomas his message resonated. the citizens of this state understood clearly who has been standing by them and the president's policiesdle class and working class folks that he has been trying over the past four years to lift this economy. and particularly the auto the lifeline he threw whites blacks hispanic and everybody else in the state decided to help him continue hisork. >> your area he won 70% of the vote there. but it seems the turnout for the president was down compared in 2008 by about votes. what do you think effected the turnout specifically in your county co to all the republican suppression foolishness, let us not forget the citizens of thi great state had less early voting opportunities than they did were outpacing our 2008 the residual impact
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on us. but to have 230 early nd 207 of those 230 were during business we had four less weekends to vote this year. than we did in 2008. and working class people how are you able to make it to the board of elections to ve between 8:00 and 5:00? we did not have our extended day work hours. but despite of that ohio delivered for the presid. >> well, i know the election's over. you've been a great guest on this hour. le occuto have you on. >> thank you, sir. oe mccaskill can survive. you know what happened? you proved them wrong. >> i want you to know i will stand up for you and i ask you to work with me to move our state forward. >> -- the negative ads. it will once again strengthen.
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>> and despite the odds you elected the first ssachusetts. >> a big night winning senators. the chamber after dozen of their own and picking up a couple from the m projected winner out of montana. making the call there getting 49% of the vote for jon tester there. give or take four in favor of the gop. with that shift in on the hill that despite her winning another term nancy pelosi of california may be planning to step down. began when pelosi moved to 5th. where do these z new players fit in the balance of power and why it matter? contributor jimmy williams is here to break it down for us. my man who was with me through the night for theright. so elizabeth warren a big emotional win for the democrats getting back that seathat was teddy kennedy's for so long.
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what does the new leadership role mean? >> understand how the senate works. when a freshman senator comes leadership role. they may have a symbolish role. taking the seat back -- being against the banks. which is the new financial protection bureau. >> certainly, will the the senate. most freshman senators when they come in they sit back on the backhes. they sit down they listen they come up with anr it be immigration and taxes or whatever it is. and they learn as much as they can. and they give speeches when needed. and they keep quiet. that's what freshman senators usually do. in the mold of a hillary clinton, in the mold of certain senators that did that. there are certain senators who have not done that in their first year terms. rand paul jim demint.
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these are tea partiers. they don't care about the protocol. when it comes to nin i suspect some of them will be the tea party mold. this one will >> we'll watch that one closely. leadership roles is the fact paul ryan had a b-plan to stay in his spot. what does it mean for him moving forward? >> paul ryannues to be the chairman of the house budget committee which matters. because ofhe fiscal cliff. and because of the fy-13 or 2013 appropriations which have now been moved to next year. he make himself? is he going to be m the table at the white house like he was in august of 2011 when he very much pushed back against the white house and the will be player. but i think he may not try to be in your face as you might
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expect. >> expect him to talk about the fiscal cliff today. do you buy it? >> i like speaker boehner. he's old school. but i think he has a caucus heels. i don't know that he'll do that or won't. >> great to have you here. thank you so much. something to keep you up to speed on because we are watching it. this possibility of a adding insult to injury on the eastern seaboard. now for this bad weather. today this storm could dump up to a foot of snow and bring more flooding to coastal g@areas. more than 1200 flights have been canceled. and michael bloomberg is urging residents in areas affected by sandy to head to shelter. bill how soon are we going to know what this storm is goingically? >> right now, thomas because it's not far off the shore, the max effects being pushed tow coastline. heading towards high tide on the jersey shore. noon to 2:00 this afternoon. and the storm surge of two to four feet will move on shore. if we're going to get damage
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from the additional waves, it'll the hours. the other thing that's got attention is the snow. snow totals have been upped in most areas. you can see the big storm off coast. as far as what we're dealing with with the snow. the white is the snow. notice philadelphia on the upper left side of your screen. you you could see some of the highest totals. gets reports of snow mixing with the rain.even reports of sleet. lots of areas outside new york city are going to significant snow out of this. breaking out over much of coastal connecticut. so how much snow are we talking about? the possibility of three to six inches. if not a little more to the east side of philly. even new york city outside the p to four inches. and the other big impact is going to be the winds. they're alreadyting 40 50. and the peak of the storm up to 70 miles an hour. a lot of people are going to lose power in this region after they just got it back on from sandy. >> and certain people still don't have it. this is insult to injury. bill kairns thank you.
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victory play world? the headline in the german r bbild yes he years. from the j and the moscow times, putin congratulates obama on re-eere in the u.s. a lot of soul searching going on in the gop. joining me to talk about that contributor ron reagan's son and john ferry. ron, i want to start with you. president obama saying that the road ahead is to work together. but how much of that do you think is going to be accomplish accomplished when we saw on the first term so many were outspoken about trying to make this a oneerm proposition for the president. >> exactly. you'll recall that mitch mcconnell stepped up shortly after the election announced the priority the national priority for republicans was simply to make obama fail.
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to make him a one term president. they had a meeting the day of his where the republicans pledged to do anything they could to stop him from doing anything. it is now on the republican party to help out the president elected by the american people. i don't know what the mandate is in terms of policies for president obama, butple want their government to work. this is a mandate to govern. and if the republicans stand in obama makes it clear that they are standing in the way of governance the republican party a price in the midterms. >> i want to speak about "the new york times" columnist and what he said today. the republican peat needs to have a real heart to heart with itself. ost two presidential elections in a row because it forced its candidate to run so far to the right to get through primaries that close enough back national election. is that the problem? being able to resonate to get
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the support you need to break through. >> well primary process as haley haileyley barbour said, i don't think that was the big problem. i think the republican base was energized. swing voters. i think the obama campaign did a wonderful job. this was a close election. the romney campaign did a pretty good job of getting everybody together. organizing -- we make fun of him being a community organizer, but it came in handy for his campaign. i think the republicans have to understand that change in the )" country. and they've got to do a better job of not only communicating but coming up with better policies. i would say to ron's point the to cooperate early on. fiscal a deal on that and taxes. they're really going to have to get a deal very i think, on i. because the longer this hangs
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over the head of republicans, the harder for them to make inroadith the president winning 93% of black voters 71% of and also married women and young voters. mitt romney 78% of white evangelicals. r government and less j< taxes, how do they get back on that and what needs to be done in people's bedrooms? >> they've got a big problem, the republican does. they have a sizable chunk of saying aren't amena t th republica sizable chunk of their base scares the majority of americans. majority of americans don't want scalia in their bedroom.ey believe as they said in the exit polling, they believe rich people should pay a little more in tough economics. they don't buy the tea party line.ea party is half the republican party. so divided republican party, divided
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against itself. and have to figure out what to do about that. >> ron reagan john ferry, thanks for joining me. i appreciate it. jumping on right now, we asked and you answered. president obama's decisive victory, what does it say about state of the gop needs to learn an important lesson. it's about the peopleot the party. then we get this from dtd. excuseme. dtd823. it's beenght, people. tweeting recognizes t to it brings them back ready to work togeth we encourage you to comment and find us on facebook we're back with much more right after thi [ female announcer ] want to spenss and retire with more? then don't get nickle and dimed by high cost investments ing account fees. at e-trade, our free easy-to-use online tools and experiencepecialists build a personalized plan. and with our no annual fee iras and a wide range of low cost investments, you can execute the plan you want at a low cost. so meet with us,
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colorado went to pot recreationally voting 55 to 45% it. federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don't break out the cheetos and gold fish too quickly. maine, maryland minnesota and washington where voters in those states said yes to marriage equality. joining me now live from manchester bishop robinsone episcopalv$xl dioceses of new hampshire. great to have you with me today. i want to show you what the president himself said last night about history in the making. take a listen. >> it doesn't matter who or what you look like or where you live love, black, white, hispanic asian, native american or young or old or poor abled, disabled, gay or straight you can make it here in america if you're willing to try. >> bishop as we look back how much do voters in maryland in
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maine, as well as president for coming out this summer in favor of marriage equality equality? >> i think it's almost impossible to overstate the importance of the president's e and what i love about his statement last night is that i think he says it in the right context. this election was really about the stepping forward of all kinds of marginalized groups to really make a difference in this country. african-americans and hispanics and young people and certainly we see that in the marriage equality votes w questions that came up on the ballot. >> anoth moment from last night is tammy baldwin becoming the first openly gay woman in had history to be elected to the u.s. senate. what do you think about that moment, combined with these ground-breaking decisions i think for a lot of people it's a reflection of how we remember in 2008, president obama being >> you know i think this is a
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see change moment. i think we see the real mainstreaming of gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgender people so tammy bald wynn's election is really pointing to the future and that -- and i think it's a vindication that harvey milk was right, you know the slain civil rights leader for lgbt people. when you get to know us you can't help but love us. and as mainstream americans get to know their gay and lesbian neighbors, it is increasingly the case that they want to see them in all levels of our leadership and having the first openly gay person in the senate is a real step forward. >> big turning of the time. bishop gene robinson great to have you on as always. i appreciate it. >> thank you tom. >> that's going to wrap things up for me. i'm going to see you back here tomorrow at 11:00 eastern. i'll be much more well rested at that time. don't go anywhere, though.
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