tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 13, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST
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boat against the current. born back in the past. that's "hardball." that really is "hardball" for now. thanks for being us. "the ed show" starts right now. good evening, americans welcome to "the ed show" from new york. president obama is winning a major class warfare battle with republicans and they are on the road. this is "the ed show" e. let's get to work. >> the president was committed -- selected on the basis he was not romney. and you should vote against romney. >> big money interests have their backs up against the wall in the white house knows it. tonight congressman debbie wasserman schultz on the president's mandate on fairness. >> the election may be over, but the conspiracy theories live on. >> i suspect these tough chicago guys knew about this affair for awhile, and held it in their back pocket until they needed to play their card.
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>> the latest right wing freakout over general petraeus. >> and if you have better ingredients and better pizza, why not better health care? sam stein on papa john's problem with obama care. good to have you with us. thanks for watching. more bad news for republicans this week. their history of obstruction is coming back to haunt them. president obama made it clear friday he will insist on getting rid of the bush tax cuts for the wealthy in a new economic plan. congressional republicans are playing tough in public instead of tax increases on the rich they are pushing nonspecific tax reform. >> it's clear that there are a lot of special interest loopholes. >> we can increase revenue without increasing the tax rates on anybody in this country. we can lower the rates, broaden the base. >> eliminate all these tax credits and tax deductions. you can generate $1 trillion in
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revenue. you can lower tax rates by doing this. >> eric cantor put the talking points together in a letter to republicans. what would be sbes a fundamental reform of the tax code that lowers rates, broadens the base, makes america's businesses kpet ty again. let's see here now. lowering rates, broadening the base, ending loopholes and e deductions. where have we heard this before? >> if we eliminate some of the loopholes and e deductions at the high end, putting a limit on deductions and exemptions, particularly for people at the high end. >> broaden the base, simplify the code and create incentives for growth. >> they have the same talking points. this is th plan wasn't good enough to get mitt romney elected president but republicans are still selling it hard. at least this is what they have been selling in public. behind closed doors is a different story. john boehner doesn't have the leverage he used to have.
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on a conference call he told house republicans they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that mark so much of the last two years. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell was the number one obstructionist in the president's first term. now he tells "the wall street journal" he'll do whatever it takes to get a deal. i'd be willing to pay the ransom if e we thought we were going to get the hostage out. but the hostage is what? entitlement spending. mcconnell's intention, he's willing to agree to a dollar of new taxes for every dollar in cuts. what a difference an election makes. >> i'm going to ask a question on the stage. they seau had a real spending cuts deal, 10 to 1. spending cuts to tax increases. spooker, you're already shaking your head. but who on this stage would walk
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away from that deal? would you raise your hand about not raising taxes. >> remember in 2011 republicans would not take a 10 to 1 tax cut deal? now today mitch mcconnell is willing to do a 1 to 1 deal. republicans lost all of their leverage in this election. they made a big gamble and came up empty handed. in 2011 president obama was cutting deals with john boehner on the golf course. it was very favorable for the republicans. the president agreed to more than $1.2 trillion in cuts, benefit reductions of social security, raising the medicare eligibility age and actually lowering tax rates on the wealthiest americans. now in the end, republicans, what do they do? they rejected the deal. they wanted more and the way to
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get it was to beat the president of the united states in november. the president fought back almost a year ago. he announced the message of the reelection campaign. the same place where teddy roosevelt gave birth to progressivism. >> do we want to make the investments we need in things like education and research and high-tech manufacturing, all those things that help make us an economic super power, or do we want to keep in place the tax breaks for the the wealthiest americans in our country? because we can't afford to do both. that's not politics. that's just math. >> the president campaigned on raising the the top tax rate throughout the past year. >> but i also want to make sure we're asking the wealthiest households to pay a slightly higher tax on incomes over $250,000. >> we have to do it in a
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balanced way. asking the wealthy to pay a little more. we have to combine spending cuts with revenue. that means asking the wealthiest americans to pay a little more in taxes. >> president obama won on this message, did he not? the american people approved of raising taxes on those at the top. republicans were banking on this being a losing message, but it simply is not. conservatives are finally starting to cry uncle. >> i don't understand why republicans don't take obama's offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000. the republican party is going to fall on their sword to defend a bunch of millionaires? >> where was that sound byte in october? when you have lost bill crystal, you have lost the right wing. republicans better understand how bad their negotiating position is. and the president needs to realize how good a position he's in.
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the country is with him. if the republicans don't realize where they are. they are going to drive their party off the cliff. you know, that fiscal cliff everybody is talking about. get your cell phones out. will republicans in congress finally work for the american people? text a for yes, b for no. 622639. you can go to our blog. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. joining me tonight is congressman debbie wasserman schultz. good night at the office. get down to the devil and the detail. do you think republicans are willing to soften their position and actually do a deal? >> i'd like to speaker boehner's remarks the other day as at least the extension of some kind of an olive branch. but i'm hearing the same things i heard on the budget committee on which i sit through the ryan budget which did exactly that.
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reform the taxes. they talked about lowering the overall tax rates and closing loopholes that they really have never identified. so that doesn't sound different. but i'm optimistic that because president obama has proposed in his $4 trillion deficit reduction $2.50 in cuts for every $1 in revenue. if mitch mcconnell is willing to go dollar for dollar, we should be able to work together. i heard lots of good things over the weekend from senate and house republicans who have said they want to work together. >> would democrats accept a dollar for dollar? >> what we need to do is sit down and agree right away to adopt the middle class tax cuts. give middle class certainty that's over in the house. it's past the senate. it's time to make that happen. give the middle class certainty. then there's a lot left that we need to work together on.
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but i know that if we are both willing to sit at the table, which the president and i know house and senate democrats are, we'd like republicans to join us. >> what makes you think that republicans have gotten the memo? >> like you said, if bill crystal said, the world won't come to an end. i represent a fairly wealthy congressional district. upper middle class to wealthy. from my constituents, i hear the same kind of thing. my life won't change very much if you change my tax rate. life was good when president clinton was in office and the tax rate was a little higher. and they understand we can make the investments we need to make in education and innovation and make sure that we strike the right balance. we have to reduce spending. there's no question about that. you know, i can tell you i voted last summer in that debt ceiling deal for $1.2 trillion in cuts that i've spent my career
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opposing then you have to go back. >> i'm going to be a class half full. it was a his take for them to not take that deal. i mean it really was. and i hope that some of them realize that. there are a lot of majority of tea party republicans in the house get reelected on tuesday. and i hope that they realize that cooperation should be the first thing we do. i mean we've got to work together and move forward. there were two paths and two visions laid out before voters leading up to this election. and voters chose to continue to move forward with president obama. and his plan to rebuild the economy from the middle class out, that's not just a talking point. that's a concept that americans embraced. >> you don't have a mandate unless you believe you have a mandate. if you negotiate like you have a mandate. are you confident or are democrats confident the
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president is going to draw the hard line when he has to. >> the president will not give back. and they have gone so far to say -- it doesn't get more clear than that. >> you mentioned bill crystal. when he steps up and says what he says, isn't giving boehner some cover to make the deal that there are some conservative media people out there with some influence that will give him some backup? it seems like solid messaging. >> my little kids use. >> has he lost his influence or just as strong. will he play into this? >> i don't think he's lost the influence that he should have. and he is a key to that super pac money. the super pac money is the big problem here that looms large over the reelections of many of
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these tea party republicans who fear losing in primaries. if they spread too far from the right, they don't come back. >> and congressman alan west in florida, want you to comment on what's going on down there. >> it looks like i will have an opportunity to serve with patrick murphy who will represent florida. he's been declared the winner in all three counties. he's outside the required margin for recount. unfortunately, congressman west is not conceding and plans a legal battle. but i think this will work out the way the constituents in florida decided, which is that patty murphy should be their representative and they rejected extremism. >> congresswoman, thank you for your time tonight. remember to answer tonight's
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labor unions came out in force for president obama and they are teaming up to spread the president's plan to avoid the fiscal cliff. the steel workers join me next. the right wing freaks out over the resignation of david petraeus. we'll show you the latest conspiracy theories about the timing of the general's resignation. and a pizza chain says president obama's health care law is going to cost his customers and his employees. sam stein man will break it down tonight. share your thoughts with us on facebook and twitter using #edshow. we're coming right back.
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welcome back to "the ed show." president obama holds a strong hand as he positions himself this week on the fiscal cliff negotiations. his schedule may offer a good idea of his priorities. tomorrow the president will meet with labor leaders. wednesday on the schedule he meets with ceos and on friday the president will begin meetings with republicans. the president is plans to barn storm the country to go directly to the american people and this time around labor is prepared to launch an all-out effort on the air and ground to back up the president's position.
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his greatest strength is going and talking to the folks directly. it's obvious what he can do. he won reelection based on principles. he stated the wealthiest americans will have to pay more and deficit reduction won't rest solely on the middle class. if congress can't get a solution during the next 45 days, senator patti murray of washington suggested a backup plan. >> if the republicans will not agree with that, we will reach a point at the end of this year where all the tax cuts expired and will start over next year. whatever we do will be a tax cut for whatever package we put together. that may be the way to get past this. >> let's turn to leo gerard, president of the united steel workers. thank you for being here. labor literally is going to have a seat at the table tomorrow. what are the priorities when you go face to face with the president when your brothers and sisters go face to face with the
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president. what's the priority list? >> the priority is jobs, jobs, jobs and to make sure that the president moved forward as he talked about. we see what's happened to the countries that have tried austerity. it's important that the president do exactly what he said during the campaign. he won the election by being truthful with the american public. by talking about the tax breaks for the rich have to go the way of the do do bird and tax cuts for those under $250,000 have to stay in place. if we do that, we'll be able to stimulate the economy. the president has the upper hand and i'm wearing my shirt tonight because i'm telling our members that the steel workers are ready to go. if republicans aren't going to move, we're not going to make the same mistake last time. we should have been out on the street with the the president on the stimulus bill. and we let him down.
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we sat on our hands. we're not going to do that this time. >> it's right back to the campaign trail for labor in this country. >> we had a meeting on friday. it was unanimous consent amongst everybody at the table that we're going to stand up and defend the president's agenda. he won the agenda by telling the truth to the american people. we need to start to rebuild this economy. i'm a little frustrated because i don't think the biggest issue is the deficit. the biggest issue is jobs. if we got people back to work, if republicans wouldn't have been obstructionists on the jobs bill, we would have had more people at work. we'd have been generating wealth. so i think the president is going in the right direction. we need to get this behind us to get on the jobs agenda. >> any moderate republicans left to work with this president or are we going to see more of the same? >> lots of the tea party folks got defeated. lots were hooking on to simpson bowles. we're starting to see maybe some
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sanity come into some of the republicans. i saw what bill crystal said. they are at least thinking in the right direction. these are the guys that did everything they could to frustrate this president. and we ought not to forget that at the state level, republican governors laid off three million workers. if they had not done that, those workers would be working now. taxes would have been coming into the state and into the federal government. this problem wouldn't have been so great. the issue is jobs, jobs, jobs. >> here's david axle rod on speaker boehner's position. >> i think the comments have been encouraging. and obviously there's money to be gained by closing some of these loopholes and applying them to deficit reduction. i think there are a lot of ways to skin this cat. >> closing loopholes that have really never been identified by the the republicans.
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okay, i'd like to see that list. but labor is going to have to be the driving force on this to make sure that the fair share is there. that it's not on the backs of the middle class. are you confident that you're going to be able to get a tax increase out of wealthiest americans? >> we are. the president was very clear and the american public spoke very clearly when the president said in his campaign from day one until the votes were counted that the rich had to pay their fair share. one of the things i was pleased with this week is harry reid made it clear that social security is not on the table. harry reid said social security is not part of the budget problem. it's not on the table. i think we can move this agenda forward. the reality is this. in my view, the president has an army behind him. working people stood with him. working people pushed him and carried him across the line.
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and this time if the republicans try to be obstructionists, i agree with patti murray. it's not a fiscal cliff. it's a slope. people shouldn't have to panic. let it go over and come back with a new proposal that has tax cuts for those under $250,000. >> let me see that shirt again. what does that say? >> steel blitz for barack. >> i thought maybe you were giving up your day job and trying out for the steelers. >> i wouldn't make the first cut. >> good to have you with us. next the conspiracy theorists are out over the resignation of cia director david petraeus. richard wolffe will weigh in on that. and the republicans try to revamp their message on immigration reform. they want to turn protesters into supporters. find out why they could be making a huge mistake. stay with us.
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welcome back to "the ed show." the fallout continues over the resignation of former cia director general petraeus. petraeus stepped down citing an extramarital affair. an investigation began over the summer when jill kelley, a petraeus family friend, contacted the agency after receiving anonymous harassing e-mails. nbc news investigative correspondent michael isikoff describes what was in those e-mails. >> they accuse her of improper socializing.
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but they have references to the comings and goings to general petraeus. >> the fbi followed the computer trail that led them to paula broadwell. both broadwell and petraeus admitted they were having an affair after reviewing evidence prosecutors concluded no crimes were committed, but now some members of congress are saying that they or president obama should have been notified that such an investigation was even being conducted. it's curious timing for the conspiracy theorists at fox news. they are still beating the drum on benghazi. petraeus was supposed to testify over the matter. >> based on the evidence we had then, this was the obama administration's watergate. >> officials say petraeus's decision to leave the cia was entirely personal and had nothing to do with benghazi or politics. but that's not how fox news sees
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it. >> there's not many stories that could knock the president's reelection right out of the headlines. not many. we got one. >> are you assuming that's why they didn't tell the story until after the election? >> the plot thickens. >> the fact that his scandal wasn't mentioned prior to the election, that would have had an impact on the election. >> i suspect the tough chicago guys knew about this affair for awhile and held it in their pocket until they needed to play their card. >> the questions mount and mount and mount. was this covered up until after the election, which would compromise safety in favor of politics? which is disgusting. like that hasn't happened. >> the drone, fast and furious. >> all these things have been happening after the election. >> at lot of people have affairs and they don't have to quit. >> let's bring in richard wolffe, msnbc political analyst and executive editor of what do you make of this rhetoric out there, as you just
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heard? >> the wandering eyes are a give away. these people are in a state of denial and illusion. they don't want to admit the events of last week. they are trying to change the subject. i can maybe say it's cheaper than medication, but it's not a rational way to deal with some, some serious issues at the heart of what happened in libya. now if you want to address up a sex story, which is what the petraeus scandal sadly is, as some kind of national security crisis or some mysterious game around the election, fine. you go and sell a sex story in another way, pretending like it's something else. but this says more about the people who are spinning these theories than it does about the story itself. >> if the story had come out before the election, would it have made a difference? >> how?
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on what alternative universe? it makes no sense. it makes even less sense to connect petraeus's sad personal life to the events in benghazi than it does to say that petraeus -- a man who was not exactly close to the president, would have somehow affected the president's reelection. he wasn't on the ticket. he wasn't a democrat. so which point does reality mean? >> the cover up. they are saying the cover up. the information was not released. now you have diane feinstein and other congressional members concerned about how some were not brought into the loop and the timing is in question. >> and members of who congress who sit on intelligence committees have every right to question how investigations are managed, how the director of the cia is treated, and especially how they are informed. they had those concerns about any number of bush policies when it came to intelligence as well. the intelligence committees are not fully informed about pretty
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much anything anymore. >> senator feinstein, she's making comments saying petraeus will likely be called to testify. how important is that? >> i think it's important for a full discussion of what happened in benghazi. but the sad thing is this man is going to be dragged in front of the cameras and the microphones to talk about his personal life and he's going to be pushed to make some kind of connections. was there an attempt to suppress the revolutions for political ends? that makes a difficult situation even more awkward for him individually. a big job in terms of the intelligence community. he should answer those questions. >> what about eric cantor's knowledge of this some two weeks ago. why did he hang on to it? why didn't he step forward? >> clearly he was interested in getting the president reelected. he was informed because there was a whistleblower inside the fbi who felt that the inquiry wasn't progressing as it should have been. it turned out that wasn't the
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case. but you have to be a master conspiracy theorist to think he was trying to help the president. >> at the end of the day, it's an affair story. >> there are serious questions about benghazi. but general petraeus and his wife, they have no business as part of this. >> richard wolffe, great to have you with us. thanks so much. a lot more coming up in the next half hour of "the ed show." stay with us. national republicans are ready to move on, move forward with immigration reform. are you willing to do that? yes or no? >> yes. >> the immigration evolution continues on the right. as more righties suddenly see the light on reform. the senate for american progress saw it all coming and he joins me next. the president was committed -- elected on the basis he was not romney and you should vote against romney. >> the most powerful lobbyist is
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thanks for staying with "the ed show." republicans struggling to find a new way to deal with an old problem. republicans were shocked when president obama won reelection on tuesday. the president won 71% of the latino vote. republicans shouldn't be surprised immigration issues have drawn massive protests from california to washington, d.c. for years. and the republican party has made its position very clear and forced the borders and flat out killed the dream act.
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republicans spelled out their anti-immigration position on their platform. tough talk on immigration appeals to the base. listen to the way romney talked about immigrants during his campaign. >> almost half the jobs created in texas were created for illegal aliens. sanctuary cities. giving tuition breaks to the kids of illegal aliens. four years of college, $100,000 discount if you're an illegal alien. i'm running for office. i can't have illegals. >> imagine what those words sounded like to latinos. now republicans are scrambling to change their tone. all of a sudden, they are saying, we have to evolve on immigration. senators john mccain and lindsey graham want to work on reform. john boehner wants to find common ground. and even sean hannity is trying to shift to the middle.
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>> we have to get rid of the immigration issue all together. it's simple. you control the border first. you create a pathway for those that are here. you don't say you have to go home. and that's a position i have evolved on. because you know what, it's got to be resolved. the majority of people here, some have criminal records, you can send them home. but if they are law-abiding, kids are born here, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done. whatever little penalties you want to put in there. then it's done. >> pathway to citizenship, done. where was all this talk before the election? you see this is all about getting votes. it's not coming from the heart. reforming immigration policy is a huge risk for the republicans. they could alienate their base. there's no guarantee they will win the latino vote in the long run. let's turn to ruy teixeira. great to have you with us.
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>> delighted to be here. >> you predicted this. did you think it was going to be this lopsided? >> yes, i did think it was going to be this lopsided. i looked at the data carefully and combined with all the things you were saying about how the republicans need to be going out of the way, we looked at the data and saw how latinos are trending, that's exactly what happened. it was a resounding vote of no, i don't want that from the latino population. >> is immigration the only issue keeping latinos from voting republican? >> no. it's not at all. this is a big misconception the republicans have. they are thinking, all we have to do is say, we're for immigration reform. trust us on this. we're in your corner. the latinos will come flocking to the republican party. that's just not true at all.
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latinos, their number one issue is the economy and jobs. they are not single issue voters. they fundamentally disagree with the republican party and candidate romney. they disagree with almost everyone in the republican party about the proper role of government. what services should provide, what are the things government can do to get ahead. they see them being opposed to what they are doing. it's not enough to say we're fine with immigration. >> so how much of a risk is it within the republican party to make a shift on immigration? such as hannity was talking about? there was an about face there. you have some senators saying, we have to work on reform. isn't it all about votes? it's not about their sincerity? >> it's about votes. this is an 11th hour conversion. there's not a great deal of substance to it. not only saying these kind and sympathetic words about latinos and immigration to bring them over to their side, they could cause a fire storm in their own
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party by sort of unleashing the furies about this issue. remember the last time they tried to do anything about immigration reform? the republican party practically store itself up. but i wouldn't be surprised if this happened again. there's no easy way out for the republicans on this issue or any others when it comes to latinos. if they are serious about competing, they have to take a thorough approach to reforming their party. not just on immigration, but also on economic and social and domestic issues. it's going to be very difficult. >> what about a candidate? marco rubio, ted cruz? does this heighten their intensity as a potential candidate down the road because of the problem that the republican party has right now with latinos? >> i think that's sort of a knock off of this idea that if we just talk a little bit nicer about immigration reform, everything will be fine. the idea would be let's nominate someone who is actually latino and then they will love us. but also that's questionable.
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the republican party has a serious basic problem with their stance on issues and how they actually appear on the role of government and on the provision of services. and on a wide variety of things that just aren't reducible to have a latino face or a slightly nicer position on immigration. it's a great deal more complicated. >> if you look at the numbers and how few latinos voted for the republican nominee, there's never been a better time to get the dream act through. this has got to pull some republicans over that are going to do some votes, that are going to make a difference in the long run. when you look at the numbers here, president obama, 71%, romney, 27%. 67%, 31% obama and mccain. clearly, the latino vote continues to go to the democrats because of this hard line position that the republicans have.
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there's no better time to get the dream act, i would think. >> it should be pushed vigorously and i think it will be. there's a chance that some republicans will come over to the side of the democrats on this issue to get it passed. i think it will be quite difficult, but you always have to keep in mind about something like this, while it makes some sense for republicans to go over to the democrat's side to maybe pass a law like this and make it seem less toxic, it also gives the president a big victory that's not going to be lost on latinos who is really responsible for passing this act if it does pass. it will be through democratic initiative and democratic votes. that's not going to sit well with some in the republican party. so i think you just have this caught between a rock and a hard place problem with the republicans and latinos. no matter what they do, things aren't going to work out well. it's going to be a long and painful process. there's no easy fix. there's nothing they can do tomorrow or next week or next
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month that's going to change this dramatically. >> ruy teixeira, thank you so much. the latest excuse for why mitt romney lost the election. he's full of it. stay tuned. hey sis, it's so great to see you. you, too! oh, cloudy glasses. you didn't have to come over! actually, honey, i think i did... oh? you did? whoa, ladies, easy. hi. cascade kitchen counselor. we can help avoid this with cascade complete pacs. over time, the other premium pac can leave cloudy, hard water deposits, but cascade complete pacs help leave glasses sparkling. shiny! too bad it doesn't work on windows. okay, i'm outta here. more dishwasher brands in north america recommend cascade.
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welcome back to "the ed show." we love hearing from our viewers. tonight many of you are commenting on the threats of secession following president obama's reelection. diane says, they remind me more of a child throwing a temper tantrum because she didn't their own way. john tweets, don't let the door hit you on the way out. and danielle tweeted, tootaloo! share your thoughts on "the ed show."
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we are back. grover norquist is the latest conservative trying to make sense of president obama's reelection. he's the author of the anti-tax pledge signed by nearly every republican congressional member and was counting on a romney presidency. president obama has made no secret to intend the bush era tax cuts for american households making $250,000 a year. so last tuesday was a huge blow to norquist and his anti-tax agenda. this morning norquist was asked if. he saw president obama's reelection as a voter mandate to enact his tax plan and it's clear from his response conservatives are running out of material.
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>> we just had an election. and the house of representatives was elected to keeping taxes low. the president was elected on the basis he was not romney and romney was a poopy head and you should elect romney. >> he said he won not on policy, but because democrats painted romney as a poopy head. desperate times call for desperate measures with the looming fiscal cliff. even bill crystal is calling for a serious call. tonight in our survey, i asked you will republicans in congress finally work for the american people? 28% said yes, so optimistic, 72% of you said no. i hate to see it, but i'm a 72%er tonight. coming up the ceo of papa johns is complaining about the
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he says he's impartial to obama care, but his actions suggest otherwise. day after the election, he told a group of college students the affordable care act in his employee's hours being cut. it would cost his business. companies with over 50 employees must provide health insurance to full-time workers. so some franchise owners could cut hours to avoid the cost. health care is not going to break the bank for papa johns. they said it would increase the cost of pizza by only 11 to 14 cents. his recent remarks suggest the option is off the table. meanwhile, papa john's is doing pretty good under the obama economy. take a look at their commercials.
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>> what are we going to do this season? >> one million free pizzas. >> two million free pizzas, i like it. >> two million it is. >> papa john's has two million free pizzas to give away but they can't afford to give workers health care. he lives in a mansion with a 22-car garage and this guy doesn't want to give pizza deliver workers health insurance? papa john's made $44 million during the first nine months of 2012. papa john's has the money to provide health insurance, but just doesn't like the plan. for more, let's turn to sam stein, political reporter for "the huffington post." it's getback night on pizza. this has a way of snowballing, so to speak. this could end up being a
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republican pushback against the president and health care. what do you make of it? >> you're right. you have seen papa john's take a hit. if they continue down this path, there's going to be organized boycotts to hurt business and bottom line as well. the question is about a $5 to $8 million cost for a company with operating expenses of $1.3 billion. so it's minuscule. he's trying to make a political point. for instance, there's minimum wage requirements. and this is what the obama care is about. if you have 50 employees, you're required to pay for their health care coverage or pay a penalty. papa john's can pay the penalty. but he's making a political point. because he doesn't have to make this decision for another year. the law takes place in 2014. if he's trying to do it right after the election as a try of making a point.
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>> president obama is meeting with business leaders on wednesday. do you think this is going to come up? this pushback against obama care? >> sure. we got a hint of how this is playing out when john boehner told abc that it's now the law of the land. for some reason, republicans are still invested in repealing obama care. the problem they are going to confront is that this thing is going forward with or without them. in 2014, new regulations will take place including the banning of discrimination for preexisting conditions. also exchanges in the states will take place whether or not the states say yes or no. the government will step in. so they can either get on board or not. the election was sort of the last legitimate opportunity for them to politically repeal this law. that's now passed. there are other appeals, but it
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doesn't stand that great of chance. they have to work within the confines of the legislation. >> this is going to be a big issue in the midterms. because it's just going to be on the verge of being fully implemented or fully implement ed in 2014. and then you're going to have the election just months after that. i mean is this a good place for the democrats to be? those working folks are going to get health insurance because of this law. >> yeah. there's always this mind set about the law that the longer it existed, the more the legislation went into effect, the more popular it would be. that hasn't proved correct in the first couple years, in large part because the goodies were back loaded. now we'll see if the bill can sell. if you looked at the polls, people wanted to repeal the legislation, but more want to keep it in place or expand upon it or reform it it. so you'll have a few efforts to reform the legislation without doing away with it entirely, maybe some more opt out ability, if that's a word, for states. and i think it will generally
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