tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC November 15, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST
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amazing sad, american tale, for those who pay attention to it. peter, this emergency room, whatever it is -- >> it's early which means it's "morning joe" but right now "the daily rundown" with chuck todd. so much for putting the election behind us. as president obama publicly ponders what kind of help mitt romney could offer his team going forward, romney unloads to donors and why he thinks he lost. and if one presidential rival isn't enough, the president butts heads with his 2008 opponent. delivering a tough message to senator mccain over congressional criticism for u.n. ambassador susan rice. also, this morning, violence grows as israel and hamas look to be on the brink of war. we'll have the latest report on the ground. good morning from washington. it's thursday, november 15th 2012. this is "the daly rundown." i'm chuck todd.
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let's get first to my first reads. president obama wanted to spend his first post election press conference showing he was ready to reach across the aisle. instead, he found himself on the receiving end of criticisms from not one, but two former presidential rivals. the president himself was loose, confident and at times aggressive trying to show he's in charge of these budget investigations. also to appear magazine 1/2 muss. magnanimous. he pledged to sit down with his rival governor romney. >> there are certain aspects of governor romney's ideas that i think could be very helpful. >> while the president was paying mitt romney compliments, mitt romney was telling donors on a conference call a different story. blaming his defeat on a financial what he called them, gifts. what the president has given to supporter, including african-americans, hispanics,
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saying the president followed, quote, the old playbook. here's more from romney. with regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of the college loan interest was a big gift. adding free contra are september tiffs were very big with young college-aged women. and as for hispanic voters, romney said free health care was a big plus. incoming chairman, louisiana governor bobby jindal, he slammed romney's comments. >> i absolutely reject that motion. that description. i think that's absolutely wrong. that is not -- i don't think that represents where we are as a party, and where we're going as a party. >> later, jindal said this to reporters. we've got to stop dividing the american voters. we need to go after 100% of the votes, not 53%. romney's supporter alfonzo
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algolar just on the program yesterday. saying he lost the election by making comments like that latinos. apparently governor romney doesn't understand why he lost. it was an odd thing for the way romney worded that. perhaps he didn't know people would be listening in on that. it does come across as bitter. and it's oddly laughable blaming voters for the president claiming the president delivered for them, as opposed to what mitt romney was saying. an odd decision. watch the 2016ers, by the way, like bobby jindal, watch them pile on romney. this is a softball for them, as they try to distinguish themselves as a new leader of the republican party. another formidable opponent, senator john mccain, he's becoming prepare ared for what could be a high-profile nomination fight. mccain and lindsey graham said
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he will not support the nomination of ambassador rice if she's nominate. >> we will do what we can do block the nomination. >> i don't trust her. i thought she should know better. if she didn't snow better, she shouldn't be the voice of america. >> their chief complaint is they disqualified herself several days after the benghazi on a slew of shows, including "meet the press." >> our current assessment is what happened in benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction of what had transpired hours before in cairo. almost a copycat of the demonstrations at our facility in cairo. >> at his news conference, a visibly angry obama fired back. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. but for them to go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing
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to do with benghazi, and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and to besmirch her representation is outrageous. >> well, mccain didn't want to have the president to have the last word. and he raced to the senate floor to then respond to the president. >> this president and this administration has either been guilty of colossal incompetence, or engaged in a cover-up. if the president thinks that we are picking on people, he really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is. we're not picking on anybody. >> well, on "today" show this morning, mccain was challenged on how ambassador susan rice's situation is somehow different from another rice. mccain supported, despite intelligence failures in bad
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intelligence that then condoleezza rice was selling to the american public. here's what he said. >> you said opponents of condoleezza rice were expressing sour grapes after an election loss. why is this different? >> because every intelligence agency in the world, including the british, believed that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. that was an entirely different situation. four americans died that didn't have to die. >> at that time, when susan rice was given that intelligence, that was the official intelligence assessment of everybody. the cia, department of national intelligence, that was all the same intelligence briefing. everybody was getting at that time. by the way, the president is a pragmatist, and he's usually someone who likes to avoid confirmation fights for his appointees. but the more the gop attacked susan rice, the more dug-in the white house could get. and all of a sudden what i thought two days ago was more likely a nomination to go to
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john kerry. don't be surpriseded now, the president basically says, fine, to senate republicans, let's have this confirmation battle. the president's main goal, of course, at the press conference was to make the case that the public fully supports his view on the deficit reduction. and that means tax hikes on the rich as part of that solution. >> i think every voter out there understood that that was an important debate. and the majority of voters greed with me. not -- by the way, more voters greed with me on this issue than voted for me. >> he's referring to that exit poll number that we showed you yesterday on taxes. now, although the president drew a line in the sand making it clear that the bush era tax rates for the top 2% will go away, he left wiggle room on how high those rates could get and how those new tax revenues will be configured, explicitly not ruling out a compromise that could leave the top tax rates lower than they were during the clinton years. >> i'm open to compromise.
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and i'm open to new ideas. what i'm not going to do is to extend further a tax cut for folks who don't need, which would cost close to $1 trillion. >> folks, the news here isn't just what obama said. it's also what republicans heard. that there is a possibility for a deal on where the top rates eventually could end up. is it at 250 by the way? is it 1 million? is it at 37%? at 39%. the president's chief negotiating adversary right now, speaker john boehner who was re-elected by house republicans yesterday said they're not ready to accept the president's proposal because it would, quote, hurt our economy and make jobs more difficult. but he also sounded the kumbaya theme. >> now, i do think that the
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spirit of cooperation that you've seen over the last week, from myself and my team. from democrats across the aisle. from the president. have created an atmosphere where i think that, i remain optimistic. >> folks, there are a lot closer than sometime the bravadoish headlines seem to make clear. this is really about what can boehner take to 50 to 100 house republicans who are willing to temporarily potentially raise some tax rates on some group of wealthier americans? by the way, after $6 billion spent on house senate and presidential campaign, not only did party control not change for the house, senate and white house. but the individual leaders who will begin the negotiations tomorrow, it's the exact group of people. there are some personnel changes but not on that leadership. those five people are the same. by the way, yesterday, the president did immediately face
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questions about the scandal that surrounds his now former cia director david petraeus. he's used his time to praise petraeus. >> i have no evidence at this point from what i've seen, that classified information was disclosed, that in any way would have had a negative impact on our national security. >> press to answer again, whether he believed he was notified too late. the president again tried to say as little as possible. >> i am withholding judgment, with respect to how the entire process surrounding general petraeus came up. you know, we don't have all the information yet. but i want to say that i have a lot of confidence generally in the fbi. and they've got a difficult job.
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it is also possible that had we been told, then you'd be sitting here asking a question about why were you interfering in a criminal investigation. >> while the president withholds judgment, the investigation process is already under scrutiny on capitol hill. the heads of the fbi and the cia, the agenting head right now, mike morel met with them. he's sifting through e-mails between general john allen and jill kelley. it came to light after kelley began receiving anonymous messages in may. thinking she was being stalked, kelley flagged an fbi agent she knew, now identified as fred are dr frederick humphries. a hand full of e-mails between kelley and allen were flagged as inappropriate. however, this source insists there was no affair. allen who has denied any
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wrongdoing and an affair and whose nomination as supreme commander in europe is on hold has pledged to cooperate with the investigation. meanwhile, the fbi is still trying to wrap up the petraeus incident. they're looking through potential evidence taken from paul lal broadwell's home during a consensual search earlier this week. now, amid allegations that she mishandled classified information, the army has yanked broadwell's security clearance. and on cnnhead line news, broadwell hasn't made any public comments, even in print. meanwhile, petraeus will make it back on capitol hill to testify tomorrow on benghazi. joining me nbc's correspondent kelly o'donnell. and brad gilman, editor-at-large for "time" magazine. he wrote the cover story entitled "the petraeus affair."
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there's a whole lot of hearings on benghazi which, of course, all will sort of bleed into the petraeus affair. give us the lineup today and what you expect to hear? >> you're right, chuck. there is so much overlap, what we've heard from someone planning the committee meeting, intel, for both the house and senate side, they wanted to separate those matters of personal and security concerns to the issue that brought it to the table in the first place. originally asking petraeus to testify when he was cia director and that was the benghazi matter. so the officials are here from the top people of intelligence, the director of national intelligence, cia and fbi, and they're trying to piece together really some inside information that members of congress have said they've been unable to get about the time line. who knew what, when. why when ambassador stevens had requested security, had talked about concerns he had, about the potential for more attacks in
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libya, why were those not addressed in a way that would have prevented his death and protected he and the three ours who were killed. what i'm getting from people here, they recognize there are national security implications to what happened with petraeus in his resignation. but they want to try to create a little bit of distance between that and the important matters of benghazi that they feel need to be to be urgently dealt with now. it is a murky area. >> absolutely. kelly o'donnell on capitol hill. let me turn to bart gilman. his cover story of "time" magazine. you talked to a lot of people close to general petraeus. and he's expressing some remorse. tell us more about what you learned, as you were digging around, on the petraeus end of things. >> well, he's terribly remorseful. he knows that he crewed up, as he has told a number of people. he told friends as a matter of
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honor, he felt he had to resign. he understands that this is his fault. and he's really just laying low right now, trying to repair things with his own family. >> and you know, one of more quiet players in all of this has been his wife. i mean, is he at home? is he welcome at home? is his family welcoming him? is he going to be given this opportunity to repair his personal life? >> look, i have no way, and maybe not so much desire to peer into what's happening in the house right now. clearly, his wife is furious. he's got grown kids. his son is in the army. sees his father very much as a role model. i'm sure they have a lot of hard stuff to work through. >> and on the paula broadwell end of things, where does that relationship stand with general petraeus? are they still friends? are they talking? have they talked? >> well, i would imagine, for legal reasons, they probably shouldn't be talking right now.
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it is the case that when the affair ended in the summer, they continued to stay in close contact. paula broadwell is still working on a dissertation in london that is centered on general petraeus' leadership and command style. so they were seen publicly and had lots of contact before the affair, during the affair and after the affair. in fact, her book and her masters thesis before that and her dissertation afterward were sort of what the intelligence people would call cover for presence and cover for action. they were going to be together a lot either way. in that way, that didn't raise eyebrows. >> bart gelman who has got the cover story on "time" magazine. bart, thanks for coming on and sharing with us this morning. we've got a lot more coming up. including more reaction from are the senate. and also that business meeting that the president has. that's all coming up next. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare...
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understanding that those of us who are more wealthy, going to have to pay more. we understand that. but coupled with that there needs to be significant entitlement reform and discretionary cuts. that's the bargain. >> there is, how much more in taxes, how much more in cuts is the big question surrounding all of these big debt and deficit negotiations with the fiscal cliff looming, the president continued what he's been calling his outside game on wednesday. had a sit-down with a bunch of folkses from the business community. meeting with a group of ceos at the white house. joining me now is mark bertolini. he attended the meeting with the president. thanks for coming on this
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morning. >> good morning, chuck. >> let me ask you this, how much talk diagnose the ceos do and how much talking did the president do? >> i think the president did mostly listening. he did open with a few comments about why we were together. and then the ceos shared their point of view as to how we can move forward to fix this problem. >> and what is it exactly that the ceos blerpledged to the president in there, if he did x, y and z, they would support him up to a point? what was that line -- or was there a line that there was sort of a collective agreement in that room of what they could support from the president and what they couldn't do? >> this was not a negotiation. this was very much a constructive, practical dialogue of a very really problem that we've got to solve as a country. and the president was seeking our input in asking us what we could do to support him and the congress in coming to a very balanced solution, including
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both revenues and entitlement reform. so didn't see this as all as negotiation. no lines in the sand. wasn't nearly -- or wasn't at all the tense conversation that obviously the press had worked it up to be. >> of course. well, tell us exactly what were sort of -- what were a majority of the ideas given to the president? what were some of the ideas that you seem like, you felt like there was a consensus in that room are with what the president walked away hearing, oh, business wants this? >> revenue needs to be on the table, definitely, so we have to increase revenues in some way, shape or form. >> so there was support for tax increases? >> there was support for revenue increases. how we get there is still to be determined. i think secondly, entitlement reform is very important. and that entitlement cut which is is a term, i think, laden with all sorts of emotional consequences, we need to ensure that entitlement programs are
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around for generations to come. and how we work these programs in the future is going to be very important. so this is not entitlement cuts next year. this is entitlement reform in the longer term. so i think a balance between those two is very much an important conversation that we had. we're supportive of that kind of result. but the most important aspect of this right now, is that in 45 days, we have a very bad outcome, unless congress and the president act. >> let me ask you, and as a big player in the health care world, the president are winning re-election, it means that this health care law is going to get implemented. the roots and the seeds have been planted but now it's going to take root in this in the future. what role is that going to be playing in this new wave with the relationship between folks and health care? >> i think our role has always been that we need to be compliant with the law, but we need to find opportunities to make it better. and while the affordable care act begins to get people covered, we still have to
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address the $750 billion a year waste in the system that could more than pay for not only affordable care act, but half the nation's deficit, if we get it right. and so i think that's a very important part of what our role needs to be. it's not just about insurance, but how do we make the system work better. >> all right, aetna ceo, mark bertolini. thanks for coming on. next, a look at the marriage gap and why president obama owes single men and women a big thanks. but thirst, today's trivia question -- what is the largest number of states won by a losing candidate in a presidential election? tweet me the answer @chucktodddailyrundown. coming up. lists all done. raise the roof!
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♪ gender gap? check. but how about a marriage gap? today, taking another deep dive into our exit polls. all it our autopsy 2012. as you can see, there's plenty of differences between men and women, and you get a lot of coverage of that. all right, we know, the president won women, won by 11 points. we know mitt romney won men, but by less in women. and won women by 7 points. here is where there is some interest. and you see these gaps here. but where it gets the bigger gap in american politics these days is between married and single folks. as you can see in 2008, it was actually pretty close. john mccain won married voters, 52%/47%. it's always a small advantage for the republicans. but this time, a bigger advantage for mitt romney. he won them 56% to 42%. there's a problem for mitt
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romney, they only represented 60% of the electorate. four years ago, 66% of the electorate. married with children. mccain increased his margin there over romney. won it by 9, and for romney, 27% of the electorate in 2008, just 27% in 2012. let's move on here. unmarried voters didn't win them by that large of a margin. won in 2008, 27. and here's the bigger story, look at this, unmarried voters represents 40% of the electorate in 2012. margins matter a lot. in fact, president obama has done better with unmarried women, if you will, than any previous democratic presidential candidate. he's the two best of any
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democratic candidate. he won is by 70% of the vote of unmarried women. no democrats come close to even the 67. as you see here. gore, 63 was a pretty good one for him. that came up short. two winning campaign, bill clinton, 62%. and then '92, 53%. unmarried white women, i had a pollster tell me this was the most fluid part of the electorate. unmarried white women, it isn't just single women under the age of 40. don't just think there, you're also talking widows. so there's a good chuck of these folks. the president won them by six points. and they were 14% of the electorate. yes, he won them by more, 19, but they were 13% of the electorate. but this is perhaps the most important swing voting group that you had to look at. i can tell you in senate race after senate race, the number that would fluctuate more than
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independents was unmarried white women. is it a voting group we should continue to follow, continue to track. i encourage more pollsters. not all pollsters do single and married enough in their factuals to get the you cross-tabs. this marriage gap is an important track to be tracking but in particular, married and gender thrown in to one. autopsy 2012, we will continue to do it throughout the rest of the year. investors corner, new data shows the eurozone has zipped into a double-digit reinvestigation. and andrew sorkin is here from cnbc. it seems they're looking for a problem. fiscal cliff. europe's always a problem, but it seems to be a bigger one today? >> a bit of a bigger one today. but i'm going to give you two other ones. jobless claims, the first
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jobless claims since superstorm sandy. here's the bad news, 78,000 new jobless claims. we're now up to 439,000 jobless claims. and that is not good news. you had to expect, and maybe it will come back, but that's putting a little bit of a fine point on really how impactful the storm ultimately was. other big news that wall street is looking at, walmart. they reported earnings. but the bigger issue, they acknowledged for the first time that there is allegations of bribery, of potentially, the foreign corrupt practices act now in china, brazil, india, you might recall -- >> mexico? >> and mexico. now, it looks like it's expanding and that is going to be a big issue. not just on wall street, but washington as well. >> andrew ross sorkin at cnbc headquarters. thanks very much. >> great to see you. well, is the middle east on
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the brink of another war? we're live in israel. that's next. "the daily rundown" will be back in 30 seconds. as we told you, a really busy day on capitol hill. these are live pictures with the senate armed services committee. they're holding a confirmation hearing for general dunford, he was nominated.
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allen's nomination is on hold. but dunford's nomination is going forward. a barrage of rocket attacks in israel overnight appear to be pushing that region closer to, who knows, hopefully not all all-out war. it could turn into a ground campaign before long. and eman joins me. this all started not just to respond to what had been a slew of attacks by hamas over the border, but they went after a specific hamas leader. tell us more. >> reporter: well, chuck that really depends on who you ask, there's no doubt from the israeli narrative that they felt that a number of rocket attacks coming from gaza into southern israel, that started the response. if you ask those here, it's
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actually been a continuous attack on the gaza strip. and that ultimately led to frustration. over the past week, we've seen several palestinians killed. today, we've seen from the israeli site, three people have been killed from palestinian rocket fire in the southern part of israel. i'm going to tell you where we are quickly to give you context. we're standing at the upmost or farthest point on the gaza strip. between the crossing between israel and gaza. on the way in here, we saw about three dozen aid workers, from oxfront are and others, they're here, the 1.5 palestinians still here, you can hear that sound as well but for them, they're unable to leave. so there's a great fear, anxiety and tension that the coming days are only going to have more violence. over the past 24 hours there have been a barrage of rocket fire into southern israel. but we've noticed there have been several israeli air strikes inside here.
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>> ayman, it's worth bringing up the fact this is the biggest conflict between the two sides, between israel and the palestinians, since egypt's leadership has changed. and we know that egypt has a different reaction to this than they did under president morsi than they had in the past under former president mubarak? >> reporter: absolutely. on a few different fronts. one, the leadership here, it's currently aligned with the one that runs egypt. and president morsi comes from that. and the more important one, for the past several days they've been trying to mediate between the palestinian faction in israel. they reached a truce, but that truce didn't hold for long. more importantly, israel is trying to resume a bit of a leadership role. yesterday, they lobbied to secure the security council. and also they convened with the arab league to try to put an end to the barrage of fire.
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some for its part are calling on egypt to sever ties with israel. that would be a major setback for the united states because the israeli/egyptian peace treaty has been a cornerstone of u.s. policy in the middle east. >> ayman, we'll be checking in with you all day, i imagine. thanks very much. moving back to the domestic side of politics, senate republicans have elected their leaders for the 113th congress. and, boy, do the faces look familiar because they are. out of the six top leaders, five leaders, and the chair of the senate campaign committee, there's just one new face. john cornyn has been promoted to replace retiring senator conless. and elected wednesday as vice chair of the republican conference, he's also a member of the senate committee.
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senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> let me ask you, around the leadership front, you've been around this house a long time. and you around the republicans when they got ais shellacking i 2006. should leadership have taken on more water, if you will? should there be fresher faces brought in to respond to what was a messaging campaign that didn't work? >> well, i think most of our leadership is relatively new. i've been in the leadership a year. the two job above me have only held those junes for a year. i don't know if that would have the same impact. i think a lot of what happened this cycle and last cycle was so unprecedented in the way that people are reacting to outside assistance. and other things, that i'm not sure that would have had a lot of political impact, no matter what we did.
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but i do clearly think we need to communicate better. we need to have a message that is clearly coming through that an alternative message, when we don't agree with the president. just saying we don't agree isn't good enough. isn't going to be good enough. and it shouldn't be, frankly, good enough. >> senator blunt, i want to get to a bunch of stuff here. you're on the intelligence committee. is general petraeus testifying before you today or not? >> he's not. i think we will see him sometime today or tomorrow. >> you might see him today, you're still not sure? >> i think it's scheduled for tomorrow. but i'm not absolutely sure. that was not locked down at the end of the day yesterday. and i there has been a commitment we're going to see him sometime before the weekend. and i think we should. i think the gentlemens to general petraeus are what was in your report, and frankly, another question is, why haven't we seen it? and i'm not sure he can answer that second question. but i's a growing concern to the intelligence committee and to me, which is why isn't the
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administration sharing as quickly as they should, the information they have. but, frankly, chuck, if you listen to the president, the white house doesn't have the information that the white house should have on some of these topics in a way that would be acceptable and expected. >> do you think susan rice, if she was getting the same intelligence briefings, as frankly, you guys were, on capitol hill, at that time that she went on that weekend after the days after the benghazi attacks, should she be held responsible for -- for communicating what was the best intelligence that the cia was providing at the time? and had that held against her, if she's nominated to be secretary of state? >> well, if she knew things that she was not telling, that's a big problem. i think the president said yesterday that the information she had -- >> but there's no evidence of that, is there? >> well, you asked the question, chuck. i'm just answering the question you asked, which is if she knew things she didn't tell, is that
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a problem? yeah, it would be a problem. but the president said yesterday that she said everything she knew. that's really the big question. why is it that five days after this, that's the only thing that the white house says they knew. and the only thing they say they told the person they put out on five different news programs. i think it's a lot bigger problem, frankly, than what susan rice said. it's why she was told that was what was going on. i think by five days after september 11th, most people in the intelligence community had reached another conclusion. if you'll believe the president, apparently, they didn't tell him that, but i think that information was out there and should have been, information that both the president, the secretary of state, the ambassador to the u.n., if they're going to send her out to talk about this should have had. >> right. but it seems as if the report she got as authored by mike
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more morell, the acting director of the cia. is your beef with the cia and not susan rice? >> if that's the information that she got, the question is, who did she get it from? was it changed from the time from are either mike morell got it or somebody else? we're going to get to the bottom of this. i think that's a clearly important topic for the intelligence committee to look at. my belief is, our chairman, dianne feinstein, is as eager to get to the bottom of this as any republican on that committee. and we will. >> senator blunt, i want to get your reaction to what mitt romney was overheard on a donor conference call saying yesterday as to why he lost. do you agree with his assessment that he lost because of gifts? >> because of what? >> gifts, if you will, to certain constituency groups. >> i didn't -- i didn't hear the comment. and don't know the context of it. i think we lost because the president turned out more voters
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in the battleground states than anybody thought he was possibly going to be able to turn out. and the mechanics of politics matter as wells as the message of politics. and, frankly, we were not in those nine states in june and july in setting the stage. or on election day, in turning out voters as we needed to be to get this done. i was of the belief, chuck, that we wouldn't see the 2008 turnout model in a way that had elected the president. and in fact, in those nine states, they beat the 2008 turnout model. i think i was right in the other 41 states or so, but in the nine where they really put themselves to the task, they did an extraordinary job. >> senator roy blunt, republican from missouri. thank you. >> you bet. our political panel will be here next. a programming the snow, "meet
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the press" panel, dianne feinstein and lindsey graham and mike rogers. first, the white house assume of the day, chipotle beef. i'm careful now on how to pronounce "chipotle." i think the best flavor right now is the flavor of 2013. don't forget to check out the website. we'll be right back. ♪ three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas! no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy most. [ woman in pet store ] it's as easy as... [ all ] one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. yeah. then how'd i get this...
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romney campaign tells nbc news, governor romney was simply elaborating about what david axelrod said. >> joining me, john ralston of ralston reports. he got up early. i know he doesn't like doing that out there. but i appreciate it. john, let me start with you, got got a whole bunch of republican governors who responded to romney's comments. and boy, did they seem to pour cold water on romney's chances. >> it's amazing. what better place to come, the land of second chances, for re-election, than these republican governors. bobby jindal saying you can't keep dividing the american people. essentially saying we can't be the dumb party anymore. i'm surprised they still call
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themselves the republican governors association. they're changing their branding this week in vegas. >> michael steele, blame the voters? >> it's an odd, stupid, silly thing to say. it goes to the frustration the republicans had about how the campaign was executed. not just on the romney level. but the national strategy by the rnc. the losses in the senate which were, you know, amazing. given where we were, six, eight, ten months ago. the reality is, i said it before, i'll say it again, party, get your head out of your you know what, understand that america has changed. change with it. you don't have to change your realities, but adapt to them. people want to hear you speak to your concerns. >> in an odd way, romney has provided a way for republicans that want to be 2016 players, right? bobby jindal took that softball pip and hit it out of the park
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and said that's not me. >> absolutely, bobby jindal has been to iowa, and other governors are looking at it as well. it does give them opportunity. i think they need more time few. they need a few more months. it's always easy to hate on the loser right now. >> look, on one hand i understand when you lose a race, you can't believe that you were the problem and your message is off. the first big post election interview with mitt romney will be fascinating, isn't it? >> yeah, it will be. he sounded very statesman like when he gave his concession speech. then to come out and essentially dig up the 47% video and attach these racialized identities to these people. i thought it was very offensive. it was inappropriate. certainly not helpful to his party. he sounds like a man who doesn't
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really have a future in politics. also sounds like a map who doesn't understand americans. doesn't understand you can't win iowa and new hampshire. >> that's what is odd about it. it doesn't explain losing iowa and new hampshire. how sober is this rga meeting? you've been hanging out there. how sober is it out there? >> well, i think it's very sober. this is just remarkable to see. suddenly they discovered demography does have something to do with winning elections. as if realizing this latino population, oh suddenly, look, we better start saying things we haven't said. >> i think they thought hispanics only lived in california and not to worry about it. stick around.
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i got to be fast. so, very quickly, are you running for rnc chair, michael steele? >> stay tuned. >> not ruling it out? >> not ruling it out, no. i'm serious. i'm not ruling it out. this party needs a shake up. i shook it up once. let's do it again. >> are we going to remap the districting. >> it's possible in texas and florida. >> hillary clinton in 2016 endorsed by warren buffett and the buffalo news. >> she could keep the coalition
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together. >> and what is brian sandoval's future? >> it's a very good question. i mean you have a guy with 60% google rating. don't forget about us, chuck. he has a future. >> yeah, nevada counts. we'll see. give me shameless plugs. >> i should promote my new website. my daughter was picked this week to be on the first ever girls flag football team for her high school. >> nice. everything is cooler in nevada. >> dan bolt's ebook out today. >> our paper has a beautiful new look. >> a great little piece up on about the election. check it out. >> i will see you from asia. i'm headed for 15 hours on a plane ride. we'll see you right back here, somebody will tomorrow. chris jansing is next. bye-bye. u 1% cash back on all purchases,
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