tv The Squeeze MSNBC November 22, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST
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decide what you want to do. good luck. i appreciate you. good luck with your case. police say four people were killed inside a house at 4:30 in the morning. >> 14-year-old boy is in critical condition. >> one person dead, another critically wounded. >> any guy will tell you on the street the game's not the same anymore. >> watch it, watch it! >> right behind the house. right behind the house! >> you can't really stop it altogether, the gang violence. >> all these big scary gang banger dudes, oh, god, what did i get myself into?
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door, put your hands up! one at a time. one at a time. what don't you understand? >> there will be a lot of weapons in the house. a lot of times you get the gang members, they'll store their weapons at somebody else's house. >> let me ask you a question. i'm talking to you because i'm trying to give you an opportunity to tell me if there's anything in there. if there's something in there, not everybody's going to jail because we're not going to put it on one person. that's what i'm trying to tell you right now. if there's something in there you need to let us know. i'm not going to come back and ask you a second time. if there's something in the house, let me know right now, we might be able to save you from going out of this house with the rest of these people. okay? not a big deal to her. it's not like it's shock. these guys come out like it's a normal thing for them. marijuana spread all through the house. i think everybody in the house knows what's going on. >> three ounces out of the house so far. looking for the guns right now. >> okay. >> they blame us. it's our fault that we're here, not their narcotics dealing.
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it's our fault that we're here. >> babies don't have no shoes on their feet. she's walking barefooted >> that's what bothers me the most is the children, the kids. i got a daughter. i just think about my kids. >> what's your first name? how you spell that? >> the guy we have in custody, the target of the search warrant, he is the husband. so you know, we raided the house today, got a felony amount of marijuana and once he gets processed, he'll be in court and he'll be back in business again next week. just a little slicker and more aware of the people he deals with so no one turns him in again. >> for those who can't post bond, the trip from court to jail is strictly one way. every day, hundreds of arrestees in cook county find themselves
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in the same boat. no money, no options, no hope. >> you got 50,000. >> give me your right hand. the other side, sir. there you go. >> most fit a common profile, poor, undereducated and gang affiliated. then there are those who defy the norm. >> judge didn't want me to get out this time so he put my bail at $90,000, $9,000 to walk, and he did it on purpose so that i wouldn't bond out. i mean, i'm just a white kid from the suburbs, got a dui on
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new year's eve, was on probation and behind on my dues. you have to pay $50 every time you go to see a probation officer. i just didn't have any money because i was spending it on drugs. but the judge that i had just like, you're begging me to throw you in jail. my knees were chattering and i'm like looking for my mom, you know. can't really look for your mom at that point. >> for real. see how they got us up here? we didn't even do nothing wrong, man. >> i'm in the wrong deck right now. i'm in the deck with maximum security. i'm supposed to be in the rehab program. i'm this skinny little kid handcuffed to all these big scary gang banger dudes. i'm like oh, god, where am i. >> how long you been buying dope over there on the west side? >> probably like a year. >> you go by yourself, you go with other people? >> i usually go with other people.
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i don't have a license. >> so you go with random people or the same guy every time? >> same people. >> black guy, white guy? >> white guy. >> he's a user, too? >> oh, yeah. >> you buy from black guys over there, right? you ain't a gang banger, right? >> no. no. >> how much are you buying at a time? >> it's by chance that investigators at the criminal intelligence unit found this inmate at the right time. he's coming down off heroin and ready to sing like a canary. >> how many guys usually out there selling? >> they run it like a fortune 500 company. they got a guy on the phone, a guy on the phone's got a little chirper, call him and say hey, i need, okay, what car you in, i'm in a tan camry, okay, you there yet, i'm about to pull up. okay. then you hear beep-beep, hey, tan camry about to pull up. >> you get out of your car to get this? >> no. >> you stay in your car, they go out to your car?
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he's buying from a hot area. i would love to get in there. this guy's serving off the phone and he drives it to you. he can't be that smart and he ain't just driving with what he's got on him. i'm sure he's making drop-offs and everything else. >> they know you by name? >> no. >> they just serve anybody who calls the number? >> i'm telling you. >> you're serious, right? >> i'm serious. i could call him right now off the phone, yo, what's up, i'm on my way down there right now, think you could help me out. yeah, how many do you need? right now. any phone. your cell phone, you can do it. >> i'm going to get the number from you. >> yeah. >> i'm going to get it from you right now. maybe we'll cold call. >> i'll do it. >> i don't even need you. >> anybody can do it, right? yo, i'm close. can you do something? 1 >> yeah. like i told you. he will either tell you to go to two spots. which one, like where you want me to go? >> and this is both of these locations is the same person that you call out of your phone? >> yeah. >> what's the phone number? i'll cold call him, see what he says.
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doesn't matter who calls him. if the guy says yeah, we'll do it and we don't show up, so what? the guy's just going to think you're a dope fiend, calling back, hey, my ride never showed, i'm going to hit you back when i can get into the city. >> that's not the people you'll meet. >> that's the guy who puts the call out there. >> exactly. >> coming up on "the squeeze" -- [ gunshots ] >> the red van, it's right here. it crashed! >> a simple arrest spins out of control. >> right behind the house. right behind the house. >> someone shot down nikki. she was in crossfire. s wife, danielle almost every weekend. derrell hasn't been able to visit his mom back east in a long time. [ shirley ] things are sometimes a little tight around the house. i wasn't able to go to the wedding. [ emily jo ] since derrell couldn't get home we decided to bring home to him and then just gave him a
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little bit of help finding his way. ♪ ♪ [ laughs ] [ applause ] i love you. i love you, too. wasn't my daughter's black bean soup spectacular? [ man thinking ] oh, this gas. those antacids aren't working. oh no, not that not here! [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. questions? anyone have occasional constipationquesti diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. oh, after you. no, after you. oh, after you. no, after you. [ male announcer ] black friday will never be the same. with our 1-hour in stock guarantee get here between 10 and 11 and you're guaranteed to get these electronic gifts in time for christmas. the first and only place to go on black friday. walmart.
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how many guys are usually out there selling? >> they got a guy on the phone. guy on the phone you never, ever, ever meet. >> a middle-class kid from a good home isn't the typical inmate at cook county, nor is he the likeliest source of intel about a heroin ring. not when it's run by a west side chicago street gang. but all types filter through the jail's criminal intelligence unit. >> we're going to cold call him. >> i'll do it. >> make sure you let him know you're waiting on your ride. just see if he's cool.
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>> hey, what's up, bro? hey, i'm waiting on my ride right now. you going to be around in like a half hour? all right, cool. i need a whole one. all right, cool. thanks, bro. for sure. >> unreal. >> yeah. he's like yep. >> i never heard it done with no names, no nothing. just what do you need, i'm going to bring it to you. that's pretty ballsy. >> the next step for investigator drake carpenter is to set up a sting operation with the sheriff's police. in the meantime, he'll return the kid a favor. >> is the deck you're on cool over there? be honest. >> no. >> it's not cool? >> no. i'm scared. >> you should be scared. >> i know. >> i can move you. >> okay. >> somewhere, maybe you might be a little more comfortable, maybe an old man's deck. see if we can get you put in gang free.
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>> okay. you know what i'm saying? understand that comes with a price, too. >> whatever you want. >> all right. >> i'm going to give you all my information. you're going to see you again before you leave the county, i guarantee you that. >> thank you so much. >> all right. i'm going to let you talk. you'll be seeing me again either way. i'll come see you, make sure you're straight. >> okay. thanks a lot. >> the ciu's new informant isn't the only one sweating jail time. >> is it usual for you to sell 25 packs in a night, then call them up the same day? is this going to be odd that you're doing this? >> no. it's not going to be odd. >> sheriff's police investigators have arrested a self-admitted heroin pusher whom we'll call ike to protect his identity. >> is he expecting you to give him money tonight? >> um-hum. >> okay. so with him expecting you to give him money, are you going to be able to get more product tonight? >> ike angles to stay out of jail by offering to set up his main supplier as well as many others. >> when this guy gets locked up,
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do you have somebody else you'll be able to deal with? or you shut down, is this the only guy you deal with? [ phone ringing ] >> hello? what up, man? yeah, hey, man, i have to get back with you in a minute, man. >> act like you're still waiting on him and he has no idea. >> hello? what's up? i was on my way over, man, and i ran into a little problem, man. i'll be over there. >> what happened? >> what's up, old school? hey, what's up, man? i'll call you right back, as soon as i get over there in the area. it won't be long.
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>> safe to say you got a lot of clientele, right? >> i see. your phone ain't stopped ringing since you been sitting here. >> hello? what's up, bro? what's happening, man? i ain't around. trying to get something to eat right now. hello? hello? damn phone ran out of juice, man. >> a shame, all this work. for dlismt 50 a day. >> $50 every pack. >> $50 a pack. >> how many packs you sell a day? >> six. >> six packs a day? so you're doing pretty good for yourself. tax free. >> despite all the customers hounding ike for product, his own suppliers are no longer willing to talk business with him over the phone. it's possible they heard he got caught.
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>> that was the target? basically he got word back that you got caught up, now he's going to shut down with you. >> of the heavy hitters, there's nobody you can call right now to bring you some product. >> yeah. i can call people that don't know about us. >> pick the best one. where we're at right now, we got to take you back down and start processing you. we got to get going. we can't put something together right now we got to move on. >> once they check her out, make sure it's clear, turn it over to you guys. >> okay. >> all right? i don't want to wait too much longer for the second one. >> the gang unit is going to be executing a search warrant south wentworth in chicago heights. if you can make notification to chicago heights pd. we also have htb out with us. >> a lot of times with these suburban departments they're
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understaffed and overworked as well. a lot of these departments had full-time narcotic teams, full-time gang enforcement teams. where now with the economy so bad, they're losing people and so what happens is they'll call in cook county, they'll call in our teams to say hey, look, we know we're having a drug problem or we know we're having all these different things go on, we can't man a gang team or narcotic team. >> so the cook county sheriff's police provide support wherever they can. especially in chicago's south suburbs. where gangs have dug into the fabric of the communities. >> where you at? >> just left markham, headed to riverdale pd. >> riverdale is one of those places, located 19 miles south of the city.
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deem is hernandez and another sheriff's investigator will be helping the riverdale police take down a target today. they have been following an alleged dope dealer who lives in the area and they intend to catch him red-handed with product. >> nicki's got an unmarked car, undercover car. want her to do the eyes? >> nicki, keep an eye on that red van. >> 10-4.
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>> okay, that's him. he's there. he's there. move in. >> but as they move in for the arrest, the situation takes an unexpected turn. >> stop the van! stop the van! stop the van! don't drop your hands. let me see your hands. stop! stop! >> watch it, guys. watch, watch. [ gunfire ] >> shots fired. >> right here, it crashed. >> behind the house!
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can i help you? i heard you guys can ship ground for less than the ups store. that's right. i've learned the only way to get a holiday deal is to camp out. you know we've been open all night. is this a trick to get my spot? [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. save on ground shipping at fedex office.
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>> right behind the house. right behind the house. get on the ground. move! move! >> we got one. get your hands up! put your hands out where we can see them! i've got him covered. >> we have a description on the second guy? no, no description on the second one. >> i can't breathe. i'm hurt bad. >> we're going to get you an ambulance. >> 9649, we need an ambulance. got one that's shot.
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>> you picked a bad day. >> wow. wow. wow. >> sit. >> how the hell that happen? must have been when i took a fall. hey, john. you might have to come out for this. they were shooting at the target. he wouldn't stop, got into a foot pursuit. yeah. we got both of them. one guy's hit. that's what they're telling me. i'm out of breath here. yeah, i believe we're both okay. >> you all right? >> be more careful. >> it's part of the job. not the first time i've gotten
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hurt. >> only one person is seriously injured, the target of the arrest. he suffered a gunshot wound but is in stable condition. by standard practice, illinois state authorities must now step in to review the shooting and judge whether the riverdale cops opened fire with just cause. neither hernandez nor the other sheriff's investigator discharged their weapons so they're clear from review. >> our top story on news radio 780, it was a violent night in chicago. >> a round of shootings injured over 40 people. >> six people dead, 11 others hurt. >> acts of indescribable violence. >> the gun violence is out of hand. to have 63 shootings in one weekend alone, you have double digit numbers in high school kids, chicago public schools,
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who have been killed this summer alone, so any time we can get something off the street, i feel good about it, whether it's a .22 or we've pulled uzis off the street. as long as it can fire and kill somebody, i don't care if we can get it, it's a bonus for us. >> okay. on the left there's two abandoned houses. it's right in the middle. okay. see a mattress out here? what did she say? >> on the left-hand side. looks like a shotgun. >> obviously you can't really stop it all together, the gang violence, all we can really do is slow it down here and there. >> all right, man. yeah. we got it. you know, get back at me. when you got court again? right. okay. you know, just give me some
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notice, man. you know how it goes. i'll get everything together for you. all right? good job, man. >> a street informant is trying to earn good credit before his case goes to court. he's facing a felony drug charge and hopes that by turning in illegal firearms, the state's attorney will offer him a plea bargain for a reduced prison sentence. >> it depends on the person, the case they're fighting and what their background looks like. this guy, he had a lot of drugs on him and the case was really solid so they may not be willing to just forget it, but they are, you know, willing to maybe not slam him with the eight, maybe give him the three. it goes case by case, though, really. it really does. >> giving up stolen or black market guns can be a win-win proposition for informants and investigators alike.
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every firearm counts in a city battling twice the murder rate of los angeles and three times that of new york. >> the code of the street, no snitching or whatever. we all know it doesn't really exist but sometimes guys will give police information, you got to have guts to do it continually. >> hey, it's carp. i'm in this green taurus. i see you just pulled up. all right. this is him right here. >> one of the ciu's best informants is an active latino gang member whom we'll call tin man to protect his identity. he's turned in ten illegal guns to date, a betrayal punishable by death if his gang ever found out. >> for me the hope is to get these guns off the streets, you know. i had two brothers killed these last two years.
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i don't want to see no other families go through what my family's going through. my mom, it's killing my mom right now. two in two years? not including my cousins, five family members lost to gun violence. there's no remorse. in gang banging. i've been around gangs a long time. i'm just happy i'm still alive, you know? that's all i know. they kill each other. that's all i know. >> not a reason why you kill each other. you just know that's how you were raised, that's all you know. >> that's just the way it was. people lose their lives for what? >> even though he's working off a case, there's something about this guy, i think he's very genuine. i think some people are really wanting to make a change at some point. this is one of the guys i put some faith in. >> someone's coming.
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>> once it starts getting warm -- >> ten shootings one day. >> you're held captive in your own neighborhood. you can't sit on your own porch. you don't want to catch a stray. scary. we see it every day, the innocent people are the ones that catch the stray bullets in some type of gang crossfire or something. maybe he feels that's the little part he can still do and contribute to trying to keep his family safe. >> yet tin man also realizes that by working with law enforcement, he risks putting his loved ones in even greater jeopardy. it's a chance that many informants are willing to take. >> if they would cooperate with us, more than likely somebody is going to have to pay the ultimate sacrifice, whether it
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be your wife, your kid, yourself or everybody. of the leading non-concentrated brand... to clean 2x more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore. [ timers ringing ] [ male announcer ] it's that time of year. time for campbell's green bean casserole. you'll find the recipe at ♪ ♪ campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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i look at her, and i just want to give her everything. yeah you -- you know, everything can cost upwards of...[ whistles ] i did not want to think about that. relax, relax, relax. look at me, look at me. three words, dad -- e-trade financial consultants. so i can just go talk to 'em? just walk right in and talk to 'em. dude those guys are pros. they'll hook you up with a solid plan. they'll -- wa-- wa-- wait a minute. bobby? bobby! what are you doing, man? i'm speed dating! [ male announcer ] get investing advice for your family at e-trade.
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. we are learn of a second death in the massive pileup in texas. at least 100 vehicles crashed during dense fog near bo muppet. a brush fire in florida. it's forced residents in the area out of their homes. the u.s. post office will test same-day package delivery. if successful the program will expand to several big cities. now back to "msnbc investigates."
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that's the target? we basically got word back you got caught up. now he's going to shut down with you. >> investigator matthew jenna and his colleagues at the south gang unit have busted a dope slinger who is willing to do anything to stay out of jail. the trouble is word travels fast on the street. this hustler, nicknamed ike, phones his main suppliers, but they're not taking his bait. it's likely they already heard he got collared. >> he's out there right now, tell us who he is, give me a name, i can pull up his picture, you can say that's him, we can go pop him. something. we've invested a lot of time on
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this now. it's getting late and if results don't start coming in, we have to go ahead and put you downstairs and move on. once we go downstairs and put you in that cell, it's over. >> ike resorts to his last option, giving up dealers outside his normal circle of associates. >> what's his last name? >> the sheriff's police use his intel to identify several targets, leading them to one in the south suburbs. >> there's the target right here. >> 48 hours later, they obtain a search warrant. >> thank everybody for coming out. basically we have an informant that's been in this residence. when he was in the house he observed six to seven pounds of cannabis in the residence along with our target, he had a .38 caliber in his back pocket. there were other subjects in
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there doing buys, too. it's definitely going on over there. >> we will do at least two, probably three breaches. when we get up there, it's got to be in the middle of the property. so we're going to have to do right, left, right, left. >> hard to tell if they're in the car or in the house. i can't tell how many will be there when you pull up. >> that's the same activity that was going on earlier. it was just an update. is it a jaguar there? >> 10-4. >> that's our target's car. they're out in front of the car right now. >> let's see your hands. let's see those hands. let's see those hands. let's see those hands. hands! get on the ground! sheriff's police, get on the
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ground! get on the ground, do not move! get on the ground. do not move. >> hands behind your back. anyone move i'll blow your heads off, you hear me? >> yes, sir. >> target right here has a large amount of money in his pocket. >> that ain't my house. >> your address comes back to here on your i.d. >> not my house. that's an apartment building. >> you registered your address to this house right here. >> he was honest about his weed. you going to be honest about yours? you're the one i'm smelling. >> the only way you're going to help yourself out is you tell the truth. because you start lying to me about what's not in that house, i start finding stuff in the house, you'll never get this car back. no bangers in the house? >> shouldn't be, no. >> there's a big difference between ain't and shouldn't be. like i said, you be honest with me, we can work with you on this car.
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okay. so there probably is some dope in the house? >> no. >> pistols? you got pistols in the house? >> no dope in the house. >> yeah. you got .38 in there? >> who? >> what have you got in the house? all right. we're going to put you in the back of the car for right now. if you're honest with me, i can work with you. you got kids?
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so obviously you need that car, right? >> yeah. it is a gun. >> what kind of gun is it? >> .32. >> is it loaded? where's it at? >> right there on the couch. >> okay. all right, he's saying there is a .32 in the house, should be on the couch and there should be some weed in the house, too. there's no work in the house, though? okay. other than that pistol, we ain't going to find nothing else in there? all right. i can work with you now. >> a lot of these gang members have attorneys that work for their organization already. their attorneys will tell them don't say anything, give me a call and we'll handle it from there. you can tell the ones that don't have an attorney because those are the ones that will start telling you immediately i can do this, i can do that i get you this, i can get you that. that's a big difference. >> the usual stuff you're going to find in these houses is scales, the bullets. all right, man, we found that .32 so right now, we're looking at a couple felonies here. let's talk like we already know what's going on. i'm not a street cop, just pulling you over, hey, you have anything on you. i already know i'm holding a resume on you. that's why i'm here. you know what we got on you, you know what the charges are. give you some time to think about it. we'll get to lockup we'll talk about it, all right? we'll see. it's just a matter of time. we'll see. he thinks about it long enough, we know what's going to happen. >> hey, it's hernandez. i'll need a cr for a found article. it's a handgun. >> for our unit, we take a lot
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of pride in getting these guns off the street. >> thanks. >> i know it's a priority for the sheriff and all departments, is gun violence and trying to alleviate as much of it as possible. >> any illegal firearm recovery is a plus, but it's even better when it's an ak-47. that's what an inmate at chicago's cook county jail is promising investigators. >> this guy has definitely been around. he's heavy. he's well connected. this guy had a large area on the street so he was controlling a lot of blocks out there. known to be a heavy shooter, known for propensity for violence. currently he's in on a drug case and is looking for some assistance. >> we don't know his motivation, with his background it's really going to be hard to get him any type of consideration anyway but it's worth a try. >> this is a guy that can go a lot of places that the police can't.
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so he would be an asset to our unit for sure. >> but they also know that signing up a major player with his own agenda can get them burned. >> make sure you don't disappear and we don't hear from you as soon as you drive away. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing $0 deposit and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. [ male announcer ] it's
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and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. buy now. save later. it's not every day that a cook county jail inmate volunteers an ak-47 to authorities. that's why investigators sandoval and carpenter are moving quickly on his intel. >> the caliber weapon that he's inferring that he has, it would look good when you go to the state's attorney and let him know this guy cooperated to get something like this off the
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street. >> the inmate has asked a family member to bring the weapon to sandoval and carpenter. they agree to meet her at a public location. >> we're actually sitting in the jewel parking lot, sort of towards the back. we're in an unmarked black impala. what kind of car you driving? all right. see you in a minute. there she is right there. you see it? >> yeah. >> she just sat it down right there. >> the blue bag. >> hey, you just sat down by the fence. okay. i see you. yeah, thank you. >> she's spooked. >> it's definitely not what we had anticipated. i can tell you that.
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man. she got it right there, a glock j 22, 40 caliber full-size pistol. this is serious high capacity magazines. >> this is only police-issued right here. >> we're moving. brand new 40 glock. it's not the weapon he originally claimed he was going to have, but it's definitely a good hit. >> the glock recovery along with the inmate's promise to work as a street informant, persuades the state's attorney to reduce his bond. a few days later, the inmate is on his way home. >> before he's actually 100% free, we'll basically meet him at the front gate, bring him directly up here and get everything we need out of him, contact information, addresses,
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so we'll know where to find him. >> the inmate whom we'll call taft, knew sandoval and carpenter from previous jail stints, but he had never worked with them until now. >> what i'm doing right now would not be respected on the street. you know what i mean? it's a code that we live by. sometimes you got to go outside the code because the code, says i should just stay in jail. you know what i mean? rather be a smart gangster and live gangster than a dead gangster or a jailed gangster. >> what are you working on? ak? >> i don't know. i don't think that was the right number. >> taft says he'll get the ak-47 he had originally promised them, but investigators never take any promise at face value.
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>> we'll have it by nightfall. >> you sure? >> ain't sure, but -- >> it's looking good. >> we ain't doubting you. like you say, we gave you our word and you gave us your word. >> i'll get it as soon as >> i'll get it as soon as possible. i'll make everybody attempt to have it before -- >> you made a statement yesterday that kind of -- >> yeah. >> when you said before i even get excited with my girl, i want to make sure you guys have it. that meant a lot. >> yeah. don't be getting touched and -- you know. >> you've seen it in action, player. you know better. >> yeah. >> so the issue we're having now is one of your boys has it? >> yeah. >> they got rounds for it, too? or just the weapon? >> yeah. pretty sure. it's the good one, too, with the fold and stuff. >> all anybody would use that for is to send a message.
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>> you use that to make a funeral. >> more than one. >> make a funeral. >> make sure you don't freaking disappear and we don't hear from you right now as soon as you drive away. >> you won't hear from me anymore. i'm going to take care of this. >> sandoval and carpenter have their doubts though as they lead taft out the back gate. >> he could burn us. i mean technically he got us a gun. that's what we went to court for. technically, he did what he said he was going to do. his case is still pending but now he knows his case is beatable. >> don't get in in [ muted ] this weekend and don't forget to call me. >> who knows what his motives are. >> that irks me. how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase,
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every day! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve great rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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they know you by name. >> i'm telling you -- >> you're serious right? >> i'm serious. >> no criminal intel is ever any good until it's been tested. >> hey, what's up bro? going to be around in a half hour? okay. cool. i need a whole one. all right. cool. thanks bro. >> for sure. >> unreal. >> this inmate proved his credibility with a call to his heroin dealer. so investigators try the same number again to make a dope buy. >> know man what up? i'm going to try you right back in ten minutes. trying to get a full load. so turn your phone back on. i'll call you right back. it's not like he was on the
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other line. try back in ten minutes. >> i'm just about to get off to a 90 right now. if you're in the area please hit me back, man, so we can handle it. >> but the target never calls them back. >> what do you think, spanky? >> it's hit or miss. it's part of the game. >> as for the inmate who gave them the tip, he's been transferred to drug rehab. and they're still leaning on another informant nicknamed taft to come up with results. >> this one was a short sleep. more than a week has passed since he promised to turn in an ak-47, and they're running out of patience. >> hello? so what's up, man? are you going to make it happen or no.
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sitting on pins and needles for nothing or what? i'm going to give you an hour to let me know yes or no on today. all right. later. he's answering the phone so i'm not getting blown off yet. >> but taft never does come through with the weapon. fortunately, they're having better luck with their other informants. >> what we have here are all of the guns that the ciu unit has seized from drug dealers and gangbangers over the past little over one-year period. so if you want to take a look at all of them you can see -- >> this is great guys. fantastic. i don't even know if you could put a real value on it because you can never talk about things that don't occur. i mean, which one of these guns was going to be the next one that would kill little children in the neighborhood? the results, as i say, you will never really be able to quantify but it's a tremendous value to the community. >> this that you see here will
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be set for destruction. >> wow. >> ironically enough one of the guys here made a comment which i'm still trying to decipher, i couldn't understand what carpenter meant by this will fit in his garter belt. >> yeah. >> chicago police say four people were killed inside a house around 4:30 in the morning. >> 14-year-old boy is in critical condition. >> one person dead another person critically wounded. >> the reality is no matter how many guns that they recover, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands still out there. >> i got it. >> what you got here is a .38 special. >> the only choice they really have is to keep trying.
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>> you're going to see a lot of shootings in the next month or so as the weather changes and it's steadily into the 70s because everybody has been cooped up all winter. all that animosity you have built up from last summer, you know what i mean? i felt like i could have made more money. i felt like this. i could have did this i could have did that. you can't do that [ muted ] in the wintertime. you ain't over taking over blocks in february when it's negative 30, you know? now it's iss the time. >> the victims included a woman a 16-year-old pregnant girl. >> shot while walking on chicago's west side. >> 3-year-old girl -- >> round of shootings. >> chicago's south side.
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