tv Lockup MSNBC November 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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let's solve this. >> narrator: except for trips to or from cournmlouisville metro rarely spend time outdoors.ide, to fresh air or anything like that. there are little windows in their housing areas or in their louisville metro department ofe overcrowded conditions on ne cells, like on the single cell there is no outside recreation atll >> narrator: diontray jackson is about to step outside for the daily basis, several inmates fit time in three months. have cells all to themselves. acy.most don't cherish the they are in segregation for a variety of disciplinary issues and have little to do all day but to look out the window. you got to be strong. you got to be mental strong. you t to be physically strong. >> i said, "if you touch my food, we're gonna have a >> sometim, i wish i was an eagle. i could fly over everything. and he proceeded to touch my food. morning time, wake me up, and >> narrator: a lunchtime dispute turns violent. >> it was really a bully that's one of my songs i wrote. >> [ laughs ] take a hot bath, eat real good, situation,ommercial. then make long love. that's it. th sleep like a baby with the music on. >> narrator: jackson will also doesn't pay and jail isn't free. his jail-issued scrubs for the clothes he was wnto louisville metro.
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a few days earlier, his judge have sung the birds >>y! i got to give you $35 to locme >>re i >> fhting? everything i've done i said the birds, the birds with ever bn have sung sentence under home incarceration as long as he agrees to participate in a drug-rehabilitation program. but before he leaves, he must be return to the streets. everything i've done ♪ fitted wh >> i'm the predator, not the prey.@ >> taking your shoes off. >> them birds sing everything i've done. >> where are your shoes?>> i ga. you know, in the morning, the first thing you hear is the birds, you know? and they we you up, and they k they're saying, but i do. that's just tradition. [ chuckles ] >> narrator: diontray jackson copes in segregation better than many other inmates. perhaps it's due to an active imagination, even when it comes >> you can take a bath in thesy things, okay? m- to h.i.p.'s pretty simple. otrinking,o if you go outside >> oh, man bats, bourbon, and betting, lou thank you. thank you very much. but when good times go bad, this ankle's gonnaell us, there's a place downtown where t okay, and we're gonna be up at your house, nding out what's le, okay?e you leave cornbread, rice. it's not something you want to the losville metro department i eat, but youot to use your if you don't follow that schedule, it's gonna send an at ihop or something. out where you're at, okay?>> all right.
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and women charged with anything >> so make sure you do not l without a schedule, okay? o'charley's or something. you know, you got to make the most are here awaiti trial or best of the crap. the resolution of their charges mind over matter. >> you got any questions? you know what i'm talking? mind over everything. >> narrator: soon after >> uh-uh. >> all right. jackson's segregation time is complete, he wl leave the jail let's get you t of here then. >> i'm feeling good -- good to 4 fu know, get to go home, see m across the street. altogether and serve the res >> nartor: today, both home-incarceration program, where he will be back with the woman he loves. somebody as beal make love. their layouts are yes! here? you guys doing all right? as her, it's like finding a >> nrator: director mark diamond for the first time in your life. bolton wants to change that. yeah, i mean, it's hot as a >> this is an old facility. mother[bleep] out here. you can tell i locked up in it's a very costly facility to e and i finally mond. all the other ones was decoys, preparing me for the real thing, that i would like to accomplisht you know? >> narrator: brian voltz is spending more time outdoors, as so when you finally get somebody you really love, you got to arm well, now that he's qualified capawqty planning foa new for the jail's work-release direct-supervisiai program. >> narrator: direcpe is a system where officeare stationed in i got my swag back. i mean, it just macikes you fee research shows it to be more less captive, less like an effective ineducing olence mother of his 2-year-old son, he anal. than in facilities where remote you knowhat i'm saying?>> narra is nearing the end of a 6-month senten supervn >> we did have an argument. >> y
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we did have a dispute. >> [ laughs ] but it was never to the degree officers frequently visit free to leave during the day to go to work at his louisville >> narrator: during his time ie tattoo studio. nosence. relationship with the woman he's >> this is body tags. accused of abusing. this is my heart and soul. >> this is more of an indirect, >> i need her to put money on my books. >> hey. remote type ofnmurt what we cani i need her >> you ready? i need her to do things. traverse the jail and get in and be able to do more for himself.e >> i'm ready. >> what's up? >> this is what i loveoing. i love the fact that, you know, we got our shop going, and it really develop that licing mode main jail to a work-release what it is. facitye he can spend hisk in hi. an, it cttooing probably an jail. averagkce of three people a da so i'm doing all right.2 >> unlock doordoor, door. >> o you feel me?wg >> narrator: so when a fight i make jailhouse business cards bop! >> oh! [ laughou know you got te breaks out, response times are slower than those in direct-supervision facilities and pass out my information. warranty, too? >> i better have o everybody in here can tell you >> narrator: though voltz' professional life is back on inside the housing uts. where my shop is. buy one, get one free for everybody in here. quire attentio >> is that right? >> yeah. officersavju fight between twintes., also k >> what's up? >> 9 times out of 10, when people get out of here, ey gonna come see me to get a >> narrator: alicia russ is the spray. the work. >> right there. >> put it right there? e victim of his last criminal t -- domestic >> let's go! william mitchell.r >> yeah.the shoulder blade? >> that's where i want it to go. >> it don't go well with the burglary and has plenot bullet wounds in the front.
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>> that'll be good on your back. who's charged with cocaine >> youf8 possession., too, has pled not d is awaiting trial.ust like any okay, you're going to ccc. >> all right. >> ccc... letting him through. have fights. ove you, brother. there's gonna be arguments, >> love you, too, boy. >> reach out. whether it's over just one tv, >> for sure. you knththrooms. >> i'm gonna catch up with you, man. couleef d be bom the all right.$ but most times, people will get. to your left.rator: mitchell d wn from each other and ry continue their dispute. >> that's right, fool! >> i ain't no bitch! you gonna snea he snuck [bleep] when my head was turned [bleep] >> narrator: voltz is >> bitch, you talking about transported two miles away to the jail's community correctios center, or ccc.0#í >> narrator: mitchell got cut on to medical forb treatment.y% >> [bleep] snuck me while i wasn't looking. >> miss me? >> did you miss us?oz >> narrator: beavers got the
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worst of the pepper spray. >> hell yeah. >> obviously. you came back. >> i couldn't wait to get back. >> narrator: the facility is not unlike the jail dormolnight, but get to wear civilian clothing >> ooh [eep] and go to preapproved locations my face ain' during the day, such as his shop or out for medical treatnts. ;>> the heat's not goa go away for aboua gonna burn, all right? but some things here are all tol that's all that's gonna happen for 30, 45 mines. i've been sprayed at least 50 ti >> overcrowded. >> okay. jefferson county. u narra wuiet about the caus keep people locked up for bull[bleep] this is what you get. fights, both men agree on what every bunk in here filled up. you get people on the floor, on =- the boats. >> narrator: it had to do with, among other things, noodles. causes for ho1igh tension, an that's where a whole lot of bitch-ass [bleep] aggression and aggravations come >> i'm protectinmyself! from. you know what i'm saying? whole lot better. >> narrator: when an inmate is booked into the il, he icharged help reimburseheac if they can't pay it, a lien in >> narrator: cominup... use to buy food and other items b narrator: brian voltz is back slinging ink... from the locked u >> bop!h! [ laughs ] times and don't have no money, that booking fee just keeps >> narra:tor: ...and back with the woman who filed chges adding on and adding on, so it can be several hundred dollars that you owe the jail. v >> narrator: beavers had such a lien on his account, so he made
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a deal with mitche beavers' family would deposit commissary money on mitchell's account.(( mitchell would then order commissary goods for beavers.ovn packages of noodle soup beavs is what drives us to broadcast would give to mitchell for agreeing to the plan. the world's biggest events in 3d, >> so mr. mitchell expected some or live to your seat high above the atlantic ocean. type of payment more than two it's what drives us to create eco-friendly race tracks, and that's when the fight broke out. tomorrow's cars, >> narrator: either way, the practice is a violation of jail nearly indestrucnable smart towns of the future. at panasonic, we're driven nk. >> narrator: both beavers and mitchell will soon meet with disciplinary officer hale, who will determine how m segregation -- a locked in their cells 23 hours per day. >> they're not allowed visits. they're not allowed to go to the gym. they're not allowed to have books. the only thing they can have is legal material that peai >> narrator: most inmates don't
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like to fight,ut some relish violce. >> i love to fight. d at it? >> fighting? i've never been beat. call me the white tyson. >> narrator: brian voltz is rrently serving six victim w 4; still, he pled guilty to domestic abuse and returned to 18, 19 times he's been in jail.l n a wo♪ ♪ there is so much to see
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when i was 18, and i'vpr ♪ there's still no other place four times a year, sometimes úy ♪ that wo, rather more, sometimes less. ♪ rather, rather be >> narrator: vtz, whhaso served two terms in state prison ♪ [ male announcer ] dip into sabra hummus the recent car accident that has forced him to walk with a cane hasn slowed m down. and discover a little tas of the world. >> what don'kill youakes you enjoy sabra d stronger. >> can youtill fight like this? adventure await " enjoy sabra d thrget 3 yearsgiving weekend, interest-free financing ht.the last guy whooped was o and save up to $600 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing ll throw it to the side, put on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. my hands up.t the prey. mattss pce wars ends sunday at sleep train. i do the eating. i but a lot of the c.o.s will tell whole lot, so i've been the inmate before with the buck-wilg
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for nothing and not knowing the codeve been there, de. >> narrator: now at age 33, say gin a new chapter. he wilsoone eligible for a but preapproved locations, such as the >> whatever do, i'm gonna have to do it on my own or with my group,se a gorld.dva question i have for you. >> job search sucks. [ laughs ] my job seais usually "don' ion." your time filling out the it's my nickname my first self-explanatory. >> narrator: brian voltz explains his ink. >> narrator: and another inmate uses a food tray as a weapon.
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>> narrator: about 45,000 the corrections jail each os completely maxed out.inst our capacity every day. every day, we're approaching 2,000 inmas, with 1,793 beds. >> heyo your side.!q >> i think we lock up too many . alternatives to incarceration hat are lower risk, for mentally ill population, 'cause we cannot build our way out of this problem. yoow, there's a saying in this business,ifd, you know, yo
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-- wil i guarantee you it'll y.every b filled at louisville met, some inmates sleep on the flon that . one of the boats was assigned t. us >> i want your juice, sugar. you gonna take this cake for a juice? sits and talks and plays cards ú and gets on my nerves. >> they're sitting overtop of . >> well, these are the bunks. it looks like the projects back here soh the toilet, and that's ]
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l right. toilet. this is the shower area, which see this is just where ing. they jen they have maids. the women -- you just wouldn't believe how silly it is.>> no, ! >> so here we go. us bull[bleep] about y'all! >> how old >> how old are you?! >> i'm 2 i'm 27! ain't no y'all was talking about her!g w you? bull[bleep] when the girls sayhawhen y'all started [bleep] ain't no mother[bleep] say that, and that's forhe [bleep] camera! how y'all like that?! th'sthat's what the [bleep] the got! >> narrator: knowing a shouting match can turn physical, officers quickly separate the inmates.ies...
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>> what's the matter? minute, okay, please? all right? leaveverybody else alone. all right? >> there you have it. that's why i don't like this >> every day, u come in to a 's. i mean, it's anywhere in the and that happe eift in the faci multiple times most days. >> narrator: at louisville metro, malinmas outnumber fe most live in dormitories designed to holdither 16 or 24 always beyond capacity. rrle i've ever been to in my entire life.fowve
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you know, it just n' and you have, you know, animy in each other's faces and trying toill eachthat many personalities clashing, it's gonna happen. >> narrator: and less than 24 u at the center of oneh as my eighth day her hear somebody say something to me when we're in line, but i didn't really pay tention. i was half asleep. and i walked back to my place, d guy -- he says, "either u'fareg or you got to get up." my food, we're gonna have a problem." >>arrator: thompson rises from seconds later, the other inmate, keith reeves, appears to put a
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ri him in the mouth li four times, and then he tried to take another tray and pour it overtop of headlock, and i just choked him out. narrator: o i the fight whn off-camera officer arrives and threatens tose pepper spafter i both inmates, staff identified reeves ae temporarily assigned him to a 6 single-person segregatn tor: they allowed thompson to return to his dormitory. >> situation, like what you would see on a commercial, you know, about kids bullying. >> [ sighs ]at himcool, laid-ba type person. you know what i'm saying? to people start getting on my nerves. i can get an attitude problem. and you know what i'm saying? he hit me first.
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but they dthey looking at it i . so you know whe hole. i all can't do nothing. can't talk to nobody. no tv, no anything. i'm hoping for the best. >> narratoár: coming up...n >> youe p. >> we're not charging. >> i didn't say, "come lock me up." >> narrator: deamon beavers yzarns that jail comes with a price. >> you're taking money from us, from metro government. >> how?! with the theory of relativity, the next... stop, stop, stop! my car! not so much. that's okay. eat ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car, and we give you the money to buy one
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methods. few, however, can match diontray jackson's routine. >> [ gasps ] >> eight [bleep] you gonna try for nine? eight. mm-hmm! eight. >> huh? >> in this jail, man, it's like you got to be strong. you got to be mentally strong. you got to be physically strong. people see a weak spot, you know, they come for you, you know? ain't no guns in here. >> narrator: there are about 24 fights per month among the jail's male inmates. out what happened. >> let's go!ght between william mitchell and deamon
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beavers is due to a disagreement over how many packages of noodle soup beavers would pay mitchell in ret mitchell allowed beavers to use his account to buy commissary goods. since any money beavers had in his own account would be garnished by the jail for unpaid booking fees. >> you ready? >> narrator: beavers must now tell his side of the story to disciplinary officer hale, who will decide how much time he will get in segregation. >> i don't have no problems. you know what i'm saying? come on, harvey. you know me. you know i don't cause no ruckus. >> you complied and laid on the ground. mr. willms kept on trying to fight. and like i do with everybody in here, your first offense for fighting's gna be 10 days. >> oh, man. come on, man. i mean, come on, hale... i comply with everything the officers have asked me to do. i've been in here.
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i ain't been kicking on no doors. i ain't been causing no ru or nothing. >> sign right there and right there. >> [ sighs ] that's just bull[bleep] man. lose all the way around. lose my money, lose my commissary, and lose my privileges. >> you want to sign that? >> that don't even make sense, man. you know me. collins, that don't even make sense. >> all right, let me explain something to you real quick, all right? i ain't got nothing to do with this, but i'm just witnessing this.ted from. >> dude's trying to steal my [bleep] >> what's it originally started from? it started from putting money on an account illegally. >> i ain't know nothing about that was illegal. >> no, man. omd a problem with my account. >> all right, let me ask you something. >> i ain't never had a problem with my >> if you didn't know nothing was wrong with it, then why did you have to put it on somebody else's account? >> because i owe the jail money. so you're taking money from us, from metro that m come. if you put it on your books, that would go to your booking
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fees you owe. >> booking fees is bull[bleep] anyway!ive you $35 to lock me up?! >> absolutely. you know how much it costs a day to incarcerate somebody? >> i'm ping you to lock me up. i didn't ask -- >> you ain't paying me. you're paying tax dollars. >> you just said i'm taking money from y'all. >> you're taking from metro government. i work for metro goveren0g&kí >> so i got to pay the government for them tok >> yeah, 'cause the government has to pay for your housing.mlu. >> you got to pay $25 a day to be incarcerated. >> that's bull[bleep] though is what i'm saying. you're charging me to be locked up. vi didn't ask to be locked up. >> we're not charging you. >> i didn't say, "come lme >> taxpayers voted that, all right? up. here comes some money.bills on pay. [bleep] i don't like paying the government to lock me up. >> step back in. >> he got kind of mad, but, you know, he's got to deal with the consequences. like lieutenant collins told him, put money on the books illegally.
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you knowthat's his fault. he lost everything he's got. so, you know, i was fair with him. t$'s just not happy right now. >> narrator: coming up... >> say a-b-c-d-e-f-g >> narrator: ...brian voltz puts his tough-guy image aside, at least for a little while. >> i don't know who my daddy is. if i was to ever meet him, i'd probably hit him in his mouth. >> narrator: and... >> i was gonna move his tray ou where i was sitting at. a seat,n the opposite side of you. >> narrator: ...keith reeves attempts to prove security cameras wrong. almost every we. derrell hasn't been able to visit mo in a long time. [ shirley ] things are sometimes a lite tight around the house. i wasn't able to go to the wedding. [ emily jo ] since derrell couldn't get home, and then just gave him a little bit of help finding his way.
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ror how did you get cut throat? >> it's my nickname my first time in penitentiary. among st prized possessions. >> i've always been unique, and when i met tattoos, that was myb way to be even more unique. what's up? everywhere. >> narrator: but voltz says he treasures more than his ink. "i'm daddy's baby." say it loud and proud. say, "i'm daddy's baby." 2-year-old and a 13-year-old, by 2 different women. he is currently in jail for domestic abuse against the mother of his 2-year-old, brian ii, or deuce.s you. when i'm fre i take great pride in spending time with my kids.ú cked up.y's not at the doctor. i don't lie to my
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i love you more. even though i've slacked and i'd be less of a man to not admit in my neglectful states, i was always a great father. say a-b-c-d-f-g h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p i'll be damned if i let them grow up without a father like i did.ho my daddy io if i was to ever mt 'd probably hit him in his mouth.m >> he got one called "my money iny pocket." my money my pocket money in my pocket >> narrator: while voltz strives to be a father to his children, he mvust also reconuce's mother. >> thank you for sending that d to send. >> check. >> i got me some hygie
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pre cry. i ain't cried in a long time.te. all right. et. >> he got ne and one day, i heard him singing that. >> money in his pocket. ry talk to my kids, i brighten up. ot back treality, and this right here what you see is, reality is 23 hours a day in a segregation cell, 10 days of it, for fighting with another and t says some of his personal belongings, including letters om his daughter, were stolen by other inmates when he transferred cells. it's dirty. it's nasty.
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it stinks. i wouldn't lety dog live like this. i lost my phone privileges. i can't talk to my kids or my wife. e mm i'm not even depressed about that. $20 ain't nothing. but it's the point of my letters from my daughter. that's what gets me through. you know what i mean? i'm through, man.i won't talk n diontray jackson now uses his time there to do what he does built more muscle.ff. during his time in general jñs population, jackson was known d staying t for the fight.ds >>
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know, they come for you. ait no guns in here. >> narrator: and it was,n fact, a ght that landed n here. >> little tercation. came out. nobody hit me. i hit them. and they brought me down here s 15 days, you know? yogo you got stay militant. you got to stay alert. 'cause anything goes. i learned how to pct >> narrar: though jackson stays in peak physical condition, he says he's as much a lover as he is a fighter. >> these are my letters i got this mor from my wife. she's always sending me ements,
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me motivat, keep my mind from being inside these i love her to de it's le of course, they always are whe. i just got this one today. that's a beautiful c it says, "in all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. in all the world, there is no love for you like mine." then it says, "i am thankful for all that has happened to bring us together. i know our love was meant to be." la then, i like this one the best, because it says, "hats off to you. i didne, you know, it toucon th. i guess she was telling me to meditate before i punch people >> narrator: keith reeves might
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not have thrown the first punch, but staff say he instid 3t wit. keith t this table with his in and tray right here. and here comes inmate benjamin thompson. comes arnd and sits at the opposiea then that's when inmate rees ta tray.oints in his face, and then that's when the fight starts. convince disciplinary officer the fight, he could return to his dorm.ace up to 60 daysse >> i mean, now is the time to n, because i've already watched the tape, and i know what happened, okay? go ahead. >> we just started fighting. i feel like if i wanted to really fight him like that i'd vei'm saying? -- caught him off the camera we'd have fought where i wouldn't have to deal with y'all right now. >> when i watched the video, itn
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showed me that you were trying to take his food from his tray.s >> i was gonna move his tray out of my way 'cause he was sitting where i was sitting at.ell, i mt a chai and theher. i mean, where did you want him to go to? >> right, but where he was sitting at is where i was sitting, 'cause he got to the table before i did. he was sitting right there where i was already sitting at before he challenged me. >> so you can't sit at that same table and eat? >> not if i'm sitting right there in the seat where he tried to take my seat. no, he's not gonna just sit in my seat. he can sit anywhere he wants on the table. >> in the vi you sit down. he comes around this way and sits in this chair, and it shows you looking at him. i guess you're saying something to him. and then he stands u okay? >> right. i was telling him, "you'd better get out of my seat," or move his chair. >> but you were already sitting in aea side of's what i' explain to you. >> i know.j/ >> and then when you stand up and you reach and try to grab something off his tray and he blocks you, then you poke him in the face.
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so, i'm saying thekpre's five were the only one at a table.p he just came around and sat at another table. he wasn't trying to sit in your chair. >> he was already sitting in my sit at the table. >> how was i the first one to sit there? he got his food before i did in line. >> >> all right, all what i'm tryi explain. i done watched the whole video, okay? >> >> the video's for my use only.? >> yeah. >> i can give you 60 days in disciplinary segregation for the write-up. if the other inmate wanted to, he could have taken out assault 2 charges against you for using that tray as a weapon during a fight. evidently, he didn't. being your first-time offense, and this is your copy. you'll be moved to disciplinary
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segregation sometime today. all right. you're good. >> [ mum >> reeves, will you just switch out jump suits for me, man? i need the orange one back. and pack all yr >> you got these young guys. some of them don't care. so they all get smart. you can see his demeanor was a tried to lie a little bit, sitting at his seat.l so right there, he tried to lie his way out of it. >> damn! >> aig surveillance footage not only revealed the truth, upon close examination, it g about the bin properties of jail food. >> it's gonna take one, two hits, and then the food finally comes out.
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i would say more than likely that's either macaroni and cheese or it's scalloped potatoes, which theye the trays.ey say. "if it sticks to the tray, it sticks to your ribs," and it keeps you fuller. i don't know. i've been eating it for 17 years. it ain't killed me y, guess it's good. >> narrator: coming up... >> it's not something you want to eat, but you got to use your imagination with this, like i'm brian voltz takes a significant >> i love you, bro. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing rtfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses.
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