tv Caught on Camera MSNBC November 24, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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exceeds far beyond the boundaries of ford heights. evan ston, 13 miles knot of downtown chicago, home to northwestern university and multimillion dollar mansions. an idyllic north shore suburb. >> police, search warrant. police search warrant. compromise, compromise, compromise! >> until you look closely. >> got a guy right there, right there. >> when i get the [ bleep ] out of here, y'all know what time it is. >> it's d-day for sergeant
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ohlander and the cook county sheriff's police. together with the evanston pd they're rounding up two dozen mar cot ticks and weapons traffickers. >> here we go, guys. >> they've spent the last five months building cases and they're about to net a very big fish. >> go. downstairs! downstairs! downstairs! downstairs! go! >> you ever work with the police before, or no? >> here we go, guys. >> let's go!
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police search warrant! downstairs! downstairs! downstairs! downstairs! let's go! >> i mean, whatever you fooind in here belongs to me. whatever you find. >> do you want us to tear the place up? >> i don't have anything in here. he said there was a scale with h heroin in it. that's mine. if anything else you find in there, everything -- >> have anything else on you? >> man, you can pat me down, too, man. i don't have anything on me. nothing. >> okay. we're going to tear the house up. >> for what? i just told you ain't nothing in there. >> evanston police have been waiting to nab this target, an alleged heroin dealer for long time, but they couldn't do it by themselves, not in a criminal community this small. they needed an ace up their sleeve. >> we don't do much undercover with our own officers in town. it's almost impossible for us to get into the drug dealers because they know us, they know
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our names, they know our faces. so we have to bring in outside people. >> known me a long time, right? >> yep. >> okay. >> so you know i'm not bull [ bleep ]. >> okay. >> if i say there's not nothing in there. >> know this guy here? >> and now their trump card. >> not a good day for you, man. you know what i'm saying? you got a bad case coming towards you. you know what i'm saying? do you know what i'm saying? that was a question. >> oh, okay. i heard your question. >> cool, cool. >> you know who that is? >> no. >> the look on his face was, i'm screwed. i love seeing the look. right now he's thinking, at that moment he knew he sold this guy drugs and this guy's a cop because he's standing in front of him with all the gear on. we've got a video of the deal and everything. he knows. >> that's not all that olander and his fellow officers have on their target, they've seized enough illegal firepower from his house for a one man army.
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>> we have everything from a .50 cal desert eagle to a .9 millimeter sig. we've got springfield arms. >> at this point all he can do is help himself. you know? it's on him. >> we're just letting you know. >> i'm saying why would i want to talk to someone? >> a lot of dealers, they know the games. if they talk, they can lessen it or maybe even walk. we've had brothers give up brothers, their own family. this is the game. >> but even as police send the target and 35 other arrestees off to jail, they know they're only making a minor dent in a much larger problem. evanston's gang presence has been growing and so has its murder rate. in 2010, homicides rose by 600%. >> everybody has heard of evanston for northwestern
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university. very cultural suburb. beautiful suburb by the lakefront. very seldom do you hear, go two or three blocks in, about the drug dealing. heroin, crack, and all that. >> it's literally two blocks. >> it's right there. >> evanston's proximity to other affluent northern suburbs makes it a central hub for drug sales north of chicago. many customers are casual users, experiments with cocaine or hero heroin. and some pay the ultimate price. heroin fatalities in outlying areas have more than doubled in two years. >> when a new strand of heroin comes into an area and they don't know how to cut it or the potency of it they put it on the street. these kids are naive, human guinea pigs. that's frustrating. they come in from one of he's affluent neighborhoods, goes to evanston to buy heroin, hearing
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it's something cool to try, and dies the first time. >> they begin planning another major operation with the evanston pd, this time they'll move higher up the food chain. >> some of these guys, they don't sell from the houses. they learn that police buy from the house, they come and get a search warrant at their crib. now they do their sales on the street. they're mobile. they feel a little more secure because they're mobile, they're moving, they're watching. what we'll do is make our buys from there. we adapt to them. >> hey, anyone from evanston? evanston? 71st? there's been a lot of shootings over there, man. >> mayor daley knocks the projects down. where do you think these guys are going to? guys are making thousands of dollars, relocate to a different area and move out to evanston.
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this is my block, no, it's not. i'm going show you whose block it is. >> evanston's not the only community battling an influx of gang activity from the city. it's a wide spread phenomenon fuelled in part by the closing of chicago's public housing projects. now, gangs are sprawling into 88% of the suburbs throughout cook county. >> chief of police asked me, how do you know you have a gang problem? i tell him, chief, i have this. i understand what this stuff means. i can't be a gang expert if i don't know what this means. >> one of the best places to track the chicago area's 70 plus gangs, estimated 100,000 gang members, is at the jail. most detainees here are being held for trial as they've been charged but not convicted of crimes. investigators with the criminal intelligence unit, or ciu, are assisting multiple police agencies at once, from the evanston pd to the chicago pd to the sheriff's police and sharing
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the latest gang intel. recently investigators adrian sandoval and drake carpenter began hearing about a renewed battle on the streets between two long time rivals trksz lat the kings and maniac latin disciples. >> what are you? >> maniac. >> it's hot over there. what kind of case do you have? >> my backup? a couple of misdemeanors. resisting. > what do they call you? >> the maniacs, they've been at war with a lot of other big gangs they've been at washing with the cobras, gangsters, the kings. one of the biggest, bloodiest wars were themselves, killing each other. >> you're recording so you can see my face. you know what i mean? shoot me. >> the maniac latin disciples, or mlds, represent the second largest latino street gang in
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chicago. founded in the 1960s, they got their start in humboldt park on the city's northwest side and branched out from there. they now claim up to 3,000 members who must obey strict codes of conduct. above all no, one is to cooperate with law enforcement. but sandoval and carpenter have seen gang members break that cardinal rule time and time again. they've personally recruited many informants from the maniac latin disciples, including this man whom we're calling poncho to protect his identity. poncho's been in and out of jail several times. at one point sandoval helped him work out a plea bargain on a bad situation, ande the man came and saved me. i owe him. >> now that he's out he will call and let us know of certain murders, who did what, what it was about, was it retaliation.
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>> poncho takes sandoval by surprise, however, when he brings a fellow member of his gang into the fold. they will be working alongside each other as paid informants. >> he came to me and was like, hey, man, what's up? i know you're doing this because i see it. and me being the man that i am, i said, yeah, man, that's what i'm doing. and he was like, what, i want to help out, too. >> it is very questionable. right now it's the beginning of helping each other out. we'll see when they have the first disagreement, how it turns out. >> because this is about the decisions that i'm making. what we doing -- kos means kill on sight in latino gang slang. both of these men are taking extra precautions like wearing disguises on camera for their safety. we're giving poncho's partner the nickname lefty to help conceal his identity.
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>> i would have go home, grab my family and leave. take everything, go, just straight to the border, just disappear. >> it's a fine line that you cross, that once you cross you really can't come back. >> if i find out that somebody told on me, they wouldn't believe it. not him. the maniac family is like a family because it's the neighborhood that you grew up in. all these guys know each other for years and years. >> but for all the gang's talk about paranoia runs deep within their upper rinks, and for good reason. the ship is full of leaks. >> there's a lot of people talking, a lot of people working with the police. they know people are working. they don't know who. so they're like leery about everybody, you know? >> poncho and lefty say that it's become a matter of self meer is investigation to play both sides of the fence. they also have another motive,
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money. both offer to help sandoval and carpenter set up members of a drug ring on the city's west side. they could earn a percentage of any cash that police seize as a result of the sting operation. >> if i can make some money i'm going to do it because it's a job for me. >> where is he at now, jay? >> talking to a guy right now. >> just to be that guy that is setting everybody up and nobody knows who you are is a rush in itself. when they feed off that. >> this can go sour real fast. >> police, search warrant! police, search warrant! come to the door! come to the door! . to the gas station ut once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates
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summer. >> reporter: summertime is traditionally the bloodiest and between two major gangs is already flaring up again. ciu investigators adrian sandoval and drake carpenter have a pair of street informants from one of those gang, s readyo go to work for them. >> it's good to have one of us guys on here. >> besides acting as eyes and ears for law enforcement, these confidential sources have offered to set up a west side drug ring in return for money. we're calling them poncho and lefty for their protection. >> who can get us to this block? >> me. >> you could? >> yeah. >> number one kilo? >> even though black and latino gangs occupy different territories in chicago, sometimes they'll work together if there's a financial opportunity. poncho and lefty are giving up
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members of a black street gang they do business with. >> as a first step, the sheri sheriff's police are sending an undercover officer with poncho to bye heroin from the ring leader. sa sandoval rides with one of four marked surveillance units while the deal goes down. >> where is he at now, jay? >> he's talking to the guy right now. >> it's a good deal. he got 12. they're heading back to the meet spot. >> it went great. i introduced my friend to him,
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and he shook his hand. he gave his number, said call me whenever you need anything. you need to have a good friend when you're doing this. if you're nervous, paranoid, that's how things are going to come off. if you're relaxed, you know, you're doing good. >> with one successful buy under their belts, investigators blan to do many more with poncho's help in order to build a conspiracy case. but they want to send out his partner lefty next on an undercover buy before he gets any second thoughts. >> right now there's only been one guy working. the other guy can still hold that against him. obviously you can't always get along with somebody. it's pretty we'll see. >> everything hinges on the relationship between the two informan informants. and want matter of days, an unforeseen event will put that relationship to the test. 13 miles north of chicago
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another sheriff's police operation is in full swing in evanston. the north gang unit is helping the local pd put away its ownra. >> did he have anything besides weed in the car? >> he just had the weed. that was it. but it was all bagged to sell. >> it was bagged up in nickels or dimes or whatever. >> all right. soundsgood. >> he said, curb. >> it will be a felony. >> for investigator john rigio, fifth time in six years assisting his evanston counterparts. >> we know how they work and we know how they work. e bad guys haven't seen ce, before. and that's why we're successful. >> rigio himself often goes undercover playing a role to build trust with a variety of unsavory characters. >> hey, t., what up, girl? it's junior. what's up? you going to be around today. >> one of his newest targets, an ecstasy dealer who sells pills named after candy.
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>> i'm looking at those skittles. uh-huh. all right. let me know what the paper is on that, too. all right. cool. she asked me if i wanted a jar, which is 100. i said no, half a jar. the police buy 15 pills because that's all they have to buy. we buy 100 from her and hopefully get a search warrant. >> hey, i was going to be up in the area a little bit. i was going to see if i could roll through. kind of want to talk like they do. a lot of times when we debrief people when we arrest, just talking to them you'll know the terminology that they like to use. call me back. all right. probably count how many steps he's doing right now. he's probably on his 500th step. yeah, he paces. wear out a piece of the grass up there. >> each time that rigio and his fellow officers lainch a new
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operation in evanston they face a shrewder more calculating adversary. >> we basically teach them how to do their job better so we need to adapt to that, as well. >> you have to think like them to a point. after doing this so:s many year i've had people tell me that i'm tarnished. my wife is a pharmaceutical rep. i go to their pears or a dinner, i can't relate to these people. after doing this job so long it's hard to relate to normal people. then she says, are you sure you're not the police. i say, no i'm not the police. i wish i was, i would have a real job then. all right, cool. she counted it out. good. reached inside of her bra and pulled it out and hand it it to me. oh, the better ones are the lighter ones. they're all good but those are a little bit better, they have the specks in them. >> besides the dealer rigio was pursuing evanston pd are lining up 20 other targets with the help of informants. they'll make multiple drug buys
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from each of them in order to build the strongest cases. eventually, they'll arrest them all in a massive sweep. >> that's why they call them skittles. all the happy flavors, i guess. >> 37 miles to the south in the suburb of=s marcum, members ofe south gang unit face a more immediate mission at hand. investigator matt jenna and his fellow officers are getting ready to execute their fourth search warrant in the past week. there's never a dull moment in their neck of the woods with the greatest proliferation of street gangs anywhere in cook county outside of the inner city. >> our car get. we did three controlled buys out of this residence. all crack cocaine. >> this guy is -- pretty much his whole family is locked up, so he will be joining them soon. >> pull it down, pull it down, pull it down! get on the ground! [ male announcer ] when these come together,
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order up guy. you call him up, let him know what you want. nothing less than a 20. >> it's in the middle of a nonstop week for the cook county sheriff's south gang unit based in chicago's south suburbs. investigator matt jenna is juggling five cases at once and has many more in the pipeline. >> we've arrested this guy seven times out of this apartment alone, seven times. ten arrests in his background. >> on average, the sheriff's gang units serve ten search warrants for drugs and guns every month. jenna and his colleagues are focused on places like robbins, harvey, and mid lothian. in fact, the south suburbs represent the single hottest focal point of gang activity outside of chicago city limits. >> there is gunfire, have a position to cover that you can move to. >> all right, guys. let's gear up. go outside and rehearse. >> going to go and hit it and grab this guy. that guy sells a lot of crack
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cocaine and really yet to see any jail time. hopefully this will be the nail in the coffin right here. >> all right. >> here we go. >> hands. >> hands up. hands up. >> get down here. >> pull it down, pull it down, pull it down. get on the ground! i got him. get on the ground! >> police run into their target on the stairs by chance. >> come to the door. police, search warrant! >> then, they hit his apartment. they find what they came looking for right in plain view. >> pretty happy with what we recovered. nice size amount of crack cocaine there. so i mean, that's a good hit right there. that's a real good hit. >> remember me? >> yeah, man. >> yeah. i guess i caught you, huh? >> based on how much activity they see, the sheriff's gang investigators find it hard to believe claims that crime is down in chicago as the city and some suburban police departments
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have reported. >> you know, there's that expression there's lies, around then there's statistics. different towns have different agendas and most of them are noble but then there's other ones that that t. last thing they want to acknowledge is that they have a crime problem because it might value. you're left with educated guesses based on activity. the public would be flabbergasted if they knew how little police departments actually talk to each other. >> one thing is for certain, as the city demolished more than 25,000 public housing units, gangs have migrated outward. they became part of an estimated 100,000 residents from cabrini green and other low-income sites forced to relocate during the past two decades. that's made a lasting impact on the communities to the south and to the north, including evanston. >> 1405, 101. >> evanston is kind of a mini
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chicago. we have the diversity with the neighborhoods. we have $5 million houses on the lake and we have a lot of section 8 housing and poverty and pockets of bad areas, you know, within the good areas. >> evanston police officers liz glenn and jimmy pilars are part of the joint operation with the sheriff's police. they say they know all the key drug dealers in town and have recruited informants to help bring them down. >> we do whatever it takes to get some good charges on these guys. >> there is a lot of drug activity right here. this l stop is only -- >> a hub. >> yeah, the epicenter of this area. >> you'll see guys posted up here as either lookouts or, you know, whistling down the block. >> or handing out business cards. >> that, too. >> we got this guy handing out business cards. this particular business card at one of the red line stations. and he actually gave it to one of my informants.
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his card says, 100 bags, call me first, which is bags of rock. street slang for crack cocaine. according to the informant he had a whole stack of them and was handing them tout to the people at the sglatation. >> today an undercover police officer will be buying product from the enterprising young dealer. six unmarked units roll out to set up surveillance outside the meet spot. >> the target's inside the subway sitting down looking at the street. right underneath a $2.69 daily special sign. >> coming around towards howard from ashland. >> there you go. >> going to go down right next to us. >> all right. the target's in the backseat. >> our target is still inside
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the vehicle. >> getting out. the target just got out. he is walking. >> all right. very good. >> it's a good deal. good deal. on our way back to the meet spot. >> in an hour or two we're going to send undercover officer back in, saying the stuff was good and we will take six more. this guy is now -- >> nice. >> and counting his money walking away. on to the next one. next on "the squeeze" -- >> he shot the wrong people. >> the community is in uproar over it. the police are in an uproar over it. >> maniacs are enemy number one. >> it's the turn of the tide. anybody who is shooting kids, get ready because we're going to hit the whole gang. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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here's what's happening. accidental fire broke out at a state department in washington today. seriously injuring three people. according to the dc fire department it was out by the time they got there. protests continue in cairo after egypt's islamist president gave himself close to absolute power. president obama and his two daughters did a little christmas shopping at a virginia book store today as part of small business saturday. we're told he bought 15 children's books. back to "the squeeze." ai right there against the wall. >> hey. >> i got a partner now. i don't care how many guys you
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interview, i don't think you're going to see this right here because it takes guts, man. >> one informant alone shoulders enough risk by working with authorities. but a team of two enormously ups the stakes as each entrusts his life with the other. invest gatorade dran sand dl oval and this pair of informants whom we've been calling poncho and lefty just started an operation to nab the drug ring on the left side. their plan takes a 180 degree turn, however, one week later. it's at this playground that gunfire erupts in avondale park on the northeast side. bullets strike two little girls, a 7-year-old and 2-year-old, piercing one in the back and grazing the other in the head. both survived their injuries, and police capture the alleged gunman, a maniac latin disciple who was trying to shoot at a gangland rival and missed. >> this was an outrageous act.
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>> chicago's new police superintendent declares war on the maine ak latin disciples. >> their entire organization is going to be held accountable for the actions of one of them. >> it's a turn of the tide. everybody knows we're not going to be playing. we're going to set an example. anybody who is shooting kids, get ready because we're going to hit the whole gang. >> poncho and lefty who belong to the gang now find themselves caught in the middle. prior to the shooting they had helped sandoval map out the citywide hierarchy of the entire organization. >> so the governor, minister. >> right. >> he will fall. >> now, that information takes on a whole new relevance. >> how accurate is this? is he the chief enforcer? >> they're well organized, obvious obviously. it helps them and gs also hurts them. have structure, somebody to answer to and dictate what's going to happen. if one of their main guys who is
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highly involved decides to help us out, it's so much easier to take everybody else down. >> sandoval and his ciu colleague share the intel with chicago police who launch a mass i crackdown on the gang. within two weeks of the shooting, the chicago pd arrests 120 maniac latin disciples, many of them on bis misdemeanor charges and outstanding warrants. >> when the cops come and sweep up the area, not only did you send a message at maniac latin disciples, you sent a message to all gangs citywide. >> investigators go to meet with one of their informants lefty in the meantime. >> everybody is scared right now. superintendent of the chicago police, so he come after all maniac t latin disciples. everybody heard him, so everybody's scared. >> lefty claims the shooter acted alone without authorization from the gang. he had been fight with some latin kings, but now not only his own gang will defend him.
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>> anybody out of their mind, especially shooting in the park. he's got to pay for it. he's popped. >> as the maniac latin disciples wait for the dust to settle, their drug sales dry up with all of the heat on their neighborhoods. they also expect their rivals, the latin kings, to retaliate since they were the intend eed targets for the shooting. for both poncho and lefty, the stakes couldn't be higher. >> because it just happened just like that. i was like, oh, my god. what did i get myself into. but then i said -- you could definitely have been caught with the sweep that's going down. you could be sitting behind bars. >> investigators sand dl oval and carpenter decide to strike
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while the iron's hot. they want to use poncho and left you to take down a so-called nation house where the maniac latin disciples store their firearms. >> this is where they mostly all hang out. but this house is in charge of supplying all the guys out on the neighborhood with weapons, ammunition. >> they're going to have security probably front and back. so we're going to testify it inially have to be prepared. >> despite the risk, their informants agree to help. they idea fay one house in particular where the gang not only keeps guns but also sells narcotics. the next step, the sheriff's police will send an undercover officer there to buy drugs to get a search warrant. >> we're going to take out people in that beginning, hopefully from that point, you know, some of the violence will slow down. >> these guys are out there shooting people, so we can hurry up and get these guns off the street, that will be great. coming up on "the squeeze" --
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>> i run his name out of texas and illinois, i got nothing. like he doesn't exist. >> he's a type person you want to dig a little further because he seemed like he was hiding something for sure. >> do you want to tell me what that red stuff is on the back of your truck? i need to look in here. with verizon. hurry in this saturday and sunday for great deals. like the lucid by lg, free. or the galaxy nexus by samsung, free. this weekend, get the best deals on the best devices on the best network. exclusively at verizon.
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so you can easily send them to us. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ooh, la-la! even inside the jail, it's not acceptable. we don't accept guys who shoot or kill little kids. there's a lot of guyis with a lt of anger, a lot of animosity, who would love to beat up one of these guys who didn't follow the rules. >> in the wake of a gang-related shooting that wounded two little girls on chicago's northwest
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side, authorities are cracking down on the maniac latin disciples. as police saturate their neighborhoods they're sending more and more so-called maniacs to jail. the alleged shooter himself is being held here under tight security. >> this kid's in fear for his life. we have to care about him getting killed. his action caused everybody to get locked up. now what? now the maniacs from humboldt park might go and retaliate and send a message over there now that they have internal wars because of this kid effected our drug sale, now we have to go and send a message because of his action. >> you affiliated? who do you ride with? >> maniac. >> man, what's going on with your guys, man? >> i don't know. >> chicago police number one hit list right now. >> hey, i know if i catch dude that shot the two little girls, i want to beat him up myself. that's crazy. >> that's not part of the game, right? >> no, you don't shoot into no open park, man.
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you shoot at the person, not an open park. >> when you talk to them you can listen to the truth. other shootings are happening all over the city, nobody cares. it happened in two little girls in a nicer neighborhood, what happens? >> chicago police, their objective is to catch us and arrest us. our object i've as gang bankers or criminals is to get the hell away. they're doing their job. i'm doing mine. >> 24 miles south of chicago sergeant terry tab and his team are playing the cat and mouse game today in towns full of gang activity. >> we get people call us directly in our office and say, you know, this person is selling drugs over here, this person was seen with a gun. just different stuff a lot of times. we try and follow up on it every time we get a complaint. >> several individuals -- >> going over to the lovely town of harvey.
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we got a couple of citizens complaints. over in an area where a lot of vice lords are at. >> as tabb and his fellow officers roll through a hot block they make a traffic stop on a driver who is a little too eager to get away. >> in charge of obstruction right now. i'm giving you lawful orders. you want to start playing these games, i'll lock you up right now. 10-4, we got him now. i need to see his id, too. >> the house we just passed by that he just picked this guy up, is the house we're looking at. as far as the passenger, name, date of birth and nothing is coming back. i need to be able to identify who you are. >> i moved from texas. >> you can just look at them and see how nervous they are. you have to pay attention to things like that. you never know. somebody might be ready to take off, somebody may be ready to pull a a. gun out, somebody may be ready to do anything.
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>> he's shaking like a leaf. >> huh sgluf see his chest? >> i run his name out of texas and illinois. i got absolutely nothing. like he doesn't exist. all right. what's up with you? you never been arrested before in your life? what's your social? >> i don't know it by heart. >> you don't know it by heart? >> no, i don't know it by heart. >> you don't know his social. nothing coming back. something ain't right, man. something ain't right. >> while matt jenna focuses on the passenger, isn't tabb makes a curious discovery on the truck's rear burcher. >> it's dripping up underneath. >> yeah. those do look like blood drops right there. >> absolutely. >> those right there do. >> i think he needs to come out and explain this. >> what were you hauling that was all red? >> all red? >> yeah. stuff that looks like blood all over your tailgate. we're going to have to look at his tailgate for sure. we have to make sure that there's no human being in there.
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come on. >> you're going to detain me? >> step out of the car. >> this guy right here, blood spatter, he -- his neck was shaking like you wouldn't believe. >> you want to take my vehicle, take it. >> i don't want to take it. i want to make sure there's nobody in your tailgate. >> i'm not trying to be -- really upset right now. >> i'm having very simple. >> i can't be simple because i'm upset right now. you open my tailgate do whatever you want to do. >> do you want to -- you want to go to jail? >> i'm telling you i'm upset. >> i'm just making sure there ain't nobody in here, man. >> you want to tell me what that red stuff is in the back of your truck? >> that's from ruby red mulch from lamar's? >> what is it? >> ruby red mulch. >> that's mulch? >> there's no body in the truck but tabb and jenna discover that the passenger has a warrant for assault in illinois after he confesses his real name.
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their records show that he's classified as armed and dangerous. they take him into custody and reluctantly let the driver go. >> this guy, he -- he's been around the block quite a few times. you can tell. he's the type person that like say you just want to dig a little bit further because he t little bit further, because he seems like he was hiding something for sure. maybe he thought we had something on him already. >> how many guys will they search? you know what i'm saying, so we have to figure out a way to get the warrant in by thursday. >> time is of the essence for investigator adrian sandoval, whose plan to target the maniac latin disciples is in motion. they have agreed to take down a so-called nation house where the gang stores weapons and sells narcotics. their access will enable the
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sheriff's police to make undercover drug buys at the house for the purpose of getting a search warrant. >> they see the strong hold to that block. >> this location is not just a hangout. >> within a few days, investigators wrap up enough buys for a warrant. they want to hit the house fast before the maniac latin disciples, who are already feeling the heat, move their weapons elsewhere. >> police, search warrant! police search warrant! ou can stn and like something... ♪ [ car alarm deactivates ] ♪ ...or you can get out there with your family and actually like something. ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is on, offering some of our best values of the year. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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will hopefully send a message. >> can you take a ride back? >> police have declared war on the maniac latin disciples, following the shooting of two little girls who were bystanders, now, they have a chance to serve a warrant where the gang allegedly stashes guns and drugs. >> there is one inside the hous house. >> back inside the house! police, search warrant! police search warrant! come to the door, come to the
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doo door. >> police clear the house within minutes, they find the attempt, an alleged maniac latin disciple and his family inside. they take him into custody and begin to search the premises, while the neighborhood watches. the last thing that investigators expect to happen, however, is to walk away with almost nothing. they find a misdemeanor amount of marijuana and some paraphernalia, but not the weapons that they had counted on. >> you got two options. charge you, you go to court tomorrow. or you work with the police. i know there was guns in your house at one time, because this was a nation stash house, okay? you moved them because of that chicago zone. i'm going to take that weed and the paraphernalia and i'm going to send it to the state lab. after that, i can charge you any
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time you want. but within the next week, you hand me two guns, this is how your case is going to go away. >> there was a lot of guys on that block so a lot of people seen him get hit and a lot of people seen him get let go. we'll see what happens. and he knows if he doesn't come through, i mean, it wouldn't be hard to catch him. >> in the weeks that follow, the suspect decides to take his chances with authorities. he never turns over the guns. >> what are they saying at the meetings, other than stay down. >> they say stay low, let the police do what you're going to do. i just play it by ear. >> after the failed police raid, the investigators sandoval and carpenter follow up with their informants.
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pancho and lefty claim they left a day before the police arrived. and only found out after the fact. >> you get called up? >> in certain respects, both informants weather the storm better than anyone else. timing and luck were on their side. >> kind of worked out better for them, they're not worried about anybody thinking they're going to be up here working with the police when everybody is trying to hide from the police right now. >> they have a bond right now, i mean the code of silence between them will be real strong. >> as long as chicago police continue to crack down on the maniac latin disciples, the gang will stay on its heels, losing status and money in the drug trade. >> you know, to connect the one we needed, you know, they're hot right now.
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>> can i knock the organize out in one sweep? no, but it definitely has done damage, and sent a big shock wave. >> they're not reuatigetting ev fighting back, normally they're going to do what they have to do to survive. >> authorities are getting ready to hit the gangs in evanston in one fell swoop. as the joint operation between the police and the evanston police nears the end game, investigators are looking at arresting 20 targets in the area. >> i would like to keep it rolling between july and august and do the sweep. because once we hit them hard like that. everything shuts down. and these kids can go to school and pretty much all the crap will be off the street for a while. so that would be ideal. >> before the summer ends in chicago, a
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