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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  December 7, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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happy friday, my friends. you're in the cycle. the white house has plenty to smile about today. a pair of luckies. >> s.e. has the afternoon off and so does congress. surprise, surprise. it's not like we're facing a fiscal cliff or anything. >> you're right, susan. it's not a fiscal cliff but a slope. it's a gradual one. >> stooe, it's not right on to talk about people when they're right there. have some manners. do it behind their back. really, it's got for morale. there's a study and everything. >> if you can't say something nice to something, come on over here and tell it to me. no worries, you're among friends here. it's "the cycle." two big developments on the economic front. first the unemployment numbers
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for november came out and they were way better than expected. we added a net gain of 146,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 7.7%, the lowest in four years. to steal a little from krystal, it appears it's obama and boehner one on one. there's no i in team but there's one in win, which is why the fiscal slope negotiations are getting serious. we haven't heard yet from the president but have heard from speaker boehner. >> this isn't a progress report, because there's no progress to report. the white house has wasted another week. it's time for the president, if he's serious, to come back to us with a counteroffer. >> to further explain the nature here, we welcome you to movie metaphor club. today we clinic the fiscal slope talks to a seen from the sublime 1994 film "pulp fiction." in this diner theme we have
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samuel jackson's jewels in a tense tango by two small timers. >> nobody is going to hurt anybody. we're going to be like three little fonzis here. what's he like, yolanda? >> cool. >> what? >> cool. >> correct. thats what we're going to be. we're going to be cool. >> that's great. >> this is the financial whatever you want to call it in a nut shell. obama is jewels, boehner is pumpkin and the tea party is yolanda. they're locked in a tense standoff so potentially apock liptic they have guns pointed at each other while they appear very cool. the diner has come to a standstill, which representing the nation awaiting the outcome. like those diners robbed of their wallets and peace, the nation faces uncertainly times ahead. to help sort it out we have jared ber design and peter. let's talk about these two things. unemployment and the one on one
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game in washington right now. does one have anything to do with the other, jared? >> well, yes, they do, although i'm still trying to work out this movie metaphor, so give me a second. as the labor market improves and i agree with you that things were definitely better in november than we expected, given the lack of apparent damage from the storm at least according to the bureau, as things improve and the underlying economy continues to show more momentum, the job market too slowly in my view but it is improving. the costs, the opportunity costs to use an economics term of going over the fiscal cliff become that much greater. it is just a terrible idea to go start down the fiscal slope, i should say to you guys. it's a terrible idea to start down the physician clal slope when we actually have a little bit of momentum behind us. why you would want to throw a cliff or debt ceiling debate into this economy that's beginning to show some life,
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with policymakers like these, we don't really need enemies. so that's kind of where i'm at with it. >> peter, help me understand something. everybody thought sandy was going to drag the jobs numbers into a horrible place. that didn't happen at all. why not? >> well, simply by way not everybody -- my forecast was a lot higher than the consensus. >> true. >> unusual. >> yeah, you were optimistic. >> i was optimistic. the reason is a lot of people and areas hit were not like the gulf coast of mississippi. they were a prosperous neighborhoods of people on salary. now, the houses were devastated and i feel terrible for them, but they're in the jobs if they can't make it to work for a week, they don't go on the unemployment rolls. what's more is almost from day one you put people to work cleaning up. all the national guardsmen arrive. they go on the government payroll, and if they stay a couple of weeks employers replace them.
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they put somebody else on the payroll. there were ordinarily hourly workers who didn't get to work and filed for unemployment, but by and by this is not an unemployment creator. >> you know, jared, i have a question for you here. first, i do want to mention a little detail from the report. the job creation numbers for october and september were revised downward. the obvious answer is the books were cooked by a chicago guys. if you want to offer an apology to jack welch, i'll let you do that. >> i decidedly do not. what's your question, sir? >> it's an open invitation. >> the serious question i have for you is i know this is something you've been looking at and writing, and it's the effect of long-term high unemployment like we've been having on wages. can you tell us what you see there? >> i will. i will. let me underscore one point below that. this is not a stellar jobs
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report. you mentioned the downward provision. the decline in the unemployment rate didn't come because of more jobs. it came because more folks left the job market, and we've seen that before. it feeds into this wage story. year-over-year, which is a good way to measure the wage numbers to get the noise out of the data, the wages of middle income workers are growing about 1.2% to 1.3%. that's the lowest on record on the series that starts in the mid-'60s. so paychecks in real terms are actually declining. again, that is just a great reason not to do anything that would hurt the underlying momentum of the job market because as the job market improves, the unemployment rate comes down. there will be a bit more pressure on employers to bid wages up. we just haven't seen that now for years. >> peter, when we look at this report, we also see that we're seeing very slow economic
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growth, that people are not feeling secure. businesses we know are waiting until there's some grand bargain of some kind or another, and we usually just have a reactionary government. i'm just wondering, at this point in time is there anything we can do proactively on regulatory or on trade policies to get our economy moving in spite of our elected officials? >> yeah. there's a lot of things to do with regard to wall street and the banks pulling back a little bit on dodd frank but not letting them off the hook. i think we need restructuring on wall street so as to get banks lending again and on trade policy, yeah. i mean, i know mr. romney lost the election, but i think he was right about the need to get tough with china. i think that would help up a lot. also, we should open up more offshore areas for drilling, produce more of our own oil, those kinds of things bring down the trade deficit a lot and create the ability to deal with our deficit more reasonably and still provide for people in a more reasonable way.
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>> so, jared, another area of concern is republicans are now threatening to use the debt ceiling again to basically take the country hostage again. yesterday i compared the debt ceiling -- >> when you talk about the debt ceiling you get very loud. >> i get very emotional. i don't know about that. i do get very emotional. i compared it it to physicianle c fiscal syphilis yesterday. >> i heard your rant. i linked to it on my blog. >> thank you. last time they took the country hostage, it was very damaging, i think, for confidence in our political system, the u.s. credit rating was actually downgraded. it didn't seem to have that much of an impact on the economy. what can we expect if republicans do decide to use that same tactic again? >> oh, i think we can expect a real economic chaos. the reason why things worked out okay last night was because we actually increased the debt ceiling at the end of the day.
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the president has been very clear that he's not going to be manipulated like that this time, and i think the idea of holding this economy hostage like that, again, i've been emphasizing in all comments so far makes particularly no sense with the economy improving a he bit. remember, if you're a debt holder and you're holding u.s. debt and we default, i mean, imagine what that -- what kind of message that sends. what it does to interest rates. in my view fooling around with the debt ceiling is worse than the fiscal cliff. so you're sort of trading one monster for another. i think it would be, again, absolutely nuts to go there. >> peter, what do you think? >> oh, i don't agree. i think that the fiscal cliff and it is a cliff, on january 1 withholding taxes go up to the tune of $400 billion. >> not necessarily. >> it would have a very negative effect on the economy. according to the legislation they would, jared. >> they would not. >> jared, you have to -- >> let me make a point. the treasury secretary can
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decide if he or she believes a deal sl imminent not to adjust withholding tables. very important. >> i'm talking about no deal and we go off the cliff. >> we go off and stay off. >> it's $400 billion. we have a lot of things to do with regard to our debt ceiling, and my feeling is no one really believes the united states of america is going to default on its debt even if it lapses. we're dealing with different things. one is real and substantive and the other is psychological. >> i really disagree. >> i know you do. >> we could have a good discussion about this if we had more time. the idea that if the debt ceiling lapses, peter, that means that we can no longer borrow from credit markets and can't finance our debt. >> we're doing most of our borrowing right now from the federal reserve. it's printing money and buying the debt. let's be honest about what's going on. >> we could not do that -- sorry. >> peter, you are outnumbered because this man right here, steve kornacki, fully believes
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it's a fiscal slope and he's branded that on this show many, many times. 2-1 in favor of fiscal slope to a cliff. you're wrong, sir. good night. >> that's a great way to decide it. >> just because you're a -- >> guys, what's for dinner? >> i spend a lot of time on cnbc because you're outnumbered doesn't mean you're wrong. >> good point. >> jared and peter, thanks very much. maybe we'll have both of you back. we'll see. all right. we're waiting on news from the supreme court. they could finally decide to take up the issue of gay marriage today. next in the spinning, boehner and obama one on one. watch out, mr. speaker. you know the president knows how to drive to the hoop. "the cycle" rolls on friday, december 7th. two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs.
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the supreme court has waded with both feet into the issue of gay marriage. as widely expected they agreed to take up a challenge to the federal defense of marriage act, which is the federal law that says the federal government cannot recognize same-sex marriages even in the states where they're legal. but and i think this is the surprising part the justices also aagreed to take up a challenge to california's proposition 8, which could either be a very narrow decision about california only or the justices could take up the basic
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question about whether states can deny same sex couples the ability to get married. these cases won't be argued until probably march, but i think it's very surprising. this is a huge action by the supreme court today wading fully into the issue of same-sex marriage. so it's going to mean that this will be an absolute blockbuster term. >> pete, can you talk a little bit about what it means to take two cases in this way at the same time? we know from the aca decision that justice roberts cares deeply about his legacy and the legacy of the court. how do we read that into this discussion? is he going to want to be part of a decision stripping rights away from people, and then he looks into the future and he's in a case like people look back and say he was the chief justice when they took rights away from millions of americans. >> reporter: we can read nothing into any specific justice's thinking about the fact they took up the defense of marriage act.
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that was a foregone conclusion. whenever you have federal courts that happened here, striking down an account of congress saying it's unconstitutional, the fact the supreme court would agree to hear the case was a given. the surprise here is they've agreed to take the prop 8 case from california because i think it's believed among some folks following this case that look at it this way. if you're conservative members of the court and you believe this is wrongly decided -- remember the appeals court decision below said prop 8 was unconstitutional, that's the proposition test in california in 2008 that bars same-sex marriage after they had already started there. if you're a conservative and you think that's wrongly decided, i would be surprised if you vote to grant that case unless you thought that the appeals court was wrong. that would indicate that the conservatives must think that they have a fifth vote here. remember, it takes only four votes to grant a case but five votes to win. generally you don't want to grant a case unless you think
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your side has a good chance of winning. so i can't read into this what an individual justice may be thinking, but i think the surprise there is prop 8. >> yeah. pete, obviously there's no track record here for the supreme court in dealing with gay marriage cases. there is a bit of a track record for the supreme court in some of the current justices in dealing with issues about gay rights. you had the text case in 2003 and go back to 1986 and scalia was on the bench then. maybe, maybe not. sl anything in the republican appointees' histories in dealing with gay rights on the bench that's relevant to think about right now in term was how to approach the cases? >> yes. the key is anthony kennedy, because he's the one that wrote the two most important gay rites issues. one dealing with an amendment in colorado, the other is the lawrence v. texas sod my caomy . he's the critical vote in both
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cases, a republican appointee of ronald reagan. his vote is essential in these cases, and he is -- i think that was the gamble all along in getting the prop 8 case to the supreme court. they could get anthony kennedy. well, now we're about to find out. >> pete, could you sort of take us inside. how do they decide which cases they want to take up? >> the supreme court gets about 10,000 cases a year, of which they hear argument in about 75 or so this term. basically any justice can put on the discussion list any cases that that justice thinks should be granted or taken up. they have a list for every one of their private conferences. this is the second time these cases have been on their conferences. we thought we were going to go through this all last friday, if you recall, but they didn't act on it. so it only takes four of the justices in their private conference to grant a case, and we don't know, of course, when these come out how many justices voted or how they voted.
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we just know they got at least four votes to grant these cases. >> to go back to what you talk about before in your decision to take up the prop 8 case, it sounds like what you read into that is if you're someone like me who wants to see same-sex marriage rights extended that you might be a little bit dismayed by the fact they decided to take this case up. is that accurate? >> reporter: well, that is an issue that has divided the gay rights community because there were many people who thought this was the wrong thing to do, but the lawyers who got this case to the supreme court, ted olson and david boyce with the backing of griffin who is running the pro-gay rights group, they thought this was the time to get it to the supreme court. they believe history is on their side and moving in their direction. it's a gamble, and you know, it just -- i think it will come down to justice kennedy. i mean, that's everybody's assumption. you're right that the supreme court has never directly confronted this issue. there was a 1972 case where the
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supreme court was asked to rule on guy marriage law in minnesota and they basically said there's no substantial federal question there. it's not for us and kicked it out. but that wasn't a very -- that wasn't a very heavy intellectual lifting there. this is the first time they will confront this case directly for this issue. >> pete, last time we saw a highly controversial case in obama care, we saw a full court press really lobby the justices and put a lot of pressure on them recognizing that they will set the tone of what this court looks like. do you think we'll see that hard lobbying again? >> reporter: well, i don't think it will be quite like that, because there isn't as much money at stake like he in obama care. obviously, to many people on both sides of this issue, it's an important values question. it will attract lots of friends of court briefs. remember, only nine states chose to make same-sex marriage legal, and many other states, the majority of states in the u.s.
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have decided not to allow it or amended their constitutions to forbid it. so they're strongly held views out there, and yes, i'm sure that the justices will hear all about that by the time they get ready to hear this case argued in march. >> might we end up with a situation where in every state in america you can or cannot get married, and this will just decide this at least for the time being? >> reporter: you know, that's the interesting question here. we don't know. the doma case doesn't invite the court to answer that question. it simple says if in those states that decide to grant same-sex marriage, which is up to the states, can the federal government still refuse to recognize those marriages? even if the supreme court strikes down the doma law, it won't say anything about whether a state has to allow same-sex marriage. on the prop 8 case it is possible to rule on that case very narrowly or broadly. let me explain. when the court of appeals said
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that prop 8 was unconstitutional, it said you can't do what california did. you can't give the right, which the california supreme court did, and then take it away, which prop 8 did. california's the only state that did that. if the supreme court barely upholds the court of appeals ruling, that would be good for california only. if the supreme court dives fully into in and gets into the basic constitutional question about whether states can block same-sex marriage, then, yes, they would get to it. they won't -- the mere fact they took up the case, we don't know whether it will go that far. >> pete williams, thank you. >> you bet. >> straight ahead, a day that changed the course of history as you have never seen it before. on this anniversary the military channel will premiere "pearl harbor unclassified." begin.
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. 100 japanese planes and submarines took part in the attack. the arizona was destroyed and four other severely damaged. the pacific fleet up appeared to be completely immobilized by the sneak attack. nearly 3,000 casualties added to the catastrophe. it united americans as never before in history. in the explosions it was forged the will for complete and absolute victory over the forces of evil. >> for some americans december 7th will always mean pearl harbor, the attack that launched america into world war ii and changed the course of history. today 71 years later service members and family gathered in hawaii to remember the thousands killed at pearl harbor. on this anniversary we have a dramatic new look of the event as it unfolded thanks to a new doultary tonight on the military channel which uses state-of-the-art technology as well as personal accounts to give viewers a never before seen look at the date that will live
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he in infamy. >> the japanese brought photographers aalong during both waves of the raid against pearl harbor. they had to be able to examine photograph in the aftermath the battle and determine whether or not the raid had been successful. >> only a few stills and a few seconds of their film footage survived the war, but by looking inside these recently restored frames, we can uncover never before seen details of the attack. >> the images that are captured are now in such detail and technologially so sharp we can understand pearl harbor in a different light. >> joining us now is mark martin heavily featured in the documentary "pearl harbor declassified" which premiering tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. how are you? >> great. >> i wonder how it is militarily this secret attack happened, how it was carried out and we were caught on our heels out there during world war ii, which
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america was not in at that time but we knew it was going on in the world. you have no technology and new ways to look at photographs and the film that happened from there. in the documentary what do we learn that we didn't know before about how this sneak aattack was carried out? >> we learned things that speak to the essence of what happened. for example, in the famous footage that captures the death of the battleship "uss arizona." the explosion created a tidal wave that washed up and washed over ford island. we can see, for example, that the concussion was so great from the explosion of the arizona that it forced soot and coal dust out of the ship next to it. we get things like that that speak for the intensity of the experience of what was going on. in addition to that, the new examination of this footage, the stabilization of previously bouncy handheld footage tells
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interesting things bu how they carried out the attack, how successful the japanese were tactically. in addition to revealing texture to december 7, 1941 we haven't seen in its full glory before. >> as a historian can you talk about how it changed america to be attacked on its own soil for the first time? i'm sure that was just a shock to the american system. >> it certainly shocked the american people. this was probably the most important moment during the 20th century in american history because the united states was suddenly and rather violently thrust into the idea of being part of the global conflict. the war was raging in europe examine asia for many years. the united states had kept out of it, and the american people could forecast the future where they were remaining out of this conflict. after what happens in a few short hours in the territory of hawaii on december 7, 1941 the united states of america, with a resolve that we have not really
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seen since except during september 11th joined the idea and accepted the idea that we were going to become a significant part of the global conflict, and we did. >> martin, you mentioned september 11th. any historical event you can't really understand what it was like to have lived at that moment unless you actually lived at that moment. do you think that 9/11 in a way provides a sort of touchstone for younger americans for what that felt like, what that pearl harbor attack would have feltd like to receive the news on? >> i think september 11th provides the closest parallel. it provides an opportunity for people who weren't aalive 71 years ago or interested in world war ii history, it provides them the opportunity to understand the import of the event by comparing december 7, 1941 to september 11, 2001, young people are able to understand the effect of one event on the
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course of the nation's history. >> martin, just talking a little bit about 9/11 and it's comparison, one thing that happened almost immediately after 9/11, people started to collect artifactsartifacts, get personal journals finding out because they knew they would have a museum to plan for. i'm just wondering because of this footage, what's new in it that, for example, if i went to the memorial and museum in new orleans, what do we get out of this footage that would enhance that experience that perhaps we didn't have before? >> what this does is the footage, the way it's treated in our documentary of "pearl harbor declassified," what we get out of it is greater context. meaning some of this footage, we've seen it all. we've seen almost everything. there's not that much new in the documentary. the way that we handle it and the resolution with which we present it is altogether different. because of the accuracy of what we assembled for the documentary
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and the way we present it, all the footage is placed in the proper context so you know the exact camera angle that a certain individual was using when they filmed the footage or snapped a photograph. you know where a jumpy piece of film footage that couldn't be placed in context before but because of motd determine stable zax techniques and video, we place it in the proper context. you can see the perspective on the individual on the ground that recorded this incredibly important historical moment. >> we talk about pearl harbor. one of miff favorite movies is radio days. there's a funny scene when mia farrow is doing a radio play in 1941 and gets interrupted by the news bulletin saying pearl harbor has been attacked. she goes who is pearl harbor? it's funny. it does strike me. it's more than 70 years now. there's always that risk with so much time and distance and from a different era where you
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restored the footage but there isn't a video record that exists for something like that happening today. i guess my question to you, martin, is looking forward to preserve pearl harbor for all of history, what are the most important things that you think the younger generation today and future generations should learn and should be taught about pearl harbor? >> i think they should be taught first and foremost this is one of the most important dates that the united states of america experienced during the 20th century. this was one of the important moments of our nation's overall history because this was the moment that brought us as a combat ant power into the second world war. they're a bit of a challenge to expose younger people to the subject and to tell them why it was important. for me it was extremely easy, i was raised around a veteran the pearl harbor, an uncle of mine. he has since died. as the generation recedes from living memory and it's important to make this subject accessible
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to young people in an age when they're bombarded by imagery. it's fascinating for me to consider how 71 years ago you didn't have a situation where people walk around with video cameras in their pockets like today. you don't see coverage like you saw of september 11th. so with just a few sources of information, with a few sources of moving imagery, we were able to piece together what i consider to be the finest pearl harbor documentary to date. >> there's so much more i wish we could talk about and so many things we learned including american in hawaii helped some of the japanese bombers after they did this horrible bombing. i wish we could talk about it more. martin morgan, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> straight ahead, new research shows gossip is good for the office. why do i have a feeling this segment is bad news for your friendly cyclists? [ man ] ring ring... progresso
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who am i? that's a secret i'll never tell. even though you love me. xoxo. kws "gossip girl."" >> "gossip girl" here. the one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan. spotted, toure coming into work today. s.e. cupp is off, but i think i saw her meeting with suzanne. new york does need a mayor with more fashionable frays. speaking of spectacles word is steve is cheating on "the cycle"ist with another team. is he up for a move? who am i? i'll never tell, but i can tell you that apparently gossip like that or something like that is good for you. let's backspin on it. >> that was pretty good. that was good. that was good. >> we do have a point here, other than me pretending to be
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gossip girl. there is a new study. a team of psychologists found na gossiping in the workplace helps worker productivity. people report that they're gossiping to talk about people who shirked responsibility. this was interesting. nine out of ten everyday conversations are actually gossip. it's also used to sort of -- >> nine out of ten? >> isn't that crazy? >> wow. and used to warn colleagues about our colleagues not pulling their weight. this apparently makes people more productive. it's interesting to think about in evolutionary terms, i think we have a human psychology of identifying who our group is and reinforcing who we are and who our people are. who we can trust, which was very important in an evolutionary sense. it's still important today, and i guess gossip apparently helps to affirm those bonds between groups that have to work or live together. >> it gives a whole new meeting to what goes around in water
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cooler talk. >> i think gossip has a valuable component. it's how we learn what's acceptable. we tell each other, i don't like that susan did such and such, and we're learning each other what is acceptable or appropriate in this group be it high school or work. most learn that way. some people at this table we won't mention don't tend to learn when we make fun of them, even to their face, but you know, we still love them anyway. >> i think it just affirms my -- my judgment. >> weirdness? >> if gossip reflects productivity in the work force, i really think that media and politics must be the most productive business going. >> he we did that already. >> that's true. >> look at the four of us. the most productive people around. >> one thing i did learn is that men and women are equal gossips. i thought actually men were b bigger gossips. it turns down we're equal.
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>> i don't want to characterize women in a negative way. gossip has a valuable function, but i don't find that men want to spend as much time talking with other men about the men who are around them and what they're doing right and wrong. >> right there. how do you know it's with other men? gossip happens between men and women. maybe that dynamic, men don't gossip together, but they like to talk among everybody else. >> you don't gossip, toure? i know better. >> i'm not saying that. i'm not a representative sample within this. you know that you gossip to me, and that's cool. just because i engage in it doesn't mean that other men do. 50% of the men at this table don't engage in gossip at all. >> i don't agree with that either. i don't agree with that either. >> you give me more credit than i deserve. we can put a nice spin on gossip and enforces unit cohesion. it's not just lazy people subjected to gossip to get them into line. it's people that stand out in
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general. that includes people that work extra hard and overachieve and set themselves apart that way. the option of lazy. they are subject to the group's wrath i think dh takes the form of gossip sometimes. >> keep telling yourself that. >> to bring it back to me. here's the part that i would say. >> all about steve. he always does this. >> there's an ainner torment aaspect to this, too. you say 50% don't gossip here. do i talk about people behind their backs sometimes? sure. do i hear something skur lus about something and mentioned it to others. >> what have you heard about s.e.? she's not here. >> the catholic in me hates me for that. i feel so guilty for doing that. i feel so terrible. it's it's a terrible, horrible thing and i will spend time in hell for it. it doesn't -- >> toure makes up for you. >> it's a good thing for -- >> i'm going to listen to god over the daily mail. >> don't worry about it, steve.
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toure has it covered. he takes up 90% of the gossip. >> been here 10 minutes and you make fun of me? >> this is what i tell st. peter. >> toure told me it's okay. >> all right. glad we solved that. up next fascinating "new york times" magazine story about the island where people forget to die. you'll want to hear about this one to be sure. wasn't my daughter's black bean soup spectacular? [ man thinking ] oh, this gas. those antacids aren't working. oh no, not that, not here! [ male announcer ] antacids don't relieve gas. gas-x is designed to relieve gas. gas-x. the gas xperts. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age
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walmart has everything you need to be ready for holiday hosting. with our low price guarantee backed by ad match. walmart. is the key to living longer where you live? they have spent the last decade investigating parts of the world. it's not just surviving but thriving. one suck place is the greek island of ikaria home to 10,000 greek nationals. that's right next where balki from perfect strangers is from. i have to check the map. they're two and a half times as likely to live to 90. men are four times likely to reach 90 and with better health to boot. they live a decade longer with both cancer and heart disease, two leading causes of death in
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the u.s. dan is featured in the "new york times" magazine is titled the island where people forget to die. dan, thanks for joining us. the most basic question is this indi dietary? what are are people doing to live so long? >> it's not a silver bullet but buckshot. they have several kinds -- we think the cornerstone of longevity is beans, but they have 80 different kinds of greens that have ten times more antioxidants than wine does and they have three types of teas that these people have drank most of their lives. we think these teas have not only anti-inflammatories but they're mild diuretics which predicts lower rates of heart disease and also of dementia. their minds stay sharp until the end. >> when you look at it's not all one thing. but i look at my life right now. my diet is a total and complete
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mess. i'm over 30 years old. >> you're kidding? >> can people pick this up in the middle of life or get all the benefits of it, or are you screwed if you haven't done it since birth? >> you can benefit by making a few small changes. americans think the way to health and longevity is diet and exercise programs. those are huge failures. when you look at these highly functions people in blue zones around the look at these people functioning in blue zones, longevity happen to them. none of these 100-year-olds wake up and say i want to live to 100. it's their environment. the purpose of this "new york times" article and my book "the blue zones," was really to look at the environmental components that explain longevity. >> so, dan, one of the things that fascinated me in this article, this one man in his 60s, living in america,
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diagnosed with cancer, given nine months to live. he moves home to ikaria and he's feeling better, working in his garden. it's 30 years later, the end of the story is he comes back to talk to the u.s. to talk to his doctors to say what do you think happened to the cancer and his doctors have passed away. it's an amazing story and anecdote but what is it specifically about the lifestyle and diet there that helps treat and prevent cancer? >> well, i think it's probably the diet. it's a very clean environment. it's not only what they eat, it's how they eat. they're not eating standing up or on the run. they tend to eat with their family. it's slow. they're overlooking the aegean. i think also if you look at their terrain, there's not more than 100 yards of flatter rain, so their whole day is laced with
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gentle physical activity which keeps their metabolism at higher rates and keeps their food being processed more smoothly and more thoroughly throughout the day. >> so now that we're talking about what's being done other places, if you want to bring it to the united states, i think we would be hard to have change all of those habits, but i understand you're using sample blue zones or you're trying to create them. what do you think the biggest challenge is there? >> well, the biggest challenge is to get people thinking about change in the environment rather than thinking about fun runs and eating your veggies. i'm in los angeles right now. we work with the beach city health district here, and after two years of using blue zones tenets applying them to cities, we've seen 1500 fewer people who are obese. about 3,000 fewer smokers by just changing the way the policies, the built environment, social networks, and the way
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buildings were designed mimicked what we saw in blue zones around the world. >> the good news is balke is going to live to 100. we have a couple decades. dan, thank you so much for joining us. straight ahead, toure is all about the movies this friday afternoon. he will tell us why a new one about the search for osama bin laden may be the best -- may be the year's best. ♪ these are... [ male announcer ] marie callender's puts everything you've grown to love about sunday dinner into each of her pot pies. tender white meat chicken and vegetables in a crust made from scratch. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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i'm not your friend, i'm not going to help you.
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i'm going to break you. do you have any questions? ztion zero dark thirty" begins with a black screen and the sounds of the 9/11 calls. it's a pain we've stuffed down but we're still mourning 9/11 the way a shocking death in the family leaves you in permanent mourning. after 9/11 america went through the stages of grief, though mostly we were in anger and wanting revenge and that's what this extraordinary film chronicles, the painstaking path to vengeance. director catherine bigelow who won the oscar for "the hurt locker," takes us inside the black sites an detention centers and the cia offices where military contractors and intelligence operatives battled to extract the information that would find bin laden. bigelow is so focused on authenticity that the film fungss in an element documentary-like style as she
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underdramatizes this dramatic story. it's stripped of hollywood schmaltz or over stylization to tell this important narrative in a harrowing way. we watched waterboarding and bloody men dragged across boards in dog collars and it forces to you reconfront your beliefs about torture. i have always been steadfastly against torture as if felt like nothing less than compromising the american soul and giving our enemies in al qaeda a gift they could use to inspire and recruit and pragmatically we know little to know actionable intelligence came to torture. detective work and treating detainees with respect is more effective but as i watch contractors beat our enemies to a pulp, i wondered if i were in their boots during that time of war charged with making radicalized men talk on behalf of an angry nation m mourning could i have not ftortured?
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i imagine that if i had been cia at that difficult moment in history, i probably would have done what they did. it's a difficult, emotional journey. bombs explode, people die, and you recall those years when you lived on the edge because you felt like any violent thing could happen at any second. and yet as the years go on, you understand why institutional exhaustion crept in and the men at the upper levels of the cia grew weary of the search. but for the obsessive determination of one woman, the film says, we might have let the trail grow cold. this film is inner turmoil free. the cia operative chasing after bin laden for years seems made of steel. the final assault is a long creep through a big house in pakistan. say what you will, but when that seal said for god and country, geronimo, i almost cried. when one pauses to say, wow,


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