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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  December 15, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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the massacre here in newtown, connecticut has left this community shattered, so many questions remain unanswered. good evening, i'm chrtonight we new details emerging about the alleged gunman, adam lanza. those who knew him describe him as bright, but painfully shy. we get the latest from pete williams into why all this
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happened. >> reporter: what was behind one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history? authorities say they're just beginning to find the possible seeds of an answer at the home where adam lanza's mother was found shot to death. >> did produce a very good evidence in this investigation. >> our investigators will be able to use that as to how and why this occurred. >> reporter: so far no specifics about what the evidence is, but law enforcement officials say there is no note or letter making it explicit. first reports said his mother nancy was a teacher at sandy hook elementary, but tonight investigators say they found nothing connecting her to the school. as for what adam lanza was like, the 20-year-old said to be responsible for the rampage, neighbors and former classmates say he had few friends. while he was bright, they say he kept to himself. there is no picture of him in the newtown high school
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yearbook, just his name, and a remark saying he was camera shy. that shyness was from a mild form of autism. >> there is no question he was not a mainstream kid. he was odd, and he said he had a difficult time making eye contact. >> reporter: most of the shots fired inside the school came from an assault-style rifle like this one, a bushmaster .223 caliber. that weapon and the other guns brought to the school in his mother's car were firearms she bought legally. his mother's sister-in-law said it is not unusual for a divorced woman who grew up with guns to have them in the house. >> self defense, she lived alone. she was a female, lived alone in a beautiful neighborhood. >> i'm joined now by pete williams. so many questions being raised tonight. let's see if we can cover some of the critical ones. you mentioned the guns last, let
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me go to that. all of them were legal, they were owned by the mother. what else do we know? what do we know about adam lanza, any relationship he had with guns? did he have experience with guns? why did they have so many in the home? >> okay. let's see. yes, authorities believe the weapons were registered to the mother. they're running down the details to try to confirm that. they're consistent with weapons she had. they believe they were legally registered to her. some relatives and friends and neighbors have said she took her two sons, adam and his brother ryan, to shooting ranges in the area. but i'm told by federal agents that they checked around and i don't find any shooting ranges where they have been. certainly not recently. not that anyone could remember. we don't know whether adam lanza had experience firing these weapons that longed to his mother. as for any connection between him and the school, it's still a
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confused picture, chris. this has been such an unusual story to cover. i guess because of the sheer emotional tonnage of it. but we heard the authorities there today in connecticut say they know of no connection between nancy lanza, his mother and the school. we heard the same from federal officials. but the sister-in-law that you heard from at the end there said that early on nancy lanza was a volunteer at the school. some of these things will take some time to figure out. >> yeah. i also heard reports that he had been home schooled for a time. >> that's correct. >> reports that she was a gun collector. >> she was certainly a gun enthusiast. she did enjoy recreation with guns. she had a lot of them. and that's how he was able to get to them. now, we don't know how she handled those guns within the house, whether she had them in a locked cabinet. if so, how he got into them.
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>> of course, the key question that everyone always wants to know in situations like this is why. and i don't knows there ever a full or complete answer. give us a sense of some of what police and what investigators are looking at and looking for tonight. what do we know? >> very little about that, chris. they just had that tantalizing statement this morning that they had found some -- what they called promising evidence in the home where nancy lanza was killed before the shooting at the school. but we've been told that wasn't a letter or a note. in other words, what that evidence is, it is not something that lays it out in the manner of which there was an interesting piece of evidence in the case of the shooting of gabby giffords in tucson, arizona where the man who subsequently pleaded guilty to that had written out a statement about his interest in gabby giffords and what he wanted to do. we have not heard of anything like that that provides a tidy
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answer to the question. >> we were talking to criminologists earlier they were talking about how well planned these often are. is there any indication about the planning of this? if so, how long it might have been going on? >> no i don't think we know the answer to that yet either. some members of the public had called law enforcement to say they thought they say adam lanza trying to buy a rifle in nearby danbury, connecticut earlier in the week. but so far, as we know, federal agents have not been able to confirm that. they talked to a number of gun dealers in the area and have not found an example of that. because of the availability of his mothers weapons, he would not have had to bought a gun in the first place. >> we had several different reports about how many guns he actually took into the school. now it does seem that police are settling on the fact that there
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were three, but only one used to kill those 26 people? >> that appears to be the case. the authorities did say earlier today that the children were all shot with the so-called assault weapon, this bushmaster assault rifle. i should say there's some people in the gun community who don't like that term. that's a term used to describe these things. semi-automatic, so it fires one round every time you pull the trigger, but a larger round than the handguns he was carrying. >> all right. i know there is so much more that we don't know. and you'll continue to stay on top of it for us. pete williams, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> you bet. >> up next, more on the tragedy here in connecticut. jenny wilson from the hartfo"ha courant" will join me. d.
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welcome back. we are continuing msnbc's coverage of the elementary school shooting in newtown, connecticut. we just got confirmation from senior white house officials that the president who we saw was so emotional in the aftermath of this shooting, will be coming here and surely will be meeting with the families of this tragedy that took the lives of 27 people. 20 of them children. just today we got the list of the victims, their names. it is so emotionally intense to put these names and ages, 6 and 7-year-olds just first graders to this number of people who have died. and joining me now is jenny wilson, she is a reporter for the "hartford courant," she spent much of these last two day information th
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talking to family members. you just spoke to one of the families, tell us about it. >> i spoke to to mr. parker, hearing it straight from the father was just so heavy and hard-hitting. what really struck me about what he was saying is he opened it by offering his condolences to everyone else. all the other families effected. he directly addressed the shooter's family saying i'm so sorry. i can't imagine what you're going through right now. the level of selflessness from him was really remarkable. other than that. i think that the community is coming together in the wake of
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this, what that is doing is showing they are a strong community as they all have been saying they are. >> let me ask you about what the dad had to say about his little girl. i'm wondering how he described her. one of the things that i think parents or loved ones of anyone who dies in a tragic way, they don't want them to get lost. they want people to understand this was a real person who they loved who had real meaning, not just for them but for the wider community. >> that's really interesting that you asked that. one of the things that occurred to me when he was talking is the way he was describing her made me think she seems to have the same kind of selfless always thinking about others qualities that he very much seemed to have. so, he was saying, you know, whenever someone was said, she would make them a card. she has two younger siblings. i forgot exactly how old they are. but he said she was their best friend. she was teaching one of them how
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to read. so, you know, it's very much people with real -- yeah. >> we look at that picture. >> heartbreaking. >> what a beautiful little girl. that smile. you do wonder how anyone can even go on. i know you have been, as you said, you spent a lot of time in the area of the crime scene yesterday talking to a lot of people. how do you think this community is coping? >> remarkably well. obviously the horror and shock of all of it is effecting all of them. having the media here is unfortunately probably adding a bit more stress. i guess i would hope that, you know, by the media publicizing it, that people from further out are -- shouldn't bring more support in.
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at least maybe we can help them with that. everyone is saying we want to support each other. we don't want this to define us. we want to show the rest of the world how strong we are and how we can come together and cope. >> it is amazing how people try to make good come of something so unspeakably bad. we have seen churches. i talked to the monsignor this morning, he was telling me one of the little girls he was to have a funeral for later this week was to be an angel in the christmas pageant. he was talking about keeping the church open 24 hours, and how everyone in the church community offered to help. the outpouring has been extraordinary me extraordinary. >> while everyone has not been directly effected, the community
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is such that everyone feels that they are effected. someone yesterday said we're not as small as everybody thinks we are, but i think that that does show the strength of the community that even though they say we're not that small, they really are making such an effort to be together this time. >> jenny wilson from the "hartford courant," thanks for rushing over here. good luck as you continue to report on this story. coming up, how this small town, some will say it's not as small as they say it is. how they are learning what it is to live in the aftermath of such a tragedy. plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! thanks. progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes.
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prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. >> hundreds of parents waited behind me at newtown's firehouse yesterday in agony waiting to find out was their child safe, of course for 20 of them the answer was a heartbreaking no.
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for those families who have been reunited with their little ones, it may still be a difficult and emotional road ahead. here is lester holt with more. >> reporter: devon and avin play like they don't have care in the world, that's the way it should be on a saturday when you're 9 and 6. but things are not the way they should be nor necessarily as they appear. >> how are the kids doing? >> they're good. they go through periods. first they'll be typical kids, being silly, fighting. then all of a sudden they'll -- my daughter will get serious. >> reporter: the siblings were among the children led to safety from sandy hook elementary after the shooting stopped. >> last night was tough. she was in bed, she kept saying i can't get it out of my head. she was saying she couldn't get it out of her mind. >> reporter: ben raced to the scene after receiving a text
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informing him that the kids school was on lockdown. >> i passed my daughter weith hr class on the way out of the school, so i knew she was safe. i was told my son was in the school at the time. he wasn't. he was safe at the firehouse. >> reporter: at the firehouse there were other anxious loved ones. >> in retrospect, looking at it, those parents still there, they were waiting and waiting. kids weren't coming. >> there's some old basketball shoes. >> reporter: the children today baz busied themselves with a planned garage sale. >> how did you feel when you had the children safely in your arms, knowing sthey were okay. >> i was trying to keep myself under control. when i got there, saw my daughter, i started crying. it upset her, she was like, please, mommy, it's okay. it's okay. so i calmed myself down. i was trying to keep it
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together. she was more concerned. she didn't know where my son was. she kept crying, where is devon? >> how do you deal with the fact at that age, your child has been robbed of so much of her innocence by seeing something like that? this has to become part of who they are. they will live with it for their entire lives. you know, we all go through horrible things at different times in our life. it's a shame that they had to be exposed to this at such a young age and lose a part of their innocence. joining me now is rabbi shaul praver. your congregation suffered a loss. >> yes, noah pozner lost his
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life, as was ben wheeler. >> how do you make sense of this? >> it do not make sense. it's not god's act, it's the act of a crazed individual. many people have different reactions and different needs, but the most important thing is to be present, be with them. follow their lead and listen more than speak. >> have you had a chance to talk to that little boy's parents? >> yes. i was with veronica pozner most of the time while we were waiting for the news. >> right across the street? >> right over here. yes. across the street. yeah. it was very tough. we were hoping that they were just injured. we didn't know. but the governor came back with the bad news. >> what do you even say in a moment like that or are there no words? >> there's really no words. you want to listen and be very loving and empathetic at that
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tender stage. love is very powerful. it's felt very strongly. and you just want to let them know that you're there, hold their hand, and tell them to take a deep breath, and they don't have to plan the rest of their lives out. but, you know, really what i want to say is that we live in a culture of violence from very young age. we are taught violent games. we are given violent toys. i'm 52 years old. i've seen the increase of violence in our culture. we need to make some changes from the bottom up. we need to make games and entertainment that is about peacemaking, about communicating, about reaching across and understanding people that are different than us. and this is really -- if there's anything good that can come out of this, that would be it, if our society would take a look at itself and start earlier child
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education in a more positive light. it doesn't take an act of intelligence to pull a trigger and blow somebody's brains out it takes an act of intelligence to deal with grievances, emotions in a responsible way. >> there will be so many. there are already so many of these big, i guess you could call them, conversations. but immediately you have a grieving congregation that you have to deal with. this morning, i know they gathered together. >> we gathered. it was kind of like a town hall/prayer service. >> what were people saying and thinking and feeling? >> members of the family got up and talked, expressed their grievances, recalled what a lovely child noah was. friends of the family tried to speak. it was very emotional. a doctor got up and spoke, wanted to clarify that there was some news circulating about his
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mental health or his mental disposition and that was a contributing factor and she wanted to correct the record that that that was not the cause. so that was one of the things she said. so everybody had a chance to say their peace. >> an important forum. tomorrow there will be another one. >> yes, tomorrow is the big community one. up until now we had just the local houses of worship that have gathered. tomorrow is where the rubber hits the pavement and where we will get a plan of action what we'll do as far as our grieving families, and pool our resources together. >> we also just learned within the last few minutes that the white house has confirmed that the president, who has been so emotional over this, will come here tomorrow.
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do you think that can help with the healing process? >> very much so. the governor's presence was helpful. certainly the president's presence will be helpful to the tenth power. >> rabbi, i know this must be difficult for you as well and this entire community. we thank you so much for the service you're providing to so many people hurting and for taking the time to talk to us tonight. >> thank you, chris. >> appreciate it. i want to bring in dr. jennifer hear jennifer hartstein. how do parents here begin to talk to their frightened children? >> you know, it's such a tough question, it's so hard to begin this conversation. there will be so many unanswered questions. fundamentally they have to start to encourage them to share their families, ask the questions, and parents need to not be afraid to say they don't know. they can reassure them safety because this bad man is no
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longer here. he did die. police are around to take care of them. their parents will do their best. though there are no guarantees ever, it's important to reassure as much as possible and be available to any question that gets posed to them, though it will be hard to answer them. it's important to be there and be available for anything that may happen. there will be a lot to of questions and a lot of worry. >> i realized today when a friend of mine told me he was out with a friend for pizza, there was a television on there, and his daughter was able to read what happened, 20 children killed. she said, daddy, am i safe? he said, yes, you are safe here, but you realize the impact goes so far beyond this community. >> it certainly does. and you can't protect them from the media. it's on a tv screen outside your home, it's in the newspapers. you can't stop somebody else from talking about it at a restaurant. you may not want to tell your
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children, but you can't prevent them from finding out the information. if they come to you and ask you about it, don't lie, don't shy away from it. be honest and ask them what they might be worried about or have concerns about so they can share their emotions, share their feelings, and you can have an open dialogue and be aware of your own feelings and fine support for yourself. >> as you drive around this community, it's a beautiful community, so many people have christmas lights up. you realize there's a lot of christmas presents under trees now that won't be opened. a lot of brothers and sisters who are very young and who will have lost someone at an age when no one should have to face death so explicitly, so suddenly, so brutally. what can a parent, what can a community do for those children? >> i think one of the things that's so great, you know, we keep hearing over and over again how this community is rallying
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together. it's important for everyone to lean on one another for support. we shouldn't try to stifle the emotions that will happen. this sadness is real. the anxiety is real. let's validate that. let's honor that. let's also embrace the life that you have to move forward. that's what those who have died would want. they would want there to be moving forward and kind of embracing life so there's the idea of living for someone else. live for yourself and live the life that that person can't live an maybe give back to the community at large, work together, build hope. right now it's so shattered. it's time to build that back. i'm sure you heard the rabbi who made an impassioned plea to try to get violence out of games, violence out of children's stories, violence out of television. i wonder if you could speak to that as well for parents out there who are watching and wondering and trying to figure out how to make something good come out of this horrible incident. >> violence is everywhere.
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it is in the games more. you know, it is in the tv more, it's in activities they're watching, movies they're watching much more than before it's only one part of the problem. we need to educate our children on how to resolve conflicts more effectively, how to build hope and safety more effectively, how to express emotions more effectively. oftentimes we ignore that and don't think about the mental health aspects. there's so much stigma around addressing a mental health issue that we're not addressing that. the violence and mental health issues, and we need to address them separately. parents need to work, schools need to work, all of us need to work on building con fliktd resolution much more in a way they can use it starting very young, so when they get to older ages they know how to talk about their feelings, express themselves. >> dr. jennifer hartstein, thank you very much. when we return, what the
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shooting at sandy hook elementary means for the gun control legislation. to the best vacation spot on earth. (all) the gulf! it doesn't matter which of our great states folks visit. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry. now is the perfect time to visit anyone of our states.
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>> so what does this mean for this town? >> like they said, innocence is gone. i'm sorry. >> so much heartbreak here tonight. thank you for staying with our continuing coverage of the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school here in newtown, connecticut. recapping news from the white house that we got a short time ago tomorrow the president will come here. he is going to meet with the victims families and with first responders. he will also speak in an interfaith vigil for families and the victims at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. there are new and graphic details about how the victims were killed. the medical examiner who
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conducted seven of the autopsies said two children were shot at close range. all of the others had three to 11 wounds. he also revealed while the gunman had three guns, he only used the long rifle on the victims. did he have two other guns with him, both handguns. officials are not saying which of those he might have used to kill himself. his autopsy has not been done. officials said earlier today their priority was the victims. police have also told nbc news that adam lanza may have tried to purchase a agagun earlier th week, but pete williams reported a short time ago that that has not been confirmed yet. while this community deals with the horror of what happened, mayors from major cities are demanding tougher gun restrictions. t there have been 181 shootings since columbine high school
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massacre. at least two students were either wounded or killed. despite renewed discussion about tighter gun control laws, the commissioner of the new york police department said today he's not optimistic. >> we have not seen any meaningful activity or movement on either side of the aisle, republican or democrats. we've seen a movement away from gun control. so there will be a lot of talk about this terrible event, but unfortunately i don't see much significant action being taken. >> president obama is not making any specific proposals so far, though the president did call for meaningful action during his weekly web address today. >> so our hearts are broken today. we grieve for the families of those we lost. we keep in our prayers the parents of those who survived.
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because as blessed as they are to have their children home, they know that their child's innocence has been torn away far too early. as a nation we have endured far too many of these tragedies in the past few years. an elementary school in newtown a shopping mall in oregon, a house of worship in wisconsin, a movie theater in colorado, countless street corners in places like chicago and philadelphia. any of these neighborhoods could be our own. so we have to come together and we will have to take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this from happening. regardless of politics. >> i'm joined now by dan gross, president of the brady campaign to prevent gun violence. i appreciate you coming on. it's unfortunate whenever we speak it's under circumstances like this. is there anything that indicates to you that this time anything
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will be different? that the outcome of this will change things? >> absolutely. i have never been more optimistic. you just heard the president of the united states kaucalling fo meaningful action. the president of the united states is a meaningful man. he stood up for the prl princip he believes in. this is a conversation the american public wants to have. the american public knows as a nation we are better than a country where we can't send kids to school without fearing for their nation. a nation where we lose 32 people every day to gun murders. can they prevent every tragedy? no, but we can prevent a lot of them through things like universal background checks, doing something about assault weapons. this is the conversation the american public wants to have the only place where it's pol polarized political debate is in the halls of congress.
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we need to change that. we need to bring this conversation that's already happening, it was happening before this tragedy, use it to hold our elected officials accountable. you mentioned two things that could possibly be part of this discussion, but what do you think would constitute meaningful change? what would at last be a first step from a pragmatic point of view? what could you likely accomplish getting it through the halls of congress? >> i think universal background hecks is a go s checks is a good starting point. right now 40% of all gun sales are not used with background checks. so people can go to a gun show, or on the internet, arrange for the sale of a gun without checks being asked. making background checks universal, we can look into
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those people. it has nothing to do with second amendment rights. 74% of nra members are in support of criminal background checks. there's an example of fertile ground. the other argument people like to use, if you pass tougher gun laws, only criminals will be able to get guns. this is an example of a law that would only keep guns out of the hands of criminals. this is the kind of conversation that the american public wants to have, where we already agree. we need to hold elected officials accountable to make sure they're representing our interests, our safety, doing everything they can to prevent trage tragedies like this from hearing. >> we are already hearing arguments on the other side, here we are in a state with some of the toughest gun laws in the country. all of these weapons were legally obtained. they belonged to his mother. they were all registered the way they should have been. and that additional gun laws and changes on the federal level would not have made a
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difference. what would you say to people who made that argument today? >> it's just flawed logic to say that the places with the toughest gun laws have the most gun violence. until we have reasonable laws nationally, it's easy to bring guns from places with weak gun laws to places with tough gun laws. the real issue is looking to prevent every single tragedy. there is no magic solution to the problem. we have to look at this as the public health and safety crisis that it is and what can we do to prevent the most gun deaths as possible. keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people is a good example of that with criminal background checks. with a parent who brings a gun like this into a home with a son with mental illness, we have to do something about that. that's an education issue. >> dan gross, thank you for being on the program tonight. >> thank you. coming up next, matt lauer talking with some of the heroic
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tonight peter lanza, the father of adam lanza, issued the following statement about the school tragedy that took his son and ex-wife. our hearts go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones and to all those who were injured. our family is grieving along with all those who have been affected eby this enormous tragedy. no words can express how heart
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broken we are. we are in a state of disbelief and trying to find whatever answers we can we, too are asking why. we have cooperated fully with law enforcement. we are saddened and trying to make sense of what transpired. we heard from robert parker, whose 6-year-old daughter emilie was among the victims, and he said he wanted to reach out to the family of the shooter and believed they were hurting, too. this afternoon matt lauer conducted one of the first interviews with three of the teachers who survived the massacre at sandy hook elementary. these are some of the first eyewitness accounts we've gotten since the shooting yesterday. >> holding a parent meeting. many of the leaders of the building were around the table. we heard the first gunshots, we knew exactly they were gunshots. then immediately the leaders in our building did what they needed to do, they ran out of the door to go take care of the
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situation. the remaining people in the building -- in the meeting room, there was probably six or seven of us, we gathered under the tables and just listened to nonstop gunfire happening right outside the door. knowing that that gunfire was showering the hallways and classrooms, it just was nonstop. we just kept holding tight. we kept praying. kept waiting for the firing to stop. at least ten minutes. it was nonstop. it kept happening and happening. we thought it was over, then it started again. we huddled back under those tables. we slid the cell phone across the room and we were able to call our loved ones, to let them -- >> everyone took turns making phone calls with that one phone. >> i know our meeting started at 9:30. it was about 2:00, i finally looked at somebody and said does
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anybody know what time it is? i have no idea how long it happened. >> the noises i started to hear were pops. and, of course, i then at that point said we have to do this lockdown. so our job in our room was we go over to a private area, away from the windows, have the children all sit down. pull down the shades, cover the window to the classroom. lock the door. shut the lights. >> we flawlessly executed that drill yesterday. >> the students were it seems as though -- the express "i'll take this one day at a time" has become i'll take this one minute at a time. the wave just comes over you when you realize what happened. and it stays for a while. and then it goes away for a
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time, and then comes back. so i think the community that we have at sandy hook elementary school, and the newtown community, we will pull together. we will hold each other tightly. and we will -- we will get this together again. to know that our staff was able to make on the moment decisions, executed drill that we knew we had to do. kept those kids safe. and we were able to deliver them to the parents. it was amazing. and i am so proud. >> thought about it this morning, and i said you know, i don't know that i really conveyed to those parents yesterday how their children reacted and what went on. because all i kept saying is you know, your kid is safe, and that is the most important. so i put together an e-mail this morning to all of my kids and
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just complimented to the parents, exactly what happened and how we performed the drill and everybody did a good job. and was safe. and not very long, i got back, unbelievable, just to let them know that the kids were safe and we're -- we'll move on. i'm not sure how. we have a lot of help in this district and we'll get help from whoever we need help from, and we'll move forward. >> we have been offered counseling services. we have all been touched in some way. whether it is e-mail, whether it is texting or calling each other. >> and looking forward to reuniting again. reuniting as a staff. >> and they will make that available to us. they have promised us that. >> and our own families, you know, just going home to your kids and family and whatever, you know, that is what it is
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about. >> three of the extraordinary stories that are coming out of this. and joining me now is nbc's michelle franzen, and i know that you have been in and around the community. and i wonder what your impressions are tonight. >> reporter: well, chris, we have heard from the teachers for the first time today. many of them sharing their stories. and you can also see the grief and how it is starting to set in for them. that is exactly what we see and are experiencing all around this community, from a day from yesterday, when that numbness, that shock, that initial shock gives way to that reality. and the real pain that this community is really feeling, you have mentioned before, there is just a heaviness in this community. it is even more so today. and in and around this community, we have spoken to a couple of families who were directly affected. their children made it out of that school. they're trying to deal with ways of coping. with how to tell them, and more
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of what they need to share with them. and how they spend their time. and it is different for each family. but the families we have spoken to have decided to go to many of those prayer vigils that have been held. they decided that they want to mourn and be with the community. they think that this will help them get through it. and they're trying to be there for their children, fourth grade -- couple of fourth grade boys who made it out there yesterday. the nine-year-old spoke at one of the prayer vigils last night. his father said he was very proud of him. today, however, they were all about staying home within the family, being surrounded by families. so we're going to see as this develops through the coming days, they're preparing for now, the funerals that will be ahead. and this timeline that will take place. of course, the president making his visit tomorrow evening here and also trying to bring comfort for this community. but it is really the people that live here that are shoring up the others right now.
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and we've also seen people coming from outside this community, maybe 40, 50 miles away. willing to come here, telling us that they just want to lend any support that they can, whether it is bringing food to some of those first responders. whether it is leaving flowers or bringing their own children here. and maybe that is the way they feel is best because their children, too, are starting to ask some questions, chris? >> michelle franzen, thank you very much. and behind me you can see one of at least four make shift memorials i have seen to the victims that have sprung up throughout this community. another way that people are showing their support. and before we go tonight we want to honor those victims. remember those victims whose names were just released late today. and they are, dawn hochsprung. she is the school principal, she was forty-seven years old.
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rachel davino, twenty-nine years old. and victoria soto, twenty-seven, 20 of the victims of course were children, 12 girls, eight girls, ana greene, six years old, emily parker, also six, so was charlotte bacon. daniel bardon, seven years old. olivia engel, six, dylan hock lee, and madeleine hsu, chase kowalski, jesse louis, james mattioli, all six years old. grace mcdonnell, noah pozner, six, karolina prividi, benjamin
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wheeler, six, and allison wyatt, just six years old. this has been special coverage of the connecticut elementary school tragedy. we will continue tomorrow, including the visit of the president of the united states. you're watching msnbc. i'm chris jansing. thank you so much for joining us. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome.
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