tv The Last Word MSNBC December 20, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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see how they were handling the heat. this is the image that was produced. the red parts are the body parts sending off the most body heat back into the air. the living, breathing, shiny red noses are basically functioning as body temperature control devices that go into overdrive when the going gets tough. for example, if this rain gear was having to tell a heavy burden, perhaps one with jingling bells. it's not a myth. science has proved it. also, i have to say, the arrow is pointing at the nose. science chose to take this picture from a weird angle. we will stay focused on the nose end of things. dutch and norwegian scientists proving that rudolph actually being a red nosed reindeer absolutely the best new thing in the world today. now it's time for the last work with lawrence o'donnell. have a great night.
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>> if i knew last night that john boehner didn't have the votes to pass his plan b, why didn't he? >> tomorrow the house will pass legislation to make permanent >> yes, we are going to have the the votes. >> wasting everyone's time. >> nope. >> will there be a vote tomorrow? >> the meaningless vote is even more meaningless. >> this is some sort of dance. >> these are gyrations i've never seen before. >> a bunch of members called up john boehner and said we don't like this. >> house republicans have refused to govern. >> every time this guy takes a step forward he gets slammed. >> boehner takes a step forward. >> joe biden spoke today for the
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first time. >> the president is sab luteally committed to keeping this promise. >> he was not chosen by accident. >> he has such a long history with these issues. >> we are five percent of the world's population and we have 50% of the guns. >> you have to deal with that glaring statistic. >> only six more days until the cliff now. after house republicans revolted tonight and john boehner had to send them away on their christmas recess. there are now only six days left starting the day after christmas for him to figure out a way to avoid going over the fiscal
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curb. tonight the house of representatives was supposed to vote on the plan b bill but when he realized he did not have the republican votes to pass that bill, something he could have learned last night if he had been watching this program he called a special meeting with house republicans a source in the room tells nbc news that he pleaded for votes. he told republicans they would lose their negotiating power if they didn't pass plan b. during the meeting, conservative host mark levin wrote on facebook, i am told the leadership in the house is threatening members with losing their posts if they do not vote for the tax increase. then, after 8:00 p.m. he issued the following statement. the how about not take up the
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tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass. >> will there be a vote tomorrow? >> nope. >> are you ditching plan be? >> no. and here is republican congressman account of what happened ip that meeting. >> he led us in the pledge and the prayer, he gave the serenity prayer and then went to the microphone and said there was going to be a short conference and as a result said we are not going to be here and we are not going to be here until after christmas and maybe we don't come back at all this year. i hope you have a merry
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christmas. >> was there a plead to go along with this vote? >> no. i mean, we have been doing that for two years with these people and they become martyrs. they become martyrs in the eyes of these extreme groups >> one of the martyrs the office of republican congressman scamp released a statement tonight reading the camp has stated consistently that the house should stick to its objective of extending all bush obama tax cuts when they kicked us off our committees. i'm glad that enough of our colleagues refused to go back down thus preventing the conference from abandoning our leadership. >> tomorrow the house will pass legislation to make permanent
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tax relief for nearly every american. >> we are going to pass the permanent tax relief bill. >> joining me you now is luke russert. >> how did this happen? >> it is fascinating. >> i'll give you the rundown. he is announced his plan b on tuesday. >> it was met with scepticism among conservative members of the gop conference. we are going to make sure there will be no defense cuts. we are going to offer over $200 billion in spending cuts for you to vote for this deal. this deal would have raised taxes for those making $1 million or above. it would have cut meals on wheels in order to pay down the deficit as well as make sure
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that the defense cuts would not go into effect and all of that was not good enough for the house republican conference tonight. it is really quite extraordinary when you think of governing that a deal like that, that is so much in favor of the party was outwardly rejected by the conference. >> we seem to have cop flikting leaks in their meeting tonight. we have mark levin saying it was threats and intimidation. we had congressman laturret saying no, and he gave up. what i heard was that he walked ip there and was calm and somber and was going to lose power because of this and the cag congressman from pennsylvania said we need to rally behind the speaker. the folks shook their head and realized all right we will have a merry christmas. i haven't heard anything about the comment assignments.
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but i've not heard anything outwardly like that >> as to the bold statements yesterday. this was going to pass and it was going to do it. it is now my sense that he knew as well as i did then how much trouble he was in and publicly he was trying to assert that it would pass. that is part of the way that they communicate with their membership. some of them start to think well, he must have the votes. absolutely. that you want to be on the winning team and every one remembers the winner so come along. the congressman had an interesting name for these 40 or so conservative members. he called them the chuckleheads. you are starting to see this divide. the ones who are concerned about groups like heritage action and the ones that say we were sent
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here to covvern. i'm going to look at going forward. it looks like we are leading towards going over the fiscal cliff. but do republicans get involved ip the negotiating and try to give him some cover and maybe move forward. obviously, it is quite surprising to see this much of a divide with the house gop. luke did anything happen tonight to change the prospects of john boehner being speaker next year? >> because eric can tore was behind john boehner on this vote i'm leaning no. he has an element within his conference that would not be there in support of him if there is a viable alternative. if this was the final vote, we feel for the guy. but republicans, it is interesting, harry reid said this was a dance. they realize that too, there was no way forward for the bill.
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>> because eric can tore was behind john boehner on this vote i'm leaning no. he has an element within his conference that would not be there in support of him if there is a viable alternative. if this was the final vote, we feel for the guy. but republicans, it is interesting, harry reid said this was a dance. they realize that too, there was no way forward for the bill. but the bhoener will get a lot of press in the next few days. >> luke russert thank you for your reporting there. >> ari, the republican started to realize something that everyone else had been saying about this. they started to realize, we are
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roting for something that we know won't be taken up by the senate but we are being asked to vote for a tax increase. john could not convince them that there was a point. and he could not convince the white house or the public. this was his back up plan. he needs a back up plan for the back up plan. that is a bad thing for him. it is a bad thing for the rest of us because there isn't any leadership going on here. but i think to echo one thing that luke was reporting. this is a moment of sorts for the tax crusaders. they came out with the weird statement that this tax wasn't a tax. so even they, the supposed red line guardians of these endless debates about taxes have said
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you can do it and they said no for the reasons you explained. they are in a real pickle. >> they said no following the reasoning of rush limbaugh. >> if he agrees to raise taxes on the rich. then they are conceding that, that is the problem. and that reduction can be addressed by raising taxes on the rich. he has the eraser if he cab get the republicans to agree with his premise. then they are giving up a lot of what they are known for. >> that seems to be what it came down to for the republicans who stopped john boehner tonight. >> being known for the guys who cut taxes on the rich is working out so well for him right now. >> he does not have the votes to
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pass a deal with president obama. we know he doesn't have the votes to just do his own bill if it wouldn't get a signature from the president. the only viable plan c he could have is to get a deal that he has some republican support for and some democratic support for. the long time role where you need heavy majority support will not pass anything. conservatives in the house you need a majority in the entire house. so if a couple of conservatives decide they just run, somebody gets 25 or 30 votes. that is enough to deny him a speakership. and the gop rallies around him >> it has raised the key question for bay nor's future. he may have a serious struggle
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at a first ballot victory as speaker. yeah, they don't need that much to do it. this goes back to the changes that earlier gop caucuses made. the republicans decided you need a majority to pass things. that is not required under the constitution but they don't want to do anything that is bipartisan. it wouldn't take that many republicans to team up with a democratic main stream majority to get something done. barack obama is dealing with a lot of irresponsibility actors here. he is as worried about his job i understand that predicament having said that, the president has offered too much with a mandate on the issues. they need to step back and start from scratch.
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>> listen to what congressman dan burton thinks is coming. he said let's say that we don't do anything. he lets us go over the fiscal cliff and they are going to blame republicans and the president is going to be the savior. the president comes back and says okay we are going to give tax cuts to everyone under $250,000. who is going to vote against that everybody will vote for that? everything. ez ra that is dan burton's reading of what lies ahead and that is why john boehner knew the leverage is with president obama. this gets into complicated
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budget anounts. right now, the deal president obama offered john boehner is a $1.2 trillion tax increase. after january 1st, the deal is approximately a $3.8 trillion tax cut. it is easier to sell the tax cut the deal is the same. but that makes it easier if he chooses to go this route to offer a $3.5 trillion tax cut which would be a larger tax increase. so this does snap into a difficult place for republicans. where it becomes a big, big tax cut. >> from the start we have been e cliff everything that the president is proposing becomes easier to pass. >> coming up. more on bay nor world out-of-control. and during the first meeting of
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vice president's task force on gun violence, there were more funerals being held in connecticut. and in the rewrite tonight, the conservative case for an assault weapons ban. , i'm ensure clear... clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach.
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assault weapons massacres can do to people, you want to hear what he has to say coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] the way it moves. the way it cleans. everything about the oral-b power brush is simply revolutionary. oral-b power brushes oscillate, rotate and even pulsate to gently loosen and break up that sticky plaque with more brush movements
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than manual brushes and even up to 50% more than leading sonic technology brushes for a superior clean. oral-b power brushes. go to for the latest offers. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. this is horrible. i'm angry and sad for the speaker. >> white house press secretary said earlier today a big deal is still possible. >> the president is ready right now to negotiate a compromise along the lines of the one he
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put forward. it is available it is a good deal and it is right here. the president of the united states barack obama has put it forward. it is a good fair deal and a balanced deal and they ought to continue to negotiate to try to continue to do something big for the american people. >> what we saw there is jay carney to try to continue to win the public perception that the public is doing everything he can to solve this problem if necessary and the republicans are not. they are locked in some unmovable spot. saying this is horrible. it seems to me that as of tonight again, the president is
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still winning the public perception that he is trying harder than the republicans are to solve this problem. he makes it clear that he is eger that reach a deal. it has penetrated the public consciousness to be clear. the numbers are in the 6 0 to 70% range. but it has even penetrated the reason conference. dan burton as you played the last clip he is very clear of what will happen if we don't do something now and it looks clear that they are not going to do something now. they are going to get hammered for taking over the cliff and they are going to get whatever democrats can muster at that
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point. even democrats, recognize that the public perception is the one that you laid out. >> now, we mepgsed that he thinks the president has gone too far in what he has offered john boehner. we talked about this last night on the program. the adjustment to the index it would reduce social security payments slightly and actually we did a piece last night that we had to do on our website where i think there was actually something of a scoop in him explaining something that he understood about that offer on the indexing of social security benefits. >> i think, that when the president suggested it in his
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offer early this week, my understanding is that he shout and he and speaker boehner were just about done this is part of i can agree to this if the overall package looks like the following. as i understand it the speaker went back and talked to the republican leaders in the house and they pulled the rug out from under him. bob is saying, this is a modest way i believe of him saying the white house has told me that the democrats in you power checked on these kinds of policy, they would run it by him and my sense of what he was saying is, they were very, very, very close to a deal on monday and so the
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president used the final card to close the deal and that is after that is when john boehner discovered gep that this house was not going to back him on any deal with president. >> yeah, i think that is right. bob is extremely well republicaned liberal policy thinker in this field and we have been rough on the president for offering this chain cpi. but if it turns out that he is able to offer this he backs away from it, moves to his own plan, falls on his face and then obama is able to then withdraw it again and say look, you had a chance to take this, i look reason arable to them to having offered it. you don't have a party to bring to the table here and it is not going to be the tea party anymore. it is going to be nancy pelosi, you and 30 and 40 republicans and that is a completely
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different playing field and one that social security cuts don't need to be on the field for. >> ryan grimm thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up. joe biden got to work today reforming our gun laws and a republican gun opener will make the conservative case for an assault weapons ban. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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today an marie murphy. six-year-old kathrine hubbard. benjamin wheeler. the song, "here comes the sun" was played at his funeral today. six-year-old alison wyatt wanted to be an artist when she grew up. 6-year-old jesse lewis's family remember him in boots, tromping through the pasture on his way from one adventure to another. and friends and family of 30-year-old lauren rousseau's mother said they need to take
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those weapons and burn them. >> law enforcement officials from across the country as well as members of the president's cabinet. >> we have to have a comprehensive way to respond to the mass murder of our children in connecticut. the president is absolutely committed to keeping his promise that we will act and act in a way as he said that we can only save one life. we have to take action. >> joining me now joy read and conthan kepart. some are concerned that the task force might be dragging it's feet. >> yeah, and first of all, it is so hard to watch that when you read those bios. it points to the fact that we
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are in the moment now of the highest grief of the country and now for the first half of the show, you have been talking about the wing of the house. you can't pass things that would be good deals for them. i'm one of those who is skeptical of giving them another month. there will be fewer tea partiers in the house. with his failure to lead his caucus it will be hard anyway. this is the pressure point that he should have used but i'm hopeful that joe biden can make it work. >> there are those on the democratic side that have had problems with kun control issue s. senator bob casey, let's listen
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to what he said today about this. >> wait, we don't have the tape. i have to read this. he said the power of the weapon the number of bullets, that hit each child that was so to me so chilling it haunts me, it should haunt every public official if those two bills come before the senate i he will vote for boem. that is a definitive statement. that is not saying i'll vote for it in december. he is in a tough spot in the past to say something like that. what happened in newtown. remember, it is a week ago tomorrow. just seven days that this massacre happened. that this tragedy befell the country. and so it was powerful because
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it was children and because it was a school and someone from the outside going into create carnage that only the hardest of hearts had been moved. to spur those who were in favor of gun control into action. i'm going to have to disagree with joy in this and i bring up the seven days because with the holidays coming and the new congress coming in. there isn't physically not enough time to get enough legislation written and get it passed to have anything become law before the congress comes in. heaven help anyone who comes into the 113th congress who doesn't bring in some kind of control.
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the high velocity ammo. heaven hope those people who vote know on that in the next congress. >> well, senator scott brown, who is not supposed to be in the next congress is still talking about what he will vote for in the next congress because he believes he is poing to get it run for john kerry's seat. he said he would support an assault weapon's ban. and you could be when it with eye other position. if they keep this visible. hopefully you can maintain this visible. this stories are so powerful. because it is chirp, it makes it so hard to go back. we have shown that the nra is losing power fast.
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>> and jonathan, the president said in december, this will be in my state of the union address. i think we are likely to see somebody in the gallery who has been affected by this kind of murder. >> i think the momentum that joy is afraid is foeing to dissipate actually won't. he has given it more than a month to get them in order so that when he delivers the state of the union address. as you say with the power of paragraphs in that speech. the power of seeing the parents of one of the slain children or all of them there in the gallery, it would be very, very hard for that new congress to look at those family's faces and
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to vote no on something that would relieve the nation's pain. >> i think the nra has proved that it is not a guarantee that if they organized and spend against you that you are going to loose. >> thank you goemg for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> the judge who sentenced the man who shot gabby giffords will do tonight's rewrite. i'm going to be joined by a that when he delivers the state of the union address.
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as you say with the power of paragraphs in that speech. the power of seeing the parents of one of the slain children or all of them there in the gallery, it would be very, very hard for that new congress to look at those family's faces and to vote no on something that would relieve the nation's pain. >> i think the nra has proved that it is not a guarantee that if they organized and spend against you that you are going to loose. >> thank you goemg for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> the judge who sentenced the man who shot gabby giffords will do tonight's rewrite. just no fun to drive. now, here's one that will make you feel alive. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see?
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the judge who sentenced the mass murderer who shot gabby giffords. tonight he gets everyone of the words will be his words. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. at usaa, we know military life is different. we've been there. that's why every bit of financial advice we offer is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families.
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i was fascinated of course and i grabbed it to read it by larry allen burns. i had no idea who he was until i read the first sentence which as was kwis quite a grabber. last month i sentenced jar odloughner for his shooting rampage in tucson. judges do not have his kind of communication with the public. so i knew i was holding something extraordinary in my hands when i read this. i knew i was going to hand it over to his judge to make this conservative case as he puts it for a ban. he says that tragedy left six people. the judge said that tragedy left
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six people dead more than twice the number injured and a community shaken to its core. loughner deserved his punishment but during the sentences i questioned the high capacity magazines like the one that fed his glock and i lamented the ban in 2004 which mow hibted the manufacture and deportation of guns that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition. the ban wasn't that strin gent. if you already owned it you
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could keep it. but at least it was something and it says something that half of the nation's deadliest shootings it also says something that it has not been two years later and already six mass shootings have been deadlier. the judge said i'm not a social scientist and i know that very smart ones are divided about what to do. but reasonable good faith debates have boundaries and in the debate about guns a high capacity magazine has always seemed to me beyond them. bystanders got to him and subdued him only after he
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emptied a magazine and tried to load another one. adam lanza used a semiautomatic. how is this not an argument for regulating the number of rounds a gun can fire? i get it. someone bent on mass murder who has only a ten round magazine or resolvers probably is not going to abandon his plan and talk his problems out. but we might be able to take the mass out of mass shooting or make the perpetrator's job a bit harder. to guarantee that there would never be another tucson or sandy hook we would have to make it a capitol offense and that would
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create problems. so what is the alternative? bring back the assault weapon's ban and bring it back with some teeth. ban the sale and transportation and possession. don't let ones that have already been manufactured stay on the market. i don't care whether it is called gun control or a gun ban i'm for it. i say all of this as a gun owner. i say it as a conservative who was appointed to the federal bench i say it was someone who prefers fox news to msnbc and i say it as someone who thinks the supreme court got it right when it held that the second
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amendment gives us the right to hold arms. i even say it as someone whose feelings about the nra mirror the left's feelings about planned parenthood and much of what it does should not be controversial at all. and i say it as a understand them that a high gasity magazine is not that different from smaller magazines, one day, there is a danger that we would ban guns all together the next and your life might depend on you having one. but, if we cand find a way to draw sensible ways to the public interest we may as well call the democracy a failure.
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there is no reason civilians need to own these. they can make a home invader pretending they are part of the seal team that took out bin laden. it speaks horribly to the public discourse of this country that talking about this is regarded as in appropriate. but such a conversation is in appropriate only to those dilutional enough to believe that it would disrespect the victims to do anything other than sit around and mourn their passing. mourning is important but so is decisive action. congress must toughen the ban on
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assault weapons and high capacity magazines. that was the piece. by judge burns. who was appointed to the federal court by president george w. bush. [ female announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. flavor boost, meet beef.
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it's swanson flavor boost. concentrated broth to add delicious flavor to your skillet dish in just one stir. mmm! [ female announcer ] cook, meet compliments. get recipes at they don't help single moms. hi! hi! [ sarah ] what happened to our house last year? [ daughters ] it flooded and the water flooded out. yeah. [ sarah ] the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together
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i reare received a copy of this letter. i'm writing to submit a donation of $3360, 70 desks. i learned about your organization on the larrence o'donnell show. i was looking for a project where you identify an area where you can contribute your talents or funds to make a different to people less fortunate than you. i can imagine how happy the
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students are when desks come to their schools and they no longer have to sit on the floor to study and learn. i'm so excited to be making this donation. i worked very hard to make this money. i so listed friends and relatives for this donation. please write me back so i know that you have received my donation. thank you so much. >> danny, we he received your donation and your letter. thank you, very, very much for doing this. >> so you saw those kids sitting on the floor like that. and it would never cross your mind that it would not be possible to not have a desk in
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the school? >> now a days we complain about homework and going to school and these kids are lucky to be going to school and they are happy. >> we introduced i think you have seen a introduced a girl's too wish program and we have raised $121,000 for that. but you have right there on that card the new grand total that we have raised and we have broken a threshold that is very important and i want you to announce that for us. >> 5 million 4 thousand 4 hundred 75 dollars. >> when we started this season we are at $4.5 million and i had
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