tv Lockup MSNBC January 1, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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great year here on "the last word." you've all been doing this for the last 15 years of this particular holiday show. the first generation of guests have all kind of moved on to other things. but there will be many more of these "last word" holiday shows to come. thank you, all. there's "the last word" staff over there. just to make it official, you all agreed with every pick that i made, right? okay. good. right. thank you for joining us for "the last word" holiday party. a lot more in 2013. ♪
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house republicans staged a new year's day revolt against the senate bill to avoid the fiscal cliff. good evening. i'm richard lui. you're watching the standoff in washington, d.c. the house gop is meeting at this hour for the second time today. leadership and members are discussing how to move forward on a bill they say need to include spending cuts. house speaker john boehner and eric cantor arrived at the meeting together. but it was cantor who set off the storm earlier today just hours ago by announcing he could not support the senate bill that was approved this morning at 2:00 a.m. house democratic leader nancy pelosi attempted to put pressure on tonight. she posted this on twitter saying quote, strong majority of house democrats support the bipartisan senate bill that passed 89-8. confident it will pass and speaker boehner allows an up or down vote. and republicans like congressman jack kingston of georgia blame
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the senate for a hastily written bill. >> it was way past those senators' bedtime. they were blurry eyed when they were reading it. we're trying to fill in the gap where they missed a few things. >> let's bring in luke russert who has been covering this story on capitol hill. what's the latest on the meeting? we do understand earlier you were standing in front of speaker boehner's office and he was having a leadership meeting. >> they're having a leadership meeting where they're trying to fik yur out the way forward here. the plans they've said is they'd perhaps like to amend the senate-passed bill some time tonight. that's what we were getting. we do not know if that is still the plan because they're having this meeting where they're discussing what exactly they're going to do. we are told that heading into this meeting they were -- the members were explicitly told not to leak out any details. usually you'll have some members that communicate during the actually meeting. they were very upset the leadership was about the leaks
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the last time around. so we probably won't know necessarily anything new until folks come out of that meeting. but from where we stand right now, the folks over in the united states senate has said this is a take it or leave it proposition. that if the house republicans do not accept this bill that is on -- it's over here that could be brought to the floor, then they will be single handedly responsible for taking the country over the fiscal cliff. that is not lost on a lot of members in the congress. i've spoken to many that would just like to vote on the senate bill. but others say it doesn't cut enough spending. they'd like to see more spending cuts. perhaps we could attach an amendment, they say, to the proposal that would have more spending cuts. but what's interesting is john boehner for the last few weeks has said repeatedly let's let harry reid and mitch mcconnell and senate figure this out. now they figured it out and now
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it's on the house side. as one republican member told me when the senate jams you, they jam you. and there's not a lot you can do about it. don't ask for the senate to jam you then get angry afterwards. so the way forward, it's very perilous now. the markets in asia are going to open up in a few hours. i've got tons of e-mails from folks in the finance community wondering what exactly is happening in washington. we thought this was a done deal. it is very far from a done deal and maybe if we have no vote tonight on something, maybe it takes a market crash tomorrow or a lot of points off the dow in order for the house republicans to take the senate deal, richard. >> so anything can happen as you always remind us there. but based on what we understand right now, those two items come to pass that the amendment it and send it to the senate and the senate won't accept it, this could be dead. >> then it's dead and we are in a holding pattern until the new congress convenes which will be some time on thursday. the 112th congress is up at 11:59 on thursday. then there's a new congress.
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logistically you start all over again. so it would take some time probably at least until friday to move on something and what is that something? we have no idea what could get passed in the house now. >> we are watching the ultimate theater there. thank you. luke russert. earlier today luke also spoke with steven la turret about the resistance to the bill and where the republicans will go from here. >> you're a close ally of speaker boehner. what happened in conference today? what was to problematic with this bill for house republicans? >> it's heavy on tax increases. and it has nothing on spending reductions. and spending reductions are not only nonexistent, it adds billions of dollars of more spending. so that's not the balanced approach the president was talking about. >> where do we go from here? you think there will possibly be a vote tonight on an amended bill? >> the overwhelming consensus in the conference was the leadership should go back and
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huddle and find an amendment that actually addressed spending in a responsible way. it's not going to be some amazingly huge package, but at least a token or symbol. with what the president himself has suggested. just to lay down the markers to move forward that it's not just taxes. it's spending as well. >> what was looked at after the president already suggest snd. >> they were not specific. there was a lot of talk about sequester. and as you know in the senate proposal, sequester is only delayed for two months. half of it's paid for by new taxes. at a minimum you'll see an amendment that says if we're not going to do sequester which was the down payment on the debt ceiling it should be with real spending cuts. >> we're getting indications from the senate they would not even look at an amended bill. mitch mcconnell, joe biden they were here until the early hours
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of this morning on new year's day. what happens if that -- are we going off the fiscal cliff? >> well, you know, i don't know. that'll be a decision for the senate. but quite frankly, the senate had in its power for over six months to do what they did at the stroke of midnight last night and that is amend a house bill and send it back to us. i think it's a little unreasonable for senator reid to say that something that they produced on new year's eve produced by a bunch of sleep deprived people is what we should adopt within 40 hours. >> cantor obviously you said is against the bill as it stands. boehner reserved judgment, did not say public opinion. boehner can't go over cantor on this one. he needs cantor to back him up on any final deal, right? >> what they're attempting to craft is something to get to 218 votes which has been an elusive target in this 112th congress. but i sensed that if they came up with something that was responsible and reasonable and
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laid down the marker on spending that we'll be there with the spooeker. >> going forward, do you think -- how many folks in your conference would support the bill as it is right now? >> that's hard to say. but it certainly wouldn't be the majority. the majority i don't know if you'd hit triple digits. i can only speak for myself that if the bill came up in its current form, i'd vote for it because i think it's unreasonable to hold hostage 95% of america and say you're getting a tax cut because we can't get our business taken care of. that doesn't mean i think it's a good bill. it would be a hold your nose and jump off the platform vote. >> so you think the number obviously boehner wants the majority. but for anything on this bill, 60, 70? could you get that? >> i don't know. i'd put it on the 40, 50 range. maybe. maybe. >> still a lot of room to go there then. >> if the democrats step up to the plate, the math becomes a different equation.
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i know the speaker wants to get something done. >> are you worry ied that the house republican conference will receive the blame if the united states goes over the fiscal cliff because they want this bill amended? >> i watch your network a lot and republicans get the blame if it's sunny outside. i'm not really worried about that. you know, people will make their own judgments. but the people that i represent and i come from a swing district says this is a problem. people should pay their fair share. but we've got to do something about spending. >> okay. that was ohio republican steven latourette speaking earlier today. first of all we heard from the senate floor, senate majority leader harry reid say he was talking about waiting games and tired staffers. he then adjourned the senate until tomorrow. again, the question out there is if the house does amend that bill they received today and send it back to the senate, will the senate take it up or not?
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we're also hearing this according to our political director chuck todd. he says from a house gop leadership aide right now what the speaker is doing in this gop conference is proposing a two-bill strategy. i'll read exactly what the note says here. a two-bill strategy but only after they see if they have 218 votes for an amended version of the bill that came over at 2:00 a.m. this morning with the 89-8 support. the speaker presented his members two options. the first would be to make an amendment to the bill that would add a package of spending cuts. then they would check to see if they had the 218 votes to get that passed. if not, then they will bring up the senate-passed measure for an up or down vote in the house. that is the latest we just heard in from chuck todd. i'd like to now bring in allison schwartz who is with us, democrat from pennsylvania. thanks for being with us tonight. what's your thought and reaction to what i was just reading? this development we're hearing
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from one gop leadership aide. >> we've known all along and certainly speaker boehner knows that just having a piece of legislation that can pass the republican congress is not good enough. what we need is a bill and what we have before us is a bill i believe can pass the house. which has bipartisan support and can get this done. certainly there are issues that would match the republicans. the democrats know we have work to do going forward. things we want to do. this bill doesn't take care of everything. but we're really passed midnight here. we are into new year's day. and this has been a long discussion. you know, speaker boehner took himself out of it and then said i promised as a matter of fact, pledged and committed as did eric cantor to bring up the bill that passes the senate. and it didn't just pass the senate. it was 89 votes. it's deeply bipartisan worked out by mitch mcconnell and the white house.
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of course vice president biden was in there. >> do you support the bill? >> this is not new information. yes, i would support the bill. >> how many democrats would not support the bill? >> i don't have that count. i think it really -- i would hope and expect that this is a bipartisan bill. that's what the american people have been asking us to do is to find a way to protect the middle class in this country, to provide certainty for the markets and actually for all of us both consumers and investors and get it done. don't go over this cliff. take care of particularly the tax provisions in this legislation. we will have other opportunities to discuss and will be implementing either sequester an alternative. that's a trillion dollars in spending cuts we've committed to. the notion we haven't dealt with spending. we know we need some tax revenues. this is a compromise. >> we've got a minute left here, congress woman -- >> something we have to vote on. i'm saying. >> you want it to come to the floor on an up or down vote.
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>> absolutely. >> in it doesn't come up to that, we're looking at the 113th. in the 20 seconds we have left now, would that be a better time? >> i think we get it done tonight. i think we have a piece of legislation i think does meet a lot of the requirements many of us have about tax fairness and bringing in some revenues and setting us at least partway on a path forward. let's get it done. there are a lot of opportunities in the next congress to do more work. >> thank you so much for your time. 42 hours until the 113th congress begins. we'll have the latest on these on-going negotiations all evening right here on msnbc. so make sure to stay with us as we watch the gop conference meeting, what comes out of that. we'll have that update for you next when we will be right back. [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you lose
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welcome back to the revvie awards. making it up as he went b along, it went to paul ryan. >> you did run marathons at some point? >> yeah. but i can't do it anymore because of my back. >> what's your personal best? >> under three. high twos. >> holy smokes. >> i did that when i was younger. >> this gets you out of that plateau. i keep my body fat between 6% and 8%. it's a good workout. >> you're just catching catfish by hand. it's exhilarating and quite fun. so we try to get down there during noodling season, end of
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may, early june to catch catfish. they're delicious. >> congratulations, mr. ryan for making it up on everything from marathon times to the auto bailout. you're me big winner. he's also accepting the beef cake of the year award. but that is given out in a special las vegas ceremony. now back to the host of tonight's ceremony, the reverend al sharpton. >> thank you. we're back with our revvie judges. let's get right to our next round of awards. the best political force of the year is awarded to the person or group who drove the agenda in 2012. victoria, who wins the award in your book? >> here it goes to an unintended consequence. in the last segment we were talking about voter suppression. i think there was a silver lining here. because across the country we saw people being kept from coming out to vote. and this mobilized them. we saw the lines in florida and
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texas. and in arizona. so for me the best political trend was the unintended consequence of mobilizing voters. >> all right. i think that's a good one. what do you think, richard? >> well, i'm tempted to say the best political trend was the fading of the tea party. but that's got a couple more years to roll. so i'm going to say all those people who said young people wouldn't show up this election. they were not interested. they were gloomy. they showed up. the young people are engaged not just this cycle but last cycle. that means for cycles to come, this generation is going to take part in elections to come. i think that's the best thing you could have. >> he really does want to be out signing. he always gives us one option and goes to the other. >> someone else is still looking for an answer maybe. >> but i always follow him with being crystal clear. pun intended. >> thank you. well, i thought one of the best most heartening trends this year
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was that the big dollars as you referenced, karl rove, koch brothers, superpacs. they didn't win the day. it was ordinary people who kicked in a couple bucks who stood in the long lines who actually won the election. and that is just a beautiful, encouraging thing for this democracy. this big money losing. >> jonathan. >> ipg the best political trend of this political season was the demise of gay rights as a wedge issue. notice in all three debates, it never came up. it was never even hinted at. any talk pro or con about gay rights issues, same-sex marriage, equal protection, none of that. and i think that's a good thing. >> okay. i think the best trend is that we saw this year a clear new
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electorate. we saw forever we have buried the idea that america is only male and only white. there's a permanent new political trend that the demographics of the electorate in this country has changed. and people need to get a new playbook. >> now, next up is the worst political farce of the year. is the revvie for the person or group who drove the agenda and their purpose into the ground. jonathan, so who wins the award in your block? >> mr. 9-9-9, herman cain. people using a presidential campaign to sell books, to sell themselves, to make that the steppingstone to a larger career. no one did it better than herman
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cain or worse. >> i would say the worst trend this year is the republican party deciding they couldn't win the game with the rules as written. so trying to keep people from voting and essentially rig the rules. which is a trend unfortunately that is ongoing. they've seen the writing on the wall. the new demographic realities and they're still trying to say how can we change the math and rig the rules so that we can still win? in virginia, for example, they proposed changing the way electoral votes would be awarded. which would unfairly favor republicans. so they're still trying to rig the rules and hold back the tide of the demographics. >> and trying to rig the rules in the middle of the game. i've seen them change the rules but never mid-game. at least wait until you lose the game. richard? >> for me this is going to be john mccain and the conservative media for leading a preposterous and ultimately successful witch hunt against susan rice.
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totally undeserved, totally personal. frankly part of the conspiracy theories they've cooked up against any person of color serving around the president. unjustified. it has a chilling effect on people in public service. and frankly it is sad for someone who had a stature and a gravitas as john mccain to pander to this. >> and now there's a trend. you see eric. >> this is a tough one. i had about half a dozen in this basket. i was going to say super pacs. but i think it's how republicans rolled back the clock on women. you know, if we remember in 2010 women did very well in the republican party. it was the year of the momma grizzlies. this year they erased all that. they went after women and most recently they didn't name any chairs. then they back tracked and decided to name one woman to the administrative committee which is essentially the clerical
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committee. >> the housewife. >> very madmen. >> but it was interesting that they went after women and didn't debate gays. it was a contorted strategy. we're going to attack women openly and not deal with gays or even marriage equality in many cases as an issue. >> they put their target on women. >> right. and think about it. they figured that the -- the public opinion is moving away from opposition to gay rights. but they thought it was perfectly fine to go after women's rights. amazing. >> now, what i thought was very interesting in probably the worst political trend is in '88 there was a guy named brown that designed the dew caucus adds. this is the same guy.
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from willy horton that unleashed all this money. i think the aim was to take the lid off of money which was a right wing strategy that really backfired. it drove them into the ground. in the sense that i think that they thought they had bought an election. it's almost like getting a credit card somewhere and pick up to find the merchandise isn't there. it was the worst trend. it did happen because had they nov believed in that trend, they might have done more work. they might have built more organization on the ground. and they might have moved to a more sensible political policy. >> money can't buy you love, reverend. >> yeah. and they put all their faith in money and the power of money. >> well, i agree with you. money can't buy you love. and when it does, they're going to always say what have you done for me lately? you got to keep buying it. >> not the good kind of love. >> i mean, we could do these
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songs all night. it's been an amazing year, and there are more revvies to come. stay with us. the revvies return with newt gingrich, rick santorum, and the best new political newcomer of the year. but first the revvie for outstanding performance in a dance. and the nominees are. ♪ >> the lasso again. and then the horse. the cowboys riding. >> ride on, senator allen simpson. ride on. you're our winner. and the 2012 revvies will be right back.
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welcome back to the second annual revvie awards from rockefeller center in new york city. here's the host of "politicsnation," the reverend al sharpton. >> welcome back. here at "politicsnation" we love a good science fiction story. and this year the gop gave us plenty of fantasy. our next award is the ray bradbury award for lead performance in a science fiction role. it's one of my favorites. watch this. >> by the end of my second term, we will have the first permanent base on the moon. and it will be american. >> it seems to me first of all from what i understand from doctors, that's really rare. if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to
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shut that whole thing down. >> i said the science is bogus. the dangers of carbon dioxide. tell that to a plant how dangerous carbon dioxide is. >> all the candidates are so deserving. but the revvie can only go to one person. and it goes to newt gingrich for his out of this world ideas. congratulations, newt. your revvie will be waiting for you at the moon base when you get there. we'll be right back. the revvies will return with president obama, clint eastwood, and karl rove. plus the award for political performer of the year. you're watching the second annual revvie awards only on msnbc.
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al sharpton. >> thank you. i'd like to welcome back our esteemed panel of judges. jonathan capehart, victoria de fran ches koe soto and richard wolffe. great to have all of you with us. >> great to be here. >> it's the season of giving. let's get back to giving out those revvies. the rising star of the year award is the revvie for the biggest political powerhouse of 2012. krystal, who wins that award in your book? and i'm looking forward here. i'm looking in the crystal ball. i'm looking for who going forward stood out this year but gives us where we're going in the future. because the next presidential election, there'll be no incumbent. >> right. >> we are going to see both parties have an open shot at it. so who gets that revvie? who's the person we ought to be
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watching? >> well, she already had a pretty large star, but i think hillary clinton has just continued to grow in stature. the front runner. hands down not only for the democratic nomination, but even republicans are admitting that they're pretty scared of her in 2016. and partly it's because republicans use this device of saying the clintons were the good and reasonable democrats that we could work with. they actually elevated the clintons themselves. now hillary's stepping down as secretary of state. she'll be doing lots of non-political work over the next few years and i think her star will only continue to burn brighter and brighter. of course everyone will be paying very close attention to see what indications she gives as to whether she's going to go or not go for 2016. >> what do you think, jonathan? >> i think benghazi will be a black spot on her years as secretary of state. but i would give my rising star
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award to what i'm calling the obama coalition. african-americans, latinos, gays and lesbians, young people, women. all the folks we've been talking about all year and even tonight who came together and decided that they wanted to give him four more years. despite where the economy is, despite the right track, wrong track. they decided to tell the republicans all your talk about us being demoralized, that we're not for this guy anymore, that's bunk. we're with him. >> but who out of that coalition? is there a person or -- >> let me -- i yield, yes. >> to the lady to your left. >> and we didn't coordinate. but for me it doesn't go to one particular person. it goes to latinos. it goes to the latino electorate that flexed its muscle. and we see going forward of being decisive.
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not just because of the growth of the population but because of where they are. latinos are strategically placed in red states. and latinos are pushing these red states into light red, into purple. and eventually it's going to take a bit. texas isn't going to turn blue in four years or eight years, but it's going to turn these traditionally red southern states into toss-up states. so the latino muscle is moving the landscape of this country. >> is julio castro one to watch? >> he would not make it statewide in texas. he doesn't have a jumpoff point. and he's term limited as mayor. but he's going to have to bide his time and come back. i give him ten years. >> although you have to say if you did have a democrat from texas who could win texas statewide, what an incredible force they would be on the national level. if you could in the future -- >> it's going to be george p.
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if we're going to see a latino in texas in the next six to eight years, it's going to be george. >> richard, you've been quiet. >> as someone who's been on the revvie awards since their inception last year, i feel like as much respect i have for my fellow judges, it's a copout. i respect your arguments. these are big things, big trends. but this is the rising star award. it's to one person. >> and you're a veteran so go ahead. >> elizabeth warren. we have unfinished business on wall street. in the housing market. elizabeth warren is going to be the rising star to finish that business or at least keep it in the public eye at a time when the economy's going to pick up and wall street would be forgetting about all it. we need to have an accounting. >> so no one sees a rising republican star? >> you know, i thought about
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mentioning i do think marco rubio and chris christie are going to be very prevalent voices in the conversation about what the republican party is going to do next. so -- and i think christie to your point earlier richard, did himself a lot of favors at the end of the campaign by showing that bipartisan side because that is where the republican party needs to go if they're going to be relevant in the next four years. so i would say those two are going to be important in the future. >> so on the republican side you say christie, rubio. >> i'm going with christie on this one. i think marco's very talented, but i think he's going to have a lot of obstacles going forward. and there are other rising latino stars within the republican party that can block him out such as ted cruz, sandoval. he's going to have to watch his back. >> i don't know whether this person should be considered a rising star yet, but i think he's interesting for what he could possibly do. and that's senator-elect i guess
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is what you call him tim scott >> no senator select. >> appointed by hailey. jim demint is leaving. but tim scott, the first african-american senator from the deep south, the first from south carolina. he has to run for real in 2014. but unlike other black republicans, herman cain, allen keys, allen west, the defeated congressman from florida. tim scott is someone who's considered to be serious. and so it'll be interesting to watch how this. >> reporter: >> that he meets with me and is going to come out as a progressive. >> good luck with that. another big moment this year is when clint eastwood changed the way we view chairs. forever. >> what do you want me to tell romney? i can't tell him to do that.
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can't do that to himself. you're crazy. you're absolutely crazy. >> so in his honor, we will be awarding the clint east woodward empty chair award for the best performance for not showing up. >> about 81 members of the democratic party -- >> this is just about saying it's something else. >> you are not allowed to be a president if you're not born in this country. he may not have been born in this country. >> and the revvie goes to none other than donald trump who was out of it the entire year. congratulations, mr. trump. we'll have more revvies right after this. the revvies will return with a blueberry pie lifetime achievement award. but first a special revvie. the lost their shirt award for
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worst investor of the year. given to those who made the worst investments of this year's presidential election. the competition is stiff. the koch brothers spent nearly $34 million. sheldon adelson spent nearly $40 million. but karl rove's group tops the list with a whopping $91 million. congratulations, mr. rove. you've spent lots of money with nothing to show for it. this is mr. rove's first revvie but he's nominated in another category, so don't go anywhere, karl. this could be a sweep. you could be this year's "titanic." we'll be right back. "i'm only human" ] humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement
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welcome back. here's your host and the host of "politicsnation" the reverend al sharpton. >> welcome back. our next revvie is near and dear to my heart. the alfred c. sharpton blueberry pie lifetime achievement award. as 2012 draws to a close, we look around and ask ourselves who has the most blueberry pie on his face? there was plenty to go around this year, but there was only one man who could walk away with the revvie. >> do you believe ohio is
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settling? >> no, i don't. >> i think this is premature. i don't know what the outcome is going to be. but you should -- we got to be careful about calling things when we have 991 votes separating the two candidates. >> yes, yes. karl rove for predicting mitt romney would win the election with 279 electoral votes. for losing $400 million in campaign cash. and of course for his manic meltdown on election night. you walk away with the alfred c. sharpeton blueberry pie lifetime achievement award. congratulations, karl. and enjoy your pie. we'll be right back. the revvies will be right back with predictions. plus awards for the best and worst political performer of the year. you're watching a special edition of "politicsnation" with al sharpton. the second annual revvie awards. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪
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panel of judges. jonathan capehart, victoria defrancesco-soto, krystal ball, and veteran of the revvies richard wolffe. and now for the big one. the biggest winner of 2012. richard? >> okay. the obvious one is obviously the president. but i'm not going to do the obvious one. i'm going to say michelle obama. not only because her husband won, because she doesn't have to campaign again which she hates. because she sailed through the election with sky high ratings. and because now she can actually do some of the bigger stuff about obesity, the biggest public health challenge in this country, frankly the western world. she can now do what she wants. >> i'm going with claire mccaskill. not just because she won her race -- thank you todd akin -- but because she showed the face of what.
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i think claire mccaskill really came out winning. >> jonathan? >> i would say that the 47% were the winners of this election. because they told mitt romney and the republican party to stuff it. they got off their lazy, unprincipled, immoral behinds and got out there and voted for president obama. >> krystal? >> i got to go with the obvious one, president obama. not just because he won and won convincingly, his policies have been vindicated, health care has been upheld, his approval rating is rising. he's likely to now oversee a recovery. i mean, he really truly was the big winner this year. >> i would go with jonathan with the 47% or even more. the 99%. because i think that they showed political muscle and political tenacity that had been underestimated. i mean, a lot of people had said
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young people people, blacks, latinos, gays would not come out. and i think they sent a message that all of the experts including some of the democratic experts are going back to the drawing board trying to recon fig rate what happened. >> they were counting on them not to show up. that's part of the republican winning strategy was that blacks and latinos in particular would not show up. >> and they will never make that mistake again thinking those groups will stay home and not raise their voices. >> now, we mentioned other people throughout the night on this award. everyone has been, you know, the president and others. what about bill clinton? nobody's brought his name up this year. or this revvie award. >> well, bill clinton's been a winner for awhile. but i think what he did for the president particularly in that dnc speech which was just unbelievable. laying out the case saying here are some of the attacks on this
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president. here's why they're completely unfounded in doing it in simple language. it really was incredible both for his own legacy and image and also for hillary and family. >> certainly. that's the key. >> certainly for the president. >> when you look at '08, he was not a winner. he came off very badly and lost a lot of support on the base. had guys like me taking real shots at him. and this year, he really came on strong. i think he has to be considered a winner this year. >> and think about all of charlotte. by the time president clinton gave his fantastic speech, those folks were fired up and ready to go. they wanted to hear that. they needed to hear that message. >> you know, they made them hungry for more clinton. made it clinton 2016. >> i can watch that speech every day, personally. >> let's turn to the revvie that was the biggest loser of 2012.
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>> well, my loser is sort of the yin to your yang. todd akin. he's a laughing stock. and he's out of touch with the women, the huge margins they lost women by. and he's just a joke for his absurd and offensive kmints about rape. >> todd akin. jonathan? >> i'm going the obvious route. i'm going to say it's mitt romney. this is a man who any republican by historical standards should have won the election against a president with unemployment above 7% with the wrong track in the 60%. with the economy still in the doldrums coming back but not coming back enough. president obama, if you want to be honest with yourself, was not supposed to win. mitt romney was supposed to win, and he didn't. by running the worst presidential campaign at least i
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have ever seen in my young lifetime. >> but how do you call a man with car elevators in his house a loser? he's doing very well. victoria? >> my loser award goes out to my fellow texans in terms of rick perry. rick perry flopped in the primary. then he goes back to texas and puts all his chips behind david dewhurst in the senate race. when ted cruz comes out and mops the floor. so rick perry is a double loser nationally and at the state level. >> richard? >> so i'm going to break my copout rule here and go with a whole group. it's all of those ceos including mitt romney who thought the president was incompetent and destined to lose. you know, these guys may be wealthy and powerful, but they're a bunch of losers right now. >> really? why? >> because they got it wrong. how badly did they misjudge this president? how badly did they misunderstand the country which has given them so much wealth? those ceos backed the wrong side and now have to face up to
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reality. but their customers, the people they work with are not the country they thought it was. you could be a ceo and you can be so out of touch. these people need to look in the mirror and say we got this badly, badly wrong. >> i think the big loser of the year is the right wing media. i think that their whole facade was destroyed this year. they lost the ability to convince people that if they keep putting something on high rotation, it's going to stick. the birther thing they couldn't make stick. and any number of other things didn't stick. rush limbaugh started losing stations. wre started seeing a lot of things go down around the right wing media. they lost their punch. i think we look behind the veil and the wizard wasn't there. >> and the knockout blow there was election night when they were so wrong about what was going to happen.
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>> all the way to where they started challenging their posts. it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for. predictions for the new year. 2013, what's going to happen? jonathan, start us off with your prediction. >> i think the supreme court is going to give a ruling on same-sex marriage that will make it legal wherever it's happening now, it's legal. it'll be a two-step thing. it'll be a bit of a punt, but it will set up a situation where we could get it for the entire country in another case. >> victoria? >> three words. comprehensive immigration reform. >> richard? >> tax reform. immigration reform. gun safety reform. three things, three big things by the summer of next year. >> look into your crystal ball. >> i think scott brown will run for senate again to fill john kerry's open seat and he will lose again. >> i think we're going to see the supreme court come with some good stuffnd
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