tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 15, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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few friends on capitol hill. that is 25 million, that is the way politics operates now. in the second term, we reported this in a series in "the huffington post," we showed in the debate on taxes, it will take a more publicly confrontational approach to the republicans. he says you treat me like this, i'll treat you like this, go ahead, make my day. i think you will see on gun control, debt ceiling, on everything down the road, public pressure from the president rather than wasting his time on events that the republicans don't even want to come to at the white house. >> yeah, howard, my experience in the senate in the '80s and '90s, was simply that, the big difference was opponents treated each other much more respectfully, they did oppose what they were trying to do. but they didn't try to use tricky tactics. they were very open, honest about it. they let each other know well ahead of time.
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they didn't try to block every maneuver in parliamentary terms. but on anything important, i never saw anybody get a vote out of friendship or socializing snow >> good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" from new york. what do you say we dive into crazy tonight. the call for civil war is getting louder. i think it's time for this country to have a real gut check. this is "the ed show." let's get to work.
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>> if he tried to override the second amendment in any way, i believe it would be an impeachable offense. >> the president is set to release his plan on guns. the majority of the country is behind him. but the rebel yell is getting louder. >> there are many people in this country that will want to bring on a civil war. >> tonight my message to gun owners, with bob shrum and david corn. plus, an exclusive interview with the mother of newtown victim noah pozner. the plan is right on schedule. >> i'm concerned about the post office. >> tonight the latest in the long death of the post office. plus, labor secretary hilda solis on president obama's push for immigration reform and what that means for the american worker. and there has been a miracle in the desert. arizona governor jan brewer is now in love with obama care. >> you know, it's going to
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create jobs, particularly our rural hospitals. and it's a moral thing. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. the country demanded change in the wake of the newtown shootings. one month later, change is here. new york governor andrew cuomo and his state said his state would deliver on immediate solutions to gun violence. today his state legislature, including the republican-controlled senate, passed one of the toughest gun reform laws in the country. the governor signed the bill into law immediately. the new measure bans high capacity magazines limiting clips to seven rounds of ammunition. the law changes the definition of assault weapons, making guns like the bushmaster illegal. there are now background checks for all gun sales, including private transactions. the law requires background checks for ammunition. it also requires mandatory reporting of mental health threats. governor cuomo said that his state wanted to send a message to the rest of the country.
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quick action on sensible gun laws is possible. >> we can strike back, and we can defend ourselves, but we're going to do it intelligently. and we're going to do it prudently. and we're going to put rules in place that actually protect innocent people in society. >> legislative bodies like the one in new york are basically on the move. tomorrow it will be the president's turn to show his hand. president obama will unveil several gun safety proposals, including a universal background check law, a ban on high capacity magazines, and some type of assault weapons ban. not everything will be left to the legislative branch. the president will issue executive action on background check enforcement. he will also call for increased federal research crime of firearm crime, research of firearm crime. and these are all well within the power of the president of the united states. but as president obama said yesterday, some people will use
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these measures to make gun owners fearful. >> even the slightest hint of some sensible, responsible legislation in this area fans this notion that somehow here it comes. and that everybody's guns are going to be taken away. >> when it comes to executive orders, president obama is hardly a tyrant. this president has issued the fewest executive orders of any president in over a century. there will be no executive order on the second amendment. this hasn't stopped the obama haters from ramping up their resistance. tea party senator rand paul is driving the campaign of fear. >> i'm against having a king. i think having a monarch is what we fought the american revolution over. and someone who wants to bypass the constitution, bypass congress, that's someone who wants to act like a king or a monarch. i've been opposed to executive
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orders even with republican president. but one that wants to infringe on the second amendment, we will fight tooth and nail. and i promise you there will be no rock left unturned as far as trying to stop him from usurping the constitution. >> fight tooth and nail. tell me, senator. what does that mean? what does fight tooth and nail mean? do your words matter at all to the people of this country? other lawmakers are joining the rand paul resistance. congressman steve stockman of texas has threatened to impeach the president of the united states over executive gun laws. former reagan attorney general edwin meese got into the act. he joined the conservative website news max to push the big lie. >> so if the president unilaterally overrides the second amendment via executive order, would this be constitutional? would it be legal? and how should congress respond? >> well, it would not be legal. it would not be constitutional. and indeed, if he tried to override the second amendment in
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any way, i believe it would be an impeachable offense. >> the constant representation of this lie is intensifying. a number of people on the far right wing are preparing for civil war. >> i'm telling you that if that happens, it's going to spark a civil war, and i'll be glad to fire the first shot. >> i unfortunately believe that there are many people in this country that will want to bring on a civil war. and in that scenario, the people will lose. >> without our rights under the second amendment, removing the rest of our bill of rights would be a lot easier. >> once we lose the constitution, and we're losing it big, what is left? i mean how do we keep these people in check? >> 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. >> all low-rated right-wing talkers begging for an audience and attention. glenn beck, are you going to sell some more subscriptions on that one? a lot of this rhetoric has heated up on the internet as well. right-wing websites are calling
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for an armed revolution. the civil war talk is a constant presence in conservative media. here comes gun nut ted nugent, recently telling police to resist the imaginary executive. "i do believe that the heroes of law enforcement will defy this order." country western singer charlie daniels wrote a column for the christian website saying "no matter what obama, biden, pelosi, reid, and the rest of the far left in america say, they want your guns. they want them all." do you really believe that, folks? this is how crazy these people can get. i think it's time for a reality check in this country. sensible, responsible gun owners have a duty to push back against all of this crazy talk. assault weapons, well, are the issue here. these are military issued killing machines. calling for regulations on assault weapons where we have been before in this country is not a ban on all guns.
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58% of americans, what do they do? well, holy smokes, they support a ban on assault weapons. but i guess we got to let north dakota and kentucky run the country. the only demographic against a ban is white men with no college education. a college educated men and women, as well as nonwhites and young people, they all support a ban. america is dividing as the demographics in this country shift. it's time for the silent majority in this country to be heard. this civil war rhetoric needs to stop before it turns to be even more dangerous. i am a life-long hunter. now, we all give our resume when we start talking about guns. and this is one of the things that does bother me. why do we do that? well, we do that because we want to qualify that hey, i'm not a nut, and i believe in the second amendment. but i really do think we can have some sensible gun laws in this country.
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attitude, society changes. attitudes in society change over the years. we don't stay the same on a lot of issues. we move forward. now, i'm not concerned that my guns are going to be taken away. and i would venture to say that of all the conservative hosts that you just saw there, i have probably shot more deer and pheasants than any of those suckers. this is not about tyranny. this is not about manhood in a screwy way. this is about democracy. the people of new york have decided through a representative government that they don't like the bushmaster. they don't want the bushmaster out there. and you know what? they also want some serious background checks. that's not an attack on the second amendment. that's not an attack on your personal freedoms. that is a change in the law. and that's how we run the country. but rand paul, this tea party senator from kentucky, who says that basically, he'll do anything. need a little bit more clarification there, senator. are you trying to start a civil
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war? because i think that is the question at this point. the rhetoric has to stop. now rupert murdoch tweeted something out today about maybe we'll finally get something done on gun laws. we'll have that a little later on in the show. tell your talk show hosts over there, your hosts of your big programs over there to cool it and be responsible, because the charlie daniels of the world and the newt -- the ted nugents of the world, they all pay attention to that channel, and they all thrive on fear. where is the responsibility of broadcasters and talkers in this country when this kind of garbage comes up? president obama is doing what the country wants him to do. this is where the people are. the election results haven't changed. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, will threats from the far right derail the president's sensible gun reforms? text a for yes. text b for now to 622639.
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you can always go to our blog at we'll bring results later on in the show. i'm joined tonight by bob shrum, contributor to interest daily beast. also david corn, msnbc analyst and d.c. bureau chief for mother jones. good evening. >> good evening. >> we are covering the crazy tonight. is that okay with you guys? >> you're covering them pretty well. >> well, i don't want to get in the way of any crazy talk that you might have to add to this conversation. what do you say to these people? >> well, you just made a good point that broadcasters and talkers have to sort of do what they can and make this debate a reasonable one. i'm still waiting for anybody right of center. political leader, a thought leader, a columnist, maybe charles krauthammer, anybody to step up and say listen, there is a real debate to be had. you can be against some of the things that the president is
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proposing. i happen to like them, but you can be against them. but that doesn't mean he is a dictator. it doesn't mean we're going towards civil war, armageddon. and to tamp down the fear factor that you have talked about. and so far, i've heard a lot of silence. they've all been muffled. anybody on the right, when it comes to saying no to their own crazies. and we'll see how far the crazies good before anybody in the sort of moderate right centrist position gets up there and says hey, guys, you better cool it soon. >> bob, what is the responsibility of politicians here, elected officials? >> oh, the responsibility of elected officials is very grave. what people like rand paul are doing is feeding this paranoia. it's a paranoia that somehow or another assumes that our own government or the u.n. or some other sinister force is going to come and take away our freedom. you're right, this is not about the rights of hunters. it's not about protecting hunters. you don't need an ak-47 to go hunt dove. it's about paranoia.
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it's about fear. and it's also about profit. it's about the profit that the nra makes by stirring this fear. it's about the profit the gun manufacturers make. and for politicians and public leaders to climb in bed with people like ted nugent, to aid and abet that kind of conversation is -- it's despicable, and it's also dangerous. you know, ed, i thought on the way over here about an ad in "the dallas morning news" on november 22nd, 1963. it said "wanted for treason, the president of the united states." that's the day when we should have begun dealing in a serious way with gun issues in this society. and that's what we need to do now. >> there is another example. you don't have to go back to 1963. we're old enough on the panel here to remember the 1990s and the rise of the militia movement. a lot of it was targeting the batf and the government in black helicopters. and what did that culminate in?
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the attack in oklahoma city. so these actions, these words have consequences. i don't think glenn beck is going to go out there and set off a bomb. i don't think he has the cojones to do so. but people listening to him talking about a civil war and dictators, tyrants. what do you do with a tyrant? it doesn't take a lot of imagination to hear more deranged minds than some of these go too far. >> and rupert murdoch tweeted today, "hopefully we'll get some real action on guns tomorrow, not just some staged managed stunt." well, can't murdoch take real action himself by telling his media personalities to dial back the rhetoric? >> sure. fox news feeds this paranoia all the time. fox news trots out the party line. i thought what david said earlier was very interesting about charles krauthammer or somebody like that coming out and saying let's have a serious conversation. the problem is there is a bargain with the devil here. it's the religious right combined with the tea party
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combined with the nra. and they're all in this together. and no one else in that coalition, even the more moderate members of that coalition want to criticize one of the other members because they fear that it will bring the thing apart. >> david corn, wouldn't it be good to see a republican lawmaker step out and say we've got to end this conversation? this has gone over the top, and we have a responsibility here. where are the republicans? where is the leadership? >> you know, i'm kind of stunned that you don't see this. and bob is right. he has all the dynamics accurately portrayed there. i mean what did we see on the campaign? we saw mitt romney embrace ted nugent after ted nugent had spoken about using machine guns in a very unconventional way on hillary clinton. and crude and threatening language. and yet there was no price to be paid in that sort of right of center crazy world. he still got to hang out with the presidential candidate. and if you don't have that
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leadership at the top, it's not going to happen. >> david corn, bob shrum, great to have you with us tonight. thank you. >> thank you, ed. >> share your thoughts with us on twitter and at edshow and on facebook. we want to know what you think. coming up, it's been one month since the tragedy struck sandy hook elementary school. coming up, i'll talk with the mother of one of the newtown victims. she'll tell us about her proposals to curb gun violence. stay tuned. n ragu users chose p. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] officeyour business needs...k... at prices that keep you...out of the red. this week get a bonus $15 itunes gift card with any qualifying $75 ink purchase. find thousands of big deals now... at officemax.
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79 days after hurricane sandy hit the northeast, the house has finally passed a complete relief bill. the $50 billion bill in supplement aid to victims of super storm sandy received the necessary votes within the last hour. the house passed with overwhelming democratic support and a minority of republicans. this will be the second time in two weeks house speaker john boehner has brought a bill to the floor without the majority support of his own caucus and violated the so-called hastert rule.
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coming up, the gop's plan to destroy, eliminate, get rid of the post office is right on target. i'm asking congressman gerry connolly if there is any way to save it. and secretary solis is leaving the administration. she'll talk about the impact of immigration reform on our economy. share your thoughts with us on facebook and on twitter using the hash tag edshow. we're coming right back.
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smile, the twinkle in your dark blue eyes framed by eyelashes that would be the envy of any lady in this room. most of all, i will miss your visions of your future. >> welcome back to "the ed show." that was veronique pozner, giving the eulogy at the funeral of her son noah. noah pozner was one of 20 children killed at sandy hook last month. he was just 6 years old. veronique and her family, as well as other newtown families are fighting for reform in house of representatives of stopping another tragedy. and tomorrow the president will unveil a set of proposals to curb gun violence in this country. the president's recommendations are said to include universal background checks, a high capacity magazine ban, and a renewal of the assault weapons ban. nbc news has also learned that the president's recommendation will also touch on school security and mental health. joining me tonight is veronique pozner, mother of noah.
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veronique, thank you for your time. thank you for speaking up. i think america needs to hear your voice in this very troubled time in this country as the debate and the rhetoric is over the top in many respects. veronique, what is your reaction to the proposals that you have heard coming out of the white house in anticipation of what is going to unfold tomorrow? >> i fully support tighter regulation. i think that's evident that we need reform. the problem is there are so many of those weapons already in circulation. and as we saw in columbine and in the case of sandy hook, the perpetrator was not the one who was licensed to own. he was not the permit holder. he had access to the weapons. he was an auxiliary person that was close to the person that did have a permit to hold the weapon.
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so we also need tighter regulation on securing access to -- or making gunowners more responsible to access to their firearms. as far as magazine capacity, absolutely. i support that. but i think it should be part of a broader set of reforms, including understanding what creates the adam lanzas of this world. >> sure. >> he is what is possible on the human continuum. and if we seek to dehumanize him, we fail to understand what makes young men like that tick. we do so at our peril. and i was told in no uncertain terms that it would be a hipaa violation to disclose whether he was under psychiatric care, what medications he may have been on, or any of his former school records. that is all held under hipaa law and is not released or available
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for release, including results of autopsy. and i feel that if we don't gain a better understanding of what creates that type of volcanic rage, that capacity to dehumanize, access to weapons certainly is part of the picture, but not the whole picture. >> veronique, has any part of this conversation in the last few weeks of intense coverage, has it bothered you? for instance, when you hear lawmakers say that they don't have the votes for some kind of gun legislation or gun measures, what is your reaction to that? >> well, i think that's a reality. i think that people hold their rights to own weapons legally and responsibly very dear to their hearts. that's a fact. and there can be responsible gun ownership. i would like to see things enacted like palm print
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recognition technology. and, again, accountability for the securing of firearms. i would like to see mental health professionals ask the question of people that they're treating whom they know may be troubled in their thinking, do you have access to firearms. lanza went to shooting ranges with the aiding and abetting of his mother. she facilitated his access to those weapons. if he was under treatment, were those questions asked? again, that's part of a picture as well as, you know, school safety certainly. i have to say that the presence of law enforcement personnel at the school, at the new location, when i take my daughters, my daughters who survived to school now, it certainly provides great comfort and reassurance. so i think school safety and the presence of law enforcement personnel can create a huge
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deterrent. >> veronique, how determined are you to see changes in society? is this now a life-long mission for you? >> i'd like to say that, but i'm still sort of going day by day. >> yeah. >> grief is a strange thing. it can blind side you. sometimes it's a low level frequency, and sometimes it just makes you want to isolate and not do much of anything. so i'm still touch and go. but there are certain things, there are certain red flags that are waving loud and clear to me, and that i feel need to be addressed. >> i have to ask you, what would you like our audience to know about your son noah? >> he was a rambunctious typical little 6-year-old boy. he loved to tease his sisters. he loved -- he was inquisitive. he loved to figure out things. he loved legos. he loved to play outside. he loved nature.
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and i'm very grateful that a lot of people have donated trees in israel for him. he's had an awful lot of trees planted for him there. and i'm very grateful for that. because he would love that. >> veronique pozner, thank you for joining us and sharing your story tonight and your thoughts here on the "ed show." we appreciate it so much. you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc. we'll be right back. nnouncer ] house rule number 46. what's good for the pot... is even better for the cup. new single serve cafe collections from maxwell house. now available for use in the keurig k-cup brewer. always good to the last drop. with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. so, if the duck isn't able to work, how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car payments? aflac. what about gas and groceries? aflac. cell phone? aflac,
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we have done this story before, and i'm going to give you an update tonight. thanks for staying with us here on "the ed show." one of the nation's biggest employers could go under by the end of the year. the republican effort to kill the united states postal service, well, folks, it's right on schedule just the way they wanted it. we promised to follow this story and this issue, and today we got some more bad news. the postal service lost a record $16 billion last fiscal year. that's about $42 million per day.
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but remember, the postal service was set up to lose money. here is how. in 2006, republicans passed a law in the lame duck session of the congress to drive the postal service out of business. that's the only conclusion you can come to. they created a no-win situation. the post office was making money then. republicans came along and created an economic burden no other agency or private company has had to bear in the history of this country. that says a lot, doesn't it? the republicans forced the post office to contribute $5.5 billion to the retirement and health care fund every year. the fund extends, gosh, 40 years into the future. some of the retirees haven't even been hired yet. the united states postal service doesn't cost you a dime. that's right. it doesn't cost you a dime. it gets zero federal tax dollars. congressman darrell issa, he lives in a different world. he is the leading republican in charge to end saturday mail
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delivery and cut jobs. >> i think the american people look at the post office as something they don't use very much, but would like to have it still around. >> really? they don't use it very much. darrell issa acts like the postal service is just a luxury and always has been. americans depend on the postal service to deliver things like medicine, absentee ballots, fed ex and ups. they couldn't get into some of these neighborhoods hit hard by hurricane sandy. u.s. letter carriers delivered. but republicans think the postal service should do even more. >> like any business, ups, fed ex, the post office, it can live within its means if it makes appropriate changes. >> how can he say that? how can he say that with a straight face and have any integrity whatsoever? the post office is already required to live within its means. it pays for itself.
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i challenge the congressman from california to name any other business that could stay open under this business model enforced by the republicans. the postal service has cut costs by $15 billion since 2006, trying to keep up with these regulations that were imposed on them by a republican lame duck session of the congress. we've lost almost 170,000 jobs in the process, and a lot more are coming. we need congress to get the postal service a much better deal. so far the only related legislation that i'm aware of on the docket are four bills asking to name post offices after famous people. let's bring in congressman gerald connolly of virginia tonight. congressman, good to have you with us. >> great to be back with you, ed. >> this story bothers me because this is the government getting in the way of an operation that was successful. why did the lame duck session of the congress do this in 2006?
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>> you know, i think republicans really don't like the post office because it's very big, it's quasi governmental, and it's unionized. and what is ironic about their opposition and their determination to engineer it to fail, as you said is that it is the only service to be provided the american people mandated in the constitution of the united states, which they say they believe in. you can look it up in article 1, section 8. the post office is right there in the constitution of the united states. and i think we have a sacred obligation to make it work and to create a new business model. they're resisting that because they want it to fail. >> why can't someone, and i'll ask you, in the congress bring forth a bill that will reverse this entire law? now what is happening here is that they have to fund health care and retirement benefits for the next 75 years in a ten-year window. >> you got it. >> darrell issa would never run a business like that. no business would have a business model like that. this is set up to fail. so why don't the democrats, these are hard-working folks,
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why doesn't somebody come up with a bill to reverse this entire thing? >> you know, when we marked up darrell issa's postal reform bill which passed out of party we had an amendment to do just that, to pull back on that prepayment requirement and to refund the postal service for the overpayments they've been making since the passage of the 2006 law. that was defeated in a party line vote. that's the single most important thing you can do to relieve the post office of a huge financial burden. of the $15.9 billion you cited that they lost, 11.1 billion is attribute to this onerous prepayment provision. >> that of course is $11 billion that they can't use to be competitive with the private sector. >> that's right. >> to service rural areas in the country and upgrade their infrastructure. and there is some serious money involved in this decision. ups spent more than $123,000 lobbying republicans before the
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2006 vote. it hasn't lobbied since. fedex is considered a heavy hitter on capitol hill. it spent more than $645,000 on republicans just last year. >> and you know, ed, the bill you cite, bad enough this prepayment thing. but it also proscribes the postal service from getting into any kind of other line of business. >> limit their business. yep. they limit the scope of what they can do to operationally compete. >> that's right. >> and you know who it's going to hurt, congressman, you know this, i know this, tell our audience. it's small businesses in rural america that are going to get nailed on this. >> we need to create a new business model, but the 2006 legislation won't let us do it. they're doing it in europe and making a profit. >> congressman gerald connolly, thanks for sticking up for the workers. >> thank you. >> it's the right thing to do. there is a moral component this as well there is a lot more coming up in the next half hour of "the ed show." stay with us. >> i'm very confident we can get immigration reform done.
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>> the obama immigration push is on. but what will that mean for american workers? labor secretary hilda solis joins us next. a conservative businessman pulls a stunt to fleece his liberal clients. we'll tell you why this guy's smooth move backfired. and it's a miracle in the desert. arizona governor jan brewer is talking like a democrat. >> you know, it's going to create jobs. it's going to keep -- particularly our rural hospitals. and it's a moral thing. >> the story of jan brewer's enlightenment is ahead. and i have a related personal announcement i don't want you to miss.
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need for bipartisan support for immigration reform. let's face it. most republicans can't stand the idea of comprehensive immigration reform. but they can't afford to ignore it any longer. the election was a wake-up call. the white house said senator marco rubio's latest comments on immigration reform bode well for the possibility of cooperation. republicans have been no friend to wage earners, particularly over the past four years. to them immigration reform has the potential to put more votes in the democratic column. but if republicans ignore the issue, they risk losing even more hispanic voters and minority voters across the board. this might finally be the time for something that is long overdue. and it could be great for the american economy. the tech industry wants to reform because it would stop the brain drain of highly skilled workers. putting undocumented laborers on the books is a good thing because it pumps dollars into the economy. i am joined tonight by hilda solis, secretary of labor who is
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leaving that position, but in my opinion has done a fabulous job. >> thank you. >> you've been a tremendous advocate across the board for not just labor, but for the environment, green jobs, women's rights. >> thank you. >> the lot. hilda, what about immigration reform and what it would mean to the treasury. how many more americans, how many more people would we get on the rolls on paying taxes in this country if it were done properly? >> well, if people were thinking rationally, we would look at putting money back into our treasury and the social security fund, in the medicare and medicaid fund, because people would be brought out of the shadows. you're talking about billions of dollars. in fact, what the president has done right now by allowing individuals from deferred action, the dreamers, to be able to be a part of our system here, they're going to be contributors. they're going to have a work permit. they're going to be able to contribute to us that money will go into our treasury.
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they will be abiding citizens, citizens, potential citizens. but more importantly what will happen for those many 12 million and others. they're not all latino, by the way. they come from different countries. >> yeah. >> so let's talk than. let's talk about fairness in the workplace. let's make sure that people are treated well in our country. and i agree that, yes, we have to attract the very intelligent and those individuals that are at the high earning capacities in the stem research areas. fine. but we also have to talk about the belly of our economy. right now you have 50 million latinos, hispanics that are here, that are voters. many of them have families that are from different status. some that are documented, some that are not. if we bring them out, give them a systemized process to go through, with no criminal backgrounds, paying their tax, learning english, getting in the back of the line, just think of what that would mean to our economy. >> today republican congressman jason chaffetz said comprehensive has become a code word for amnesty. are republicans going to insist
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on a piecemeal approach? >> i've heard that, but i think the president and the folks that i work with in the white house have an understanding that we have to talk about the totality. the totality means a process of legalization. we started out already with deferred action for the dreamers. that's very important. these are contributors. these people are going to be able to contribute to our society. the only home they know is the us of a. in fact, many of them have served in our military. some of the families that i represented as a congresswoman, they fought for these wars that we sent our young people out to. and what did we give them? in many ways, we did not give them citizenship. posthumous citizenship. >> so this would be a big boost for the economy? >> absolutely. >> and this would also open the avenue for more union membership in this country, or do you disagree with me on that? >> well, it depends on different sectors.
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more than, that you would see more entrepreneurs. right now the fastest growing segment of our population in the business industry are latinas, women-owned businesses. and we haven't even touched on that. when you look at the 20-year span of where we're going, these are people who are going to contribute. this is their only home. this is where they claim that they have a capacity to be a part of the american dream. that's what brought my parents here. they're immigrants. they're immigrants too. >> you were at the detroit auto show. >> yes. >> this is a great time for america when it comes to manufacturing right now. it is on the rebound, isn't it? >> a renaissance, a renaissance. and the fact that the president made a decisive priority to say that we're going to build out from the middle class, we're going to restore the integrity. we're going to make products here. we're going to be competitive. we're going to create hybrid vehicles, renewable energy. invest here and give the capacity for that to grow. now we can compete with people in japan, in china, mexico.
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those jobs are coming back. we can do it. we proved it there. now we can do it in other areas of manufacturing. >> hilda solis, thank you for joining us tonight. labor secretary of the obama administration. thank you so much. coming up, a utah smoothie shop pulls a conservative friendly pr stunt. i'll tell you about the liberal tax, and why it's a dud. stay tuned. she keeps you guessing. it's part of what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - you know, that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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>> i'm very open about it. i'm very public about it that i'm going to charge them a little bit more. and i have liberals come in and pay the extra dollar surcharge. >> that's right. burnett's i love drilling juice and smoothie bar in vernal, utah, is charging liberals a dollar more than conservatives for a smoothie. i thought conservatives hated taxes. burnett said this liberal tax exists to make a point. >> we have a fiscal problem in this country. we've got to deal with it or we don't have a country. so to kind of help make that point a little bit, i charge them just a little bit more. >> yeah, it's all our fault. to add insult to injury, burnett donates the extra dollar to the conservative cause like the heritage foundation. jim demint will like that. but vernal, utah, is located in solid red county, folks. 90% of the residents there voted for mitt romney. less than 9% voted for barack
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obama. burnett's controversial pricing is getting him free publicity and lots of love from local republicans. but his stunt will not single-handedly fund jim demint and the heritage foundation. at $1 per liberals, let's add it all up. >> actually, all three liberals have been happy to pay it. >> there you go. heritage foundation, good luck with the three extra bucks. don't spend it -- well, yeah, go ahead, spend it in one place. tonight in our survey, i asked you will threats from the far right derail the president's sensible gun reforms. 22% of you say yes. 78% of you say no. coming up, arizona governor jan brewer must have been watching "the ed show." she has finally come around on an important part of obama care. and a personal note next. stay with us. what are you doing?
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nothing. are you stealing our daughter's school supplies and taking them to work? no, i was just looking for my stapler and my... this thing. i save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. that's a great idea. i'm going to go... we got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office.
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. and in the big finish tonight, it has been a long seven months for my wife wendy schultz and her battle with ovarian cancer. after major surgery in july followed by 18 weeks over intense chemotherapy, wendy had a ct scan on friday, and the news came today that she is cancer-free. i know that she wants to thank all of you who have been so gracious with your prayers and support. and i can tell you my wife, who is not a very public person, through me is telling you that she is deeply touched and appreciates it. and through all of this, we have learned a lot as a family about
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sticking together, and also what people go through who don't have insurance. and i'll have that commentary and remarks on that tomorrow night. and that brings us to our final story tonight. arizona governor jan brewer hasn't been shy about showing her contempt for president obama and his health care law. but now the finger-wagging governor says that her state will expand medicaid as outlined by the law. >> it's going to create jobs. it's going to keep -- particularly our rural hospitals. and it's a moral thing. we've got people that need insurance, and we're paying for it, but the taxpayers are paying for it now. so when you put everything downside by side, it's the right thing to do. it just is impossible to think of doing anything else. why would i want to send $2 billion to new york or new jersey or back east to anywhere they would just squander it, or
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give to it colorado? >> for more, let's turn to joan walsh, editor at large salon. i just wrote down a comment. "impossible to think of doing anything else." my goodness have they had a change of heart, these republican governors. what do you make of it? >> well, first of all, i just want to say that's great news about wendy, ed. >> thank you, joan. >> you know, they've had a change of heart, and it's a good thing for the people of arizona. there are only a few of them. but it's interesting, ed, because it happens to be susana martinez in new mexico and brian sandoval in nevada. you have western states, growing states, you've got latino states. so i've got to say there is a political element. god bless her. it's good to pay attention to politics sometimes. arizona will be a blue state, and she is facing reality. she has a lot of uninsured employed people there. when we talk about this program, we're talking about the working poor, the working class who are working but cannot get insurance
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through their employer. latinos are more likely to be in that situation than a lot of others of us. and so she is seeing the truth. she is calling it a moral decision. and i'm happy for that. i think we'll see a few more governors before we're through. >> well, it's interesting. a favorite talking point by the republicans has been that government spending does not create jobs. and i think that jan brewer pretty much took care of that bullet point. what do you think? >> yeah, i was going to point that out. yes. she wants that $2 billion. it creates jobs. it's good for the state of arizona. she doesn't want it going somewhere else. they know that. they're not stupid, most of them aren't stupid. they have turned on this point because it doesn't serve them. but you're starting to see them splinter. michele bachmann cannot get a co-sponsor for her bill to repeal, quote, obama care that didn't happen two years ago. you're starting to see some governors and some people in congress, some republicans, the northeastern republicans realize that the tea party is going to ride them out of their own party if they don't change their
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