tv The Last Word MSNBC February 4, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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no, i meant gay. it is a wedding ring, but it is a gay wedding ring, you can see why it would be confused. it is about the whole other theory that thinks he is gay, so the world thinks he is gay-married. others upset about this picture of the president throwing a football. in that corner of the right-wing media, president obama was not actually throwing a football in this photo. you see, you can tell because he is looking slightly up there. that is just unexplainable. why would you do such a thing? clearly it is doctored? there is no way in football, you always look to the down or side unless you're a secretly gay-married muslim, bulldozing reagan. now this, according to the right, this is not really the picture of the president shooting a gun. yes, when the new republic asked the president if he ever shot a gun, he said yes, he was
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skeet-shooting. according to them, this is not really the picture of the president shooting a gun, you see they can tell because the president is shooting with the gun sort of too flat. it is too straight, see, now, he is too straight. then there is the errant smoke where it shouldn't be. also the stamps, bad form, can't be real. also a little pot belly. no, i'm not kidding, that was actually part of the argument against the veracity of the picture, you can see his tummy, where you actually had a jelly donut. where he wears a muslim ring and a gay ring and doesn't really play football, just looks like he is, him having a little poochy belly means they're shopping for political gun control. you know how they do. now it is time for "the last word" with 100% ezra klein more than usual, good to see you, ezra.
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>> and i'm exciting about this world where in which i look bad in a picture i can doctor it. >> i am going to say all the pot belly, i have added the leftist fact for a reason. >> thank you for joining us tonight. for years now, there has been a war going on inside the gop. but in the last couple of months, the non-tea party guys have for the first time in a long time started to win. >> it is time for a new republican party that talks like adults, we have got to stop being the stupid party. >> and the republican establishment striking back against the tea party. >> the conservative victory project. >> but it is not being used against democrats. >> we're talking about extremists, right? >> with a goal of recruiting. less extreme candidates. >> who can win. >> there are a lot of republicans who dislike each other. >> one possibility is a civil war. >> i feel like we should say oh, oh, oh. >> okay, then.
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>> karl rove as the reformer. >> you're talking about karl rove? >> he built this thing. >> karl is trying to unwind what he wound. >> trying to prevent another meltdown. >> i think there will be bruising changes. >> they have a real problem. >> it is time for a new party to talk like adults, we have to stop being stupid party. >> we have the obligation to try. >> when the president heads to minneapolis. >> progress is possible. >> to talk about gun violence. >> universal background checks are universally supported. >> it is a fraud to call it universal. it will never be universal. law abiding people don't want that. >> the nra is now revealed as an insane organization. and that matters quite a lot. >> the senate is poised to take action on gun violence. >> i didn't vote on the assault weapons last time, it didn't make sense. >> this is an emergency, let's knock off the washington
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baloney. >> if there is anything we can do, we have an obligation to try. >> i'm ezra klein in for lawrence o'donnell tonight. richard luger was born in indianapolis in 1932. he was an eagle scout, and not just an eagle scout. he was distinguished scout, a very exciting award. in 1950 he graduated first from his class, very nicely done, and then in '54, graduated again first in his class, and then won a rhodes scholar. richard luger was one of those guys who it was clear from a very early age was marked for greatness. he didn't disappoint. he was mayor of indianapolis by 35, and a u.s. senator at 44. in fact, in the election when he first went to the senate he won by 19 points and never looked
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back, in 1982, won re-election by 8 points, in '88, by 36 points, in 1994, lucky number 36 points, a huge landslide victory. and then in 1996 he decided to run for president, but didn't win that race, perhaps because of ads he put out like this one. >> i believe in the second amendment and our right as americans to own a gun, for self-protection, to hunt and to collect. but there is no right to sweep a plowi playground with an assault weapon. i parted company with senators graham and dole, i did what i felt was right. >> dick luger. >> you know, being a conservative doesn't mean you have to lose your common sense. >> not such a hot strategy in the republican primary. he was regarded as a worthy
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exercise like bruce babbits that may have prevailed in a more sober era, but not in ours. he went back to his state, won re-election by 35%. in 2006, the year of the big democracy takeover in both houses of congress, democrats didn't even bother to field a candidate against dick luger, so he won re-election with really, 87% of the vote, 87%, with the other 13% going to libertarian, through all the time, he was a really reliable republican, not the most conservative guy in the world, he supports assaults weapons ban, but he supports stimulus and dodd frank and science and votes against tax increases and all the rest of it, if you are a major political party, dick luger is a first round draft pick for you. he is the kind of guy you want in the senate seat. you want him in the senate seat because he does a very important thing, he does not lose senate
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elections. but in 2012, something really unexpected happened. and dick luger lost the seat. but he didn't lose it to a democrat. he lost in a primary to this guy. >> i think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that got intended to happen. >> that is richard mourdock, the tea party anti-establishment candidate. he had endorsements from americans for prosperity, the national right to life association, he is the republican who knocked dick luger out in the primary, and also lost the 2012 senate race in indiana. he is part of why despite the democrats defending the seat, increased their majority by two seats. over the past couple of things this kind of thing happened to republicans an awful lot. the establishment has been
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getting routed by the tea party. and many have not fought back, they don't want to be the next dick luger or mark castle or bennett. in the war for the republican party establishment, which is still a very conservative establishment at this point in time seems to be getting the upper hand. house budget chairman paul ryan is a great example of this. voting for the fiscal cliff deal, which many hard core republicans opposed. and talked others out of their brinksmansh brinksmanship. he objected on the way the electoral votes are won in wisconsin, in order to make it easier for republicans to win presidential elections there. >> so the way i look at it, principled prudence. we have to -- exercise our principles in a prudent way, with realistic expectations while being reasonable, and doing what we think is right.
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>> we have to exercise our principles in a prudent way with realistic expectations while being reasonable and doing what we think is right is not exactly the insurgency talking. it is not a very extreme comment. and senator rubio is spending time going from conservative talk radio show, to talk radio show, trying to convince them it would be a really good idea to get behind comprehensive immigration reform, bipartisan immigration reform. governor bobby jindal, who has been on the "you're the stupid party" has been on tour. >> and it is time for a new republican party that talks like adults. >> not to make anything of this juxtaposition on this argument, but sarah palin has lost her
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contract at "fox news." jim demint resigned to head up the heritage foundation. and "the new york times" reports that the biggest donor in the republican party are funding new groups, and tea party enthusiastics who worry that it could compromise the party to win control of the senate. not really a worry, happening for multiple elections. but even with that group emerging, and they are a big deal. there is a lot of money behind the group. it is a big deal that karl rove's group is turning its fire essentially on the tea party. it is very clear about what is and is not happening in the republican party. the republican party, which is again a conservative establishment is rejecting or trying to reject the tactics and rhetorical approach of the tea party in the last couple of years. they're not actually changing their minds about important policy topics or announcing big positions, the tea party in the
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last couple of years were playing a somewhat convenient role for the republican party right now. because they're there, and they're something that can get thrown overboard first. it is easy, you get a lot of press, you can be seen to be changing without actually changing your mind in a big way. you see this regarding eric cantor, who is giving a much-hyped speech regarding the deficit and towards a broader and more inclusive role they can play. he says mr. cantor can apply the existing gop policies. so that, i think at this point in time is a great question for the republican party at least right now. can their response to the 2012 election be to just change the tenor and temperature of their approach to politics rather than the actually policies. can they just stop primarying guys like dick luger without
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changing the approach to say, inequality. that is the message, changing your hope is different than changing your policies. it is great to have you both here, thank you for joining us. >> great to be here. >> molly, so can they? do they need to do more, need to sort of go back and look at policies or can you actually get pretty far just by changing the way your party acts in public? >> i think the answer is yes. they have to do both. and first of all the republicans find themselves in a situation that the democrats found themselves in maybe a decade ago, where they are on the wrong side of every issue that people vote on, we saw with mitt romney they were on the wrong side of the tax issues. they are on the right side of spending in the abstract, but whenever they talk about things like the ryan budget or getting rid of social security people don't want to hear that. they're on the wrong side of a lot of the sort of generational
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social issues now. so as the majority dawns in favor of things like gay marriage, republicans are being pushed to answer questions about women's issues in ways that make them very uncomfortable. and not to put too fine a point on it. so they have to find issues they can win on. but as bobby jindal says they also have to talk about the things they believe in, not in a dumb way. and they have to find the right communicators. as you said it is really easy to be against a todd akin or a richard mourdock or a sharon eng engel, but they need to have more confidence in a person representing the party. >> in the late '90s and '80s, they lost the popular vote in a number of elections. it was five or six before bill clinton won in 1992. and the organization that came out of that is the democratic leader organization. that was a policy organization. it had a big messaging component. but the main work of that group
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was to try to wrench the democratic party to what they felt was the center on a variety of fairly significant policies, ranging from health care to welfare to how to deal with budgets and taxes. there doesn't seem to be at this point a deal on the right. there is a belief that you need to talk to the center better and reach out to more people. but there is not a belief that sort of mirrors reforming welfare, changing it as we know it or reforming it as we know it. >> quite the opposite. you mentioned jim demint take over the heritage foundation, he is convinced that republicans on policy are completely right. he said in an interview today with scott rasmussen in the pollsters, which is democrats give money. that is not true, he is repeating what worked in the 2010 elections, the problem is democrats at that point in time, too, did have governors like
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bill clinton in the states. a lot of moderate democrats who were still coming up that way and building laboratories of democracy that were not -- as far left as the natural leadership was. in the republican party, one party they have just for washington reporters, we're near virginia, which is run by republicans, since the start of the year they're pushing or reintroducing social conservative legislation that the ultrasound may come back, in reality, the states run by republican are passing very conservative bills, coming back up to the national party. you can't just change that with a couple of campaign ads. >> so that is the point, it did come from the government in the '80s. so are there either states or policy areas where it seems sort of ripe to play this kind of role? is there a place for the republican party to maybe start if this doesn't work in a couple
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of years. >> yes, absolutely, right now republicans hold 30 governorships, where they're doing extremely well in the states. many are popular, people like chris christie, very popular, bobby jindal, popular in his state. susana martinez, republican in her state. these are ones who made themselves popular because they have to govern, be executives, propose policies, they can't just sit on the sidelines and throw bombs at democrats, it is hard to do anything else, that has been the republican's tactic, but at the state level they prove that they can be constructive. and probably it is the case if the future of the republican party doesn't come from super pacs, doesn't come from think tanks, doesn't come from the feuds they're talking about. it comes from leadership bubbling out of the states and compelling candidates running at the national level and proving by their example that they have a message. >> dave, is anybody playing this
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from the other side? you have a kind of clustering of chris christie and jindal and ryan and rubio. they're doing something similar, not moving the policy, but a way of talking about the politics. is anybody running side by side to the tea party. >> in the states where they have the control they're doing so. arkansas is a state where republicans took back -- i shouldn't say take back. they didn't control the legislature for any time since the civil war ended. it is not -- they're not as loud about it. you're not going to hear the same tea party voices, even the voices they do have are people like ted cruz who i think has not voted affirmatively for anything. he voted against the bill. so they don't have those voices yet. you will see more, i think of the legislation coming from him, whether they like it or not. you're not going to see the same
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kind of pr from jindal, you will just hear the stories. >> thank you. new gun legislation is beginning to take shape. who is for it? what is in it. and why even chris wallace has concluded that wayne lapierre is a little bit crazy. and a bigger story behind the super bowl, the power outage, six words, if we only had a brain. all stations come over to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured.
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we don't have to agree on everything to agree it is time to do something. that -- that is my main message here today. >> that was president obama today in minneapolis, once again urging congress to make a move on gun control legislation. but over the last 36 hours we've seen some actual shifts within the gun control debate. first, there was chris wallace's kind of amazing interview with the national rifle association frontman wayne lapierre, the 15-minute interview demonstrated he was not just out of step with the center but also some with the right. take the background checks, for instance, 92% of people favor the background gun checks, 85%
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support the gun checks. but lapierre called the background checks a fraud. >> i think what they will do is turn this universal check on the law abiding on a universal registry of the law abiding people, they don't want that. >> forgive me, sir, you take something that is here and you say it is going to go all the way over there. there is no indication, i mean, i can understand you saying that is the threat. but there is nothing that anyone in the administration has said that indicates they will have a universal registry. >> that was really something, the nra getting smacked down by fox news for spinning weird conservative conspiracy theories by the obama administration's secret government plan to track law abiding citizens and und undermine the citizens, the times are changing, house and senate working on the bills to include background checks and
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limiting ammunition magazines. and no universal registry of all citizens. tomorrow, a bipartisan group in the house will also introduce a bill that will make the gun trafficking a federal crime and impose stricter penalties on "straw purchasers" or people who buy firearms for those who can't. they would only get in trouble of law enforcement was able to prove they bought a gun for a nonpurchaser, you had to have known they were a criminal. the new law, which mirrors one already introduced in the senate would make it illegal for straw purchasers to buy and transfer fa firearms to anyone banned from having one at all. but the question is where does congress stand on passing bans? >> you should restore the military-style ban, and restore the ten-round magazines. that deserves a vote in congress, because weapons of war
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have no place in our streets or schools or threatening the law enforcement officers. >> a deserves a vote in congress, they are important words, many looked at the quote and noticed that president obama was using different, arguably weaker language, on the gun control agenda than he has been using for other parts of the bill. that could be if senator harry reid's argument -- that is essentially dead on arrival anyway. >> if diane feinstein doesn't have the assault weapons at least let her have an opportunity to offer this amendment. >> will you vote for it? >> i don't know, frankly -- and she knows i didn't read her amendment. i didn't vote for the assault weapons last time because it didn't make sense, but i'll take a look at it. >> joining me now to take a look at it. editor for the new republic,
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good to see you, my friend. >> thanks for having me on the show, ezra. >> so that didn't sound enormously encouraging from harry reid, kind of sounded like the assault weapons ban will get a bit of a pro forma vote and that is about it. >> i think everybody knew going into the fight the different elements of the gun legislation agenda, that the assault weapons ban would be one that had the hardest road ahead. in part because you know you still need 60 votes to pass anything in the senate. and in part because the republicans control the house. and in part because the gun lobby has made this a very hard vote to have. now, i don't think it is a lost cause. i think if you believe, if you're a progressive, if you believe we need to take action to reduce gun violence and you think the assault weapons ban can make a difference, and i happen to think all of those things, then look, this is an opportunity. there is going to be a vote. i think right now if they had
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the vote today it probably wouldn't pass. but that doesn't mean it can't pass in a week or two and three weeks. it is really up to the people who care about this to organize and make something happen. and it is possible. is it likely to pass at this point? i don't know. but you hear reports it is dead on arrival, not going to happen. that feels a little premature to me. >> and when we had the assault weapons ban in the '90s it was not an incredibly effective piece of legislation. it was by wide consensus, not incredibly designed. you have been talking to a lot of folks about what a better assault weapons ban would look like. what are the key features of that? if we could do this, what would it take to do it right? >> right, so if you go back and history and look at the original assault weapons ban, one thing, when they put this together they didn't know as much about gun violence. and frankly they didn't write a very good law. it included a few weapons by name.
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update it also had this restriction that basically said, a gun had to have two characteristics of an assault weapon. it could be something like that a folding stock. it could be a flash suppresser. it had to have two qualifiers. people have learned, saying we're going to name a lot more guns by name. a little over a dozen, we're talking potentially over 150 guns. but if this gun has just one of those characteristics then it will qualify. if you put it in that context and the context of broader legislation, i think they look at this, saying it will not dramatically reduce gun violence, but it could make a difference at the margins and make a bigger difference than the last assault weapons ban did. >> and the bigger difference, we're talking about lives here. and i think one thing, as there
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is more consensus around the background checks, people have sort of written off their importance. but almost every expert i talk to seems to think they're very important, a huge deal if we could get background legislations and more regulations on the straw purchasers, what do you believe on that? >> i couldn't agree more. usually when we talk about the legislation is the part that is easy to pass is the law that won't do anything. the part that is hard to pass, will make a difference. the part that is easy to pass, the background checks are actually probably the most effective. that is what is probably going to make the most difference. >> johnathan cohn, that is very nicely put, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> coming up, john boehner's house of representatives is incensed that president obama will not give them a budget proposal they don't like and will vote down very quickly. come on. nowadays, lots of people go by themselves. no they don't.
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the super dome it was a failure, not just of electrical power but political power, as well. and it illuminated, and yes, we intended to make the pun how we are not willing to do some of the big things we know we need to do. these things we know we need to do are coming up. and later, when bigger and stronger are not necessarily enough, what is wrong with the nfl, in one accidentally revealing advertisement.
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agree it looks cooler than arabic numerals. it is the culmination of what the nfl had named the "believe in now" season, we were in the middle of a terrible recession, president obama had just been chosen. so here is an ad ge ran during the 2009 super bowl xxxxiii. ♪ ♪ if i only had a brain. >> smart grid technology from ge will make the way we distribute
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electricity more efficient simply by technology. >> cute, right? ge is a part owner of nbc universal. but when we say smart grid, when we say if our grid only had a brain we are comparing it to what we have now. a very dumb grid. and we say it not because the grid did poorly on the iq test, but because in the iphone world, it is the huge brick cell phone, it is big, and when power outages happen they affect vast areas. it is not dynamic, the dumb grid can't reroute. with electronics it becomes increasingly over burdened. ge was not alone here, the smart grid, president obama wanted it more than just about anything
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else. he saw it as hoover dam, the tennessee valley authority. president obama had dream fs foa digital smart grid, rerouting power around them. he basically wanted to merge the grid with the internet so we could adjust our grids with the iphone when we were out of the house, program our appliances to save us money, and help sell electric cars. back to our utilities. but the president's advisers told him it was not possible. and for a number of reasons, utility companies own a lot of the grid. it would take decades to convert from analog to digital, and distribute miles and miles of volt wires. one of the things, you don't need a human to read it. the president did get some big improvements in energy investments and sensors to help detect and repair problems before the lights go out.
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as well as some grid modernizations. we did not get the brain, and during last night's super bowl, super bowl xli, we didn't get the commercials for the smart grid, we got this. 34 minutes of darkness in the most watched television event in u.s. history. it was not all bad. when the lights went out, twitter lit up. a whole lot of snark, the audience sports net tweeted, many without power in new orleans, please help, every donation counts. one tweeted in hind sight maybe installing the clapper was a bad idea. this tweet, i'm going to speak into a mug because my bain is not very good. and the parody account, super dome lighting crew tweeted what people don't talk about is how the lights were on for the
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entire first half. never get that credit. we don't know yet the exact cause of last night, power outage or if it could have been stopped by a smart grid, maybe it could not have. but blackouts in general and big ones in particular are more common. there were 349 power outages between 2005 and 2009. that is double, double the amount of blackouts in the five years prior. it is crazy. it is crazy that our technology continues to get better. our country continues to get richer. we are richer today than we were in 2009. but our capability to power our country, including our stadiums during the super bowl continues to get worse. and we become resigned to it. there were no ads about infrastructure during last night's super bowl. nobody thought the government was close to doing something big, such an d would be a
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semi-reasonable investment. washington does not just need a brain, like the lion, it needs a bit of courage. joining me now, paul bledsoe who also served as communicationings director under president clinton, paul, good to have you here. >> my pleasure. >> so tell me, what do we need to get to the smart grid? what are the big things we need here and there? >> part of it is a vision for more decentralized power. chances are when you turn on the power at your house you get power from a power plant that is huge that powers everybody around you. so everybody relies on one power source and one set of lines. and that is why we have these huge cascading outages. now as you said we don't know what caused these problems, but what we know is extreme weather is getting worse because of climate change. and we'll have more and more outages unless we create a more reliable system.
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and creating a smarter grid. not the perfect one, but a smarter one can help do that. >> and explain to me a little bit. this idea of smart grid, right, sounds great, but also a bit vague. so you talked about, we all get our power from big power plant, a 700 megawatt plant. so what happens with the smart grid? >> think about the current system like a bike wheel. you have a huge power source at the hub, and the spokes and transmission hubs, everybody is around the line and get the power that way. think of the power grid as a map, a whole complex of smaller power systems that are interrelated and yet can be isolated if there is a problem in one. it is a much more sophisticated system, it is much more reliable. turns out there are many other things you can do with it. for example, it allows for much more generation of renewal energy in the united states. and by the way, we're the ones who created all of this.
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our engineers, our experts came up with almost every one of these technologies. you know where they're being implemented? europe and asia. >> well, at least we'll get to export some of it. very quickly, can the private sector do it on their own? >> no, they can't, they need help with the initial investment from washington, we have to understand that every state regulates power in their own way. we have 50 little fiefdoms of regulatory commissions. it is a patchwork and doesn't make sense and really hurts our ability to make investments. i think some of the states will take the lead in updating the technologies. states like california and massachusetts already are beginning to do this. >> paul bledsoe, thank you for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. millions saw this ad about the evolution of football. a talking car. but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train.
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this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet... dragon is captured. is connecting today's leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers.
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you're playing tomorrow. [ coughs ] ♪ you can't let a cold keep you up tonight. [ snores ] vicks nyquil. powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ [ sniffles, coughs ] excuse me. i need something for my cold symptoms. [ sniffles ] we've got dayquil for day and nyquil for night. [ thuds ] you didn't see that. [ male announcer ] right now at walgreens dayquil and nyquil are just $10.99 with card.
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today was the day the budget was supposed to be handed in to the house and the president did not do it. does it matter when the house won't pass it anyway? or just get your stuff done on time? that is next. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average.
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t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. today was the day the white house was supposed to submit its budget for fiscal year 2014 to congress. it did not happen. so speaker john boehner did some finger-pointing on the floor of the house floor this afternoon.
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>> mr. speaker and president obama missed a great opportunity to help the economy. this was supposed to be the day he submitted his budget to the congress. but it is not coming. it will be late. some reports show it could be as much as a month late. i think it is too bad, our economy could use presidential leadership right now. >> fox news, also pretty angry about it this afternoon. >> well, thanks, the nation's debt blowing past 16 and a half trillion today. is this time for the president to blow past another deadline? >> he will never stop trying to raise taxes, whether he can succeed, i don't know, he believes in class war fare and radical wealth redistribution. >> and possibly a half percentage high rise in gdp.
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the white house should get the budget to congress on time, that is a good thing to do. the fact is, he needed an extension more than anyone, president clinton missed his deadline twice, presidents reagan and bush all missed it once, this evidence, while of course true, was reported by the white house budget committee and ignores a bit the various near shutdowns and fiscal cliffs and the various things that made our budgets unpredictable. and it is not the president is the only person to blow past the deadlines in d.c. these days. congress has to pass the budget by february 13th, just to keep the government running. and over the past decade as the chart here recently shows, congress has had a pretty dismal record on that. tonight, paul ryan blamed the senate. he said i'm disappointed that the president missed his deadline, but not surprised. in four of the last five times
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he submitted the budget late. in four years, the senate democrats have not passed a budget at all. we deserve better. of course, paul ryan leaves out a little something. the white house budget and management sent a letter to chairman ryan which said as you know the fiscal cliff negotiations created uncertainty about revenue and spending for 2013. and beyond, and because these issues were not re solved until the american taxpayer relief act was enacted, they were forced to delay some of the budget preparations, which in turn will delay the budget submission to congress. the administration is working on our budget request and will submit it to congress as soon as possible. that is the real reason paul ryan shouldn't be surprised that it was late, the white house said they would be late. they said it nearly a month ago, now look, that doesn't mean they shouldn't get their budget in on time, they haven't been good
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about it. they should be better, they have turned in a budget. they have done it. and every year the republicans hate it, they hate their budget. last year, for instance, paul ryan's response, that ensures decline, that is pretty big. here is where we are. the republicans spent all day slamming obama for not bringing out a budget to reject quickly enough. this is one area where they could find agreement on like maybe gun legislation or control. yeah, you guys are late, you guys are petty in just scoring ridiculous political points at this point. as for me. >> i got to get out of here, i think i'm going to lose it. >> oh, sounds like somebody has the case of the mondays. >> the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them.
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that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ full of beautiful highlights and lowlights. that's why nice'n easy builds dimension into every shade. so here's a challenge: love the gorgeous dimension of nice'n easy or we'll pay for a salon color. take the salon challenge, from nice'n easy.
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or we'll pay for a salon color. how do you keep an older car running like new? you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there. they are going to take care of my car because this is where it came from. price is right no problem, they make you feel like you're a family. get a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and much more, $29.95 after $10.00 rebate. if you take care of your car your car will take care of you. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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warner, high school, college, i want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make the sports safer. that means that the game is probably going to evolve a little bit. and for those of us who like to see a big hit and you know, enjoy the rock 'em, sock 'em elements of the game, we'll probably be a little frustrated. >> like millions of other americans i spent sunday night watching the super bowl. and like millions of other americans i did so with a pang of guilt. football is a cruel sport. we know it, it permanently injures the brains of many players. a great hit the kind that makes you go oh, and gets instant replays, the kind of hits i wanted to deliver and completely failed. it is a trauma, the brain slams into the skull, hits it hard. it happens again and again to
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the football players. as the brain heals, it degrades, the protein that develops we associate with dementia, and also dementia that often affects football players. particularly linemen, the hits where we see the attatackles an huge sacks, the nfl doesn't want us to watch the game think of that dementia. they want to assuage our guilt. >> didn't look like much, bunch of guys running around. so we introduced a few rules, just to keep the peace. suddenly, we had a game on our hands. then, something more than a game. and so we swore to protect it, this thing we couldn't be without. so we would have it forever. learn how we're working towards
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a safer, more exciting nfl. the >> this ad is meant to make us feel safer about the game, instead it shows how it has accidentally gotten much more dangerous. the ad goes through time, the shots are black and white, there are no pads and helmets, a bunch of guys in the mud running around, then the ad is in color, now the players have hats, helmets, hits, the runner gets hit hard, they add a face mask, immediately, the runner grabs the face mask attempting to drag him down head first, all that pressure on the neck and spine. so they pass a rule against that, of course, even with the rule against grabbing the face masks it happens all the time, happened sunday night at the super bowl. by the time the ad comes to the close, the players look like today, they're armored, fast,
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hit each other like trucks on the highway. the defender pulls up, clamps down on the collar protecting his neck. he uses it to try to pull him straight back to the ground. the announcer says learn how we're working towards a safe, more exciting nfl. at, the ad is meant to make you feel better about watching football, making the game safer with the helmets and pads and rules. instead, it makes the players able to hit harder, endure more trauma. even as the ad is meant to stop our guilt about the game's violence, it is all about the violence. one big hit after another. the hits are why we tune in. why we like to go watch. the nfl is what will make us feel protected of and connected to football, seeing the hits in the ad. the nfl has not evolved to be
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