tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC February 6, 2013 10:00am-11:00am PST
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oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app. right now on andrea mitchell reports, kill list. sg america have the right to kill american al qaeda members without hard evidence of a terror plot in the issue comes to a head as the architect of the drone policy faces confirmati confirmation. >> why are you dancing around the question of whether or not we kill civilians? >> i don't think that i'm dancing around it. >> what i can't do -- >> you said not necessarily -- >> i don't disagree with that.
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>> will this imperil john brennan's nomination? >> the president believes john brennan is uniquely qualified. >> i don't know bay fler tosses the ball right back to the president. >> at some point, washington has to deal with its spending problem. i've watched them kick this condition down the road for 22 years that i've been here. i've had enough of it. it's time to act. >> hollywood joins the gun control debate. >> doctors can ask if their patients practice unsafe sex or use illicit drugs or have suicidal ideations or feel threat tleled in the home, about you it's illegal for them to discuss guns. >> i believe as assault weapons were invent vented for war. shouldn't be on our streets here. coming up, elijah cummings.
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and whatever happened to clint eastwood's chair? the hunt to track down the famous furniture. >> and you would i know is that about two minutes into clint eastwood's speech when i realizedwould i know is that about two minutes into clint eastwood's speech when i realized that he was talking to the chair and teleprompters were off, i told hey wimy wife let's that chair. >> i'm andrea mitchell live in washington. a day ahead of john brennan's confirmation hearing to head the cia, the obama administration's drone program is drawing new scrutiny from both sides of the aisle and raising big questions about just how far the government should go in targeted assassinations without oversight from congress or from the courts. joining me now for our daily fix, msnbc contributor and "usa today" washington bureau chief. chris, first to you, i don't think there is any big question so far as to whether or not john brennan is going to be confirmed
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at least going into the hearing, but this is a real debate now. because of michael isikoff breaking the story and finding that white paper, and discovering that the justice department had at least september that much to the hill, some members, the 11 senators and at least three the committee asking big questions about why there isn't more oversight. >> what's fascinating is when they announced the trio of nominations, john kerry at state, chuck hagel at defense and john brennan for cia, i remember being on the show and saying i think hagel will be the most controversial and brennan may well be the least controversial, brennan or kerry. i think -- i still don't think his nomination is imperiled. i would say you have it right. what you are now going to have in his confirmation hearing is an extended conversation about drone strikes, how we use them, how should we use them, how
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should congress be consulted, should the american public be -- it's going to be sort of a broader thematic discussion. and look, the fact is the white house -- if the white house would have preferred mikeis cough break the news two weeks after john brennan rather than three days before his confirmation hearing, absolutely. >> that pesky mikeis cough. you never know when he'll break the stories. susan page, ron widen is the leader of the rebellious group on the senate intelligence committee, not the chair, dianne feinstein who we'll be talking to tomorrow. but ron widen is asking this question and down at the retreat in annapolis, he told our own mike viqueira, every american has the right to know when their government believes that it is allowed to kill them. >> you know, this is an issue that puts president obama at odds with his base. when he came into the white house, he was very critical of the bush administration for waterboarding, for enhanced -- he called for more transparency.
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the administration has not been transparent. it's only because of a leak that we know as much as we do about the targeting of american, how it's done, when it's allowed. and that's why we're going to have a discussion about this and that's also why it does not imperil brennan's nomination. because the people who are most distressed about there are part of the core democratic groups that are going to vote with the president i think when it comes to john brennan. but it is an opportunity to have a conversation that we have not had yet. >> and one of the questions is why don't the intelligence committees have access to all of the memoses. because will have not been classified leaks from these committees. house and senate committees work closely together. why not share it with those who have oversight responsibility? >> well, i would say my guess is this is -- there is probably no better opportunity from ron widen and other folks who want more information sharing than
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this hearing. i know the nbc political unit has talked about this. this is not an issue that animates the broad american public. they generally say, well, if drone strikes work this keeping us safe, we're in favor of drone strikes. it's not something that you're typically i don't go to hear a the lot of public outcry about. so this gives those senators and those members of congress who struggle to get someone in the administration to pay attention, say this is important, we need access, this is their chance. this hearing, because it will get much more attention than almost anything he is relaelse drone strikes. >> the sequester. as best i can remember, president obama signed off on that. they agreed to this abo. this was the deal because there was no deal. everyone thought it would never
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come to pass, but it will come to pass, isn't it. >> and bob woodward reported it was the white house's idea to have a sequester. it looks like the sequester is working sxalgexactly as it was designed, to force spending cuts that nobody would be happy about. but in the absence of making a deal which seems unmajorable, it looks like there is every possibility on march 1st the cuts will go into effect and they will do what they were designed to do wh ed ted t ed e they were first thought of a year ago. >> and it could cost more potentially to have a sequester because ear canceling contracts that have all sorts of penalties associated with them.
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>> what's fascinating about the sequester, when it was conceived, the idea was let's put in someplace something so terrible that we, congress and the white house, will never let it happen. and what are they going to do? they're almost certainly going to let it happen. why? because doing nothing is easier than doing something. and unfortunately, that one sentence can define a lot of what we do politically at this point in this town. >> chris and susan, thank you very much. joining plea now to discuss the drone program and john brennan's confirmation hearing tomorrow is michigan congressman mike rogers, chair of the house intelligence committee. thank you very much, congressman, for being with us. we apologize for yesterday for the timing. we're having a conversation about something that is not usually discussed. our own polling shows americans support this because it's somebody either's problelse's p.
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so we're not saying this is unpopul unpopular, but it does get to really important constitutional issues. there is no probable cause, no opportunity to surrender, americans are on a kill list. the president is making the decision with no congressional or judicial oversight. >> i'll disagree a little bit. there is oversight. even leading up to -- if you remember in the al qaeda leader in the arabian peninsula had planned several events. one was the christmas day bomber. so he recruited that person, trained that person, financed that whole operation, equipped that person, and got them on an airplane that flew into the united states that but for a fraction of an inch in the injector on that particular explosive device would have been a catastrophe over the detroit
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suburbs on christmas day. that's what we're talking about. so this is somebody who had said that he doesn't want his u.s. citizenship anymore, he had officially joined al qaeda. al qaeda had declared war on the united states. so when people say there's a list of americans, not really. this a time honored tradition. the legal basis goes back many years when u.s. citizens would go on flight for foreign nations that were engaging in combat with the united states. so what they were saying is once you've made that choice, you no loca longer get the protections that you would. if you join the enemies oversea, you joan the enein the enemies . we do have oversight. i knew about the operations leading up to it and i review all of the air strikes that we use under this title of the law. >> well, you review the air strikes after the fact, correct?
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>> in this particular case, we knew -- well, remember, the air strike itself is just a tool at the end of the day. the policy, research, intelligence packages is what leads up to it. this is just, to be very blunt about it, pulling the trig ger t the end of the day. so all the stuff that comes up before that is in the purview. some of it is isolated to a very small number of congress of which we were informed and briefed about the package of how close we were getting, how we might actually go after this guy who is operating in why many. >> with all due respect, isn't al awlaki an outlier in that he is a pretty clear case. we had intelligence about the christmas bomber. we knew more of his engageengag. but there are others according
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to this white paper, they describe it as an imminent threat, but it is really defined, it is broadened out to and ongoing threat without specific intelligence of a plot. so let's take that hypothetical which is outlined in this white paper. >> and let's do that. if you have someone who has joined this organization and they may not be engaged in plot a today, but part of an organization plotting to kill american, and so they've joined the enemy, so you don't just kill the enemy when they're at the gate. you try make sure that you get them before they even get close to having an operation that could kill americans. that's the whole safety net that we try to produce anywhere in the world. and so there isn't some long list of americans. i can candidly tell you that. now, there are some that don't like the notion at all that we use air strikes at anyplace in the world. i got that. i passionately disagree with them. this has been a huge value added
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in disrupting al qaeda events. and guess what, sometimes americans have joined that organization to kill americans. that's their choice, not ours. and this was only overseas. and they have to be over a long period of time or at least have great information that they're a part of that organization. and i can tell you, there is not a long list of americans on that list. >> what about a 16-year-old kid in yemen, al awlaki's son? also an american. >> i understand you're trying to make the differences here, but anytime that you have someone plotting attacks aggressively against the united states, they are a target. the only way for us to make sure that they're not successful, remember, this is the same guy that would blow up airplanes in four different locations using these ink cartridges that were almost on these planes. this is a deadly organization and it's deadly when you get people like in who are planning
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this aggressively events. and the goal here is to have zero civilian collateral damage or casualties. it's not perfect, but i will tell you, it's exception is all good at making sure that doesn't happen. and i know that because we're briefed on all this, according for the ordinance to do certain things and not do certain things. so air strikes are a tool. our policy is we will go after al qaeda wherever they are before they can strike the united states. i think this is part of that and i think the legal basis conclusion that they came to is a solid one. >> were you briefed before the 40-year-old claieric was killed? he took a meeting with five al qaeda members who had come to argue with him and he was killed. >> well, and i can't confirm on something that i'm not sure that's exactly accurate.
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and so we're looking into it. i'm not sure that's an accurate case. again you're talking about combat. you're talking about an organization that has declared war on the united states. clearly has killed 3,000 americans on september 11th. but they have plenty wihave ple time beiattacks that have kille americans all over the world. our effort is to make sure that didn't reach the shores of the united states again. as long as there is a solid legal foundation, and i think there is. i will tell you i had the memo that they produced and i believe they should have begin us their legal conclusion. it was just a summary of their legal conclusion. >> that was my next question. why haven't they shared that? this is a case where your committee and the senate committee, there have not been leaks from that committee, those two committees. why not share with the intelligence committees the legal memos that are the foundations for this policy?
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>> they're arguing this is an internal document for president and council. i completely disagree because it's the last foundation of what they used. so i disagree with them not providing the legal opinion. they gave us the summary. i think we should. they should produce this legal document. i don't think they should hold back. it will come up in the brennan hearings. >> should john brennan be confirmed? >> i think he will get confirmed. i think there will be lots of questions about leaks and detenti detention. i think at the end of the day, he gets confirmed for the position. >> thank you very much. thanks, mr. chairman. >> appreciate it. and president obama making his first official trip to
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for the first time since he took office, president obama is traveling to israel. ambassador dennis ross with the washington institute for nearest policy was a special assistant to president obama and adviser to hillary clinton and is msnbc diplomacy analyst. great to see you. you've spent so much time on this never ending mission of middle east peace. john kerry wants to tackle it, the president is going it tackle
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it early on. what is the cost benefit analysis for what can be accomplished now? >> i don't think the expectations are very high in terms of the president going out now and trying to produce something p i think what he's trying to do is send a signal that this is an issue that we care about, the secretary of state, john kerry, will be working on it. this is not going to be something that we ignore, but i think it's also going to be put into context. there are an enormous array of issues insyria, egypt. so i think his going to israel to seet see the pld and presided king ever jordan, it allows him to talk about although issues. >> how much does the past tension with netanyahu play here or is this netanyahu weakened by his own smaller than anticipated re-election margin? does he need president obama to a certain extent to validate
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himself as one willing to reach across the lines? >> by the time the president goes, you'll have a new israeli government, but it will be a new israeli government and i think the president coming in some ways may help him in advance because it allows him to say we've got the president coming, we have to have a government that can actually do things. and not only on peace, it needs to do something on iran as well. and so i think from his standpoint, it actually is a good thing. i think from the standpoint of president obama, it also gives him a chance to connect with the israeli public at a point where there are not expectations that he has to produce something. but connecting with the israeli public is a good thing at this point particularly when you're talking about peace or iran. when he goes there and he speaks about iran, he's able to address a public that will series quite serious. and that, too, set as context in which prime minister netanyahu will be operating, as well. >> is the israeli public open to
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barack obama or has the relationship been poisoned? >> i think they are open to president obama. i think they always see the importance of u.s. relationship and i think it matters to them to have him come and address them. so i think there is a chance for a new beginning for the president, for prime minister netanyahu. i think it's a good moment to try to focus on all the challenges in the region. this is an extraordinary time in the region. we haven't seen the middle east look like this since the end of world war ii. >> and syria. the worst fighting around damascus that we've seen in quite some time. more than 60,000 dead. pressure. we know john kerry as a senator was more eager to take a look at the no-fly zone, to take a look some of the things that john mccain has been pushing hard. doesn't the united states have to do more? >> i think the answer is yes. i mean, it's clear that there are risks in acting, but i think we have to take a look at what are the risks and costs of not
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acting. and i think we have to keep in mind the kind of red lines that the president has established in the use of chemical weapons or the israelis have established in terms of -- >> just look at what they've acknowledged in munich that they were involved in that strike which everyone sort of knew, but interesting that he would say so. >> and what it highlights is things are going to happen. you'd rather put us in a position that rather than being driven to do something, we're in a position to try to effect the landscape more and we don't wait to be in a position where we have to react, but we're in a position where we try to influence more what the shape of the landscape is going to be. >> finally, as we look forward to john when in anbrennan's con hearing, how much blow back is in the united states because of the drone attacks and civilians who we call collateral damage, but basically civilian deaths and lack of due process? >> you know, i don't know that there is an enormous amount of blow back on that because i don't think it's the focal point for most of what'sians are not t
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that. the gulf states in saudi arabia, they probably applaud this because they see it as attacks against al qaeda. >> attack against awlaki was launched from a base inside saudi arabia apparently. >> one can assume the saudis are not troubled by attacks on al qaeda element in yemen and they see it as something that protects them. you can ask the yes how is it seen in yemen itself. and is it something that contributes to stability there or not. and i think that's probably a harder question. that's a much more difficult issue to sort of sort through. once again, you have to look at what are the costs of action, but what are the costs of inaction. and you try to weigh both before you decide what you're going to do. >> great to see you. thank you. up next, john kerry's first week as secretary of state and the bay states politics that he's left behind.
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>> the state department announced john kerry, the newly appointed secretary of state, will sign all official state department tweets with his initials jk. you see the confusion here. just take a look at a few of his tweets. you'll see what i mean. i'm thrilled and honored to uphold the position of secretary of state jk. whenlg i sign my tweets, i mean my name, john kerry. lol, no, i don't. jk. just confusing. >> joining me now deputy washington bureau chief for the boston globe and co-author of john kerry, biography. your man is now at the state department. so tell us just knowing what you know of john kerry, this is the job he's wanted his whole life. he told that to the troops as he was arriving at the state department. he waved his passport from when
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he was a 12-year-old in berlin. it really is an extraordinary coming together of the man, the moment, the job. >> it really is. i think a lot of people know about john kerry and his protest gechbs t against the vietnam war. so people think of him as an anti-war person. but the other part of john kerry is that his family home, there's a family home in france, it was taken over by the nazis. and u.s. forces and allied forces kicked the nazis out and john kerry said one of his earlier memories is going to that home and seeing only a stairway to the sky, seeing a chimney, everything else in devastation. so he has sort of two sides. one is the concern about the u.s. going too far in vietnam and the other is an understanding that the u.s. force can be used for good and he saw that as a very young child growing up. >> interesting also that the president did dug at him to go to pakistan, afghanistan, there were his wills both secret and public. it was he who was september to
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try to get hamid karzthat har i karzai back on the reservation. the question is how much leeway will he have at the state department. as hillary clinton learned, it's a closely held hold on policy. >> john kerry was sort of a shadow secretary of state as far as the democratic few. he was pair laying the democratic and obama white house message, but he was working with the state department, with the white house. he saw that he was likely to get the nomination or hoped he would get the nomination, so he does have that great experience. he has basically done a great part of this job already and now going in, he feels pretty well prepared perhaps compared to other people who have a lot to learn about different regions of the world. >> what is your gaming the bay
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stakes bo stakes politics left behind? you have ed markey on the democratic side, but he's especially dofrsed by not only kerry, but by all the campaign committees. is he the heir apparent? >> ed markey is being faced by another member, steven lynch. so you have these two members presumably friends now going after each other. on the republican side, scott brown decided not seek the seat he held briefly. other republicans were thinking about whether they would get this. but other republicans have dropped out. kerry healy decided not to run. mitt's son decided not to run. the list not running is pretty long. there are people talking about getting in, a couple names have already come up as candidates. but not a big name like people would recognize out of state. right now a lot of the focus is on markey and lynch. >> and scott brown not running
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because he said it would be three races in just a few years. you have to run and then run again. >> right. he had a temporary seat when kennedy died. and then had to to run for the full seat and so forth. so it would be a lot of races at once. he's right, if you ran again, a third race in several years. there is some talk that he might want to run instead for the governor of massachusetts. so that may be something in his thinking, as well. >> thank you so much, martin. michael, sorry. and next, cracking down on gun trafficking. we're joined by congressman elijah cummings. and send us your thoughts on facebook and twitter. mom always got good nutrition to taste great. she was a picky eater. well now i'm her dietitian and last year, she wasn't eating so well. so i recommended boost complete nutritional drink to help her get the nutrition she was missing. and now she drinks it every day. well, it tastes great! [ male announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. so, if the duck isn't able to work, how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car payments? aflac. what about gas and groceries? aflac. cell phone? aflac, but i doubt he'll be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a get-well card at in an effort to save billions of dollars, the postal service announced it will end saturday mail delivery beginning august 1st. the postal service will continue
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to deliver packages on saturdays and post offices will remain open. but for the first time, americans will receive mail only five days a week. >> and 16 months after appealing "don't ask, don't tell," the pentagon plans to extend some military benefits to same sex partners. exactly which has not been decided r decided, but they could include some health and welfare programs. boy scouts of america announce a delay today. they will need more time to does whether or not to lift the ban on gay leader respect and scouts. the organization said it would take action at its national meeting in may.the organization take action at its national meeting in may. and tulane university admitting to falsifying their
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reports. gun control advocates had a lot of star power today on capitol hill. celebrities like tony bennett, chris rock and amanda pete all speaking up against the mars against illegal gun campaign. >> my sister practiced stern al medicine at an innercity hospital in north philadelphia. they see about 500 gunshot wound victims per year. that's one trauma center just in the neighborhood of north philly. and that doesn't take into account mortalities. despite these numbers, some people believe my sister should be prohibited from asking her patients about guns in their homes. some states have already implemented these restrictions. doctors can ask if hair patients practice unsafe sex or use illegal drugs or have suicidal ideations or feel threatened in the home, but items illegal for them to discuss guns. >> joining me now is congressman cummings. you saw him right behind amanda
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peet there. you co-sponsored the bill on illegal trafficking. what are you trying to accomplish especially from the perspective of someone who represents urban communities? >> well, it's very important with regard to urban communities because what we're finding is that folks are finding you'll get a criminal who then goes to a person who has no record and gets that person to purchase guns and then they will send those guns to urban areas. and so you may have a situation like we recently had in georgia where guns were being sent that a state where revehicles are not as strong, they then send them to be sold or distributed by gang members to urban areas about so that trying to get to the straw purchaser which this bill goes to is very important. so basically what we're doing is increasing the penalties for those people who do the straw purchasing and number two, we're
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finally having and producing a drug trafficking bill which says basically that if you are purchasing guns to then be distributed to people who should not have them like felons, then you're going to be possibly subject to a 20 year sentence. and so again this is a bill, andrea, that everybody should like except straw purchasers. and those who want to get around the laws that the congress has already created. >> there's a lot of talk about the assault weapon ban. as you know, the president still says he's pushing for this despite opposition even we hear negative things coming out of harry reid. what about the assault weapon ban and the likelihood of that or is your focus more on handgun control and the gun trafficking bill? >> our focus here is the gun trafficking bill. and let me tell you why.
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i'm a strong supporter of the other provisions that you just talked about. machine guns and assault weapons and clips, high capacity clips. but this is something that we've gotten republicans to agree with us on. in other words, this is the first time in a long time in the house where we've got co-sponsorship with republicans. and we had two yesterday and now we've added another three. and we expect that before it's all over, we'll have quite a few folks on both sides of the aisle and we'll have a bipartisan bill. another thing that's significant about this. you spent a lot of time looking at "fast and furious." during the "fast and furious" hearings, the atf officers who came to testify before us basically begged us to create a drug trafficking law. because basically what they were saying is that it was almost
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impossible for them to get convictions of these cartel leaders and people who are were actually buying 60, 70 guns a day and then distributing them all across the country to criminals. so this is an effort to get at that. those other provisions are things that, you know, maybe we don't agree on with maybe the republicans don't agree with us on, but you never know. i think we're now opening the door finally to working together like the american people want us to. and perhaps we can have some other provisions later. but right now, we have to concentrate on this. and i think we'll get it through. >> you've got law enforce. behind you. ray kelly, the new york city police chief, was on john d stewart last night. this is what he had to say about weighing the ban and the assault. >> it is a conceivable handgun that's killing people. i think assault weapons should be eliminated, but they're
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responsible for less than 2% of the shootings in this city. >> and he was making the point that governor cuomo's law in new york state is the toughest in the nation arguably. but the guns are still pouring in and they're coming up from the south, coming up that i-95 cory tore and a lot are stopping off in baltimore and your part of the world. >> that's right. and andrea, this law, the one that we are pushing -- creating a trafficking law, clearly would have a tremendous impact. you have to understand, these guns are more than likely many of them being purchased by folks who are standing in for criminals. the criminal knows he can not get a gun. so, therefore, we have one case where a lady bought her boyfriend who was a criminal 64 guns, she bought them in georgia and they ended up in oakland and the police found them in crime scenes. so i think that people wonder how can we then reduce those
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guns going into urban areas. i think this is an excellent way to do it and that's why this is a no-brainer or should be for republicans and democrats. >> congressman elijah cummings, ye of great hope. thanks very much. >> thank you. and coming up, what cuts in research and development can mean for the u.s. economy. [ ma] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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optionsxpress by charles schwab. begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. leading 1k3er789s on science and technology warned of did devastating effects on economy and education if budget cuts go into effect on march. the sequester, among those testifying, shirley ann jackson, and joins me now.the sequester, testifying, shirley ann jackson, and joins me now.into effect on. the sequester, among those testifying, shirley ann jackson, and joins me now. welcome. you're no stranker to washington. born and raised here and former head of the nuclear regulatory
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commission. what are your big concerns about science and technology and the effects of the sequester if it goes in to effect? >> the big concerns are these. science and technology and the basic research that under girds it have been the the basis of over 50% of our gdp growth for 50 years. but the things we take for granted today are based on research that occurred over a 10, 20, 30 year period, even 50 years. and so one has to understand the source of idea generation. secondly, one has to have human talent. and that stall letalent is supp fellowships that come out of federal support. if the sequester occurs and occurs in a blunt way that can
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with devastating effects on research programs at universities all across the country. not to mention impacts on some aspects of financial aid. >> just in your example, you grew up in public schools and here in the district of columbia, initially segregated. what did the access for federally funded research mean for you and your generation? >> the whole thing meant the confluence of the brown versus board of education supreme court decision and the launch of the "sputnik" satellite which created a fury of activity to improve science and math education in the public schools, to encourage students, particularly those with ability to go into it, and then along the way, there were a number of programs created such as the
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national defense education act that actually provided support for advanced education as well as ramping up assume through the national science foundation. and i in fact had support from that. but i also had support from a major aerospace company, martin marietta, and those companies responded, as well. and so i went to undergraduate school with support from martin mayrietta and then graduate support from them as well as from the national science foundation. >> and how important is continuing this trend and this kind of support for other especially women to get women into s.t.e.m. education, and minorities, to bring people into the mix and have a richer diverse class of students in engineering and technology? >> there are three points to be
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made. it's in all genders and multiple ethnic groups. so if we want for be the best in the word, we have to tap the complete talent pool. we can't afford to overlook more than 50% of our population and feel we're tapping the complete talent pool. and that means young women and it means underrepresented minorities. we've depended on exquisite talents, and we still will, in abroad. but there are issues with visas. also that talent has opportunity in their home countries now and other places. and the third is that the continuity of support. it is important. it takes years. as a fizztivity or mathematician or engineer. it's epirep rabl damage. >> thank you very much for your time.
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>> always great to be here. >> we will continue the conversation. in the amr moment, wishing a happy birthday to my friend and col league, tom brocaw. as a special treat, the "morning joe" team unearthed this moment from 1967. a 26-year-old tom interviewing dwight eisenhower. the former president was in palm springs with then california governor, ronald reagan. >> almost four years ago now, you encouraged all republican who is thought they might be candidates for president to get into the race. do you still stand by that feeling? >> i like that. i like the favor sun theory. you bring a lot of people in and left all the delegates a chance to look at them and say who do we want. >> at the same time, sir, three years ago you would note endorse any candidate until after the nomination. >> that's true. i'm a republican and i will report any republican, i hope.
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>> he didn't mention his former vice president, richard nixon. a day to remember, ronald reagan. today would have been his 101st birthday. we are think have gone of nancy reagan today. like her oven roasted chicken baked in a rich, creamy alfredo sauce. she calls them her new comfort bakes. marie callender's. it's time to savor. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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>> which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours? we see a couple of hears on the hill. they talk about ben gazay and the confirmation hearings for john brennan we have been talking about. >> both likely to be combative. republicans continue and we see this with particularly when hillary clinton went up and a lot of republicans looking for more answers. interestingly on the brennan confirmation, this is an issue that more divides democrats and republicans. republicans have largely stayed silent on this. democrats are critical about why
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this is being done. how or weather the white house has the authority to do so. on one side the republicans and democrats fighting on benghazi, but with ren an's confirmation, it's democrats and democrats. >> in the next hour, sally jewel nominated for secretary. on this edition, tamron hall has a look at what's next. >> great to see you. coming up in the next hour, frenemies, a split between eric kantor and john boehner. this time over immigration reform after kantor shifted his stance on the dream act. boehner refuses to endorse the idea. is this an indication of more trouble within the gop with immigration reform. a big surprise announcement, the boy scouts delay a vote on whether to admit the gay scouts. it's comments from the outside that played a role in the delay.
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