tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC February 8, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PST
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good morning. i'm chris jansing. democrats are plotting a strategy in aannapolis. it appears both sides are digging in for the sequester. on march 1st, 58 bill $85 billion of cuts take effect. the president made it clear he wants revenue and he's ready to take on republicans over this issue. >> they recognize that the sequester is a bad idea, but what they suggested is that the only way to he replace it now is for us to cut social security, medicare, and not close a single loophole.
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and i have to tell you, if that's an argument they want to have before the court of public opinion, that is an argument i'm more than willing to engage in. >> but if there's one thing republicans are pretty much united on, it's that revenue is absolutely not an option. >> this quest to continually to raise taxes is not going anywhere. we've already done that. >> americans do not support sacrificing real spending cuts for more tax hikes. >> this is the wrong time for sequestration to take place. we should be able to sit down together and resolve this without again asking the american people to have their taxes increased. >> i want to bring in roll call cheryl and washington bureau chief ryan grim. good morning. >> good morning. >> the president says let's replace this with taxes and alternate cuts. republicans say cuts but no taxes. is it clear, ryan, who has the
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upper hand here? >> it's not entirely clear. republicans certainly feel like they have the upper hand here, much more so than the fiscal cliff. around the fiscal cliff, if nothing happened, taxes went up and democrats had a clear advantage. this time if nothing happens, spending cuts go into effects so republicans sort of think they have an advantage. but what is getting cut? the pentagon is taking the brunt of these cuts. certainly the commander in chief doesn't want that to happen. a ton of democrats are quite fine with seeing pentagon spending cuts. so, you know, it's sort of like nobody really wants it to happen but both sides are sort of okay with it. >> to the point of who might have the upper hand, charles krauthammer wrote this. obama's bluff is being called and he's the desperate water. what should they do? nothing. cheryl, there are others who are
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saying that if this happens, at least we get those cuts. what's the feeling on capitol hill right now? >> well, i think there are some republicans who are fairly public about the fact that they do not want to see the seek questions sister cuts go through. a lot of these republicans represent the heavy military presence, a the lo lot of defen contractors in their area. generally ryan is right, they don't want to see the cuts go through but they are kind of preparing for it, that this is going to happen. they view the president's offer for tax increases to make up for some of these cuts about to go through is null and void. they don't want to even talk about them them. >> the cbo is weighing in. sequestration could cost a million jobs and send the country into a recession and then paul krugman makes this point, while it's true that we will eventually need come combination of revenue increases, now is not the time
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to act. given the state we're in, it would be ir responsible and destructive not to kick the can down the road. but, ryan, will can congress kick the can down the road anyway? >> hopefully they will. here's the thing, economists have been saying for four or five years now, when the economy is in a recession or if it it's sagging, then you need deficit spending to get it moving. republicans used to agree with that. even in 2007 and 2008, they were proposing different stimulus measures. they no longer agree with the idea that they get the economy moving in a rough time. so maybe you have to actually have some spending cuts go into effect and see the effect on the economy for them to recognize the fact that oh, yes, if we take this money out of the economy, the economy will go down. that's what happened last quarter. if you hit the pentagon and if you hit domestic spending there's no question that the
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economy will retreat. so maybe they actually have to see that happen and then there will be some type of political reckoning and a turnaround and we can talk rationally about how to get this economy going again and create jobs. >> of course the president insisted -- and he talked about this yesterday -- he thinks we have to stop lurching from crisis to crisis. >> we continue to have these self-inflicted crisis here in washington that suddenly leads everybody to tap the brakes. >> i guess the alternative, cheryl, is there is an indication. >> there is no indication that that could happen. congress' plate is full. that's all going on in the next four month or so. that's more on a legislative agenda than i've seen in four
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years and this is already a congress that has a proven capability for passing stuff and getting stuff done. that said, don't think it's very likely. maybe they will kick the can down the road on the sequester for the next couple of months. >> let me bring in congressman tray rable. good morning. >> good morning. it's great to be with you. it's friday. >> tgif. >> do you want to prevent the sequester or are you willing to let those harks automatic cuts happen? >> i'm willing to. i can't believe we keep hearing that we need to kick the can down the road. we're at sequestration because washington in general has been completely dysfunctional. as a republican, i'm here to say that both parties have failed us. where i'm optimistic is that both republicans and democrats in the house have recently come together with a plan that's called no budget, no pay, which sends it to the senate that's saying, all we want to do is for you to do to your job. democrats and republicans want
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senators to pass a budget so we can come together in some sort of a deal to avoid these massive cuts and have a budget, that it's not just about cut, cut, cut, which is about save, save, save. saving our budget, saving our economy, and ultimately saving social security and medicare. so i'm optimistic that we in the house have been able to do that. the senators need to do their job. >> but congressman, don't the american people have the right to know that if they do what you're asking for, they know where those cuts are going to come from and the republicans in the house have had no formal plan, have not laid out where those cuts would happen? >> i'm sorry. the house republicans have been passing a budget. it goes to the senate. i'm willing to compromise. i'm willing to work with anybody, democrats or republicans, to give certainty and stability to business owners in this country and the hardworking american taxpayers
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but how can i work with someone when they are not working at all? senators, in particular, need to do their job and that's pass a budget. the last time they did, by the way, for some perspective, the last time the senate passed the budget was before the ipad existed. >> so would you be open to a deal that included some kind of new revenue, maybe closing loopholes, for example? >> i think that's a great idea and i think that's an area where both democrats and republicans can agree. and picking and choosing who get loopholes. >> in the meantime, as we were talking about earlier, there's a lot going on in congress, including gun control. your house colleagues have put out a 15-point plan for gun safety, including requiring a background check for every gun sale. is that something you support? >> look. there's no legislation at all in front of us. i like that both the president and house democrats have come forward saying that they want to drive the conversation to keep
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guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals and i'm all for that. but until i have legislation or something that i know how we're going to do that without compromising our constitution, the second amendment, and keeping americans' privacy in check, i'm not going to sit here and spout off about it. but i'll work with democrats or republicans. >> obviously i can't give you the language but there are recent polls and nine out of ten americans support background checks. i'm wondering if that's something that you would be willing to support. >> i'm willing to look at it when there's legislation. we can do polls all the time about how people feel this day or that day. i'm a lawmaker and i'm sworn to uphold the constitution. if legislation comes before me, i'll take a look at it and make sure that it's constitutional. here's where the issue is. you can't just pick and choose what parts of the constitution you like or don't like. and the real danger is that is when we look not just at the second amendment but the first amendment. we have freedom of speech and
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freedom of press. i certainly don't want any group, lawmakers or republican or democrat to step in and pick and choose exactly what they want to enforce or what they like or don't like when it's not based on the constitution or reality. >> congressman rabel, thank you for being on the program. >> thank you. the democrats listed recommendations yesterday very close to what the president has outlined already but it's not clear how any of these pro sales are going to move forward. what can you tell us about that, cheryl? >> like you said, the house democrat task force on this issue came out with several proposals that were very close to what the president has asked for. when i look for progress on this issue, i look to the other chamber on the north side capitol hill, to the senate. four senators, bipartisan group, two republicans, two democrats, two people who got a-ratings, two people who got f-ratings
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with the nra working on these background checks to get states to release more mental health records into the national health system. >> we talk about these bills and one thing we don't talk about, ryan, is the dollars that might be behind it. theres was a bipartisan group of senators who put out a bill to beef up the nation's mental health system. marco rubio, susan collins. but it's going to cost $1.4 billion. having said that, does it have a better shot than some of the other things we're talking about? >> well, we'll see. $1.4 billion to try to address the mentality health crisis in this country is totally peanuts. that's pocket change for the federal government. you know, it's so little. we talk about needing a balanced
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approach to cut this deficit, but why exactly do we need a balanced approach? it's not as if the economy distributes its games in a balanced way. if over the last ten or 15 years wages had gone up equally and profits had gone to the top 1% in an equal way, then you can say we need to rein in the deficit. instead, it seems like all of the games go to the top 1% but when it's time for pain, that we're going to spread across. that we need to give to social security, medicare, medicaid and we can't touch taxes. >> ryan grim and shira, have a good weekend. good luck. >> thank you. snow is starting to fall across the northeast and forecasters say before it's done, this will be one for the record books. stephanie abrams is live for us in new york city's times square. good morning. >> reporter: chris, good morning
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to you. in times square, we have seen it all. nemo has been a triple threat, rain, sleet, and snow. laguardia and central park have been reporting all snow throughout the morning hours and it's not only new york. it goes into connecticut. and nemo is just going to creep up 95 and continue to unload. tonight for everyone is when it's going to be the worst. we have blizzard warnings from massachusetts into new york city. that means three hours of winds at 35 miles per hour or more. blowing and drifting snow, visibility down to a quarter of a mile. the mayor's office says 6300 street miles here in new york city to be plowed and salted but they are ready for it. 250,000 tons of salt and of course, plows. here in new york, we're talking about a foot, give or take a few inches depending on where you are. >> i'm going to pretend you didn't say that. stephanie abrams out on a wet times square. thank you so much. we're going to have more on the
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forecast for this historic winter storm in our next half hour. we'll be right back. not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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california lawmakers say they want gun control laws in their state to be the toughest in the nation. democrats in the state legislature have introduced ten new proposals, including banning future sales of semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines and requiring background checks for not only purchasing guns but for ammunition sales as well. after years of setbacks, gun control advocates are more optimistic than ever about getting ledge slas passed. why? well, they've got a whole new strategy. joining me is national political reporter for "the atlantic," molly ball. molly, good morning. >> good morning.
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>> you wrote, a frequent question in the battle over gun control is why anyone should expect remember form to exceed now when it's failed repeatedly for the last 20 years. maybe this is why. between then and now, advocates for gun control got smarter. how? >> well, if you listen to the way people talk about gun control, proponents talk about it. listen to the way the president talks about it. he doesn't use the word gun control at all. he uses gun violence prevention. there's this idea when you talk about controlling guns, that sets off the minds in conservative voters. democrats were getting beat up. it's a cultural values issue for people in rural and middle america. and they had to find a new way to talk about it that didn't involve taking people's guns
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away, that didn't involve repealing or changing the meaning of the second amendment, that didn't involve banning handguns nationwide. but these are all things that were the stated policy goals of the gun control movement. there's been a change in the rhetoric. >> i remember it so well because i spent a couple of weeks after the columbine. you had all of these groups and they had different ideas about what ought to be done. some obviously much more progressive than others. >> that's absolutely right. nothing did get done after columbine except at the state level. there was no legislation passed although president clinton introduced a package of gun control proposals. if you look back at the coverage of those proposals that president clinton introduced, a lot of the coverage involved this infighting that you're talking about. gun control groups, far left saying, we don't like these packages from the democratic president because they don't go far enough. they are not banning handguns. they are not taking people's guns away.
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anything he's going to do, such as closing the gun control loophole, doesn't go far enough to satisfy us. and that kind of hinfighting helped keep the assault weapons ban from being removed in 2004. it was really an impediment to progress for the movement. >> people on that site moderating their rhetoric and getting more unified about exactly what they think they can try to get done. it's not like the nra is backing off. if anything, they and their supporters have gone further to the right, haven't they? >> people may have seen the commercial that aired during the super bowl by mayors against illegal guns, mike bloomberg's group, that showed that group of wayne lapierre of the nra support of background checks in 1999. because the debate was so much further to the left back then, the nra was under pressure just seemed to be moderate and support some forms of gun control, such as background checks. there's a report from that time
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that wayne lapierre threatened to quit the nra if they didn't support some kind of control such as background checks. that's helped them win more elections in red states and people like harry reid get elected in nevada, a pretty pro-gun state. the question is, is that going to be productive for people who want to see gun control get passed? will this mean an increased prag ma tichl, mean that the issue has a better chance of getting through? >> and what's the answer to that question? do we know? >> i don't have a crystal ball, but if you talk to people who support gun control, they have been beaten down for a long time, losing consistently for 20 years will do that to you. and they feel better than they ever have. there is, as you know, a lot of momentum behind this issue. a democratic president who has the bully pulpit who is using
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this on his agenda and now we have even some republicans coming to the table and signaling that there may be some kind of bipartisan action that can get through congress on gun control. that would be the first time since the brady bill in 1993, if that happens. >> molly ball from "the atlantic," thank you very much. first lady michelle obama will go to chicago for the funeral of the 15-year-old honor student who, just days after performing at the president's inauguration, was shot in a park when the gunman opened fire on a group of young people. hideya pendleton's killer has not been arrested but there's a $40,000 reward out. arnie duncan and valerie jarrett will also attend that funeral. you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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phil hardy accidently tweeted from his boss' account me likely broke girls after the super bowl ad. it was captured forever by the website. speaking of twitter, it's how donald trump is going after karl rove. he called him a total loser and enkournl enkour encouraged people not to give to his group. i'm going to try to be brief because i notice you're on your fourth glass of water and i don't want to be accused of waterboarding you. stephen colbert is expected to be an annual guest at the democratics annual retreat. the 113th congress, kitty kelley is approaching with a
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positive bias. and mo cowan sworn in yesterday. it's the first time two black ten sors have served at the same time. but in five months a special election will decide his replacement. requests for information for chuck hagel is unprecedented. the vote will be delayed. if you read one thing only this morning, it's going to be a great weekend to hibernate. my must read is a list of the 100 best movies available on dvd. all you need is the popcorn. it's up on our facebook page at facebook/jansingco. so, beginning today, my son brock and his whole team will be our new senior social media strategists. any questions? since we make radiator valves wouldn't it be better if we just let fedex help us to expand to new markets? hmm gotta admit that's better than a few "likes." i don't have the door code. who's that? he won a contest online to be ceo for the day.
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i use bounce outdoor fresh sheets because they're just that much fresher and they help keep static off in the cold so my clothes will never embarrass me. mommy, i dressed the snowman! how do you get your bounce? less static year-round. ♪ don't know what i'd do ♪ i'd have nothing to prove [ male announcer ] zales is the diamond store. save 30 percent off an amazing selection storewide, now through sunday. new jersey's governor and potential 2016 candidate chris christie is riding a record high wave of popularity. a new poll shows that 70% of new jersey residents have a favorable view of christie, including 59% of democrats.
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christie's soaring poll numbers cap a week where he spoke extensively about his week and pointed attacks. >> i've made jokes about you, not just one or two, not just ongoing here and there, intermittent, but -- >> i didn't know this was going to be this long. >> i find it fascinating that a doctor in arizona who's never met me can make a diagnosis from 2400 miles away. this is another hack who wants five minutes on tv and i think she should shut up. >> sometimes i'm successful and other time i'm not. >> i'm basically the healthiest fat guy i've ever seen in your life. >> there's your campaign poster right there. >> should it matter? let's bring in democratic strategist blake zeth and
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republican pollster kristin solstice anderson. good to see both of you. good morning. >> good morning. >> how do you think he's handling this? this is a lot of questions people have, blake. >> i think it's always good to use humor. of course, the next day when the doctor said -- >> former white house doctor. >> yes. if you're going to run for president, which it seems like you might consider doing, there's going to be all sorts of questions about your health. as long as it's in the category of questions relevant to his ability to do the job, i think that's appropriate and fine but when it gets to be mean-spirited jokes, i can understand why he would be upset about that. >> kristin, fair game? >> i don't know that it's necessarily fair game. it goes back for decades and decades and decades. bill clinton used to get made fun of about his weight. it's not unheard of.
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>> mike huckabee was made fun of before he lost all of that weight. we've talked about people with heart problems, any kind of health problem that a presidential candidate has had seems to be fair game and there's just voluminous research out there about the hazards of being seriously overweight. >> i think if it turns into a real health issue, people will have more things to discuss. right now he's so energetic. i don't think people can accuse him of someone who is not enner jej particular and out there all the time. i don't think it's at all jermaine to a discussion of him running for office. >> are people right about that, that you have to wait until something happens in. >> i think there's two categories with the discourse about his weight. one is the person's ability to do their job and you're right, there is voluminous information and anyone who runs, hillary
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clinton if they run, they are going to ask about her blood clot. when you have mean-spirited jokes like david letterman does, that's easy for a comedian to do and they can do better. >> to turn that to his advantage, he handles those kinds of things very well. one thing you won't accuse christie of is speaking his mind. having said that, kristin, while his popularity is high, when you look behind those numbers, for example, on the economy and taxes, only 45% approve of his handling of the economy. only 40% approve of his handling of taxes. when you look behind, what is, you know, a very jovial guy, you feel like you'd want to sit down and have a beer with, if christie decides to run for office, does he have bigger problems than his weight? >> i think he's going to have a lot to bring to the table if he runs for national office but i'm sure right now he's focused on
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trying to win re-election as republican in a very blue state. i think the questions about the economy and taxes are going to come up but he's implemented historic reform of property taxes, bringing the teachers union on board, with lot of important reforms in new jersey. that's going to be a lot more relevant than any future candidacy that he might have. >> blake, how nervous does he make democrats? >> not entirely, to be honest. if you look at the information about the economy and taxes, there's not a great record there. cutting earned income tax credits for low-income new jerseyians. i think he's going to have to do some things to break with his party a little bit and this one is not one that likes that right now. >> it does seem, kristen, like campaigns have gotten longer and longer and longer and we're approaching a campaign where on both sides we have a new candidate. it's not going to be an incumbent. so at what point do you thif
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something like chris christie has to decide whether or not they are going to run? >> i don't think that it's this far out, although you are right that the campaign cycle has gotten much longer. today washington put out a blog that has power rankings for 2016. seems like it never ends. when someone like a chris christie makes this prediction, i don't see chris christie changing a lot about what for running for office. that doesn't seem to be part of who he is. he's not had a problem telling national republicans what he disagrees with. i don't think he's going to change that much. >> blake and kristen, thank you. >> thanks. all eyes are on the sky here in the northeast where an historic snowstorm is in the making. bill karins is here. how is it looking, bill? >> it's right on schedule. snow is beginning in areas of boston, outside of hartford. those are the areas that it's going to pile up.
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it started to snow in new york city and quickly turned to rain. this is the boston area. light dusting on the trees. temperatures are 34 degrees in the boston area. in connecticut, we have light snow coming down, temperatures there continue to be hovering right around the freezinging mark also. there's the shot of millford, connecticut. let's take a look at the radar. the storm is just off the virginia coast. it's going to head north wards and combine with erie, pennsylvania. the white on this map shows you the snow. already four to five inches from portland, maine, up through burlington, vermont. winds are already starting to gust a little bit in new haven gusting at 30 miles per hour. peak of the windstorm, we will have gusts of 60.
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no snow for you in new york city throughout the morning. heavy snow in the afternoon towards central new england and tomorrow morning all the way through eastern new england. and the snow totals, very impressive. possibly historic. we're talking possibilities of 24 to 30 inches of snow. notice the snow totals in new york city, it looks like a lot of rain and snow on the backside. that's why we won't have a historic snowstorm here. >> good thing it's the weekend. time for people to stay home. bill karins, thanks so much. in southern california, the police are folk discussion on a ski resort three hours out of l.a. as they search for that former cop accused of killing three people, one of them a police officer. officials say christopher dorner is heavily armed and extremely dangerous. he's targeting officers that he named in an online manifesto. and catholic bishops will
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continue to fight to reject birth control compromise. hackers may have been able to break into the e-mail accounts of several members of the bush family. even accessing messages to and from both former presidents. the hacker claims to have gathered family addresses, phone numbers, and some family pictures. a spokesman for former president jornl h. george h.w. bush says an investigation is under way. two congressmen are introducing a bill to decriminalize marijuana. coming up, could we become a pot-smoking nation? and we're getting ready to cover the state of the union on tuesday. it's tradition at some point in the speech that the president says, the state of our union is -- and we want you to finish that sentence. here's mine. opportunistically fluid.
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now it's your turn. submit it to us at or share it on twitter. i don't know what that is sotuis? yes. state of the union is. i get it. i see it now, big caps, little caps. thousands of cancellations and growing. the big winter nor'easter is causing master travel trouble. michel michelle caruso-cabrera is here. what a mess. >> if you were planning to travel in new england, you probably aren't. take a look at the cancellation list. 4300 flights already canceled and those supposed to take off, 6600 delayed. that could be across the country because of the ripple effect that happens when one plane can't leave from one hub to the other. it's going to be pretty tough in you're trying to get out there.
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being on the roads is going to be pretty difficult as well. >> speaking of air travel, a lot of questions about the potential impact of this impending merger between american airlines and u.s. airways. do we have a sense of what it might be for ticket prices? >> it's debatable. when you have fewer companies providing service, in theory, there's less competition and that could mean higher prices. the reason why that happens is because countries are creating higher prices. they want less supply out there. however, these two companies don't necessarily have a lot of overlapping routes so they wouldn't necessarily be getting rid of spots. the critics say absolutely the prices will go up. we're going to have to see. there's been a lot of mergers within the airline industry within the last five years and yet we haven't seen a huge rise in ticket prices. >> michelle caruso-cabrera, have a good weekend. >> you, too. it's one week until valentine's day and this is a survey of american's favorite love songs.
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the bees gees, how deep is your love, joe cocker, "you are so beautiful" and percy sledge, "when a man loves a woman" and the right shous brothers, "unchained melody "and "i will always love you" by whitney houston. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the all-new cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. ♪ for a limited time, take advantage of this exceptional offer on the all-new cadillac ats. exceptional offer [ dog ] we found it together.upbeat ]
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on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you.
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so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. new this hour, the michigan state supreme court has just ruled that dispensaries there cannot sell medical marijuana. michigan was one of 18 states that partially legalized marijuana for medicinal use. voters in colorado and oregon passed legalizing the drug for
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recreational use. a new article in the national memo takes a close look at this issue. joining me is the editor-in-chief, joe. good to see you, joe. >> good to see you. >> early blumenauer and jared polis have put this bill forth. what would it do? >> it would change it from a problem hib tif substance to the bureau of alcohol and marijuana. so it would change the status of marijuana and allow any state that wanted to legalize it either for medicinal or recreational use to do so and not have the federal government try to stop that. >> i was surprised, i think it was a month or so ago, there was a poll that showed 51% of americans voted in favor of
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legalizing pot. that's a change. >> i think they are realizing that it doesn't make any sense unless you prohibit alcohol or tobacco which is a lot more lethal instead of sending people to prison for this kind of offense. >> in reality, be what is a chance that this bill gets any consideration in congress? >> i think early blumenaeur believes it has a chance. >> he does? >> he does. there's a feeling on agricultural interest and some others that the time has come to try to produce this commodity, regulate it, tax it, and use some of the taxes for -- >> there you say something important. this is a time when everybody is being looking at you, how do we get more revenue. >> right.
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>> has anyone done kind of an estimate, what it could mean to tax coffiers? >> i've seen estimates very high and lower estimates. if you compare it to alcohol or tobacco, you wrote see billions of dollars in tax revenue. and it could be dealt to dealing with the consequences of marijuana use, some of which aren't so good. but certainly it's better than sending people to prison. >> do you see a big organized anti-pot movement? where is the opposition coming from? >> there is opposition. there are people who favor the drug war, certainly d.a.r.e., some of the organize zargss based around narcotics control would oppose any kind of legalization. they've even opposed medicinal use. but i think you're right, there's a growing public consensus this is not the way to deal with this issue. >> there has been some sense of federal enforcement of these pot laws in washington and colorado where they legalized the
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recreational use. >> right. >> the president said he wouldn't push for that. is that a sign that there is this change? >> we can talk about the president. we have a president now who not only admits that he used marijuana in his youth but -- >> and inhaled? >> and definitely inhaled and did quite a bit of it. and he seems to have turned out okay. >> joe conason, good to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. today's tweet of the day comes from a news editor who says, he's really looking forward to mayor bloomberg's foreign language press conference. interpreters got a lot of attention after hurricane sandy. my insurance rates are probably gonna double.
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saw more customers and profits than chains serving fewer low-calorie options. well, this whole week we've been counting down to the 2014 olympics in sochi, russia, just a year to go now. but it was seven years ago in italy. we thought it was a fitting way to kick off our new segment. we're calling it "flashback friday" that may spark memories of your own. >> good morning. we are live in torino. we're going to see johnny in that building hine me in the men's free skate. >> my harshest critic, i am full of air and fluff and don't mean things that i say. but for now my critics can -- >> i love this guy. i'm with the skating icon who says, maybe he won't beat buchenko. >> and already there is high
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drama because american superhero michelle kwan was out on the ice for a practice session but didn't complete it after falling on at least three of her triple jumps. >> you know, i've tried it. >> you can't do it? is that what you're telling me. >> did you have a good time now? do you think that this was a great experience or are you more frustrated that you weren't able to do better when you thought that you could have? >> i'm frustrated at times with my performance but at the same time, it's my passion that's going to carry me through. >> should be interesting, even the director of the show says the evening will be weird. i think he was talking about the closing ceremony there. you can read more of my rum nations about the 2006 olympics
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at thomas? >> i love that flashback friday. >> you do? >> right. and you're looking forward, right? >> yes, sochi. you know what i remember about torino? besides the hockey team there was a speedskater. eric. do you remember him? >> yes. >> i got to meet him finally in torino. i still have a little crush. >> you have a hockey crush, huh? >> yes. he was a speedskater. they are so young here. so young, it depresses me. >> well, sochi, i just want you to know, if you have enough room in your bag to pack a 215-pound man, pack thomas roberts. >> i'll think about that. >> 220, 215, something in there.
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chris, thanks so much. in the next hour, will it be the big one? we're talking about the northeast bracing for what could be an epic winter wallop. people are stocking up on supplies from new york to maine. it could be the biggest storm in a century. then, the fugitive. this bizarre story straight out of a hollywood blockbluster. the massive manhunt for a cop killer is very real. he explained in a chilling facebook manifesto why he's targeting his own kind. and on the week that trayvon martin would have turned 18, we talked to his mom and his family attorney and how they hope to curb gun violence in this country. we'll be right back. stick around. [ male announcer ] you know that guy that's got a ham radio in his basement. he can talk to china, mongolia and all the koreas
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