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tv   Sex Slaves UK  MSNBC  February 10, 2013 6:00pm-8:00pm PST

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me and reached in. he still had his chest belts on. i had to undo his chest belts. we had to get rid of the steering wheel. >> next thing i know some guy's reaching in and grabbing me and dragging me out. i remember my throat just hurting really bad like i had drank a bunch of lighter fluid or something. my throat was just on fire. >> mike is taken to the hospital with first and second degree burn on his face and legs. but the cars aren't just physical. mike replays the video of the accident in an attempt to understand what went wrong. >> i just kept rewatching it, rewatching it and rewatching it, just to try to break down what happened, what i could have done different. i mean, you're always going to second guess yourself when something like this happens. >> mike makes a full recovery and despite his brush with and despite his brush with death is back in the driver's seat only one month after the crash. his return to racing also includes a special thanks to the firefighter who put themselves on the line to save his life.
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>> then i just told them that, you know, my daughter still has a father because of them, and i wanted them to know that. >> there will always be dangers when it come to fire and explosions, but not every incident ends in tragedy. especially when we have firefighters willing to face the flames head-on. i'm contessa brewer. that's all for this edition of "caught on camera." next few yeh
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police will build evidence. >> diamonds and rings and gold rainfall and with the help of one young thai woman who was trafficked. >> the woman who brought me from thailand said my price was $40,000. >> they will bust up an international human trafficking network, from the bottom to the masterminds at the top. >> there was no doubt that the people we're dealing with are very shrewd and very competent business people. >> its codename, operation pentameter 2. >> it was amazing to see.
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it showed a company making a decision to attack human trafficking at a systems level. >> hello, i'm natalie morales. the u.s. state department estimates worldwide over 12 million people are held enslaved, held against their will and forced to work for little or no pay, often in the sex industry. over the last year, msnbc under cover series sex slaves in america has exposed human trafficking and efforts to combat it here in the united states. in this program we will go behind the scenes with british police and detectives, watch as they follow every lead, use every investigative tool to
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convict bad guys and, yes, bad girls involved in this sordid trade, human trafficking. in october 2007, the british government launched its crackdown involving dozens of local police forces across england, wales, scotland, and northern ireland. it was a closely coordinated effort to tackle the growing industry in women illegally brought into the uk for sex, estimated to generate more than half a billion dollars a year. operation pentameter 2 begins with smart police work. one of the lead investigators working the case is detective andy lee of the gloucester police force. >> this is an address we've got an interest in. it's one of a number. this is a lady who judging upon what we've seen, she would appear to be in control of events surrounding the address. if we move on a little bit of
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footage, she very quickly comes back into my frame. she's carrying two carrier bags and she's got a girl behind her who is quite clearly younger than her. she's carrying a suitcase. it's exactly what i would expect when a person is being brought to the premises for the first time. >> i'm going to be quite comfortable saying that lady is probably within a trafficking chain. she's been moved from one place to another for the sole purpose of sex. >> with strong suspicions of sex trafficking, detective lee must move quickly and gather further intelligence before taking the case to his boss. >> it's my understanding this gentleman here is the -- >> lee is hopeful local real estate agents may have information about who is
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operating the brothel. >> appears to be an oriental chap. he's a male. we're quite happy with that. have you met him at all. >> no, not personally. >> any correspondence over the telephone. >> yeah. >> in written form. >> yeah. >> okay. is he paying by cash or a standing order. >> he paid cash six months up front. >> how much would that have been? >> it was 4,825 pounds. >> that's in cash? >> yes. >> is that the usual? >> it's not the norm. >> okay. so the suggestion is it's quite a bit of money. >> a lot of money. >> the records show the apartment is being rented to a man names shu wang. armed with wang's name, detective lee checks him out in the national police database. >> can i interrupt you? the man who is currently renting the address we've got an interest in, we know from our previous intelligence systems has rent add brothel that was in
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force during the summer of last year. >> we wouldn't want to build a picture if we felt we were at the stage we could go. ultimately our number one priority is to secure the safety of women who might be working in these type of premises. >> the brothel, identified by detective lee is one of many police have placed under close surveillance. in its first major action, operation pentameter 2 will soon launch a parade against this brothel and several others in this english town. >> we decided we're going to do four addresses here and four there and do them simultaneously. it would have been easier to go through one address and the second address, but then you risk the organization knowing they are doing enforcement activity and everything shuts down. >> coming up, the investigation swings into high gear.
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as operation pentameter 2 prepares for a big sweep of local brothels, police are learning from trafficked victims already rescued about just how prevalent human trafficking is in the uk. >> i never heard about england. you work waitress or babysit, you make money. the girls naked. i said what are you doing here? you need to work. >> paid work. that's not done free. that's done as a debt to the personal organization brining them over. they arrive here and someone explains there isn't actually a job. you still owe us 5,000 or 10,000
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pounds, whatever it is. you owe us. >> in the town of bedfordshire, 60 miles north of london, the officers working in concert with operation pentameter 2 are pursuing a new lead. a woman from estonia has agreed to be interviewed about how she was trafficked in britain. >> the girl we got to see now, she actually flagged down a police car. basically stopped them and said i need to speak to you. i think it's important to find out what happened to these girls. you just don't know a lot of the time where their lives have taken them, how they have come into the country and what goes on behind closed doors. this does smack of being a victimless crime in terms of you never see the victims, hear about them. half the time the police doesn't know this happened. other than the girls coming forward we have no means of how this happened to them. it's for try and stop it. >> it's important you're honest with us about exactly what's
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happened to you coming into engla england and what happened since you've bchb here and what happened in estonia. sitting in next door listening to what's happening. >> i realize that actually i had to be a prostitute here. so i was in the street. can you help me? the answered me and she said i know one place to go. it's luton. she took me to another prostitution house. when she took was bringing you to luton, was there a discussion of what sort of work you would be doing at luton. >> she told me housecleaning. >> how many clients were you expecting to have a day?
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>> four, five, six. >> did she tell you how much to charge them. >> they had a price list. >> minimum forty pounds. >> just sex, 60 pounds, oral sex, 50 pounds. >> selling human beings is easier and definitely more profitable than selling drugs. if they had 100 pounds of drugs in this room now, i would have to procure it, hide it. then when i sold it all, i would have to replace it over and over and over again. and this is a guaranteed strong sentence against me because of our drug laws. if i have a 100 pound slave in this room and i'm good at what i do and i terrorize her enough not to come forward, you will never know. and i get to resell that person over and over and over again. >> in this country, we spend as
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much in an entire year to fight the traffic in human beings as we do in a single day to fight the traffic in illegal drugs. that's not to diminish the relatives of smoking pot. which is the worse crime, a 15-year-old sold for rape on the street corner or a 15-year-old selling pot on the street corner. >> in britain, this lack of major commitment to fighting human trafficking is about to take a giant leap forward. police are planning a major bust. the operation will be complicated requiring great coordination. nothing will be left to chance. >> what i want to do is take one-quarter away which acts as a trigger for the others. when we go for normal, we will go for all the others at the same time. we were expecting at least two
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girls at those premises. if those girls are victims or working as prostitutes, i want them treated with dignity and respect. we will afford them protection of victim status and treat them as victims as long as they cooperate. >> to build a strong case, police are hoping to find victims, customers, and the managers when they come through the doors. a tall order. detective lee's role is to be the eyes and ears on the ground. it's up to lee to choose the best moment to launch the operation. >> the subject premises is just down there on the right. the target down there.
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>> lee will be overtly watching the properties from an undercover surveillance post. >> looking good. we've got -- have we got channel 53 up? open line. four in position. >> four, one, and two in position. >> are you ready?
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>> with the equipment and the police in position, detective lee spots a customer, or as they say in britain, a punter leaving the brothel. >> okay. as they go past each other, the chinese girl, and speak to this guy, he goes back to the house. she goes into high street. >> right. >> if we don't move soon, the punters may well disappear. >> let's go. we're ready to go now. we'll call for a strike then. we'll go all four. let's go all four teams. it's a strike, strike, strike. >> mobile, strike, strike, strike, please. >> go, go, go. >> empty. >> police! put your hands together. hands together!
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stay where you are. more people, please. stay where you are. no, no, no, no, no. hands, hands, hands, hands! >> open the door. >> open the door. open the door. >> get yourself dressed. >> police officer. >> at least one punter possibly inside. >> just confirmed there's one customer and one girl on the premises. >> yep, as noted. >> okay. okay. i'll just stand there. >> the women found in the brothels are offered refuge but there's no sign of the criminals who are running the brothels.
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>> superintendent alex drummond gets a lead from the undercover team. they have spotted a woman they recognize from some earlier camera surveillance. >> there's an oriental female in a brown puffer jacket that is the madam from normal terrace, we suspect. she'll be heading back towards the top end of the road. can you go get her? middle-aged lady in a brown jacket. she's the madam. we want her arrested. >> this lead may be just the breakthrough the police need. a chance to arrest a member of the trafficking gang and take a first step up the criminal ladder. a chance to start unraveling the network.
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coming up -- a potential customer learns the hard way that his favorite brothel is closed. >> i won't beat around the bush, all right. the premise is used as a brothel. my interpretation of what you've been there is probably you going there. ♪ [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the all-new cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. ♪ for a limited time, take advantage of this exceptional offer on the all-new cadillac ats.
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across britain, police are expanding the scope of the investigation. the aim is to climb up the criminal ladder from the brothel managers to the actual masterminds who are importing sex slaves into the country from eastern europe and asia.
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the raids on brothels in the town of cheltenham resulted in a roundup of trafficked women and customers, but none of the brothel's managers. but the police's luck is about to change. >> middle aged, brown jacket. she's the madam. we want her arrested. >> go down there. >> the undercover surveillance team is looking for a woman seen leaving one of the brothels just before the raid. >> female noted. lower high street. >> they suspect she may be part of the brothel's management. >> i'll hold onto a mobile telephone and seize that as an exhibit. >> under questioning, the woman identifies another suspect, greg blackhorse. blackhorse has been under surveillance for two weeks.
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police think he's the owner of one of the brothels. he's arrested at his home and brought in for questioning. >> hello. you have been arrested as part of operation pentameter two. suspicion of operating a brothel for purposes of prostitution. okay? do you understand why you've been arrested? >> could you give me the details? >> the decision is made to charge you. >> half a dozen other suspects are arrested at six other targeted properties. >> send the next one in. >> you have been authorized for detention here. >> but outside one of the brothels, a man seems to think that it is still open for business.
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>> right. you've rung the doorbell twice. you've seen an officer come from the kitchen and you turned around and left. so that itself seems suspicious. >> no, no. not suspicious at all. i come up this alley right here. >> okay. no problem. what i want to do is take you around the corner. i'm going to get some details from you. i've got one here. i won't beat about the bush, all right. the premise is used as a brothel. >> yeah. my interpretation of what you've been there is probably you going there. if that's the case, what i would like from you, we can be discreet about this because we're all men, is a phone number where we can contact you at work and i would like a statement
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from you just to say that if you are using this brothel, that's fine, but how you make contact, if you phone someone up and how much you pay or what's going on. that's all we're interested in. >> any information, including from this former client, could prove crucial to the investigation. at the time of operation pentameter two, buying sex wasn't illegal in the uk so the police couldn't make an arrest. >> if you're caught as a buyer of sex in america, you might pay a fine, you might just be let go, your car might be impounded and fined, and maybe you'll go to jail for 24 to 48 hours. it is rare for something else to happen to you. if you're a seller of sex, you're going to go to jail, more likely than not, and if it's been multiple times, you will go to jail for even longer. >> detective andy lee is at one of the brothels in cheltenham where they have yet to track down any of the management. he is looking for clues as to
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their whereabouts. >> keep an eye. >> we see plenty of documentation, i.d. cards, maps with addresses in london circled on them. >> we know the people that control the strings for the chain, they hide themselves, they use different names, they use aliases, they deliberately play on the southeast asian spelling of their names. so looking from our point of view, it's very hard to pinpoint exactly who these people are. >> coming up -- a chance encounter leads to a big break. >> i'm not happy with your stories. based upon evidence i have, i'm arresting you both on suspicion of the management of a brothel.
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milissa rehberger. here is what's happening. a tornado cut through hattiesburg, mississippi causing widespread damage there. there are reports of at least three injuries and a direct hit to southern mississippi. tornado watches are in effect for much of southern alabama and
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mississippi. meanwhile in new england, there's a race against time to clear snow from the roads before the morning commute. forecasters say another storm could bring freezing rain and more snow tomorrow. now back to msnbc undercover. with little luck finding the people who are running the brothels, detective andy lee is about to head back to the police station. >> if it's any relevancy, a woman just walked past with a gentleman, stopped here and then went along just behind this bus and was making a call. a chinese lady, according to the cameraman. >> a member of the camera crew has spotted a couple acting suspiciously, and shares it with detective lee. >> where now?
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>> behind the bus. walking there. those two. >> get them, get them, get them, get them. >> hello. stop. sorry. my name's andy. i'm a police officer. are you from cheltenham? >> no. >> whereabouts you from? >> i'm from [ inaudible ]. >> right, okay. what about yourself, ma'am? >> it's my husband. >> oh, is it? >> yeah. >> okay. >> detective lee recognizes the couple from surveillance footage. he thinks they could be managers of one of the brothels. >> do you know anybody along this street? >> no. >> you don't know? you don't know anybody? >> no. >> can i ask what you're doing here? >> shopping. >> have you got a car nearby?
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>> yes. >> you parked up there? okay. which shops have you been to today? >> this one. >> i tell you what. step over this way. my name is andrew lee. i'm a detective constable from cheltenham police station, okay? i'm not happy with your stories. based upon evidence i have, i'm arresting you both on suspicion of the management of a brothel. you don't have to say anything. anything you do say may be giving evidence, okay? so at the moment in time you're both under arrest on suspicion of management of brothel, okay? you're being cautioned. that caution applies.
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you are under arrest. >> why? >> i explained to you why. >> i'll carry that. i'll carry that. i'll carry it. slow down. slow down. >> i'm not -- i'm not. >> can you just take a seat in there? sit down. >> speaking to them, they were both evasive. >> we've already got photographs. >> i suspect she's probably the brothel manager. >> we've already got photographs, possible photographs of her. >> while the police find nothing linking the woman's husband to the brothel, they detain the woman for further questioning. under british law, she can be held for 24 hours without charge. with no time to lose, the police must sift through a mountain of documents to build a strong case against her and some of the other recently arrested suspects.
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>> this is where we're into sort of lightning mode with exhibits now, having a quick look through. some of this will have to be done more in depth in slow term but we're actually looking through what have we got that links this woman to the offense, what have we got that's significant to both of those addresses so we're in the best position to be able to charge those people by that time limit. >> it's all hands on deck. the police have to work through the night to build their cases and bring the maximum charges against the woman and greg blackhorse. >> what we've got to be conscious of this morning is trying to get all the interviews coordinated, start pulling some of the evidence that we've got and interviews so that we can make a decision, have we got sufficient to charge the people at the moment, do we need to release them on bail while we make further inquiries or is it
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that we've got insufficient evidence to connect them with the investigation and we have to consider releasing them without charge. >> a detailed examination of greg blackhorse's bank account provides useful insight. >> yeah. looking through the financial stuff, the exhibits seized down there, it looks like he's been banking between 4.5 to 6,000 pounds a week has been coming out of those premises and getting banked. he's certainly paying all the utilities on the account. >> yeah. for normal terrace? >> for normal terrace, yeah. so he's heavily financially linked to that address. >> so that's 150k, 200k a year, then. small dwelling house in cheltenham back street potentially earning 200,000 pounds a year, tax-free. >> yeah. that's money laundering. >> okay. game on. >> large sums like this are what
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makes human trafficking an attractive and very profitable business for criminals. >> it's really important that we follow the money and see where the money's going to and coming from at its core. that's what human trafficking is about, making a profit. >> greg blackhorse isn't the only one who might be making a fortune from prostitution. >> where are we looking with chen? is she just a manager that's been running that? >> during her interviews, the woman claimed she was unemployed but an examination of her bank account tells a different story. >> two days in december '05, 13,000 pound in cash at the local bank in morton. >> that's a weekly basis beginning the past year. 300, 400 pounds. >> one week, two weeks over the last 18 months or so, there's probably something in the region of over 100,000 pounds going
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through that account, which isn't bad for a lady that's unemployed. as we suspected, the warrants and the evidence from the searches is giving us a much wider portfolio of crime. we're looking at money laundering, looking at the turnover that they put through these accounts. so if we just charge it now and deal with the brothel as we said yesterday, that will all disappear. we'll never see them again and they will set up somewhere else. if we're going to stop them and hit them hard, then we have to take their assets off them. >> the large sums changing hands suggest to superintendent drummond and his team that chung could be managing more than just one brothel. she might be one of the big fish they have been looking to catch. >> she is probably involved in the management chain quite clearly. >> yeah. she could be perhaps in the position whereby she's the manager of a number of outlets.
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>> there's a suggestion she moves around, isn't there? >> yeah. she could be a regional manager. >> regional manager. absolutely. >> meanwhile, the police decide to give her husband a get out of jail free card. >> his involvement is probably nothing until he met her. so he started out in life as a punter and caller to the address and he's fallen in love. he's fallen in love with her and from the interview, it would seem that they went to paris. he took her to paris on a romantic weekend, and she asked him to marry her. yeah? you've got her using him there. and she's now using or their marriage is an application for full uk immigration status, which is under constant review. and from indications in the interview, she's only staying there -- >> a periodic basis. >> a few nights a month. >> i'm not, i'm not.
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>> despite her persistent denials to the contrary, the evidence gathered by police seems to place her at the center of a network of british brothels. now one of the women rescued from a cheltenham brothel is revealing to police details of how she was trafficked. >> the information we got from one of the girls, she came to the uk on a freight ship. she paid 100,000 of her local currency, which would equate to about 6,000 in sterling. she came across on a freight ship in a room with five others. she's ended up in london where she's got contacts through chinatown, and she's told us that she's been moved around doing small odd jobs, doing cleaning, working in some restaurants. and at the end of the week, when it's payday, they say, well, your work hasn't been good enough, we're not going to pay you and they will move around to do some other manual work somewhere else. it's part of that chain which will then eventually force them into they've got no option but to go into a life of prostitution. that's what's going to be to earn you a living while you're in the uk.
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>> i didn't know trafficking, at that time. i didn't wake up one day and say oh, yeah, what am i going to do today, i'm going to be prostitute. >> police! >> too often, we go in to a situation like a massage parlor and we find that women, girls, don't have their papers and we immediately process them for deportation. that is playing into precisely the threats that the traffickers have made against those victims. they are told if you go to the police, you will be processed for deportation. and when you get back to your home countries, we will take our due. >> i'm not for sale. i'm not for sale. it's not just me. there's plenty like me that have been used. i was scared to say it. i was very, very scared. hundred and hundred and hundred
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have been abused. nobody helped them. nobody helped them. >> coming up -- the young woman trafficked out of thailand agrees not only to talk, but name names. >> a woman brought me here. i didn't know i was going to be sold. she took the money and gave the buyer my passport. ask me what it's like when my tempur-pedic moves.
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trafficking women from asia and eastern europe to work in british brothels. many of the victims removed from the brothels had been too frightened to talk. however, in devon in southwestern england, one woman who we will call lily has been brave enough to come forward. she was part of a massive international trafficking network that stretches around the world. one of those working hard on lily's case is sergeant ian tomlinson of the devon and cornwall police force. >> she entered into a contract in thailand some weeks previously. her family had paid 10,000 pounds for her to come over to she thought it was ireland she was going to to work initially in the restaurant trade. but the victim told us she was flown by abu dhabi into dublin and from dublin by train to
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belfast, and from belfast a quick hop over to england. >> translator: a woman brought me here. i didn't know i was going to be sold. she took the money and gave the buyer my passport. they said i had a debt and that i had to work to pay it off. >> lily, who came from thailand, told police that the international human trafficking network illegally brought her and other women to brothels across the united kingdom. the first people identified by lily are a mother and daughter team. they were managing a brothel in plymouth, where lily was forced to work. police follow up lily's lead. >> it's a lady by the name of mi-tieng wan, a malaysian lady we have already interviewed, and also, her daughter called grace lim. they are running a small network of brothels and they are
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involved in trafficking young girls to staff these brothels, thereby facilitating their movement for the purposes of prostitution within the country. >> based on lily's detailed testimony, the two women are brought in for questioning. now sergeant tomlinson and detectives jones and clement go to the police station to make the arrests. >> mary, if you can just -- let's get straight inside. >> you're going -- >> both of you. i'll talk to both of you. >> i'm arresting you now on suspicion of human trafficking and being involved in the management of a brothel. >> we searched their home address and found numerous documentary exhibits that link them to other agencies and to other brothels, and telephone numbers within the network around the uk.
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those pieces of paper and documentary exhibits will be put to them for comment during interview. in the case of grace lim, she has been shown a number of them already and has made comment about them in the negative, and since then, we have been able to show that she is actually responsible for producing those items. so she will be questioned further. >> lily tells the police that she was held against her will in their brothel, and terrorized by the mother/daughter team into having sex with men. >> translator: they refused to give my passport back. the trafficker said that if i tried to escape, or told the police or the thai embassy, they would come after me. they said my parents back in thailand would be in trouble. i couldn't cope with that.
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>> the victim was stating that she was held there against her will and that she received no money. she was having up to four to five clients a day and that meeting one was taken the money. she was told she had to do everything the client said and if the client complained, she would become very aggressive with her. >> the police now believe the daughter, 19-year-old grace lim, is just as deeply involved in the trafficking network as her mother. >> i think she's equally as culpable as her mother. >> yeah. >> she's very wise for her years. >> yeah. >> and she's made efforts to try and encourage other people involved in the network to tell lies to help her mom out while her mom has been remanded in custody. we have evidence of text messages sent asking people to become witnesses to try and help prove her mother's account. the good thing was that she commented on some things that she was obviously comfortable with so when she was asked, for
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example, about her bank account, she was quite happy to sit there and say i've got a bank account, there's no money in it, feel free to have a look. but when you ask her questions in relation to the trafficking, and the management of the brothel, she closes right down. >> the crown prosecution service or cps which will prosecute the case has approved the evidence offered by sergeant tomlinson and his team. they agree that there's a strong case against the two women. the police are now in a position to press serious charges. >> grace lim will be charged with the management of the brothel at taunton and wong wild with two traffic offenses. so he feels quite strongly about that. >> coming up, police identify another person of interest involved in trafficking lily. >> as far as trafficking is concerned, he is almost as bad as they get. [ man ] ring ring... progresso
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devon and cornwall detectives have just arrested a mother and daughter team for trafficking a thy victim, lilly. they're now following leads that take them to london in per suit of a woman they think is laundering the money for the
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traffickers. >> we've got inquiries to make with a lady by the name of misco. we don't know the level of this lady's involvement at the moment. we've got enough grams to arrest her if we need to. >> they suspect bisco is the banker for the master mind's trafficking women like lily out of thailand. >> initial questioning confirms bisco's involvement to the trafficking. she's arrested and taken to a london police station for further questioning. meanwhile, police seize bank records at her home where they're examined by financial investigators. >> there's spread sheet upon spread sheet upon spread sheet showing money is moving out of
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the country. and the lady who's with the individuals working around the country, you know? >> what sort of money are we talking about? ? $480,0050 or so over an 18-month period. >> the investigators find that bisco is running a sophisticated money laundering operation. >> it appears that family members they're sending the money back to. i'm still not unconvinced that they're not withdrawing the money in cash to how she's buying jewelry and antiques or whatever. it's also lists of diamonds and rinks and gold that she buys and it appears to be just on the outside that thekd be buying jewelings and then taking them out of the country. >> further investigation reveals that bisco has depoz sited almost $2.5 million.
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>> it is estimated that there could be more than $200,000 a year from just one woman. >> translator: the woman said my price was $48,000. the buyer then tried to bargain for the price. >> he said $48,000 was too much and asked to reduce the price. i was sold for $48,000. >> as more trafficked women confide in police, the slave trade is being revealed. the devon and cornwall police have identified a man at the heart of lily's ordeal. his name? vitual gomert. >> it looks more and more like this individual. he's the next one up the chain, if you like, in relation to moving the victim around the country and trafficking her, you
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know, taking her to various brothels and dlifing some places. if you listen to the victim, she says that she's told she'll be working the restaurant trade. as far as trafficking is concerned, he's as bad as they get. >> tu is a driver who takes the girms girls around the many brothels and the rest of the network around the country. >> operation pen tam ter choose systematic results. >> they knew sex trafficking was a particularly prominent country. they were not just stopping with the initial arrest of one buyer or perhaps one manager of a brothel, but really trying to connect all of the dots to see how women and children are
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brought into britain and expl t exploited in this way. >> coming up, after some smart police work, the woman who sold lily at a london slave auction is found and arrested. >> fan tagsic. like the flu. with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so don't wait. call your doctor right away. tamiflu is prescription medicine for treating the flu in adults and children one year and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing. have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an
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welcome book to msnbc undercover. operation pen tam ter 2, a nationwide effort in britain to bust up human trafficking networks is making good progress. local police forces are working in close coordination to climb up the criminal ladder to first identify and then capture the people who are bringing in women from asia and then eastern
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europe to work against their will in british brothels. the next person in theirsighteds, a man by the name of shu yu wang. >> duomonths of the original police raid, its reopens for business. >> i woild suggest he's going there for sex. >> yes, yes. >> the police allow the brothel to reopen in order to gather additional evidence against the man they believe to be the owner. they also suspected he's a key player. they've been using the closed circuit tv network to secretly track wang's financial activities. >> they think the woman has been
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depositing money from the brothel into wang's account. >> it's common into what they do. she eelt put a phone call into somebody in the organized crime group. >> if it's been credited, i guarantee you'll see a phone call going. >> the police are gathering a clear picture of how the network operates. >> so this picture that we got, right, that somebody proports to be -- >> that is the best of the male.
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>> detective lee uses the national data base to gather more information on wang. it puts him at the center of an even larger network than the police first thought. >> we've got him axtive in cardiff, in the bristol area, he's active in -- all the way down to gilford. >> he remains elusive, but detective lee has had a breakthrough. wang is enrolled as a full-time student at six different universities. >> we think he's going from one to another in order to legitimize himself as a student. he's just not attending.
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but he'll use them to justify him being here. by say k actually, identify'm a student. >> wang is using his student's standing to avoid the time limitations of his immigration status. but, now, detective lee hopes to turn the tables and track him down at one of the universities. >> i think i've got a connection to your business school. his first name is shuyu. i've got a date of birth. >> thank you very much. i'll speak to you shortly. >> that was interesting. it would appear that wang is currently a full time student at
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the university of east anglia. >> detective lee discovers that not only did he attend the university, he's also living in a student dormitory. after months of investigation, they may finally catch the man suspected of sending women to dozens of brothels. >> you're under arrest under suspicion of involvement. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. email marketing from constant contact reaches people in a place they're checking every day -- their inbox. and it gives you the tools to create custom emails that drive business.
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four months into their nationwide crack down on sex traff trafficking, police are on their way to england's east coast to arrest a man who police think is a key player in attracting
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dozens of women across the country. >> it's a room within the residence. >> the police are hoping a dawn raid on his dorm will catch wang fast asleep in his bedroom. it's taken the police months of work to get to this door. >> hello, it's the police. >> get your clothes on, please. >> mr. wang? >> you're under arrest, okay? you're under arrest for suspicion of involvement in a broet el in china. listen to what i'm saying to you.
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you don't have to say anything. what were your plans for today? is there anything that you need to organize? >> do some reading. do some work. of course, how are you? >> back in gloucester, he gets the call he's been waiting for. the one confirming wang's arrest. >> i'm stuck. >> with shu yu wang locked up, they can now put the next phase
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of the investigation in effect. it was to prevent him tipping people off, effectively. >> good morning, everybody. pr premises is identified which has been established as a brothel: using girls that have been very strongly suspected of beings illegal imgrants and being kept around the country for u.k. broth e8s. we did the warrant on the first of september. we've now identified him and he's a chinese national that's been organized in all the financial and all the op raxs sides behind the brothel that you're going to be doing today. and he was arrested this morning
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at the university campus there. >> yeah, jim, don't bother holding station on a forward deployment. go straight in. strike, over. don't move. stay where you are.
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>> in this second raid on wangg's brothel, police find two women, most likely trafficked, as well as a customer hiding in a cloz et. >> persons on board are secured. we're just going to start moving around. everything is under control now. >> the police seize cell phones, several with shu yu wang's number in them, along with passports and commercial records. there is clear involevidence o involvement. the brothel is taken down for a second time. >> after a six-month invesz gags. gloucester police have closed
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down wang's operation for good. one of the victims res kcued fr his broothel is a 15-year-old girl. the police will provide counseling. this is a key component to right the effort of the wrongs in human trafficking. >> you can't underestimate the need. both for the victim, him or herself, the need for her to be stabilized, feel empowered. kbu, also, if we have all of these other goals. if you don't have victims stabilized and empowered, how is that person going to participate and prosecute in the investigation. >> another is in devon and cronwall. here, police are eager. officers ian tomlinson believes it's one of those responsible
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for her trafficking. >> our victim identified there to be brought over from thailand. >> as with many of the suspects in this human trafficking investigation, police have had a hard time finding gomart. now they're in london armed with a dozen possible addresses linked to him. >> it's not easy to stay on the run for an indefinite amount of time. we've circulated. if he tries to leave the country on those details, that he'll be stopped and arrested. >> ser jent tsergeant tomlinsona call that shows a new lead.
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>> all right, mate. super. thanks ever so much. all right, cheers, buddy. by. >> that's interesting from the inquiries that we turned up from the address today. here is that he got a new phone that was active up untim three weeks ago. so we're going to get that subscribed now. i'm going to give him a ring and see if 4e wants us to take a direct approach and see if he's like us to say hello, we'd like to speak to you. >> in all likelihood, he is going to find out very shortly that we've got that number. at which time if he flings it in
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the bin, we'll move forward. the other option is for me to ring him up and see if he wants to kochl in. i think, yeah, he will. and i real lly do think he will bing that number the minute he finds out. right. okay. we'll give him a call. all right. cheers. >> sergeant tomlinson has the official go ahead to see if he will agree to meet with him. it seems a long shot. >> coming up, sunday in the park with gomart. >> hello, it's the police. can you speak to me, mr. gomart? hey, our salads. [ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice.
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>> must be an interesting call. hello? is that tu? tu? this is detective sergeant ian tomlinson. i need to chat with you at some point. are you going to speak to me? ? hello, it's the police. are you going to speak to me. mr. gomart. >> hello, is that tu? mr. gomart, this is ia ian tomlinson. i need to speak to you over some matters. >> do you know where the serpentine 1? i'll go there and we can have a chat. cheerio, then. bye.
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>> well, there you go. he says he'll meet us in the park. he assures me that he'll be here. but he may have just bought himself an hour's thinking time, really. if we can just km in here for a second. that's where i've been down by that lake. >> hello, is that mr. gomar? >> yes. >> hello, this is ian tomlinson, again.
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i said i'd bring you back at hide parks. >> when i go there, i'll call you again. and you can come and pick me up or something. >> are you traveling by car or on foot? >> i don't have a car. >> oh, you don't have a car? i do apologize. >> no, no, i do have. no, no. >> right. well, i can pick you up at the station if that's any good? >> okay, okay. so we'll go to the station and then i'll call you and then you'll come pick me up. okay? >> the police have set a trap for gomart and are hoping their low-key approach will lure them in. they feel they have more than enough evidence to convict him.
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>> he's just rung me. he's at the station. he said he's going to cross the road and meet us outside the marriott now. happy with that? let's go. >> it's been four hours since the police first spoke with gomart. it's looking like he's a no-show. then, sudden ly suddenly.
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>> now, then, you're a difficult man to find. what you need to understand is, as you know, we've been looking for you for a long time. and we know a lot about you. so we all know when you're te telling the truth and when you're not. >> i'm not scared. and then you're going to say i can't help. i try to help everyone. >> okay. >> gomart's willingness to meet with police speaks to an important problem with law enforcement and human trafficking. >> regardless of his criminal activities rs you would think he would be concerned about his immigration status. but the fact that he actually showed up shows the degree to which traffickers, human traf c trafficke traffickers, still operate with total impunity in our society. >> they don't feel that ther going to get in trouble for this. when you feel that you're not going to get in trouble, you're not going to hide it. >> coming up -- operation pe
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pentameter two nets its biggest fish yet. [ caribbean accent ] no worries, mon. every-ting will be alright. [ chuckles ] yeah, mon. come on! don't fret, me brotha. sticky bun come soon. ♪ yeah, wicked coffee, mista jim! julia, turn da frown de other way around! hey, dave, you're from minnesota, right? yes, i! da land of ten thousand lakes. the gopher state! so in conclusion, things are pretty dismal... you know what this room needs? a smile. who want to come with i? [ jimmy cliff's "c'mon, get happy" plays ] ♪ you guys are three minutes late. [ caribbean accent ] don't be no cloud on a sunny day! [ caribbean accent ] yeah, chill, winston. sir? respect boss man! [ laughter ]
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[ male announcer ] that's the power of german engineering. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy
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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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i'm melissa raburger. one day we're talking about a blizzard, the next is this, a massive mile-wide tornado. at least three people were hurt that cut right through the campus in the university of southern mississippi. a carnival cruise ship carrying more than 4,000 passen sdwrers. it's stranded in the gulf of mexico and on emergency power since this morning. now back to msnbc "undercover". >> police are in southampton, where the tie tantic sailed from
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in 1912. today, they're seeking a woman who is suspected of buying women in slave markets and supplying them to british brothels. and one of her purchases may have been lily. >> the name has been floated around in the air for quite a while now. it would be nice to put a face to the name. >> after several unsuccessful raids to find bar, this address seems promising. all hopes rest on this newest lead as to her whereabouts. >> police.
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>> what's your name? >> just relax. >> hello, there. my name is ian tomlinson. i'm a detective. we have some questions we may need to ask you about this premises and about your status in the country. and at this moment, you don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defense. anything you do say may be given in evidence. okay? fantastic. that's what we're looking for.
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that's superb. superb. all right. thanks, chaps. >> the way she behaved in the premises when the officers weren't in there, she was desperately trying to get to her telephone to alert spln to delete information. i think question eve got our girlt. >> finally, after numerous raids, police have managed to find and arrest bar. a slave trader responsible for buying and trading women at auction, including, potentially, lily. back in gloucester, police are focusing on links back to china. >> the organization here seems to be much swifter.
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>> this gang appears to be operating a nationwide network of brothels. >> i think if you compare with the two known groups, they've taken a lot more time to get organized. you're looking at a much more professionally organized ad here. >> they believe there's links to a major organized crime syndicate and is named to a known criminal. >> i know that he was born in 1959. he is charlie's national. he's here, i believe, at the moment, legally. he has previous convictionings and prooefrs arrests. he is an active member -- or an active person connected to tryout.
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>> zu has been particularly elusive. so detective lee has been reliant on his extensive camera sales operation to find him. >> detective lee has identified the man he thinks is managing zu's business. they're hoping he will eventually lead them to zu. >> he's moving. we've got him now.
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>> the man appears to be not only depositing the brothel's earnings, but he's seen on camera to place an ad. >> he's running a business. and any business has to advertise. otherwise, people wouldn't know it's there. >> he's going to keep his money coming in. he's going to run his business. and to do that, you know, he's got to go into the media that people will want to use. >> as suspected, zu eventually
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returns to cheltenham. detective lee and his team make the arrest. >> shoes off. >> basically, we have 24 hours as the standard. and then for the more serious cases, we have a super sben dent for 12 hours taking us up to 36. >> it's all fair detention. >> they get the full 36 hours, but with only 12 hours left, the pressure is onto gather enough evidence to hold zu. skbr we're going to be looking at getting two to three sets this morning and this afternoon.
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>> if the police failed to convince the prosecutor to keep zu in custody, they will have no choice but to release him with the fear that he will skip the country. >> they need almost every minute they've been granted. but finally, they present their case to the ground prosecution lawyer. >> so, basically, what you're concerned about is the remanding custody. >> it's nationality in the status. >>. >> i've got to go. >> after a tense 36 hours, the police have the results they wanted. zu is charged and a crucial link
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to human trafficking in china has been broken. >> coming up -- one of lily's traf fickers is arrested in thailand. >> what sentences are they likely to receive? >> if she's found guilty, looking at about 20 years. e a ly on their car insurance by switching to geico...they may even make you their best man. may i have the rings please? ah, helzberg diamonds. nice choice, mate. ...and now in the presence of these guests we join this loving couple. oh dear... geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at . british police have developed a better understanding of how the network that trachiced the victim known as lily hoperates in the u.k. >> trafficking is an international crime. and operation pentamete rrksz two is now traling from brit tan
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to thailand. a major breakthrough has brought one of the investigative teams from devon and cornwall to bangkok. >> we can assist the thai police. >> since safely returning to thailand, lily has been working with the royal thai police. information she has given them led to the arrest of a woman named jay ju. devon and cornwall police meet their tie counter parts. and learn something terrifying. >> reported that someone similar to the description was threatening her. so the officers.
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they got immediate orders to go to the town in that area. and contact the local police. when they went up there, they saw that jay ju was walking around in that area. they brought her in for questioning her background. and they also braught her a picture for the victim to look at. and when the picture was brought, the victim confirmed. you can see the picture was actually when shefrs arrested. >> her arm is injured, but not due to the arrest. >> if convicted, what are the
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offenders in the hai case, what sentences are they likely to receive? >> right now, it's in court proceedings. and if she is found guilty, of force i forcing someone or dereceiving someone into prostitution, she's looking at about 20 years. >> supplying the brothels across britain and also the u.s. and other countries. >> jay ju visited japan, australia and america. it's almost certain that they've trafficked those into those other countries. so it's a truly global enterprise that those females are involved in. so i think, ourselves, it's
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quite a significant role in preventing further victims. >> in the u.s., we have both u.s. citizens and foreign nationals as victims of human trafficking. the trade routes in the u.s. are varied. they are involved in labor trafficking and sex trafficking. >> bru to think, now, that we've got the offenders and the real organizers here in thailand, they've got them locked up as well and they're looking at significant sentences if convicted. >> no, i never thought we'd get this far.
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>> one of the things we hoped to achieve is to show these traffics in thailand that it won't be tolerated in u.k. >> the police have successfully pieced together the puzzle. >> the whole process starts by tar getting a vulnerable family. he then puts that victim into contact with the traffickers. we've got the whole network here, really, from the managers of the brothel here to the people facilitating transport. we've got the buyers we've got the traffickers from thailand, as well, and somebody who's sorting out the proceeds in money laundering, as well. >> in order to secure convictions in brit tan for all of those involved in lily's case, it's essential she
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positively sbiefs her traffickers. for her own safety, willy is now in the witness protection program in thailand. but in an incredible act of bravery, she agrees to the return to the uchlt k. to help identify and convict her traf c traffickers. >> i was quite surprised she would have come back. she has no reason to support prosecution. but she seems determined. it's a very positive thing. >> it's a big chunk of evidence. >> so as not to be accused of influencing lily, officers tomlinson and clement can't be present at the identification segsz. >> right, sir, anything you want, just give us a call. >> the first procedure is gomart.
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hopefully, she'll pick it up. if she doesn't, then it could cause us problems. it's important. it will set the tone for the whole of this week. >> the tool gomart is responsible for delivering various brothels around the country. >> we put an awful lot of work into finding him. a lot of inquiries made. so it would be good now to get that identification. >> the team won't have enough evidence to convict him and will have no choice but to see him walk free.
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>> she's positively and clearly identified gomart. when i asked what did he do, she said he's the person who's worse in that effect. >> lily has shown photographs of all of her traffickers and positively identifies each member of the gang. and now, almost a year after her ordeal, she's given police a much fuller view of what happened to her. coming up, operation pen tam ter two starts to wind down as lily opens up. >> she told us that she drowned in a bath of water. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one
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80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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mpx dprks evon and cornwall's investigation has proven to be one of operation pentameter 2's most successful cases. >> it's a shame. it was pretty much like a cattle market. she's taken with a number of people prent. male and female. i'll buy it. 30,000. and the deal is done. she was only in the country for 16 weeks. aural though it seems a relatively short space of time, you've got to take into account the strain on each of those days in those three to four weeks. she's been forced to have sex with 10-15 dmen a day against hr will.
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>> in time, she was given a number of a woman called may paul who she was told if it didn't work out with bar, it would be a safe place to go. she rings the number at 2:00 and picks up the phone. she's thinking she's going to a place of safety. but on arrival there, she's told she's going to plymouth to work for malaysia and the best way she can put it over is she says i came from the claws of the tiger into the mouth of crocodile. >> translator: i couldn't bear it any longer.
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they lied and took advantage of me. they said you're in this country illegally, so you have no choice. >> it's almost worse, what gomart has done than chu has done. they're forced back into prostitution to make money for himself. >> not only at the hands of her captors, but also from the customers. she's told us that her head has been held under -- she would be drowned in the bath of water. when she told one madame from a brothel that she wanted to leave. one of her customers insisted on putting pieces of metal in a
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condom. >> i think one of the reasons we are reluctant to criminalize the pool of buyers and we're reluctant to name who they are. thech these fantastically nominal people. these are people in our communities that are creating this demand for these traffickers. >> she was raped and held unlawfully against her will. and you'll find brothels in every town in england. >> and the supply of human trafficking victims is only expanding. >> according to the u.s. state department, the number has exploded the number of people that are trafficked. and many of these people want to move from point a to point b.
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but what they don't sign up for is the awus, the rape, the violence that happens at point b: >> when it was all over, operation pen tam ter two became the biggest crack down against international sex trafficking in british history. in all, police arrested 164 victims and arrested 406 suspects. 64 people were charged with trafficking human beings. >> in pen tam ter two, they were able to engage all police offices nationwide. that's not something that we can do here in america. with the ease that they did. however, you do see in the u.s. the f.b.i. making multijurisdictional approaches to combatting sex trafficking.
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>> it took three years. >> we found it has to be dug out. and once you start looking for it, it will escalate and snowball. >> for me, i think the big issue now is what do we do post-pentameter. if we just walk away and leave it, we're going to be dealing with another one they're very strud and very competent business people.


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